Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2012, volume 74, articles 12
- The unbearable lightness of citizens within public deliberation processes pp. 1843-1850

- P. Lehoux, G. Daudelin and J. Abelson
- Is harm reduction profitable? An analytical framework for corporate social responsibility based on an epidemic model of addictive consumption pp. 1856-1863

- Sophie Massin
- The role of family incomes in cigarette smoking: Evidence from French students pp. 1864-1873

- Christian Ben Lakhdar, Grégoire Cauchie, Nicolas Vaillant and François-Charles Wolff
- Supplemental nutrition assistance program and body weight outcomes: The role of economic contextual factors pp. 1874-1881

- Euna Han, Lisa M. Powell and Zeynep Isgor
- What impact does contact with the prenatal care system have on women’s use of facility delivery? Evidence from low-income countries pp. 1882-1890

- Harminder Guliani, Ardeshir Sepehri and John Serieux
- Social relationships and inflammatory markers: An analysis of Taiwan and the U.S pp. 1891-1899

- Dana A. Glei, Noreen Goldman, Carol D. Ryff, Yu-Hsuan Lin and Maxine Weinstein
- Using quantile regression to examine the effects of inequality across the mortality distribution in the U.S. counties pp. 1900-1910

- Tse-Chuan Yang, Vivian Yi-Ju Chen, Carla Shoff and Stephen A. Matthews
- The length of unemployment predicts mortality, differently in men and women, and by cause of death: A six year mortality follow-up of the Swedish 1992–1996 recession pp. 1911-1920

- Anthony M. Garcy and Denny Vågerö
- Comparing the socioeconomic status – Health gradient among adults 50 and older across rural and urban areas of Thailand in 1994 and 2007 pp. 1921-1928

- Zachary Zimmer and Vipan Prachuabmoh
- Healthy travel and the socio-economic structure of car commuting in Cambridge, UK: A mixed-methods analysis pp. 1929-1938

- Anna Goodman, Cornelia Guell, Jenna Panter, Natalia R. Jones and David Ogilvie
- Family functioning as a mediator between neighborhood conditions and children's health: Evidence from a national survey in the United States pp. 1939-1947

- Yingling Fan and Qian Chen
- Socioeconomic status and cell aging in children pp. 1948-1951

- Belinda L. Needham, Jose R. Fernandez, Jue Lin, Elissa S. Epel and Elizabeth H. Blackburn
- Social network influences on adolescent substance use: Disentangling structural equivalence from cohesion pp. 1952-1960

- Kayo Fujimoto and Thomas W. Valente
- Maternal religious attendance and low birth weight pp. 1961-1967

- Amy M. Burdette, Janet Weeks, Terrence D. Hill and Isaac W. Eberstein
- Decision aid tools to support women's decision making in pregnancy and birth: A systematic review and meta-analysis pp. 1968-1978

- Marylène Dugas, Allison Shorten, Eric Dubé, Maggy Wassef, Emmanuel Bujold and Nils Chaillet
- Childhood family income and life outcomes in adulthood: Findings from a 30-year longitudinal study in New Zealand pp. 1979-1986

- Sheree J. Gibb, David M. Fergusson and L. John Horwood
- Beyond normality in the study of bereavement: Heterogeneity in depression outcomes following loss in older adults pp. 1987-1994

- Isaac R. Galatzer-Levy and George A. Bonanno
- The long-term impact of war on health and wellbeing in Northern Vietnam: Some glimpses from a recent survey pp. 1995-2004

- Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan and Kim Korinek
- Impact of war, religiosity and ideology on PTSD and psychiatric disorders in adolescents from Gaza Strip and South Lebanon pp. 2005-2011

- Vivian Khamis
- Food insecurity, depression and the modifying role of social support among people living with HIV/AIDS in rural Uganda pp. 2012-2019

- Alexander C. Tsai, David R. Bangsberg, Edward A. Frongillo, Peter W. Hunt, Conrad Muzoora, Jeffrey N. Martin and Sheri D. Weiser
- Stress associated with caregiving: An examination of the stress process model among Kenyan Luo elders pp. 2020-2027

- Gillian H. Ice, Aalyia F.A. Sadruddin, Amy Vagedes, Jaja Yogo and Elizabeth Juma
- ‘Dying from’ to ‘living with’: Framing institutions and the coping processes of African American women living with HIV/AIDS pp. 2028-2036

- Celeste Watkins-Hayes, LaShawnDa Pittman-Gay and Jean Beaman
- Pathways to care: Narratives of American Indian adolescents entering substance abuse treatment pp. 2037-2045

- Douglas K. Novins, Paul Spicer, Alexandra Fickenscher and Bernice Pescosolido
- Alienating evidence based medicine vs. innovative medical device marketing: A report on the evidence debate at a Wounds conference pp. 2046-2052

- Mary Madden
2012, volume 74, articles 11
- Autism spectrum disorders: Toward a gendered embodiment model pp. 1667-1674

- Keely Cheslack-Postava and Rebecca M. Jordan-Young
- Gender, health and theory: Conceptualizing the issue, in local and world perspective pp. 1675-1683

- Raewyn Connell
- Sexing the baby: Part 1 – What do we really know about sex differentiation in the first three years of life? pp. 1684-1692

- Anne Fausto-Sterling, Cynthia Garcia Coll and Meghan Lamarre
- Sexing the baby: Part 2 applying dynamic systems theory to the emergences of sex-related differences in infants and toddlers pp. 1693-1702

- Anne Fausto-Sterling, Cynthia Garcia Coll and Meaghan Lamarre
- The multidimensional relationship between early adult body weight and women’s childbearing experiences pp. 1703-1711

