Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2007, volume 65, articles 12
- Retaining the sociology in medical sociology pp. 2409-2412

- Sarah Nettleton
- British Asian families and the use of child and adolescent mental health services: A qualitative study of a hard to reach group pp. 2413-2424

- Hannah Bradby, Maya Varyani, Rachel Oglethorpe, Wendy Raine, Ishbel White and Minnis Helen
- Portraying Islam and Muslims in MEDLINE: A content analysis pp. 2425-2439

- Lance Daniel Laird, Justine de Marrais and Linda L. Barnes
- Neighborhood economic disadvantage, violent crime, group density, and pregnancy outcomes in a diverse, urban population pp. 2440-2457

- Christopher M. Masi, Louise C. Hawkley, Z. Harry Piotrowski and Kate E. Pickett
- Disparities in obesity rates: Analysis by ZIP code area pp. 2458-2463

- Adam Drewnowski, Colin D. Rehm and David Solet
- Mobility and its liminal context: Exploring sexual partnering among truck drivers crossing the Southern Brazilian border pp. 2464-2473

- Sheri A. Lippman, Julie Pulerwitz, Magda Chinaglia, Alan Hubbard, Arthur Reingold and Juan Díaz
- From macro to micro: The health of Swedish lone mothers during changing economic and social circumstances pp. 2474-2488

- Sara Fritzell, Gunilla Ringbäck Weitoft, Johan Fritzell and Bo Burström
- Socioeconomic status and age trajectories of health pp. 2489-2502

- Jinyoung Kim and Emily Durden
- Low birthweight among US Hispanic/Latino subgroups: The effect of maternal foreign-born status and education pp. 2503-2516

- Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Mah-J. Soobader and Lisa F. Berkman
- Tobacco expenditures and child health and nutritional outcomes in rural Bangladesh pp. 2517-2526

- James Nonnemaker and Mona Sur
- The determinants of the willingness to donate an organ among young adults: Evidence from the United States and the European Union pp. 2527-2538

- Naci Mocan and Erdal Tekin
- A panel multinomial logit analysis of elderly living arrangements: Evidence from aging in Manitoba longitudinal data, Canada pp. 2539-2552

- Sisira Sarma and Wayne Simpson
- The influence of prescription drug insurance on psychotropic and non-psychotropic drug utilization in Canada pp. 2553-2565

- Sisira Sarma, Kisalaya Basu and Anil Gupta
- A qualitative study of the duty to care in communicable disease outbreaks pp. 2566-2575

- Cécile M. Bensimon, C. Shawn Tracy, Mark Bernstein, Randi Zlotnik Shaul and Ross E.G. Upshur
- Modelling the contribution of changes in family life to time trends in adolescent conduct problems pp. 2576-2587

- Stephan Collishaw, Robert Goodman, Andrew Pickles and Barbara Maughan
- Covariations of emotional states and alcohol consumption: Evidence from 2 years of daily data collection pp. 2588-2602

- Kerstin E.E. Schroder and Mervyn W. Perrine
2007, volume 65, articles 11
- Informed consent in a changing environment pp. 2187-2198

- Mary Boulton and Michael Parker
- Changing constructions of informed consent: Qualitative research and complex social worlds pp. 2199-2211

- Tina Miller and Mary Boulton
- Beyond "misunderstanding": Written information and decisions about taking part in a genetic epidemiology study pp. 2212-2222

- Mary Dixon-Woods, Richard E. Ashcroft, Clare J. Jackson, Martin D. Tobin, Joelle Kivits, Paul R. Burton and Nilesh J. Samani
- Informed consent, anticipatory regulation and ethnographic practice pp. 2223-2234

- Elizabeth Murphy and Robert Dingwall
- Translating ethics: Researching public health and medical practices in Nepal pp. 2235-2247

- Ian Harper
- Ethnography/ethics pp. 2248-2259

- Michael Parker
- Informed consent: Interpretations and practice on social surveys pp. 2260-2271

- Jean Martin and David A. Marker
- Competent children? Minors' consent to health care treatment and research pp. 2272-2283

- Priscilla Alderson
- Proposing modesty for informed consent pp. 2284-2295

- Michael M. Burgess
- Doing participant observation in a psychiatric hospital-- Research ethics resumed pp. 2296-2306

- Christine Oeye, Anne Karen Bjelland and Aina Skorpen
- A quackery with a difference--New medical pluralism and the problem of 'dangerous practitioners' in the United Kingdom pp. 2307-2316

- Ayo Wahlberg
- A critical examination of home care: End of life care as an illustrative case pp. 2317-2327

- Catherine Exley and Davina Allen
- The role of the bioethicist in family meetings about end of life care pp. 2328-2341

- Liza T. Watkins, Galit Sacajiu and Alison Karasz
- Sometimes doing the right thing sucks: Frame combinations and multi-fetal pregnancy reduction decision difficulty pp. 2342-2356

