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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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2001, volume 53, articles 12

Using an interactive framework of society and lifecourse to explain self-rated health in early adulthood pp. 1575-1585 Downloads
Clyde Hertzman, Chris Power, Sharon Matthews and Orly Manor
An investigation into the cyclical incidence of dengue fever pp. 1587-1597 Downloads
Joseph Keating
Accessibility and spatial distribution of general practice services in an Australian city by levels of social disadvantage pp. 1599-1609 Downloads
Jilda C. G. Hyndman and C. D'Arcy J. Holman
What determines health? To where should we shift resources?: Attitudes towards the determinants of health among multiple stakeholder groups in Prince Edward Island, Canada pp. 1611-1619 Downloads
John Eyles, Michael Brimacombe, Paul Chaulk, Greg Stoddart, Tina Pranger and Olive Moase
Health behaviour, risk awareness and emotional well-being in students from Eastern Europe and Western Europe pp. 1621-1630 Downloads
Andrew Steptoe and Jane Wardle
Cataract surgery in a community hospital outreach clinic: patients' costs and satisfaction pp. 1631-1640 Downloads
Robin Haynes, Susan Gale, Miranda Mugford and Peter Davies
Determinants of general practitioner use among women in Australia pp. 1641-1651 Downloads
Anne F. Young, Annette J. Dobson and Julie E. Byles
Family effects on self-reported health among Russian wives and husbands pp. 1653-1666 Downloads
Lisa A. Cubbins and Magdalena Szaflarski
The main determinants of infant mortality in Nepal pp. 1667-1681 Downloads
Juhee V. Suwal
Risk factors and child mortality among the Miao in Yunnan, Southwest China pp. 1683-1696 Downloads
Peter Foggin, Nagib Armijo-Hussein, Céline Marigaux, Hui Zhu and Zeyuan Liu
When the bough breaks: provider-initiated comprehensive care is more effective and less expensive for sole-support parents on social assistance pp. 1697-1710 Downloads
Gina Browne, Carolyn Byrne, Jacqueline Roberts, Amiram Gafni and Susan Whittaker
Deprivation and mortality: the implications of spatial autocorrelation for health resources allocation pp. 1711-1719 Downloads
Vincent Lorant, Isabelle Thomas, Denise Deliège and René Tonglet
Medical audit: threat or opportunity for the medical profession. A comparative study of medical audit among medical specialists in general hospitals in the Netherlands and England, 1970-1999 pp. 1721-1732 Downloads
R. van Herk, N. S. Klazinga, R. M. J. Schepers and A. F. Casparie

2001, volume 53, articles 11

Determinants of HIV risk among Indian truck drivers pp. 1413-1426 Downloads
Angela D. Bryan, Jeffrey D. Fisher and T. Joseph Benziger
The death of a Princess and the formulation of medical competence pp. 1427-1438 Downloads
Michael Nurok
The role of cultural and economic determinants in mortality decline in the Netherlands, 1875/1879-1920/1924: a regional analysis pp. 1439-1453 Downloads
J. H. Wolleswinkel-van den Bosch, F. W. A. van Poppel, C. W. N. Looman and J. P. Mackenbach
Male complications of female genital mutilation pp. 1455-1460 Downloads
Lars Almroth, Vanja Almroth-Berggren, Osman Mahmoud Hassanein, Said Salah Eldin Al-Said, Sharif Siddiq Alamin Hasan, Ulla-Britt Lithell and Staffan Bergström
Promoting travel clinic referrals: exploring partnerships for healthier travel pp. 1461-1468 Downloads
Laura MacDougall and Theresa Gyorkos
Assessing mental capacity in Canadian Aboriginal seniors pp. 1469-1479 Downloads
Xavier Cattarinich, Nancy Gibson and Andrew J. Cave
Legal abortion: a painful necessity pp. 1481-1490 Downloads
A. Kero, U. Högberg, L. Jacobsson and A. Lalos
Third sector primary care for vulnerable populations pp. 1491-1502 Downloads
Peter Crampton, Anthony Dowell and Alistair Woodward
Spirituality and well-being: an exploratory study of the patient perspective pp. 1503-1511 Downloads
Timothy P. Daaleman, Ann Kuckelman Cobb and Bruce B. Frey
Sources of support and the physical and mental well-being of young women with breast cancer pp. 1513-1524 Downloads
Joan R. Bloom, Susan L. Stewart, Monica Johnston, Priscilla Banks and Patricia Fobair
Women's health in a rural setting in societal transition in Ethiopia pp. 1525-1539 Downloads
Y. Berhane, Y. Gossaye, M. Emmelin and U. Hogberg
Staying healthy: the salience and meaning of health maintenance behaviors among rural older adults in North Carolina pp. 1541-1556 Downloads
Thomas A. Arcury, Sara A. Quandt and Ronny A. Bell

