Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1984, volume 19, articles 12
- Pain; Still an intriguing puzzle pp. 1257-1260

- Louwrens J. Menges
- New directions in the understanding and management of pain pp. 1261-1277

- C. Richard Chapman
- Ethnicity and the pain experience pp. 1279-1298

- James A. Lipton and Joseph J. Marbach
- Between death and shame: Dimensions of pain in Bariba culture pp. 1299-1304

- Carolyn Sargent
- The continous nature of headache susceptibility pp. 1305-1311

- Donald A. Bakal, Stefan Demjen and Judith Kaganov
- The spouse's adjustment to chronic pain: Cognitive and emotional factors pp. 1313-1317

- Andrew R. Block and Sara L. Boyer
- Consequences of nonverbal expression of pain: Patient distress and observer concern pp. 1319-1324

- Carl L. von Baeyer, Marianne E. Johnson and Marcia J. McMillan
- Facial expression accompanying pain pp. 1325-1330

- Linda LeResche and Samuel F. Dworkin
- Developmental changes in infant pain expression during immunization injections pp. 1331-1337

- K. D. Craig, R. J. McMahon, J. D. Morison and C. Zaskow
- Cognitive dimensions of chronic pain pp. 1339-1345

- Donald S. Ciccone and Roy C. Grzesiak
- A study of labour pain using the MCGILL pain questionnaire pp. 1347-1351

- Catherine Niven and Karel Gijsbers
- Psychological approaches to the management of arthritis pain pp. 1353-1360

- Laurence A. Bradley, Larry D. Young, Karen O. Anderson, Lisa K. McDaniel, Robert A. Turner and Carlos A. Agudelo
- Patient evaluation of a cognitive behavioral group program for patients with chronic low back pain pp. 1361-1365

- A. C. G. Linssen and F. G. Zitman
- Physiological and psychological explanations for the mechanism of acupunture as a treatment for chronic pain pp. 1367-1378

- G. T. Lewith and J. N. Kenyon
- Long-term use of narcotic analgesics in chronic pain pp. 1379-1382

- Randal D. France, Bruno J. Urban and Francis J. Keefe
- Chronic pain from the perspective of health: A view based on systems theory pp. 1383-1392

- Herman J. Engelbart and Mariet A. E. Vrancken
- Managing the problem pain patient: Compliance or social control? pp. 1393-1400

- Joseph A. Kotarba and John V. Seidel
1984, volume 19, articles 11
- Scholarship, freedom and brain drain in Africa pp. 1127-1129

- F.M. Mburu
- Going up in smoke: The case of British American tobacco in Kenya pp. 1131-1139

- Kate Currie and Larry Ray
- Disabled persons in Poland pp. 1141-1149

- Janusz Bejnarowicz
- Opinions on mental illness in Israel pp. 1151-1158

- Michael Rahav, Elmer L. Struening and Howard Andrews
- Decision making in professional associations pp. 1159-1165

- Ken Cox
- Obstacles to successful fertility control in Nigeria pp. 1167-1171

- Eric O. Udjo
- The utilisation of preschool health and education services pp. 1173-1180

- D.M. Fergusson, M.E. Dimond, L.J. Horwood and F.T. Shannon
- Age and capacity devaluation: A replication pp. 1181-1187

- Joseph Greenblum
- Obstacles to the practice of licensed lay midwifery pp. 1189-1196

- Deborah A. Sullivan and Rose Weitz
- What is, must be best: A research note on conservative or deferential responses to antenatal care provision pp. 1197-1200

- Maureen Porter and Sally Macintyre
- Pregnancy, labor and body image in the United States pp. 1201-1206

- Emily Martin
- Female infanticide and amniocentesis pp. 1207-1212

- Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Andrew Lyon
- The bystander in highway injury accidents pp. 1213-1216

- Harold Brodsky
- Neighborhood variations in the use of hospital emergency rooms for primary care pp. 1217-1226

- James Bohland
- The embodiment of social relations in coronary heart disease pp. 1227-1234

- A.R. Radley
- A scale to measure physician beliefs about psychosocial aspects of patient care pp. 1235-1238

- Clark D. Ashworth, Penelope Williamson and Daniel Montano
- New evidence on fluoridation pp. 1239-1244