- David W. Britt and Mark I. Evans
- Sequence analysis in multilevel models. A study on different sources of patient cues in medical consultations pp. 2357-2370

- Lidia Del Piccolo, Maria Angela Mazzi, Graham Dunn, Marco Sandri and Christa Zimmermann
- Framework for Aboriginal-guided decolonizing research involving Métis and First Nations persons with diabetes pp. 2371-2382

- Judith G. Bartlett, Yoshitaka Iwasaki, Benjamin Gottlieb, Darlene Hall and Roger Mannell
- Sex, money, and premarital partnerships in southern Malawi pp. 2383-2393

- Michelle Poulin
- A longitudinal, qualitative analysis of the context of substance use and sexual behavior among 18- to 29-year-old men after their release from prison pp. 2394-2406

- D.W. Seal, G.D. Eldrige, D. Kacanek, D. Binson and R.J. MacGowan
2007, volume 65, articles 10
- Health care delivery systems for older adults: How do the Netherlands and Lebanon compare? pp. 1979-1985

- Aaltje Paulien Nelian Hospers, Lama M. Chahine and Zeina Chemali
- Are urban children really healthier? Evidence from 47 developing countries pp. 1986-2003

- Ellen Van de Poel, Owen O'Donnell and Eddy Van Doorslaer
- Racially mixed neighborhoods, perceived neighborhood social cohesion, and adolescent health in Canada pp. 2004-2017

- Teresa Abada, Feng Hou and Bali Ram
- Determinants of prostate cancer stage in northern New England: USA Franco-American contextual effects pp. 2018-2030

- Margaret A. Parsons and Kathleen D. Askland
- Disappearing acts: The social networks of formerly homeless individuals with co-occurring disorders pp. 2031-2042

- Robert Leibson Hawkins and Courtney Abrams
- Loop analysis of causal feedback in epidemiology: An illustration relating to urban neighborhoods and resident depressive experiences pp. 2043-2057

- Alexis Dinno
- A prospective study of cultural consonance and depressive symptoms in urban Brazil pp. 2058-2069

- William W. Dressler, Mauro C. Balieiro, Rosane P. Ribeiro and Jose E. dos Santos
- Going to scale with community-based primary care: An analysis of the family health program and infant mortality in Brazil, 1999-2004 pp. 2070-2080

- James Macinko, Maria de Fátima Marinho de Souza, Frederico C. Guanais and Celso Cardoso da Silva Simões
- On new reproductive technologies and family ethics: Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for sibling donor in Israel and Germany pp. 2081-2092

- Yael Hashiloni-Dolev and Shiri Shkedi
- Genes, ownership, and indigenous reality pp. 2093-2104

- Grant Gillett and Felicity McKergow
- Risk perception and decision processes underlying informed consent to research participation pp. 2105-2115

- William W. Reynolds and Robert M. Nelson
- Cost-effectiveness analysis and formulary decision making in England: Findings from research pp. 2116-2129

- Iestyn P. Williams and Stirling Bryan
- Beyond the medical-informational model: Recasting the role of communication in tuberculosis control pp. 2130-2134

- Silvio Waisbord
- From child to adult: An exploration of shifting family roles and responsibilities in managing physiotherapy for cystic fibrosis pp. 2135-2146

- Brian Williams, Somnath Mukhopadhyay, Jon Dowell and Joanne Coyle
- Being a 'good mother': Managing breastfeeding and merging identities pp. 2147-2159

- Joyce L. Marshall, Mary Godfrey and Mary J. Renfrew
- The emotional costs of caring incurred by men and women in the British labour market pp. 2160-2171

- David Nicholas Barron and Elizabeth West
- An exploration of walking behaviour--An interpretative phenomenological approach pp. 2172-2183

- Catherine D. Darker, Michael Larkin and David P. French
2007, volume 65, articles 9
- Placing health in context pp. 1821-1824

- James R. Dunn and Steven Cummins
- Understanding and representing 'place' in health research: A relational approach pp. 1825-1838

- Steven Cummins, Sarah Curtis, Ana V. Diez-Roux and Sally Macintyre
- Health inequalities and place: A theoretical conception of neighbourhood pp. 1839-1852

- Paul Bernard, Rana Charafeddine, Katherine L. Frohlich, Mark Daniel, Yan Kestens and Louise Potvin
- Understanding social disparities in hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control: The role of neighborhood context pp. 1853-1866

- Jeffrey D. Morenoff, James S. House, Ben B. Hansen, David R. Williams, George A. Kaplan and Haslyn E. Hunte
- The importance of social context: Neighborhood stressors, stress-buffering mechanisms, and alcohol, drug, and mental health disorders pp. 1867-1881

- Susan E. Stockdale, Kenneth B. Wells, Lingqi Tang, Thomas R. Belin, Lily Zhang and Cathy D. Sherbourne
- Pathways to obesity: Identifying local, modifiable determinants of physical activity and diet pp. 1882-1897