- Michelle L. Frisco, Margaret M. Weden, Adam M. Lippert and Kristin D. Burnett
- Women’s health, men’s health, and gender and health: Implications of intersectionality pp. 1712-1720

- Olena Hankivsky
- The “new masculinity”: Addiction treatment as a reconstruction of gender in Puerto Rican evangelist street ministries pp. 1721-1728

- Helena Hansen
- Sexuality and the limits of agency among South African teenage women: Theorising femininities and their connections to HIV risk practises pp. 1729-1737

- R. Jewkes and R. Morrell
- Hormones, context, and “Brain Gender”: A review of evidence from congenital adrenal hyperplasia pp. 1738-1744

- Rebecca M. Jordan-Young
- The global reproductive health market: U.S. media framings and public discourses about transnational surrogacy pp. 1745-1753

- Susan Markens
- Feeding her children, but risking her health: The intersection of gender, household food insecurity and obesity pp. 1754-1764

- Molly A. Martin and Adam M. Lippert
- The “knucklehead” approach and what matters in terms of health for formerly incarcerated Latino men pp. 1765-1773

- Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Ashley Perry, Ilka Bobet, Santos Bobet, Hector Ramos, Francisco Quiñones and Kaity Lloyd
- “They arrested me for loving a schoolgirl”: Ethnography, HIV, and a feminist assessment of the age of consent law as a gender-based structural intervention in Uganda pp. 1774-1782

- Shanti A. Parikh
- Gender, health behavior, and intimate relationships: Lesbian, gay, and straight contexts pp. 1783-1790

- Corinne Reczek and Debra Umberson
- Triple jeopardy? Mental health at the intersection of gender, race, and class pp. 1791-1801

- Sarah Rosenfield
- Who gains, who loses and how: Leveraging gender and class intersections to secure health entitlements pp. 1802-1811

- Gita Sen and Aditi Iyer
- Towards the inclusion of gender and sex in health research and funding: An institutional perspective pp. 1812-1816

- Zena Sharman and Joy Johnson
- Beyond a catalogue of differences: A theoretical frame and good practice guidelines for researching sex/gender in human health pp. 1817-1824

- Kristen W. Springer, Jeanne Mager Stellman and Rebecca M. Jordan-Young
- Intersectionality and gender mainstreaming in international health: Using a feminist participatory action research process to analyse voices and debates from the global south and north pp. 1825-1832

- Rachel Tolhurst, Beryl Leach, Janet Price, Jude Robinson, Elizabeth Ettore, Alex Scott-Samuel, Nduku Kilonzo, Louis P. Sabuni, Steve Robertson, Anuj Kapilashrami, Katie Bristow, Raymond Lang, Francelina Romao and Sally Theobald
- Mississippi front-line recovery work after Hurricane Katrina: An analysis of the intersections of gender, race, and class in advocacy, power relations, and health pp. 1833-1841

- Lynn Weber and DeAnne K. Hilfinger Messias
2012, volume 74, articles 10
- Limits to evidence-based health policymaking: Policy hurdles to structural HIV prevention in Tanzania pp. 1477-1485

- Moritz Hunsmann
- ‘Worse than HIV’ or ‘not as serious as other diseases’? Conceptualization of cervical cancer among newly screened women in Zambia pp. 1486-1493

- Heather L. White, Chishimba Mulambia, Moses Sinkala, Mulindi H. Mwanahamuntu, Groesbeck P. Parham, Linda Moneyham, Diane M. Grimley and Eric Chamot
- Psychosocial support intervention for HIV-affected families in Haiti: Implications for programs and policies for orphans and vulnerable children pp. 1494-1503

- Mary C. Smith Fawzi, Eddy Eustache, Catherine Oswald, Ermaze Louis, Pamela J. Surkan, Fiona Scanlan, Sarah Hook, Anna Mancuso and Joia S. Mukherjee
- Interrelatedness of child health, protection and well-being: An application of the SAFE model in Rwanda pp. 1504-1511

- Theresa S. Betancourt, Timothy P. Williams, Sarah E. Kellner, Joy Gebre-Medhin, Katrina Hann and Yvonne Kayiteshonga
- HIV and tuberculosis: The construction and management of double stigma pp. 1512-1519

- Amrita Daftary
- Attitudes and beliefs related to HIV/AIDS in urban religious congregations: Barriers and opportunities for HIV-related interventions pp. 1520-1527

- Ricky N. Bluthenthal, Kartika Palar, Peter Mendel, David E. Kanouse, Dennis E. Corbin and Kathryn Pitkin Derose
- ‘As a clinician, you are not managing lab results, you are managing the patient’: How the enactment of malaria at health facilities in Cameroon compares with new WHO guidelines for the use of malaria tests pp. 1528-1535

- Clare I.R. Chandler, Lindsay Mangham, Abanda Ngu Njei, Olivia Achonduh, Wilfred F. Mbacham and Virginia Wiseman
- The decision-making process of genetically at-risk couples considering preimplantation genetic diagnosis: Initial findings from a grounded theory study pp. 1536-1543

- Patricia E. Hershberger, Agatha M. Gallo, Karen Kavanaugh, Ellen Olshansky, Alan Schwartz and Ilan Tur-Kaspa
- Picturing obesity: Analyzing the social epidemiology of obesity conveyed through US news media images pp. 1544-1551

- Sarah E. Gollust, Ijeoma Eboh and Colleen L. Barry
- ‘A real man smells of tobacco smoke’—Chinese youth's interpretation of smoking imagery in film pp. 1552-1559

- Gareth Davey and Xiang Zhao
- Trauma and suicide behaviour histories among a Canadian indigenous population: An empirical exploration of the potential role of Canada's residential school system pp. 1560-1569

