Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1991, volume 32, articles 12
- Guineaworm control case study: Planning a multi-strategy approach pp. 1319-1326

- William R. Brieger, Jayashree Ramakrishna, Joshua D. Adeniyi, M. K. C. Sridhar and Oladele O. Kale
- Primary health services in Ecuador: Comparative costs, quality, and equity of care in ministry of health and rural social security facilities pp. 1327-1336

- Robert L. Robertson, Carlos E. Castro, Luis Carlos Gomez, Gretchen Gwynne, Ciro Luis Tinajero Baca and Dieter K. Zschock
- The quality of life of cancer patients who refuse chemotherapy pp. 1337-1340

- Ora Gilbar
- Culture, biomedicine and child mortality in Cameroon pp. 1341-1349

- Mario J. Azevedo, Gwendolyn S. Prater and Daniel N. Lantum
- Rural health and labour supplies: Empirical evidence from the World Bank assisted agricultural development project in the Kwara State of Nigeria pp. 1351-1360

- J. Chinedu Umeh
- Cree Indian healing practices and western health care: A comparative analysis pp. 1361-1366

- Janice M. Morse, David E. Young and Lise Swartz
- Prostitution, AIDS, and preventive health behavior pp. 1367-1378

- Carole A. Campbell
- Response of parents to five killer diseases among children in a Yoruba community, Nigeria pp. 1379-1387

- Jacob Ayodele Adetunji
- Informed consent: A study of experiences and opinion of utilizers of health services from India pp. 1389-1392

- T. G. Sriram, K. V. Kishore Kumar, M. R. Jayaprakash, Radhika Sriram and V. Shanmugham
- Diffusion and physiological responses to the influenza pandemic of 1918-19 in Nigeria pp. 1393-1399

- Don C. Ohadike
- Relative costs and cost-effectiveness of extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy versus percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the treatment of renal and ureteric stones pp. 1401-1412

- Nicholas Mays
- Why are we weighting? A critical examination of the use of item weights in a health status measure pp. 1413-1416

- Crispin Jenkinson
- User's responses to assistive devices for physical disability pp. 1417-1424

- Nancy A. Brooks
- Maternal role of clerical workers: A feminist analysis pp. 1425-1433

- Patricia E. Stevens and Afaf Ibrahim Meleis
1991, volume 32, articles 11
- Supply and use of essential drugs in sub-Saharan Africa: Some issues and possible solutions pp. 1201-1218

- Susan Foster
- La sante des populations d'origine etrangere en France pp. 1219-1227

- F. Bourdillon, P. Lombrail, M. Antoni, J. Benrekassa, R. Bennegadi, M. Leloup, C. Huraux-Rendu and J. C. Scotto
- Social and dietary predictors of serum lipids: A Brazilian example pp. 1229-1235

- William W. Dressler, Jose Ernesto Dos Santos, Fernando E. Viteri and Philip N. Gallagher
- Stress, support, psychological states and sleep pp. 1237-1243

- Virginia M. Paulsen and Joan L. Shaver
- Measuring knowledge of cancer pp. 1245-1255

- Steven H. Berman and Abraham Wandersman
- Religion and psychological distress in a community sample pp. 1257-1262

- David R. Williams, David B. Larson, Robert E. Buckler, Richard C. Heckmann and Caroline M. Pyle
- Relationships among and demographic predictors of dentists' self-reported adherence to national guidelines pp. 1263-1268

- Maureen Dorsey, Pamela Overman, William J. Hayden, William Mayberry, Barbara Requa-Clark and Kimberly Krust
- Community health screening programs for African-Americans and the medical anthropologist pp. 1269-1274

- Eric J. Bailey
- Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions (KAP) of onchocerciasis: A survey among residents in an endemic area in Guatemala targeted for mass chemotherapy with ivermectin pp. 1275-1281

- Frank Richards, Robert E. Klein, Carlos Gonzales-Peralta, Rodolfo Zea Flores, Guillermo Zea Flores and Julio Castro Ramirez
- Obstetrical attitudes and practices before and after the Canadian consensus conference statement on cesarean birth pp. 1283-1289

- Karin Domnick Pierre, Eugene Vayda, Jonathan Lomas, Murray W. Enkin, Walter J. Hannah and Geoff M. Anderson
- Loneliness and social support of mothers of chronically ill children pp. 1291-1296

