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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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1997, volume 45, articles 12

Indicators of socio-economic position and their relation to mortality in Sweden pp. 1757-1766 Downloads
Jan Sundquist and Sven-Erik Johansson
Factors associated with antibiotic prescribing in a managed care setting: An exploratory investigation pp. 1767-1779 Downloads
Bruce L. Lambert, J. Warren Salmon, Joann Stubbings, Gina Gilomen-Study, Robert J. Valuck and Kim Kezlarian
Investigating stress effect patterns in hospital staff nurses: Results of a cluster analysis pp. 1781-1788 Downloads
Joel J. Hillhouse and Christine M. Adler
Cultural eactors constraining the introduction of family planning among the Kassena-Nankana of Northern Ghana pp. 1789-1804 Downloads
Philip B. Adongo, James F. Phillips, Beverly Kajihara, Clara Fayorsey, Cornelius Debpuur and Fred N. Binka
Does psychological distress contribute to racial and socioeconomic disparities in mortality? pp. 1805-1809 Downloads
Kevin Fiscella and Peter Franks
Familial and socioeconomic influences on children's well-being: An examination of preschool children in Kenya pp. 1811-1828 Downloads
Anastasia J. Gage
Patient satisfaction: A review of issues and concepts pp. 1829-1843 Downloads
John Sitzia and Neil Wood
Professionalism, patient satisfaction and quality of health care: Experience during Zimbabwe's structural adjustment programme pp. 1845-1852 Downloads
Mary Travis Bassett, Leon Bijlmakers and David M. Sanders
An ecological paradigm for a health behavior analysis of "Konzo", a paralytic disease of Zaire from toxic cassava pp. 1853-1862 Downloads
Michael J. Boivin
"Survivors" and "victims": Long-term HIV positive individuals and the ethos of self-empowerment pp. 1863-1873 Downloads
Crossley (neéDavies), Michele L.
Sterilization in Finland: From eugenics to contraception pp. 1875-1884 Downloads
Elina Hemminki, Anja Rasimus and Erja Forssas
Women's health status and gender inequality in China pp. 1885-1898 Downloads
Mei-Yu Yu and Rosemary Sarri
Letter to the editor pp. 1899-1899 Downloads
James R Hebert

1997, volume 45, articles 11

Reproductive characteristics and post-abortion health consequences in women undergoing illegal and legal abortion in Maputo pp. 1607-1613 Downloads
Fernanda Machungo, Giovanni Zanconato and Staffan Bergström
Health complaints and job stress in Norwegian physicians: The use of an overlapping questionnaire design pp. 1615-1629 Downloads
Olaf G. Aasland, Miranda Olff, Erik Falkum, Tore Schweder and Holger Ursin
Essential obstetric care: Assessment and determinants of quality pp. 1631-1639 Downloads
Olusoji Adeyi and Richard Morrow
The comparability and reliability of five health-state valuation methods pp. 1641-1652 Downloads
Paul F. M. Krabbe, Marie-Louise Essink-Bot and Gouke J. Bonsel
Constant and decreasing timing aversion for saving lives pp. 1653-1659 Downloads
John Cairns and Marjon van der Pol
The limits of suffering: Critical care nurses' views of hospital care at the end of life pp. 1661-1668 Downloads
David A. Asch, Judy A. Shea, M. Kathryn Jedrziewski and Charles L. Bosk
Paradoxes of GP fundholding: Contracting for community health services in the British National Health Service pp. 1669-1678 Downloads
Gareth Williams, Rob Flynn and Susan Pickard
Infertility and psychological distress: A critical review of the literature pp. 1679-1704 Downloads
Arthur L. Greil
Motivation underlying career choice for internal medicine and surgery pp. 1705-1713 Downloads
Geoffrey C. Williams, Ronald Saizow, Lisa Ross and Edward L. Deci
Wishes regarding the use of life-sustaining treatments among elderly persons in Israel: An explanatory model pp. 1715-1727 Downloads
Sara Carmel and Elizabeth Mutran
"I just cope from day to day": Unpredictability and anxiety in the lives of women pp. 1729-1739 Downloads
Vivienne Walters and Nickie Charles
Emergent perplexity: In search of post-normal questions for community and agroecosystem health pp. 1741-1749 Downloads
David Waltner-Toews and Ellen Wall