- Brenda Elias, Javier Mignone, Madelyn Hall, Say P. Hong, Lyna Hart and Jitender Sareen
- Quality or quantity? Exploring the relationship between Public Open Space attributes and mental health in Perth, Western Australia pp. 1570-1577

- Jacinta Francis, Lisa J. Wood, Matthew Knuiman and Billie Giles-Corti
- Socioeconomic position and physical activity among women in Melbourne, Australia: Does the use of different socioeconomic indicators matter? pp. 1578-1583

- Verity Cleland, Kylie Ball and David Crawford
- Social disorder, APOE-E4 genotype, and change in cognitive function among older adults living in Chicago pp. 1584-1590

- Jason D. Boardman, Lisa L. Barnes, Robert S. Wilson, Denis A. Evans and Carlos F. Mendes de Leon
- A study of environmental influences on the well-being of individuals with psychiatric disabilities in Philadelphia, PA pp. 1591-1601

- Eugene Brusilovskiy and Mark S. Salzer
- OxyContin® as currency: OxyContin® use and increased social capital among rural Appalachian drug users pp. 1602-1609

- Adam B. Jonas, April M. Young, Carrie B. Oser, Carl G. Leukefeld and Jennifer R. Havens
- Revisiting the immigrant paradox in reproductive health: The roles of duration of residence and ethnicity pp. 1610-1621

- Marcelo L. Urquia, Patricia J. O'Campo and Maureen I. Heaman
- Health across early childhood and socioeconomic status: Examining the moderating effects of differential parenting pp. 1622-1629

- Dillon T. Browne and Jennifer M. Jenkins
- Socioeconomic disadvantage in adolescent women and metabolic syndrome in mid-adulthood: An examination of pathways of embodiment in the Northern Swedish Cohort pp. 1630-1638

- Per E. Gustafsson and Anne Hammarström
- Trust, self-rated health and mortality: A longitudinal study among ageing people in Southern Finland pp. 1639-1643

- Olli Nummela, Risto Raivio and Antti Uutela
- The effect of differential eligibility for free GP services on GP utilisation in Ireland pp. 1644-1651

- Anne Nolan and Samantha Smith
- Residents' perceptions of effective community representation in local health decision-making pp. 1652-1659

- Phillip Chung, Colleen M. Grogan and Jennifer E. Mosley
2012, volume 74, articles 9
- Vaginal practices as women's agency in Sub-Saharan Africa: A synthesis of meaning and motivation through meta-ethnography pp. 1311-1323

- Adriane Martin Hilber, Elise Kenter, Shelagh Redmond, Sonja Merten, Brigitte Bagnol, Nicola Low and Ruth Garside
- Civil unrest and birthweight: An exploratory analysis of the 2007/2008 Kenyan Crisis pp. 1324-1330

- Suzanne Bell, Ndola Prata, Maureen Lahiff and Brenda Eskenazi
- Waiting times and socioeconomic status: Evidence from England pp. 1331-1341

- Mauro Laudicella, Luigi Siciliani and Richard Cookson
- Untangling the associations among distrust, race, and neighborhood social environment: A social disorganization perspective pp. 1342-1352

- Carla Shoff and Tse-Chuan Yang
- The health implications of civic association in Russia pp. 1353-1361

- Debra Javeline and Elizabeth Brooks
- Network social capital, social participation, and physical inactivity in an urban adult population pp. 1362-1367

- Hannah Legh-Jones and Spencer Moore
- ‘On the street where you live’: Neighbourhood deprivation and quality of life among community-dwelling older people in Edinburgh, Scotland pp. 1368-1374

- René Mõttus, Catharine R. Gale, John M. Starr and Ian J. Deary
- Associations between perceived neighborhood environmental attributes and adults’ sedentary behavior: Findings from the USA, Australia and Belgium pp. 1375-1384

- Delfien Van Dyck, Ester Cerin, Terry L. Conway, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, Neville Owen, Jacqueline Kerr, Greet Cardon, Lawrence D. Frank, Brian E. Saelens and James F. Sallis
- Does SES explain more of the black/white health gap than we thought? Revisiting our approach toward understanding racial disparities in health pp. 1385-1393

- D. Phuong Do, Reanne Frank and Brian Karl Finch
- Individual- and area-level unemployment influence smoking cessation among African Americans participating in a randomized clinical trial pp. 1394-1401

- Darla E. Kendzor, Lorraine R. Reitzel, Carlos A. Mazas, Ludmila M. Cofta-Woerpel, Yumei Cao, Lingyun Ji, Tracy J. Costello, Jennifer Irvin Vidrine, Michael S. Businelle, Yisheng Li, Yessenia Castro, Jasjit S. Ahluwalia, Paul M. Cinciripini and David W. Wetter
- Does the association between smoking and mortality differ by educational level? pp. 1402-1406

- Rana Charafeddine, Herman Van Oyen and Stefaan Demarest
- Social integration in friendship networks: The synergy of network structure and peer influence in relation to cigarette smoking among high risk adolescents pp. 1407-1417

- Cynthia M. Lakon and Thomas W. Valente
- Tracing the origins of successful aging: The role of childhood conditions and social inequality in explaining later life health pp. 1418-1425

- Martina Brandt, Christian Deindl and Karsten Hank
- Fiscal decentralisation and infant mortality rate: The Colombian case pp. 1426-1434

- Victoria Eugenia Soto, Maria Isabel Farfan and Vincent Lorant
- Risk and protective factors for depression symptoms among children affected by HIV/AIDS in rural China: A structural equation modeling analysis pp. 1435-1443

- Bo Wang, Xiaoming Li, Douglas Barnett, Guoxiang Zhao, Junfeng Zhao and Bonita Stanton
- Longitudinal effects of health-harming and health-protective behaviors within adolescent romantic dyads pp. 1444-1451

