Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2011, volume 73, articles 12
- Organizational justice at school and its associations with pupils’ psychosocial school environment, health, and wellbeing pp. 1675-1682

- Marko Elovainio, Minna Pietikäinen, Pauliina Luopa, Mika Kivimäki, Jane E. Ferrie, Jukka Jokela, Sakari Suominen, Jussi Vahtera and Marianna Virtanen
- Distinct impact of education and income on habitual exercise: A cross-sectional analysis in a rural city in Japan pp. 1683-1688

- Keiko Murakami, Hideki Hashimoto, Jung Su Lee, Kiyoshi Kawakubo, Katsumi Mori and Akira Akabayashi
- The contextual effects of social capital on health: A cross-national instrumental variable analysis pp. 1689-1697

- Daniel Kim, Christopher Baum, Michael L. Ganz, S.V. Subramanian and Ichiro Kawachi
- Residential mobility within England and urban–rural inequalities in mortality pp. 1698-1706

- Mylène Riva, Sarah Curtis and Paul Norman
- Association between neighborhood walkability, cardiorespiratory fitness and body-mass index pp. 1707-1716

- Christine M. Hoehner, Susan L. Handy, Yan Yan, Steven N. Blair and David Berrigan
- The social context of food insecurity among persons living with HIV/AIDS in rural Uganda pp. 1717-1724

- Alexander C. Tsai, David R. Bangsberg, Nneka Emenyonu, Jude K. Senkungu, Jeffrey N. Martin and Sheri D. Weiser
- Beyond debt. A moderator analysis of the relationship between perceived financial strain and mental health pp. 1725-1732

- Eva Selenko and Bernad Batinic
- The impact of causal attributions on diagnosis and successful referral of depressed patients in primary care pp. 1733-1740

- Th. Michael van den Boogaard, P.F.M. Verhaak, Richard van Dyck and Philip Spinhoven
- "The Most Important Test You’ll Ever Take"?: Attitudes toward confidential carrier matching and open individual testing among modern-religious Jews in Israel pp. 1741-1747

- Ayala Frumkin, Aviad E. Raz, Morasha Plesser-Duvdevani and Sari Lieberman
- Circus monkeys or change agents? Civil society advocacy for HIV/AIDS in adverse policy environments pp. 1748-1755

- Neil Spicer, Andrew Harmer, Julia Aleshkina, Daryna Bogdan, Ketevan Chkhatarashvili, Gulgun Murzalieva, Natia Rukhadze, Arnol Samiev and Gill Walt
- Is blood thicker than water? Peer effects in stent utilization among Floridian cardiologists pp. 1756-1765

- Marco D. Huesch
- Measuring the outcomes of long-term care pp. 1766-1774

- Julien E. Forder and James Caiels
- The ‘cultural inflation of morbidity’ during the English mortality decline: A new look pp. 1775-1783

- Martin Gorsky, Aravinda Guntupalli, Bernard Harris and Andrew Hinde
2011, volume 73, articles 11
- Rising premature mortality in the UK’s persistently deprived areas: Only a Scottish phenomenon? pp. 1575-1584

- Paul Norman, Paul Boyle, Daniel Exeter, Zhiqiang Feng and Frank Popham
- The ecology of unhealthy places: Violence, birthweight, and the importance of territoriality in structurally disadvantaged communities pp. 1585-1592

- Robert J. Kane
- The psychological impact of chronic environmental adversity: Responding to prolonged drought pp. 1593-1599

- Helen J. Stain, Brian Kelly, Vaughan J. Carr, Terry J. Lewin, Michael Fitzgerald and Lyn Fragar
- Risky health environments: Women sex workers’ struggles to find safe, secure and non-exploitative housing in Canada’s poorest postal code pp. 1600-1607

- L. Lazarus, J. Chettiar, K. Deering, R. Nabess and K. Shannon
- Social inequalities in ‘sickness’: European welfare states and non-employment among the chronically ill pp. 1608-1617

- Kjetil A. van der Wel, Espen Dahl and Karsten Thielen
- A life course perspective on migration and mental health among Asian immigrants: The role of human agency pp. 1618-1626

- Fang Gong, Jun Xu, Kaori Fujishiro and David T. Takeuchi
- Associations between unemployment and major depressive disorder: Evidence from an international, prospective study (the predict cohort) pp. 1627-1634

- Barbara J. Jefferis, Irwin Nazareth, Louise Marston, Berta Moreno-Kustner, Juan Ángel Bellón, Igor Svab, Danica Rotar, Mirjam I. Geerlings, Miguel Xavier, Manuel Goncalves-Pereira, Benjamin Vicente, Sandra Saldivia, Anu Aluoja, Ruth Kalda and Michael King
- The influence of indigenous status and community indigenous composition on obesity and diabetes among Mexican adults pp. 1635-1643

- Pamela Stoddard, Margaret A. Handley, Arturo Vargas Bustamante and Dean Schillinger
- Quality and quantity: The role of social interactions in self-reported individual health pp. 1644-1652

- Damiano Fiorillo and Fabio Sabatini
- Maternal social capital and birth outcomes in the mother–child cohort in Crete, Greece (Rhea study) pp. 1653-1660

- George Kritsotakis, Maria Vassilaki, Leda Chatzi, Vaggelis Georgiou, Anastassios E. Philalithis, Manolis Kogevinas and Antonis Koutis
- Choreographies of sperm donations: Dilemmas of intimacy in lesbian couple donor conception pp. 1661-1668

