Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2000, volume 51, articles 12
- Planning and change: a Cambodian public health case study pp. 1711-1722

- Peter S. Hill
- Prenatal care among Puerto Ricans on the United States mainland pp. 1723-1739

- R. S. Oropesa, N. S. Landale, M. Inkley and B. K. Gorman
- Health behaviours and health: evidence that the relationship is not conditional on income adequacy pp. 1741-1754

- Deanna L. Williamson
- "Impact? What impact?" Epidemiological research findings in the public domain: a case study from north-east England pp. 1755-1769

- S. Moffatt, P. Phillimore, E. Hudson and D. Downey
- Evaluating effectiveness of syringe exchange programmes: current issues and future prospects pp. 1771-1782

- F. I. Bastos and S. A. Strathdee
- The dragnet of children's feeding programs in Atlantic Canada pp. 1783-1793

- Jutta B. Dayle, Lynn McIntyre and Kim D. Raine-Travers
- Reconstructing self-narratives in coping with traumatic brain injury pp. 1795-1804

- Masahiro Nochi
- From "reducing" to "coping with" uncertainty: reconceptualizing the central challenge in breast self-exams pp. 1805-1816

- Austin S. Babrow and Kimberly N. Kline
- Information and its impact on satisfaction among surgical patients pp. 1817-1825

- Edward Krupat, Marcella Fancey and Paul D. Cleary
- Strategies for reducing the prescribing of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs): patient self-regulation of treatment may be an under-exploited resource pp. 1827-1839

- K. Pollock and J. Grime
- Oral health behaviour and self-esteem in Swedish children pp. 1841-1849

- C. Källestål, L. Dahlgren and H. Stenlund
2000, volume 51, articles 11
- Social determinants of health in Canada's immigrant population: results from the National Population Health Survey pp. 1573-1593

- James R. Dunn and Isabel Dyck
- Candies in hell: women's experiences of violence in Nicaragua pp. 1595-1610

- Mary Ellsberg, Rodolfo Peña, Andrés Herrera, Jerker Liljestrand and Anna Winkvist
- Defining quality of care pp. 1611-1625

- S. M. Campbell, M. O. Roland and S. A. Buetow
- Socioeconomic disparities in health in the US: an agenda for action pp. 1627-1638

- Nancy Moss
- Social inequalities, stressors and self reported health status among African American and white women in the Detroit metropolitan area pp. 1639-1653

- A. Schulz, B. Israel, D. Williams, E. Parker, A. Becker and S. James
- A challenge to the cross-cultural validity of the SF-36 health survey: factor structure in Maori, Pacific and New Zealand European ethnic groups pp. 1655-1664

- Kate M. Scott, Diana Sarfati, Martin I. Tobias and Stephen J. Haslett
- The rise and fall of Type A man pp. 1665-1674

- Elianne Riska
- Circumstances of post-neonatal deaths in Ceara, Northeast Brazil: mothers' health care-seeking behaviors during their infants' fatal illness pp. 1675-1693

- A. C. Terra de Souza, K. E. Peterson, F. M. O. Andrade, James Gardner and A. Ascherio
- Attitudes as barriers in breast screening: a prospective study among Singapore women pp. 1695-1703

- P. T. Straughan and A. Seow
2000, volume 51, articles 10
- Rhetoric and reality in stroke patient care pp. 1437-1446

- Pandora Pound and Shah Ebrahim
- Infant death rates and animal-shed delivery in remote rural areas of Nepal pp. 1447-1456

- Narbada Thapa, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Alan F. Geater, Magnar Ulstein and Gregory A. Bechtel
- Trying to keep a balance: the meaning of health and diabetes in an urban Aboriginal community pp. 1457-1472

- Samantha J. Thompson and Sandra M. Gifford
- Environmental factors, situation of women and child mortality in southwestern Nigeria pp. 1473-1489

- Iyun B. Folasade
- Patterns of care for childhood malaria in Zambia pp. 1491-1503

- Carol Baume, Deborah Helitzer and S. Patrick Kachur
- The role of 'African Chemists' in the health care system of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa pp. 1505-1515

- Michelle Cocks and Anthony Dold
- Women's power and anthropometric status in Zimbabwe pp. 1517-1528

- Michelle J. Hindin
- The control of schistosomiasis in Brazil: an ethno-epidemiological study of the effectiveness of a community mobilization program for health education pp. 1529-1541

- Elizabeth Uchoa, Sandhi M. Barreto, Joselia O. A. Firmo, Henrique L. Guerra, Fabiano G. Pimenta and Maria Fernanda F. Lima e Costa
- Perceiving benefits in adversity: stress-related growth in women living with HIV/AIDS pp. 1543-1554