- Matthew C. Aalsma, Melissa Y. Carpentier, Faouzi Azzouz and J. Dennis Fortenberry
- Adolescent expectations of early death predict young adult socioeconomic status pp. 1452-1460

- Quynh C. Nguyen, Jon M. Hussey, Carolyn T. Halpern, Andres Villaveces, Stephen W. Marshall, Arjumand Siddiqi and Charles Poole
- Does attachment insecurity affect the outcomes of a multidisciplinary pain management program? The association between attachment insecurity, pain, disability, distress, and the use of opioids pp. 1461-1468

- Tonny Elmose Andersen
2012, volume 74, articles 8
- Subjective social status and psychosocial and metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease among African Americans in the Jackson Heart Study pp. 1146-1154

- Malavika A. Subramanyam, Ana V. Diez-Roux, DeMarc A. Hickson, Daniel F. Sarpong, Mario Sims, Herman A. Taylor, David R. Williams and Sharon B. Wyatt
- Beyond the barriers: Racial discrimination and use of complementary and alternative medicine among Black Americans pp. 1155-1162

- Tetyana Pylypiv Shippee, Markus H. Schafer and Kenneth F. Ferraro
- Internal displacement and health among the Palestinian minority in Israel pp. 1163-1171

- Nihaya Daoud, Ketan Shankardass, O’Campo, Patricia, Kim Anderson and Ayman K. Agbaria
- Gender-based violence and socioeconomic inequalities: Does living in more deprived neighbourhoods increase women’s risk of intimate partner violence? pp. 1172-1179

- Ligia Kiss, Lilia Blima Schraiber, Lori Heise, Cathy Zimmerman, Nelson Gouveia and Charlotte Watts
- A photovoice documentation of the role of neighborhood physical and social environments in older adults’ physical activity in two metropolitan areas in North America pp. 1180-1192

- Atiya Mahmood, Habib Chaudhury, Yvonne L. Michael, Michael Campo, Kara Hay and Ann Sarte
- The role of local food availability in explaining obesity risk among young school-aged children pp. 1193-1203

- Helen Lee
- Do neighborhoods affect individual mortality? A systematic review and meta-analysis of multilevel studies pp. 1204-1212

- Mathias Meijer, Jeannette Röhl, Kim Bloomfield and Ulrike Grittner
- Mortality differences between the foreign-born and locally-born population in France (2004–2007) pp. 1213-1223

- Roxane Boulogne, Eric Jougla, Yves Breem, Anton E. Kunst and Grégoire Rey
- Are recessions really good for your health? Evidence from Canada pp. 1224-1231

- Hideki Ariizumi and Tammy Schirle
- Spatial modeling of households’ knowledge about arsenic pollution in Bangladesh pp. 1232-1239

- M. Mizanur Rahman Sarker
- Neighborhood drug markets: A risk environment for bacterial sexually transmitted infections among urban youth pp. 1240-1250

- Jacky M. Jennings, Ralph B. Taylor, Rama A. Salhi, C. Debra M. Furr-Holden and Jonathan M. Ellen
- Addiction, agency, and the politics of self-control: Doing harm reduction in a heroin users’ group pp. 1251-1260

- Teresa Gowan, Sarah Whetstone and Tanja Andic
- Adapting the minority stress model: Associations between gender non-conformity stigma, HIV-related stigma and depression among men who have sex with men in South India pp. 1261-1268

- Carmen H. Logie, Peter A. Newman, Venkatesan Chakrapani and Murali Shunmugam
- Graphic warning labels on plain cigarette packs: Will they make a difference to adolescents? pp. 1269-1273

- Judith McCool, Lisa Webb, Linda D. Cameron and Janet Hoek
- Frames and counter-frames giving meaning to dementia: A framing analysis of media content pp. 1274-1281

- Baldwin Van Gorp and Tom Vercruysse
- Medical end-of-life decisions: Does its use differ in vulnerable patient groups? A systematic review and meta-analysis pp. 1282-1287

- Judith A.C. Rietjens, Reginald Deschepper, Roeline Pasman and Luc Deliens
- Community mobilization to reduce postpartum hemorrhage in home births in northern Nigeria pp. 1288-1296

- Ndola Prata, Clara Ejembi, Ashley Fraser, Oladapo Shittu and Meredith Minkler
- Knowledge mobilisation in healthcare: A critical review of health sector and generic management literature pp. 1297-1304

- Ewan Ferlie, Tessa Crilly, Ashok Jashapara and Anna Peckham
- Assessing public attitudes on the retention and use of residual newborn screening blood samples: A focus group study pp. 1305-1309

- Erin Rothwell, Rebecca Anderson, Aaron Goldenberg, Michelle H. Lewis, Louisa Stark, Matthew Burbank, Bob Wong and Jeffrey R. Botkin
2012, volume 74, articles 7
- Psychological pathways linking social support to health outcomes: A visit with the “ghosts” of research past, present, and future pp. 949-957

- Bert N. Uchino, Kimberly Bowen, McKenzie Carlisle and Wendy Birmingham
- Stress and health-related well-being among mothers with a low birth weight infant: The role of sleep pp. 958-965

- Shih-Yu Lee and Hui-Chin Hsu
- To have or not to have another child: Life cycle, health and cost considerations of Ghanaian women pp. 966-972

- Ivy A. Kodzi, David R. Johnson and John B. Casterline
- The impact of birthplace on women’s birth experiences and perceptions of care pp. 973-981

- Charlotte Overgaard, Morten Fenger-Grøn and Jane Sandall
- Decreased births among black female adolescents following school desegregation pp. 982-988