- Petra Nordqvist
- “Cutting” on cancer: Attitudes about cancer spread and surgery among primary care patients in the USA pp. 1669-1673

- Aimee James, Christine M. Daley and K.A. Greiner
2011, volume 73, articles 10
- Is unimpeded marketing for breast milk substitutes responsible for the decline in breastfeeding in the Philippines? An exploratory survey and focus group analysis pp. 1445-1448

- Howard L. Sobel, Alessandro Iellamo, René R. Raya, Alexander A. Padilla, Jean-Marc Olivé and Soe Nyunt-U
- Why is UK medicine no longer a self-regulating profession? The role of scandals involving “bad apple” doctors pp. 1452-1459

- Mary Dixon-Woods, Karen Yeung and Charles L. Bosk
- Deliberating Tarceva: A case study of how British NHS managers decide whether to purchase a high-cost drug in the shadow of NICE guidance pp. 1460-1468

- David Hughes and Shane Doheny
- Anthropology, organ transplantation and the immune system: Resituating commodity and gift exchange pp. 1469-1476

- Ciara Kierans
- Access to health care, reproductive health and disability: A large scale survey in Sierra Leone pp. 1477-1489

- Jean-Francois Trani, Joyce Browne, Maria Kett, Osman Bah, Teddy Morlai, Nicki Bailey and Nora Groce
- Melting bones: The social construction of postmenopausal osteoporosis in Turkey pp. 1490-1497

- Maral Erol
- Relying on nature’s pharmacy in rural Burkina Faso: Empirical evidence of the determinants of traditional medicine consumption pp. 1498-1507

- Mariève Pouliot
- Time-bound opportunity costs of informal care: Consequences for access to professional care, caregiver support, and labour supply estimates pp. 1508-1516

- Wolter H.J. Hassink and Bernard van den Berg
- Allocation of household responsibilities influences change in dietary behavior pp. 1517-1524

- Candace C. Nelson, Amy Sapp, Lisa F. Berkman, Yi Li and Glorian Sorensen
- Aging in neighborhoods differing in walkability and income: Associations with physical activity and obesity in older adults pp. 1525-1533

- Abby C. King, James F. Sallis, Lawrence D. Frank, Brian E. Saelens, Kelli Cain, Terry L. Conway, James E. Chapman, David K. Ahn and Jacqueline Kerr
- Household capacities, vulnerabilities and food insecurity: Shifts in food insecurity in urban and rural Ethiopia during the 2008 food crisis pp. 1534-1542

- Craig Hadley, Drew A. Linzer, Tefera Belachew, Abebe Gebre Mariam, Fasil Tessema and David Lindstrom
- Why socially deprived populations have a faster resting heart rate: Impact of behaviour, life course anthropometry, and biology – the RECORD Cohort Study pp. 1543-1550

- Basile Chaix, Xavier Jouven, Frédérique Thomas, Cinira Leal, Nathalie Billaudeau, Kathy Bean, Yan Kestens, Bertrand Jëgo, Bruno Pannier and Nicolas Danchin
- Immigration and the health of U.S. black adults: Does country of origin matter? pp. 1551-1560

- Tod G. Hamilton and Robert A. Hummer
- Income inequality, social capital and self-rated health and dental status in older Japanese pp. 1561-1568

- Jun Aida, Katsunori Kondo, Naoki Kondo, Richard G. Watt, Aubrey Sheiham and Georgios Tsakos
2011, volume 73, articles 9
- Consumers of eldercare in Sweden: The semblance of choice pp. 1285-1289

- Bettina Meinow, Marti G. Parker and Mats Thorslund
- Understanding high-risk behavior among non-dominant minorities: A social resistance framework pp. 1292-1301

- Roni Factor, Ichiro Kawachi and David R. Williams
- Neighborhood conditions are associated with maternal health behaviors and pregnancy outcomes pp. 1302-1311

- L.C. Vinikoor-Imler, L.C. Messer, K.R. Evenson and B.A. Laraia
- Race/ethnic differences in adult mortality: The role of perceived stress and health behaviors pp. 1312-1322

- Patrick M. Krueger, Jarron M. Saint Onge and Virginia W. Chang
- Parenthood and trajectories of change in body weight over the life course pp. 1323-1331

- Debra Umberson, Hui Liu, John Mirowsky and Corinne Reczek
- Does the sale of sweetened beverages at school affect children’s weight? pp. 1332-1339

- Solveig A. Cunningham and Madeline Zavodny
- Distal and variably proximal causes: Education, obesity, and health pp. 1340-1348

- Markus H. Schafer and Kenneth F. Ferraro
- How do obese individuals perceive and respond to the different types of obesity stigma that they encounter in their daily lives? A qualitative study pp. 1349-1356

- Sophie Lewis, Samantha L. Thomas, R. Warwick Blood, David J. Castle, Jim Hyde and Paul A. Komesaroff
- Resistance and vulnerability to stigmatization in abortion work pp. 1357-1364

- O’Donnell, Jenny, Tracy A. Weitz and Lori R. Freedman
- How does network structure affect partnerships for promoting physical activity? Evidence from Brazil and Colombia pp. 1365-1370