- Karolynn Siegel and Eric W. Schrimshaw
- General practitioners' attitudes toward complementary therapies pp. 1555-1561

- G. Easthope, B. Tranter and G. Gill
- C.A.R.E.: an approach for teaching ethics in medicine pp. 1563-1567

- Gregory W. Schneider and Laura Snell
2000, volume 51, articles 9
- Place, social exchange and health: proposed sociological framework pp. 1283-1293

- Johannes Siegrist
- A multilevel city health profile of Moscow pp. 1295-1312

- I. V. McKeehan
- Health lifestyles in Russia pp. 1313-1324

- William C. Cockerham
- Health-related lifestyles and alienation in Moscow and Helsinki pp. 1325-1341

- Hannele Palosuo
- Socioeconomic factors, material inequalities, and perceived control in self-rated health: cross-sectional data from seven post-communist countries pp. 1343-1350

- Martin Bobak, Hynek Pikhart, Richard Rose, Clyde Hertzman and Michael Marmot
- Psychosocial risk factors, inequality and self-rated morbidity in a changing society pp. 1351-1361

- Maria S. Kopp, Árpád Skrabski and Sándor Szedmák
- Educational differences in self-rated health during the Russian transition. Evidence from Taganrog 1993-1994 pp. 1363-1374

- Per Carlson
- Self-rated health and occupational conditions in Russia pp. 1375-1385

- Inna Nazarova
- The HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine: its potential social and economic impact pp. 1387-1403

- Tony Barnett, Alan Whiteside, Lev Khodakevich, Yuri Kruglov and Valentyna Steshenko
- Eastern European transition and suicide mortality pp. 1405-1420

- Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen
- How much does social capital add to individual health?A survey study of Russians pp. 1421-1435

- Richard Rose
2000, volume 51, articles 8
- Medical sociology at the start of the new millennium pp. 1139-1142

- Mildred Blaxter
- Residential segregation and the epidemiology of infectious diseases pp. 1143-1161

- Dolores Acevedo-Garcia
- Disability, space and sexuality: access to family planning services pp. 1163-1173

- Paul Anderson and Rob Kitchin
- Mortality differentials among women: the Israel Longitudinal Mortality Study pp. 1175-1188

- Orly Manor, Zvi Eisenbach, Avi Israeli and Yechiel Friedlander
- Stage of change is associated with assessment of the health risks of maternal smoking among pregnant women pp. 1189-1196

- Cheryl Haslam and Elizabeth Draper
- Driving donation: a geographic analysis of potential organ donors in the state of Ohio, USA pp. 1197-1210

- Tony Grubesic
- To boil or not: drinking water for children in a periurban barrio pp. 1211-1220

- J. D. McLennan
- Contract medicine arrangements in Hong Kong: an example of risk-bearing provider networks in an unregulated environment pp. 1221-1229

- Christine Brudevold, Sarah M. McGhee and Lai-Ming Ho
- "To every thing there is a season" -- social time and clock time in addiction treatment pp. 1231-1240

- Harald Klingemann
- Negotiating natural death in intensive care pp. 1241-1252

- Jane Elizabeth Seymour
- Neutralizing differences: producing neutral doctors for (almost) neutral patients pp. 1253-1265

- Brenda L. Beagan
- The co-occurrence of correct and incorrect HIV transmission knowledge and perceived risk for HIV among women of childbearing age in El Salvador pp. 1267-1278

- Andrew S. London and Arodys Robles
2000, volume 51, articles 7
- Commentaries on Coburn 'The role of: neo-liberalism' pp. 991-991

- Mildred Blaxter
- Coburn's thesis: plausible, but we need more evidence and better measures pp. 993-995

- Alvin R. Tarlov
- Deeper than "neoliberalism". A reply to David Coburn pp. 997-1000

- Richard G. Wilkinson
- Income inequality and health: expanding the debate pp. 1001-1005

- John Lynch
- Social change, market forces and health pp. 1007-1008

- Clyde Hertzman
- A brief response pp. 1009-1010

- David Coburn
- Unintended pregnancy and women's use of prenatal care in Ecuador pp. 1011-1018

- Elizabeth Eggleston
- Social class and self-rated health: can the gradient be explained by differences in life style or work environment? pp. 1019-1030

- Vilhelm Borg and Tage S. Kristensen
- "The lizard in the green bottle": "aging out" of problem drinking among Navajo men pp. 1031-1045

