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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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2011, volume 72, articles 12

Analysing global health assistance: The reach for ethnographic, institutional and political economic scope pp. 1915-1920 Downloads
Devi Sridhar and David Craig
Understanding use of health services in conditional cash transfer programs: Insights from qualitative research in Latin America and Turkey pp. 1921-1929 Downloads
Michelle Adato, Terry Roopnaraine and Elisabeth Becker
Resource mobilization for health advocacy: Afro-Brazilian religious organizations and HIV prevention and control pp. 1930-1938 Downloads
Jonathan Garcia and Richard G. Parker
What can transaction costs tell us about governance in the delivery of large scale HIV prevention programmes in southern India? pp. 1939-1947 Downloads
Lorna Guinness
Effects of the World Bank's maternal and child health intervention on Indonesia's poor: Evaluating the safe motherhood project pp. 1948-1955 Downloads
John Baird, Steven Ma and Jennifer Prah Ruger
National poverty reduction strategies and HIV/AIDS governance in Malawi: A preliminary study of shared health governance pp. 1956-1964 Downloads
Catherine Wachira and Jennifer Prah Ruger
A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of factors associated with trends in narrowing health inequalities in England pp. 1965-1974 Downloads
Tim Blackman, Jonathan Wistow and David Byrne
'Tackling health inequalities' and its pros, cons and contradictions: A commentary on Blackman, Wistow and Byrne pp. 1975-1977 Downloads
Graham Scambler
Income inequality and personality: Are less equal U.S. states less agreeable? pp. 1978-1985 Downloads
Robert de Vries, Samuel Gosling and Jeff Potter
Socioeconomic inequalities in old-age mortality: A comparison of Denmark and the USA pp. 1986-1992 Downloads
Rasmus Hoffmann
When does neighbourhood matter? Multilevel relationships between neighbourhood social fragmentation and mental health pp. 1993-2002 Downloads
Vivienne C. Ivory, Sunny C. Collings, Tony Blakely and Kevin Dew
Psychological strains and youth suicide in rural China pp. 2003-2010 Downloads
Jie Zhang, William F. Wieczorek, Yeates Conwell and Xin Ming Tu
Feasibility, acceptability, and initial efficacy of a knowledge-contact program to reduce mental illness stigma and improve mental health literacy in adolescents pp. 2011-2019 Downloads
Melissa D. Pinto-Foltz, M. Cynthia Logsdon and John A. Myers
Young adults' decision making surrounding heavy drinking: A multi-staged model of planned behaviour pp. 2020-2025 Downloads
Jeremy Northcote
Informing health? Negotiating the logics of choice and care in everyday practices of 'healthy living' pp. 2026-2032 Downloads
Flis Henwood, Roma Harris and Philippa Spoel
Scouting for talent: Appointment practices of women professors in academic medicine pp. 2033-2040 Downloads
Marieke Van den Brink
Forging convictions: The effects of active participation in a clinical trial pp. 2041-2048 Downloads
Clare Scott, Jan Walker, Peter White and George Lewith
Do new cohorts of family physicians work less compared to their older predecessors? The evidence from Canada pp. 2049-2058 Downloads
Sisira Sarma, Amardeep Thind and Man-Kee Chu

2011, volume 72, articles 11

Genetics, health care, family and kinship in a global perspective: Situated processes of co-construction pp. 1739-1742 Downloads
Klasien Horstman and Kaja Finkler
Voicing the lifeworld: Parental accounts of responsibility in genetic consultations for polycystic kidney disease pp. 1743-1751 Downloads
Angus Clarke, Srikant Sarangi and Kate Verrier-Jones
Making genetics not so important: Family work in dealing with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy pp. 1752-1759 Downloads
Els Geelen, Ine Van Hoyweghen and Klasien Horstman
Exploring genetic responsibility for the self, family and kin in the case of hereditary raised cholesterol pp. 1760-1767 Downloads
Kate Weiner
Postgenomics, uncertain futures, and the familiarization of susceptibility genes pp. 1768-1775 Downloads
Gillian Chilibeck, Margaret Lock and Megha Sehdev
They say it runs in the family: Diabetes and inheritance in Oaxaca, Mexico pp. 1776-1783 Downloads
Margaret Everett
Family medicine, 'La Herencia' and breast cancer; understanding the (dis)continuities of predictive genetics in Cuba pp. 1784-1792 Downloads
Sahra Gibbon
Unambiguous test results or individual independence? The role of clients and families in predictive BRCA-testing in the Netherlands compared to the USA pp. 1793-1801 Downloads
Marianne Boenink
Genetic testing, governance, and the family in the People's Republic of China pp. 1802-1809 Downloads
Margaret Elizabeth Sleeboom-Faulkner
Moral landscapes and everyday life in families with Huntington's disease: Aligning ethnographic description and bioethics pp. 1810-1816 Downloads
Lotte Huniche
Worry, worry attacks, and PTSD among Cambodian refugees: A path analysis investigation pp. 1817-1825 Downloads
Devon E. Hinton, Angela Nickerson and Richard A. Bryant
Caught in the crosshairs: Identity and cultural authority within chiropractic pp. 1826-1837 Downloads
Yvonne Villanueva-Russell
Making a difference: The construction of ethnicity in HIV and STI epidemiological research by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) pp. 1838-1845 Downloads
Alana Proctor, Anja Krumeich and Agnes Meershoek
Medical returns: Seeking health care in Mexico pp. 1846-1852 Downloads
Sarah Horton and Stephanie Cole
Connecting food environments and health through the relational nature of aesthetics: Gaining insight through the community gardening experience pp. 1853-1863 Downloads
James Hale, Corrine Knapp, Lisa Bardwell, Michael Buchenau, Julie Marshall, Fahriye Sancar and Jill S. Litt
Housing and health in three contrasting neighbourhoods in Accra, Ghana pp. 1864-1872 Downloads
Godwin Arku, Isaac Luginaah, Paul Mkandawire, Philip Baiden and Alex B. Asiedu
The intersection of school racial composition and student race/ethnicity on adolescent depressive and somatic symptoms pp. 1873-1883 Downloads
Katrina M. Walsemann, Bethany A. Bell and Debeshi Maitra
Socioeconomic influences at different life stages on health in Guangzhou, China pp. 1884-1892 Downloads
Timothy M. Elwell-Sutton, Chao Qiang Jiang, Wei Sen Zhang, Kar Keung Cheng, Tai Hing Lam, Gabriel M. Leung and C.M. Schooling
Infant mortality and adult stature in Spain pp. 1893-1903 Downloads
Climent Quintana-Domeque, Carlos Bozzoli and Mariano Bosch
Understanding the effect of disease adaptation information on general population values for hypothetical health states pp. 1904-1912 Downloads
Helen McTaggart-Cowan, Aki Tsuchiya, Alicia O'Cathain and John Brazier