- Sze Yan Liu, Crystal D. Linkletter, Eric B. Loucks, M. Maria Glymour and Stephen L. Buka
- Encouraging maternal health service utilization: An evaluation of the Bangladesh voucher program pp. 989-996

- Ha T.H. Nguyen, Laurel Hatt, Mursaleena Islam, Nancy L. Sloan, Jamil Chowdhury, Jean-Olivier Schmidt, Atia Hossain and Hong Wang
- Interpretations of informed choice in antenatal screening: A cross-cultural, Q-methodology study pp. 997-1004

- Shenaz Ahmed, Louise D. Bryant, Zahra Tizro and Darren Shickle
- “Because he has bought for her, he wants to sleep with her”: Alcohol as a currency for sexual exchange in South African drinking venues pp. 1005-1012

- Melissa H. Watt, Frances M. Aunon, Donald Skinner, Kathleen J. Sikkema, Seth C. Kalichman and Desiree Pieterse
- “I'm too used to it”: A longitudinal qualitative study of third year female medical students' experiences of gendered encounters in medical education pp. 1013-1020

- Palav Babaria, Sakena Abedin, David Berg and Marcella Nunez-Smith
- Disciplined doctors: The electronic medical record and physicians' changing relationship to medical knowledge pp. 1021-1028

- Adam Reich
- Medical pluralism and medical marginality: Bone doctors and the selective legitimation of therapeutic expertise in India pp. 1029-1036

- Helen Lambert
- The ambivalence of stigma and the double-edged sword of HIV/AIDS intervention in Burkina Faso pp. 1037-1044

- Quentin Gausset, Hanne Overgaard Mogensen, Wambi Maurice Evariste Yameogo, Abdramane Berthé and Blahima Konaté
- ‘Everybody is moving on’: Infertility, relationality and the aesthetics of family among British-Pakistani Muslims pp. 1045-1052

- Katherine R. Hampshire, Mwenza T. Blell and Bob Simpson
- Is parental socio-economic status related to the initiation of substance abuse by young people in an English city? An event history analysis pp. 1053-1061

- Alex Sutherland
- Effects of length of stay and language proficiency on health care experiences among Immigrants in Canada and the United States pp. 1062-1072

- Lydie A. Lebrun
- Obesity, SES, and economic development: A test of the reversal hypothesis pp. 1073-1081

- Fred C. Pampel, Justin T. Denney and Patrick M. Krueger
- Place matters: Neighborhood deprivation and cardiometabolic risk factors in the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE) pp. 1082-1090

- Barbara A. Laraia, Andrew J. Karter, E. Margaret Warton, Dean Schillinger, Howard H. Moffet and Nancy Adler
- Income inequality and self-rated health in Stockholm, Sweden: A test of the ‘income inequality hypothesis’ on two levels of aggregation pp. 1091-1098

- Mikael Rostila, Maria L. Kölegård and Johan Fritzell
- Multilevel analysis of income, income inequalities and health in Spain pp. 1099-1106

- Kristina Karlsdotter, José J. Martín Martín and M. Puerto López del Amo González
- Marital dissolution and self-rated health: Age trajectories and birth cohort variations pp. 1107-1116

- Hui Liu
- Comparing self-rated health and self-assessed change in health in a longitudinal survey: Which is more valid? pp. 1117-1124

- Fiona Imlach Gunasekara, Kristie Carter and Tony Blakely
- Aspirin use and cardiovascular events in social networks pp. 1125-1129

- Kate W. Strully, James H. Fowler, Joanne M. Murabito, Emelia J. Benjamin, Daniel Levy and Nicholas A. Christakis
- Project-induced displacement, secondary stressors, and health pp. 1130-1138

- Yue Cao, Sean-Shong Hwang and Juan Xi
2012, volume 74, articles 6
- How is health-related “deservingness” reckoned? Perspectives from unauthorized im/migrants in Tel Aviv pp. 812-821

- Sarah S. Willen
- Beyond welfare reform: Reframing undocumented immigrants’ entitlement to health care in the United States, a critical review pp. 822-829

- Anahí Viladrich
- “Over-Foreignization” or “Unused Potential”? A critical review of migrant health in Germany and responses toward unauthorized migration pp. 830-838

- Heide Castañeda
- Medical humanitarianism, human rights and political advocacy: The case of the Israeli Open Clinic pp. 839-845

- Nora Gottlieb, Dani Filc and Nadav Davidovitch
- Deserving to a point: Unauthorized immigrants in San Francisco’s universal access healthcare model pp. 846-854

- Helen B. Marrow
- Intangible obstacles: Health implications of stigmatization, structural violence, and fear among undocumented immigrants in France pp. 858-863

- Stéphanie Larchanché
- Exploitation, vulnerability to tuberculosis and access to treatment among Uzbek labor migrants in Kazakhstan pp. 864-872

- Samantha A. Huffman, Jaap Veen, Monique M. Hennink and Deborah A. McFarland
- The clinical gaze in the practice of migrant health: Mexican migrants in the United States pp. 873-881

- Seth M. Holmes
- Deservingness to state health services for South–South migrants: A preliminary study of Costa Rican providers’ views pp. 882-886

- Kate Goldade and Kolawole S. Okuyemi
- Undocumented immigrants and their use of medical services in Orange County, California pp. 887-893

- Leo R. Chavez
- The impact of migration in all-cause mortality: The Turin Longitudinal Study, 1971–2005 pp. 897-906

- Domenica Rasulo, Teresa Spadea, Roberta Onorati and Giuseppe Costa
- Loneliness, health, and mortality in old age: A national longitudinal study pp. 907-914

- Ye Luo, Louise C. Hawkley, Linda J. Waite and John T. Cacioppo
- Stereotypes of mental disorders differ in competence and warmth pp. 915-922

