Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2013, volume 77, articles C
- Breast cancer anxiety's associations with responses to a chemoprevention decision aid pp. 13-19

- Amanda J. Dillard, Laura Scherer, Peter A. Ubel, Dylan M. Smith, Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher, Jennifer B. McClure, Sarah Greene, Azadeh Stark and Angela Fagerlin
- The influence of urban design on neighbourhood walking following residential relocation: Longitudinal results from the RESIDE study pp. 20-30

- Billie Giles-Corti, Fiona Bull, Matthew Knuiman, Gavin McCormack, Kimberly Van Niel, Anna Timperio, Hayley Christian, Sarah Foster, Mark Divitini, Nick Middleton and Bryan Boruff
- HIV issues and people with disabilities: A review and agenda for research pp. 31-40

- Nora Ellen Groce, Poul Rohleder, Arne Henning Eide, Malcolm MacLachlan, Sumaya Mall and Leslie Swartz
- Association of exposure to intimate-partner physical violence and potentially traumatic war-related events with mental health in Liberia pp. 41-49

- Patrick Vinck and Phuong N. Pham
- The impact of therapeutic procedure innovation on hospital patient longevity: Evidence from Western Australia, 2000–2007 pp. 50-59

- Frank Lichtenberg
- Does community capacity influence self-rated health? Multilevel contextual effects in Seoul, Korea pp. 60-69

- Minsoo Jung and K. Viswanath
- Gender disparities in AMI management and outcomes among health professionals, their relatives, and non-health professionals in Taiwan from 1997 to 2007 pp. 70-74

- Nicole Huang, Yiing-Jenq Chou, Hsiao-Yun Hu and Cheng-Hua Lee
- How does race get “under the skin”?: Inflammation, weathering, and metabolic problems in late life pp. 75-83

- Aniruddha Das
- Public preferences over efficiency, equity and autonomy in vaccination policy: An empirical study pp. 84-89

- Jeroen Luyten, Veronica Dorgali, Niel Hens and Philippe Beutels
- The natural resource curse and the spread of HIV/AIDS, 1990–2008 pp. 90-96

- Indra de Soysa and Theodora-Ismene Gizelis
- Valuing the EQ-5D and the SF-6D health states using subjective well-being: A secondary analysis of patient data pp. 97-105

- Clara Mukuria and John Brazier
- Socioeconomic inequalities in drug utilization for Sweden: Evidence from linked survey and register data pp. 106-117

- Martin Nordin, Margareta Dackehag and Ulf-G. Gerdtham
- The social dynamics of consent and refusal in HIV surveillance in rural South Africa pp. 118-125

- Lindsey Reynolds, Thomas Cousins, Marie-Louise Newell and John Imrie
- The business cycle and health behaviors pp. 126-136

- Xin Xu
- Does living in slums or non-slums influence women's nutritional status? Evidence from Indian mega-cities pp. 137-146

- Kirti Gaur, Kunal Keshri and William Joe
- Clinicians on the board: What difference does it make? pp. 147-155

- Gianluca Veronesi, Ian Kirkpatrick and Francesco Vallascas
- Theory-informed design of values clarification methods: A cognitive psychological perspective on patient health-related decision making pp. 156-163

- Arwen H. Pieterse, Marieke de Vries, Marleen Kunneman, Anne M. Stiggelbout and Deb Feldman-Stewart
- To what extent do biomarkers account for the large social disparities in health in Moscow? pp. 164-172

- Dana A. Glei, Noreen Goldman, Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, Dmitri Jdanov, Svetlana Shalnova, Maria Shkolnikova and Maxine Weinstein
2013, volume 76, articles C
- Socioeconomic inequality in birth weight and gestational age in Denmark 1996–2007: Using a family-based approach to explore alternative explanations pp. 1-7

- Laust H. Mortensen
- Maternal familism predicts birthweight and asthma symptoms three years later pp. 28-38

- Cleopatra M. Abdou, Tyan Parker Dominguez and Hector F. Myers
- Revisiting causal neighborhood effects on individual ischemic heart disease risk: A quasi-experimental multilevel analysis among Swedish siblings pp. 39-46

- Juan Merlo, Henrik Ohlsson, Basile Chaix, Paul Lichtenstein, Ichiro Kawachi and S.V. Subramanian
- Patterns of family doctor decision making in practice context. What are the implications for medical practice variation and social disparities? pp. 47-56

- Roy Lay-Yee, Alastair Scott and Peter Davis
- Effects of child and adolescent health on educational progress pp. 57-66

- Félice Lê, Ana Diez Roux and Hal Morgenstern
- Estimating Willingness-to-Pay for health insurance among rural poor in India by reference to Engel's law pp. 67-73

- Erika Binnendijk, David Dror, Eric Gerelle and Ruth Koren
- Best worst discrete choice experiments in health: Methods and an application pp. 74-82

- Emily Lancsar, Jordan Louviere, Cam Donaldson, Gillian Currie and Leonie Burgess
- The impact of natural disasters on child health and investments in rural India pp. 83-91

- Ashlesha Datar, Jenny Liu, Sebastian Linnemayr and Chad Stecher
- Thai and American doctors on medical ethics: Religion, regulation, and moral reasoning across borders pp. 92-100

- Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk
- Do socio-economic gradients in smoking emerge differently across time by gender? Implications for the tobacco epidemic from a pregnancy cohort in California, USA pp. 101-106

- Katherine M. Keyes, Dana March, Bruce G. Link, Howard D. Chilcoat and Ezra Susser
- Intrauterine stress and male cohort quality: The case of September 11, 2001 pp. 107-114

- Tim A. Bruckner and Jenna Nobles
- The relationship between organizational culture and performance in acute hospitals pp. 115-125

- Rowena Jacobs, Russell Mannion, Huw T.O. Davies, Stephen Harrison, Fred Konteh and Kieran Walshe
- The impact of social, structural and physical environmental factors on transitions into employment among people who inject drugs pp. 126-133

- Lindsey Richardson, Evan Wood and Thomas Kerr
- Dynamic profile of health investment and the evolution of elderly health pp. 134-142

- Te-Fen Lo and Chee-Ruey Hsieh
- Factors affecting the entry of for-profit providers into a price regulated market for formal long-term care services: A case study from Japan pp. 143-149

- Mutsumi Tokunaga and Hideki Hashimoto
- A new prevention paradox: The trade-off between reducing incentives for risk selection and increasing the incentives for prevention for health insurers pp. 150-158

- Tim A. Kanters, Werner Brouwer, René C.J.A. van Vliet, Pieter H.M. van Baal and Johan J. Polder
- Including quality attributes in efficiency measures consistent with net benefit: Creating incentives for evidence based medicine in practice pp. 159-168

- Simon Eckermann and Timothy Coelli
- Health and well-being of movers in rural and urban areas – A grid-based analysis of northern Finland birth cohort 1966 pp. 169-178

- Tiina Lankila, Simo Näyhä, Arja Rautio, Markku Koiranen, Jarmo Rusanen and Anja Taanila
- Disparities in work, risk and health between immigrants and native-born Spaniards pp. 179-187

- Meritxell Solé, Luis Diaz-Serrano and Marisol Rodríguez
- The re-construction of women's sexual lives after pelvic radiotherapy: A critique of social constructionist and biomedical perspectives on the study of female sexuality after cancer treatment pp. 188-196

- I.D. White, S. Faithfull and H. Allan
- International migration to Canada: The post-birth health of mothers and infants by immigration class pp. 197-207

- Anita J. Gagnon, Geoffrey Dougherty, Olive Wahoush, Jean-François Saucier, Cindy-Lee Dennis, Elizabeth Stanger, Becky Palmer, Lisa Merry and Donna E. Stewart
2012, volume 75, articles 12
- Integrating social epidemiology into immigrant health research: A cross-national framework pp. 2060-2068

- Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Emma V. Sanchez-Vaznaugh, Edna A. Viruell-Fuentes and Joanna Almeida
- Substance use, generation and time in the United States: The modifying role of gender for immigrant urban adolescents pp. 2069-2075

- Joanna Almeida, Renee M. Johnson, Atsushi Matsumoto and Dionne C. Godette
- Immigrant status and cognitive functioning in late-life: An examination of gender variations in the healthy immigrant effect pp. 2076-2084