2011, volume 72, articles 10

The unspoken work of general practitioner receptionists: A re-examination of emotion management in primary care pp. 1583-1587 Downloads
Jenna Ward and Robert McMurray
Understanding the interplay of time, gender and professionalism in hospital medicine in the UK pp. 1588-1594 Downloads
Mustafa F. Ozbilgin, Maria Tsouroufli and Merryn Smith
Enacting 'team' and 'teamwork': Using Goffman's theory of impression management to illuminate interprofessional practice on hospital wards pp. 1595-1602 Downloads
Simon Lewin and Scott Reeves
Time matters - A theoretical and empirical examination of the temporal landscape of a hospital pathology service and the impact of e-health pp. 1603-1610 Downloads
Andrew Georgiou, Johanna I. Westbrook and Jeffrey Braithwaite
Sexual minority youth, social connection and resilience: From personal struggle to collective identity pp. 1611-1617 Downloads
Gloria T. DiFulvio
Understanding HIV disclosure: A review and application of the Disclosure Processes Model pp. 1618-1629 Downloads
Stephenie R. Chaudoir, Jeffrey D. Fisher and Jane M. Simoni
A methodology for building culture and gender norms into intervention: An example from Mumbai, India pp. 1630-1638 Downloads
Kristin M. Kostick, Stephen L. Schensul, Rajendra Singh, Pertti Pelto and Niranjan Saggurti
Understanding the conviction of Binayak Sen: Neocolonialism, political violence and the political economy of health in the central Indian tribal belt pp. 1639-1642 Downloads
Jonathan J. Kennedy and Lawrence P. King
Prevalence and predictors of smoking in "smoke-free" bars. Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Europe Surveys pp. 1643-1651 Downloads
Gera E. Nagelhout, Ute Mons, Shane Allwright, Romain Guignard, François Beck, Geoffrey T. Fong, Hein de Vries and Marc C. Willemsen
Impact of occupational stress on stroke across occupational classes and genders pp. 1652-1658 Downloads
Akizumi Tsutsumi, Kazunori Kayaba and Shizukiyo Ishikawa
Stress trajectories, health behaviors, and the mental health of black and white young adults pp. 1659-1666 Downloads
Jason D. Boardman and Kari B. Alexander
Obesity disparities among disadvantaged men: National adult male inmate prevalence pooled with non-incarcerated estimates, United States, 2002-2004 pp. 1667-1673 Downloads
Brian Houle
Participation among adults with disability: The role of the urban environment pp. 1674-1684 Downloads
Philippa J. Clarke, Jennifer A. Ailshire, Els R. Nieuwenhuijsen and Marijke W. de Kleijn - de Vrankrijker
Rural/urban mortality differences in England and Wales and the effect of deprivation adjustment pp. 1685-1694 Downloads
Andrea Gartner, Daniel Farewell, Paul Roach and Frank Dunstan
Prenatal care among immigrant and racial-ethnic minority women in a new immigrant destination: Exploring the impact of immigrant legal status pp. 1695-1703 Downloads
Kim Korinek and Ken R. Smith
Is demand-side financing equity enhancing? Lessons from a maternal health voucher scheme in Bangladesh pp. 1704-1710 Downloads
Shakil Ahmed and M. Mahmud Khan
Incorporating concerns for equal lifetime health in evaluations of public health programs pp. 1711-1716 Downloads
Bjarne Robberstad and Ole F. Norheim
Best-worst scaling vs. discrete choice experiments: An empirical comparison using social care data pp. 1717-1727 Downloads
Dimitris Potoglou, Peter Burge, Terry Flynn, Ann Netten, Juliette Malley, Julien Forder and John Brazier
The increasing value of education to health pp. 1728-1737 Downloads
Dana Goldman and James P. Smith