- John Colquhoun
- Commentary pp. 1244-1246

- James M. Dunning
1984, volume 19, articles 10
- Introduction pp. 1013-1013

- H. Vanden Bossche, N. Van Belle, G. Carrin and W. Nonneman
- Economic evaluation of health care interventions: A review of alternative methods pp. 1015-1030

- Guy Carrin
- Theoretical and empirical issues in benefit identification, measurement and valuation related to parasitic disease control in poor countries pp. 1031-1037

- David W. Dunlop
- The application of a quantitative approach to the assessment of the relative importance of vector and soil transmitted diseases in Ghana pp. 1039-1049

- R. H. Morrow
- The economics of blindness prevention in upper volta under the Onchocerciasis Control Program pp. 1051-1055

- N. Prescott, A. Prost and R. Le Berre
- Selected economic issues in helminth control pp. 1057-1060

- N. Prescott and M. F. Jancloes
- Methods to evaluate nutritional and economic implications of ascaris infection pp. 1061-1065

- Lani S. Stephenson
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of echinococcosis-hydatidosis eradication project in Sardinia pp. 1067-1072

- Ermanno Attanasio and Costantino Palmas
- Cost-effectiveness of different ways of controlling intestinal schistosomiasis: A case study pp. 1073-1080

- A. M. Polderman
- Cost and performance of malaria surveillance in Thailand pp. 1081-1097

- Somkid Kaewsonthi and Alan G. Harding
- Socioeconomic factors associated with malaria in Colombia pp. 1099-1104

- Harold Banguero
- Socio-economic problems related to animal trypanosomiasis in Africa pp. 1105-1107

- J. Mortelmans
- Cooperation between developing countries and the pharmaceutical industry in the control of parasitic diseases: A proposal for a practical approach pp. 1109-1111

- N. Van Belle
- Costs of training and maintenance of expert man-power vs costs of drugs. Priorities in the field of helminthic diseases in developing countries pp. 1113-1116

- A. De Schaepdryver
- The economics of parasitic diseases: Research priorities pp. 1117-1126

- P. L. Rosenfield, F. Golladay and R. K. Davidson
1984, volume 19, articles 9
- Marxist functionalism in medicine: A critique of the work of Vicente Navarro on health and medicine pp. 897-910

- Angela Reidy
- The popularity of injections in the third world: Origins and consequences for poliomyelitis pp. 911-915

- H. V. Wyatt
- Death from non-war violence: An international comparison pp. 917-927

- Lincoln H. Day
- The ideologies of despair: A symbolic interpretation of punks and skinheads' usage of barbiturates pp. 929-938

- A. Burr
- Cultural differences in reactions to patient behaviour: A comparison of Swedish and Australian health professionals pp. 939-947

- Mary T. Westbrook, Lena A. Nordholm and Jeanette E. McGee
- Training for certainty pp. 949-956

- Paul Atkinson
- Public communication on donorcards: A comparison of persuasive styles pp. 957-963

- Frans Willem Winkel
- The role of physicians' knowledge and attitudes in effective diabetes management pp. 965-969

- Morris Weinberger, Stuart J. Cohen and Steven A. Mazzuca
- The relationship between American women's preventive dental behavior and dental health beliefs pp. 971-978

- Meei-Shia Chen and Maurice Tatsuoka
- Adolescents' health beliefs and acceptance of a novel preventive dental activity: A further note pp. 979-982

- S. Stephen Kegeles and Adrian K. Lund
- Use of psychotropic drugs in Finland pp. 983-989

- Elianne Riska and Timo Klaukka
- Belief systems and breast feeding among Filipino urban poor pp. 991-995

- Erlinda L. Fernandez and George M. Guthrie
- Disease rate as an artifact of the health care system: Tubercolosis in Puerto Rico pp. 997-1008

- Joan M. Hunter and Sonia Arbona
1984, volume 19, articles 8
- Primary health care in practice: A study in Mozambique pp. 773-781

- Diana Jelley and Richard J. Madeley
- Commentary pp. 781-781

- Eustace Muhondwa
- The basic health care system in Botswana: A study of the distribution and cost in the period 1973-1979 pp. 783-792

- Birthe Høgh and Eskild Petersen
- The demographic factor in the provision of health facilities in developing countries: The case of Nigeria pp. 793-797

- T. O. Fadayomi and O. Y. Oyeneye
- The determinants of infant and child morbidity in Lagos, Nigeria pp. 799-810