- Victor Florian and Tamar Krulik
- Confounding of occupation and smoking: Its magnitude and consequences pp. 1297-1300

- George Davey Smith and Martin J. Shipley
- Doctor-patient communication and the quality of care pp. 1301-1310

- Jozien Bensing
- Note on 'suicide and increased availability of handguns in the United States': The influence of firearm ownership on accidental deaths pp. 1311-1313

- David Lester and Ronald V. Clarke
- Letter to the editor pp. 1317-1318

- Ernest H. Friedman
1991, volume 32, articles 10
- Editorial pp. i-i

- Peter J. M. McEwan
- Challenges to equity in health and health care: A Zimbabwean case study pp. 1079-1088

- Rene Loewenson, David Sanders and Rob Davies
- Life events, sense of coherence and health: Gender differences on the kibbutz pp. 1089-1096

- Sara Carmel, Ofra Anson, Arie Levenson, Dan Y. Bonneh and Benjamin Maoz
- The health care of poor persons living in wealthy areas pp. 1097-1103

- Marc L. Berk, Peter Cunningham and Karen Beauregard
- Women's lung cancer mortality, socio-economic status and changing smoking patterns pp. 1105-1110

- Helena Pugh, Christine Power, Peter Goldblatt and Sara Arber
- Workload and job satisfaction among general practitioners: A review of the literature pp. 1111-1119

- Peter P. Groenewegen and Jank B. F. Hutten
- The politics of psychiatric self-help: Political factions, interactional support, and group longevity in a social movement pp. 1121-1128

- Robert E. Emerick
- Results of two methods to determine health expectancy in The Netherlands in 1981-1985 pp. 1129-1136

- J. K. S. van Ginneken, A. G. Dissevelt, H. P. A. van de Water and J. L. A. van Sonsbeek
- Hostility to people with aids: Risk perception and demographic factors pp. 1137-1142

- Delfi Mondragón, Bradford Kirkman-Life and Eugene S. Schneller
- Verbal analysis of doctor-patient communication pp. 1143-1150

- Ludwien Meeuwesen, Cas Schaap and Cees van der Staak
- Life expectancies of cigarette smokers and nonsmokers in the United States pp. 1151-1159

- Richard G. Rogers and Eve Powell-Griner
- Determinants of subject compliance within an experimental anti-HIV drug protocol pp. 1161-1167

- Edward V. Morse, Patricia M. Simon, Mary Coburn, Newton Hyslop, Debra Greenspan and Paul M. Balson
- Gender differences in Israeli physicians' career patterns, productivity and family structure pp. 1169-1181

- Diana Shye
- Compliance in acute and chronic patients receiving a health belief model intervention in the emergency department pp. 1183-1189

- Susan L. Jones, Paul K. Jones and Janet Katz
- Regulating teratogenicity as a health risk pp. 1191-1198

- Nanda Gilden and Henk Bodewitz
1991, volume 32, articles 9
- AIDS and the social side of health pp. 967-980

- E.Maxine Ankrah
- Underreporting by cancer patients: The case of response-shift pp. 981-987

- I.S. Breetvelt and F.S.A.M. Van Dam
- Patterns and causes of gender differences in smoking pp. 989-1005

- Ingrid Waldron
- The patient's right to information in Japan--Legal rules and doctor's opinions pp. 1007-1016

- Hiroyuki Hattori, Stephan M. Salzberg, Winston P. Kiang, Tatsuya Fujimiya, Yutaka Tejima and Junji Furuno
- Depression and acute myocardial infarction: A review and reinterpretation pp. 1017-1027

- Richard Fielding
- Treating psychiatric disorders among Mien refugees from highland Laos pp. 1029-1036

- Laurie J. Moore and James K. Boehnlein
- HIV, heroin and heterosexual relations pp. 1037-1050

- Stephanie Kane
- Interpersonal conflicts at work and psychosocial characteristics of employees pp. 1051-1056

- Kirsi Appelberg, Kalle Romanov, Marja-Liisa Honkasalo and Markku Koskenvuo
- The effect of a household partner and home urine monitoring on adherence to a sodium restricted diet pp. 1057-1061

- Stuart J. Cohen, Myron H. Weinberger, Naomi S. Fineberg, Judy Z. Miller, Clarence E. Grim and Friedrich C. Luft
- Ethnic differences in the experience of pain pp. 1063-1066