- Terrence D. Hill, Jacqueline L. Angel, Kelly S. Balistreri and Angelica P. Herrera
- Does an immigrant health paradox exist among Asian Americans? Associations of nativity and occupational class with self-rated health and mental disorders pp. 2085-2098

- Dolly A. John, A.B. de Castro, Diane P. Martin, Bonnie Duran and David T. Takeuchi
- More than culture: Structural racism, intersectionality theory, and immigrant health pp. 2099-2106

- Edna A. Viruell-Fuentes, Patricia Y. Miranda and Sawsan Abdulrahim
- Ethnic density effects on health and experienced racism among Caribbean people in the US and England: A cross-national comparison pp. 2107-2115

- Laia Bécares, James Nazroo, James Jackson and Hein Heuvelman
- Discrimination and psychological distress: Does Whiteness matter for Arab Americans? pp. 2116-2123

- Sawsan Abdulrahim, Sherman A. James, Rouham Yamout and Wayne Baker
- Sociocultural influences on mental health service use by Latino older adults for emotional distress: Exploring the mediating and moderating role of informal social support pp. 2134-2142

- Marissa C. Hansen and María P. Aranda
- Vaccine innovation, translational research and the management of knowledge accumulation pp. 2143-2150

- Ohid Yaqub and Paul Nightingale
- Experience of place for young adults under 65 years with complex disabilities moving into purpose-built residential care pp. 2151-2159

- Heidi Muenchberger, Carolyn Ehrlich, Elizabeth Kendall and Marina Vit
- Understanding wealth-based inequalities in child health in India: A decomposition approach pp. 2160-2169

- Satvika Chalasani
- Rising U.S. income inequality and the changing gradient of socioeconomic status on physical functioning and activity limitations, 1984–2007 pp. 2170-2182

- Hui Zheng and Linda K. George
- Mobility for care workers: Job changes and wages for nurse aides pp. 2183-2190

- Vanesa Ribas, Janette S. Dill and Philip N. Cohen
- What counts and how to count it: Physicians’ constructions of evidence in a disinvestment context pp. 2191-2199

- Katherine Hodgetts, Adam G. Elshaug and Janet E. Hiller
- Putting your money where your mouth is: Parents' valuation of good oral health of their children pp. 2200-2206

- J.H. Vermaire, Job van Exel, C. van Loveren and Werner Brouwer
- Inter-professional electronic documents and child health: A study of persisting non-electronic communication in the use of electronic documents pp. 2207-2214

- Sirpa Saario, Christopher Hall and Sue Peckover
- Housing instability and health: Findings from the Michigan recession and recovery study pp. 2215-2224

- Sarah A. Burgard, Kristin S. Seefeldt and Sarah Zelner
- Embedded gender and social changes underpinning inequalities in health: An ethnographic insight into a local Spanish context pp. 2225-2232

- Mar García-Calvente, Jorge Marcos-Marcos, María del Río-Lozano, Natalia Hidalgo-Ruzzante and Gracia Maroto-Navarro
- Social networks – The future for health care delivery pp. 2233-2241

- Frances Griffiths, Jonathan Cave, Felicity Boardman, Justin Ren, Teresa Pawlikowska, Robin Ball, Aileen Clarke and Alan Cohen
- Associations between friends' disordered eating and muscle-enhancing behaviors pp. 2242-2249

- Marla E. Eisenberg, Melanie Wall, Jin Joo Shim, Meg Bruening, Katie Loth and Dianne Neumark-Sztainer
- The impact of migratory separation from parents on the health of adolescents in the Philippines pp. 2250-2257

- Chantal Smeekens, Margaret S. Stroebe and Georgios Abakoumkin
- Aggravating conditions: Cynical hostility and neighborhood ambient stressors pp. 2258-2266

- Katherine King
- The relationship between mortality and time since divorce, widowhood or remarriage in Norway pp. 2267-2274

- Kjersti Norgård Berntsen and Øystein Kravdal
- Bodies of risk: Constructing motherhood in a Mexican public hospital pp. 2275-2282

- Vania Smith-Oka
- Indifferent to disease: A qualitative investigation of the reasons why some Papua New Guineans who own mosquito nets choose not to use them pp. 2283-2290

- Justin Pulford, Tania Oakiva, Angeline Angwin, Miranda Bryant, Ivo Mueller and Manuel W. Hetzel
- Leveraging health capital at the workplace: An examination of health reporting behavior among Latino immigrant restaurant workers in the United States pp. 2291-2298

- Shannon Gleeson
- Realist randomised controlled trials: A new approach to evaluating complex public health interventions pp. 2299-2306

- Chris Bonell, Adam Fletcher, Matthew Morton, Theo Lorenc and Laurence Moore
- Neighborhood characteristics and depressive symptoms of older people: Local spatial analyses pp. 2307-2316

- Ellen K. Cromley, Maureen Wilson-Genderson and Rachel A. Pruchno
- Neighborhood poverty, park use, and park-based physical activity in a Southern California city pp. 2317-2325

- Deborah A. Cohen, Bing Han, Kathryn Pitkin Derose, Stephanie Williamson, Terry Marsh, Jodi Rudick and Thomas L. McKenzie
- Intragenerational mobility and mortality in Russia: Short and longer-term effects pp. 2326-2336

- Sunnee Billingsley
- A network approach for researching political feasibility of healthcare reform: The case of universal healthcare system in Taiwan pp. 2337-2344

- Guang-Xu Wang
- Altruism and participation in longitudinal health research? Insights from the Whitehall II Study pp. 2345-2352

- Gill Mein, Clive Seale, Helen Rice, Suneeta Johal, Richard E. Ashcroft, George Ellison and Anthea Tinker
- The debate about the funding of Herceptin: A case study of ‘countervailing powers’ pp. 2353-2361

- Jonathan Gabe, Kerry Chamberlain, Pauline Norris, Kevin Dew, Helen Madden and Darrin Hodgetts
- The classification and nomenclature of ‘medically unexplained symptoms’: Conflict, performativity and critique pp. 2362-2369

- Monica Greco
- Health financing in fragile and post-conflict states: What do we know and what are the gaps? pp. 2370-2377

- Sophie Witter
- Benefit or burden? A sociotechnical analysis of diagnostic computer kiosks in four California hospital emergency departments pp. 2378-2385

- Sara L. Ackerman, Kathleen Tebb, John C. Stein, Bradley W. Frazee, Gregory W. Hendey, Laura A. Schmidt and Ralph Gonzales
- Priority-setting and rationing in healthcare: Evidence from the English experience pp. 2386-2393

- Suzanne Robinson, Iestyn Williams, Helen Dickinson, Tim Freeman and Benedict Rumbold
- Inpatient care of the elderly in Brazil and India: Assessing social inequalities pp. 2394-2402

- Andrew Amos Channon, Monica Viegas Andrade, Kenya Noronha, Tiziana Leone and T.R. Dilip
- Couples’ reports of household decision-making and the utilization of maternal health services in Bangladesh pp. 2403-2411

- William T. Story and Sarah A. Burgard
- Rapidly rising food prices and the experience of food insecurity in urban Ethiopia: Impacts on health and well-being pp. 2412-2419

- Craig Hadley, Edward Geoffrey Jedediah Stevenson, Yemesrach Tadesse and Tefera Belachew
- Urban Aboriginal mobility in Canada: Examining the association with health care utilization pp. 2420-2424

- Marcie Snyder and Kathi Wilson
- The duty to care in an influenza pandemic: A qualitative study of Canadian public perspectives pp. 2425-2430

- Cécile M. Bensimon, Maxwell J. Smith, Dmitri Pisartchik, Sachin Sahni and Ross E.G. Upshur
- Delayed and differential effects of the economic crisis in Sweden in the 1990s on health-related exclusion from the labour market: A health equity assessment pp. 2431-2436

- B. Burström, L. Nylén, B. Barr, S. Clayton, P. Holland and M. Whitehead
- Marginalized identities, discrimination burden, and mental health: Empirical exploration of an interpersonal-level approach to modeling intersectionality pp. 2437-2445