- Melody S. Sadler, Elizabeth L. Meagor and Kimberly E. Kaye
- Socioeconomic status and the development of depressive symptoms from childhood to adulthood: A longitudinal analysis across 27 years of follow-up in the Young Finns study pp. 923-929

- Marko Elovainio, Laura Pulkki-Råback, Markus Jokela, Mika Kivimäki, Mirka Hintsanen, Taina Hintsa, Jorma Viikari, Olli T. Raitakari and Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen
- Social determinants of health – A question of social or economic capital? Interaction effects of socioeconomic factors on health outcomes pp. 930-939

- Johanna Ahnquist, Sarah P. Wamala and Martin Lindstrom
- Community Health Workers in Brazil’s Unified Health System: A framework of their praxis and contributions to patient health behaviors pp. 940-947

- Rogério M. Pinto, Sueli Bulhões da Silva and Rafaela Soriano
2012, volume 74, articles 5
- Economic growth and health progress in England and Wales: 160 years of a changing relation pp. 688-695

- José Tapia Granados
- Social support, volunteering and health around the world: Cross-national evidence from 139 countries pp. 696-706

- Santosh Kumar, Rocio Calvo, Mauricio Avendano, Kavita Sivaramakrishnan and Lisa F. Berkman
- Utilization of epidemiological research for the development of local public health policy in the Netherlands: A case study approach pp. 707-714

- Joyce de Goede, Kim Putters and Hans van Oers
- Practitioner opinions on health promotion interventions that work: Opening the ‘black box’ of a linear evidence-based approach pp. 715-723

- Maarten O. Kok, Lenneke Vaandrager, Roland Bal and Jantine Schuit
- Coping with health care expenses among poor households: Evidence from a rural commune in Vietnam pp. 724-733

- Kim Thuy Nguyen, Oanh Thi Hai Khuat, Shuangge Ma, Duc Cuong Pham, Giang Thi Hong Khuat and Jennifer Prah Ruger
- Socioeconomic pathways to depressive symptoms in adulthood: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 pp. 734-743

- Amélie Quesnel-Vallée and Miles Taylor
- Chinese and Korean immigrants’ early life deprivation: An important factor for child feeding practices and children’s body weight in the United States pp. 744-752

- Charissa S.L. Cheah and Jennifer Van Hook
- Protective factors and predictors of vulnerability to chronic stress: A comparative study of 4 communities after 7 years of continuous rocket fire pp. 757-766

- Marc Gelkopf, Rony Berger, Avraham Bleich and Roxane Cohen Silver
- Scientific tools, fake treatments, or triggers for psychological healing: How clinical trial participants conceptualise placebos pp. 767-774

- Felicity L. Bishop, Eric E. Jacobson, Jessica R. Shaw and Ted J. Kaptchuk
- A ‘beautiful death’: Mortality, death, and holidays in a Mexican municipality pp. 775-782

- José L. Wilches-Gutiérrez, Luz Arenas-Monreal, Alfredo Paulo-Maya, Ingris Peláez-Ballestas and Alvaro J. Idrovo
- Therapeutic landscapes and postcolonial theory: A theoretical approach to medical tourism pp. 783-787

- Christine N. Buzinde and Careen Yarnal
- Medical ideology as a double-edged sword: The politics of cure and care in the making of Alzheimer’s disease pp. 788-795

- Claudia Chaufan, Brooke Hollister, Jennifer Nazareno and Patrick Fox
- ‘Doing the "Right" Thing’: How parents experience and manage decision-making for children’s ‘Normalising’ surgeries pp. 796-804

- Pauline Anne Nelson, Ann-Louise Caress, Anne-Marie Glenny and Susan A. Kirk
2012, volume 74, articles 4
- Sociological autopsy: An integrated approach to the study of suicide in men pp. 466-473

- Jonathan Scourfield, Ben Fincham, Susanne Langer and Michael Shiner
- Better dead than dishonored: Masculinity and male suicidal behavior in contemporary Ghana pp. 474-481

- Mensah Adinkrah
- Understanding boys’: Thinking through boys, masculinity and suicide pp. 482-489

- Mairtin Mac an Ghaill and Chris Haywood
- Reprint of: Bullying victimisation, self harm and associated factors in Irish adolescent boys pp. 490-497

- Elaine M. McMahon, Udo Reulbach, Helen Keeley, Ivan J. Perry and Ella Arensman
- Suicidal action, emotional expression, and the performance of masculinities pp. 498-505

- Anne Cleary
- “You feel like you can’t live anymore”: Suicide from the perspectives of Canadian men who experience depression pp. 506-514

- John L. Oliffe, John S. Ogrodniczuk, Joan L. Bottorff, Joy L. Johnson and Kristy Hoyak
- Rural male suicide in Australia pp. 515-522

- Margaret Alston
- Men’s sexual orientation and suicide: Evidence for U.S. adolescent-specific risk pp. 523-529

- Stephen T. Russell and Russell B. Toomey
- Suicide, social integration, and masculinity in the U.S. military pp. 530-536

- Harold Braswell and Howard I. Kushner
- Women at war: Understanding how women veterans cope with combat and military sexual trauma pp. 537-545

- Kristin M. Mattocks, Sally G. Haskell, Erin E. Krebs, Amy C. Justice, Elizabeth M. Yano and Cynthia Brandt
- Being differently the same: The mediation of identity tensions in the sharing of illness experiences pp. 546-553

- Fadhila Mazanderani, Louise Locock and John Powell
- Determinants, self-management strategies and interventions for hope in people with mental disorders: Systematic search and narrative review pp. 554-564