- Mai Stafford, Steven Cummins, Anne Ellaway, Amanda Sacker, Richard Wiggins and Sally Macintyre
- Stepping towards causation: Do built environments or neighborhood and travel preferences explain physical activity, driving, and obesity? pp. 1898-1914

- Lawrence Douglas Frank, Brian E. Saelens, Ken E. Powell and James E. Chapman
- Health intervention in social context: Understanding social networks and neighbourhood pp. 1915-1927

- Lai Fong Chiu and Robert M. West
- New communities, new relations: The impact of community organization on health outcomes pp. 1928-1941

- Robin Durie and Katrina Wyatt
- An exploratory spatial data analysis approach to understanding the relationship between deprivation and mortality in Scotland pp. 1942-1952

- Sanjeev Sridharan, Helena Tunstall, Richard Lawder and Richard Mitchell
- Locality deprivation and Type 2 diabetes incidence: A local test of relative inequalities pp. 1953-1964

- Matthew Cox, Paul J. Boyle, Peter G. Davey, Zhiqiang Feng and Andrew D. Morris
- The problems of relative deprivation: Why some societies do better than others pp. 1965-1978

- Richard G. Wilkinson and Kate E. Pickett
2007, volume 65, articles 8
- "How could you let yourself get like that?": Stories of the origins of obesity in accounts of weight loss surgery pp. 1561-1571

- Karen Throsby
- Environmental, parental, and personal influences on food choice, access, and overweight status among homeless children pp. 1572-1583

- Rickelle Richards and Chery Smith
- Living with low back pain--Stories of hope and despair pp. 1584-1594

- Mandy Corbett, Nadine E. Foster and Bie Nio Ong
- An analysis over time (1990-2000) of the experiences of living with HIV pp. 1595-1605

- Janine Pierret
- Governing the healthy male citizen: Men, masculinity and popular health in Men's Health magazine pp. 1606-1618

- Paul Crawshaw
- The passing dilemma in socially invisible diseases: Narratives on chronic headache pp. 1619-1629

- Cristina Lonardi
- "Nobody's just normal, you know": The social creation of developmental disability pp. 1630-1641

- Valerie Leiter
- Using narrative analysis to understand the combined use of complementary therapies and bio-medically oriented health care pp. 1642-1653

- Johanna Hök, Caroline Wachtler, Torkel Falkenberg and Carol Tishelman
- Exploring identity, culture, and suffering with a Kashmiri Sikh refugee pp. 1654-1665

- Neil Krishan Aggarwal
- Barriers to the utilization of maternal health care in rural Mali pp. 1666-1682

- Anastasia J. Gage
- The impact of perceived stigma and mediating social factors on infertility-related stress among women seeking infertility treatment in Southern Ghana pp. 1683-1694

- Ernestina S. Donkor and Jane Sandall
- Current health and preferences for life-prolonging treatments: An application of prospect theory to end-of-life decision making pp. 1695-1707

- Laraine Winter and Barbara Parker
- Ethical climate, ethics stress, and the job satisfaction of nurses and social workers in the United States pp. 1708-1719

- Connie Ulrich, Patricia O'Donnell, Carol Taylor, Adrienne Farrar, Marion Danis and Christine Grady
- Implementing Family Health Nursing in Tajikistan: From policy to practice in primary health care reform pp. 1720-1729

- Barbara Ann Parfitt and Flora Cornish
- How much can a large population study on genes, environments, their interactions and common diseases contribute to the health of the American people? pp. 1730-1741

- Claudia Chaufan
- 'Health's a difficult beast': The interrelationships between domestic violence, women's health and the health sector: An Australian case study pp. 1742-1750

- Colleen Fisher, Lynne Hunt, Rhonda Adamsam and Wilfreda E. Thurston
- What influences government adoption of vaccines in developing countries? A policy process analysis pp. 1751-1764

- Liza Munira and Scott A. Fritzen
- Maternal education, child immunizations, and public policy: Evidence from the US National Immunization Survey pp. 1765-1772

- Andrew D. Racine and Theodore J. Joyce
- More free syringes, fewer drug injectors in the case of Spain pp. 1773-1778

- Maria J. Bravo, Luis Royuela, Gregorio Barrio, Luis de la Fuente, Mónica Suarez and M. Teresa Brugal
- Non-residential neighborhood exposures suppress neighborhood effects on self-rated health pp. 1779-1791

- Sanae Inagami, Deborah A. Cohen and Brian K. Finch
- The association between contextual socioeconomic factors and prevalent asthma in a cohort of Southern California school children pp. 1792-1806

- Ketan Shankardass, Rob S. McConnell, Joel Milam, Kiros Berhane, Zaria Tatalovich, John P. Wilson and Michael Jerrett
- Have urban/rural inequalities in suicide in New Zealand grown during the period 1980-2001? pp. 1807-1819

