Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2000, volume 50, articles 12
- Chronic illicit drug use, health services utilization and the cost of medical care pp. 1703-1713

- Michael T. French, Kerry Anne McGeary, Dale D. Chitwood and Clyde B. McCoy
- Scaling back goals and recalibration of the affect system are processes in normal adaptive self-regulation: understanding 'response shift' phenomena pp. 1715-1722

- Charles S. Carver and Michael F. Scheier
- Participatory diagramming as a means to improve communication about sex in rural Zimbabwe: a pilot study pp. 1723-1741

- Mike Kesby
- Is travel distance a barrier to veterans' use of VA hospitals for medical surgical care? pp. 1743-1755

- Cathleen Mooney, Jack Zwanziger, Ciaran S. Phibbs and Susan Schmitt
- Precursors of lethal violence: a death row sample pp. 1757-1770

- David Freedman and David Hemenway
- Children and medicines: self-treatment of common illnesses among Luo schoolchildren in western Kenya pp. 1771-1783

- P. W. Geissler, K. Nokes, R. J. Prince, R. Achieng' Odhiambo, J. Aagaard-Hansen and J. H. Ouma
- Deviant insiders: medical acupuncturists in New Zealand pp. 1785-1795

- Kevin Dew
- The socio-economic determinants of maternal health care utilization in Turkey pp. 1797-1806

- Yusuf Celik and David R. Hotchkiss
- Women's health in relation with their family and work roles: France in the early 1990s pp. 1807-1825

- Myriam Khlat, Catherine Sermet and Annick Le Pape
- Parenthood, gender and sickness absence pp. 1827-1842

- Arne Mastekaasa
- Interpretative repertoires of medication among the oldest-old pp. 1843-1850

- Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, Antti Hervonen and Marja Jylhä
- Technology, selfhood and physical disability pp. 1851-1862

- Deborah Lupton and Wendy Seymour
- The power of place: space and time in women's and community health centres in South Australia pp. 1863-1875

- Megan Warin, Frances Baum, Elizabeth Kalucy, Charlie Murray and Bronwyn Veale
2000, volume 50, articles 11
- Editorial: HIV/AIDS social and behavioural research: past advances and thoughts about the future pp. 1519-1532

- Jean-Paul Moatti and Yves Souteyrand
- Research on HIV sexual risk: Social relations-based approach in a cross-cultural perspective pp. 1533-1546

- Nathalie Bajos and Jacques Marquet
- Revisiting the concept of 'vulnerability' pp. 1557-1570

- François Delor and Michel Hubert
- HIV-positive people, risk and sexual behaviour pp. 1571-1588

- M. A. Schiltz and Th. G. M. Sandfort
- Everyday life with AIDS/HIV: surveys in the social sciences pp. 1589-1598

- Janine Pierret
- The normalization of AIDS in Western European countries pp. 1607-1629

- Rolf Rosenbrock, Francoise Dubois-Arber, Martin Moers, Patrice Pinell, Doris Schaeffer and Michel Setbon
- Making sense of everyday pain pp. 1631-1641

- Sarah Aldrich and Chris Eccleston
- Attitudes towards organ donation in Hong Kong pp. 1643-1654

- Iris Yeung, S. H. Kong and Janet Lee
- Measurement of community beliefs about colorectal cancer pp. 1655-1663

- Warren R. Stanton, Kevin P. Balanda, Amaya M. Gillespie, John B. Lowe and Peter D. Baade
- Gender comparisons of income expectations in the USA at the beginning of medical school during the past 28 years pp. 1665-1672

- Mohammadreza Hojat, Joseph S. Gonnella, James B. Erdmann, Susan L. Rattner, J. Jon Veloski, Karen Glaser and Gang Xu
- Marginal impact of psychosocial factors on multimorbidity: results of an explorative nested case-control study pp. 1679-1693

- Marjan van den Akker, Frank Buntinx, Job F. M. Metsemakers and J. André Knottnerus
2000, volume 50, articles 10
- Fertility, mortality and gender bias among tribal population: an Indian perspective pp. 1333-1351

- Arup Maharatna
- Gender and the stigma of onchocercal skin disease in Africa pp. 1353-1368