1997, volume 45, articles 10

Undercover careseekers: Simulated clients in the study of health provider behavior in developing countries pp. 1465-1482 Downloads
J. M. Madden, J. D. Quick, D. Ross-Degnan and K. K. Kafle
Images of health and health care options among low income women in Punjab, Pakistan pp. 1483-1491 Downloads
Anna Winkvist and Humaira Zareen Akhtar
Developing community mental health services for children in South Africa pp. 1493-1501 Downloads
A. L. Pillay and M. R. Lockhat
A study of the breast cancer dynamics in North Carolina pp. 1503-1517 Downloads
George Christakos and Jaim-Jou Lai
Collecting retrospective data: Accuracy of recall after 50 years judged against historical records pp. 1519-1525 Downloads
L. R. Berney and D. B. Blane
Ageing and the relationship between functional status and self-rated health in elderly men pp. 1527-1536 Downloads
N. Hoeymans, E. J. M. Feskens, D. Kromhout and G. A. M. Van Den Bos
Unintended effects of a cost-containment policy: Results of a natural experiment in Germany pp. 1537-1539 Downloads
Oliver Schöffski and J. Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg
Decision-making and hormone replacement therapy: A qualitative analysis pp. 1541-1548 Downloads
Myra S. Hunter, Irene O'Dea and Nicky Britten
Health-related behaviours and psycho-social characteristics of 18 year-old Australians pp. 1549-1562 Downloads
R. A. K. Milligan, V. Burke, L. J. Beilin, J. Richards, D. Dunbar, M. Spencer, E. Balde and M. P. Gracey
Suicide: Qualitative data from focus group interviews with youth pp. 1563-1570 Downloads
Carolyn Coggan, Pam Patterson and Jacqui Fill
The rise and rise of proton pump inhibitor drugs: Patients' perspectives pp. 1571-1579 Downloads
Elizabeth H. Boath and Alison Blenkinsopp
Sex differences in prescribed medications: Another case of discrimination in general practice pp. 1581-1587 Downloads
Geoffrey P. Sayer and Helena Britt
Health and gender differences between middle and senior managers in the Canadian Public Service pp. 1589-1596 Downloads
Monica Tomiak, Jane F. Gentleman and Maurice Jette
Letter to the editor pp. 1597-1599 Downloads
Florie Barnhoorn and Sjaak Van Der Geest

1997, volume 45, articles 9

Thermometer use among Mexican immigrant mothers in California pp. 1315-1323 Downloads
Norah Schwartz, Sylvia Guendelman and Paul English
The relationship between condition-specific morbidity, social support and material deprivation in pregnancy and early motherhood pp. 1325-1336 Downloads
Deborah Baker, Hazel Taylor and The Alspac Survey Team
Making sense of randomization; responses of parents of critically ill babies to random allocation of treatment in a clinical trial pp. 1337-1355 Downloads
Claire Snowdon, Jo Garcia and Diana Elbourne
Psychological and social predictors of motorcycle use by young adult males in New Zealand pp. 1357-1376 Downloads
A. I. Reeder, D. J. Chalmers, S. W. Marshall and J. D. Langley
Opportunities and impediments for a consolidating and expanding profession: Genetic counseling in the United States pp. 1377-1386 Downloads
Regina H. Kenen
Marital status effects on health: Are there differences between never married women and divorced and separated women? pp. 1387-1397 Downloads
Ingrid Waldron, Christopher C. Weiss and Mary Elizabeth Hughes
Early probable Alzheimer's Disease and Awareness Context Theory pp. 1399-1409 Downloads
Sally A. Hutchinson, Sue Leger-Krall and Holly Skodol Wilson
"We decide, you carry it out": A social network analysis of multidisciplinary long-term care teams pp. 1411-1421 Downloads
Cheryl Cott
From careless consumptives to recalcitrant patients: The historical construction of noncompliance pp. 1423-1431 Downloads
Barron H. Lerner
The effects of the cultural context of health care on treatment of and response to chronic pain and illness pp. 1433-1447 Downloads
Maryann S. Bates, Lesley Rankin-Hill and Melba Sanchez-Ayendez
The significance of the mouth in old age pp. 1449-1458 Downloads
Michael I. Macentee, Rachelle Hole and Elaine Stolar

