Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2013, volume 89, articles C
- Estimating the causal effect of alcohol consumption on well-being for a cross-section of 9 former Soviet Union countries pp. 1-7

- Emmanouil Mentzakis, Marc Suhrcke, Bayard Roberts, Adrianna Murphy and Martin McKee
- Predictors of health behaviors after the economic downturn: A longitudinal study pp. 8-15

- Jonathan T. Macy, Laurie Chassin and Clark C. Presson
- Race, gender, class, sexuality (RGCS) and hypertension pp. 16-24

- Gerry Veenstra
- Horizontal equity and efficiency at primary health care facilities in rural Afghanistan: A seemingly unrelated regression approach pp. 25-31

- Benjamin Johns, Laura Steinhardt, Damian G. Walker, David H. Peters and David Bishai
- Racial disparities in travel time to radiotherapy facilities in the Atlanta metropolitan area pp. 32-38

- Lucy A. Peipins, Shannon Graham, Randall Young, Brian Lewis and Barry Flanagan
- The association between relative deprivation and self-rated health, depressive symptoms, and smoking behavior in Taiwan pp. 39-44

- Chun-Tung Kuo and Tung-liang Chiang
- Dividuality, masculine respectability and reputation: How masculinity affects men's uptake of HIV treatment in rural eastern Uganda pp. 45-52

- Godfrey E. Siu, Janet Seeley and Daniel Wight
- Higher-status occupations and breast cancer: A life-course stress approach pp. 53-61

- Tetyana Pudrovska, Deborah Carr, Michael McFarland and Caitlyn Collins
2013, volume 88, articles C
- Illicit and prescription drug problems among urban Aboriginal adults in Canada: The role of traditional culture in protection and resilience pp. 1-9

- Cheryl L. Currie, T. Cameron Wild, Donald P. Schopflocher, Lory Laing and Paul Veugelers
- The social and political lives of zoonotic disease models: Narratives, science and policy pp. 10-17

- Melissa Leach and Ian Scoones
- Work-related health risks in Europe: Are older workers more vulnerable? pp. 18-29

- Melanie K. Jones, Paul Latreille, Peter J. Sloane and Anita V. Staneva
- The importance of children's ADHD for parents' relationship stability and labor supply pp. 30-38

- Anette Primdal Kvist, Helena Nielsen and Marianne Simonsen
- Use of hospital and long-term institutional care services in relation to proximity to death among older people in Finland pp. 39-47

- Michael Murphy and Pekka Martikainen
- The impact of a lay counselor led collaborative care intervention for common mental disorders in public and private primary care: A qualitative evaluation nested in the MANAS trial in Goa, India pp. 48-55

- Sachin Shinde, Gracy Andrew, Omer Bangash, Alex Cohen, Betty Kirkwood and Vikram Patel
- Culture, threat, and mental illness stigma: Identifying culture-specific threat among Chinese-American groups pp. 56-67

- Lawrence H. Yang, Valerie Purdie-Vaughns, Hiroki Kotabe, Bruce G. Link, Anne Saw, Gloria Wong and Jo C. Phelan
- Making space for belonging: Critical reflections on the implementation of personalised adult social care under the veil of meaningful inclusion pp. 68-75

- Andrew Power
- Ethnic density and area deprivation: Neighbourhood effects on Māori health and racial discrimination in Aotearoa/New Zealand pp. 76-82

- Laia Bécares, Donna Cormack and Ricci Harris
- The contribution of attenuated selection in utero to small-for-gestational-age (SGA) among term African American male infants pp. 83-89

- Julia M. Goodman, Deborah Karasek, Elizabeth Anderson and Ralph A. Catalano
- Health impacts of pedestrian head-loading: A review of the evidence with particular reference to women and children in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 90-97

- Gina Porter, Kate Hampshire, Christine Dunn, Richard Hall, Martin Levesley, Kim Burton, Steve Robson, Albert Abane, Mwenza Blell and Julia Panther
- Is wealthier always healthier in poor countries? The health implications of income, inequality, poverty, and literacy in India pp. 98-107

- Keertichandra Rajan, Jonathan Kennedy and Lawrence King
- Obesity, school obesity prevalence, and adolescent childbearing among U.S. young women pp. 108-115

- Jennifer B. Kane and Michelle L. Frisco
2013, volume 87, articles C
- “Eyes that don't see, heart that doesn't feel”: Coping with sex work in intimate relationships and its implications for HIV/STI prevention pp. 1-8

- Jennifer L. Syvertsen, Angela M. Robertson, María Luisa Rolón, Lawrence A. Palinkas, Gustavo Martinez, M. Gudelia Rangel and Steffanie A. Strathdee
- Standards and classification: A perspective on the ‘obesity epidemic’ pp. 9-15

- Stuart G. Nicholls
- How institutional change and individual researchers helped advance clinical guidelines in American health care pp. 16-22

- Amit Nigam
- Interactive effects of social support and social conflict on medication adherence in multimorbid older adults pp. 23-30

- Lisa M. Warner, Benjamin Schüz, Leona Aiken, Jochen P. Ziegelmann, Susanne Wurm, Clemens Tesch-Römer and Ralf Schwarzer
- The world as the new local clinic: A critical analysis of three discourses of global medical competency pp. 31-38

- Martimianakis, Maria Athina (Tina) and Frederic W. Hafferty
- Family structure, victimization, and child mental health in a nationally representative sample pp. 39-51

- Heather A. Turner, David Finkelhor, Sherry L. Hamby and Anne Shattuck
- Becoming and remaining community health workers: Perspectives from Ethiopia and Mozambique pp. 52-59