2001, volume 53, articles 10

Consequences of disease: testing the WHO International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH) model pp. 1261-1273 Downloads
Marie Johnston and Beth Pollard
A psychometric analysis of the measurement level of the rating scale, time trade-off, and standard gamble pp. 1275-1285 Downloads
Karon F. Cook, Carol M. Ashton, Margaret M. Byrne, Baruch Brody, Jane Geraci, R. Brian Giesler, Makoto Hanita, Julianne Souchek and Nelda P. Wray
Psycho-social determinants for sexual partner referral in Uganda: Quantitative results pp. 1287-1301 Downloads
F. Nuwaha, E. Faxelid, F. Wabwire-Mangen, C. Eriksson and B. Höjer
La Familia: methodological issues in the assessment of perinatal social support for Mexicanas living in the United States pp. 1303-1320 Downloads
Lauren Clark
Language acquisition, unemployment and depressive disorder among Southeast Asian refugees: a 10-year study pp. 1321-1334 Downloads
Morton Beiser and Feng Hou
Relationship between outpatients' perceptions of physicians' communication styles and patients' anxiety levels in a Japanese oncology setting pp. 1335-1350 Downloads
Tomoko Takayama, Yoshihiko Yamazaki and Noriyuki Katsumata
Lifestyle incongruity, social integration, and immune function in Samoan adolescents pp. 1351-1362 Downloads
Thomas W. McDade
Care seeking in Sri Lanka: one possible explanation for low childhood mortality pp. 1363-1372 Downloads
M. W. Amarasiri de Silva, Ananda Wijekoon, Robert Hornik and Jose Martines
General subjective health status or age-related subjective health status: does it make a difference? pp. 1373-1381 Downloads
Orna Baron-Epel and Giora Kaplan
"No strength": sex and old age in a rural town in Ghana pp. 1383-1396 Downloads
Sjaak van der Geest

2001, volume 53, articles 9

Cluster and regional influences on suicide in a Southwestern American Indian tribe pp. 1115-1124 Downloads
Lawrence S. Wissow, John Walkup, Allison Barlow, Raymond Reid and Scott Kane
Hong Kong Chinese daughters' intergenerational caregiving obligations:: a cultural model approach pp. 1125-1134 Downloads
Eleanor Holroyd
Infant care practices in New Zealand: a cross-cultural qualitative study pp. 1135-1148 Downloads
Sally Abel, Julie Park, David Tipene-Leach, Sitaleki Finau and Michele Lennan
Equity of access to health care services:: Theory and evidence from the UK pp. 1149-1162 Downloads
Maria Goddard and Peter Smith
Gendered embodiment and survival for young people with cystic fibrosis pp. 1163-1174 Downloads
Evan Willis, Rosemary Miller and Johanna Wyn
Public health responses for skin cancer prevention: the policy framing of Sun Safety in Australia, Canada and England pp. 1175-1189 Downloads
Theresa Garvin and John Eyles
Health needs of the Roma population in the Czech and Slovak Republics pp. 1191-1204 Downloads
Ilona Koupilová, Helen Epstein, Jan Holcík, Steve Hajioff and Martin McKee
Exposure, resistance, and recovery: a three-dimensional framework for the study of mortality from infectious disease pp. 1205-1215 Downloads
James B. Kirby
From salvation to civics: service to the sick in nursing discourse pp. 1217-1225 Downloads
Sioban Nelson
Life disruption and generic complexity: a social linguistic analysis of narratives of cancer illness pp. 1227-1236 Downloads
Christopher F. C. Jordens, Miles Little, Kim Paul and Emma-Jane Sayers
Cross-cultural surveys of adolescent health and behavior: progress and problems pp. 1237-1246 Downloads
Pierre-André Michaud, Robert W. Blum and Gail B. Slap
Accommodation, resistance and transcendence: three narratives of autism pp. 1247-1257 Downloads
David E. Gray

