Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1995, volume 41, articles 12
- Social differentials in chronic disease: What can sociological knowledge offer to explain and possibly reduce them? pp. 1603-1605

- Johannes Siegrist
- Medical humanitarianism and human rights: Reflections on Doctors Without Borders and Doctors of the World pp. 1607-1616

- Renée C. Fox
- Professionals, intellectuals, visible practitioners? The case of 'medical humanitarianism' pp. 1617-1619

- Claudine Herzlich
- Reaction paper: Medical humanitarianism and human rights; reflections on Doctors Without Borders and Doctors of the World pp. 1621-1622

- Hans S. Falck
- On providing a truly international perspective pp. 1623-1624

- David Wyatt
- Rejoinder pp. 1625-1626

- Renée C. Fox
- The implementation of health promotion: A new structural perspective pp. 1627-1637

- Alfred Rütten
- Correlates of health care satisfaction in inner-city patients with hypertension and chronic renal insufficiency pp. 1639-1645

- Lisa E. Harris, Friedrich C. Luft, David W. Rudy and William M. Tierney
- Parental perceptions and attitudes about informed consent in clinical research involving children pp. 1647-1651

- S. C. Harth and Y. H. Thong
- Introduction pp. 1653-1654

- Susan Rifkin
- Research and the health services manager in the developing world pp. 1655-1665

- Carol Barker
- What is participatory research? pp. 1667-1676

- Andrea Cornwall and Rachel Jewkes
- Ethnographic studies of ARI in Bolivia and their use by the national ARI programme pp. 1677-1683

- Patricia Hudelson, Tomas Huanca, Dolores Charaly and Virginia Cirpa
- Perception and social consequences of tuberculosis: A focus group study of tuberculosis patients in Sialkot, Pakistan pp. 1685-1692

- R. Liefooghe, N. Michiels, S. Habib, M. B. Moran and A. De Muynck
- Child sexual abuse in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe pp. 1693-1704

- Karla Meursing, Theo Vos, Odette Coutinho, Michael Moyo, Sipho Mpofu, Olola Oneko, Verity Mundy, Simukai Dube, Thembeni Mahlangu and Flora Sibindi
- Socio-cultural and behavioural aspects of mosquito-borne lymphatic filariasis in Thailand: A qualitative analysis pp. 1705-1713

- Oratai Rauyajin, Benjawan Kamthornwachara and Paul Yablo
- Learning to listen: Formative research in the development of AIDS education for secondary school students pp. 1715-1724

- Catherine Mathews, Katherine Everett, Julia Binedell and Malcolm Steinberg
- How do health service managers respond to qualitative research? pp. 1725-1729

- Hester Van der Walt and Catherine Mathews
1995, volume 41, articles 11
- Welcome? To the brave new world of evidence based medicine pp. 1467-1468

- Roy Carr-Hill
- The health crisis in the former Soviet Union: A report from the 'post-war' zone pp. 1469-1478

- Mark G. Field
- Environmental effects on human reproduction: The basis for new efforts in Eastern Europe pp. 1479-1486

- Howard E. Kulin and Niels E. Skakkebaek
- Culture in treatment, culture as treatment. A critical appraisal of developments in addictions programs for indigenous North Americans and Australians pp. 1487-1498

- Maggie Brady
- Locus of control and socioeconomic status: Does internal locus of control reflect real resources and opportunities or personal coping abilities? pp. 1499-1505

- Ruth Landau
- Separate black and white infant mortality models: Differences in the importance of structural variables pp. 1507-1512

- Sheryl Thorburn Bird
- Psychological factors in the relationship between alcohol and cardiovascular morbidity pp. 1513-1516

- Ron Roberts, Eric Brunner and Michael Marmot
- Public opinion regarding end-of-life decisions: Influence of prognosis, practice and process pp. 1517-1521

- Peter A. Singer, Sujit Choudhry, Jane Armstrong, Eric M. Meslin and Frederick H. Lowy
- Anthropology, HIV and contingent identities pp. 1523-1533

- Philip N. Gatter
- Health care workers and HIV/AIDS: A critical review of the literature pp. 1535-1567

- Janet M. Horsman and Paschal Sheeran
- Eye care knowledge and practices among Malawian traditional healers and the development of collaborative blindness prevention programmes pp. 1569-1575