2011, volume 72, articles 9

Environmental correlates of adiposity in 9-10 year old children: Considering home and school neighbourhoods and routes to school pp. 1411-1419 Downloads
Flo Harrison, Andrew P. Jones, Esther M.F. van Sluijs, Aedín Cassidy, Graham Bentham and Simon J. Griffin
Child overweight and undernutrition in Thailand: Is there an urban effect? pp. 1420-1428 Downloads
Rebecca Firestone, Sureeporn Punpuing, Karen E. Peterson, Dolores Acevedo-Garcia and Steven L. Gortmaker
The effect of maternal tetanus immunization on children's schooling attainment in Matlab, Bangladesh: Follow-up of a randomized trial pp. 1429-1436 Downloads
David Canning, Abdur Razzaque, Julia Driessen, Damian G. Walker, Peter Kim Streatfield and Mohammad Yunus
Effect of Ecuador's cash transfer program (Bono de Desarrollo Humano) on child development in infants and toddlers: A randomized effectiveness trial pp. 1437-1446 Downloads
Lia C.H. Fernald and Melissa Hidrobo
Environmental stressors, low well-being, smoking, and alcohol use among South African adolescents pp. 1447-1453 Downloads
David W. Brook, Elizabeth Rubenstone, Chenshu Zhang, Neo K. Morojele and Judith S. Brook
Food insecurity, social capital and perceived personal disparity in a predominantly rural region of Texas: An individual-level analysis pp. 1454-1462 Downloads
Wesley R. Dean and Joseph R. Sharkey
The association of food security with psychological distress in New Zealand and any gender differences pp. 1463-1471 Downloads
Kristie N. Carter, Kerri Kruse, Tony Blakely and Sunny Collings
Does geographic access to primary healthcare influence the detection of hepatitis C? pp. 1472-1481 Downloads
Thomas Astell-Burt, Robin Flowerdew, Paul J. Boyle and John F. Dillon
Social isolation, C-reactive protein, and coronary heart disease mortality among community-dwelling adults pp. 1482-1488 Downloads
Kathi L. Heffner, Molly E. Waring, Mary B. Roberts, Charles B. Eaton and Robert Gramling
Similar but different: Health and economic crisis in 1990s Cuba and Russia pp. 1489-1498 Downloads
Iris Borowy
Gender relations, prostate cancer and diet: Re-inscribing hetero-normative food practices pp. 1499-1506 Downloads
Lawrence William Mróz, Gwen E. Chapman, John L. Oliffe and Joan L. Bottorff
Adolescent men's attitudes and decision-making in relation to an unplanned pregnancy. Responses to an interactive video drama pp. 1507-1514 Downloads
Maria Lohan, Sharon Cruise, Peter O'Halloran, Fiona Alderdice and Abbey Hyde
The effect of breastfeeding on children's educational test scores at nine years of age: Results of an Irish cohort study pp. 1515-1521 Downloads
Cathal McCrory and Richard Layte
Safe access to safe water in low income countries: Water fetching in current times pp. 1522-1526 Downloads
Susan B. Sorenson, Christiaan Morssink and Paola Abril Campos
God-sent ordeals and their discontents: Ultra-orthodox Jewish women negotiate prenatal testing pp. 1527-1533 Downloads
Tsipy Ivry, Elly Teman and Ayala Frumkin
Impacts of domestic violence on child growth and nutrition: A conceptual review of the pathways of influence pp. 1534-1554 Downloads
Kathryn M. Yount, Ann M. DiGirolamo and Usha Ramakrishnan
Conceptions of acculturation: A review and statement of critical issues pp. 1555-1562 Downloads
Maria Lopez-Class, Felipe González Castro and Amelie G. Ramirez
Finding the moral heart of treatment: Mental health care in a French prison pp. 1563-1569 Downloads
Fabrice Fernandez and Samuel Lézé
Lay people's experiences with reading their medical record pp. 1570-1573 Downloads
Torunn Wibe, Ragnhild Hellesø, Laura Slaughter and Mirjam Ekstedt
The socio-political roots of pharmaceutical uncertainty in the evaluation of 'innovative' diabetes drugs in the European Union and the US pp. 1574-1581 Downloads
Courtney Davis and John Abraham