2001, volume 53, articles 8

When protocols fail: technical evaluation, biomedical knowledge, and the social production of 'facts' about a telemedicine clinic pp. 989-1002 Downloads
Carl May and Nicola T. Ellis
A study of demographic changes under sustained below-replacement fertility in Hong Kong SAR pp. 1003-1009 Downloads
Paul S. F. Yip, Joseph Lee, Beda Chan and Jade Au
'They've forgotten that I'm the mum': constructing and practising motherhood in special care nurseries pp. 1011-1021 Downloads
Deborah Lupton and Jennifer Fenwick
Demand for health care in Denmark: results of a national sample survey using contingent valuation pp. 1023-1036 Downloads
Marlene Gyldmark and Gwendolyn C. Morrison
Using time-series analyses to detect the health effects of medical care reforms:: a Norwegian example pp. 1037-1043 Downloads
Ralph Catalano and Hans-Tore Hansen
Utilisation of private care by public primary care clinic attenders with diabetes:: relationship to health status and social factors pp. 1045-1056 Downloads
Martin C. Gulliford and Deepak Mahabir
Is hospital case management a rationalized myth? pp. 1057-1066 Downloads
Susan D. Roggenkamp and Kenneth R. White
'Smoke like a man, die like a man'?: A review of the relationship between gender, sex and lung cancer pp. 1067-1080 Downloads
Sarah Payne
Medicine betrayed: hemophilia patients and HIV in the US pp. 1081-1094 Downloads
Salmaan Keshavjee, Sheri Weiser and Arthur Kleinman
Mot Luuk problems in northeast Thailand: why women's own health concerns matter as much as disease rates pp. 1095-1112 Downloads
Pimpawun Boonmongkon, Mark Nichter and Jen Pylypa

2001, volume 53, articles 7

Navigating the time-space context of HIV and AIDS:: daily routines and access to care pp. 845-863 Downloads
Lois M. Takahashi, Douglas Wiebe and Rigoberto Rodriguez
Gender and health services use for a mental health problem pp. 865-878 Downloads
Carmen E. Albizu-Garcia, Margarita Alegría, Daniel Freeman and Mildred Vera
Adoption of smart cards in the medical sector:: the Canadian experience pp. 879-894 Downloads
Benoit A. Aubert and Geneviève Hamel
Innovation and regulation in human implant technologies: developing comparative approaches pp. 895-913 Downloads
Alex Faulkner and Julie Kent
Social deprivation, income inequality, social cohesion and dental caries in Brazilian school children pp. 915-925 Downloads
Marcos Pascoal Pattussi, Wagner Marcenes, Ray Croucher and Aubrey Sheiham
In their own words: a model of healthy aging pp. 927-941 Downloads
Lucinda L. Bryant, Kitty K. Corbett and Jean S. Kutner
The reprofessionalisation of community pharmacy? An exploration of attitudes to extended roles for community pharmacists amongst pharmacists and General Practioners in the United Kingdom pp. 943-955 Downloads
June Edmunds and Michael W. Calnan
The effects of sex and age of responders on the reliability of self-diagnosed infection: a study of self-reported urinary schistosomiasis in Tanzanian school children pp. 957-967 Downloads
Juliet Ansell, Helen Guyatt, Andrew Hall, Charles Kihamia and Donald Bundy
Estimating the employment and earnings costs of mental illness--recent developments in the United States, Marcotte and Wilcox-Gok pp. 969-970 Downloads
Marc A. Koopmanschap

2001, volume 53, articles 6

The dilemma of "to-be or not-to-be": needs and expectations of the Taiwanese cadaveric organ donor families during the pre-donation transition pp. 693-706 Downloads
Fu-Jin Shih, Ming-Kuen Lai, Min-Heuy Lin, Hui-Ying Lin, Chuan-I Tsao, Bau-Ruei Duh and Shu-Hsun Chu
Ethical issues and the importance of consensus for the intensive care team pp. 707-719 Downloads
Kath M. Melia
Decisions about treatment: interpretations of two measures of control by women having a hysterectomy pp. 721-732 Downloads
Vikki A. Entwistle, Zoë C. Skea and Máire T. O'Donnell
Post-modernity and post-traumatic stress disorder pp. 733-743 Downloads
Patrick J. Bracken
Understanding the role of opinion leaders in improving clinical effectiveness pp. 745-757 Downloads
Louise Locock, Sue Dopson, David Chambers and John Gabbay
Marital fertility in Lebanon: a study based on the population and housing survey pp. 759-771 Downloads
May A. Beydoun
Health and variation in deprivation: commentary on Boyle et al pp. 773-774 Downloads
Frank T Houghton
Reply to commentary: health and variation in deprivation pp. 775-775 Downloads
Paul J Boyle, Anthony C Gatrell and Oliver Duke-Williams
Understanding the role of contextual influences on local health-care decision making: case study results from Ontario, Canada pp. 777-793 Downloads
Julia Abelson
Do area-level population change, deprivation and variations in deprivation affect individual-level self-reported limiting long-term illness? pp. 795-799 Downloads
Paul J. Boyle, Anthony C. Gatrell and Oliver Duke-Williams
On the methodological, theoretical and philosophical context of health inequalities research: a critique pp. 801-816 Downloads
Angus Forbes and Steven P. Wainwright
Does class matter? SES and psychosocial health among Hungarian adolescents pp. 817-830 Downloads
Bettina Piko and Kevin M. Fitzpatrick