- Julia S. Seng, William D. Lopez, Mickey Sperlich, Lydia Hamama and Caroline D. Reed Meldrum
- Birth weight, infant mortality, and race: Twin comparisons and genetic/environmental inputs pp. 2446-2454

- Dalton Conley and Kate W. Strully
- Capitals diminished, denied, mustered and deployed. A qualitative longitudinal study of women's four year trajectories after acute health crisis, Burkina Faso pp. 2455-2462

- Susan F. Murray, Mélanie S. Akoum and Katerini T. Storeng
- Affordability as a discursive accomplishment in a changing National Health Service pp. 2463-2471

- Jill Russell and Trisha Greenhalgh
- Contextual effect of different components of social capital on health in a suburban city of the greater Tokyo area: A multilevel analysis pp. 2472-2480

- Hiroshi Murayama, Tomoko Wakui, Reiko Arami, Ikuko Sugawara and Satoru Yoshie
- An exploratory multilevel analysis of income, income inequality and self-rated health of the elderly in China pp. 2481-2492

- Zhixin Feng, Wenfei Winnie Wang, Kelvyn Jones and Yaqing Li
- Infant and fetal mortality among a high fertility and mortality population in the Bolivian Amazon pp. 2493-2502

- Michael Gurven
- Household-based cash transfer targeting strategies in Zimbabwe: Are we reaching the most vulnerable children? pp. 2503-2508

- Laura Robertson, Phyllis Mushati, Jeffrey W. Eaton, Lorraine Sherr, Jeremiah C. Makoni, Morten Skovdal, Tom Crea, Gideon Mavise, Lovemore Dumba, Christina Schumacher, Shungu Munyati, Constance Nyamukapa and Simon Gregson
- “Pay them if it works”: Discrete choice experiments on the acceptability of financial incentives to change health related behaviour pp. 2509-2514

- Marianne Promberger, Paul Dolan and Theresa M. Marteau
- Provider incentives and access to dental care: Evaluating NHS reforms in England pp. 2515-2521

- William Whittaker and Stephen Birch
- Stress and diabetes in socioeconomic context: A qualitative study of urban Indians pp. 2522-2529

- Emily Mendenhall, Roopa Shivashankar, Nikhil Tandon, Mohammed K. Ali, K.M. Venkat Narayan and Dorairaj Prabhakaran
- Labor migration and child mortality in Mozambique pp. 2530-2538

- Scott T. Yabiku, Victor Agadjanian and Boaventura Cau
2012, volume 75, articles 11
- Moving beyond walkability: On the potential of health geography pp. 1925-1932

- Gavin J. Andrews, Edward Hall, Bethan Evans and Rachel Colls
- Changing health care quality paradigms: The rise of clinical guidelines and quality measures in American medicine pp. 1933-1937

- Amit Nigam
- Deliberative dialogues as a mechanism for knowledge translation and exchange in health systems decision-making pp. 1938-1945

- Jennifer A. Boyko, John N. Lavis, Julia Abelson, Maureen Dobbins and Nancy Carter
- The politics of action research: “If you don't like the way things are going, get off the bus” pp. 1946-1953

- Peter Nugus, David Greenfield, Joanne Travaglia and Jeffrey Braithwaite
- Geographic distribution of healthcare resources, healthcare service provision, and patient flow in Japan: A cross sectional study pp. 1954-1963

- Daisuke Shinjo and Toshiharu Aramaki
- When you can’t have the cake and eat it too pp. 1964-1973

- Benedicte Carlsen, Arne Hole, Julie Riise and Ole Frithjof Norheim
- Stock or stroke? Stock market movement and stroke incidence in Taiwan pp. 1974-1980

- Chun-Chih Chen, Chin-Shyan Chen, Tsai-Ching Liu and Ying-Tzu Lin
- Productivity cost calculations in health economic evaluations: Correcting for compensation mechanisms and multiplier effects pp. 1981-1988

- Marieke Krol, Werner Brouwer, Johan L. Severens, Janneke Kaper and Silvia M.A.A. Evers
- Childhood obesity and human capital accumulation pp. 1989-1998

- Tia Palermo and Jennifer B. Dowd
- Understanding recovery: Changes in the relationships of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) components over time pp. 1999-2006

- A.M. Davis, A.V. Perruccio, S. Ibrahim, S. Hogg-Johnson, R. Wong and E.M. Badley
- Glitch in the gradient: Additional education does not uniformly equal better health pp. 2007-2012

- Anna Zajacova, Richard G. Rogers and Vicki Johnson-Lawrence
- The influence of stress and social support on depressive symptoms in mothers with young children pp. 2013-2020

- Jennifer I. Manuel, Melissa L. Martinson, Sarah E. Bledsoe-Mansori and Jennifer L. Bellamy
- Training traditional birth attendants to use misoprostol and an absorbent delivery mat in home births pp. 2021-2027

- Ndola Prata, Md. Abdul Quaiyum, Paige Passano, Suzanne Bell, Daniel D. Bohl, Shahed Hossain, Ashrafi Jahan Azmi and Mohsina Begum
- Conceptualising the prevention of adverse obstetric outcomes among immigrants using the ‘three delays’ framework in a high-income context pp. 2028-2036

- Pauline Binder, Sara Johnsdotter and Birgitta Essén
- Explaining suicide: Identifying common themes and diverse perspectives in an urban Mumbai slum pp. 2037-2046

- Shubhangi R. Parkar, Balkrishna B. Nagarsekar and Mitchell G. Weiss
- The case for addressing explosive weapons: Conflict, violence and health pp. 2047-2054

- Brian Rappert, Richard Moyes and Iain Lang
2012, volume 75, articles 10
- Personalizing medicine: Futures present and past pp. 1721-1728

- Richard Tutton
- From bodies to lives, complainers to consumers: Measuring menstrual excess pp. 1729-1736

- Katie Ann Hasson
- Liquid gold from the milk bar: Constructions of breastmilk and breastfeeding women in the language and practices of midwives pp. 1737-1745

- E. Burns, V. Schmied, J. Fenwick and A. Sheehan
- Mammography screening and trust: The case of interval breast cancer pp. 1746-1752

- Marit Solbjør, John-Arne Skolbekken, Ann Rudinow Sætnan, Anne Irene Hagen and Siri Forsmo
- Resistance, agency, and liminality in women's accounts of symptom appraisal and help-seeking upon discovery of a breast irregularity pp. 1753-1761

- Leeat Granek and Karen Fergus
- Repressive authenticity in the quest for legitimacy: Surveillance and the contested illness lawsuit pp. 1762-1768

- Tarryn Phillips
- “Community ambassadors” for South Asian elder immigrants: Late-life acculturation and the roles of community health workers pp. 1769-1777

- Thomas R.W. Blair
- Paying for performance and the social relations of health care provision: An anthropological perspective pp. 1778-1785

- Priscilla Magrath and Mark Nichter
- Hidden costs: The direct and indirect impact of user fees on access to malaria treatment and primary care in Mali pp. 1786-1792

- Ari Johnson, Adeline Goss, Jessica Beckerman and Arachu Castro
- The social dimensions of safety incident reporting in maternity care: The influence of working relationships and group processes pp. 1793-1799

- Patricia Lindsay, Jane Sandall and Charlotte Humphrey
- Revenue, relationships and routines: The social organization of acute myocardial infarction patient transfers in the United States pp. 1800-1810

- Tiffany C. Veinot, Emily A. Bosk, K.P. Unnikrishnan and Theodore J. Iwashyna
- Canadian family physicians’ decision to collaborate: Age, period and cohort effects pp. 1811-1819

- Sisira Sarma, Rose Anne Devlin, Amardeep Thind and Man-Kee Chu
- Financial protection mechanisms for inpatients at selected Philippine hospitals pp. 1820-1827

- Alvin B. Caballes, Walter Söllner and Juan Nañagas
- How does searching for health information on the Internet affect individuals' demand for health care services? pp. 1828-1835

- Agne Suziedelyte
- A universal preference for equality in health? Reasons to reconsider properties of applied social welfare functions pp. 1836-1843

- Ottar Mæstad and Ole Frithjof Norheim
- The impact of drinking on psychological well-being: Evidence from minimum drinking age laws in the United States pp. 1844-1854