- Diana C. Parra, Marsela Dauti, Jenine K. Harris, Lissette Reyes, Deborah C. Malta, Ross C. Brownson, Mario A. Quintero and Michael Pratt
- Dying cases in emergency places: Caring for the dying in emergency departments pp. 1371-1377

- Cara J. Bailey, Roger Murphy and Davina Porock
- Where do human organs come from? Trends of generalized and restricted altruism in organ donations pp. 1378-1385

- Hagai Boas
- Life of a partnership: The process of collaboration between the National Tuberculosis Program and the hospitals in Yogyakarta, Indonesia pp. 1386-1394

- Ari Probandari, Adi Utarini, Lars Lindholm and Anna-Karin Hurtig
- The effect of national suicide prevention programs on suicide rates in 21 OECD nations pp. 1395-1400

- Tetsuya Matsubayashi and Michiko Ueda
- The impact of fiscal decentralization on infant mortality rates: Evidence from OECD countries pp. 1401-1407

- Dolores Jiménez-Rubio
- The effect of change in mental disorder status on change in spousal mental health: The HUNT study pp. 1408-1415

- Mariann Idstad, Espen Røysamb and Kristian Tambs
- Do general practitioners overestimate the health of their patients with lower education? pp. 1416-1421

- Michelle Kelly-Irving, Cyrille Delpierre, Anne-Cécile Schieber, Benoit Lepage, Christine Rolland, Anissa Afrité, Jean Pascal, Chantal Cases, Pierre Lombrail and Thierry Lang
- The very high sex ratio in rural China: Impact on the psychosocial wellbeing of unmarried men pp. 1422-1427

- Xu Dong Zhou, Xiao Lei Wang, Lu Li and Therese Hesketh
- Gender, social engagement, and limitations in late life pp. 1428-1435

- Patricia A. Thomas
- Sources of somatization: Exploring the roles of insecurity in relationships and styles of anger experience and expression pp. 1436-1443

- Liang Liu, Shiri Cohen, Marc S. Schulz and Robert J. Waldinger
2011, volume 73, articles 8
- Using matched areas to explore international differences in population health pp. 1113-1122

- Richard Mitchell, Claire Dujardin, Frank Popham, Maria-Isabel Farfan Portet, Isabelle Thomas and Vincent Lorant
- Does country influence the health burden of informal care? An international comparison between Belgium and Great Britain pp. 1123-1132

- Claire Dujardin, Maria-Isabel Farfan-Portet, Richard Mitchell, Frank Popham, Isabelle Thomas and Vincent Lorant
- The role of daily mobility in mental health inequalities: The interactive influence of activity space and neighbourhood of residence on depression pp. 1133-1144

- Julie Vallée, Emmanuelle Cadot, Christelle Roustit, Isabelle Parizot and Pierre Chauvin
- Place effects for areas defined by administrative boundaries: A life course analysis of mortality and cause specific morbidity in Scania, Sweden pp. 1145-1151

- Henrik Ohlsson and Juan Merlo
- Mismatched racial identities, colourism, and health in Toronto and Vancouver pp. 1152-1162

- Gerry Veenstra
- Racial and ethnic disparities in hospital care resulting from air pollution in excess of federal standards pp. 1163-1168

- Andrew D. Hackbarth, John Romley and Dana Goldman
- The role of migration in the development of depressive symptoms among Latino immigrant parents in the USA pp. 1169-1177

- India J. Ornelas and Krista M. Perreira
- Lifetime income patterns and alcohol consumption: Investigating the association between long- and short-term income trajectories and drinking pp. 1178-1185

- Magdalena Cerdá, Vicki D. Johnson-Lawrence and Sandro Galea
- Estimates of peer effects in adolescent smoking across twenty six European Countries pp. 1186-1193

- Duncan McVicar
- Instrumental variable estimation of the effect of prayer on depression pp. 1194-1199

- Kevin Denny
- Techno-politics of genomic nationalism: Tracing genomics and its use in drug regulation in Japan and Taiwan pp. 1200-1207

- Wen-Hua Kuo
- Colleague interactions and new drug prescribing behavior: The case of the initial prescription of antidepressants in Taiwanese medical centers pp. 1208-1213

- Shu-Jou Lin, Kuan-An Jan and Jen-Tse Kao
- A multilevel intervention for HIV-affected families in China: Together for Empowerment Activities (TEA) pp. 1214-1221

- Li Li, Guoping Ji, Li-Jung Liang, Yingying Ding, Junru Tian and Yongkang Xiao
- “Everything that I thought that they would be, they weren’t:” Family systems as support and impediment to recovery pp. 1222-1229

- Elizabeth Sara EnglandKennedy and Sarah Horton
- “But Then I Learned…”: Weight loss surgery patients negotiate surgery discourses pp. 1230-1237

- Patricia Drew
- Uncertainty in medicine: Meanings of menopause and hormone replacement therapy in medical textbooks pp. 1238-1245

- Patricia Niland and Antonia C. Lyons
- Influence of Valentine’s Day and Halloween on Birth Timing pp. 1246-1248

- Becca R. Levy, Pil H. Chung and Martin D. Slade
- Where do pharmaceuticals on the market originate? An analysis of the informal drug supply in Cotonou, Benin pp. 1249-1256

- Carine Baxerres and Jean-Yves Le Hesran
- Comparing HIV-related symbolic stigma in six African countries: Social representations in young people’s narratives pp. 1257-1265