- Gilbert Quintero
- New Zealand children's health camps: therapeutic landscapes meet the contract state pp. 1047-1059

- Robin A. Kearns and Damian C. A. Collins
- Adult life experiences and health in early old age in Great Britain pp. 1061-1074

- Emily Grundy and Gemma Holt
- Factors associated with non-urgent utilization of Accident and Emergency services: a case-control study in Hong Kong pp. 1075-1085

- Albert Lee, Fei-Lung Lau, Clarke B. Hazlett, Chak-Wah Kam, Patrick Wong, Tai-Wai Wong and Susan Chow
- Patient-centredness: a conceptual framework and review of the empirical literature pp. 1087-1110

- Nicola Mead and Peter Bower
- The inertia of self-regulation: a game-theoretic approach to reducing passive smoking in restaurants pp. 1111-1119

- Alan Shiell and Simon Chapman
- Social class differences in mortality using the National Statistics Socio-economic Classification -- too little, too soon: a reply to Chandola pp. 1121-1127

- D. Rose and D. J. Pevalin
- Social class differences in mortality using the National Statistics Socio-economic Classification: a reply to Rose and Pevalin pp. 1129-1133

- T. Chandola
2000, volume 51, articles 6
- Editorial pp. 787-787

- Sally Macintyre
- Health impacts of rapid economic changes in Thailand pp. 789-807

- Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Piya Harnvoravongchai, Siriwan Pitayarangsarit and Vijj Kasemsup
- Health and rapid economic change in the late twentieth century pp. 809-819

- Clyde Hertzman and Arjumand Siddiqi
- Health policy and the new genetics pp. 821-829

- Patricia A. Kaufert
- The psychological complexity of predictive testing for late onset neurogenetic diseases and hereditary cancers: implications for multidisciplinary counselling and for genetic education pp. 831-841

- G. Evers-Kiebooms, M. Welkenhuysen, E. Claes, M. Decruyenaere and L. Denayer
- From social integration to health: Durkheim in the new millennium pp. 843-857

- Lisa F. Berkman, Thomas Glass, Ian Brissette and Teresa E. Seeman
- The evidence-based approach in health policy and health care delivery pp. 859-869

- Louis Niessen, Els W. M. Grijseels and Frans F. H. Rutten
- Social capital and health promotion: a review pp. 871-885

- Penelope Hawe and Alan Shiell
- Population ageing in developed and developing regions: implications for health policy pp. 887-895

- Peter Lloyd-Sherlock
- Private health care pp. 897-904

- Mukund W. Uplekar
- Child abuse: current problems and key public health challenges pp. 905-915

- Carol Djeddah, Paola Facchin, Cristina Ranzato and Claude Romer
- Changing patterns of death and dying pp. 917-930

- Clive Seale
- Gender equity in health: debates and dilemmas pp. 931-939

- Lesley Doyal
- The role and limitations of the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development pp. 941-953

- Jocelyn DeJong
- International trends in adolescent nutrition pp. 955-967

- Dona Schneider
- Protecting the vulnerable: testing times for clinical research ethics pp. 969-977

- Udo Schüklenk
- The development of international health policies -- accountability intact? pp. 979-989

- Ilona Kickbusch
2000, volume 51, articles 5
- A critical review of recent US market level health care strategy literature pp. 639-656

- Rebecca Wells and Jane Banaszak-Holl
- Concepts of trust among patients with serious illness pp. 657-668

- David Mechanic and Sharon Meyer
- Judging the use of clinical protocols by fellow professionals pp. 669-677

- Dianne Parker and Rebecca Lawton
- The scope of hunter-gatherer ethnomedicine pp. 679-690

- Robert A. Voeks and Peter Sercombe
- The impact of direct and extra billing for medical services: evidence from a natural experiment in British Columbia pp. 691-702

- Michael J. Epp, Aidan Vining, Colleen Collins-Dodd and Ernie Love
- Practical logics: the shapes and lessons of popular medical knowledge and practice -- examples from Vietnam and Indigenous Australia pp. 703-711

- David Craig
- Rules of relevance after a stroke pp. 713-723

- Mona Bendz
- Are Brazilian women really choosing to deliver by cesarean? pp. 725-740

- Kristine Hopkins
- The end of the line: has rapid transit contributed to the spatial diffusion of HIV in one of Canada's largest metropolitan areas? pp. 741-748

- Evan Wood, Keith Chan, Julio S. G. Montaner, Martin T. Schechter, Mark Tyndall, Michael V. O'Shaughnessy and Robert S. Hogg
- Differences between Internet samples and conventional samples of men who have sex with men: implications for research and HIV interventions pp. 749-758

