Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2020, volume 265, articles C
- The contested meanings of race and ethnicity in medical research: A case study of the DynaMed Point of Care tool

- Sachil Singh and Valerie Steeves
- A gender framework for understanding health lifestyles

- Stefanie Mollborn, Elizabeth M. Lawrence and Robert A. Hummer
- Comprehensive sexuality education is ‘not for us’: Rethinking ‘cultural relevance’ through Young Tanzanians' identifications with/against intervention knowledge

- Clare Coultas, Catherine Campbell, Ramadhani Mohamedi and Upendo Sanga
- Why this clinic now? A context-sensitive aspect of accounting for visits

- Shuya Kushida, Michie Kawashima and Tetsuya Abe
- Rising home values and Covid-19 case rates in Massachusetts

- Mariana C. Arcaya, Yael Nidam, Andrew Binet, Reann Gibson and Vedette Gavin
- Climate exposures and child undernutrition: Evidence from Indonesia

- Brian C. Thiede and Clark Gray
- The evolution of social health research topics: A data-driven analysis

- Sun Mi Cho, Chan-ung Park and Min Song
- Did young women in South African informal settlements display increased agency after participating in the Stepping Stones and Creating Futures intervention? A qualitative evaluation

- Samantha Willan, Andrew Gibbs, Nwabisa Shai, Nolwazi Ntini, Inge Petersen and Rachel Jewkes
- Mechanisms connecting objective and subjective poverty to mental health: Serial mediation roles of negative life events and social support

- Qingsong Chang, Chenhong Peng, Yingqi Guo, Ziyi Cai and Paul S.F. Yip
- The grief ritual of extracting and donating human milk after perinatal loss

- Ayelet Oreg
- Does the Everyday Discrimination Scale generate meaningful cross-group estimates? A psychometric evaluation

- João L. Bastos and Catherine E. Harnois
- Understanding the composite dimensions of the EQ-5D: An experimental approach

- Rebecca McDonald, Timothy L. Mullett and Aki Tsuchiya
- Moral hazard effects of supplemental private health insurance in Korea

- Hansoo Ko
- Capturing modelled and perceived spatial access to ambulatory health care services in rural and urban areas in Germany

- Natalie Baier, Jonas Pieper, Jürgen Schweikart, Reinhard Busse and Verena Vogt
- Heroin hustles: Drugs and the laboring poor in South Africa

- Mark Hunter
- When information is not power: Community-elected health facility committees and health facility performance indicators

- Jean-Benoit Falisse and Léonard Ntakarutimana
- iSAY (incentives for South African youth): Stated preferences of young people living with HIV

- Omar Galarraga, Caroline Kuo, Bulelwa Mtukushe, Brendan Maughan-Brown, Abigail Harrison and Jackie Hoare
- The effects of neighborhood social ties and networks on mental health and well-being: A qualitative case study of women residents in a middle-class Korean urban neighborhood

- Naeun Gu
- How health inequalities accumulate and combine to affect treatment value: A distributional cost-effectiveness analysis of smoking cessation interventions

- James Love-Koh, Becky Pennington, Lesley Owen, Matthew Taylor and Susan Griffin
- “The self-making of the scientific circumciser (fenni sünnetçi):” the medicalization of male circumcision in Turkey

- Oyman Başaran
- A relational analysis of an invisible illness: A meta-ethnography of people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and their support needs

- Karen Pilkington, Damien T. Ridge, Chinonso N. Igwesi-Chidobe, Carolyn A. Chew-Graham, Paul Little, Opeyemi Babatunde, Nadia Corp, Clare McDermott and Anna Cheshire
- Is war hard on the heart? Gender, wartime stress and late life cardiovascular conditions in a population of Vietnamese older adults

- Kim Korinek, Yvette Young, Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Nguyen Thi Kim Chuc, Miles Kovnick and Zachary Zimmer
- Cautionary tails of grip strength in health inequality studies: An analysis from the Canadian longitudinal study on aging

- Yukiko Asada, Michel Grignon, Jeremiah Hurley and Susan Kirkland
- With a little help from my (Canadian) friends: Health differences between minimal and maximal religiosity/spirituality are partially mediated by social support

- David Speed, Caitlin Barry and Ryan Cragun
- Resilience and demographic characteristics predicting distress during the COVID-19 crisis

- Shaul Kimhi, Hadas Marciano, Yohanan Eshel and Bruria Adini
- Associations of religiosity, attitudes towards suicide and religious coping with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in 11 muslim countries