- Kate Winskell, Elizabeth Hill and Oby Obyerodhyambo
- Maternal health and knowledge and infant health outcomes in the Ariaal people of northern Kenya pp. 1266-1274

- Elizabeth M. Miller
- Dynamics of change in the practice of female genital cutting in Senegambia: Testing predictions of social convention theory pp. 1275-1283

- Bettina Shell-Duncan, Katherine Wander, Ylva Hernlund and Amadou Moreau
2011, volume 73, articles 7
- Implementing ‘translational’ biomedical research: Convergence and divergence among clinical and basic scientists pp. 945-952

- Myfanwy Morgan, Christine A. Barry, Jenny L. Donovan, Jane Sandall, Charles D.A. Wolfe and Annette Boaz
- The interplay of structure and agency in health promotion: Integrating a concept of structural change and the policy dimension into a multi-level model and applying it to health promotion principles and practice pp. 953-959

- Alfred Rütten and Peter Gelius
- Effects of a health-social partnership transitional program on hospital readmission: A randomized controlled trial pp. 960-969

- Frances Kam-yuet Wong, May M. Ho, SikYing Yeung, Stanley K. Tam and Susan K. Chow
- Physician shortages in rural Vietnam: Using a labor market approach to inform policy pp. 970-977

- Marko Vujicic, Bakhuti Shengelia, Marco Alfano and Ha Bui Thu
- An extension in eligibility for free primary care and avoidable hospitalisations: A natural experiment pp. 978-985

- Anne Nolan
- Product development public–private partnerships for public health: A systematic review using qualitative data pp. 986-994

- Katia De Pinho Campos, Cameron D. Norman and Alejandro R. Jadad
- Living in the “land of no”? Consumer perceptions of healthy lifestyle portrayals in direct-to-consumer advertisements of prescription drugs pp. 995-1002

- Dominick L. Frosch, Suepattra G. May, Caroline Tietbohl and José A. Pagán
- Difficulties leaving home: A cross-sectional study of delays in seeking emergency obstetric care in Herat, Afghanistan pp. 1003-1013

- Atsumi Hirose, Matthias Borchert, Homa Niksear, Ahmad Shah Alkozai, Jonathan Cox, Julian Gardiner, Khadija Ruina Osmani and Véronique Filippi
- Newborn screening and maternal diagnosis: Rethinking family benefit pp. 1014-1018

- Mara Buchbinder and Stefan Timmermans
- Racial taxonomy in genomics pp. 1019-1027

- Catherine Bliss
- How surgeons design treatment recommendations in orthopaedic surgery pp. 1028-1036

- Pamela L. Hudak, Shannon J. Clark and Geoffrey Raymond
- “All Cubans are doctors!” news coverage of health and bioexceptionalism in Cuba pp. 1037-1044

- Charles L. Briggs
- Responding to racism: Insights on how racism can damage health from an urban study of Australian Aboriginal people pp. 1045-1053

- Anna M. Ziersch, Gilbert Gallaher, Fran Baum and Michael Bentley
- “Meet me at the hill where we used to park”: Interpersonal processes associated with victim recantation pp. 1054-1061

- Amy E. Bonomi, Rashmi Gangamma, Chris R. Locke, Heather Katafiasz and David Martin
- Dynamics of stigma in abortion work: Findings from a pilot study of the Providers Share Workshop pp. 1062-1070

- Lisa Hope Harris, Michelle Debbink, Lisa Martin and Jane Hassinger
- The effect of food insecurity on mental health: Panel evidence from rural Zambia pp. 1071-1079

- Steven M. Cole and Gelson Tembo
- Community resilience, quality childcare, and preschoolers’ mental health: A three-city comparison pp. 1080-1087

- Stefania Maggi, William Roberts, David MacLennan and D’Angiulli, Amedeo
- Childhood socio-economic status and the onset, persistence, and severity of DSM-IV mental disorders in a US national sample pp. 1088-1096

- Katie A. McLaughlin, Joshua Breslau, Jennifer Greif Green, Matthew D. Lakoma, Nancy A. Sampson, Alan M. Zaslavsky and Ronald C. Kessler
- Individual, study, and neighborhood level characteristics associated with peer recruitment of young illicit drug users in New York City: Optimizing respondent driven sampling pp. 1097-1104

- Abby E. Rudolph, Natalie D. Crawford, Carl Latkin, Kellee White, Ebele O. Benjamin, Kandice Jones and Crystal M. Fuller
- The global financial crisis and psychological health in a sample of Australian older adults: A longitudinal study pp. 1105-1112

- Kerry Sargent-Cox, Peter Butterworth and Kaarin J. Anstey
2011, volume 73, articles 6
- Towards a sociology of diagnosis: Reflections and opportunities pp. 793-800

- Annemarie Jutel and Sarah Nettleton
- Diagnosis and nosology in primary care pp. 801-807

- David Armstrong
- Risk, significance and biomedicalisation of a new population: Older women's experience of osteoporosis screening pp. 808-815

- Charlotte Ingrid Salter, Amanda Howe, Lisa McDaid, Jeanette Blacklock, Elizabeth Lenaghan and Lee Shepstone
- Regulating diagnosis in post-genomic medicine: Re-aligning clinical judgment? pp. 816-824

- Pascale Bourret, Peter Keating and Alberto Cambrosio
- 'Get with the Program!': Pharmaceutical marketing, symptom checklists and self-diagnosis pp. 825-832