- Ceren Ertan Yörük and Barış Yörük
- Motorcycle fatalities among out-of-state riders and the role of universal helmet laws pp. 1855-1863

- Michael T. French, Gulcin Gumus and Jenny F. Homer
- The impact of pensions on health and wellbeing in rural South Africa: Does gender matter? pp. 1864-1873

- Enid Schatz, Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Margaret Ralston, Jane Menken and Stephen Tollman
- Psychological well-being of the institutionalized and community-residing oldest old in China: The role of children pp. 1874-1882

- Guangya Liu, Matthew E. Dupre, Danan Gu, Christine A. Mair and Feinian Chen
- Familial risk of premature cardiovascular mortality and the impact of intergenerational occupational class mobility pp. 1883-1890

- Sanna Tiikkaja, Marita Olsson, Ninoa Malki, Bitte Modin and Pär Sparén
- Inequality and the association between involuntary job loss and depressive symptoms pp. 1891-1894

- Edward R. Berchick, William T. Gallo, Vida Maralani and Stanislav V. Kasl
- Neighborhood social capital and crime victimization: Comparison of spatial regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis pp. 1895-1902

- Daisuke Takagi, Ikeda, Ken’ichi and Ichiro Kawachi
- A theory of how rural health services contribute to community sustainability pp. 1903-1911

- Jane Farmer, Maria Prior and Judy Taylor
- How families of children with complex care needs participate in everyday life pp. 1912-1920

- Roberta Lynn Woodgate, Marie Edwards and Jacquie Ripat
2012, volume 75, articles 9
- HIV and chemoprophylaxis, the importance of considering social structures alongside biomedical and behavioral intervention pp. 1555-1561

- Eric T. Roberts and Derrick D. Matthews
- The logical underpinnings and benefits of pooled pharmaceutical procurement: A pragmatic role for our public institutions? pp. 1572-1580

- Maggie Huff-Rousselle
- The migration decisions of physicians in Canada: The roles of immigrant status and spousal characteristics pp. 1581-1588

- James McDonald and Christopher Worswick
- Do workers underreport morbidity? The accuracy of self-reports of chronic conditions pp. 1589-1594

- Nabanita Datta Gupta and Hendrik Jürges
- Allocation of authority in European health policy pp. 1595-1603

- Christopher Adolph, Scott L. Greer and Elize Massard da Fonseca
- Involving citizens in the ethics of biobank research: Informing institutional policy through structured public deliberation pp. 1604-1611

- Kieran C. O'Doherty, Alice K. Hawkins and Michael M. Burgess
- Impact of gender-based career obstacles on the working status of women physicians in Japan pp. 1612-1616

- Kyoko Nomura and Kengo Gohchi
- A social learning perspective on the development of doctors in the UK National Health Service pp. 1617-1624

- Edward Spilg, Sabina Siebert and Graeme Martin
- Remaking surgical socialization: Work hour restrictions, rites of passage, and occupational identity pp. 1625-1632

- Joanna Veazey Brooks and Charles L. Bosk
- The chromosome 22q11.2 deletion: From the unification of biomedical fields to a new kind of genetic condition pp. 1633-1641

- Daniel Navon and Uri Shwed
- Diagnosis as a social determinant: The development of prosocial behaviour before and after an autism spectrum diagnosis pp. 1642-1649

- Ginny Russell, Susan E. Kelly, Tamsin Ford and Colin Steer
- When patients portray their conduct as normal and healthy: An interactional challenge for thorough substance use history taking pp. 1650-1659

- Paul M. Denvir
- The mental health gender-gap in urban India: Patterns and narratives pp. 1660-1672

- Jishnu Das, Ranendra Kumar Das and Veena Das
- Heavy agricultural workloads and low crop diversity are strong barriers to improving child feeding practices in the Bolivian Andes pp. 1673-1684

- Andrew D. Jones, Yesmina Cruz Agudo, Lindsay Galway, Jeffery Bentley and Per Pinstrup-Andersen
- Condoms “contain worms” and “cause HIV” in Tanzania: Negative Condom Beliefs Scale development and implications for HIV prevention pp. 1685-1691

- Aaron J. Siegler, Jessie K. Mbwambo, Frances A. McCarty and Ralph J. DiClemente
- The importance of full-time work for urban adults' mental and physical health pp. 1692-1696

- Lisa Rosenthal, Amy Carroll-Scott, Valerie A. Earnshaw, Alycia Santilli and Jeannette R. Ickovics
- The contribution of stress to the social patterning of clinical and subclinical CVD risk factors in African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study pp. 1697-1707

- Samson Y. Gebreab, Ana V. Diez-Roux, DeMarc A. Hickson, Shawn Boykin, Mario Sims, Daniel F. Sarpong, Herman A. Taylor and Sharon B. Wyatt
- Post-disaster psychosocial services across Europe: The TENTS project pp. 1708-1714

- Anke B. Witteveen, Jonathan I. Bisson, Dean Ajdukovic, Filip K. Arnberg, Kerstin Bergh Johannesson, Hendrieke B. Bolding, Ask Elklit, Louis Jehel, Venke A. Johansen, Maja Lis-Turlejska, Dag O. Nordanger, Francisco Orengo-García, A. Rosaura Polak, Raija-Leena Punamaki, Ulrich Schnyder, Lutz Wittmann and Miranda Olff
- The mechanisms that associate community social capital with post-disaster mental health: A multilevel model pp. 1715-1720

- Tim R. Wind and Ivan H. Komproe
2012, volume 75, articles 8
- In sickness and in health: Same-sex marriage laws and sexually transmitted infections pp. 1329-1341

- Andrew M. Francis, Hugo M. Mialon and Handie Peng
- The role of defamilialization in the relationship between partnership and self-rated health: A cross-national comparison of Canada and the United States pp. 1342-1350

- Sean A.P. Clouston and Amélie Quesnel-Vallée
- Maximising health versus sharing: Measuring preferences for the allocation of the health budget pp. 1351-1361

- Jeff Richardson, Kompal Sinha, Angelo Iezzi and Aimee Maxwell
- Behavioral adjustment to avian flu in Europe during spring 2006: The roles of knowledge and proximity to risk pp. 1362-1371

- Caroline Rudisill, Joan Costa-Font and Elias Mossialos
- Horizontal inequity in healthcare access under the universal coverage in Japan; 1986–2007 pp. 1372-1378

- Ryo Watanabe and Hideki Hashimoto
- Smoking among construction workers: The nonlinear influence of the economy, cigarette prices, and antismoking sentiment pp. 1379-1386

- Cassandra Okechukwu, Janine Bacic, Kai-Wen Cheng and Ralph Catalano
- ‘Responsible drinking’ programs and the alcohol industry in Brazil: Killing two birds with one stone? pp. 1387-1391

- Daniela Pantani, Robert Sparks, Zila M. Sanchez and Ilana Pinsky
- Women's health in urban Mali: Social predictors and health itineraries pp. 1392-1399

- Riley M. Bove, Emily Vala-Haynes and Claudia R. Valeggia
- Investigating the potential for ethnic group harm in collaborative genomics research in Africa: Is ethnic stigmatisation likely? pp. 1400-1407

- Jantina de Vries, Muminatou Jallow, Thomas N. Williams, Dominic Kwiatkowski, Michael Parker and Raymond Fitzpatrick
- “Not all my fault”: Genetics, stigma, and personal responsibility for women with eating disorders pp. 1408-1416

- Michele M. Easter
- Gender-based violence and HIV sexual risk behavior: Alcohol use and mental health problems as mediators among women in drinking venues, Cape Town pp. 1417-1425

- Eileen V. Pitpitan, Seth C. Kalichman, Lisa A. Eaton, Kathleen J. Sikkema, Melissa H. Watt and Donald Skinner
- Living on the margin: Understanding the experience of living and dying with frailty in old age pp. 1426-1432

- C. Nicholson, J. Meyer, M. Flatley, C. Holman and K. Lowton
- Science, politics, and health in the brave new world of pharmaceutical carcinogenic risk assessment: Technical progress or cycle of regulatory capture? pp. 1433-1440

- John Abraham and Rachel Ballinger
- Static, dynamic, integrated, and contextualized: A framework for understanding mental health service utilization among young adults pp. 1441-1449