1997, volume 45, articles 8

Violence and well-being pp. 1143-1145 Downloads
Robert Desjarlais and Arthur Kleinman
Gender, domestic violence and sickness in Mexico pp. 1147-1160 Downloads
Kaja Finkler
Domestic violence and mental health: Correlates and conundrums within and across cultures pp. 1161-1176 Downloads
Ruth L. Fischbach and Barbara Herbert
Friends, neighbors, enemies, strangers: Aggressor and victim in civilian ethnic riots pp. 1177-1188 Downloads
Stanley J. Tambiah
Adolescents and violence: "Adults are cruel, they just beat, beat, beat!" pp. 1189-1197 Downloads
M. A. Ramphele
Physician judgments of chronic pain patients pp. 1199-1205 Downloads
Raymond C. Tait and John T. Chibnall
Positive psychological states and coping with severe stress pp. 1207-1221 Downloads
Susan Folkman
The treatment of insomnia through mass media, the results of a televised behavioural training programme pp. 1223-1229 Downloads
A. Oosterhuis and E. C. Klip
Does intelligence account for the link between maternal literacy and child survival? pp. 1231-1239 Downloads
P. Sandiford, J. Cassel, G. Sanchez and C. Coldham
Cultural orientation and use of cannabis and inhalants among secondary school children in Zimbabwe pp. 1241-1249 Downloads
Arne H. Eide and S. W. Acuda
Social stress and trauma: Synthesis and spatial analysis pp. 1251-1264 Downloads
Keith Harries
Russian medical care in the 1990s: A user's perspective pp. 1265-1276 Downloads
Julie V. Brown and Nina L. Rusinova
Reactance theory and patient noncompliance pp. 1277-1288 Downloads
Jeanne S. Fogarty
Valuing health status using VAS and TTO: What lies behind the numbers? pp. 1289-1297 Downloads
Angela Robinson, Paul Dolan and Alan Williams
Dimensions of quality of life expressed by men treated for metastatic prostate cancer pp. 1299-1309 Downloads
Jack A. Clark, Nelda Wray, Baruch Brody, Carol Ashton, Brian Giesler and Herbert Watkins

