Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1992, volume 35, articles 12
- Can ethnography save the life of medical ethics? pp. 1421-1431

- Barry Hoffmaster
- Innovation in primary care: Community health services in Mexico and the United States pp. 1433-1443

- Margaret Sherrard Sherraden and Steven P. Wallace
- Workable competition in health care: Prospects for the Dutch design pp. 1445-1455

- Frederik T. Schut
- The anthropology of sexually transmitted disease in Liberia pp. 1457-1468

- Edward C. Green
- Led (astray) by genetic maps: The cartography of the human genome and health care pp. 1469-1476

- A. Lippman
- Primary care training for patent medicine vendors in rural Nigeria pp. 1477-1484

- Frederick O. Oshiname and William R. Brieger
- Fair law, unfair practices? Benefiting from protective legislation for pregnant workers in Italy and France pp. 1485-1495

- Patrizia Romito and Marie-Josèphe Saurel-Cubizolles
- The gap between legal rules and practice in advertising non-registered pharmaceutical products: A new method of analysis pp. 1497-1504

- N. F. Wieringa, A. H. R. de Meijer, M. D. B. Schutjens and Robert Vos
- A study of quality of life in cancer patients receiving palliative chemotherapy pp. 1505-1509

- S. A. Payne
- The relationship between work stress and oral health status pp. 1511-1520

- Wagner Segura Marcenes and Aubrey Sheiham
- Optimizing bereavement outcome: Reading the road ahead pp. 1521-1523

- Ann Couldrick
- Disease concordances amongst marital partners: Not 'way of life' or mortality data artifact pp. 1525-1533

- Fiona Jones and Fletcher, Ben (C. )
1992, volume 35, articles 11
- Research capacity building in international health: Definitions, evaluations and strategies for success pp. 1321-1324

- James Trostle
- Developing partnerships for health and social science research: The International Clinical Epidemiology Network (INCLEN) social science component pp. 1325-1327

- Nick Higginbotham
- A strategy for promoting improved pharmaceutical use: The international network for rational use of drugs pp. 1329-1341

- Dennis Ross-Degnan, Richard Laing, Jonathan Quick, Hassan Mohamed Ali, David Ofori-Adjei, Lateef Salako and Budiono Santoso
- The potential of transdisciplinary research for sustaining and extending linkages between the health and social sciences pp. 1343-1357

- Patricia L. Rosenfield
- Local knowledge: Research capacity building in international health pp. 1359-1367

- Mary-Jo Del Vecchio Good
- Manuals for ethnographic data collection: Experience and issues pp. 1369-1378

- Elizabeth Herman and Margaret E. Bentley
- Building applied health research capacity in less-developed countries: Problems encountered by the ADDR project pp. 1379-1387

- James Trostle and Jonathon Simon
- Developing applied medical anthropology in third world countries: Problems and actions pp. 1389-1395

- Pertti J. Pelto and Gretel H. Pelto
- Balancing relevance and excellence: Organizational responses to link research with decision making pp. 1397-1404

- Julio Frenk
- Theory-driven behavioral intervention research for the control of diarrheal diseases pp. 1405-1420

- Bonita Stanton, Robert Black, Patrice Engle and Gretel Pelto
1992, volume 35, articles 10
- Caribbean transformations: Introduction pp. 1211-1213

- Carolyn F. Sargent and Linda M. Whiteford
- Contemporary health care and the colonial and neo-colonial experience: The case of the Dominican Republic pp. 1215-1223

- Linda M. Whiteford
- Transformations in maternity services in Jamaica pp. 1225-1232

- Carolyn Sargent and Joan Rawlins
- Social factors mediating social class differences in blood pressure in a Jamaican community pp. 1233-1244

- William W. Dressler, Gerald A. C. Grell, Philip N. Gallagher and Fernando E. Viteri
- West Indian gender relations, family planning programs and fertility decline pp. 1245-1257

- W. Penn Handwerker
- The effect of parental age, birth order and other variables on early childhood mortality: A Caribbean example pp. 1259-1271

- Ann W. Brittain
- Family planning in St Vincent, West Indies: A population history perspective pp. 1273-1282