2001, volume 53, articles 5

Feminism meets the "new" epidemiologies: toward an appraisal of antifeminist biases in epidemiological research on women's health pp. 553-567 Downloads
Marcia C. Inhorn and K. Lisa Whittle
Comorbid depressive symptomatology: isolating the effects of chronic medical conditions on self-reported depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults pp. 569-578 Downloads
Terry L. Mills
Neighbourhood and family influences on the cognitive ability of children in the British National Child Development Study pp. 579-591 Downloads
Andrew McCulloch and Heather E. Joshi
Anxious adults vs. cool children: children's views on smoking and addiction pp. 593-602 Downloads
Jorun Rugkåsa, Barbara Knox, Julie Sittlington, Orla Kennedy, Margaret P. Treacy and Pilar Santos Abaunza
Sense of coherence and school-related stress as predictors of subjective health complaints in early adolescence: interactive, indirect or direct relationships? pp. 603-614 Downloads
Torbjorn Torsheim, Leif Edvard Aaroe and Bente Wold
Living a 'normal' life: young people coping with thalassaemia major or sickle cell disorder pp. 615-626 Downloads
Karl Atkin and Waqar I. U. Ahmad
Down's syndrome: cost, quality and value of life pp. 627-638 Downloads
Priscilla Alderson
Closing medical encounters: two physician practices and their implications for the expression of patients' unstated concerns pp. 639-656 Downloads
Jeffrey D. Robinson
Male physicians' narratives about being in ethically difficult care situations in paediatrics pp. 657-667 Downloads
Sørlie V, R. Førde, A. Lindseth and A. Norberg
Taking responsibility for cancer treatment pp. 669-677 Downloads
J. M. Deadman, S. J. Leinster, R. G. Owens, M. E. Dewey and P. D. Slade
Declining the offer of flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for bowel cancer:: a qualitative investigation of the decision-making process pp. 679-691 Downloads
Kirsten McCaffery, Jo Borril, Sara Williamson, Tamara Taylor, Stephen Sutton, Wendy Atkin and Jane Wardle

2001, volume 53, articles 4

Organ donation and family decision-making within the Spanish donation system pp. 405-421 Downloads
José M. Martínez, Jorge S. López, Antonio Martín, María J. Martín, Barbara Scandroglio and José M. Martín
Children's emotional and behavioural well-being and the family environment: findings from the Health Survey for England pp. 423-440 Downloads
Anne M. McMunn, James Y. Nazroo, Michael G. Marmot, Richard Boreham and Robert Goodman
Debt, social disadvantage and maternal depression pp. 441-453 Downloads
Richard Reading and Shirley Reynolds
Chinese seniors' perspectives on end-of-life decisions pp. 455-464 Downloads
Kerry W. Bowman and Peter A. Singer
Perceptions of illness causation among new referrals to a community mental health team: "explanatory model" or "exploratory map"? pp. 465-476 Downloads
Brian Williams and David Healy
The socioeconomic position of employed women, risk factors and mortality pp. 477-485 Downloads
Pauline Heslop, George Davey Smith, John Macleod and Carole Hart
Giving voice to the lifeworld. More humane, more effective medical care? A qualitative study of doctor-patient communication in general practice pp. 487-505 Downloads
Christine A. Barry, Fiona A. Stevenson, Nicky Britten, Nick Barber and Colin P. Bradley
Variations in general practitioners' views of asthma management in four European countries pp. 507-518 Downloads
R. Wahlström, P. Lagerløv, C. Stålsby Lundborg, C. C. M. Veninga, E. Hummers-Pradier, L. O. Dahlgren and P. Denig
The convergence of vulnerable characteristics and health insurance in the US pp. 519-529 Downloads
Leiyu Shi
Legalized, regulated, but unfunded: midwifery's laborious professionalization in Alberta, Canada, 1975-99 pp. 531-542 Downloads
Rachael McKendry and Tom Langford