1997, volume 45, articles 7

The economic cost of homicide in New Zealand pp. 973-977 Downloads
Janet Fanslow, Carolyn Coggan, Brent Miller and Robyn Norton
Why women say yes to prenatal diagnosis pp. 979-989 Downloads
Nancy Press and C. H. Browner
Pneumonia perceptions and management: An ethnographic study in urban squatter settlements of Karachi, Pakistan pp. 991-1004 Downloads
Rafat Hussain, Melvyn A. Lobo, Bazmi Inam, Amanullah Khan, Asma Fozia Qureshi and David Marsh
"Painting a Leonardo with finger paint": Medical practitioners communicating about death with Aboriginal people pp. 1005-1015 Downloads
Tarun Weeramanthri
Caregiving: A common or uncommon experience? pp. 1017-1029 Downloads
Anna L. Howe, Hilary Schofield and Helen Herrman
Infant mortality among various nationalities in the middle part of Guizhou, China pp. 1031-1040 Downloads
Wenyong Huang, Huachun Yu, Fuying Wang and Guanchong Li
Modern medicine and the "uncertain body": From corporeality to hyperreality? pp. 1041-1049 Downloads
Simon J. Williams
Quality of life and social production functions: A framework for understanding health effects pp. 1051-1063 Downloads
Johan Ormel, Siegwart Lindenberg, Nardi Steverink and Michael Vonkorff
Traditional medicine in contemporary Ghana: A public policy analysis pp. 1065-1074 Downloads
Komla Tsey
The "race" concept in smoking: A review of the research on African Americans pp. 1075-1087 Downloads
Gary King
Urban small area variation in adolescents' health behaviour pp. 1089-1098 Downloads
Sakari Karvonen and Arja H. Rimpelä
Perceived work conditions and work-related symptoms among employed Finns pp. 1099-1110 Downloads
Kimmo Räsänen, Veijo Notkola and Kaj Husman
Chronic work stress, sickness absence, and hypertension in middle managers: General or specific sociological explanations? pp. 1111-1120 Downloads
Richard Peter and Johannes Siegrist
The relationship of income inequality to mortality: Does the choice of indicator matter? pp. 1121-1127 Downloads
Ichiro Kawachi and Bruce P. Kennedy
Contingent legitimacy: U.K. alternative practitioners and inter-sectoral acceptance pp. 1129-1133 Downloads
Philip Tovey
Role concepts and expectations of physicians and nurses in hospitals pp. 1135-1138 Downloads
P. J. M. Verschuren and H. Masselink

1997, volume 45, articles 6

Male mortality differentials by socio-economic group in Ireland pp. 803-809 Downloads
Eamon O'Shea
The black box in somatization: Unexplained physical symptoms, culture, and narratives of trauma pp. 811-825 Downloads
Howard Waitzkin and Holly Magaña
Level of education, age of bearing children and mental health of women pp. 827-836 Downloads
Sheila Williams, Rob McGee, Susan Olaman and Robert Knight
The legitimacy of grieving: The partner's experience at miscarriage pp. 837-845 Downloads
John E. Puddifoot and Martin P. Johnson
Healthy or druggy? Self-image, ideal image and smoking behaviour among young people pp. 847-858 Downloads
Amanda Amos, David Gray, Candace Currie and Rob Elton
The influence of socioeconomic status on health service utilisation by patients with AIDS in North Italy pp. 859-866 Downloads
A. Tramarin, S. Campostrini, K. Tolley and F. De Lalla
Mutual influences of health and poverty evidence from German panel data pp. 867-877 Downloads
Michael Thiede and Stefan Traub
Validating a satisfaction questionnaire using multiple approaches: A case study pp. 879-885 Downloads
Jean-François Etter and Thomas V. Perneger
The ethics of euthanasia--Attitudes and practice among Norwegian physicians pp. 887-892 Downloads
Reidun Førde, Olaf Gjerløw Aasland and Erik Falkum
People, places and coronary heart disease risk factors: A multilevel analysis of the Scottish heart health study archive pp. 893-902 Downloads
Carole Hart, Russell Ecob and George Davey Smith
The socio-spatial stigmatization of homelessness and HIV/AIDS: Toward an explanation of the NIMBY syndrome pp. 903-914 Downloads
Lois M. Takahashi
The physical costs of AIDS caregiving pp. 915-923 Downloads
Allen J. Leblanc, Andrew S. London and Carol S. Aneshensel
Choosing a birth attendant: The influence of a woman's childbirth definition pp. 925-936 Downloads
Sandra Howell-White
Unplanned pregnancies in Harare: What are the social and sexual determinants? pp. 937-942 Downloads
M. T. Mbizvo, M. M. J. Bonduelle, S. Chadzuka, G. Lindmark and L. Nystrom
Age- and sex-differentials in morbidity at the start of an epidemiological transition: Returns from the 1880 U.S. Census pp. 943-956 Downloads
Cheryl Elman and George Myers
AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour among South African street youth: Reflections on power, sexuality and the autonomous self pp. 957-966 Downloads
Jill Swart-Kruger and Linda M. Richter
How marginal is a "marginalised group"? pp. 967-970 Downloads
Mary Crewe