- Jean Gearing
- Social inequities in cardiovascular disease risk factors in East and West Germany pp. 1283-1292

- Uwe Helmert, Andreas Mielck and Elvira Classen
- An occupational health programme for adults and children in the carpet weaving industry, Mirzapur, India: A case study in the informal sector pp. 1293-1302

- P. K. Das, K. P. Shukla and F. G. Öry
- The costs of diabetes and its complications pp. 1303-1310

- Brenda Leese
- Depression and self-esteem: Rapid screening for depression in black, low literacy, hospitalized tuberculosis patients pp. 1311-1315

- Margaret S. Westaway and Liezel Wolmarans
- Contributions of the proximate determinants to fertility change in Senegal pp. 1317-1320

- Nelson Onuoha
1992, volume 35, articles 9
- Ethics are local: Engaging cross-cultural variation in the ethics for clinical research pp. 1079-1091

- Nicholas A. Christakis
- Culture, meaning and disability: Injury prevention campaigns and the production of stigma pp. 1093-1102

- Caroline Wang
- The relationship between consumption and worker productivity: Nutrition and economic approaches pp. 1103-1113

- Patrice A. Korjenek
- On the edge: Ward-rounds in a South African psychiatric emergency department pp. 1115-1122

- Leslie Swartz
- Exploratory analysis of children's nutrition programs in Canada pp. 1123-1129

- Lynn McIntyre and Jutta B. Dayle
- Is users' knowledge about contraceptives adequate? A case study of finnish IUD users pp. 1131-1136

- Katri Makkonen, Elina Hemminki and Antti Uutela
- Accounting for differences: Dutch training nurses and their views on migrant women pp. 1137-1144

- Joke van der Zwaard
- Exploration of doctor and patient agendas in general practice consultations pp. 1145-1155

- N.M. Butler, P.D. Campion and A.D. Cox
- Influence of bed supply and health care organization on regional and local patterns of diabetes related hospitalization pp. 1157-1170

- Laurie Brown and J.Ross Barnett
- Church-based obstetric care in a Yoruba community, Nigeria pp. 1171-1178

- Jacob Ayodele Adetunji
- Marital status and infant health outcomes pp. 1179-1187

- Trude Bennett
- Psychosocial factors influencing non-urgent use of the emergency room: A review of the literature and recommendations for research and improved service delivery pp. 1189-1197

- Deborah K. Padgett and Beth Brodsky
- Fertility differentials among the Ijo in Southern Nigeria: Does urban residence make a difference? pp. 1199-1210

- Marida Hollos and Ulla Larsen
1992, volume 35, articles 8
- Discrimination towards disabled people seeking employment pp. 951-958

- Jean-François Ravaud, Béatrice Madiot and Isabelle Ville
- Sociology in American medical education since the 1960s: The rhetoric of reform pp. 959-965

- Katarina Wegar
- Maternal health and the measurement trap pp. 967-977

- Wendy J. Graham and Oona M. R. Campbell
- Costs of home care for advanced breast and cervical cancer in relation to cost-effectiveness of screening pp. 979-985

- Marc A. Koopmanschap, B. Martin van Ineveld and Theo E. M. Miltenburg
- Primary care in accident and emergency and general practice: A comparison pp. 987-995

- Judith Green and Jeremy Dale
- Regular pattern of preventive dental services--A measure of access pp. 997-1001

- John F. Newman and Helen C. Gift
- Sickness impact profile: The state of the art of a generic functional status measure pp. 1003-1014

- A. F. de Bruin, L. P. de Witte, F. Stevens and J. P. M. Diederiks
- Drug retailer training: Experiences from Nepal pp. 1015-1025

- Kumud K. Kafle, Ritu Prasad Gartoulla, Y. M. S. Pradhan, A. D. Shrestha, S. B. Karkee and Jonathan D. Quick
- Deriving a survey measure of social support: The reliability and validity of the close persons questionnaire pp. 1027-1035

- Stephen Stansfeld and Michael Marmot
- The use of herbal and other agents to enhance sexual experience pp. 1037-1042

- Agnes Runganga, Marian Pitts and McMaster John
- Mothers' fear of child death due to acute diarrhoea: A study in urban and rural communities in Northern Punjab, Pakistan pp. 1043-1053