- Beate Schrank, Victoria Bird, Abraham Rudnick and Mike Slade
- Rebelling against the brain: Public engagement with the ‘neurological adolescent’ pp. 565-573

- Suparna Choudhury, Kelly A. McKinney and Moritz Merten
- Understanding the outcomes of multi-centre clinical trials: A qualitative study of health professional experiences and views pp. 574-581

- Julia Lawton, Nicholas Jenkins, Julie Darbyshire, Andrew Farmer, Rury Holman and Nina Hallowell
- Key concepts relevant to quality of complex and shared decision-making in health care: A literature review pp. 582-587

- Sydney M. Dy and Tanjala S. Purnell
- Disability, participation, and subjective wellbeing among older couples pp. 588-596

- Vicki A. Freedman, Frank Stafford, Norbert Schwarz, Frederick Conrad and Jennifer C. Cornman
- Social stratification and adolescent overweight in the United States: How income and educational resources matter across families and schools pp. 597-606

- Molly A. Martin, Michelle L. Frisco, Claudia Nau and Kristin Burnett
- Social strain and cortisol regulation in midlife in the US pp. 607-615

- Esther M. Friedman, Arun S. Karlamangla, David M. Almeida and Teresa E. Seeman
- Examining the differential association between self-rated health and area deprivation among white British and ethnic minority people in England pp. 616-624

- Laia Bécares, James Nazroo, Christo Albor, Tarani Chandola and Mai Stafford
- Health disparities in mid-to-late life: The role of earlier life family and neighborhood socioeconomic conditions pp. 625-636

- Rucker C. Johnson, Robert F. Schoeni and Jeannette A. Rogowski
2012, volume 74, articles 3
- Let’s dance: Organization studies, medical sociology and health policy pp. 273-280

- Graeme Currie, Robert Dingwall, Martin Kitchener and Justin Waring
- A critical account of the rise and spread of ‘leadership’: The case of UK healthcare pp. 281-288

- Graham P. Martin and Mark Learmonth
- Reactivity and reactions to regulatory transparency in medicine, psychotherapy and counselling pp. 289-296

- Gerry McGivern and Michael D. Fischer
- Exploring knowledge exchange: A useful framework for practice and policy pp. 297-304

- Vicky Ward, Simon Smith, Allan House and Susan Hamer
- Addressing complex healthcare problems in diverse settings: Insights from activity theory pp. 305-312

- Gail Greig, Vikki A. Entwistle and Nic Beech
- Public, private, neither, both? Publicness theory and the analysis of healthcare organisations pp. 313-322

- Stuart Anderson
- The effects of institutional change on geographic variation and health services use in the USA pp. 323-331

- Amit Nigam
- Dialogues and dialetics: Limits to clinician–manager interaction in healthcare organizations pp. 332-339

- Robert MacIntosh, Nic Beech and Graeme Martin
- A new mode of organizing in health care? Governmentality and managed networks in cancer services in England pp. 340-347

- Ewan Ferlie, Gerry Mcgivern and Louise FitzGerald
- The role of the organizational champion in achieving health system change pp. 348-355

- Jane Hendy and James Barlow
- The role of institutional entrepreneurs in reforming healthcare pp. 356-363

- Andy Lockett, Graeme Currie, Justin Waring, Rachael Finn and Graham Martin
- Lean in healthcare: The unfilled promise? pp. 364-371

- Zoe J. Radnor, Matthias Holweg and Justin Waring
- Professional projects and institutional change in healthcare: The case of American dentistry pp. 372-380

- Martin Kitchener and Elizabeth Mertz
- The implementation of a global fund grant in Lesotho: Applying a framework on knowledge absorptive capacity pp. 381-389

- Regien Biesma, Elsie Makoa, Regina Mpemi, Lineo Tsekoa, Philip Odonkor and Ruairi Brugha
- Structural violence in long-term, residential care for older people: Comparing Canada and Scandinavia pp. 390-398

- Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly, Pat Armstrong, Marta Szebehely, Hugh Armstrong and Stirling Lafrance
- State-level income inequality and family burden of US families raising children with special health care needs pp. 399-407

- Susan L. Parish, Roderick A. Rose, Sarah Dababnah, Joan Yoo and Shawn A. Cassiman
- The pervasive effects of racism: Experiences of racial discrimination in New Zealand over time and associations with multiple health domains pp. 408-415

- Ricci Harris, Donna Cormack, Martin Tobias, Li-Chia Yeh, Natalie Talamaivao, Joanna Minster and Roimata Timutimu
- Resilience from the point of view of older people: ‘There's still life beyond a funny knee’ pp. 416-424

- Janine L. Wiles, Kirsty Wild, Ngaire Kerse and Ruth E.S. Allen
- “Back then” and “nowadays”: Social transition narratives in accounts of injecting drug use in an East European setting pp. 425-433

- Tim Rhodes and Stela Bivol
- Taming troubled teens: The social production of mental morbidity amongst young mothers in Pelotas, Brazil pp. 434-443

- D.P. Béhague, H.D. Gonçalves, D. Gigante and B.R. Kirkwood
- Altered social cohesion and adverse psychological experiences with chronic food insecurity in the non-market economy and complex households of Burkina Faso pp. 444-451

- Siméon Nanama and Edward A. Frongillo
- Women’s social networks and birth attendant decisions: Application of the Network-Episode Model pp. 452-459

- Joyce K. Edmonds, Daniel Hruschka, H. Russell Bernard and Lynn Sibley
2012, volume 74, articles 2
- Domestic violence and child nutrition in Liberia pp. 103-111

- Rudina M. Sobkoviak, Kathryn M. Yount and Nafisa Halim
- Emotion awareness and coping in children with functional abdominal pain: A controlled study pp. 112-119