- Carol Vlassoff, Mitchell Weiss, E. B. L. Ovuga, Christine Eneanya, P. Titi Nwel, S. Sunday Babalola, A. K. Awedoba, Biri Theophilus, Patience Cofie and Pegah Shetabi
- Sexually transmitted diseases in Morocco: gender influences on prevention and health care seeking behavior pp. 1369-1383

- Lisa E. Manhart, Abdessamad Dialmy, Caroline A. Ryan and Jaouad Mahjour
- Constructions of masculinity and their influence on men's well-being: a theory of gender and health pp. 1385-1401

- Will H. Courtenay
- Workforce diversity: implications for the effectiveness of health care delivery teams pp. 1403-1414

- Janice L. Dreachslin, Portia L. Hunt and Elaine Sprainer
- Work stress among six professional groups: the Singapore experience pp. 1415-1432

- Kwok Bun Chan, Gina Lai, Yiu Chung Ko and Kam Weng Boey
- Professional commitment among US physician executives in managed care pp. 1433-1444

- Timothy J. Hoff
- Family self-medication and antibiotics abuse for children and juveniles in a Chinese city pp. 1445-1450

- Peng Bi, Shilu Tong and Kevin A. Parton
- Community-perceived benefits of ivermectin treatment in Northeastern Nigeria pp. 1451-1456

- O. B. Akogun, M. K. Akogun and Z. Audu
- Low-income mothers' views on breastfeeding pp. 1457-1473

- Nurit Guttman and Deena R. Zimmerman
- The experience of chronic illness and post-traumatic stress disorder: the consequences of cumulative adversity pp. 1475-1484

- Angelo A. Alonzo
- The many meanings of deinsuring a health service: the case of in vitro fertilization in Ontario pp. 1485-1500

- M. Giacomini, J. Hurley and G. Stoddart
- Addicts' narratives of recovery from drug use: constructing a non-addict identity pp. 1501-1510

- James McIntosh and Neil McKeganey
2000, volume 50, articles 9
- More than just "interesting!": Anthropology, health and human rights pp. 1171-1175

- H. K. Heggenhougen
- Physical access to primary health care in Andean Bolivia pp. 1177-1188

- Baker Perry and Wil Gesler
- The influence of maternal intergenerational education on health behaviors of women in peri-urban Bolivia pp. 1189-1196

- Deborah E. Bender and Margaret F. McCann
- Distance and health care utilization among the rural elderly pp. 1197-1208

- Gregory Nemet and Adrian J. Bailey
- Socioeconomic status and infant mortality in Australia: a national study of small urban areas, 1985-89 pp. 1209-1225

- Gavin Turrell and Kerrie Mengersen
- Women's perceptions of caesarean section: reflections from a Turkish teaching hospital pp. 1227-1233

- Mehtap Tatar, Serdar Günalp, Sinem Somunoglu and Aygül Demirol
- Career preferences and the work-family balance in medicine: gender differences among medical specialists pp. 1235-1246

- Phil J. M. Heiligers and L. Hingstman
- Interpretation of nonvocal behavior and the meaning of voicelessness in critical care pp. 1247-1255

- Mary Beth Happ
- Reinventing fatherhood in Japan and Canada pp. 1257-1272

- Susanne Steinberg, Laurence Kruckman and Stephanie Steinberg
- AIDS, risk and social governance pp. 1273-1284

- Tim Brown
- Life course accumulation of disadvantage: childhood health and hazard exposure during adulthood pp. 1285-1295

- P. Holland, L. Berney, D. Blane, G. Davey Smith, D. J. Gunnell and S. M. Montgomery
- Racial differences in Norplant use in the United States pp. 1297-1308

- Jennifer Malat
- Treatment seeking for malaria in Morong, Bataan, The Philippines pp. 1309-1316

- Fe Espino and Lenore Manderson
- Job strain, effort-reward imbalance and employee well-being: a large-scale cross-sectional study pp. 1317-1327

- Jan de Jonge, Hans Bosma, Richard Peter and Johannes Siegrist
2000, volume 50, articles 7-8
- Geographic research at the end of the century: papers from the Eighth International Symposium on Medical Geography pp. 911-913

- Robert Earickson
- Finke's 1792 map of human diseases: the first world disease map? pp. 915-921

- Frank A. Barrett
- Our sense of Snow: the myth of John Snow in medical geography pp. 923-935