- Michelle R. Munson, James Jaccard, Susan E. Smalling, Hyunsoo Kim, James J. Werner and Lionel D. Scott
- Does socio-economic status explain use of modern and traditional health care services? pp. 1450-1459

- Azusa Sato
- Spatial analysis of suicide mortality in Australia: Investigation of metropolitan-rural-remote differentials of suicide risk across states/territories pp. 1460-1468

- Yee Tak Derek Cheung, Matthew J. Spittal, Jane Pirkis and Paul Siu Fai Yip
- Association of neighbourhood residence and preferences with the built environment, work-related travel behaviours, and health implications for employed adults: Findings from the URBAN study pp. 1469-1476

- Hannah M. Badland, Melody Oliver, Robin A. Kearns, Suzanne Mavoa, Karen Witten, Mitch J. Duncan and G. David Batty
- Bringing the individual back to small-area variation studies: A multilevel analysis of all-cause mortality in Andalusia, Spain pp. 1477-1487

- Juan Merlo, Francisco J. Viciana-Fernández and Diego Ramiro-Fariñas
- Associations among social capital, parenting for active lifestyles, and youth physical activity in rural families living in upstate New York pp. 1488-1496

- Kirsten K. Davison, Akihiro Nishi, Sibylle Kranz, Lynae Wyckoff, John J. May, Giulia B. Earle-Richardson, David S. Strogatz and Paul L. Jenkins
- Early life socioeconomic conditions in rural areas and old-age mortality in twentieth-century Quebec pp. 1497-1504

- Alain Gagnon and Nora Bohnert
- Geographic variation in participation for physically disabled adults: The contribution of area economic factors to employment after spinal cord injury pp. 1505-1513

- Amanda L. Botticello, Yuying Chen and David S. Tulsky
- Measuring change in health care equity using small-area administrative data – Evidence from the English NHS 2001–2008 pp. 1514-1522

- Richard Cookson, Mauro Laudicella and Paolo Li Donni
- Early childhood economic disadvantage and the health of Hispanic children pp. 1523-1530

- Kammi K. Schmeer
- The impact of childhood sickness on adult socioeconomic outcomes: Evidence from late 19th century America pp. 1531-1538

- John Robert Warren, Laurie Knies, Steven Haas and Elaine M. Hernandez
- The inconsistent mediating effects of psychosocial work characteristics on the education–health relationship pp. 1539-1546

- Hanyao Qiu, Regina Bures and Constance L. Shehan
- The role of personal characteristics in the relationship between health and psychological distress among kidney transplant recipients pp. 1547-1554

- Torben Schulz, Jan Niesing, Roy E. Stewart, Ralf Westerhuis, Mariet Hagedoorn, Rutger J. Ploeg, Jaap J. Homan van der Heide and Adelita V. Ranchor
2012, volume 75, articles 7
- Community-level correlates of intimate partner violence against women globally: A systematic review pp. 1143-1155

- Kristin E. VanderEnde, Kathryn M. Yount, Michelle M. Dynes and Lynn M. Sibley
- Social welfare and the Affordable Care Act: Is it ever optimal to set aside comparative cost? pp. 1156-1162

- Duncan Mortimer and Stuart Peacock
- Psychosocial work stressors as antecedents of musculoskeletal problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis of stability-adjusted longitudinal studies pp. 1163-1174

- Jessica Lang, Elke Ochsmann, Thomas Kraus and Jonas W.B. Lang
- Is there evidence that friends influence body weight? A systematic review of empirical research pp. 1175-1183

- Solveig A. Cunningham, Elizabeth Vaquera, Claire C. Maturo and K.M. Venkat Narayan
- Social networks and risk for depressive symptoms in a national sample of sexual minority youth pp. 1184-1191

- Mark L. Hatzenbuehler, Katie A. McLaughlin and Ziming Xuan
- Candidate change agent identification among men at risk for HIV infection pp. 1192-1201

- John A. Schneider, Rachel B. McFadden, Edward O. Laumann, S.G. Prem Kumar, Sabitha R. Gandham and Ganesh Oruganti
- Patient–physician relationships in second opinion encounters – The physicians’ perspective pp. 1202-1212

- Geva Greenfield, Joseph S. Pliskin, Paula Feder-Bubis, Shlomo Wientroub and Nadav Davidovitch
- Towards comprehensive malaria planning: The effect of government capacity, health policy, and land use variables on malaria incidence in India pp. 1213-1221

- Constantine Boussalis, Hal T. Nelson and Siddharth Swaminathan
- Using documents to investigate links between implementation and sustainability in a complex community intervention: The PRISM study pp. 1222-1229

- Karen Willis, Rhonda Small and Stephanie Brown
- How to identify science being bent: The tobacco industry's fight to deny second-hand smoking health hazards as an example pp. 1230-1235

- Kenneth Rochel de Camargo
- A will to youth: The woman’s anti-aging elixir pp. 1236-1243

- Michelle Hannah Smirnova
- Out of our inner city backyards: Re-scaling urban environmental health inequity assessment pp. 1244-1253

- Jeffrey R. Masuda, Cheryl Teelucksingh, Tara Zupancic, Alexis Crabtree, Rebecca Haber, Emily Skinner, Blake Poland, Jim Frankish and Mara Fridell
- The relationship between diet and perceived and objective access to supermarkets among low-income housing residents pp. 1254-1262

- Caitlin E. Caspi, Ichiro Kawachi, S.V. Subramanian, Gary Adamkiewicz and Glorian Sorensen
- African-American/white differences in the age of menarche: Accounting for the difference pp. 1263-1270

- Patricia B. Reagan, Pamela J. Salsberry, Muriel Zheng Fang, William P. Gardner and Kathleen Pajer
- Neighborhood stressors and cardiovascular health: Crime and C-reactive protein in Dallas, USA pp. 1271-1279

- Christopher R. Browning, Kathleen A. Cagney and James Iveniuk
- The changing gender differences in life expectancy in Korea 1970–2005 pp. 1280-1287

- Seungmi Yang, Young-Ho Khang, Heeran Chun, Sam Harper and John Lynch
- Social capital and health of older Europeans: Causal pathways and health inequalities pp. 1288-1295

- Nicolas Sirven and Thierry Debrand
- Intergenerational financial transfers and health in a national sample from France pp. 1296-1302

- Claire Scodellaro, Myriam Khlat and Florence Jusot
- Household economic resources, labour-market advantage and health problems – A study on causal relationships using prospective register data pp. 1303-1310

- Akseli Aittomäki, Pekka Martikainen, Mikko Laaksonen, Eero Lahelma and Ossi Rahkonen
- A life course model of self-rated health through adolescence and young adulthood pp. 1311-1320

- Shawn Bauldry, Michael J. Shanahan, Jason D. Boardman, Richard A. Miech and Ross Macmillan
- High school students’ posttraumatic symptoms, substance abuse and involvement in violence in the aftermath of war pp. 1321-1328

- Miriam Schiff, Ruth Pat-Horenczyk, Rami Benbenishty, Danny Brom, Naomi Baum and Ron Avi Astor
2012, volume 75, articles 6
- Race, ethnicity and health: The costs and benefits of conceptualising racism and ethnicity pp. 955-958

- Hannah Bradby
- Intimate partner violence against adult women and its association with major depressive disorder, depressive symptoms and postpartum depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis pp. 959-975

- Hind A. Beydoun, May A. Beydoun, Jay S. Kaufman, Bruce Lo and Alan B. Zonderman
- What do we know about the experience of age related macular degeneration? A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research pp. 976-985

- Amy E. Bennion, Rachel L. Shaw and Jonathan M. Gibson
- Population heterogeneity in the impact of body weight on mortality pp. 990-996

- Hui Zheng and Yang Yang
- Disaggregating Canadian immigrant smoking behaviour by country of birth pp. 997-1005

- Bruce Newbold and David Neligan
- Limited English proficiency and psychological distress among Latinos and Asian Americans pp. 1006-1014

- Wei Zhang, Seunghye Hong, David T. Takeuchi and Krysia N. Mossakowski
- Geographically-based discrimination is a social determinant of mental health in a deprived or stigmatized area in Japan: A cross-sectional study pp. 1015-1021