- V.J. Thomas and F.D. Rose
- Adult leukemia and farm practices: An alternative approach for assessing geographical pesticide exposure pp. 1067-1073

- Jean-François Viel and Sylvia T. Richardson
1991, volume 32, articles 8
- Bringing social structure back into clinical decision making pp. 853-866

- Jack A. Clark, Deborah A. Potter and John B. McKinlay
- The decontextualization of mental illness: The portrayal of work in psychiatric drug advertisements pp. 867-874

- Daniel Lee Kleinman and Lawrence Jack Cohen
- Ambiguous responsibility in the doctor-patient relationship: The case of infertility pp. 875-885

- Gay Becker and Robert D. Nachtigall
- The use of national sample surveys for nutritional surveillance: Lessons from Malawi's national sample survey of agriculture pp. 887-898

- David L. Pelletier and Louis A. H. Msukwa
- Measuring health lifestyles in a comparative analysis: Theoretical issues and empirical findings pp. 899-908

- Thomas Abel
- Rapid appraisal in an urban setting, an example from the developed world pp. 909-915

- Bie Nio Ong, Gerry Humphris, Hugh Annett and Susan Rifkin
- Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about HIV infection and AIDS among healthy factory workers and their wives, Kinshasa, Zaire pp. 917-930

- Kathleen Irwin, Jane Bertrand, Ndilu Mibandumba, Kashama Mbuyi, Chirezi Muremeri, Makolo Mukoka, Kamenga Munkolenkole, Nzila Nzilambi, Ngaly Bosenge, Robert Ryder, Herbert Peterson, Nancy C. Lee, Phyllis Wingo, Kevin O'Reilly and Kathy Rufo
- A structural analysis of physician-midwife interaction in an obstetrical training program pp. 931-942

- Susan Brandt Graham
- Communication and awareness about death: A study of a random sample of dying people pp. 943-952

- Clive Seale
- A survey of the cervical screening service in a London district, including reasons for non-attendance, ethnic responses and views on the quality of the service pp. 953-957

- Yvonne Doyle
- Women's health education in rural Bangladesh pp. 959-961

- Laura J. Sloss and Ahmed Munier
1991, volume 32, articles 7
- Politics, power and poverty: Health for all in 2000 in the Third World? pp. 745-755

- Reginald Herbold Green
- Narrative analysis: A method of psychosocial research for AIDS-affected people pp. 757-765

- Linda L. Viney and Lynne Bousfield
- Age and the operationalization of social support pp. 767-771

- Ole Olsen, Lars Iversen and Svend Sabroe
- The role of public values in setting health care priorities pp. 773-781

- David C. Hadorn
- AIDS prevention and sexual liberalization in Great Britain pp. 783-791

- Helga Mittag
- Why is health relatively poor on Sri Lanka's tea estates? pp. 793-804

- Indra Gajanayake, John C. Caldwell and Pat Caldwell
- Effect of domestic and occupational roles on morbidity and mortality pp. 805-811

- Judith H. Hibbard and Clyde R. Pope
- Factors affecting treatment decisions for a life-threatening illness: The case of medical treatment of breast cancer pp. 813-818

- L. A. Siminoff and J. H. Fetting
- The social context of occupational stress in a caring profession pp. 819-830

- Jocelyn A. Handy
- Racial inequalities in childhood asthma pp. 831-836

- E. A. Mitchell
- Smoking and sedentary behavior as related to work organization pp. 837-846

- Gunn Johansson, Jeffrey V. Johnson and Ellen M. Hall
- Traveling waves of HIV infection on a low dimensional 'socio-geographic' network pp. 847-852

- Rodrick Wallace
1991, volume 32, articles 6
- Satisfaction with communication, medical knowledge, and coping style in patients with metastatic cancer pp. 627-632

- Andrew Steptoe, Ian Sutcliffe, Bryony Allen and Charles Coombes
- Community oriented primary care: Origins, evolution, applications pp. 633-642

- Stephen Tollman
- The constitution of physicians' power: A theoretical framework for comparative analysis pp. 643-648

- Luis Duran-Arenas and Michael Kennedy
- Aging and disability in China: Cultural issues in measurement and interpretation pp. 649-665

- Charlotte Ikels
- Is growth monitoring worthwhile? An evaluation of its use in three child health programmes in Zaire pp. 667-675

- Nancy M. Gerein and David A. Ross
- The impact of who you know and where you live on opinions about aids and health care pp. 677-681