1997, volume 45, articles 5

Space, sterility and surgery: Circuits of hygiene in the operating theatre pp. 649-657 Downloads
Nick J. Fox
Household cost of seeking malaria care. A retrospective study of two districts in Ghana pp. 659-667 Downloads
Kwadwo Asenso-okyere and Janet Dzator
A qualitative study of sexual harassment of female doctors by patients pp. 669-676 Downloads
Margaret Schneider and Susan P. Phillips
Social network associations with contraceptive use among Cameroonian women in voluntary associations pp. 677-687 Downloads
Thomas W. Valente, Susan C. Watkins, Miriam N. Jato, Ariane Van Der Straten and Louis-Philippe M. Tsitsol
The conceptual basis of ethnic group terminology and classifications pp. 689-698 Downloads
Peter J. Aspinall
Patients' and professionals' understandings of the causes of chronic pain: Blame, responsibility and identity protection pp. 699-709 Downloads
Chris Eccleston, Amanda C. De C. Williams and Wendy Stainton Rogers
Gender differences in medical treatment: The case of physician-prescribed activity restrictions pp. 711-722 Downloads
Dana Gelb Safran, William H. Rogers, Alvin R. Tarlov, Colleen A. McHorney and John E. Ware
Salary inequality and primary care integration in South Africa pp. 723-729 Downloads
Max O. Bachmann and Bupendra Makan
Quality of sleep during economic recession in Finland: A longitudinal cohort study pp. 731-738 Downloads
Markku T. Hyyppä, Erkki Kronholm and Erkki Alanen
Explaining disablement in modern times: Hand-injured workers' accounts of their injuries in Hong Kong pp. 739-750 Downloads
Y. H. Cheng
Climacteric hormone therapy in medical and lay texts in Finland from 1955 to 1992 pp. 751-760 Downloads
Päivi Topo
Comparing measures of health inequality pp. 761-771 Downloads
Orly Manor, Sharon Matthews and Chris Power
Social support as conversation: Analysing breast cancer patients' interactions with their partners pp. 773-782 Downloads
Nancy Pistrang, Chris Barker and Christine Rutter
Psychosocial study of epilepsy in Africa pp. 783-795 Downloads
Louise Jilek-Aall, Martica Jilek, John Kaaya, Lilian Mkombachepa and Kalister Hillary
Letter to the editor pp. 797-797 Downloads
Rudi Pittroff
Response to letter to the editor by Dr Rudi Pittroff pp. 799-799 Downloads
Jane S. Norbeck and Jeanne F. Dejoseph

1997, volume 45, articles 4

Introduction and overview pp. 505-510 Downloads
Frank A. Sloan and Henry G. Grabowski
Managed care pharmacy, socioeconomic assessments and drug adoption decisions pp. 511-521 Downloads
Alan Lyles, Bryan R. Luce and Anne M. Rentz
Hospital pharmacy decisions, cost containment, and the use of cost-effectiveness analysis pp. 523-533 Downloads
Frank A. Sloan, Kathryn Whetten-Goldstein and Alicia Wilson
Pharmacy benefit management, cost-effectiveness analysis and drug formulary decisions pp. 535-544 Downloads
Henry Grabowski and C. Daniel Mullins
The Oregon experiment: The role of cost-benefit analysis in the allocation of Medicaid funds pp. 545-554 Downloads
James F. Blumstein
Making economic evaluations respectable pp. 555-562 Downloads
Uwe E. Reinhardt
Australian economic evaluation and government decisions on pharmaceuticals, compared to assessment of other health technologies pp. 563-581 Downloads
David Hailey
Economic evaluation under managed competition: Evidence from the U.K pp. 583-595 Downloads
Michael Drummond, Jonathan Cooke and Tom Walley
Economic evaluation of medical technologies in Sweden pp. 597-604 Downloads
Bengt Jönsson
Economic evaluation in support of national health policy: The case of the Netherlands pp. 605-620 Downloads
Einte Elsinga and Frans F. H. Rutten
Economic evaluation of medical technologies: From theory to practice--The German perspective pp. 621-633 Downloads
J. -Matthias Graf Von Der Schulenburg
Pharmaceutical economy and the economic assessment of drugs in France pp. 635-643 Downloads
Claude Le Pen
Conclusions and implications pp. 645-647 Downloads
Frank A. Sloan and Henry G. Grabowski