- Mehmet Eskin, Nazlı Baydar, Mayssah El-Nayal, Nargis Asad, Isa Multazam Noor, Mohsen Rezaeian, Ahmed M. Abdel-Khalek, Fadia Al Buhairan, Hacer Harlak, Motasem Hamdan, Anwar Mechri, Ulker Isayeva, Yousef Khader, Aqeel Khan, Alaa Al Sayyari, Albaraa Khader, Bahareh Behzadi, Cennet Şafak Öztürk, Hazem Agha, Laifa Annisa Hendarmin and Murad Moosa Khan
- Estimating the influence of adolescent delinquent behavior on adult health using sibling fixed effects

- Jinho Kim, Rockli Kim, Hannah Oh, Adam M. Lippert and S.V. Subramanian
- The long-term effect of intra-European migration on cognitive abilities in later life

- Stefan Gruber
- Disadvantaged neighborhoods, birth weight, and problem behavior in five- and six-year-old pre-school children: Evidence from a cohort born in Amsterdam

- Unnati Rani Saha, Govert Bijwaard, Nazeem Muhajarine and Tanja GM. Vrijkotte
- Health technology assessment and judicial deference to priority-setting decisions in healthcare: Quasi-experimental analysis of right-to-health litigation in Brazil

- Daniel Wang, Natália Pires de Vasconcelos, Mathieu JP Poirier, Ana Chieffi, Cauê Mônaco, Lathika Sritharan, Susan Rogers Van Katwyk and Steven J Hoffman
- The relationship of opioid prescriptions and the educational performance of children

- Chad D. Cotti, John M. Gordanier and Orgul Ozturk
- Time of pandemic: Temporal perspectives related to compliance with public health regulations concerning the COVID-19 pandemic

- Małgorzata Sobol, Agata Blachnio and Aneta Przepiórka
- Accessibility to First-Mile health services: A time-cost model for rural Uganda

- Roberto Moro Visconti, Alberto Larocca and Michele Marconi
- Suicide and apparent temperature in the two capitals cities in the iberian peninsula

- Ana Santurtún, Ricardo Almendra, Giovani L. Silva, Pablo Fdez-Arroyabe, Maite Santurtún and Paula Santana
- Studying physical and mental health status among hijra, kothi and transgender community in Kolkata, India

- Shamayeta Bhattacharya and Debarchana Ghosh
- The French public's attitudes to a future COVID-19 vaccine: The politicization of a public health issue

- Jeremy K. Ward, Caroline Alleaume and Patrick Peretti-Watel
- Neighborhood social capital and adolescents’ individual health development

- Jaap Nieuwenhuis
- The effect of budget cuts on C-section rates and birth outcomes: Evidence from Spain

- Paola Bertoli, Veronica Grembi, Catalina Llaneza Hesse and Judit Vall Castello
- Health system reforms in China a half century apart: Continuity but adaptation

- Beibei Yuan, Weiyan Jian, Melisa Martinez-Alvarez, Martin McKee and Dina Balabanova
- Role of health insurance and neighborhood-level social deprivation on hypertension control following the affordable care act health insurance opportunities

- Angier H, Green Bb, Fankhauser K, Marino M, Huguet N, Larson A and DeVoe Je
- Where has democracy helped the poor? Democratic transitions and early-life mortality at the country level

- Antonio P. Ramos, Martin J. Flores and Michael L. Ross
- Neighbourhood greenspace and smoking prevalence: Results from a nationally representative survey in England

- Leanne Martin, Mathew P. White, Sabine Pahl, Jon May and Benedict W. Wheeler
- Stigma of persons with disabilities in South Africa: Uncovering pathways from discrimination to depression and low self-esteem

- Jean-Francois Trani, Jacqueline Moodley, Paul Anand, Lauren Graham and May Thu Thu Maw
- Health insurance as a state institution: The effect of single-payer insurance on expenditures in OECD countries

- Nicolas Bichay
- The Amish health culture and culturally sensitive health services: An exhaustive narrative review

- Cory Anderson and Lindsey Potts
- Comparing loneliness in England and the United States, 2014–2016: Differential item functioning and risk factor prevalence and impact

- Louise C. Hawkley, Andrew Steptoe, L. Philip Schumm and Kristen Wroblewski
- The tired hero and her (il)legitimation: Reworking Parsons to analyse experiences of burnout within the Dutch employment system and lifeworld

- Jolanda J. Boersma and Patrick Brown
- Dynamics of interprofessional teamwork: Why three logics are better than one

- Henriette Lund Skyberg and Simon Innvaer
- Associations between parental trauma, mental health, and parenting: A qualitative study in a high-adversity South African community

- Hope Christie, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis, Filipa Alves-Costa, Mark Tomlinson, Jackie Stewart, Sarah Skeen, Vuyolwethu Notholi, Phumza Gqwaka, Akhona Sambudla and Sarah Halligan
- How do gender differences in family responsibilities affect doctors' labour supply? Evidence from Australian panel data