- Kari S. McLeod
- Geography, ecology and emerging infectious diseases pp. 937-952

- Jonathan D. Mayer
- Ecological and cultural barriers to treatment of childhood diarrhea in riverine areas of Ondo State, Nigeria pp. 953-964

- B. Folasade Iyun and E. Adewale Oke
- Health and disease in southern Africa: a comparative and vulnerability perspective pp. 965-983

- Ezekiel Kalipeni
- Using survival analysis to study spatial point patterns in geographical epidemiology pp. 985-1000

- Steven Reader
- Approaches to sampling and case selection in qualitative research: examples in the geography of health pp. 1001-1014

- Sarah Curtis, Wil Gesler, Glenn Smith and Sarah Washburn
- Regional assessment of elderly disability in the U.S pp. 1015-1024

- Ge Lin
- Ageing in Portugal: regional iniquities in health and health care pp. 1025-1036

- Paula Santana
- Long-term care restructuring in rural Ontario: retrieving community service user and provider narratives pp. 1037-1045

- Denise Cloutier-Fisher and Alun E. Joseph
- Widening inequality in mortality between 160 regions of 15 European countries in the early 1990s pp. 1047-1058

- Mary Shaw, Scott Orford, Nicola Brimblecombe and Daniel Dorling
- Death and deprivation: an exploratory analysis of deaths in the Health and Lifestyle survey pp. 1059-1079

- Kelvyn Jones, Myles I. Gould and Craig Duncan
- Problems of providing health care in British island communities pp. 1081-1090

- Myles I. Gould and Graham Moon
- Etiology of limited transmission diseases among drug users: does recent migration magnify the risk of sharing injection equipment? pp. 1091-1097

- David M. Paschane and Dennis G. Fisher
- The geography of survival after surgery for colo-rectal cancer in southern England pp. 1099-1107

- Yo-Eun Kim, Anthony C. Gatrell and Brian J. Francis
- Predicting small-area health-related behaviour: a comparison of smoking and drinking indicators pp. 1109-1120

- Liz Twigg, Graham Moon and Kelvyn Jones
- Modelling exposure opportunities: estimating relative risk for motor neurone disease in Finland pp. 1121-1137

- Clive E. Sabel, Anthony C. Gatrell, Markku Löytönen, Paula Maasilta and Matti Jokelainen
- Environmental risk perception and well-being: effects of the landfill siting process in two southern Ontario communities pp. 1139-1154

- Sarah Wakefield and Susan J. Elliott
- A longitudinal study of the health impacts of a petroleum refinery pp. 1155-1166

- Isaac N. Luginaah, S. Martin Taylor, Susan J. Elliott and John D. Eyles
2000, volume 50, articles 6
- The illusion of paradox: commentary on Albrecht, G.L. and Devlieger, P.J. (1998). The disability paradox: high quality of life against all odds. Social Science & Medicine 48, 977-988 pp. 757-759

- Tom Koch
- Disability assumptions, concepts and theory: reply to Tom Koch pp. 761-762

- Gary L. Albrecht and Patrick J. Devlieger
- Trends in and determinants of mortality in the elderly population of Matlab, Bangladesh pp. 763-771

- Golam Mostafa and Jeroen K. van Ginneken
- Economic development and women's blood pressure: field evidence from rural Mashonaland, Zimbabwe pp. 773-795

- John M. Hunter, Barbara T. Sparks, Jacob Mufunda, Cephas T. Musabayane, Harvey V. Sparks and Kassam Mahomed
- Thinking differently about thinking positive: a discursive approach to cancer patients' talk pp. 797-811

- Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger
- The effect of patient race and socio-economic status on physicians' perceptions of patients pp. 813-828

- Michelle van Ryn and Jane Burke
- Doctor-patient communication about drugs: the evidence for shared decision making pp. 829-840

- Fiona A. Stevenson, Christine A. Barry, Nicky Britten, Nick Barber and Colin P. Bradley
- Family planning KAP survey in Gaza pp. 841-849

- Serena Donati, Rawia Hamam and Emanuela Medda
- A council of elders: creating a multi-voiced dialogue in a community of care pp. 851-860

- Arlene M. Katz, Loring Conant, Thomas S. Inui, David Baron and David Bor
- Migration and geographical inequalities in health in Britain pp. 861-878