1997, volume 45, articles 3

Staying single in the 1990s: Single-handed practitioners in the new National Health Service pp. 341-349 Downloads
Neil Lunt, Karl Atkin and Michael Hirst
Health sector reform: Lessons from China pp. 351-360 Downloads
Gerald Bloom and Gu Xingyuan
From lineage to conjugality: The social context of fertility decisions among the Pare of Northern Tanzania pp. 361-372 Downloads
Marida Hollos and Ulla Larsen
Consumerism, reflexivity and the medical encounter pp. 373-381 Downloads
Deborah Lupton
Age-specific education and income gradients in morbidity and mortality in a Canadian province pp. 383-397 Downloads
Cameron A. Mustard, Shelley Derksen, Jean-marie Berthelot, Michael Wolfson and Leslie L. Roos
Socioeconomic inequality and psychopathology: Are socioeconomic status and social class interchangeable? pp. 399-410 Downloads
Tamar Wohlfarth
Prediction of psychological adjustment to multiple sclerosis pp. 411-418 Downloads
Alison M. Barnwell and David J. Kavanagh
Anxiety and patient participation in clinical decision-making: The case of patients with ureteral calculi pp. 419-427 Downloads
Ilana Margalith and Amos Shapiro
Back pain claim rates and the business cycle pp. 429-439 Downloads
Ann-Sylvia Brooker, John W. Frank and Valerie S. Tarasuk
The modern mental health system in Nepal: Organizational persistence in the absence of legitimating myths pp. 441-447 Downloads
Mark Tausig and Sree Subedi
An unruly mélange? Coordinating external resources to the health sector: A review pp. 449-463 Downloads
Kent Buse and Gill Walt
Disadvantage and male cancer incidence and mortality in New South Wales 1985-1993 pp. 465-476 Downloads
I. H. Burnley
Awareness of dying: Prevalence, causes and consequences pp. 477-484 Downloads
Clive Seale, Julia Addington-Hall and Mark McCarthy
Ethnicity, equity and the use of health services in the British NHS pp. 485-496 Downloads
Chris Smaje and Julian Le Grand
Problem-based learning in medicine: New curriculum, old stereotypes pp. 497-499 Downloads
Susan P. Phillips