- Jamie Pearce, Ross Barnett and Irfon Jones
2007, volume 65, articles 7
- The effects of television advertisements for junk food versus nutritious food on children's food attitudes and preferences pp. 1311-1323

- Helen G. Dixon, Maree L. Scully, Melanie A. Wakefield, Victoria M. White and David A. Crawford
- Television and the behaviour of adolescents: Does socio-economic status moderate the link? pp. 1324-1336

- James Chowhan and Jennifer M. Stewart
- Nxwisen, ntzarrin or ntzo'lin? Mapping children's respiratory symptoms among indigenous populations in Guatemala pp. 1337-1350

- Lisa Thompson, Janet Diaz, Alisa Jenny, Anaite Diaz, Nigel Bruce and John Balmes
- Caretaking as articulation work: The effects of taking up responsibility for a child with asthma on labor force participation pp. 1351-1363

- Stefan Timmermans and Betina Freidin
- A new approach to understanding pediatric farm injuries pp. 1364-1371

- Barbara A. Morrongiello, Barbara Marlenga, Richard Berg, James Linneman and William Pickett
- Socioeconomic differences in health among older adults in Mexico pp. 1372-1385

- Kimberly V. Smith and Noreen Goldman
- The relation of chronic cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus to perceived health, and the moderating effects of sex and age pp. 1386-1396

- Sai Yin Ho, Kwok Kei Mak, G. Neil Thomas, Mary Schooling, Richard Fielding, Edward D. Janus and Tai Hing Lam
- Intergenerational interaction, social capital and health: Results from a randomised controlled trial in Brazil pp. 1397-1409

- Elza Maria de Souza and Emily Grundy
- The association between cognitive ability measured at ages 18-20 and coronary heart disease in middle age among men: A prospective study using the Swedish 1969 conscription cohort pp. 1410-1419

- Tomas Hemmingsson, Jan v. Essen, Bo Melin, Peter Allebeck and Ingvar Lundberg
- Predictors and course of vocational status, income, and quality of life in people with severe mental illness: A naturalistic study pp. 1420-1429

- Carlos Nordt, Brigitte Müller, Wulf Rössler and Christoph Lauber
- Making a bad thing worse: Effects of communication of results of an epidemiological study after an aviation disaster pp. 1430-1441

- M. Verschuur, P. Spinhoven, A. van Emmerik and F. Rosendaal
- Assessing oral literacy demand in genetic counseling dialogue: Preliminary test of a conceptual framework pp. 1442-1457

- Debra L. Roter, Lori H. Erby, Susan Larson and Lee Ellington
- Minding the shop: The case of obstetrics conferences pp. 1458-1465

- Joshua Gans, Andrew Leigh and Elena Varganova
- What length of hospice use maximizes reduction in medical expenditures near death in the US Medicare program? pp. 1466-1478

- Donald H. Taylor , Jan Ostermann, Courtney Van Houtven, James A. Tulsky and Karen Steinhauser
- Optimism, pessimism and the compensating income variation of cardiovascular disease: A two-tiered quality of life stochastic frontier model pp. 1479-1489

- Wim Groot and Henriette Maassen van den Brink
- Banking on it: Public policy and the ethics of stem cell research and development pp. 1490-1500

- Mita Giacomini, Francoise Baylis and Jason Robert
- "Wailing Lore" in a Yemenite-Israeli community: Bereavement, expertise, and therapy pp. 1501-1511

- Tova Gamliel
- Kathy Pan, sticks and pummelling: Techniques used to induce abortion by Burmese women on the Thai border pp. 1512-1523

- Suzanne Belton and Andrea Whittaker
- Beyond acculturation: Immigration, discrimination, and health research among Mexicans in the United States pp. 1524-1535

- Edna A. Viruell-Fuentes
- Designing a better place for patients: Professional struggles surrounding satellite and mobile dialysis units pp. 1536-1548

- Pascale Lehoux, Geneviève Daudelin, Blake Poland, Gavin J. Andrews and Dave Holmes
- Complex syndromes, ambivalent diagnosis, and existential uncertainty: The case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) pp. 1549-1559

- Andrea Stockl
2007, volume 65, articles 6
- Do panel surveys really make people sick? A commentary on Wilson and Howell (60:11, 2005, 2623-2627) pp. 1071-1077

- David R. Weir and James P. Smith
- Disease prevalence and survey design effects: A response to Weir and Smith pp. 1078-1081

- Sven Wilson and Benjamin L. Howell
- A place for genetic uncertainty: Parents valuing an unknown in the meaning of disease pp. 1082-1093

- Ian Whitmarsh, Arlene M. Davis, Debra Skinner and Donald Bailey
- Facilitating choice, framing choice: Staff views on widening the scope of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in the UK pp. 1094-1105