- Barbara Gerbert, John Sumser and Bryan T. Maguire
- The HIV test and sexual behaviour in a sample of homosexually active men pp. 683-688

- Jill Dawson, Ray Fitzpatrick, John McLean, Graham Hart and Mary Boulton
- Patterns of diet related self-care in diabetes pp. 689-696

- Heather M. Maclean
- Role retention and quality of life of bone marrow transplant survivors pp. 697-704

- Frank Baker, Barbara Curbow and John R. Wingard
- The MOS social support survey pp. 705-714

- Cathy Donald Sherbourne and Anita L. Stewart
- Delayed antenatal care: Does it effect pregnancy outcome? pp. 715-723

- Peter Thomas, Jean Golding and Tim J. Peters
- Communicating probabilistic information to cancer patients: Is there 'noise' on the line? pp. 725-731

- H. J. Sutherland, G. A. Lockwood, D. L. Tritchler, F. Sem, L. Brooks and J. E. Till
- A test of an expanded theory of reasoned action to predict mammography participation pp. 733-741

- Daniel E. Montano and Stephen H. Taplin
1991, volume 32, articles 5
- Performance and state changes during the menstrual cycle, conceptualised within a broad band testing framework pp. 525-534

- J. M. Ussher and J. M. Wilding
- The male street prostitute: A vector for transmission of HIV infection into the heterosexual world pp. 535-539

- Edward V. Morse, Patricia M. Simon, Howard J. Osofsky, Paul M. Balson and H. Richard Gaumer
- Information-giving in medical consultations: The influence of patients' communicative styles and personal characteristics pp. 541-548

- Richard L. Street
- A dialogue between practitioners of alternative (traditional) medicine and modern (western) medicine in Norway pp. 549-552

- Vigdis Moe Christie
- Nurse appraisal systems: Characteristics and effectiveness pp. 553-558

- Robert L. Cardy and Cathy Korodi
- Ethics and the care of persons with Bell's palsy pp. 559-563

- Edmund L. Erde and Avrim R. Eden
- Health care provision and distributive justice: End stage renal disease and the elderly in Britain and America pp. 565-577

- Derek G. Gill, Stanley R. Ingman and James Campbell
- Gender differences in health related behaviour: Some unanswered questions pp. 579-590

- Mary-Anne Kandrack, Karen R. Grant and Alexander Segall
- Whose side are we on now? Ethical issues in social research and medical practice pp. 591-599

- Annette Lawson
- Pilgrimage of pain: The illness experiences of women with repetition strain injury and the search for credibility pp. 601-612

- Janice Reid, Christine Ewan and Eva Lowy
- An alternative to unattended delivery--A training programme for village midwives in Papua New Guinea pp. 613-618

- William A. Alto, Ruth E. Albu and Garabinu Irabo
- Who stopped smoking?--Results from a panel survey of living conditions in Sweden pp. 619-622

- O. Lundberg, B. Rosén and M. Rosén
1991, volume 32, articles 4
- Guest editorial pp. v-vii

- Denny Vågerö and David J. Hunter
- Contextual variations in the meaning of health inequality pp. 359-365

- Raymond Illsley and Deborah Baker
- Inequality in health--Some theoretical and empirical problems pp. 367-371

- Denny Vågerö
- Rethinking the health selection explanation for health inequalities pp. 373-384

- Patrick West
- Causal explanations for class inequality in health--An empirical analysis pp. 385-393

- Olle Lundberg
- Lack of class variation in health in adolescence: An artefact of an occupational measure of social class? pp. 395-402

- Sally Macintyre and Patrick West
- Socio-economic differences in mortality among children. Do they persist into adulthood? pp. 403-410

- Viveca Östberg and Denny Vågerö
- Social and economic background and class inequalities in health among young adults pp. 411-417

- Chris Power
- Long-term unemployment and mortality in Sweden, 1980-1986 pp. 419-423

- Claes-Göran Stefansson
- Class, paid employment and family roles: Making sense of structural disadvantage, gender and health status pp. 425-436

- Sara Arber
- Mortality among the elderly in Sweden by social class pp. 437-440

- Petra Otterblad Olausson
- Managing medicine: A response to the 'crisis' pp. 441-448

- David J. Hunter
- Tranquillisers and health care in crisis pp. 449-454

- Jonathan Gabe and Michael Bury
- The increasing number of very old people will change the Swedish model of the welfare state pp. 455-464