- Iftikhar A. Malik, Noreen Bukhtiari, Mary-Jo D. Good, Muhammad Iqbal, Seema Azim, Muhammad Nawaz, Lubna Ashraf, Ruby Bhatty and Aftab Ahmed
- The effects of variations in AFDC and medicaid eligibility on prenatal care use pp. 1055-1063

- Andrew F. Coburn and Thomas P. McDonald
- Behavior change strategies for family planning pp. 1065-1076

- John P. Elder and Jacqueline D. Estey
1992, volume 35, articles 7
- An epidemic in the field? Rapid assessment procedures and health research pp. 839-850

- Lenore Manderson and Peter Aaby
- Immunization coverage, infant morbidity and infant mortality in freetown, Sierra Leone pp. 851-856

- Ruhul Amin, Robert B. Hill, S.A.T.P. Horton, Clifford Kamara and Jamir Chowdhury
- Global budgeting of hospitals in Hong Kong pp. 857-868

- David K.W. Chu
- The psychological and social condition of hypertensives resistant to pharmacological treatment pp. 869-875

- Hans Isaksson, Kristofer Konarski and Töres Theorell
- Re-assessing disability: The impact of schistosomal infection on daily activities among women in Gezira Province, Sudan pp. 877-890

- Melissa Parker
- Mother sold food, daughter sells her body: The cultural continuity of prostitution pp. 891-901

- Margorie A. Muecke
- Oral contraceptive marketing in Ibadan, Nigeria pp. 903-906

- E. Afolabi Bamgboye and O.A. Lapido
- Artificial donor insemination in Yaounde: Some socio-cultural considerations pp. 907-913

- Olayinka Margaret Njikam Savage
- Marital status, fatness and obesity pp. 915-923

- Jeffrey Sobal, Barbara S. Rauschenbach and Edward A. Frongillo
- His and hers: Male and female anatomy in anatomy texts for U.S. medical students, 1890-1989 pp. 925-934

- Susan C. Lawrence and Kae Bendixen
- Self-assessed health among Norwegian adults pp. 935-947

- Torbjoârn Moum
1992, volume 35, articles 6
- Introduction pp. 747-751

- Annemiek Richters
- The needs of women versus the interests of family planning personnel, policy-makers and researchers: Conflicting views on safety and acceptability of contraceptives pp. 753-766

- Anita Petra Hardon
- The abortion pill: A solution for unsafe abortions in developing countries? pp. 767-776

- Amanda Le Grand
- Female circumcision and gender identity: A questionable alliance? pp. 777-787

- Anke Van Der Kwaak
- The value of symphyseotomy compared with caesarean section in cases of obstructed labour: Medical and anthropological considerations pp. 789-793

- Elly Engelkes and Jos Van Roosmalen
- Mothers, injections and poliomyelitis pp. 795-798

- H. V. Wyatt
- The importance of extremes: The social implications of intra-household variation in child mortality pp. 799-810

- Murray Last
- Training urban traditional birth attendants: Balancing international policy and local reality: Preliminary evidence from the slums of India on the attitudes and practice of clients and practitioners pp. 811-817

- Carolyn Stephens
- The rise of female healers in the middle Atlas, Morocco pp. 819-829

- Jogien Bakker
- Planning and evaluating women's participation in primary health care pp. 831-837

- Carol MacCormack
1992, volume 35, articles 5
- Elephantiasis: A disease of development in North East Ghana pp. 627-645

- John M. Hunter
- Who to blame? What to do? pp. 645-648

- Robert Stock
- Rejoinder pp. 648-649

- John M. Hunter
- Going to extremes: The cultural context of stress, illness and coping in Antarctica pp. 651-664

- Lawrence A. Palinkas
- Male and female morbidity in general practice: The nature of sex differences pp. 665-678

- Cecile M.T.Gijsbers van Wijk, Annemarie M. Kolk, Wil J.H.M. van Den Bosch and Henk J.M. Van Den Hoogen
- Adolescence and health inequalities: Extensions to macintyre and west pp. 679-687

- Anthony Glendinning, John G. Love, Leo B. Hendry and Janet Shucksmith
- Health and nutrition effects of cash crop production in developing countries: A comparative analysis pp. 689-697