- Jia Song and Terence Cheng
- Debt stress partly explains the relationship between problem gambling and comorbid mental health problems

- Thomas B. Swanton and Sally M. Gainsbury
- Confidence in social institutions, perceived vulnerability and the adoption of recommended protective behaviors in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic

- Jose Storopoli, Wilson Levy Braga da Silva Neto and Gustavo S. Mesch
- Motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic: An online experiment

- Pete Lunn, Shane Timmons, Cameron A. Belton, Martina Barjaková, Hannah Julienne and Ciarán Lavin
- Men's experiences of pregnancy and childbirth in Sierra Leone: Reexamining definitions of “male partner involvement”

- Kristen E. McLean
- Economic complexity and health outcomes: A global perspective

- Trung Vu
- Patterns and effects of social integration on housing stability, mental health and substance use outcomes among participants in a randomized controlled Housing First trial

- Maritt Kirst, Rebecca Friesdorf, Martha Ta, Alexandra Amiri, Stephen W. Hwang, Vicky Stergiopoulos and Patricia O'Campo
- Adolescent college expectation and nutritional health in adulthood: The hidden power of social position

- Miao Li
- Assessing and promoting the use of implementation intentions in clinical practice

- Paulina Gonzalez Salas Duhne, Andrew J. Horan, Caitlin Ross, Thomas L. Webb and Gillian E. Hardy
- Clearing the cobwebs: An analysis of the timing of youth concussion legislation in U.S. states

- Thomas Rotolo and Michael Lengefeld
- Exploring the role of social capital in managing food insecurity among older women in the United States

- Anna M. Leddy, Henry J. Whittle, Jacqueline Shieh, Catalina Ramirez, Ighovwerha Ofotokun and Sheri D. Weiser
- News-stimulated public-attention dynamics and vaccination coverage during a measles outbreak: An observational study

- Florian Arendt and Sebastian Scherr
- Cluster randomized controlled trial of volitional and motivational interventions to improve bowel cancer screening uptake: A population-level study

- Sarah Wilding, Anastasia Tsipa, Dawn Branley-Bell, Darren C. Greenwood, Armando Vargas-Palacios, Nahel Yaziji, Caroline Addison, Phil Kelly, Fiona Day, Kate Horsfall, Mark Conner and Daryl B. O'Connor
- Geospatial perspectives on health: The PrEP4Love campaign and the role of local context in health promotion messaging

- Gregory Phillips , David J. McCuskey, Dylan Felt, Anand B. Raman, Christina S. Hayford, Jim Pickett, Julia Shenkman, Peter T. Lindeman and Brian Mustanski
- ‘Whole onflow’, the productive event: an articulation through health

- Gavin J. Andrews and Cameron Duff
- The effect of neighbourhood cohesion on mental health across sexual orientations: A longitudinal study

- Celine Teo and Antony Chum
- Do small hospitals have lower quality? Evidence from the English NHS

- James Gaughan, Luigi Siciliani, Hugh Gravelle and Giuseppe Moscelli
- Bowling together by bowling alone: Social capital and COVID-19

- Francesca Borgonovi and Elodie Andrieu
- When abortion becomes public - Everyday politics of reproduction in rural Zambia

- Marte E.S. Haaland, Joseph Mumba Zulu, Karen Marie Moland, Haldis Haukanes and Astrid Blystad,
- Thinking about and deciding to be an organ donor: An experimental analysis

- Justin Buffat, Lorenz Goette and Simona Grassi
- Health information provision, health knowledge and health behaviours: Evidence from breast cancer screening

- Peter Eibich and Léontine Goldzahl
- Does neighbours' grass matter? Testing spatial dependent heterogeneity in technical efficiency of Italian hospitals

- Marina Cavalieri, Paolo Di Caro, Calogero Guccio and Domenico Lisi
- Health and hostile hospitality: Understanding asylum applicants’ narratives of life and health in the UK

- Louise Tomkow
- Orthodox or traditional medicine? Private or public healthcare? Exploring treatment pathways for occupational health problems among informal automobile artisans

- Funmilayo Juliana Afolabi, Paul Beer and Joke A. Haafkens
- An epidemic of avoidable caesarean deliveries in the private sector in India: Is physician-induced demand at play?