- Michael W. Ross, Ronny Tikkanen and Sven-Axel Månsson
- Precursive depression among HIV infected AIDS caregivers over time pp. 759-770

- Richard G. Wight
- Socioeconomic factors and incidence of erectile dysfunction: findings of the longitudinal Massachussetts Male Aging Study pp. 771-778

- Isik A. Aytaç, Andre B. Araujo, Catherine B. Johannes, Ken P. Kleinman and John B. McKinlay
2000, volume 51, articles 4
- Job stress and the occupational gradient in coronary heart disease risk in women: The Stockholm Female Coronary Risk Study pp. 481-489

- Sarah P. Wamala, Murray A. Mittleman, Myriam Horsten, Karin Schenck-Gustafsson and Kristina Orth-Gomér
- Hospital pharmacy automation: collective mobility or collective control? pp. 491-503

- Joel Novek
- The politics of herbal drugs in Korea pp. 505-509

- Byong-Hee Cho
- Caesarean section delivery in Kerala, India: evidence from a National Family Health Survey pp. 511-521

- Sabu S. Padmadas, Suresh Kumar S., Sajini B. Nair and Anitha Kumari K.R.
- Defensive medicine during hospital obstetrical care: a by-product of the technological age pp. 523-537

- Ken L. Bassett, Nitya Iyer and Arminee Kazanjian
- Searching for socioeconomic risk factors in perinatal mortality in Kuwait: a case control study pp. 539-550

- Nasra M. Shah, Makhdoom A. Shah, Abdul Aziz Khalaf, Mustafa Mohammad Mustafa and Ali Al-Sayed
- Frequency and timing of antenatal care in Kenya: explaining the variations between women of different communities pp. 551-561

- Monica Akinyi Magadi, Nyovani Janet Madise and Roberto Nascimento Rodrigues
- Social inequality, population health, and housing: a study of two Vancouver neighborhoods pp. 563-587

- James R. Dunn and Michael V. Hayes
- How was life after treatment of a malignant brain tumour? pp. 589-598

- Pär Salander, A. Tommy Bergenheim and Roger Henriksson
- Measuring equity in access to health care pp. 599-612

- Hugh R. Waters
- Health risk and inequitable distribution of liquor stores in African American neighborhood pp. 613-617

- Thomas A. LaVeist and John M. Wallace
- Going down to the local: incorporating social organisation and political culture into assessments of decentralised health care pp. 619-636

- Sarah Atkinson, Regianne Leila Rolim Medeiros, Paulo Henrique Lima Oliveira and Ricardo Dias de Almeida
2000, volume 51, articles 3
- Comprehensive integrated primary mental health care for South Africa. Pipedream or possibility? pp. 321-334

- Inge Petersen
- When providers and community leaders define health priorities: the results of a Delphi survey in the canton of Geneva pp. 335-342

- D. Schopper, C. Ammon, A. Ronchi and A. Rougemont
- Appropriateness measurement: application to advice-giving in community pharmacies pp. 343-359

- P. Bissell, P. R. Ward and P. R. Noyce
- Gender, socioeconomic development and health-seeking behaviour in Bangladesh pp. 361-371

- Syed Masud Ahmed, Alayne M. Adams, Mushtaque Chowdhury and Abbas Bhuiya
- Violence and fear of violence in East and West Germany pp. 373-379

- David E. Clark and Manfred Wildner
- Self-identity in older persons suffering from dementia: preliminary results pp. 381-394

- Jiska Cohen-Mansfield, Hava Golander and Giyorah Arnheim
- Money illusion among health care providers: should we adjust for inflation in analyses of provider behavior? pp. 395-405

- Michelle L. Mayer and R. Gary Rozier
- Discounted lives? Weighing disability when measuring health and ruling on "compassionate" murder pp. 407-417

- Melanie Rock
- Life quality vs the 'quality of life':: assumptions underlying prospective quality of life instruments in health care planning pp. 419-427

- Tom Koch
- Consultation with another physician on euthanasia and assisted suicide in the Netherlands pp. 429-438

- Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Gerrit van der Wal, Piet J. Kostense and Paul J. van der Maas
- The understanding of their illness amongst people with irritable bowel syndrome: a Q methodological study pp. 439-452

- P. H. D. Stenner, C. P. Dancey and S. Watts
- Information presentation and decisions to enter clinical trials: a hypothetical trial of hormone replacement therapy pp. 453-462