- Mary Ebeling
- Listening to Lyrica: contested illnesses and pharmaceutical determinism pp. 833-842

- Kristin K. Barker
- Patchwork diagnoses: The production of coherence, uncertainty, and manageable bodies pp. 843-850

- John Gardner, Kevin Dew, Maria Stubbe, Tony Dowell and Lindsay Macdonald
- Making sure. A comparative micro-analysis of diagnostic instruments in medical practice pp. 851-857

- Cornelius Schubert
- Diagnosis, psychiatry and neurology: The case of Huntington Disease pp. 858-865

- Michael Halpin
- "Morphology is a witness which doesn't lie": Diagnosis by similarity relation and analogical inference in clinical forensic medicine pp. 866-872

- Gethin Rees
- Medical residents' use of narrative templates in storytelling and diagnosis pp. 873-881

- Nancy H.M. Davenport
- Biopolitical endpoints: Diagnosing a deserving British nuclear test veteran pp. 882-888

- Catherine Trundle
- A disorder of anger and aggression: Children's perspectives on attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the UK pp. 889-896

- Ilina Singh
- Cancer diagnosis as discursive capture: Phenomenological repercussions of being positioned within dominant constructions of cancer pp. 897-903

- Carla Willig
- Managing hope, denial or temporal anomie? Informal cancer carers' accounts of spouses' cancer diagnoses pp. 904-911

- Rebecca Eileen Olson
- Bad news and first impressions: Patient and family caregiver accounts of learning the cancer diagnosis pp. 912-921

- Karen Sue Schaepe
- Talking about colds and flu: The lay diagnosis of two common illnesses among older British people pp. 922-928

- Lindsay Prior, Meirion R. Evans and Hayley Prout
- Constructing illness: How the public in eight Western nations respond to a clinical description of "schizophrenia" pp. 929-938

- Sigrun Olafsdottir and Bernice A. Pescosolido
- From diagnosis to social diagnosis pp. 939-943

- Phil Brown, Mercedes Lyson and Tania Jenkins
2011, volume 73, articles 5
- The promise of human rights for global health: A programmed deception? A commentary on Schrecker, Chapman, Labonté and De Vogli (2010) "Advancing health equity in the global market place: How human rights can help" pp. 625-628

- David Reubi
- Health and human rights against the marketplace: A response to Reubi pp. 629-631

- Ted Schrecker, Audrey R. Chapman, Ronald Labonte and Roberto De Vogli
- Agency versus structure: Genetics, group membership, and a new twist on an old debate pp. 632-635

- Ronald J. Angel
- Horses for courses: The need for pragmatism and realism as well as balance and caution. A commentary on Angel pp. 636-638

- Nick Craddock
- Agency versus structure or nature versus nurture: When the new twist on an old debate is not that new after all: A commentary on Angel pp. 639-642

- Marianna Fotaki
- A response to the commentaries by Craddock and Fotaki pp. 643-644

- Ronald J. Angel
- What's at stake? Genetic information from the perspective of people with epilepsy and their family members pp. 645-654

- Sara Shostak, Dana Zarhin and Ruth Ottman
- Institutional policy learning and public consultation: The Canadian xenotransplantation experience pp. 655-662

- Mavis Jones and Edna Einsiedel
- The relationship between social networks and pathways to kidney transplant parity: Evidence from black Americans in Chicago pp. 663-667

- Teri Browne
- The problem of "significant risk": Exploring the public health impact of criminalizing HIV non-disclosure pp. 668-675

- Eric Mykhalovskiy
- The perils of polycentric governance of infectious disease in South Africa pp. 676-684

- Evan S. Lieberman
- Health and welfare effects of integrating AIDS treatment with food assistance in resource constrained settings: A systematic review of theory and evidence pp. 685-692

- Nyasha Tirivayi and Wim Groot
- Nothing can defeat combined hands (Abashize hamwe ntakibananira): Protective processes and resilience in Rwandan children and families affected by HIV/AIDS pp. 693-701

- Theresa Stichick Betancourt, Sarah Meyers-Ohki, Sara N. Stulac, Amy Elizabeth Barrera, Christina Mushashi and William R. Beardslee
- Out of the reach of children? Young people's health-seeking practices and agency in Africa's newly-emerging therapeutic landscapes pp. 702-710

- Kate R. Hampshire, Gina Porter, Samuel Asiedu Owusu, Augustine Tanle and Albert Abane
- Early life undernutrition and chronic diseases at older ages: The effects of the Dutch famine on cardiovascular diseases and diabetes pp. 711-718

- France Portrait, Erica Teeuwiszen and Dorly Deeg
- How physical activity shapes, and is shaped by, adolescent friendships pp. 719-728

- Kayla de la Haye, Garry Robins, Philip Mohr and Carlene Wilson
- Unfulfilled expectations and symptoms of depression among young adults pp. 729-736

- Krysia N. Mossakowski
- Moving to Opportunity: Does long-term exposure to 'low-poverty' neighborhoods make a difference for adolescents? pp. 737-743

- Tama Leventhal and Véronique Dupéré
- Migration and mortality trajectories: A study of individuals born in the rural community of Överkalix, Sweden pp. 744-751

- Petter Tinghög, John Carstensen, Gunnar Kaati, Sören Edvinsson, Michael Sjöström and Lars Olov Bygren
- Sociodemographic and geographic variability in smoking in the U.S.: A multilevel analysis of the 2006-2007 Current Population Survey, Tobacco Use Supplement pp. 752-758