- Helena Chojnacka and Olukunle Adegbola
- Company doctors: Standards of care and legitimacy: A case study from Canada pp. 811-821

- Vivienne Walters
- The health belief model and participation in programmes for the early detection of breast cancer: A comparative analysis pp. 823-830

- Michael Calnan
- The relationship of two dimensions of social support to the psychological well-being and social functioning of women with advanced breast cancer pp. 831-837

- Joan R. Bloom and David Spiegel
- Patients' perception of dentists' positive and negative attributes pp. 839-842

- Andrée Liddell and Brenda May
- The health care system in Poland: The case of Lodz as compared with foreign regions; A secondary analysis pp. 843-851

- Andrzej Rychard
- Childhood leprosy and social response in South India pp. 853-865

- Janet M. Berreman
- Multiple therapeutic use in urban Nepal pp. 867-872

- Maureen Durkin-Longley
- 'Barefoot doctors' in rural Georgia: The effect of peer selection on the performance of trained volunteers pp. 873-878

- Bonnie J. Kay
- The relationship between distance from inpatient facilities and the rate of psychiatric admissions in Western Australia pp. 879-884

- H. Stampfer, J. Reymond, P. W. Burvill and J. Carlson
- Characteristics of the distribution of emigrant Indian radiologists, pathologists and anesthesiologists in the United States pp. 885-891

- Stephen R. Baker, Daniel M. Broe and Vimal Kumar
1984, volume 19, articles 7
- Ethnicity and health: A research review pp. 663-670

- Jenny L. Donovan
- Sex of provider as a variable in effective genetic counseling pp. 671-675

- Nancy Zare, James R. Sorenson and Timothy Heeren
- Attendance pattern and continuity of dental care of finnish adults over a 5 year period pp. 677-681

- Viljo Nyyssönen, Kaisa Herranen and Matti Rimpelä
- Byrne and Long: A classification for rating the interview style of doctors pp. 683-690

- R. Buijs, E. M. Sluijs and P. F. M. Verhaak
- Dramaturgy of accult practitioners in the treatment of disease and dysfunction entities pp. 691-698

- Phillip W. Davis, Jacqueline Boles and Charlotte Tatro
- Self-medication: An important aspect of primary health care pp. 699-703

- O. A. Abosede
- The imitation of madness: The influence of psychopathology upon culture pp. 705-715

- Roland Littlewood
- The drive for professionalization in British osteopathy pp. 717-725

- Hans A. Baer
- Perceptions of childhood diarrhoea and its treatment in rural Zimbabwe pp. 727-734

- Isabelle de Zoysa, Debbie Carson, Richard Feachem, Betty Kirkwood, Euan Lindsay-Smith and Rene Loewenson
- Children's health and play in rural Nepal pp. 735-740

- Robert Anderson and Edna M. Mitchell
- Estimates of the demand for health: Males in the pre-retirement years pp. 741-747

- David Lairson, Ronald Lorimor and Carl Slater
- Temporal trends of cancer mortality in eastern New England compared to the nation, 1950-1975 pp. 749-757

- Richard F. Anderson
- Housing change of chronic schizophrenic patients: A consequence of the revolving door pp. 759-764

- Carol L. M. Caton and Jill Goldstein
1984, volume 19, articles 6
- Editorial pp. 583-583

- Judith G. Greenwood
- Disability research and policy pp. 585-586

- Peter Kong-Ming New
- The challenge of helping the handicapped pp. 587-588

- R. John C. Pearson
- Disability and health status: The importance of longitudinal studies pp. 589-593

- Clyde R. Pope
- Intervention in work-related disability: The need for an integrated approach pp. 595-601

- Judith G. Greenwood
- How shall we see them? Perspectives for research with disabled organizations pp. 603-608

- J. Thomas May and Robert F. Hill
- Methodological and conceptual issues in measuring the long term impact of disability: The experience of poliomyelitis patients in Manitoba pp. 609-618

- Patricia Leyland Kaufert and Joseph M. Kaufert
- Analyzing surveys on deaf adults: Implications for survey research on persons with disabilities pp. 619-627

- John G. Schroedel
- Environment and treatment: Methodological notes on program evaluation and institutional culture pp. 629-634

- Walter Watson
- Psychosocial metaphors of physical distress among MS patients pp. 635-638