2011, volume 72, articles 8

Social capital and change in psychological health over time pp. 1219-1227 Downloads
Giuseppe Nicola Giordano and Martin Lindström
Favourable changes in economic well-being and self-rated health among the elderly pp. 1228-1235 Downloads
Gilbert Brenes-Camacho
Understanding how race/ethnicity and gender define age-trajectories of disability: An intersectionality approach pp. 1236-1248 Downloads
David F. Warner and Tyson H. Brown
Disparity in disability between native-born non-Hispanic white and foreign-born Asian older adults in the United States: Effects of educational attainment and age at immigration pp. 1249-1257 Downloads
Min-Ah Lee
Parenthood, drinking locations and heavy drinking pp. 1258-1265 Downloads
Catherine Paradis
Neighborhood walkability, physical activity, and walking behavior: The Swedish Neighborhood and Physical Activity (SNAP) study pp. 1266-1273 Downloads
Kristina Sundquist, Ulf Eriksson, Naomi Kawakami, Lars Skog, Henrik Ohlsson and Daniel Arvidsson
Are neighborhood education levels associated with BMI among adults in Cairo, Egypt? pp. 1274-1283 Downloads
Mona Mowafi, Zeinab Khadr, S.V. Subramanian, Gary Bennett, Allan Hill and Ichiro Kawachi
Internal migration and health: Premarital sexual initiation in Nigeria pp. 1284-1293 Downloads
Blessing Uchenna Mberu and Michael J. White
Internal migration and health: Re-examining the healthy migrant phenomenon in China pp. 1294-1301 Downloads
Juan Chen
Building institutions for an effective health system: Lessons from China's experience with rural health reform pp. 1302-1309 Downloads
Gerald Bloom
Public financial support receipt and non-medical resource utilization in Alzheimer's disease results from the PLASA study pp. 1310-1316 Downloads
Thomas Rapp, Alain Grand, Christelle Cantet, Sandrine Andrieu, Nicola Coley, Florence Portet and Bruno Vellas
Patients' self-interested preferences: Empirical evidence from a priority setting experiment pp. 1317-1324 Downloads
Begoña Álvarez and Eva Rodríguez-Míguez
Demand for sanitation in Salvador, Brazil: A hybrid choice approach pp. 1325-1332 Downloads
Andreia C. Santos, Jennifer A. Roberts, Mauricio L. Barreto and Sandy Cairncross
Health care rationing in an age of uncertainty: A conceptual model pp. 1333-1341 Downloads
Tiago Moreira
The pharmaceutical corporation and the 'good work' of managing women's bodies pp. 1342-1350 Downloads
Tasleem Juana Padamsee
Dead by 50: Lay expertise and breast cancer screening pp. 1351-1358 Downloads
Kristin K. Barker and Tasha R. Galardi
Tacit and transitionary: An exploration of patients' and primary care health professionals' goals in relation to asthma pp. 1359-1366 Downloads
Brian Williams, Karen Steven and Frank M. Sullivan
Techniques and transitions: A sociological analysis of sleeping practices amongst recovering heroin users pp. 1367-1373 Downloads
Sarah Nettleton, Joanne Neale and Lucy Pickering
On the remarkable persistence of asymmetry in doctor/patient interaction: A critical review pp. 1374-1382 Downloads
Alison Pilnick and Robert Dingwall
Non-adherence to antiretroviral treatment and unplanned treatment interruption among people living with HIV/AIDS in Cameroon: Individual and healthcare supply-related factors pp. 1383-1392 Downloads
Sylvie Boyer, Isabelle Clerc, Cécile-Renée Bonono, Fabienne Marcellin, Paule-Christiane Bilé and Bruno Ventelou
'All is done by Allah'. Understandings of Down syndrome and prenatal testing in Pakistan pp. 1393-1399 Downloads
Louise D. Bryant, Shenaz Ahmed, Mushtaq Ahmed, Hussain Jafri and Yasmin Raashid
The limits of resilience: Distress following chronic political violence among Palestinians pp. 1400-1408 Downloads
Stevan E. Hobfoll, Anthony D. Mancini, Brian J. Hall, Daphna Canetti and George A. Bonanno
Corrigendum to "Which patients improve: Characteristics increasing sensitivity to a supportive patient-practitioner relationship" [Social Science & Medicine 70 (2010) 479-484] pp. 1409-1409 Downloads
Lisa Ann Conboy, Eric Macklin, John Kelley, Efi Kokkotou, Anthony Lembo, Roger Davis and Ted Kaptchuk

2011, volume 72, articles 7

The evolving socio-political context of community health worker programmes in South Africa: Implications for historical analysis. A commentary on van Ginneken, Lewin and Berridge "the emergence of community health worker programmes in the late-apartheid era in South Africa: An historical analysis"(2010) pp. 1021-1024 Downloads
Dingie J. van Rensburg, Edwin Wouters and Katinka de Wet
What can be learnt from historical analysis? Community health workers and health policy in South Africa. A response to van Rensburg, H.C.J., Wouters, E., and de Wet, K.'s critique (in this issue) pp. 1025-1027 Downloads
Nadja van Ginneken, Simon Lewin and Virginia Berridge
Organizational analysis of Canadian supported employment programs for people with psychiatric disabilities pp. 1028-1035 Downloads
Matthew Menear, Daniel Reinharz, Marc Corbière, Nathalie Houle, Nathalie Lanctôt, Paula Goering, Elliot M. Goldner, Bonnie Kirsh and Tania Lecomte
Implementation of IPS supported employment around the world: Planned vs. unplanned dissemination. A commentary on Menear et al pp. 1036-1038 Downloads
Gary R. Bond, Robert E. Drake and Deborah R. Becker
Getting evidence into policy: The need for deliberative strategies? pp. 1039-1046 Downloads
Kathy Flitcroft, James Gillespie, Glenn Salkeld, Stacy Carter and Lyndal Trevena
From "our world" to the "real world": Exploring the views and behaviour of policy-influential Australian public health researchers pp. 1047-1055 Downloads
Abby S. Haynes, Gjemma E. Derrick, Simon Chapman, Sally Redman, Wayne D. Hall, James Gillespie and Heidi Sturk
Journal peer review in context: A qualitative study of the social and subjective dimensions of manuscript review in biomedical publishing pp. 1056-1063 Downloads
Wendy L. Lipworth, Ian H. Kerridge, Stacy M. Carter and Miles Little
Interpreting social network metrics in healthcare organisations: A review and guide to validating small networks pp. 1064-1068 Downloads
Adam G. Dunn and Johanna I. Westbrook
Sourcing the crowd for health services improvement: The reflexive patient and "share-your-experience" websites pp. 1069-1076 Downloads
Samantha A. Adams
Established users and the making of telecare work in long term condition management: Implications for health policy pp. 1077-1084 Downloads
Anne Rogers, Sue Kirk, Claire Gately, Carl R. May and Tracy Finch
Measuring patient-centered communication in cancer care: A literature review and the development of a systematic approach pp. 1085-1095 Downloads
Lauren A. McCormack, Katherine Treiman, Douglas Rupert, Pamela Williams-Piehota, Eric Nadler, Neeraj K. Arora, William Lawrence and Richard L. Street
Breast cancer delay: A grounded model of help-seeking behaviour pp. 1096-1104 Downloads
Karla Unger-Saldaña and Claudia B. Infante-Castañeda
Patient resistance as agency in treatment decisions pp. 1105-1114 Downloads
Christopher J. Koenig
Immunitary bioeconomy: The economisation of life in the international cord blood market pp. 1115-1122 Downloads
Nik Brown, Laura Machin and Danae McLeod
Cycling and the city: A case study of how gendered, ethnic and class identities can shape healthy transport choices pp. 1123-1130 Downloads
Rebecca Steinbach, Judith Green, Jessica Datta and Phil Edwards
Why healthy eating is bad for young people's health: Identity, belonging and food pp. 1131-1139 Downloads
Martine Stead, Laura McDermott, Anne Marie MacKintosh and Ashley Adamson
Additive and subtractive resilience strategies as enablers of biographical reinvention: A qualitative study of ex-smokers and never-smokers pp. 1140-1148 Downloads
Paul Russell Ward, Robert Muller, George Tsourtos, Deborah Hersh, Sharon Lawn, Anthony H. Winefield and John Coveney
Two year psychosocial and mental health outcomes for refugees subjected to restrictive or supportive immigration policies pp. 1149-1156 Downloads
Zachary Steel, Shakeh Momartin, Derrick Silove, Marianio Coello, Jorge Aroche and Kuo Wei Tay
Delays in recognition of and Care-seeking response to prolonged labor in Bangladesh pp. 1157-1168 Downloads
Sara K. Head, Kathryn M. Yount and Lynn M. Sibley
"There is such a thing as too many daughters, but not too many sons": A qualitative study of son preference and fetal sex selection among Indian immigrants in the United States pp. 1169-1176 Downloads
Sunita Puri, Vincanne Adams, Susan Ivey and Robert D. Nachtigall
Different stage, different performance: The protective strategy of role play on emotional health in sex work pp. 1177-1184 Downloads
Gillian M. Abel
"Over here, it's just drugs, women and all the madness": The HIV risk environment of clients of female sex workers in Tijuana, Mexico pp. 1185-1192 Downloads
Shira M. Goldenberg, Steffanie A. Strathdee, Manuel Gallardo, Tim Rhodes, Karla D. Wagner and Thomas L. Patterson
Self-rated health and social capital in transitional countries: Multilevel analysis of comparative surveys in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia pp. 1193-1204 Downloads
Nazim N. Habibov and Elvin Afandi
How relevant are district characteristics in explaining subjective health in Germany? - A multilevel analysis pp. 1205-1210 Downloads
Katharina Diehl and Sven Schneider
The effect of survivalism-self-expressionism culture on black male suicide acceptability: A cross-national analysis pp. 1211-1218 Downloads
Steven Stack and Augustine J. Kposowa