- Clare Williams, Kathryn Ehrich, Bobbie Farsides and Rosamund Scott
- Determinants of parental reports of children's illnesses: Empirical evidence from Nepal pp. 1106-1117

- Subhash Pokhrel
- Guardianship of people with mental disorders pp. 1118-1123

- Yuval Melamed, Israel Doron and Dan Shnitt
- Patient-led partner notification for syphilis: Strategies used by women accessing antenatal care in urban Bolivia pp. 1124-1135

- Shannon A. Klisch, Edward Mamary, Claudia Diaz Olavarrieta and Sandra G. Garcia
- Problematic Internet experiences: Primary or secondary presenting problems in persons seeking mental health care? pp. 1136-1141

- Kimberly J. Mitchell and Melissa Wells
- Managing the work-life roller-coaster: Private stress or public health issue? pp. 1142-1153

- Lois Bryson, Penny Warner-Smith, Peter Brown and Leanne Fray
- Places and health: A qualitative study to explore how older women living alone perceive the social and physical dimensions of their neighbourhoods pp. 1154-1165

- Ruth B. Walker and Janet E. Hiller
- Gender differences in trajectories of depressive symptomatology and substance use during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood pp. 1166-1179

- Belinda L. Needham
- Young people's mental health in context: Comparing life in the city and small communities in Siberia pp. 1180-1191

- Anthony Glendinning and Patrick West
- Caesarean birth: Consumption, safety, order, and good mothering pp. 1192-1201

- Joanne Bryant, Maree Porter, Sally K. Tracy and Elizabeth A. Sullivan
- Early childhood origins of the income/health gradient: The role of maternal health behaviors pp. 1202-1213

- Jennifer Beam Dowd
- Associations between childhood maltreatment and sex work in a cohort of drug-using youth pp. 1214-1221

- Jo-Anne Madeleine Stoltz, Kate Shannon, Thomas Kerr, Ruth Zhang, Julio S. Montaner and Evan Wood
- Does violence affect one gender more than the other? The mental health impact of violence among male and female university students pp. 1222-1234

- Patrizia Romito and Michele Grassi
- Transactional sex with casual and main partners among young South African men in the rural Eastern Cape: Prevalence, predictors, and associations with gender-based violence pp. 1235-1248

- Kristin L. Dunkle, Rachel Jewkes, Mzikazi Nduna, Nwabisa Jama, Jonathan Levin, Yandisa Sikweyiya and Mary P. Koss
- Revealing the full extent of households' experiences of HIV and AIDS in rural South Africa pp. 1249-1259

- Victoria Hosegood, Eleanor Preston-Whyte, Joanna Busza, Sindile Moitse and Ian M. Timaeus
- How healers manage the pluralistic healing context: The perspective of indigenous, religious and allopathic healers in relation to psychosis in Uganda pp. 1260-1273

- Joanna Teuton, Christopher Dowrick and Richard P. Bentall
- The social consequences of living with and dealing with incontinence--A carers perspective pp. 1274-1283

- Katherine R. Brittain and Chris Shaw
- SARS and New York's Chinatown: The politics of risk and blame during an epidemic of fear pp. 1284-1295

- Laura Eichelberger
- Creating knowledge about adverse drug reactions: A critical analysis of the Danish reporting system from 1968 to 2005 pp. 1296-1309

- Lise Aagaard, Birthe Soendergaard, Elin Andersen, Jens Peter Kampmann and Ebba Holme Hansen
2007, volume 65, articles 5
- Variation in deliberate self-harm around Christmas and New Year pp. 855-867

- Helen Bergen and Keith Hawton
- Rethinking social recovery in schizophrenia: What a capabilities approach might offer pp. 868-879

- Kim Hopper
- How do patients expect the mental health service system to act? Testing the WHO responsiveness concept for its appropriateness in mental health care pp. 880-889

- Anke Bramesfeld, Ulrike Klippel, Gabriele Seidel, Friedrich W. Schwartz and Marie-Luise Dierks
- Patient perspectives on information and choice in cancer screening: A qualitative study in the UK pp. 890-899

- Ruth Gillian Jepson, Jenny Hewison, Andrew Thompson and David Weller
- Social networks, normative influence and health delivery in rural Bangladesh pp. 900-914

- Kaberi Gayen and Robert Raeside
- Is the medical brain drain beneficial? Evidence from overseas doctors in the UK pp. 915-923

- Mari Kangasniemi, L. Winters and Simon Commander
- Organisational determinants of the use of physical restraints: A multilevel approach pp. 924-933

- Anna R. Huizing, Jan P.H. Hamers, Jan de Jonge, Math Candel and Martijn P.F. Berger
- Re-thinking the relationship between long-term condition self-management education and the utilisation of health services pp. 934-945

- Claire Gately, Anne Rogers and Caroline Sanders
- WTP and WTA: Do people think differently? pp. 946-957