- M. Louise Duval
- Life history model of adaptation to disability: The case of a 'congenital amputee' pp. 639-645

- Gelya Frank
- Women have headaches, men have backaches: Patterns of illness in an Appalachian community pp. 647-654

- Claire F. Horton
- Commentary pp. 655-656

- Otto von Mering
- Commentary pp. 656-661

- M. G. Trend
- Commentary pp. 661-662

- Arthur J. Rubel
1984, volume 19, articles 5
- Les inegalites sociales devant la mort en grande-bretagne et en France pp. 479-487

- A. Leclerc, F. Lert and M. Goldberg
- Social networks and psychosocial support among disabled people pp. 489-497

- Myfanwy Morgan, Donald L. Patrick and John R. Charlton
- An illness behavior paradigm: A conceptual exploration of a situational-adaptation perspective pp. 499-510

- Angelo A. Alonzo
- A survey of those who care for the elderly at home: Their problems and their needs pp. 511-514

- Dee A. Jones and Norman J. Vetter
- Hospital units as social contexts: Effects on maternal behavior pp. 515-522

- Nancy Moss
- How to stay well in Tzintzuntzan pp. 523-533

- George M. Foster
- Infant mortality and infant care: Cultural and economic constraints on nurturing in Northeast Brazil pp. 535-546

- Nancy Scheper-Hughes
- Food ideology and eating behavior: Contributions from Malay studies pp. 547-559

- Carol Laderman
- The buccra-massa and the little man's broker in a Jamaican sugartown: Implications for community health education pp. 561-572

- Tony L. Whitehead
- The role of health beliefs in compliance with physician advice to quit smoking pp. 573-580

- Linda L. Pederson, James M. Wanklin and Jon C. Baskerville
- Letter to the editor pp. 581-581

- Heather Laier
1984, volume 19, articles 4
- National security and the health of people: Human needs and the allocation of scarce resources pp. 307-314

- Alfred Gellhorn
- Comment pp. 315-316

- Christine K. Cassel
- Comment pp. 316-317

- Margot Jefferys
- Comment pp. 317-320

- F. M. Mburu
- Comment pp. 320-321

- Peter J. M. McEwan
- Comment pp. 322-325

- Vicente Navarro
- Is there any defense against national defense? pp. 325-327

- Harmon L. Smith
- It tolls for thee pp. 328-331

- Philip Wood
- Values in health care pp. 333-339

- Oscar Gish
- Life-style and health: Some remarks on different viewpoints pp. 341-347

- Bernhard Badura
- Assessing recent developments and opportunities in the promotion of health in the American workplace pp. 349-358

- Carlos Castillo-Salgado
- Working conditions and health: Social epidemiology, patterns of stress and change pp. 359-372

- Wilfried Karmaus
- Assessment and implementation of health care priorities in developing countries; Incompatible paradigms and competing social systems pp. 373-384

- Najwa Makhoul
- The family as a resource unit in health care: Changing patterns pp. 385-389

- I. B. Pless
- Set and serendipity in the detection of drug hazards pp. 391-396

- Arabella Melville
- The continuity of moral reform: Community mental health centers pp. 397-404

- Scott Greer and Ann Lennarson Greer
- Opportunities for health promotion: Including the chronically ill and disabled pp. 405-409

- Nancy A. Brooks
- Village health workers in Java, Indonesia: Coverage and equity pp. 411-422

- Peter A. Berman
- Women and work: An investigation of the association between health and employment status in middle-aged women pp. 423-431

- Susan Jennings, Cheryl Mazaik and Sonja McKinlay
- Geographic distribution and demographic correlates of colorectal cancer mortality in Sydney, New South Wales pp. 433-439

- Owen Dent and Kerry Goulston
- Where there is a doctor: Strategies to increase productivity at lower cost. The economics of rural health care in the Dominican Republic pp. 441-450

- Antonio Ugalde
- The supply and utilization of dental services pp. 451-459

- P. P. Groenewegen and J. H. M. Postma
- Experiences of puberty development pp. 461-465

- Lisbeth Shore
- Health promotion in general practice: New themes in traditional settings pp. 467-469

- Andrea Mant, Ann L. Cripps, Margaret Breden and J. G. Lawson
- Population mobility, urban development and dracunculiasis in Kwara State, Nigeria pp. 471-473

- Susan J. Watts
- Risks, survival and trends of malignant melanoma among white and blue collar workers in Sweden pp. 475-478