2001, volume 53, articles 3

A hierarchical analysis of long-term illness and mortality in socially deprived areas pp. 265-275 Downloads
Marianne Malmström, SvenErik Johansson and Jan Sundquist
Children's behaviour and the urban environment: an ecological analysis pp. 277-292 Downloads
James A. LeClair
Do high levels of unemployment influence the health of those who are not unemployed? A gendered comparison of young men and women during boom and recession pp. 293-303 Downloads
Mehmed Novo, Anne Hammarström and Urban Janlert
Unemployment and psychosocial adjustment in young adults: causation or selection? pp. 305-320 Downloads
David M. Fergusson, L. John Horwood and Lianne J. Woodward
Health psychology and the study of the case: from method to analytic concern pp. 321-332 Downloads
Alan Radley and Kerry Chamberlain
Evaluation of community-based rehabilitation for disabled persons in developing countries pp. 333-348 Downloads
P. J. Evans, P. Zinkin, T. Harpham and G. Chaudury
British psychiatry in the 20th century -- observations from a psychiatric journal pp. 349-356 Downloads
Joanna Moncrieff and M. J. Crawford
Physician-patient communication about over-the-counter medications pp. 357-369 Downloads
Betsy Sleath, Richard H. Rubin, William Campbell, Lisa Gwyther and Trina Clark
Sexual cleansing (Kusalazya) and levirate marriage (Kunjilila mung'anda) in the era of AIDS: changes in perceptions and practices in Zambia pp. 371-382 Downloads
J. R. S. Malungo
Determinants of the intention of Dutch adolescents to register as organ donors pp. 383-392 Downloads
Astrid Reubsaet, Bart van den Borne, Johannes Brug, Jean Pruyn and Hans van Hooff
Sex selection in practice among Hong Kong Chinese pp. 393-397 Downloads
S. F. Wong and L. C. Ho

2001, volume 53, articles 2

Anthropological perspectives on alcohol and drugs at the turn of the new millennium pp. 153-164 Downloads
Mac Marshall, Genevieve M. Ames and Linda A. Bennett
Socio-cultural anthropology and alcohol and drug research:: towards a unified theory pp. 165-188 Downloads
Geoffrey Hunt and Judith C. Barker
Intoxication and bad behaviour: understanding cultural differences in the link pp. 189-198 Downloads
Robin Room
Toward a bio-cultural and political economic integration of alcohol, tobacco and drug studies in the coming century pp. 199-213 Downloads
Merrill Singer
Assessing alcohol consumption: developments from qualitative research methods pp. 215-226 Downloads
Lee Strunin
Culture and the restoration of self among former American Indian drinkers pp. 227-240 Downloads
Paul Spicer
"These young chaps think they are just men, too": redistributing masculinity in Kgatleng bars pp. 241-250 Downloads
David N. Suggs
"Take my water":: liberation through prohibition in San Pedro Chenalhó, Chiapas, Mexico pp. 251-262 Downloads
Christine Eber

2001, volume 53, articles 1

Social deprivation and psychiatric service use for different diagnostic groups pp. 1-8 Downloads
Jaap Peen and Jack Dekker
Does the state you live in make a difference? Multilevel analysis of self-rated health in the US pp. 9-19 Downloads
S. V. Subramanian, Ichiro Kawachi and Bruce P. Kennedy
Estimating the employment and earnings costs of mental illness: recent developments in the United States pp. 21-27 Downloads
Dave Marcotte and Virginia Wilcox
Socioeconomic disparities in health change in a longitudinal study of US adults: the role of health-risk behaviors pp. 29-40 Downloads
Paula M. Lantz, John W. Lynch, James S. House, James M. Lepkowski, Richard P. Mero, Marc A. Musick and David R. Williams
Models of acculturation and health behaviors among Latino immigrants to the US pp. 41-53 Downloads
E. Arcia, M. Skinner, DeeVon Bailey and V. Correa
Defining the "urban" in urbanization and health: a factor analysis approach pp. 55-70 Downloads
Thomas W. McDade and Linda S. Adair
Casuistry as bioethical method: an empirical perspective pp. 71-81 Downloads
Annette Braunack-Mayer
Intrahousehold resource allocation and child growth in Mozambique: an ethnographic case-control study pp. 83-97 Downloads
James Pfeiffer, Stephen Gloyd and Lucy Ramirez Li
Condom use, power and HIV/AIDS risk: sex-workers bargain for survival in Hillbrow/Joubert Park/Berea, Johannesburg pp. 99-121 Downloads
Janet Maia Wojcicki and Josephine Malala
What do women want? Women's experiences of infertility treatment pp. 123-133 Downloads
Maili Malin, Elina Hemminki, Outi Räikkönen, Sinikka Sihvo and M-L Perälä
The social context of health selection: a longitudinal study of health and employment pp. 135-145 Downloads
Peggy McDonough and Benjamin C. Amick
Page updated 2025-03-25