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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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2017, volume 192, articles C

Preventing gender-based violence victimization in adolescent girls in lower-income countries: Systematic review of reviews pp. 1-13 Downloads
Kathryn M. Yount, Kathleen H. Krause and Stephanie S. Miedema
Impact of active concealment of stigmatized identities on physical and psychological quality of life pp. 14-17 Downloads
Diane M. Quinn, Bradley M. Weisz and Elizabeth K. Lawner
Getting more people on the stairs: The impact of point-of-decision prompts pp. 18-27 Downloads
Olivier Allais, Pascale Bazoche and Sabrina Teyssier
Smoking concordance during pregnancy: Are there relationship benefits? pp. 30-35 Downloads
Talea Cornelius, Alethea Desrosiers and Trace Kershaw
Effects of house prices on health: New evidence from Australia pp. 36-48 Downloads
Kadir Atalay, Rebecca Edwards and Betty Y.J. Liu
Relative deprivation: Measurement issues and predictive role for body image dissatisfaction pp. 49-57 Downloads
Lucio Esposito and Adrián Villaseñor
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), illness narratives and Elias's sociology of knowledge pp. 58-65 Downloads
Dominic Malcolm, Mark W. Orme, Mike D. Morgan and Lauren B. Sherar
A systematic review of allostatic load in relation to socioeconomic position: Poor fidelity and major inconsistencies in biomarkers employed pp. 66-73 Downloads
Sarah C. Johnson, Francesca L. Cavallaro and David A. Leon
How the built environment affects change in older people's physical activity: A mixed- methods approach using longitudinal health survey data in urban China pp. 74-84 Downloads
Peiling Zhou, Sue C. Grady and Guo Chen
Response shift in self-rated health after serious health events in old age pp. 85-93 Downloads
Svenja M. Spuling, Julia K. Wolff and Susanne Wurm
Hearing impairment, social support, and depressive symptoms among U.S. adults: A test of the stress process paradigm pp. 94-101 Downloads
Jessica S. West
Area-level socioeconomic disadvantage and suicidal behaviour in Europe: A systematic review pp. 102-111 Downloads
Joanne-Marie Cairns, Eva Graham and Clare Bambra
Re-evaluating associations between the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program participation and body mass index in the context of unmeasured confounders pp. 112-124 Downloads
Joseph Rigdon, Seth A. Berkowitz, Hilary K. Seligman and Sanjay Basu
Effectiveness of physical activity interventions in achieving behaviour change maintenance in young and middle aged adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis pp. 125-133 Downloads
Jennifer M. Murray, Sarah F. Brennan, David P. French, Christopher C. Patterson, Frank Kee and Ruth F. Hunter
Perceived social support in African American breast cancer patients: Predictors and effects pp. 134-142 Downloads
Tess Thompson, Maria Pérez, Matthew Kreuter, Julie Margenthaler, Graham Colditz and Donna B. Jeffe
Shaping innovation in health care: A content analysis of innovation policies in the English NHS, 1948–2015 pp. 143-151 Downloads
Tomas Farchi and Torsten-Oliver Salge
Perceived neighborhood quality, family processes, and trajectories of child and adolescent externalizing behaviors in the United States pp. 152-161 Downloads
Mengying Li, Sara B. Johnson, Rashelle J. Musci and Anne W. Riley