- Paul Courtright
- Perceptions of risk during pregnancy amongst urban women in Northeast Brazil pp. 1577-1586

- Sarah J. Atkinson and Monica Façanha Farias
- Balancing hot and cold--Balancing power and weakness: Social and cultural aspects of Malay jamu in Singapore pp. 1587-1595

- Christine Tuschinsky
1995, volume 41, articles 10
- Introduction pp. 1337-1338

- Ann Bowling and John Brazier
- Developing outcome measures for ambulatory care--An application to asthma and diabetes pp. 1339-1348

- E. Mccoll, I. N. Steen, K. A. Meadows, A. Hutchinson, M. P. Eccles, J. Hewison, P. Fowler and S. M. Blades
- The Swedish SF-36 Health Survey--I. Evaluation of data quality, scaling assumptions, reliability and construct validity across general populations in Sweden pp. 1349-1358

- Marianne Sullivan, Jan Karlsson and John E. Ware
- German translation and psychometric testing of the SF-36 Health Survey: Preliminary results from the IQOLA project pp. 1359-1366

- Monika Bullinger
- Quality of life in chronic fatigue syndrome pp. 1367-1372

- Robert Schweitzer, Brian Kelly, Amanda Foran, Deborah Terry and John Whiting
- Environmental and health-related quality of life: Conceptual and methodological similarities pp. 1373-1382

- Robert J. Rogerson
- Clinical and public health perspectives and applications of health-related quality of life measurement pp. 1383-1394

- Shah Ebrahim
- Evaluating the efficacy of medical treatment: Possibilities and limitations pp. 1395-1401

- Crispin Jenkinson
- Health-related quality of life between naturalism and hermeneutics pp. 1411-1415

- Raben Rosenberg
- A QALY-based societal health statistic for Canada, 1985 pp. 1417-1427

- Ann M. Holmes
- Maximizing health benefits vs egalitarianism: An Australian survey of health issues pp. 1429-1437

- Erik Nord, Jeff Richardson, Andrew Street, Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer
- Elderly people's definitions of quality of life pp. 1439-1446

- Morag Farquhar
- What things are important in people's lives? A survey of the public's judgements to inform scales of health related quality of life pp. 1447-1462

- Ann Bowling
- Quality of life assessment in pediatric oncology: A retrospective review of phase III reports pp. 1463-1465

- Andrew S. Bradlyn, Carole V. Harris and Leslie E. Spieth
1995, volume 41, articles 9
- A better way of approaching adolescent pregnancy pp. 1203-1205

- M. P. Battin
- Sociological dimensions of illness behavior pp. 1207-1216

- David Mechanic
- The tooth as a marker of developing world quality of life: A field study in Guatemala pp. 1217-1240

- John M. Hunter and Sonia I. Arbona
- Health promotion in primary care: Physician-patient communication and decision making about prescription medications pp. 1241-1254

- Gregory Makoul, Paul Arntson and Theo Schofield
- Confiding in crisis: Gender differences in pattern of confiding among cancer patients pp. 1255-1260

- Judy Harrison, Peter Maguire and Carolyn Pitceathly
- The cultural production of Bioterapia: Psychic healing and the natural medicine movement in Slovakia pp. 1261-1271

- Donna Rubens, Darina Gyurkovics and Karol Hornacek
- Reliability-adjusted disease maps pp. 1273-1287

- Susan Kennedy-Kalafatis
- The ethics of discharge planning for older adults: An ethnographic analysis pp. 1289-1299

- Ann E. P. Dill
- Pre-marital genetic counselling to consanguineous couples: Attitudes, beliefs and decisions among counselled, noncounselled and unrelated couples in Israel pp. 1301-1310

- Shoshana Shiloh, Haike Reznik, Mariassa Bat-Miriam-Katznelson and Boleslav Goldman
- Sexual communication in the age of AIDS: The construction of risk and trust among young adults pp. 1311-1323

- Dana Lear
- The role of pharmaceuticals in the privatization process in Vietnam's health-care system pp. 1325-1332

- Ivan Wolffers
1995, volume 41, articles 8
- Editorial pp. 1041-1041

- P. J. M. McEwan
- Flourishing health work in China pp. 1043-1045

- Wenbo Xu
- The Chinese health care system: Lessons for other nations pp. 1047-1055