- Nic Brimblecombe, Danny Dorling and Mary Shaw
- A village treatment center for malaria: community response in Sri Lanka pp. 879-889

- Flemming Konradsen, Priyanie H. Amerasinghe, Devika Perera, Wim Van der Hoek and Felix P. Amerasinghe
- Social factors influencing the acquisition of antibiotics without prescription in Kerala State, south India pp. 891-903

- Rema Devi Saradamma, Nick Higginbotham and Mark Nichter
2000, volume 50, articles 5
- Book reviews: expectations and parameters pp. 603-604

- Gerard F. Pyle
- Illness narratives: time, hope and HIV pp. 605-617

- Douglas Ezzy
- Social capital, SES and health: an individual-level analysis pp. 619-629

- Gerry Veenstra
- Well being, work environment and work accidents pp. 631-639

- Alan Kirschenbaum, Ludmilla Oigenblick and Albert I. Goldberg
- Social class differences in mortality using the new UK National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification pp. 641-649

- Tarani Chandola
- Menorrhagia in general practice -- disease or illness pp. 651-661

- Norma O'Flynn and Nicky Britten
- Income-related health inequality in Canada pp. 663-671

- Karin H. Humphries and Eddy Van Doorslaer
- A multilevel analysis of income inequality and cardiovascular disease risk factors pp. 673-687

- Ana V. Diez-Roux, Bruce G. Link and Mary E. Northridge
- Between fear and relief: how rural pregnant women experience foetal ultrasound in a Botswana district hospital pp. 689-701

- Siegrid Tautz, Albrecht Jahn, Imelda Molokomme and Regina Görgen
- Injections and the fear of death: an essay on the limits of biomedicine among the Dagomba of northern Ghana pp. 703-713

- Bernhard Bierlich
- Factor and subscale structure of a parental health locus of control instrument (Parental Health Beliefs Scales) for use in a mainland United States Puerto Rican community pp. 715-721

- Lee M. Pachter, Joseph Sheehan and Michelle M. Cloutier
- The sexual behavior of married Mexican immigrant men in North Carolina pp. 723-735

- Claire I. Viadro and Jo Anne L. Earp
- Highway cowboys, old hands, and Christian truckers: risk behavior for human immunodeficiency virus infection among long-haul truckers in Florida pp. 737-749

- Dale Stratford, Tedd V. Ellerbrock, J. Keith Akins and Heather L. Hall
2000, volume 50, articles 4
- The intersections of HIV and violence: directions for future research and interventions pp. 459-478

- Suzanne Maman, Jacquelyn Campbell, Michael D. Sweat and Andrea C. Gielen
- Selling sex in the time of AIDS: the psycho-social context of condom use by sex workers on a Southern African mine pp. 479-494

- Catherine Campbell
- The production of health and the valuation of medical inputs in wage-amenity models pp. 507-515

- Edward J. Schumacher and John Whitehead
- Over the limit: the association among health, race and debt pp. 517-529

- Patricia Drentea and Paul J. Lavrakas
- Gender, family structure and cardiovascular activity during the working day and evening pp. 531-539

- Andrew Steptoe, Karen Lundwall and Mark Cropley
- Cadaveric donotransplantation: nurses' attitudes, knowledge and behaviour pp. 541-552

- Magi Sque, Sheila Payne and Ioannis Vlachonikolis
- The Medical Interaction Process System (MIPS): an instrument for analysing interviews of oncologists and patients with cancer pp. 553-566

- Sarah Ford, Angela Hall, Denise Ratcliffe and Lesley Fallowfield
- Continuity and change in women's weight orientations and lifestyle practices through pregnancy and the postpartum period: the influence of life course trajectories and transitional events pp. 567-582

- Carol M. Devine, Caron F. Bove and Christine M. Olson
- Sense of coherence and health: evidence from two cross-lagged longitudinal samples pp. 583-597

- Mika Kivimäki, Taru Feldt, Jussi Vahtera and Jari-Erik Nurmi
2000, volume 50, articles 3
- Task and socioemotional behaviors of physicians: a test of reciprocity and social interaction theories in analogue physician-patient encounters pp. 309-315

- Carlos A. Roberts and Mara S. Aruguete
- The wineglass model: tracking the locational histories of health professionals pp. 317-329