2011, volume 72, articles 6

Liberating the NHS? A commentary on the Lansley White Paper, "Equity and Excellence" pp. 815-820 Downloads
Sheena Asthana
Reflections on commissioning and the English coalition government NHS reforms pp. 821-822 Downloads
Donald Light and Martin Connor
Family presence in routine medical visits: A meta-analytical review pp. 823-831 Downloads
Jennifer L. Wolff and Debra L. Roter
Economic evaluation to inform health care decision-making: Promise, pitfalls and a proposal for an alternative path pp. 832-839 Downloads
Astrid Brousselle and Chantale Lessard
Losing life and livelihood: A systematic review and meta-analysis of unemployment and all-cause mortality pp. 840-854 Downloads
David J. Roelfs, Eran Shor, Karina W. Davidson and Joseph E. Schwartz
Implementing successful intimate partner violence screening programs in health care settings: Evidence generated from a realist-informed systematic review pp. 855-866 Downloads
Patricia O'Campo, Maritt Kirst, Charoula Tsamis, Catharine Chambers and Farah Ahmad
Association of physical violence by an intimate partner around the time of pregnancy with inadequate gestational weight gain pp. 867-873 Downloads
Hind A. Beydoun, Hala Tamim, Alicia M. Lincoln, Suzanna D. Dooley and May A. Beydoun
Psychosocial influences on prisoner suicide: A case-control study of near-lethal self-harm in women prisoners pp. 874-883 Downloads
Lisa Marzano, Keith Hawton, Adrienne Rivlin and Seena Fazel
Do local landmark bridges increase the suicide rate? An alternative test of the likely effect of means restriction at suicide-jumping sites pp. 884-889 Downloads
Garrett Glasgow
Social factors associated with nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposure during pregnancy: The INMA-Valencia project in Spain pp. 890-898 Downloads
Sabrina Llop, Ferran Ballester, Marisa Estarlich, Carmen Iñiguez, Rosa Ramón, MCarmen Gonzalez, Mario Murcia, Ana Esplugues and Marisa Rebagliato
Health among hospital employees in Europe: A cross-national study of the impact of work stress and work control pp. 899-906 Downloads
Tjasa Pisljar, Tanja van der Lippe and Laura den Dulk
The deleterious consequences of privatization and outsourcing for hospital support work: The experiences of contracted-out hospital cleaners and dietary aids in Vancouver, Canada pp. 907-911 Downloads
Daniyal M. Zuberi and Melita B. Ptashnick
Compliant, complacent or panicked? Investigating the problematisation of the Australian general public in pandemic influenza control pp. 912-918 Downloads
Mark Davis, Niamh Stephenson and Paul Flowers
The determinants of the adoption of pharmaceutical innovation: Evidence from Taiwan pp. 919-927 Downloads
Ya-Ming Liu, Yea-Huei Kao Yang and Chee-Ruey Hsieh
Do pharmaceuticals displace local knowledge and use of medicinal plants? Estimates from a cross-sectional study in a rural indigenous community, Mexico pp. 928-936 Downloads
Peter Giovannini, Victoria Reyes-García, Anna Waldstein and Michael Heinrich
Introducing malaria rapid diagnostic tests at registered drug shops in Uganda: Limitations of diagnostic testing in the reality of diagnosis pp. 937-944 Downloads
Clare I.R. Chandler, Rachel Hall-Clifford, Turinde Asaph, Magnussen Pascal, Siân Clarke and Anthony K. Mbonye
Strange bedfellows: The Catholic Church and Brazilian National AIDS Program in the response to HIV/AIDS in Brazil pp. 945-952 Downloads
Laura R. Murray, Jonathan Garcia, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy and Richard G. Parker
Making sense of condoms: Social representations in young people's HIV-related narratives from six African countries pp. 953-961 Downloads
Kate Winskell, Oby Obyerodhyambo and Rob Stephenson
Children's understanding of the selling versus persuasive intent of junk food advertising: Implications for regulation pp. 962-968 Downloads
Owen B.J. Carter, Lisa J. Patterson, Robert J. Donovan, Michael T. Ewing and Clare M. Roberts
Food provisioning experiences of ultra poor female heads of household living in Bangladesh pp. 969-976 Downloads
Lynn McIntyre, Krista Rondeau, Sharon Kirkpatrick, Jennifer Hatfield, Khaled Shamsul Islam and Syed Nazmul Huda
Explaining racial disparities in adverse birth outcomes: Unique sources of stress for Black American women pp. 977-983 Downloads
Lisa Rosenthal and Marci Lobel
Motherhood, pregnancy, and the negotiation of identity: The moral career of drug treatment pp. 984-991 Downloads
Polly Radcliffe
Negotiating desires and options: How mothers who carry the fragile X gene experience reproductive decisions pp. 992-998 Downloads
Kelly Amanda Raspberry and Debra Skinner
Selection in utero contributes to the male longevity deficit pp. 999-1003 Downloads
Ralph Catalano
Infant mortality, season of birth and the health of older Puerto Rican adults pp. 1004-1015 Downloads
Mary McEniry
Reconstructing dose: A commentary on McEniry pp. 1016-1017 Downloads
Ralph Catalano, Claire E. Margerison-Zilko, Katherine Saxton, Kaja LeWinn and Elizabeth Anderson
In utero exposures, season of birth and population studies of older adults: Author's reply pp. 1018-1020 Downloads
Mary C. McEniry