- Takahiro Tabuchi, Hiroyuki Fukuhara and Hiroyasu Iso
- The role of geographic scale in testing the income inequality hypothesis as an explanation of health disparities pp. 1022-1031

- Zhuo Chen and Carol A. Gotway Crawford
- Weighing the contributions of material and social area deprivation to preterm birth pp. 1032-1037

- Nathalie Auger, Alison L. Park, Philippe Gamache, Robert Pampalon and Mark Daniel
- Neighborhood-level stressors, social support, and diurnal patterns of cortisol: The Chicago Community Adult Health Study pp. 1038-1047

- Rebecca A. Karb, Michael R. Elliott, Jennifer B. Dowd and Jeffrey D. Morenoff
- Food outlet availability, deprivation and obesity in a multi-ethnic sample of pregnant women in Bradford, UK pp. 1048-1056

- L.K. Fraser, K.L. Edwards, M. Tominitz, G.P. Clarke and A.J. Hill
- Building patient-centeredness: Hospital design as an interpretive act pp. 1057-1066

- Elizabeth Bromley
- Vulnerability of indigenous health to climate change: A case study of Uganda's Batwa Pygmies pp. 1067-1077

- Lea Berrang-Ford, Kathryn Dingle, James D. Ford, Celine Lee, Shuaib Lwasa, Didas B. Namanya, Jim Henderson, Alejandro Llanos, Cesar Carcamo and Victoria Edge
- Enhancing adolescent self-efficacy and collective efficacy through public engagement around HIV/AIDS competence: A multilevel, cluster randomized-controlled trial pp. 1078-1087

- Mary Carlson, Robert T. Brennan and Felton Earls
- Explanatory models of diabetes in the U.S. and Mexico: The patient–provider gap and cultural competence pp. 1088-1096

- Susan C. Weller, Roberta D. Baer, Javier Garcia de Alba Garcia and Ana L. Salcedo Rocha
- Cruel disease, cruel medicine: Self-treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis with harmful chemical substances in Suriname pp. 1097-1105

- Sahienshadebie Ramdas
- Experiences of fathering a baby admitted to neonatal intensive care: A critical gender analysis pp. 1106-1113

- Kathleen Deeney, Maria Lohan, Dale Spence and Jackie Parkes
- The promotion of unhealthy habits in gay, lesbian, and straight intimate partnerships pp. 1114-1121

- Corinne Reczek
- Effects of contact with treatment users on mental illness stigma: Evidence from university roommate assignments pp. 1122-1127

- Daniel Eisenberg, Marilyn F. Downs and Ezra Golberstein
- Associations of physical symptoms with perceived need for and use of mental health services among Latino and Asian Americans pp. 1128-1133

- Amy M. Bauer, Chih-Nan Chen and Margarita Alegría
- From cottage industry to a dominant mode of primary care: Stages in the diffusion of a health care innovation (retail clinics) pp. 1134-1141

- John B. McKinlay and Lisa D. Marceau
2012, volume 75, articles 5
- Medicalization and pharmaceuticalization at the intersections: Looking backward, sideways and forward pp. 775-783

- Susan E. Bell and Anne E. Figert
- Formulation of work stress in 1960–2000: Analysis of scientific works from the perspective of historical sociology pp. 784-794

- Ari Väänänen, Erkko Anttila, Jussi Turtiainen and Pekka Varje
- Intra-organizational dynamics as drivers of entrepreneurship among physicians and managers in hospitals of western countries pp. 795-800

- Wout T. Koelewijn, Michel L. Ehrenhard, Aard J. Groen and Wim H. van Harten
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of human resources policy interventions to address the shortage of nurses in rural South Africa pp. 801-806

- Mylene Lagarde, Duane Blaauw and John Cairns
- The struggle to improve patient care in the face of professional boundaries pp. 807-814

- Alison E. Powell and Huw T.O. Davies
- Moving towards culturally competent health systems: Organizational and market factors pp. 815-822

- Robert Weech-Maldonado, Marc N. Elliott, Rohit Pradhan, Cameron Schiller, Janice Dreachslin and Ron D. Hays
- The rights of psychiatric patients in China: A survey of medical staff and consumers' attitudes toward patient participation in clinical trials pp. 823-827

- Liang Su, Jingjing Huang, David Mellor, Weimin Yang, Marita McCabe, Yifeng Shen, Huafang Li, Weichun Wang and Yifeng Xu
- Listening to the rural health workers in Papua New Guinea – The social factors that influence their motivation to work pp. 828-835

- Husna Razee, Maxine Whittaker, Rohan Jayasuriya, Lorraine Yap and Lee Brentnall
- On ethical locations: The good death in Thailand, where ethics sit in places pp. 836-844

- Scott D. Stonington
- Cultural differences affecting euthanasia practice in Belgium: One law but different attitudes and practices in Flanders and Wallonia pp. 845-853

- Joachim Cohen, Yanna Van Wesemael, Tinne Smets, Johan Bilsen and Luc Deliens
- Minority status and health information search: A test of the social diversification hypothesis pp. 854-858

- Gustavo Mesch, Rita Mano and Judith Tsamir
- Unmet needs among disabled elderly Malaysians pp. 859-863

- Yadollah Abolfathi Momtaz, Tengku Aizan Hamid and Rahimah Ibrahim
- One more chemo or one too many? Defining the limits of treatment and innovation in medical oncology pp. 864-872

- Isabelle Baszanger
- "They should take time": Disclosure of clinical trial results as part of a social relationship pp. 873-882

- Aline Sarradon-Eck, Juliette Sakoyan, Alice Desclaux, Julien Mancini, Dominique Genre and Claire Julian-Reynier
- Revisiting “her” infertility: Medicalized embodiment, self-identification and distress pp. 883-891

- Katherine M. Johnson and Jasmine Fledderjohann
- ‘Relax and take a deep breath’: Print media coverage of asthma and air pollution in the United States pp. 892-900

- Brian Mayer
- Social network type and health-related behaviors: Evidence from an American national survey pp. 901-904

- Sharon Shiovitz-Ezra and Howard Litwin
- Socioeconomic equity in amenable mortality in Finland 1992–2008 pp. 905-913

- Sonja Lumme, Reijo Sund, Alastair H. Leyland and Ilmo Keskimäki
- Environmental factors associated with primary care access among urban older adults pp. 914-921

- Miriam Ryvicker, William T. Gallo and Marianne C. Fahs
- Racial/ethnic and gender differences in the association between self-reported experiences of racial/ethnic discrimination and inflammation in the CARDIA cohort of 4 US communities pp. 922-931

- Timothy J. Cunningham, Teresa E. Seeman, Ichiro Kawachi, Steven L. Gortmaker, David R. Jacobs, Catarina I. Kiefe and Lisa F. Berkman
- The association between parent’s health and the educational attainment of their children pp. 932-939

- Jason D. Boardman, Kari B. Alexander, Richard A. Miech, Ross Macmillan and Michael J. Shanahan
- Gender differences on the impacts of social exclusion on mortality among older Japanese: AGES cohort study pp. 940-945

- Masashige Saito, Naoki Kondo, Katsunori Kondo, Toshiyuki Ojima and Hiroshi Hirai
- Health effects of downsizing survival and job loss in Norway pp. 946-953

- Ståle Østhus
2012, volume 75, articles 4
- Challenges to changing health behaviours in developing countries: A critical overview pp. 589-594

- Frances E. Aboud and Daisy R. Singla
- Health insurance and health-seeking behavior: Evidence from a randomized community-based insurance rollout in rural Burkina Faso pp. 595-603

- Paul Jacob Robyn, Günther Fink, Ali Sié and Rainer Sauerborn
- Interim evaluation of a large scale sanitation, hygiene and water improvement programme on childhood diarrhea and respiratory disease in rural Bangladesh pp. 604-611

- Tarique Md. Nurul Huda, Leanne Unicomb, Richard B. Johnston, Amal K. Halder, Md. Abu Yushuf Sharker and Stephen P. Luby
- Behaviour change communication targeting four health behaviours in developing countries: A review of change techniques pp. 612-621

- Ciara Briscoe and Frances Aboud
- Systematic review of behavior change research on point-of-use water treatment interventions in countries categorized as low- to medium-development on the human development index pp. 622-633