- Jillian A. Wragg, Elizabeth J. Robinson and Richard J. Lilford
- Patient education literature and help seeking behaviour: perspectives from an evaluation in the United Kingdom pp. 463-475

- Timothy Milewa, Michael Calnan, Stephen Almond and Alethea Hunter
2000, volume 51, articles 2
- Acculturation and health in Korean Americans pp. 159-173

- Soo-Kyung Lee, Jeffery Sobal and Edward A. Frongillo
- Pain response in Chinese and non-Chinese Canadian infants: is there a difference? pp. 175-184

- Christina Rosmus, C. Céleste Johnston, Alice Chan-Yip and Fang Yang
- Indices and sociodemographic determinants of childhood mortality in rural Upper Egypt pp. 185-197

- Khaled M. Yassin
- The determinants of infant mortality in Pakistan pp. 199-208

- Sohail Agha
- Talking contracts and taking care: managers and professionals in the British National Health Service internal market pp. 209-222

- Lesley Griffiths and David Hughes
- Cost analysis as a vitamin A program design and evaluation tool: a case study of the Philippines pp. 223-242

- John L. Fiedler, Dyezebel R. Dado, Hector Maglalang, Noel Juban, Melgabal Capistrano and Maria Vicenta Magpantay
- Precision and accuracy in measuring absence from work as a basis for calculating productivity costs in The Netherlands pp. 243-249

- Johan L. Severens, Jan Mulder, Robert J. F. Laheij and André L. M. Verbeek
- Lay constructions of HIV and complementary therapy use pp. 251-264

- Dorothy Pawluch, Roy Cain and James Gillett
- Walking, exercising, and smoking: does neighborhood matter? pp. 265-274

- Catherine E. Ross
- Gender, poverty and location: how much difference do they make in the geography of health inequalities? pp. 275-287

- Mark W. Rosenberg and Kathleen Wilson
- Urban-rural mortality differentials: controlling for material deprivation pp. 289-305

- Martyn Senior, Huw Williams and Gary Higgs
- Heterogeneity in the determinants of health and illness: the example of socioeconomic status and smoking pp. 307-317

- Stephen Birch, Mike Jerrett and John Eyles
2000, volume 51, articles 1
- Sexual abstinence at age 21 in New Zealand: the importance of religion pp. 1-10

- Charlotte Paul, Julie Fitzjohn, Jason Eberhart-Phillips, Peter Herbison and Nigel Dickson
- Contamination of medicine injection paraphernalia used by registered medical practitioners in south India: an ethnographic study pp. 11-28

- M. Lakshman and Mark Nichter
- Hong Kong Chinese perceptions of the experience of unrelated bone marrow donation pp. 29-40

- Eleanor Holroyd and Alexander Molassiotis
- Chronic physical illness, psychiatric disorder and disability in the workplace pp. 41-50

- Carolyn S. Dewa and Elizabeth Lin
- The three-year persistence of depressive symptoms in men and women pp. 51-64

- Piet Bracke
- Theoretical perspectives on suicide in gay men with AIDS pp. 65-72

- Angela McNaught and John Spicer
- God should give daughters to rich families only: attitudes towards childbearing among low-income women in Punjab, Pakistan pp. 73-81

- Anna Winkvist and Humaira Zareen Akhtar
- Clinical risk and collective competence in the hospital emergency department in the UK pp. 83-91

- N. C. Boreham, C. E. Shea and K. Mackway-Jones
- Ambiguity: exploring the complexity of roles and boundaries when working with volunteers in well woman clinics pp. 93-102

- Joy Merrell
- Women's experiences of maternity care: satisfaction or passivity? pp. 103-113

- Tamar Kabakian-Khasholian, Oona Campbell, Mona Shediac-Rizkallah and Françoise Ghorayeb
- The social gradient in life expectancy: the contrary case of Okinawa in Japan pp. 115-122

- William C. Cockerham, Hiroyuki Hattori and Yukio Yamori
- Socio-economic status and the utilisation of physicians' services: results from the Canadian National Population Health Survey pp. 123-133

- Sheryl Dunlop, Peter C. Coyte and Warren McIsaac
- Income inequality, social cohesion and the health status of populations: the role of neo-liberalism pp. 135-146

- David Coburn
- Deprivation and sudden infant death syndrome pp. 147-150

- E. A. Mitchell, A. W. Stewart, P. Crampton and Clare Salmond
- Increasing mortality differentials by residential area level of poverty: Britain 1981-1997 pp. 151-153

- Mary Shaw, David Gordon, Danny Dorling, Richard Mitchell and George Davey Smith
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2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
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1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
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1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
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1984, volume 19
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1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46