- Kenneth Maes and Ippolytos Kalofonos
- Motivational interviewing within the different stages of change: An analysis of practice nurse-patient consultations aimed at promoting a healthier lifestyle pp. 60-67

- Janneke Noordman, Emely de Vet, Trudy van der Weijden and Sandra van Dulmen
- Resisting the colonization of the lifeworld? Immigrant patients' experiences with co-ethnic healthcare workers pp. 68-76

- Ming-Cheng Miriam Lo and Roxana Bahar
- Exploring tuberculosis by types of housing development pp. 77-83

- Chien-Tat Low, Poh-Chin Lai, Wing-Sze Cindy Tse, Chung-Kan Tsui, Herman Lee and Pak-Kwan Hui
- A new theory-based social classification in Japan and its validation using historically collected information pp. 84-92

- Ayako Hiyoshi, Yoshiharu Fukuda, Martin J. Shipley, Mel Bartley and Eric J. Brunner
- The equalisation hypothesis and changes in geographical inequalities of age based mortality in England, 2002–2004 to 2008–2010 pp. 93-98

- Mark A. Green
- Combining work and family: Rewards or risks for children's mental health? pp. 99-107

- Lyndall Strazdins, Léan V. OBrien, Nina Lucas and Bryan Rodgers
- Associations among environmental supports, physical activity, and blood pressure in African-American adults in the PATH trial pp. 108-115

- Sandra M. Coulon, Dawn K. Wilson and Brent M. Egan
- Can capabilities be self-reported? A think aloud study pp. 116-122

- Hareth Al-Janabi, Thomas Keeley, Paul Mitchell and Joanna Coast
- Racial attitudes, physician–patient talk time ratio, and adherence in racially discordant medical interactions pp. 123-131

- Nao Hagiwara, Louis A. Penner, Richard Gonzalez, Susan Eggly, John F. Dovidio, Samuel L. Gaertner, Tessa West and Terrance L. Albrecht
- Smoking initiation, continuation and prevalence in deprived urban areas compared to non-deprived urban areas in The Netherlands pp. 132-137

- Mirte A.G. Kuipers, Marleen Wingen, Karien Stronks and Anton E. Kunst
- “Never mind the logic, give me the numbers”: Former Australian health ministers' perspectives on the social determinants of health pp. 138-146

- Frances E. Baum, Paul Laris, Matthew Fisher, Lareen Newman and Colin MacDougall
- The impact of social context on self-management in women living with HIV pp. 147-154

- Allison R. Webel, Yvette Cuca, Jennifer G. Okonsky, Alice K. Asher, Alphoncina Kaihura and Robert A. Salata
- “I'm afraid I have bad news for you…” Estimating the impact of different health impairments on subjective well-being pp. 155-167

- Martin Binder and Alex Coad
- The uses of ultrasonography in relation to foetal malformations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil pp. 168-175

- Véronique Mirlesse and Isabelle Ville
- Pathways from parental AIDS to child psychological, educational and sexual risk: Developing an empirically-based interactive theoretical model pp. 185-193

- Lucie Cluver, Mark Orkin, Mark E. Boyes, Lorraine Sherr, Daphne Makasi and Joy Nikelo
2013, volume 86, articles C
- Health consumption as work: The home pregnancy test as a domesticated health tool pp. 1-8

- Janet E. Childerhose and Margaret E. MacDonald
- Strong effects of home-based voluntary HIV counselling and testing on acceptance and equity: A cluster randomised trial in Zambia pp. 9-16

- Knut Fylkesnes, Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy, Marte Jürgensen, Peter J. Chipimo, Sheila Mwangala and Charles Michelo
- Prevalence and predictors of partner violence against women in the aftermath of war: A survey among couples in Northern Uganda pp. 17-25

- Regina Saile, Frank Neuner, Verena Ertl and Claudia Catani
- Does antenatal care matter in the use of skilled birth attendance in rural Africa: A multi-country analysis pp. 26-34

- Vissého Adjiwanou and Thomas LeGrand
- Peer effects in adolescent bodyweight: Evidence from rural China pp. 35-44

- Chung-Ping A. Loh and Qiang Li
- Juggling on a rollercoaster? Gains, loss and uncertainties in IVF patients' accounts of volunteering for a U.K. ‘egg sharing for research’ scheme pp. 45-51

- Erica Haimes
- Donor conceived offspring conceive of the donor: The relevance of age, awareness, and family form pp. 52-65

- Rosanna Hertz, Margaret K. Nelson and Wendy Kramer
- Understanding careseeking for child illness in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and conceptual framework based on qualitative research of household recognition and response to child diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria pp. 66-78

- Christopher J. Colvin, Helen J. Smith, Alison Swartz, Jill W. Ahs, Jodie de Heer, Newton Opiyo, Julia C. Kim, Toni Marraccini and Asha George
- Consultation and illness behaviour in response to symptoms: A comparison of models from different disciplinary frameworks and suggestions for future research directions pp. 79-87

- Sally Wyke, Joy Adamson, Diane Dixon and Kate Hunt
- Social health insurance without corporate actors: Changes in self-regulation in Germany, Poland and Turkey pp. 88-95

- Claus Wendt, Tuba I. Agartan and Monika Ewa Kaminska
- Social capital and depressive symptoms: The association of psychosocial and network dimensions of social capital with depressive symptoms in Montreal, Canada pp. 96-102

- Emma Bassett and Spencer Moore
On this page- 2013, volume 89
Articles C
- 2013, volume 88
Articles C
- 2013, volume 87
Articles C
- 2013, volume 86
Articles C
Other years2025, volume 371
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2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
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1986, volume 22
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1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
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1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2013, volume 88
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- 2013, volume 87
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- 2013, volume 86
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1998, volume 46
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1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
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1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
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1988, volume 26
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1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46