- Amy Parker Fiebelkorn, Bobbie Person, Robert E. Quick, Stephen M. Vindigni, Michael Jhung, Anna Bowen and Patricia L. Riley
- Understanding why women adopt and sustain home water treatment: Insights from the Malawi antenatal care program pp. 634-642

- Siri Wood, Jennifer Foster and Adrienne Kols
- Social communication network analysis of the role of participatory research in the adoption of new fish consumption behaviors pp. 643-650

- Frédéric Mertens, Johanne Saint-Charles and Donna Mergler
- Caregivers' responses to an intervention to improve young child feeding behaviors in rural Bangladesh: A mixed method study of the facilitators and barriers to change pp. 651-658

- William Affleck and Gretel Pelto
- The influence of cognitive-perceptual variables on patterns of change over time in rural midlife and older women’s healthy eating pp. 659-667

- Bernice C. Yates, Carol H. Pullen, Jonathan Bruce Santo, Linda Boeckner, Patricia A. Hageman, Paul J. Dizona and Susan Noble Walker
- Process assessment of a peer education programme for HIV prevention among sex workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A social support framework pp. 668-675

- Isabelle Sarafian
- A meta-analysis of the efficacy of HIV/AIDS prevention interventions in Asia, 1995–2009 pp. 676-687

- Judy Y. Tan, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Michelle R. Warren, Michael P. Carey and Blair T. Johnson
- A role for depression in sexual risk reduction for women? A meta-analysis of HIV prevention trials with depression outcomes pp. 688-698

- Carter A. Lennon, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Daniel P. Gerwien and Blair T. Johnson
- Contextualization of HIV and HPV risk and prevention among Pacific Islander young adults in Southern California pp. 699-708

- Anthony S. DiStefano, Brian Hui, Angelica Barrera-Ng, Lourdes F. Quitugua, Ruth Peters, Jeany Dimaculangan, Isileli Vunileva, Vanessa Tui'one, Lois M. Takahashi and Sora Park Tanjasiri
- Women's childbirth preferences and practices in the United States pp. 709-716

- Amy Chasteen Miller and Thomas E. Shriver
- Leveraging the “living laboratory”: On the emergence of the entrepreneurial hospital pp. 717-724

- Martin French and Fiona Alice Miller
- IVF policy and global/local politics: The making of multiple-embryo transfer regulation in Taiwan pp. 725-732

- Chia-Ling Wu
- High caesarean section rate in rural China: Is it related to health insurance (New Co-operative Medical Scheme)? pp. 733-737

- Qian Long, Reija Klemetti, Yang Wang, Fangbiao Tao, Hong Yan and Elina Hemminki
- Consumer preferences for household water treatment products in Andhra Pradesh, India pp. 738-746

- Christine Poulos, Jui-Chen Yang, Sumeet R. Patil, Subhrendu Pattanayak, Siri Wood, Lorelei Goodyear and Juan Marcos Gonzalez
- Community-level socioeconomic status and parental smoking in Japan pp. 747-751

- Kenji Takeuchi, Jun Aida, Manabu Morita, Yuichi Ando and Ken Osaka
- Correlation or causation? Income inequality and infant mortality in fixed effects models in the period 1960–2008 in 34 OECD countries pp. 754-760

- Mauricio Avendano
- The persistence of health inequalities in modern welfare states: The explanation of a paradox pp. 761-769

- Johan P. Mackenbach
2012, volume 75, articles 3
- Effect of unequal employment status on workers’ health: Results from a Japanese national survey pp. 439-451

- Mariko Nishikitani, Shinobu Tsurugano, Mariko Inoue and Eiji Yano
- Birthweight of children of immigrants by maternal duration of residence in the United States pp. 459-468

- Julien O. Teitler, Nathan Hutto and Nancy E. Reichman
- Ethnic disparities in adolescent body mass index in the United States: The role of parental socioeconomic status and economic contextual factors pp. 469-476

- Lisa M. Powell, Roy Wada, Ramona C. Krauss and Youfa Wang
- Family income and childhood obesity in eight European cities: The mediating roles of Neighborhood characteristics and physical activity pp. 477-481

- Gary W. Evans, McKenzie L. Jones-Rounds, Goran Belojevic and Francoise Vermeylen
- Associations of economic and gender inequality with global obesity prevalence: Understanding the female excess pp. 482-490

- Jonathan C.K. Wells, Akanksha A. Marphatia, Tim J. Cole and David McCoy
- Residential property values are associated with obesity among women in King County, WA, USA pp. 491-495

- Colin D. Rehm, Anne V. Moudon, Philip M. Hurvitz and Adam Drewnowski
- Parental employment and work-family stress: Associations with family food environments pp. 496-504

- Katherine W. Bauer, Mary O. Hearst, Kamisha Escoto, Jerica M. Berge and Dianne Neumark-Sztainer
- Measuring the payback of research activities: A feasible ex-post evaluation methodology in epidemiology and public health pp. 505-510

- Marta Aymerich, Carme Carrion, Pedro Gallo, Maria Garcia, Abel López-Bermejo, Miquel Quesada and Rafel Ramos
- Performance of female volunteer community health workers in Dhaka urban slums pp. 511-515

- Khurshid Alam, Sakiba Tasneem and Elizabeth Oliveras
- “911” among West African immigrants in New York City: A qualitative study of parents' disciplinary practices and their perceptions of child welfare authorities pp. 516-525

- Andrew Rasmussen, Adeyinka Akinsulure-Smith, Tracy Chu and Eva Keatley
- Transition to retirement and risk of cardiovascular disease: Prospective analysis of the US health and retirement study pp. 526-530

- J. Robin Moon, M. Maria Glymour, S.V. Subramanian, Mauricio Avendaño and Ichiro Kawachi
- Revealing mental health status in Iran's capital: Putting equity and efficiency together pp. 531-537

- Esmaeil Khedmati Morasae, Ameneh Setareh Forouzan, Mohsen Asadi-Lari and Reza Majdzadeh
- “From this place and of this place:” Climate change, sense of place, and health in Nunatsiavut, Canada pp. 538-547

- Ashlee Cunsolo Willox, Sherilee L. Harper, James D. Ford, Karen Landman, Karen Houle and Victoria L. Edge
- Haunted by ghosts: Prevalence, predictors and outcomes of spirit possession experiences among former child soldiers and war-affected civilians in Northern Uganda pp. 548-554

- Frank Neuner, Anett Pfeiffer, Elisabeth Schauer-Kaiser, Michael Odenwald, Thomas Elbert and Verena Ertl
- Idioms of distress, ethnopsychology, and the clinical encounter in Haiti's Central Plateau pp. 555-564

- Hunter M. Keys, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Brandon A. Kohrt, Nayla M. Khoury and Aimée-Rika T. Brewster
- Cooking with biomass increases the risk of depression in pre-menopausal women in India pp. 565-572

- Madhuchhanda Banerjee, Shabana Siddique, Anindita Dutta, Bidisha Mukherjee and Manas Ranjan Ray
- The recovery imperative: A critical examination of mid-life women's recovery from depression pp. 573-580

- Wendy O'Brien
- Challenging claims that mental illness has been increasing and mental well-being declining pp. 581-588

- Joan Busfield
2012, volume 75, articles 2
- Cultural competence and evidence-based practice in mental health: Epistemic communities and the politics of pluralism pp. 249-256

- Laurence J. Kirmayer
- Patients' willingness and ability to participate actively in the reduction of clinical errors: A systematic literature review pp. 257-263

- Carole Doherty and Charitini Stavropoulou
- Care pathways lead to better teamwork: Results of a systematic review pp. 264-268

- Svin Deneckere, Martin Euwema, Pieter Van Herck, Cathy Lodewijckx, Massimiliano Panella, Walter Sermeus and Kris Vanhaecht
- The health care access and utilization of homeschooled children in the United States pp. 269-273

- Alissa Cordner
- Health programs struggling with complexity: A case study of the Dutch ‘PreCare’ project pp. 274-282

- Rik Wehrens and Roland Bal
- Regional differences in HIV prevalence and individual attitudes among service providers in China pp. 283-287