1997, volume 45, articles 2

Is nondashmetropolitan residence a risk factor for poor birth outcome in the U.S.? pp. 171-188 Downloads
Eric H. Larson, L. Gary Hart and Roger A. Rosenblatt
Medication, chronic illness and identity: The perspective of people with asthma pp. 189-201 Downloads
Stephanie Adams, Roisin Pill and Alan Jones
Health care and consumer choice: Medical and alternative therapies pp. 203-212 Downloads
Merrijoy Kelner and Beverly Wellman
Socioeconomic inequity in health care: A study of services utilization in Curaçao pp. 213-220 Downloads
Jantina F. Alberts, Robbert Sanderman, J. Marietta Eimers and Wim J. A. Van Den Heuvel
Quality of life: A dynamic construct pp. 221-230 Downloads
P. J. Allison, D. Locker and J. S. Feine
Sex differences in physical symptoms: The contribution of symptom perception theory pp. 231-246 Downloads
Cécile M. T. Gijsbers van Wijk and Annemarie M. Kolk
Population growth, poverty and health pp. 247-259 Downloads
Joachim S. Kibirige
Appropriateness in health care: Application to prescribing pp. 261-271 Downloads
Stephen A. Buetow, Bonnie Sibbald, Judith A. Cantrill and Shirley Halliwell
Migrancy, masculine identities and AIDS: The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the South African gold mines pp. 273-281 Downloads
Catherine Campbell
Cleaning the womb: Constructions of cervical screening and womb cancer among rural Black women in South Africa pp. 283-294 Downloads
Katharine Wood, Rachel Jewkes and Naeemah Abrahams
Head injury rehabilitation in the U.K.: An economic perspective pp. 295-303 Downloads
K. McGregor and B. Pentland
Female life expectancy, gender stratification, health status, and level of economic development: A cross-national study of less developed countries pp. 305-317 Downloads
John B. Williamson and Ulrike Boehmer
Communicating with the people about HIV infection risk as a basis for planning interventions: Lessons from the Kagera region of Tanzania pp. 319-329 Downloads
J. Killewo, A. Sandström, L. Dahlgren and S. Wall
The effect of spatial definition on the allocation of clients to screening clinics pp. 331-340 Downloads
Jilda Hyndman, C. D'Arcy, J. Holman and K. Jamrozik

1997, volume 45, articles 1

Conventions, ethics and laws in journal publishing pp. 1-2 Downloads
Sally Macintyre
Morbidity and Irish Catholic descent in Britain: An ethnic and religious minority 150 years on pp. 3-14 Downloads
Joanne Abbotts, Rory Williams, Graeme Ford, Kate Hunt and Patrick West
HIV-infected women: Barriers to AZT use pp. 15-22 Downloads
Karolynn Siegel and Eileen Gorey
Negotiating spaces in home environments: Older women living with arthritis pp. 23-33 Downloads
Pamela Moss
Young doctors' health--I. How do working conditions affect attitudes, health and performance? pp. 35-40 Downloads
P. J. Baldwin, M. Dodd and R. W. Wrate
Young doctors' health--II. Health and health behaviour pp. 41-44 Downloads
P. J. Baldwin, M. Dodd and R. M. Wrate
The status of genetic material and genetic information in The Netherlands pp. 45-49 Downloads
Joke I. de Witte and Jos V. M. Welie
Ownership of genetic material and information pp. 51-60 Downloads
Joke I. de Witte and Henk Ten Have
World War I origins of the syphilis epidemic among 20th century black Americans: A biohistorical analysis pp. 61-69 Downloads
Toni P. Miles and David McBride
Bore holes and the vanishing of guinea worm disease in Ghana's Upper Region pp. 71-89 Downloads
John M. Hunter
Lay injection practices among migrant farmworkers in the age of AIDS: Evolution of a biomedical folk practice pp. 91-98 Downloads
Kristine L. S. P. McVea
Life stories and shared experience pp. 99-111 Downloads
Vibeke Steffen
Sociocultural factors and the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding in rural Yoruba communities of Osun State, Nigeria pp. 113-125 Downloads
Anita A. Davies-Adetugbo
Gender differences in correlates of disablement among the elderly in Egypt pp. 127-136 Downloads
Vicki L. Lamb
Understanding donors' motivations: A study of unrelated bone marrow donors pp. 137-147 Downloads
Galen E. Switzer, Mary Amanda Dew, Victoria A. Butterworth, Roberta G. Simmons and Mindy Schimmel
Women's health status and use of health services in a rapidly growing peri-urban area of South Africa pp. 149-157 Downloads
M. Hoffman, W. M. Pick, D. Cooper and J. E. Myers
Dietary and lifestyle correlates of passive smoking in Hong Kong, Japan, Sweden, and the U.S.A pp. 159-169 Downloads
Linda C. Koo, Geoffrey C. Kabat, Ragnar Rylander, Suketami Tominaga, Ikuko Kato and John H-C. Ho
Page updated 2025-03-25