2011, volume 72, articles 4

Effect of increased private share of inpatient psychiatric resources on jail population growth: Evidence from the United States pp. 447-455 Downloads
Jangho Yoon
Dysfunctional social control of mental illness: A commentary on Yoon pp. 456-459 Downloads
Fred. E. Markowitz
Managing Prader-Willi syndrome in families: An embodied exploration pp. 460-468 Downloads
Kerry Allen
Does parental capital influence the prevalence of child overweight and parental perceptions of child weight-level? pp. 469-477 Downloads
Vibeke T. Christensen
'I'm a bad mum': Pregnant presenteeism and poor health at work pp. 478-485 Downloads
Caroline Jane Gatrell
Gender and the hygiene hypothesis pp. 486-493 Downloads
Sharyn Clough
Explaining the curvilinear relationship between age at first birth and depression among women pp. 494-503 Downloads
Daniel L. Carlson
How do patients come to be seen as 'difficult'?: A mixed-methods study in community mental health care pp. 504-512 Downloads
B. Koekkoek, G. Hutschemaekers, B. van Meijel and A. Schene
Professional relations in sport healthcare: Workplace responses to organisational change pp. 513-520 Downloads
Dominic Malcolm and Andrea Scott
What does an e-mail address add? - Doing health and technology at home pp. 521-528 Downloads
Hege K. Andreassen
Negotiating competency, professionalism and risk: The integration of complementary and alternative medicine by nurses and midwives in NHS hospitals pp. 529-536 Downloads
Sarah Cant, Peter Watts and Annmarie Ruston
Translational science and the hidden research system in universities and academic hospitals: A case study pp. 537-544 Downloads
Bryn Lander and Janet Atkinson-Grosjean
The "biosecuritization" of healthcare delivery: Examples of post-9/11 technological imperatives pp. 545-552 Downloads
Jill A. Fisher and Torin Monahan
Constructing access in predictive medicine. Comparing classification for hereditary breast cancer risks in England, Germany and the Netherlands pp. 553-559 Downloads
Erik Aarden, Ine Van Hoyweghen and Klasien Horstman
Privatization of social services: Quality differences in Swedish elderly care pp. 560-567 Downloads
Ragnar Stolt, Paula Blomqvist and Ulrika Winblad
Factors in health initiative success: Learning from Nepal's newborn survival initiative pp. 568-575 Downloads
Stephanie L. Smith and Shailes Neupane
Job loss and depression: The role of subjective expectations pp. 576-583 Downloads
Bidisha Mandal, Padmaja Ayyagari and William T. Gallo
Social capital and self-rated health in Colombia: The good, the bad and the ugly pp. 584-590 Downloads
David Hurtado, Ichiro Kawachi and John Sudarsky
The interaction of personal and parental education on health pp. 591-599 Downloads
Catherine E. Ross and John Mirowsky
Social inequalities in the association between partner/marital status and health among workers in Spain pp. 600-607 Downloads
Lucia Artazcoz, Imma Cortès, Carme Borrell, Vicenta Escribà-Agüir and Lorena Cascant
Attributable risk of psychiatric and socio-economic factors for suicide from individual-level, population-based studies: A systematic review pp. 608-616 Downloads
Zhuoyang Li, Andrew Page, Graham Martin and Richard Taylor
World health inequality: Convergence, divergence, and development pp. 617-624 Downloads
Rob Clark
Socioeconomic context and gastroschisis: Exploring associations at various geographic scales pp. 625-633 Downloads
Elisabeth D. Root, Robert E. Meyer and Michael Emch