- T. Chahine, S.V. Subramanian and J.I. Levy
- Religious social capital: Its measurement and utility in the study of the social determinants of health pp. 759-767

- Joanna Maselko, Cayce Hughes and Rose Cheney
- Indices of socioeconomic position across the life course as predictors of coronary calcification in black and white men and women: Coronary artery risk development in young adults study pp. 768-774

- Karen A. Matthews, Joseph E. Schwartz and Sheldon Cohen
- "He's more typically female because he's not afraid to cry": Connecting heterosexual gender relations and men's depression pp. 775-782

- John L. Oliffe, Mary T. Kelly, Joan L. Bottorff, Joy L. Johnson and Sabrina T. Wong
- Dyadic planning of health-behavior change after prostatectomy: A randomized-controlled planning intervention pp. 783-792

- Silke Burkert, Urte Scholz, Oliver Gralla, Jan Roigas and Nina Knoll
2011, volume 73, articles 4
- Health status and health care utilization following collective trauma: A 3-year national study of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States pp. 483-490

- E. Alison Holman and Roxane Cohen Silver
- Vulnerability to fat-stigma in women's everyday relationships pp. 491-497

- Alexandra A. Brewis, Daniel J. Hruschka and Amber Wutich
- Labeling of mental disorders and stigma in young people pp. 498-506

- Annemarie Wright, Anthony F. Jorm and Andrew J. Mackinnon
- Dichotomies of collectivism and individualism in bioethics: Selective abortion debates and issues of self-determination in Japan and 'the West' pp. 507-514

- Masae Kato and Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner
- Theorising the 'human subject' in biomedical research: International clinical trials and bioethics discourses in contemporary Sri Lanka pp. 515-521

- Salla Sariola and Bob Simpson
- Innovation and the English National Health Service: A qualitative study of the independent sector treatment centre programme pp. 522-529

- Simon Turner, Pauline Allen, Will Bartlett and Virginie Pérotin
- Prevention better than cure? Health consumer and patients' organisations and public health pp. 530-534

- Rob Baggott and Kathryn L. Jones
- Physician-leaders and hospital performance: Is there an association? pp. 535-539

- Amanda Goodall
- Bypassing health providers: The quest for better price and quality of health care in Chad pp. 540-549

- Bernard Gauthier and Waly Wane
- Dynamics of social health insurance development: Examining the determinants of Chinese basic health insurance coverage with panel data pp. 550-558

- Jun-Qiang Liu
- Does the financial protection of health insurance vary across providers? Vietnam's experience pp. 559-567

- Ardeshir Sepehri, Sisira Sarma and Umut Oguzoglu
- Mortality among the working age population receiving incapacity benefits in New Zealand, 1981-2004 pp. 568-575

- Caroline Shaw, Tony Blakely and Martin Tobias
- Trends in malnutrition among children in India: Growing inequalities across different economic groups pp. 576-585

- Praveen Kumar Pathak and Abhishek Singh
- The impact of Immigration and Customs Enforcement on immigrant health: Perceptions of immigrants in Everett, Massachusetts, USA pp. 586-594

- Karen Hacker, Jocelyn Chu, Carolyn Leung, Robert Marra, Alex Pirie, Mohamed Brahimi, Margaret English, Joshua Beckmann, Dolores Acevedo-Garcia and Robert P. Marlin
- Sex inequalities in physical and mental functioning of British, Finnish, and Japanese civil servants: Role of job demand, control and work hours pp. 595-603

- Michikazu Sekine, Takashi Tatsuse, Sadanobu Kagamimori, Tarani Chandola, Noriko Cable, Michael Marmot, Pekka Martikainen, Tea Lallukka, Ossi Rahkonen and Eero Lahelma
- Socioeconomic status and depression across Japan, Korea, and China: Exploring the impact of labor market structures pp. 604-614

- Junko Nishimura
- Sex, stressful life events, and adult onset depression and alcohol dependence: Are men and women equally vulnerable? pp. 615-622

- Natalie Slopen, David R. Williams, Garrett M. Fitzmaurice and Stephen E. Gilman
- Corrigendum to: "Socioeconomic influences at different life stages on health in Guangzhou, China." [Social Science & Medicine, 72 (2011), 1884-1892] pp. 623-623

- Timothy M. Elwell-Sutton, Chao Qiang Jiang, Wei Sen Zhang, Kar Keung Cheng, Tai Hing Lam, Gabriel M. Leung and C.M. Schooling
2011, volume 73, articles 3
- Has HIV/AIDS displaced other health funding priorities? Evidence from a new dataset of development aid for health pp. 351-355

- Grace Lordan, Kam Ki Tang and Fabrizio Carmignani
- Apparent displacement of global health funding priorities: Time for some difficult decisions? A commentary on Lordan, Tang and Carmignani pp. 356-358

- David Berlan and Daniel T. Halperin
- Moving towards universal health insurance in China: Performance, issues and lessons from Thailand pp. 359-366

- Cheng Li, Xuan Yu, James R.G. Butler, Vasoontara Yiengprugsawan and Min Yu
- From consent to institutions: Designing adaptive governance for genomic biobanks pp. 367-374