- Denny Vågerö and Gunnar Persson
1984, volume 19, articles 3
- Introduction pp. 183-184

- Abby L. Bloom and Janice Reid
- Citizen participation overplanned: The case of a health project in the Guatemalan community of San Pedro La Laguna pp. 185-192

- Benjamin D. Paul and William J. Demarest
- Can socio-cultural information improve health planning? A case study of Nepal's assistant nurse-midwife pp. 193-198

- Judith Justice
- Primary health care in Sierra Leone pp. 199-208

- Carol P. MacCormack
- Dilemmas of modernization in primary health care in Western Samoa pp. 209-216

- Penelope Schoeffel
- Will primary health care efforts be allowed to succeed? pp. 217-224

- H. K. Heggenhougen
- Evaluating primary health care and nutrition programs in the context of national development pp. 225-235

- Thomas J. Marchione
- Project community diagnosis: Participatory research as a first step toward community involvement in primary health care pp. 237-252

- Mark Nichter
- Ethnomedicine and oral rehydration therapy: A case study of ethnomedical investigation and program planning pp. 253-260

- Carl Kendall, Dennis Foote and Reynaldo Martorell
- Strategies and outcomes of introducing a mental health plan in Brazil pp. 261-271

- Madeleine Richeport
- Appropriate research for primary health care: An anthropologist's view pp. 273-277

- Shirley Buzzard
- Peripheral health workers are central to primary health care: Lessons from Papua New Guinea's aid posts pp. 279-290

- Stephen Frankel
- The role of maternal and child health clinics in education and prevention: A case study from Papua New Guinea pp. 291-303

- Janice Reid
1984, volume 19, articles 2
- Gender differences in mental and physical illness: The effects of fixed roles and nurturant roles pp. 77-84

- Walter R. Gove
- Teetering on the horns of a dilemma: Professor gove's latest paper on sex differences in illness behavior pp. 84-88

- Alfred C. Marcus, Teresa E. Seeman and Carol W. Telesky
- On understanding illness, illness behavior and reading what has been written: a reply to Marcus, Seeman and Telesky pp. 88-91

- Walter R. Gove
- Unemployment and suicidal behaviour: A review of the literature pp. 93-115

- Stephen Platt
- To protect the public: Professionalism vs competence in dentistry pp. 117-122

- J. D. Jago
- General practice, ethnicity and health services delivery pp. 123-130

- Tom Rathwell
- Attitudes of a group of Egyptian medical students towards family planning pp. 131-134

- Theresa El-Mehairy
- Managing medical mistakes: Ideology, insularity and accountability among internists-in-training pp. 135-146

- Terry Mizrahi
- Illness behaviour: An exploration of determinants pp. 147-155

- B. Gail Frankel and Sandy Nuttall
- Advice from the obstetrician and other sources: Do they affect women's breast feeding practices? a study among different Jewish groups in Jerusalem pp. 157-162

- Ivonne K. Mansbach, Hava Palti, Bella Pevsner, Helen Pridan and Zvi Palti
- Interaction between the socio-demographic variables of physicians and their patients: Its impact upon patient satisfaction pp. 163-166

- Cassie L. Murphy-Cullen and Lars C. Larsen
- What is a successful doctor-patient interview? a study of interactions and outcomes pp. 167-175

- Moira A. Stewart
- Nutritional thriftiness and human reproduction: Beyond the critical body composition hypothesis pp. 177-182

- Sara A. Quandt
1984, volume 19, articles 1
- Some personal observations on health policy in Iran, 1973-1978 pp. 1-7

- Ralph Andreano
- Doctor-patient interaction, patients' health behavior and effects of treatment pp. 9-18

- Irena Heszen-Klemens and Elzbieta Lapinska
- The effect of disability insurance on health care demand pp. 19-25

- Frederic P. Slade
- Hypothesis of leprosy, tuberculosis and urbanization in Africa pp. 27-57

- John M. Hunter and Morris O. Thomas
- Relationships between physical and psychological symptomatology in the 22-item Langner's scale pp. 59-65

- Roberto De Marco
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1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
On this page- 1984, volume 19
Articles 12
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2018, volume 204
2018, volume 203
2018, volume 202
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2017, volume 181
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2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
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2013, volume 83
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1994, volume 38
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1991, volume 32
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1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46