2017, volume 191, articles C

A systemic approach to understanding mental health and services pp. 1-8 Downloads
Mark Cohen
Who provides inconsistent reports of their health status? The importance of age, cognitive ability and socioeconomic status pp. 9-18 Downloads
Nicole Black, David Johnston, Michael Shields and Agne Suziedelyte
Do restrictive omnibus immigration laws reduce enrollment in public health insurance by Latino citizen children? A comparative interrupted time series study pp. 19-29 Downloads
Chenoa D. Allen and Clea A. McNeely
Rural-urban disparities in unmet long-term care needs in China: The role of the hukou status pp. 30-37 Downloads
Yumei Zhu and August Österle
Environmental injustice and sexual minority health disparities: A national study of inequitable health risks from air pollution among same-sex partners pp. 38-47 Downloads
Timothy W. Collins, Sara E. Grineski and Danielle X. Morales
Crowdfunding our health: Economic risks and benefits pp. 48-56 Downloads
Matthew J. Renwick and Elias Mossialos
Celebrity over science? An analysis of Lyme disease video content on YouTube pp. 57-60 Downloads
N. Yiannakoulias, R. Tooby and S.L. Sturrock
A meta-analytic review on social relationships and suicidal ideation among older adults pp. 65-76 Downloads
Qingsong Chang, Chee Hon Chan and Paul S.F. Yip
Care interrupted: Poverty, in-migration, and primary care in rural resource towns pp. 77-83 Downloads
Kathleen Rice and Fiona Webster
Ethical implications of location and accelerometer measurement in health research studies with mobile sensing devices pp. 84-88 Downloads
Daniel Fuller, Martine Shareck and Kevin Stanley
Impact of medical subsidy disqualification on children's healthcare utilization: A difference-in-differences analysis from Japan pp. 89-98 Downloads
Atsushi Miyawaki, Haruko Noguchi and Yasuki Kobayashi
The impact of Black cancer patients' race-related beliefs and attitudes on racially-discordant oncology interactions: A field study pp. 99-108 Downloads
Louis A. Penner, Felicity W.K. Harper, John F. Dovidio, Terrance L. Albrecht, Lauren M. Hamel, Nicole Senft and Susan Eggly
A good abortion experience: A qualitative exploration of women's needs and preferences in clinical care pp. 109-116 Downloads
Anna L. Altshuler, Alison Ojanen-Goldsmith, Paul D. Blumenthal and Lori R. Freedman
Disappearing everyday materials: The displacement of medical resources following disaster in Fukushima, Japan pp. 117-124 Downloads
Sudeepa Abeysinghe, Claire Leppold, Akihiko Ozaki, Mariko Morita and Masaharu Tsubokura
Effects of Latino children on their mothers' dietary intake and dietary behaviors: The role of children's acculturation and the mother-child acculturation gap pp. 125-133 Downloads
Sandra H. Soto, Elva M. Arredondo, Bess Marcus, Holly B. Shakya, Scott Roesch and Guadalupe X. Ayala
Does gender matter? An analysis of men's and women's accounts of responding to symptoms of lung cancer pp. 134-142 Downloads
Alice MacLean, Kate Hunt, Sarah Smith and Sally Wyke
Disability rights in Higher Education Programs: The case of medical schools and other health-related disciplines pp. 143-150 Downloads
Anastasia Liasidou and Katerina Mavrou
Exploring associations between state education initiatives and teachers’ sleep: A social-ecological approach pp. 151-159 Downloads
Kaori Fujishiro, Amy N. Farley, Marie Kellemen and Christopher M. Swoboda
Why do people with mental distress have poor social outcomes? Four lessons from the capabilities approach pp. 160-167 Downloads
Richard Brunner
Geographic and demographic correlates of autism-related anti-vaccine beliefs on Twitter, 2009-15 pp. 168-175 Downloads
Theodore S. Tomeny, Christopher J. Vargo and Sherine El-Toukhy
The impact of price policy on demand for alcohol in rural India pp. 176-185 Downloads
Arjunan Subramanian and Parmod Kumar
Experience as knowledge: Disability, distillation and (reprogenetic) decision-making pp. 186-193 Downloads
Felicity K. Boardman
Korean immigrants don't buy health insurance: The influences of culture on self-employed Korean immigrants focusing on structure and functions of social networks pp. 194-201 Downloads
Hyunsung Oh and Chung Hyeon Jeong
Post-migration employment changes and health: A dyadic spousal analysis pp. 202-211 Downloads
Annie Ro and Rachel E. Goldberg
Should I stay or should I go? How healthcare professionals close encounters with people with dementia in the acute hospital setting pp. 212-225 Downloads
Rebecca Allwood, Alison Pilnick, Rebecca O'Brien, Sarah Goldberg, Rowan H. Harwood and Suzanne Beeke
The unintended consequences of community verifications for performance-based financing in Burkina Faso pp. 226-236 Downloads
Anne-Marie Turcotte-Tremblay, Idriss Ali Gali-Gali, Manuela De Allegri and Valéry Ridde
Racial residential segregation and adverse birth outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis pp. 237-250 Downloads
Renee Mehra, Lisa M. Boyd and Jeannette R. Ickovics