- Eileen Kennedy, Howarth Bouis and Joachim von Braun
- Psychometric investigation of a belief system: Caregiving to the chronically ill parent pp. 699-709

- Steven M. Albert
- On the seclusion of psychiatric patients pp. 711-721

- Julia S. Brown and Sharon K. Tooke
- A shamanic etiology of affliction from western nepal pp. 723-734

- Gregory G. Maskarinec
- Alcohol consumption among male reindeer herders of lappish and finnish origin pp. 735-738

- Kari Poikolainen, Simo Näyhä and Juhani Hassi
- Infant mortality and illegitimacy pp. 739-740

- David Lester
1992, volume 35, articles 4
- Assessment of the outcomes of health intervention pp. 359-365

- Rosmarie Erben, Peter Franzkowiak and Eberhard Wenzel
- Assessment of outcomes of health intervention pp. 367-375

- C. David Jenkins
- Changes in disease patterns and related social trends pp. 377-387

- John Powles
- Changes in disease patterns and related social trends pp. 389-399

- Antti Uutela and Jaakko Tuomilehto
- On the epistemology of risk: Language, logic and social science pp. 401-407

- Michael V. Hayes
- Cultural influences in community participation in health pp. 409-417

- Linda Stone
- Cultural and structural influences in the creation of and participation in community health programmes pp. 419-424

- G. B. Woelk
- Dying with dignity pp. 425-432

- T. N. Madan
- To die with dignity pp. 433-441

- Leonor Sampaio
- Birth order and health: Major issues pp. 443-452

- Barbara A. Elliott
- The effects of family position and status on health pp. 453-464

- Sally Macintyre
- Equity and efficiency in health care pp. 465-469

- Donald Light
- Substance abuse and control in the united states: Ethical and legal issues pp. 471-479

- Michael D. Newcomb
- Ethical and legal issues in the control of drug abuse and drug trafficking: The Nigerian case pp. 481-493

- Isidore S. Obot
- Ethical and legal implications of the new genetics: Issues for discussion pp. 495-505

- Dorothy C. Wertz
- Health and social problems of refugees pp. 507-513

- Lord Clinton-Davis and Yohannes Fassil
- New paradigms for refugee health problems pp. 515-523

- Marjorie A. Muecke
- Health care consequences of the European economic community in 1993 and beyond pp. 525-529

- Per-Gunnar Svensson and Patricia Stephenson
- Impediments to basing government health policies on science in the United States pp. 531-540

- Michael Greenberg
- Realities of health for all by the year 2000 pp. 541-547

- Tom Rathwell
- The role of doctors as health care managers: An international perspective pp. 549-555

- Luis Durán-Arenas, Murielle Bendeck Asfura and Julio Frenk Mora
- Doctors as managers: Poachers turned gamekeepers? pp. 557-566

- David J. Hunter
- High cost technology in health care: A benefit or a burden? pp. 567-577

- Frans F. H. Rutten and Gouke J. Bonsel
- Challenges to understanding spatial patterns of disease: Philosophical alternatives to logical positivism pp. 579-587

- Jonathan D. Mayer
- Threats to the world eco-system: A role for the social scientists pp. 589-596

- Bharat Desai
- Existential ecology: The human/natural world pp. 597-602

- Sally Gadow
- The use and value of qualitative methods in health research in developing countries pp. 603-612

- Derek Yach
- Women's access to health care in developing countries pp. 613-617

- Durrenda Nash Ojanuga and Cathy Gilbert
- Women and access to health care pp. 619-626

- Cristina Puentes-Markides
1992, volume 35, articles 3
- The genetic analysis of human behavior: A new era? pp. 227-238

- Paul R. Billings, Jonathan Beckwith and Joseph S. Alper
- Community health promotion programs pp. 239-249

- S. Fincham
- The negotiation of death: Clinical decision making at the end of life pp. 251-259

- Jacquelyn Slomka
- The psychosocial review of systems pp. 261-269

- Richard J. Goldberg and Dennis H. Novack
- Determinants and dimensions involved in self-evaluation of health pp. 271-279