- Mats Thorslund
- Advertising for psychotropic drugs in the Nordic countries: Metaphors, gender and life situations pp. 465-471

- Elianne Riska and Ulrica Hägglund
- Towards a Swedish health policy for the 1990s: Planned markets and public firms pp. 473-481

- Casten von Otter and Richard B. Saltman
- Community versus hospital care: The crisis in psychiatric provision pp. 483-489

- Lindsay Prior
- The service system at the crossroad of demography and policy making-- Implications for the elderly pp. 491-497

- Lars Andersson
- A 'crisis' of closure and openness: The present state of the Swedish mental health system in the light of a policy of sectorisation pp. 499-506

- Nigel Goldie and Lars Fredén
- The informal sector of welfare: A crisis in caring? pp. 507-515

- Hilary Graham
- Disablement and the ideological crisis in health care pp. 517-524

- Gareth H. Williams
1991, volume 32, articles 3
- The mental health of women 6 months after they give birth to an unwanted baby: A longitudinal study pp. 241-247

- J. M. Najman, J. Morrison, G. Williams, M. Andersen and J. D. Keeping
- Can intensive campaigns dynamize front line health services? The evaluation of an immunization campaign in thiès health district, Senegal pp. 249-259

- J. -P. Unger
- The persistence of Chinese medicine: Adjustment and diversity pp. 261-266

- G. L. Ooi
- Handicaps physiques, pratiques economiques et strategies matrimoniales au Senegal pp. 267-272

- Didier Fassin
- Screening couples for parenthood by donor insemination pp. 273-278

- Michael Humphrey, Heather Humphrey and Ian Ainsworth-Smith
- Confidentiality for whom? pp. 279-286

- Ian Robinson
- Dental decisionmaking and variation in dentist service rates pp. 287-294

- David Grembowski, Peter Milgrom and Louis Fiset
- Grief resolution among the bereaved in hospice and hospital wards pp. 295-304

- H. Edward Ransford and M. Lorraine Smith
- Morbidity in Swedish farmers, 1978-1983, according to national hospital records pp. 305-309

- Anders Thelin
- Prediction of motivation and behavior change following health promotion: Role of health beliefs, social support, and self-efficacy pp. 311-320

- Robert B. Kelly, Stephen J. Zyzanski and Sonia A. Alemagno
- The public prestige of medical specialties: Overviews and undercurrents pp. 321-326

- Stephen M. Rosoff and Matthew C. Leone
- The influence of medical school clinical experiences on career preferences: A multidimensional perspective pp. 327-332

- Charles H. Brooks
- The research imperative and bureaucratic control: The case of clinical research pp. 333-342

- David Hall
- Duration and correlates of post-partum abstinence in four sites in Zaire pp. 343-347

- Susan E. Hassig, Jane T. Bertrand, Balowa Djunghu, Minuku Kinzoni and Nlandu Mangani
- Sociocultural aspects of menstrual attitudes and premenstrual experiences in India pp. 349-351

- Santosh K. Chaturvedi and Prabha S. Chandra
- The beginning of the pain centres in France pp. 353-354

- G. B. Hekster
1991, volume 32, articles 2
- The quest for wholeness: Health care strategies among the residents of council-built hostels in cape town pp. 117-126

- Marion Heap and Mamphela Ramphele
- Women and depression: A Durkheimian perspective pp. 127-140

- Sharon Schwartz
- The Tromsø study: Predictors of self-evaluated health--Has society adopted the expanded health concept? pp. 141-146

- Knut Fylkesnes and Olav Helge Førde
- A comparison of hospice and conventional care pp. 147-152

- Clive Seale
- The management of confidentiality in general medical practice: A comparative study in the U.S.A. and the Netherlands pp. 153-157

- C.J. Lako and J.J. Lindenthal
- Distribution and performance of rural health workers in Papua New Guinea pp. 159-165

- Jane A. Thomason and Riitta-Liisa Kolehmainen-Aitken
- Overconfidence among physicians and nurses: The 'micro-certainty, macro-uncertainty' phenomenon pp. 167-174

- Andrea O. Baumann, Raisa B. Deber and Gail G. Thompson
- Traditional perceptions of marasmus in Pakistan pp. 175-191

- Dorothy S. Mull
- The understanding of common health terms by doctors, nurses and patients pp. 193-196