2017, volume 190, articles C

The new frontier of strategic alliances in health care: New partnerships under accountable care organizations pp. 1-10 Downloads
Valerie A. Lewis, Katherine I. Tierney, Carrie Colla and Stephen M. Shortell
Does health insurance reduce out-of-pocket expenditure? Heterogeneity among China's middle-aged and elderly pp. 11-19 Downloads
Anwen Zhang, Zlatko Nikoloski and Elias Mossialos
Childhood deprivation and later-life cognitive function in a population-based study of older rural South Africans pp. 20-28 Downloads
Lindsay C. Kobayashi, M. Maria Glymour, Kathleen Kahn, Collin F. Payne, Ryan G. Wagner, Livia Montana, Farrah J. Mateen, Stephen M. Tollman and Lisa F. Berkman
Increased alcohol use after Hurricane Ike: The roles of perceived social cohesion and social control pp. 29-37 Downloads
Chenyi Ma and Tony E. Smith
The political economy of diagnosis-related groups pp. 38-47 Downloads
Paola Bertoli and Veronica Grembi
Self-rated health, generalized trust, and the Affordable Care Act: A US panel study, 2006–2014 pp. 48-56 Downloads
Jan Mewes and Giuseppe Nicola Giordano
The observed and perceived neighborhood environment and physical activity among urban-dwelling adults: The moderating role of depressive symptoms pp. 57-66 Downloads
Stephanie L. Orstad, Meghan H. McDonough, David B. Klenosky, Marifran Mattson and Philip J. Troped
Does grandchild care influence grandparents’ self-rated health? Evidence from a fixed effects approach pp. 67-74 Downloads
Merih Ates
The Islamification of antiretroviral therapy: Reconciling HIV treatment and religion in northern Nigeria pp. 75-82 Downloads
Jack Ume Tocco
Alternative futures: Fields, boundaries, and divergent professionalisation strategies within the Chiropractic profession pp. 83-91 Downloads
Caragh Brosnan
Social disorganization and homicide mortality rate trajectories in Brazil between 1991 and 2010 pp. 92-100 Downloads
Maria Fernanda Tourinho Peres and Amy Nivette
Interest in and reactions to genetic risk information: The role of implicit theories and self-affirmation pp. 101-110 Downloads
Jennifer M. Taber, William M.P. Klein, Susan Persky, Rebecca A. Ferrer, Annette R. Kaufman, Chan L. Thai and Peter R. Harris
Social support, flexible resources, and health care navigation pp. 111-118 Downloads
Elizabeth A. Gage-Bouchard
Post-conflict struggles as networks of problems: A network analysis of trauma, daily stressors and psychological distress among Sri Lankan war survivors pp. 119-132 Downloads
Nuwan Jayawickreme, Candace Mootoo, Christine Fountain, Andrew Rasmussen, Eranda Jayawickreme and Rebecca F. Bertuccio
Patient-provider communication, maternal anxiety, and self-care in pregnancy pp. 133-140 Downloads
Jennifer Nicoloro-SantaBarbara, Lisa Rosenthal, Melissa V. Auerbach, Christina Kocis, Cheyanne Busso and Marci Lobel
‘Being’ a ventricular assist device recipient: A liminal existence pp. 141-148 Downloads
Holly C. Standing, Tim Rapley, Guy A. MacGowan and Catherine Exley
Perceptions of incentives offered in a community-based malaria diagnosis and treatment program in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea pp. 149-156 Downloads
Camilla Burkot, Laura Naidi, Liesel Seehofer and Kevin Miles
“Stay cool, sell stuff cheap, and smile”: Examining how reputational management of dental tourism reinforces structural oppression in Los Algodones, Mexico pp. 157-164 Downloads
Krystyna Adams, Jeremy Snyder, Valorie A. Crooks and Nicole S. Berry
Finding HOPE: Changes in depressive symptomology following relocation from distressed public housing pp. 165-173 Downloads
Michael D. Webb, William M. Rohe, Mai Thi Nguyen, Kirstin Frescoln, Mary Donegan and Hye-Sung Han
Why did life expectancy decline in the United States in 2015? A gender-specific analysis pp. 174-180 Downloads
Francesco Acciai and Glenn Firebaugh
“The land of the sick and the land of the healthy”: Disability, bureaucracy, and stigma among people living with poverty and chronic illness in the United States pp. 181-189 Downloads
Henry J. Whittle, Kartika Palar, Nikhil A. Ranadive, Janet M. Turan, Margot Kushel and Sheri D. Weiser
Parent use of cannabis for intractable pediatric epilepsy: Everyday empiricism and the boundaries of scientific medicine pp. 190-198 Downloads
Elisa J. Sobo
The perception of fairness in infant care and mothers' postpartum depression pp. 199-206 Downloads
Alfred DeMaris and Annette Mahoney
Access to occupational networks and ethnic variation of depressive symptoms in young adults in Sweden pp. 207-216 Downloads
Alexander Miething, Mikael Rostila and Jens Rydgren
The spatial politics of place and health policy: Exploring Sustainability and Transformation Plans in the English NHS pp. 217-226 Downloads
Jonathan Hammond, Colin Lorne, Anna Coleman, Pauline Allen, Nicholas Mays, Rinita Dam, Thomas Mason and Kath Checkland
Pathway from poor self-rated health to mortality: Explanatory power of disease diagnosis pp. 227-236 Downloads
James Falconer and Amélie Quesnel-Vallée
The impact of democracy and media freedom on under-5 mortality, 1961–2011 pp. 237-246 Downloads
Simon Wigley and Arzu Akkoyunlu-Wigley
Differential item functioning in quality of life measurement: An analysis using anchoring vignettes pp. 247-255 Downloads
Rachel J. Knott, Paula Lorgelly, Nicole Black and Bruce Hollingsworth
A randomized controlled trial of a resilience-based intervention on psychosocial well-being of children affected by HIV/AIDS: Effects at 6- and 12-month follow-up pp. 256-264 Downloads
Xiaoming Li, Sayward E. Harrison, Amanda J. Fairchild, Peilian Chi, Junfeng Zhao and Guoxiang Zhao
Effects of health empowerment intervention on resilience of adolescents in a tribal area: A study using the Solomon four-groups design pp. 265-274 Downloads
Kaushik Sarkar, Aparajita Dasgupta, Multipada Sinha and Bhaskar Shahbabu
Page updated 2025-03-25