2011, volume 72, articles 3

Health geography in 'Steel City': Selected papers from the XIII International Medical Geography Symposium, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, July 2009 pp. 317-318 Downloads
Gavin J. Andrews and Susan J. Elliott
'Vulnerability is universal': Considering the place of 'security' and 'vulnerability' within contemporary global health discourse pp. 319-326 Downloads
Tim Brown
Entitlements to health care: Why is there a preference for private facilities among poorer residents of Chennai, India? pp. 327-337 Downloads
Christina R. Ergler, Patrick Sakdapolrak, Hans-Georg Bohle and Robin A. Kearns
The influence of culture on home-based family caregiving at end-of-life: A case study of Dutch reformed family care givers in Ontario, Canada pp. 338-346 Downloads
Rhonda Donovan, Allison Williams, Kelli Stajduhar, Kevin Brazil and Denise Marshall
Telecare and older people: Who cares where? pp. 347-354 Downloads
Christine Milligan, Celia Roberts and Maggie Mort
Aboriginal peoples, health and healing approaches: The effects of age and place on health pp. 355-364 Downloads
Kathi Wilson, Mark W. Rosenberg and Sylvia Abonyi
Aging, health and place in residential care facilities in Beijing, China pp. 365-372 Downloads
Yang Cheng, Mark W. Rosenberg, Wuyi Wang, Linsheng Yang and Hairong Li
Explaining place-based colorectal cancer health disparities: Evidence from a rural context pp. 373-382 Downloads
Kirsten M.M. Beyer, Sara Comstock, Renea Seagren and Gerard Rushton
Examining spatial variations in the prevalence of mental health problems among 5-year-old children in Canada pp. 383-388 Downloads
Robert Raos and Magdalena Janus
Deprivation (im)mobility and cause-specific premature mortality in Scotland pp. 389-397 Downloads
Daniel J. Exeter, Paul J. Boyle and Paul Norman
Conflict and human African trypanosomiasis pp. 398-407 Downloads
Lea Berrang-Ford, Jamie Lundine and Sebastien Breau
Malaria risk behaviours, socio-cultural practices and rural livelihoods in southern Tanzania: Implications for bednet usage pp. 408-417 Downloads
Christine E. Dunn, Ann Le Mare and Christina Makungu
Using a neural network for mining interpretable relationships of West Nile risk factors pp. 418-429 Downloads
Debarchana Ghosh and Rajarshi Guha
Do area characteristics predict change in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity from ages 11 to 15 years? pp. 430-438 Downloads
Roman Pabayo, Jay Belsky, Lise Gauvin and Sarah Curtis
Concept mapping of diet and physical activity: Uncovering local stakeholders perception in the Quebec City region pp. 439-445 Downloads
Alexandre Lebel, Michael Cantinotti, Robert Pampalon, Marius Thériault, Lindsay A. Smith and Anne-Marie Hamelin