- David K. Whynes and Tracey H. Sach
- The role of social support and integration for understanding socioeconomic disparities in self-rated health and hypertension pp. 958-975

- Bridget K. Gorman and Ahilan Sivaganesan
- Immigrant generation, socioeconomic status, and economic development of countries of origin: A longitudinal study of body mass index among children pp. 976-989

- Jennifer Van Hook and Kelly Stamper Balistreri
- Why do Hispanics in the USA report poor health? pp. 990-1003

- Sharon Bzostek, Noreen Goldman and Anne Pebley
- The contribution of migration to changes in the distribution of health over time: Five-year follow-up study in Northern Ireland pp. 1004-1011

- Sheelah Connolly and Dermot O'Reilly
- Anticipation of migration and psychological stress and the Three Gorges Dam project, China pp. 1012-1024

- Sean-Shong Hwang, Juan Xi, Yue Cao, Xiaotian Feng and Xiaofei Qiao
- Family communication regarding inherited high cholesterol: Why and how do patients disclose genetic risk? pp. 1025-1037

- Hélène W.P. van den Nieuwenhoff, Ilse Mesters, Caroline Gielen and Nanne K. de Vries
- Fears and beliefs of patients regarding cardiac catheterization pp. 1038-1048

- Patricia Helen Caldwell, Heather M. Arthur, Madhu Natarajan and Sonia S. Anand
- Can theory-based messages in combination with cognitive prompts promote exercise in classroom settings? pp. 1049-1058

- Chloe Hill, Charles Abraham and Daniel B. Wright
- Children's health and the social theory of risk: Insights from the British measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) controversy pp. 1059-1070

- Rachel Elizabeth Casiday
2007, volume 65, articles 4
- 'You think that I'm smoking and they're not': Why mothers still smoke in the home pp. 641-652

- Jude Robinson and Andrew J. Kirkcaldy
- The effect of single motherhood on smoking by socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity pp. 653-666

- Hee-Jin Jun and Dolores Acevedo-Garcia
- Time away from "smelling the roses": Where do mothers raising children with disabilities find the time to work? pp. 667-679

- Peter Brandon
- Fetal gender and postpartum depression in a cohort of Chinese women pp. 680-684

- Ri-hua Xie, Guoping He, Aizhong Liu, Jacques Bradwejn, Mark Walker and Shi Wu Wen
- A life-span perspective on women's careers, health, and well-being pp. 685-697

- Gunn Johansson, Qinghai Huang and Petra Lindfors
- Antipsychotic medication, sedation and mental clouding: An observational study of psychiatric consultations pp. 698-711

- Clive Seale, Robert Chaplin, Paul Lelliott and Alan Quirk
- Differential diagnosis of seizure disorders: A conversation analytic approach pp. 712-724

- Meike Schwabe, Stephen J. Howell and Markus Reuber
- Doctors being up there and we being down here: A metaphorical analysis of talk about student/doctor-patient relationships pp. 725-737

- Charlotte E. Rees, Lynn V. Knight and Clare E. Wilkinson
- Looking for a better future: Identity construction in socio-economically deprived 16-year olds considering a career in medicine pp. 738-754

- Nadia Robb, Lisa Dunkley, Petra Boynton and Trisha Greenhalgh
- Positive prevention: Contemporary issues facing HIV positive people negotiating sex in the UK pp. 755-770

- Damien Ridge, Sue Ziebland, Jane Anderson, Ian Williams and Jonathan Elford
- 'Am I normal?' Teenagers, sexual health and the internet pp. 771-781

- Kevin James Harvey, Brian Brown, Paul Crawford, Aidan Macfarlane and Ann McPherson
- Methodological and ethical issues in Internet-mediated research in the field of health: An integrated review of the literature pp. 782-791

- Lisa Claire Whitehead
- Written work: The social functions of Research Ethics Committee letters pp. 792-802

- Mary Dixon-Woods, Emma Angell, Richard E. Ashcroft and Alan Bryman
- Changes in medical end-of-life practices during the legalization process of euthanasia in Belgium pp. 803-808

- Johan Bilsen, Robert Vander Stichele, Bert Broeckaert, Freddy Mortier and Luc Deliens
- Individual and neighborhood socioeconomic status and progressive chronic kidney disease in an elderly population: The Cardiovascular Health Study pp. 809-821

- Sharon Stein Merkin, Ana V. Diez Roux, Josef Coresh, Linda F. Fried, Sharon A. Jackson and Neil R. Powe
- Urban-rural difference in stroke mortality from a 19-year cohort study of the Japanese general population: NIPPON DATA80 pp. 822-832

- Nobuo Nishi, Hiromi Sugiyama, Fumiyoshi Kasagi, Kazunori Kodama, Takehito Hayakawa, Kazuo Ueda, Akira Okayama and Hirotsugu Ueshima
- Do not go breaking your heart: Do economic upturns really increase heart attack mortality? pp. 833-841