- Jan Hadlow and Marian Pitts
- Determinants of mental illness in a rural Ethiopian adult population pp. 197-201

- Solomon Tafari, Frances E. Aboud and Charles P. Larson
- Attitudes of rural people in central Ethiopia toward epilepsy pp. 203-209

- Redda Tekle-Haimanot, Mekonnen Abebe, Lars Forsgren, Ayele Gebre-Mariam, Jan Heijbel, Gösta Holmgren and Jan Ekstedt
- Analysing morbidity determination with flawed data: The case of dysentery in regional India pp. 211-219

- Michael Beenstock and Patricia Sturdy
- Adolescents' perceptions of risk for HIV infection: Implications for future research pp. 221-228

- Lee Strunin
- Dental students' treatment of anxious patients pp. 229-232

- Robert M. O'Shea, Pauline Mendola and Norman L. Corah
- Letter to the editor pp. 237-237

- J. Philippe Rushton
1991, volume 32, articles 1
- Pioneer medical missions in colonial Africa pp. 1-10

- Charles M. Good
- Imperialism, colonialism and the new science of nutrition: The Tanganyika experience, 1925-1945 pp. 11-14

- Marilyn Little
- Sickness absence and work strain among Danish slaughterhouse workers: An analysis of absence from work regarded as coping behaviour pp. 15-27

- Tage S. Kristensen
- Children who cross cultures pp. 29-34

- FerkóG. Öry, Marjanne Simons, Frank C. Verhulst, Frans R. H. Leenders and Willem H. G. Wolters
- Patients' willingness to enter clinical trials: Measuring the association with perceived benefit and preference for decision participation pp. 35-42

- H. A. Llewellyn-Thomas, M. J. McGreal, E. C. Thiel, S. Fine and C. Erlichman
- Health service resources as determinants of infant death in rural Bangladesh: An empirical study pp. 43-49

- Bimal Kanti Paul
- Library services for primary health care pp. 51-57

- Rolf Weitzel
- Public knowledge of thalassemia in Greece and current concepts of the social status of the thalassemic patients pp. 59-64

- Constantina Politis, Clive Richardson and John Yfantopoulos
- Multidisciplinary co-operation in primary care for asthmatic children pp. 65-70

- Ilse Mesters, Ree Meertens and Neeltje Mosterd
- Experience and preparation of community nursing staff for work associated with HIV infection and AIDS pp. 71-76

- Senga Bond, Tim Rhodes, Peter Philips, Jo Setters, Chris Foy and John Bond
- Factors influencing professional home care utilization among the elderly pp. 77-81

- G. I. J. M. Kempen and Th. P. B. M. Suurmeijer
- Need satisfaction in terminal care settings pp. 83-87

- Norma Jean Dawson
- Patient compliance--Whose responsibility? pp. 89-94

- Fiona M. Ross
- Family relationships in two types of terminal care pp. 95-102

- Linda K. Birenbaum and Michaelle Ann Robinson
- Epidemiology and the new public health; Implications for training pp. 103-106

- N. G. Bruce
- Comparative perspectives in biopsychosocial health. Report on a symposium pp. 107-108

- Fernando Lolas, Uwe Hentschel and Peter Hahn
- Soviet medicine in the era of 'Perestroyka'--Some notes on the Siberian conference on human health as an indicator of social development pp. 109-110

- Anna Firkowska-Mankiewicz
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2016, volume 168
2016, volume 167
2016, volume 166
2016, volume 165
2016, volume 164
2016, volume 163
2016, volume 162
2016, volume 161
2016, volume 160
2016, volume 159
2016, volume 158
2016, volume 157
2016, volume 156
2016, volume 155
2016, volume 154
2016, volume 153
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2016, volume 151
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2016, volume 148
2015, volume 147
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2015, volume 145
2015, volume 144
2015, volume 143
2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
2015, volume 135
2015, volume 134
2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
2015, volume 128
2015, volume 127
2015, volume 126
2015, volume 125
2015, volume 124
2014, volume 123
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2014, volume 120
2014, volume 119
2014, volume 118
2014, volume 117
2014, volume 116
2014, volume 114
2014, volume 113
2014, volume 112
2014, volume 111
2014, volume 110
2014, volume 109
2014, volume 108
2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
2013, volume 98
2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
2013, volume 80
2013, volume 79
2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
2013, volume 76
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2009, volume 69
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2008, volume 66
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2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
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1993, volume 37
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1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46