- M. Bhatia, L.K. Dwivedi, K. Banerjee and P. Dixit
- The effects of ageing population on health expenditure and economic growth in China: A Bayesian-VAR approach

- Milena Lopreite and Zhen Zhu
- Impact of cash incentives for low-income individuals to seek a primary care visit on mental health outcomes: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial

- Cathy J. Bradley and Heather G. Saunders
- Work-family spillover stress predicts health outcomes across two decades

- Dmitry Tsukerman, Kate A. Leger and Susan T. Charles
- Trust, risk perception, and COVID-19 infections: Evidence from multilevel analyses of combined original dataset in China

- Maoxin Ye and Zeyu Lyu
- Risk factors affecting maternal health outcomes in Rivers State of Nigeria: Towards the PRISMA model

- Viviane Chinwah, Frank Nyame-Asiamah and Ignatius Ekanem
- Loneliness during a strict lockdown: Trajectories and predictors during the COVID-19 pandemic in 38,217 United Kingdom adults

- Feifei Bu, Andrew Steptoe and Daisy Fancourt
- Sewing and Inuit women's health in the Canadian Arctic

- Kristin Emanuelsen, Tristan Pearce, Jill Oakes, Sherilee L. Harper and James D. Ford
- Racism, racialization, and health equity in Canadian residential long term care: A case study in Toronto

- Iffath Unissa Syed
- Is interpersonal justice related to group and organizational turnover? Results from a Swedish panel study

- Constanze Leineweber, Paraskevi Peristera, Claudia Bernhard-Oettel and Constanze Eib
- Modes of coordination for health technology adoption: Health Technology Assessment agencies and Group Procurement Organizations in a polycentric regulatory regime

- Fiona A. Miller, Pascale Lehoux, Valeria E. Rac, Jessica P. Bytautas, Murray Krahn and Stuart Peacock
- Caring through distancing: Spatial boundaries and proximities in the cystic fibrosis clinic

- Christina Buse, Nik Brown, Sarah Nettleton, Daryl Martin and Alan Lewis
- COVID-19 pandemic, government responses, and public mental health: Investigating consequences through crisis hotline calls in two countries

- Florian Arendt, Antonia Markiewitz, Manina Mestas and Sebastian Scherr
- Volunteer service and positive attitudes toward aging among Chinese older adults: The mediating role of health

- Yiwei Liu, Yanan Duan and Ling Xu
- Influence of the urban context on the relationship between neighbourhood deprivation and obesity

- T. Feuillet, J.F. Valette, H. Charreire, E. Kesse-Guyot, C. Julia, A. Vernez-Moudon, S. Hercberg, M. Touvier and J.M. Oppert
- Differential impact on men in an IPV prevention intervention: A post hoc analysis using latent class analysis of the Stepping Stones and Creating Futures intervention in South Africa

- Andrew Gibbs, Nada Abdelatif, Laura Washington, Esnat Chirwa, Samantha Willan, Nwabisa Shai, Yandisa Sikweyiya and Rachel Jewkes
- Examining the relationship between community mobility and participation using GPS and self-report data

- Eugene Brusilovskiy, Louis A. Klein, Greg Townley, Gretchen Snethen, Bryan McCormick, Shivayogi V. Hiremath and Mark S. Salzer
- Changes in daily loneliness for German residents during the first four weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic

- Susanne Buecker, Kai T. Horstmann, Julia Krasko, Sarah Kritzler, Sophia Terwiel, Till Kaiser and Maike Luhmann
- The Muslim Ban and preterm birth: Analysis of U.S. vital statistics data from 2009 to 2018

- Goleen Samari, Ralph Catalano, Héctor E. Alcalá and Alison Gemmill
- Open government data, uncertainty and coronavirus: An infodemiological case study

- Nikolaos Yiannakoulias, Catherine E. Slavik, Shelby L. Sturrock and J. Connor Darlington
- A tale of two generations: Maternal skin color and adverse birth outcomes in Black/African American women

- Jaime C. Slaughter-Acey, Tony N. Brown, Verna M. Keith, Rhonda Dailey and Dawn P. Misra
On this page- 2020, volume 265
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volume 46
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2016, volume 157
2016, volume 156
2016, volume 155
2016, volume 154
2016, volume 153
2016, volume 152
2016, volume 151
2016, volume 150
2016, volume 149
2016, volume 148
2015, volume 147
2015, volume 146
2015, volume 145
2015, volume 144
2015, volume 143
2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
2015, volume 135
2015, volume 134
2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
2015, volume 128
2015, volume 127
2015, volume 126
2015, volume 125
2015, volume 124
2014, volume 123
2014, volume 122
2014, volume 121
2014, volume 120
2014, volume 119
2014, volume 118
2014, volume 117
2014, volume 116
2014, volume 114
2014, volume 113
2014, volume 112
2014, volume 111
2014, volume 110
2014, volume 109
2014, volume 108
2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
2013, volume 98
2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
2013, volume 80
2013, volume 79
2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
2013, volume 76
2012, volume 75
2012, volume 74
2011, volume 73
2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46