- Mikael Svensson
- The role of social capital in reducing non-specific psychological distress: The importance of controlling for omitted variable bias pp. 842-854

- Richard M. Scheffler, Timothy T. Brown and Jennifer K. Rice
2007, volume 65, articles 3
- News of disparity: Content analysis of news coverage of African American healthcare inequalities in the USA, 1994-2004 pp. 405-417

- Kalahn Alexandra Taylor-Clark, Felicia E. Mebane, Gillian K. SteelFisher and Robert J. Blendon
- Media constructions of sleep and sleep disorders: A study of UK national newspapers pp. 418-430

- Clive Seale, Sharon Boden, Simon Williams, Pam Lowe and Deborah Steinberg
- Might the decrease in the suicide rates in France be due to regional prevention programmes? pp. 431-441

- Martine Marie Bellanger, Alain Jourdain and Agnes Batt-Moillo
- Further increases in rural suicide in young Australian adults: Secular trends, 1979-2003 pp. 442-453

- Andrew Page, Stephen Morrell, Richard Taylor, Michael Dudley and Greg Carter
- The association of current and sustained area-based adverse socioeconomic environment with physical inactivity pp. 454-466

- Cruz Pascual, Enrique Regidor, Paloma Astasio, Paloma Ortega, Pedro Navarro and Vicente Domínguez
- Mental health and poverty in developing countries: Revisiting the relationship pp. 467-480

- Jishnu Das, Quy-Toan Do, Jed Friedman, David McKenzie and Kinnon Scott
- Measuring access to social capital: The validity and reliability of the Resource Generator-UK and its association with common mental disorder pp. 481-492

- Martin P. Webber and Peter J. Huxley
- How might we understand men's health better? Integrating explanations from critical studies on men and inequalities in health pp. 493-504

- Maria Lohan
- Men on the margin: A Bourdieusian examination of living into adulthood with muscular dystrophy pp. 505-517

- Barbara E. Gibson, Nancy L. Young, Ross E.G. Upshur and Patricia McKeever
- The will-to-live and survival at old age: Gender differences pp. 518-523

- Sara Carmel, Orna Baron-Epel and Galia Shemy
- Biographical disruption associated with multiple sclerosis: Using propensity scoring to assess the impact pp. 524-535

- Gill Green, Jennifer Todd and David Pevalin
- The survival of psychiatric diagnosis pp. 536-547

- David Pilgrim
- Challenges to sanctuary: The clergy as a resource for mental health care in the community pp. 548-559

- Gerard Leavey, Kate Loewenthal and Michael King
- Caring and daring to complain: An examination of UK national phobics society members' perception of primary care pp. 560-571

- Joyce Davidson
- Risk, shame and the public injector: A qualitative study of drug injecting in South Wales pp. 572-585

- Tim Rhodes, Louise Watts, Sarah Davies, Anthea Martin, Josie Smith, David Clark, Noel Craine and Marion Lyons
- Physicians' communication and perceptions of patients: Is it how they look, how they talk, or is it just the doctor? pp. 586-598

- Richard L. Street , Howard Gordon and Paul Haidet
- Nurse prescribing: Reflections on safety in practice pp. 599-609

- Eleanor Bradley, Brian Hynam and Peter Nolan
- Piercing the veil: The marginalization of midwives in the United States pp. 610-621

- Steffie Goodman
- Multidisciplinary teamwork in US primary health care pp. 622-634

- Karen Solheim, Beverly J. McElmurry and Mi Ja Kim
- Cultures in hospitals and their influence on attitudes to, and satisfaction with, the use of clinical information systems pp. 635-639

- Joanne L. Callen, Jeffrey Braithwaite and Johanna I. Westbrook
2007, volume 65, articles 2
- Psychosocial resources and depression among chronically ill young adults: Are males more vulnerable? pp. 173-186

- Olli Kiviruusu, Taina Huurre and Hillevi Aro
- The effect of pre-employment factors on job control, job strain and psychological distress: A 31-year longitudinal study pp. 187-199

- Marko Elovainio, Mika Kivimäki, Ellen Ek, Jussi Vahtera, Teija Honkonen, Anja Taanila, Juha Veijola and Marjo-Riitta Järvelin
- Profiles of depressive symptoms among African Americans and Caribbean Blacks pp. 200-213

- Karen D. Lincoln, Linda M. Chatters, Robert Joseph Taylor and James S. Jackson
- Understanding differences in past year psychiatric disorders for Latinos living in the US pp. 214-230

- Margarita Alegria, Patrick E. Shrout, Meghan Woo, Peter Guarnaccia, William Sribney, Doryliz Vila, Antonio Polo, Zhun Cao, Norah Mulvaney-Day, Maria Torres and Glorisa Canino
- Explanations of depression among Irish migrants in Britain pp. 231-244