- Leonard D. Baer, Wilbert M. Gesler and Thomas R. Konrad
- Perceptions of injury causes and solutions in a Johannesburg township: implications for prevention pp. 331-344

- Alexander Butchart, Johan Kruger and Royal Lekoba
- A description of child illness and treatment behavior in Guatemala pp. 345-364

- Patrick Heuveline and Noreen Goldman
- Gender, ethnicity and self-reported health: the case of African-Caribbean populations in London pp. 365-385

- Sarah Curtis and Kim Lawson
- Doing health, doing gender: teenagers, diabetes and asthma pp. 387-396

- Clare Williams
- Researching limiting long-term illness pp. 397-405

- Kelvin Jordan, Bie Nio Ong and Peter Croft
- The "supply hypothesis" and medical practice variation in primary care: testing economic and clinical models of inter-practitioner variation pp. 407-418

- Peter Davis, Barry Gribben, Alastair Scott and Roy Lay-Yee
- The influence of weather on human mortality in Hong Kong pp. 419-427

- Yuk Yee Yan
- "It's just part of being a woman": cervical screening, the body and femininity pp. 429-444

- Judith Bush
2000, volume 50, articles 2
- The role of the World Bank in international health: renewed commitment and partnership pp. 169-176

- Joy A. de Beyer, Alexander S. Preker and Richard G. A. Feachem
- Variations in geographical distribution of foreign and domestically trained physicians in the United States: 'safety nets' or 'surplus exacerbation'? pp. 185-202

- Stephen S. Mick, Shoou-Yih D. Lee and Walter P. Wodchis
- Factors influencing choice of delivery sites in Rakai district of Uganda pp. 203-213

- B. Amooti-Kaguna and F. Nuwaha
- Social networks, ideation, and contraceptive behavior in Bangladesh: a longitudinal analysis pp. 215-231

- D. Lawrence Kincaid
- 'The last resort would be to go to the GP'. Understanding the perceptions and use of general practitioner services among people with HIV/AIDS pp. 233-245

- Roland Petchey, Bill Farnsworth and Jacky Williams
- Tuberculosis in Pakistan: socio-cultural constraints and opportunities in treatment pp. 247-254

- Amir Khan, John Walley, James Newell and Naghma Imdad
- Social policies and the pathways to inequalities in health: a comparative analysis of lone mothers in Britain and Sweden pp. 255-270

- Margaret Whitehead, Bo Burström and Finn Diderichsen
- Couples' patterns of adjustment to colon cancer pp. 271-284

- Laurel L. Northouse, Darlene Mood, Thomas Templin, Suzanne Mellon and Tamara George
- 'In the safety of your own home': results from a national survey on gun use at home pp. 285-291

- Deborah Azrael and David Hemenway
- Three lay mental models of disease inheritance pp. 293-301

- Bethan J. Henderson and Bryan T. Maguire
2000, volume 50, articles 1
- Health services accessibility among Spanish elderly pp. 17-26

- Gloria Fernández-Mayoralas, Vicente Rodríguez and Fermina Rojo
- Locality and habitus: the origins of sickness absence practices pp. 27-39

- Pekka Virtanen, Risto Nakari, Hanna Ahonen, Jussi Vahtera and Jaana Pentti
- Social impacts of technological diffusion: prenatal diagnosis and induced abortion in Brazil pp. 41-51

- Hillegonda Maria Dutilh Novaes
- Rethinking patient satisfaction: patient experiences of an open access flexible sigmoidoscopy service pp. 53-62

- Audrey Dougall, Andrew Russell, Greg Rubin and Jane Ling
- Using discrete choice modelling in priority setting: an application to clinical service developments pp. 63-75

- Shelley Farrar, Mandy Ryan, Donald Ross and Anne Ludbrook
- Hospital credentialing and quality of care pp. 77-88

- Frank A Sloan, Christopher J Conover and Dawn Provenzale
- "Jesus will fix it after awhile": meanings and health pp. 89-105

- Mary Abrums
- Wellness activities address inequities pp. 107-121

- Roy Dobson and Rein Lepnurm
- Traditional medicine, professional monopoly and structural interests: a Korean case pp. 123-135

- Hyo-Je Cho
- "Requested death": a new social movement pp. 137-154

- Fran McInerney
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1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
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1989, volume 29
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1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
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1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46