- Kieran C. O'Doherty, Michael M. Burgess, Kelly Edwards, Richard P. Gallagher, Alice K. Hawkins, Jane Kaye, Veronica McCaffrey and David E. Winickoff
- Diagnostic decision making: The last refuge for general practitioners? pp. 375-382

- Marjorie Cecilia Weiss
- Exercising choice: The economic determinants of physical activity behaviour of an employed population pp. 383-390

- Heather Brown and Jennifer Roberts
- Adolescents' expectations for the future predict health behaviors in early adulthood pp. 391-398

- Thomas W. McDade, Laura Chyu, Greg Duncan, Lindsay T. Hoyt, Leah D. Doane and Emma K. Adam
- Workaholism and well-being among Japanese dual-earner couples: A spillover-crossover perspective pp. 399-409

- Akihito Shimazu, Evangelia Demerouti, Arnold B. Bakker, Kyoko Shimada and Norito Kawakami
- Environmental justice and health: A study of multiple environmental deprivation and geographical inequalities in health in New Zealand pp. 410-420

- Jamie R. Pearce, Elizabeth A. Richardson, Richard J. Mitchell and Niamh K. Shortt
- Healthier before they migrate, less healthy when they return? The health of returned migrants in Mexico pp. 421-428

- S. Heidi Ullmann, Noreen Goldman and Douglas S. Massey
- Maternal education and adverse birth outcomes among immigrant women to the United States from Eastern Europe: A test of the healthy migrant hypothesis pp. 429-435

- T. Janevic, D.A. Savitz and M. Janevic
- Household and community HIV/AIDS status and child malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the demographic and health surveys pp. 436-446

- Monica A. Magadi
- Does maternal autonomy influence feeding practices and infant growth in rural India? pp. 447-455

- Monal R. Shroff, Paula L. Griffiths, Chirayath Suchindran, Balakrishna Nagalla, Shahnaz Vazir and Margaret E. Bentley
- Mental health interventions for children in adversity: Pilot-testing a research strategy for treatment selection in low-income settings pp. 456-466

- M.J.D. Jordans, W.A. Tol and I.H. Komproe
- Human rights and universal access for men who have sex with men and people who inject drugs: A qualitative analysis of the 2010 UNGASS narrative country progress reports pp. 467-474

- Asha Persson, Jeanne Ellard, Christy Newman, Martin Holt and John de Wit
- More than a dance: The production of sexual health risk in the exotic dance clubs in Baltimore, USA pp. 475-481

- Susan G. Sherman, Pamela Lilleston and Jacqueline Reuben
2011, volume 73, articles 2
- The use of standard contracts in the English National Health Service: A case study analysis pp. 185-192

- Christina Petsoulas, Pauline Allen, David Hughes, Peter Vincent-Jones and Jennifer Roberts
- Resisting market-inspired reform in healthcare: The role of professional subcultures in medicine pp. 193-200

- Pål Erling Martinussen and Jon Magnussen
- Empowerment in drug treatment: Dilemmas in implementing policy in welfare institutions pp. 201-208

- Vibeke Asmussen Frank and Bagga Bjerge
- Stock options, tax credits or employment contracts please! The value of deliberative public disagreement about human tissue donation pp. 209-216

- Heather L. Walmsley
- Policy and practice in the use of root cause analysis to investigate clinical adverse events: Mind the gap pp. 217-225

- Davide Nicolini, Justin Waring and Jeanne Mengis
- Mothers' preferences and willingness to pay for HPV vaccines in Vinh Long Province, Vietnam pp. 226-234

- Christine Poulos, Jui-Chen Yang, Carol Levin, Hoang Van Minh, Kim Bao Giang and Diep Nguyen
- Estimating the economic impact of pandemic influenza: An application of the computable general equilibrium model to the UK pp. 235-244

- Richard D. Smith, Marcus R. Keogh-Brown and Tony Barnett
- The impact of adding an extra dimension to a preference-based measure pp. 245-253

- John Brazier, Donna Rowen, Aki Tsuchiya, Yaling Yang and Tracy A. Young
- Differences in health between Americans and Western Europeans: Effects on longevity and public finance pp. 254-263

- Pierre-Carl Michaud, Dana Goldman, Darius Lakdawalla, Adam Gailey and Yuhui Zheng
- The importance of gender and conceptualization for understanding the association between collective social capital and health: A multilevel analysis from northern Sweden pp. 264-273

- Malin Eriksson, Nawi Ng, Lars Weinehall and Maria Emmelin
- Deliberate self-harm in rural and urban regions: A comparative study of prevalence and patient characteristics pp. 274-281

- Louise Harriss and Keith Hawton
- Familial instability and young children's physical health pp. 282-292

- Sharon H. Bzostek and Audrey N. Beck
- Do changes in parent mental health explain trends in youth emotional problems? pp. 293-300

- Karen Schepman, Stephan Collishaw, Frances Gardner, Barbara Maughan, Jacqueline Scott and Andrew Pickles
- "Too much of that stuff can't be good": Canadian teens, morality, and fast food consumption pp. 301-307

- Deborah McPhail, Gwen E. Chapman and Brenda L. Beagan
- Changes in reciprocal support provision and need-based support from partners of patients undergoing radical prostatectomy pp. 308-315

- Nina Knoll, Silke Burkert, Jan Roigas and Oliver Gralla
- Work-related critical incidents in hospital-based health care providers and the risk of post-traumatic stress symptoms, anxiety, and depression: A meta-analysis pp. 316-326