- Li Li, Chunqing Lin, Zunyou Wu, W. Scott Comulada and Yingying Ding
- Trans-local ties, local ties and psychological well-being among rural-to-urban migrants in Shanghai pp. 288-296

- Lei Jin, Ming Wen, Jessie X. Fan and Guixin Wang
- Residual stigma: Psychological distress among the formerly overweight pp. 297-299

- Becca R. Levy and Corey E. Pilver
- Durational and generational differences in Mexican immigrant obesity: Is acculturation the explanation? pp. 300-310

- Mathew J. Creighton, Noreen Goldman, Anne R. Pebley and Chang Y. Chung
- Weight of communities: A multilevel analysis of body mass index in 32,814 neighborhoods in 57 low- to middle-income countries (LMICs) pp. 311-322

- Daniel J. Corsi, Jocelyn E. Finlay and S.V. Subramanian
- Breastfeeding and risk of overweight and obesity at nine-years of age pp. 323-330

- Cathal McCrory and Richard Layte
- Linkages between maternal education and childhood immunization in India pp. 331-339

- Kriti Vikram, Reeve Vanneman and Sonalde Desai
- Social capital and self-rated health – A study of temporal (causal) relationships pp. 340-348

- Giuseppe Nicola Giordano, Jonas Björk and Martin Lindström
- Individual social capital, neighbourhood deprivation, and self-rated health in England pp. 349-357

- Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe and Gindo Tampubolon
- Towards a reassessment of the role of divorce in suicide outcomes: Evidence from five pacific rim populations pp. 358-366

- Paul S.F. Yip, Ying-Yeh Chen, Saman Yousuf, Carmen K.M. Lee, Kenji Kawano, Virginia Routley, B.C. Ben Park, Takashi Yamauchi, Hisateru Tachimori, Angela Clapperton and Kevin Chien-Chang Wu
- Risk as feelings in the effect of patient outcomes on physicians' future treatment decisions: A randomized trial and manipulation validation pp. 367-376

- Joshua A. Hemmerich, Arthur S. Elstein, Margaret L. Schwarze, Elizabeth Ghini Moliski and William Dale
- Why performance-based contracting failed in Uganda – An “open-box” evaluation of a complex health system intervention pp. 377-383

- Freddie Ssengooba, Barbara McPake and Natasha Palmer
- The decision to vaccinate a child: An economic perspective from southern Malawi pp. 384-391

- Jon H. Holte, Ottar Mæstad and Jagrati V. Jani
- Water insecurity in 3 dimensions: An anthropological perspective on water and women's psychosocial distress in Ethiopia pp. 392-400

- Edward G.J. Stevenson, Leslie E. Greene, Kenneth C. Maes, Argaw Ambelu, Yihenew Alemu Tesfaye, Richard Rheingans and Craig Hadley
- Class, gender and culture in the experience of menopause. A comparative survey in Tunisia and France pp. 401-409

- Daniel Delanoë, Selma Hajri, Annie Bachelot, Dorra Mahfoudh Draoui, Danielle Hassoun, Elise Marsicano and Virginie Ringa
- Representations of MDR and XDR-TB in South African newspapers pp. 410-418

- Mark Daku, Andrew Gibbs and Jody Heymann
- Suicide communication events: Lay interpretation of the communication of suicidal ideation and intent pp. 419-428

- Gareth Owen, Judith Belam, Helen Lambert, Jenny Donovan, Frances Rapport and Christabel Owens
- The possibilities of technology in shaping healthcare professionals: (Re/De-)Professionalisation of pharmacists in England pp. 429-437

- Dimitra Petrakaki, Nick Barber and Justin Waring
2012, volume 75, articles 1
- Whiners and deniers – What does self-rated health measure? pp. 1-9

- Audrey Layes, Yukiko Asada and George Kephart
- The journals are full of great studies but can we believe the statistics? Revisiting the Mass Privatisation – Mortality Debate pp. 14-22

- Christopher Gerry
- Do people die from income inequality of a decade ago? pp. 36-45

- Hui Zheng
- Meta-analysis of marital dissolution and mortality: Reevaluating the intersection of gender and age pp. 46-59

- Eran Shor, David J. Roelfs, Paul Bugyi and Joseph E. Schwartz
- Macro-level gender equality and alcohol consumption: A multi-level analysis across U.S. States pp. 60-68

- Sarah C.M. Roberts
- Does school ethos explain the relationship between value-added education and teenage substance use? A cohort study pp. 69-76

- Wolfgang A. Markham, Robert Young, Helen Sweeting, Patrick West and Paul Aveyard
- A cross-sectional exploration of smoking status and social interaction in a large population-based Australian cohort pp. 77-86

- May Chiew, Marianne F. Weber, Sam Egger and Freddy Sitas
- A best–worst scaling survey of adolescents' level of concern for health and non-health consequences of smoking pp. 87-97

- Joachim Marti
- Multiple risk behaviors and suicidal ideation and behavior among Israeli and Palestinian adolescents pp. 98-108

- Yossi Harel-Fisch, Ziad Abdeen, Sophie D. Walsh, Qasrowi Radwan and Haya Fogel-Grinvald
- Bigger bodies: Long-term trends and disparities in obesity and body-mass index among U.S. adults, 1960–2008 pp. 109-119

- Åsa Ljungvall and Frederick J. Zimmerman
- Heterogeneity of income and lifestyle determinants of body weight among adult women in Mexico, 2006 pp. 120-128

- M.A. Colchero and S.G. Sosa-Rubí
- Use of the Yitzhaki Index as a test of relative deprivation for health outcomes: A review of recent literature pp. 129-137

- Kafui Adjaye-Gbewonyo and Ichiro Kawachi
- A perverse ‘net’ effect? Health insurance and ex-ante moral hazard in Ghana pp. 138-147

- Zelalem Yilma, Luuk van Kempen and Thomas Hoop
- Representations and uses of emergency contraception in West Africa. A social anthropological reading of a northern medicinal product pp. 148-155

- Maria Teixeira, Agnès Guillaume, Michèle Ferrand, Agnès Adjamabgo and Nathalie Bajos
- The relationship between state abortion-restrictions and homicide deaths among children under 5 years of age: A longitudinal study pp. 156-164

- Bisakha Sen, Martha Slay Wingate and Russell Kirby
- Pharmacovigilance in Europe and North America: Divergent approaches pp. 165-170

- Mary Wiktorowicz, Joel Lexchin and Kathy Moscou
- Understanding similarities in the local implementation of a healthy environment programme: Insights from policy studies pp. 171-178

- Carole Clavier, Sylvie Gendron, Lise Lamontagne and Louise Potvin
- Predictors of and health services utilization related to depressive symptoms among elderly Koreans pp. 179-185

- Jin Hee Shin, Young Kyung Do, Joanna Maselko, Rebecca J.N. Brouwer, Sang Wook Song and Truls Østbye
- Assessment of the sunk-cost effect in clinical decision-making pp. 186-192

- Jennifer A. Braverman and J.S. Blumenthal-Barby
- Governing the moral economy: Animal engineering, ethics and the liberal government of science pp. 193-199

- Alison Harvey and Brian Salter
- Governing at a distance: Social marketing and the (bio) politics of responsibility pp. 200-207

- Paul Crawshaw
- From silence to sensitivity: A new Identity Disclosure model to facilitate disclosure for same-sex attracted women in general practice consultations pp. 208-216

- Ruth Patricia McNair, Kelsey Hegarty and Angela Taft
- Acceptance of dying: A discourse analysis of palliative care literature pp. 217-224

- Camilla Zimmermann
- Place-specific constructs of social capital and their possible associations to health: A Japanese case study pp. 225-232

- Tomoya Hanibuchi, Yohei Murata, Yukinobu Ichida, Hiroshi Hirai, Ichiro Kawachi and Katsunori Kondo
- Towards a differentiated understanding of active travel behaviour: Using social theory to explore everyday commuting pp. 233-239

- C. Guell, J. Panter, N.R. Jones and D. Ogilvie
- Is travel-time to a specialist centre a risk factor for non-referral, non-attendance and loss to follow-up among patients with hepatitis C (HCV) infection? pp. 240-247

- Thomas Astell-Burt, Robin Flowerdew, Paul Boyle and John Dillon
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1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46