- Gerard Leavey, Linda Rozmovits, Louise Ryan and Michael King
- Meta-analysis of stigma and mental health pp. 245-261

- Winnie W.S. Mak, Cecilia Y.M. Poon, Loraine Y.K. Pun and Shu Fai Cheung
- A social comparison theory analysis of group composition and efficacy of cancer support group programs pp. 262-273

- Cindy L. Carmack Taylor, James Kulik, Hoda Badr, Murray Smith, Karen Basen-Engquist, Frank Penedo and Ellen R. Gritz
- "Life is still going on": Reproductive intentions among HIV-positive women and men in South Africa pp. 274-283

- Diane Cooper, Jane Harries, Landon Myer, Phyllis Orner and Hillary Bracken
- "If you get AIDS... You have to endure it alone": Understanding the social constructions of HIV/AIDS in China pp. 284-295

- Yanqiu Rachel Zhou
- Targeted ethnography as a critical step to inform cultural adaptations of HIV prevention interventions for adults with severe mental illness pp. 296-308

- Milton L. Wainberg, M. Alfredo González, Karen McKinnon, Katherine S. Elkington, Diana Pinto, Claudio Gruber Mann and Paulo E. Mattos
- Khat use and mental illness: A critical review pp. 309-318

- Nasir Warfa, Axel Klein, Kamaldeep Bhui, Gerard Leavey, Tom Craig and Stephen Alfred Stansfeld
- An ethnography of clinic "noise" in a community-based, promotora-centered mental health intervention pp. 319-330

- Christina Getrich, Shirley Heying, Cathleen Willging and Howard Waitzkin
- Rethinking nurses' observations: Psychiatric nursing skills and invisibility in an acute inpatient setting pp. 331-343

- Bridget Elizabeth Hamilton and Elizabeth Manias
- Anticipating ethical aspects of the use of biomarkers in the workplace: A tool for stakeholders pp. 344-354

- Chantal Caux, David J. Roy, Louise Guilbert and Claude Viau
- Regulating health care in low- and middle-income countries: Broadening the policy response in resource constrained environments pp. 355-366

- Tim Ensor and Sabine Weinzierl
- Patient cost sharing and social inequalities in access to health care in three western European countries pp. 367-376

- Lourdes Lostao, Enrique Regidor, Siegfried Geyer and Pierre Aïach
- Towards an understanding of British public attitudes concerning human cloning pp. 377-392

- Richard Shepherd, Julie Barnett, Helen Cooper, Adrian Coyle, Jo Moran-Ellis, Victoria Senior and Chris Walton
- Secrets and lies: Breastfeeding and professional paid work pp. 393-404

- Caroline Jane Gatrell
2007, volume 65, articles 1
- Introduction to special issue: Eleventh International Medical Geography Symposium pp. 1-6

- Robert J. Earickson
- Temporal changes in the spatial pattern of disease rates incorporating known risk factors pp. 7-19

- Aniruddha Banerjee
- Fat nation: Deciphering the distinctive geographies of obesity in England pp. 20-31

- Graham Moon, Gemma Quarendon, Steve Barnard, Liz Twigg and Bill Blyth
- Does health-selective migration following diagnosis strengthen the relationship between Type 2 diabetes and deprivation? pp. 32-42

- Matthew Cox, Paul J. Boyle, Peter Davey and Andrew Morris
- Spatial implications of covariate adjustment on patterns of risk: Respiratory hospital admissions in Christchurch, New Zealand pp. 43-59

- Clive Eric Sabel, Jeff Gaines Wilson, Simon Kingham, Catherine Tisch and Mike Epton
- Chagas disease in Texas: Recognizing the significance and implications of evidence in the literature pp. 60-79

- Elaine Jennifer Hanford, F. Benjamin Zhan, Yongmei Lu and Alberto Giordano
- Constructing a Swiss health space model of self-perceived health pp. 80-94

- Charis Lengen and Jörg Blasius
- Perception of place and health: Differences between neighbourhoods in the Québec City region pp. 95-111

- Robert Pampalon, Denis Hamel, Maria De Koninck and Marie-Jeanne Disant
- The 'world of yoga': The production and reproduction of therapeutic landscapes pp. 112-124

- Anne-Cécile Hoyez
- Creating a place for population health: Interpreting the spaces of a new School in Auckland, New Zealand pp. 125-137

- Robin A. Kearns
- Sociocultural barriers to cervical screening in South Auckland, New Zealand pp. 138-150

- Sarah Lovell, Robin A. Kearns and Wardlow Friesen
- Geographical Gerontology: The constitution of a discipline pp. 151-168

- Gavin J. Andrews, Malcolm Cutchin, Kevin McCracken, David R. Phillips and Janine Wiles
- Report from the Eleventh International Symposium in Medical Geography: A comment from the senior editor pp. 169-171

- Sarah Curtis
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1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46