- (Coby) de Boer, Jacoba, Anja Lok, Ellen van't Verlaat, Hugo J. Duivenvoorden, Arnold B. Bakker and Bert J. Smit
- Human trafficking and health: A conceptual model to inform policy, intervention and research pp. 327-335

- Cathy Zimmerman, Mazeda Hossain and Charlotte Watts
- "They don't want our blood": Social inclusion and blood donation among African migrants in Australia pp. 336-342

- Michael Jay Polonsky, Bianca Brijnath and André M.N. Renzaho
- Structural determinants of adolescent girls' vulnerability to HIV: Views from community members in Botswana, Malawi, and Mozambique pp. 343-350

- Carol Underwood, Joanna Skinner, Nadia Osman and Hilary Schwandt
2011, volume 73, articles 1
- Relationship between distance to social gathering facilities and risk of trachoma for households in rural Tanzanian communities pp. 1-5

- Maggie A. Montgomery, Mayur M. Desai, Nora E. Groce and Menachem Elimelech
- School-based friendship networks and children's physical activity: A spatial analytical approach pp. 6-12

- Kyle Macdonald-Wallis, Russell Jago, Angie S. Page, Rowan Brockman and Janice L. Thompson
- Hispanic immigrant women's perspective on healthy foods and the New York City retail food environment: A mixed-method study pp. 13-21

- Yoosun Park, James Quinn, Karen Florez, Judith Jacobson, Kathryn Neckerman and Andrew Rundle
- Determinants and beliefs of health information mavens among a lower-socioeconomic position and minority population pp. 22-32

- Emily Z. Kontos, Karen M. Emmons, Elaine Puleo and K. Viswanath
- Democracy and growth in divided societies: A health-inequality trap? pp. 33-41

- Timothy Powell-Jackson, Sanjay Basu, Dina Balabanova, Martin McKee and David Stuckler
- The neighborhood context of relative position, trust, and self-rated health pp. 42-49

- Eileen E.S. Bjornstrom
- Comparing social determinants of self-rated health across the United States and Canada pp. 50-59

- Steven G. Prus
- Critical health literacy: A review and critical analysis pp. 60-67

- Deborah Chinn
- Protecting the health of employees caring for family members with special health care needs pp. 68-78

- Alison Earle and Jody Heymann
- Violence against women is strongly associated with suicide attempts: Evidence from the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence against women pp. 79-86

- Karen Devries, Charlotte Watts, Mieko Yoshihama, Ligia Kiss, Lilia Blima Schraiber, Negussie Deyessa, Lori Heise, Julia Durand, Jessie Mbwambo, Henrica Jansen, Yemane Berhane, Mary Ellsberg and Claudia Garcia-Moreno
- Infertility treatment and fertility-specific distress: A longitudinal analysis of a population-based sample of U.S. women pp. 87-94

- Arthur L. Greil, Julia McQuillan, Michele Lowry and Karina M. Shreffler
- Culture, gender and health care stigma: Practitioners' response to facial masking experienced by people with Parkinson's disease pp. 95-102

- Linda Tickle-Degnen, Leslie A. Zebrowitz and Hui-ing Ma
- Sakit Hati: A state of chronic mental distress related to resentment and anger amongst West Papuan refugees exposed to persecution pp. 103-110

- Susan Rees and Derrick Silove
- Risk and reproductive decisions: British Pakistani couples' responses to genetic counselling pp. 111-120

- Alison Shaw
- Electronic prescriptions and disruptions to the jurisdiction of community pharmacists pp. 121-128

- Aude Motulsky, Claude Sicotte, Lise Lamothe, Nancy Winslade and Robyn Tamblyn
- 'Non-compliance' as illness management: Hemodialysis patients' descriptions of adversarial patient-clinician interactions pp. 129-134

- Dawn Allen, Megan Wainwright and Thomas Hutchinson
- Eliciting ethical and social values in health technology assessment: A participatory approach pp. 135-144

- Yvonne Bombard, Julia Abelson, Dorina Simeonov and Francois-Pierre Gauvin
- Community researchers conducting health disparities research: Ethical and other insights from fieldwork journaling pp. 145-152

- Maghboeba Mosavel, Rashid Ahmed, Doria Daniels and Christian Simon
- The effect of outpatient dialysis global budget cap on healthcare utilization by end-stage renal disease patients pp. 153-159

- Ray-E. Chang, Chi-Jeng Hsieh and Robert C. Myrtle
- Price subsidies and the market for mosquito nets in developing countries: A study of Tanzania's discount voucher scheme pp. 160-168

- Chris D. Gingrich, Kara Hanson, Tanya Marchant, Jo-Ann Mulligan and Hadji Mponda
- Taxing sin and saving lives: Can alcohol taxation reduce female homicides? pp. 169-176

- Christine Piette Durrance, Shelley Golden, Krista Perreira and Philip J Cook
- Life satisfaction and age: Dealing with underidentification in age-period-cohort models pp. 177-182

- Joppe de Ree and Rob Alessie
- Corrigendum to: "Food insecurity, social capital and perceived personal disparity in a predominantly rural region of Texas: An individual-level analysis" [Social Science & Medicine, 72, Issue 9, May 2011, Pages 1454-1462.] pp. 183-183

- Wesley R. Dean and Joseph R. Sharkey
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1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46