- Shelley M.C. van der Veek, H.H.F. Derkx, Else de Haan, Marc A. Benninga and Frits Boer
- Maternal leave policies and vaccination coverage: A global analysis pp. 120-124

- Mark Daku, Amy Raub and Jody Heymann
- Canaries in a coalmine: Immigration and overweight among Mexican-origin children in the US and Mexico pp. 125-134

- Jennifer Van Hook, Elizabeth Baker, Claire E. Altman and Michelle L. Frisco
- Household migration, social support, and psychosocial health: The perspective from migrant-sending areas pp. 135-142

- Yao Lu
- Beyond symptoms: Defining primary care mental health clinical assessment priorities, content and process pp. 143-149

- Johanna M. Lynch, Deborah A. Askew, Geoffrey K. Mitchell and Kelsey L. Hegarty
- Five years later: Recovery from post traumatic stress and psychological distress among low-income mothers affected by Hurricane Katrina pp. 150-157

- Christina Paxson, Elizabeth Fussell, Jean Rhodes and Mary Waters
- Long-term association of economic inequality and mortality in adult Costa Ricans pp. 158-166

- Sepideh Modrek, William Dow and Luis Rosero-Bixby
- Coupling infectious diseases, human preventive behavior, and networks – A conceptual framework for epidemic modeling pp. 167-175

- Liang Mao and Yan Yang
- Health information seeking and use outside of the medical encounter: Is it associated with race and ethnicity? pp. 176-184

- Ronica N. Rooks, Jacqueline C. Wiltshire, Keith Elder, Rhonda BeLue and Lisa C. Gary
- Exploring the connections between HIV serostatus and individual, household, and community socioeconomic resources: Evidence from two population-based surveys in Kenya pp. 185-195

- Kanako Ishida, Michael Arnold, Paul Stupp, Paul Kizito and Jared Ichwara
- Rising preterm birth rates, 1989–2004: Changing demographics or changing obstetric practice? pp. 196-201

- Tyler J. VanderWeele, John D. Lantos and Diane S. Lauderdale
- Social capital and social inequality in adolescents’ health in 601 Flemish communities: A multilevel analysis pp. 202-210

- B. De Clercq, V. Vyncke, A. Hublet, F.J. Elgar, U. Ravens-Sieberer, C. Currie, M. Hooghe, A. Ieven and L. Maes
- Disability and dignity-enabling home environments pp. 211-219

- Barbara E. Gibson, Barbara Secker, Debbie Rolfe, Frank Wagner, Bob Parke and Bhavnita Mistry
- Model of health? Distributed preparedness and multi-agency interventions surrounding UK regional airports pp. 220-227

- Adam Warren, Morag Bell and Lucy Budd
- Network structures and their relevance to the policy cycle: A case study of The National Male Health Policy of Australia pp. 228-235

- Carol A. Holden and Vivian Lin
- Capitals and capabilities: Linking structure and agency to reduce health inequalities pp. 236-244

- Thomas Abel and Katherine L. Frohlich
- The politics of place(ment): Problematising the provision of hepatitis C treatment within opiate substitution clinics pp. 245-253

- Jake Rance, Jamee Newland, Max Hopwood and Carla Treloar
- How does the business cycle affect eating habits? pp. 254-262

- Dhaval Dave and Inas Kelly
- Medical innovation and age-specific trends in health care utilization: Findings and implications pp. 263-272

- Albert Wong, Bram Wouterse, Laurentius C.J. Slobbe, Hendriek C. Boshuizen and Johan J. Polder
2012, volume 74, articles 1
- Globalisation and health inequalities: Can a human rights paradigm create space for civil society action? pp. 6-13

- Leslie London and Helen Schneider
- Re-interpreting the citizen consumer: Alternative consumer activism and the rights to health and development pp. 14-19

- Su-ming Khoo
- Cross-border mobility of health professionals: Contesting patients’ right to health pp. 20-27

- Evgeniya Vadimovna Plotnikova
- Mind the gap: Access to ARV medication, rights and the politics of scale in South Africa pp. 28-35

- Peris Sean Jones
- The provision of accessible, acceptable health care in rural remote areas and the right to health: Bedouin in the North East region of Jordan pp. 36-43

- Gillian Lewando Hundt, Salah Alzaroo, Fadia Hasna and Mohammed Alsmeiran
- Rights-based approaches to addressing food poverty and food insecurity in Ireland and UK pp. 44-51

- Elizabeth A. Dowler and O’Connor, Deirdre
- Public opinion and support for government AIDS policies in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 52-57

- Jeremy Youde
- Long-run effects of fetal influenza exposure: Evidence from Switzerland pp. 58-66

- Sven Neelsen and Thomas Stratmann
- How does the social environment ‘get into the mind’? Epigenetics at the intersection of social and psychiatric epidemiology pp. 67-74

- Satoshi Toyokawa, Monica Uddin, Karestan C. Koenen and Sandro Galea
- History of socioeconomic disadvantage and allostatic load in later life pp. 75-83

- Tara L. Gruenewald, Arun S. Karlamangla, Perry Hu, Sharon Stein-Merkin, Carolyn Crandall, Brandon Koretz and Teresa E. Seeman
- Relative income inequality and selected health outcomes in urban Chinese youth pp. 84-91

- Ping Sun, Jennifer B. Unger, Paula Palmer, Huiyan Ma, Bin Xie, Steve Sussman and C. Anderson Johnson
- Willingness to use ADHD treatments: A mixed methods study of perceptions by adolescents, parents, health professionals and teachers pp. 92-100

- Regina Bussing, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Kenji Noguchi, Dana Mason, Gillian Mayerson and Cynthia W. Garvan
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1987, volume 24
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1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46