- Knut Fýlkesnes and Olav Helge Førde
- Varied potential risks of HIV infection among prostitutes pp. 281-286

- Lois Jackson, Alexàndra Highcrest and Randall A. Coates
- Responses to the institution among elderly patients in hospital long-stay care pp. 287-293

- P. F. Higgs, L. D. MacDonald and M. C. Ward
- Physician satisfaction, professional characteristics and behavior formalization in hospitals pp. 295-303

- Fred Stevens, Joseph Diederiks and Hans Philipsen
- A comparative study of abused and neglected American Indian children in the Southwest pp. 305-315

- Lemyra M. DeBruyn, Carol Chiago Lujan and Philip A. May
- Do Australian researchers accept committee review and conduct ethical research? pp. 317-322

- Paul M. McNeill, Catherine A. Berglund and Ian W. Webster
- Joining a healing community for cancer: Who and why? pp. 323-333

- Carol E. Sutherland and Michael S. Goldstein
- Indigenous mortality: Placing Australian aboriginal mortality within a broader context pp. 335-346

- Robert S. Hogg
- Verbal exchanges in medical interviews: Concepts and measurement pp. 347-355

- William B. Stiles and Samuel M. Putnam
1992, volume 35, articles 2
- Psychosocial problems in primary care: Some results from the Dutch national study of morbidity and interventions in general practice pp. 105-110

- Peter F. M. Verhaak and Marja A. R. Tijhuis
- Policy directions in urban health in developing countries--The slum improvement approach pp. 111-120

- Trudy Harpham and Carolyn Stephens
- Sexually transmitted disease, ethnomedicine and health policy in Africa pp. 121-130

- Edward C. Green
- Malaria: Ethnomedical perceptions and practice in an Adangbe farming community and implications for control pp. 131-137

- Irene Akua Agyepong
- Quality of life in patients with resected oesophageal cancer pp. 139-145

- F. C. E. van Knippenberg, J. J. Out, H. W. Tilanus, H. J. Mud, W. C. J. Hop and F. Verhage
- Syphilis, sex and crack cocaine: Images of risk and morality pp. 147-160

- Martha Balshem, Gary Oxman, Deborah van Rooyen and Kathy Girod
- Economic appraisal of asthma and COPD care: A literature review 1980-1991 pp. 161-175

- Maureen P.M.H., Rutten-Van Mölken, Eddy Van Doorslaer and Frans F. H. Rutten
- Kidney procurement policies in the eurotransplant region: 'Opting in' versus 'opting out' pp. 177-182

- William Kokkedee
- From illness to symbol and symbol to illness pp. 183-188

- Richard W. Lieban
- A classification of psychological distress for use in primary care settings pp. 189-193

- David Goldberg
- Mortality from selected cancers in NSW and Sydney, Australia pp. 195-208

- I. H. Burnley
- Professional reimbursement and management of time in general practice: An international comparison pp. 209-216

- Michael Calnan, Peter P. Groenewegen and Jack Hutten
- Integrating conflicting professional roles: Physician participation in randomized clinical trials pp. 217-224

- Kathryn M. Taylor
1992, volume 35, articles 1
- Reckless driving, casual sex and shoplifting: What psychiatric categories, culture and history reveal about each other pp. 1-2

- Charles W. Nuckolls
- From DSM-I to III-R; voices of self, mastery and the other: A cultural constructivist reading of U.S. psychiatric classification pp. 3-24

- Atwood D. Gaines
- Structured ambiguity and the definition of psychiatric illness: Adjustment disorder among medical inpatients pp. 25-35

- Donald Pollock
- Toward a cultural history of the personality disorders pp. 37-47

- Charles W. Nuckolls
- The social construction of premenstrual syndrome pp. 49-56

- Mari Rodin
- Psychiatry as social ordering: Anorexia nervosa, a paradigm pp. 57-71

- Helen Gremillion
- Adolescence as a culture-bound syndrome pp. 73-80

- Robert F. Hill and J. Dennis Fortenberry
- DSM-III-R and religion pp. 81-90

- Stephen G. Post
- The role of culture in a theory of psychiatric illness pp. 91-103

- Horacio Fabrega
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1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
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1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
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1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46