2011, volume 72, articles 2

The patchwork: Health reform, American style pp. 125-128 Downloads
Theodore Marmor and Jonathan Oberlander
Historical and comparative reflections on the U.S. national health insurance reforms pp. 129-132 Downloads
Donald Light
Measuring and decomposing socioeconomic inequality in healthcare delivery: A microsimulation approach with application to the Palestinian conflict-affected fragile setting pp. 133-141 Downloads
Mohammad Abu-Zaineh, Awad Mataria, Jean-Paul Moatti and Bruno Ventelou
Impact of information on intentions to vaccinate in a potential epidemic: Swine-origin Influenza A (H1N1) pp. 142-148 Downloads
Olivier Chanel, Stéphane Luchini, Sébastien Massoni and Jean-Christophe Vergnaud
Fishing in dangerous waters: Ecology, gender and economy in HIV risk pp. 149-156 Downloads
Sanyu A. Mojola
Equity aspects of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana: Who is enrolling, who is not and why? pp. 157-165 Downloads
Caroline Jehu-Appiah, Genevieve Aryeetey, Ernst Spaan, Thomas Hoop, Irene Agyepong and Rob Baltussen
Effect of the Arizona tobacco control program on cigarette consumption and healthcare expenditures pp. 166-172 Downloads
James Lightwood and Stanton Glantz
Do the poor cost much more? The relationship between small area income deprivation and length of stay for elective hip replacement in the English NHS from 2001 to 2008 pp. 173-184 Downloads
Richard Cookson and Mauro Laudicella
Measuring and valuing productivity loss due to poor health: A critical review pp. 185-192 Downloads
Wei Zhang, Nick Bansback and Aslam H. Anis
Change in income and change in self-rated health: Systematic review of studies using repeated measures to control for confounding bias pp. 193-201 Downloads
Fiona Imlach Gunasekara, Kristie Carter and Tony Blakely
The antagonism of push and pull strategies, and the current funding campaigns to fight orphan diseases pp. 202-205 Downloads
Patrick Leoni
Ageing and disability: Job satisfaction differentials across Europe pp. 206-215 Downloads
Ricardo Pagan Rodriguez
Utilization of HIV-related services from the private health sector: A multi-country analysis pp. 216-223 Downloads
Wenjuan Wang, Sara Sulzbach and Susna De
Socioeconomic inequalities in the diffusion of health technology: Uptake of coronary procedures as an example pp. 224-229 Downloads
Rosemary J. Korda, Mark S. Clements and Jane Dixon
Limited English proficient Asian Americans: Threshold language policy and access to mental health treatment pp. 230-237 Downloads
Lonnie R. Snowden, Mary C. Masland, Carol J. Peng, Christine Wei-Mien Lou and Neal T. Wallace
The role of leader behaviors in hospital-based emergency departments' unit performance and employee work satisfaction pp. 238-246 Downloads
Blossom Yen-Ju Lin, Chung-Ping C. Hsu, Chi-Wen Juan, Cheng-Chieh Lin, Hung-Jung Lin and Jih-Chang Chen
Referral to and attitude towards traditional Chinese medicine amongst western medical doctors in postcolonial Hong Kong pp. 247-255 Downloads
Vincent C.H. Chung, Sheila Hillier, Chun Hong Lau, Samuel Y.S. Wong, Eng Kiong Yeoh and Sian M. Griffiths
"So We Adapt Step by Step": Acculturation experiences affecting diabetes management and perceived health for Chinese American immigrants pp. 256-264 Downloads
Kevin M. Chun, Catherine A. Chesla and Christine M.L. Kwan
Boundaries and risk: Media framing of assisted reproductive technologies and older mothers pp. 265-272 Downloads
Patricia Campbell
Food security and humanitarian assistance among displaced Iraqi populations in Jordan and Syria pp. 273-282 Downloads
Shannon Doocy, Adam Sirois, Jamie Anderson, Margarita Tileva, Elizabeth Biermann, J. Douglas Storey and Gilbert Burnham
Young people living with parental bereavement: Insights from an ethnographic study of a UK childhood bereavement service pp. 283-290 Downloads
Joanne D. Brewer and Andrew C. Sparkes
Effects of social integration on health: A prospective study of community engagement among African American women pp. 291-298 Downloads
Kate E. Fothergill, Margaret E. Ensminger, Judy Robertson, Kerry M. Green, Roland J. Thorpe and Hee-Soon Juon
Does social trust at school affect students' smoking and drinking behavior in Japan? pp. 299-306 Downloads
Minoru Takakura
Do biological measures mediate the relationship between education and health: A comparative study pp. 307-315 Downloads
Noreen Goldman, Cassio Turra, Luis Rosero-Bixby, David Weir and Eileen Crimmins

2011, volume 72, articles 1

Major reductions in global suicide numbers can be made rapidly through pesticide regulation without the need for psychosocial interventions pp. 1-2 Downloads
Michael Eddleston and D. Nicholas Bateman
Pesticides, paracetamol and psychosocial interventions: A reply to a commentary on Florentine and Crane pp. 3-5 Downloads
Julia B. Florentine and Catherine Crane
Ironic technology: Old age and the implantable cardioverter defibrillator in US health care pp. 6-14 Downloads
Sharon R. Kaufman, Paul S. Mueller, Abigale L. Ottenberg and Barbara A. Koenig
The construction of ethnic differences in work incapacity risks: Analysing ordering practices of physicians in the Netherlands pp. 15-22 Downloads
Agnes Meershoek, Anja Krumeich and Rein Vos
Accessing the field: Disability and the research process pp. 23-30 Downloads
Lindsey Brown and Felicity K. Boardman
Unpacking capacity to utilize research: A tale of the Burkina Faso public health association pp. 31-38 Downloads
Nadia Hamel and Ted Schrecker
Health sector decentralization and local decision-making: Decision space, institutional capacities and accountability in Pakistan pp. 39-48 Downloads
Thomas John Bossert and Andrew David Mitchell
How will e-health affect patient participation in the clinic? A review of e-health studies and the current evidence for changes in the relationship between medical professionals and patients pp. 49-53 Downloads
Christine Dedding, Roesja van Doorn, Lex Winkler and Ria Reis
Internet peer support for individuals with psychiatric disabilities: A randomized controlled trial pp. 54-62 Downloads
Katy Kaplan, Mark S. Salzer, Phyllis Solomon, Eugene Brusilovskiy and Pamela Cousounis
Effectiveness of a video-based motivational skills-building HIV risk-reduction intervention for female military personnel pp. 63-71 Downloads
E. James Essien, Osaro Mgbere, Emmanuel Monjok, Ernest Ekong, Marcia M. Holstad and Seth C. Kalichman
Examining the association of abortion history and current mental health: A reanalysis of the National Comorbidity Survey using a common-risk-factors model pp. 72-82 Downloads
Julia R. Steinberg and Lawrence B. Finer
Predictors of alcohol use prior to pregnancy recognition among township women in Cape Town, South Africa pp. 83-90 Downloads
Mary J. O'Connor, Mark Tomlinson, Ingrid M. LeRoux, Jacqueline Stewart, Erin Greco and Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus
"When you got nothing to do, you do somebody": A community's perceptions of neighborhood effects on adolescent sexual behaviors pp. 91-99 Downloads
Aletha Y. Akers, Melvin R. Muhammad and Giselle Corbie-Smith
Do early-life conditions predict functional health status in adulthood? The case of Mexico pp. 100-107 Downloads
Cheng Huang, Beth J. Soldo and Irma T. Elo
Inequalities in childhood cancer mortality according to parental socioeconomic position: A birth cohort study in South Korea pp. 108-115 Downloads
Mia Son, Jongoh Kim, Juhwan Oh and Ichiro Kawachi
A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between changes in socio-economic status and changes in health pp. 116-123 Downloads
Björn Halleröd and Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Page updated 2025-03-25