- William C. L. Hsiao
- The reforms of the Chinese health care system: County level changes: The Jiangxi study pp. 1057-1064

- Xiang Zheng and Sheila Hillier
- Market reforms and China's health care system pp. 1065-1072

- Lok Sang Ho
- Urban economic reform and access to health care coverage in the People's Republic of China pp. 1073-1084

- Colleen M. Grogan
- Transformation of China's rural health care financing pp. 1085-1093

- Yuanli Liu, William C. L. Hsiao, Qing Li, Xingzhu Liu and Minghui Ren
- The cost escalation of social health insurance plans in China: Its implication for public policy pp. 1095-1101

- Xingzhu Liu and William C. L. Hsiao
- Health care utilization as a function of subjective health status, job satisfaction and gender among health care workers in Guangzhou, Southern China pp. 1103-1110

- R. Fielding, J. Li and Y. E. Tang
- Cooperative medical schemes in contemporary rural China pp. 1111-1118

- Feng Xueshan, Tang Shenglan, Gerald Bloom, Malcolm Segall and Gu Xingyuan
- Distribution of medical insurance in China pp. 1119-1130

- Gail Henderson, Jin Shuigao, John Akin, Li Zhiming, Wang Jianmin, Ma Haijiang, He Yunan, Zhang Xiping, Chang Ying and Ge Keyou
- Urban stress in China pp. 1131-1145

- Nan Lin and Gina Lai
- Seeking women's voices: Setting the context for women's health interventions in two rural counties in Yunnan, China pp. 1147-1157

- Glenn C. Wong, Virginia C. Li, Mary Ann Burris and Yueping Xiang
- Goods on which one loses: Women and mental health in China pp. 1159-1173

- Veronica Pearson
- Flows of social support and health status among older persons in China pp. 1175-1184

- Xian Liu, Jersey Liang and Shengzu Gu
- Some aspects of diabetes care in Chengdu pp. 1185-1190

- Xiu J. Li and Shang P. Deng
- Outline of control practice of endemic fluorosis in China pp. 1191-1195

- Wang Lian-Fang and Huang Jian-Zhong
- The rise and prospects of medical aesthetics pp. 1197-1201

- Peng Qingxing, Wang Xue and Zhao Jiaye
1995, volume 41, articles 7
- Epidemiology's role in the creation of a humane world: Convergences and divergences among the schools pp. 911-914

- Jaime Breilh
- Psychosocial and behavioral factors associated with serum lipids in university students pp. 915-922

- Anna-Lena Undén, Ingvar Krakau, Margita Högbom and Isolde Romanus-Egerborg
- Explaining rising mortality among men in Eastern Europe pp. 923-934

- Peggy Watson
- Gender differences in the relationship between social network support and mortality: A longitudinal study of an elderly cohort pp. 935-947

- Diana Shye, John P. Mullooly, Donald K. Freeborn and Clyde R. Pope
- Homogénéité de la distribution spatiale des cancers du système reproducteur féminin au Québec pp. 949-955

- Aline Drapeau, Jean-Pierre Thouez and Parviz Ghadirian
- Sewers and scapegoats: Spatial metaphors of smallpox in nineteenth century San Francisco pp. 957-968

- Susan Craddock
- Process and outcomes in general practice consultations: Problems in defining high quality care pp. 969-975

- Helen R. Winefield, Timothy G. Murrell and Julie Clifford
- Public health problems of urbanization pp. 977-981

- R. K. Mutatkar
- Elderly mental health in the developing world pp. 983-1003

- Sue E. Levkoff, Ian W. Macarthur and Julia Bucknall
- The subjective experience of health and illness in Ocuituco: A case study pp. 1005-1021

- Roberto Castro
- Ethnic differences in contraceptive use in Kuwait: A clinic-based study pp. 1023-1031

- Khalida Al-Gallaf, Hanan Al-Wazzan, Hind Al-Namash, Nasra M. Shah and Jaafar Behbehani
- The impact of the Gulf armed conflict on the health and behaviour of Kuwaiti children pp. 1033-1037

- Youssef A. Al-Eissa
1995, volume 41, articles 6
- What is this news on the menstrual cycle and premenstrual syndrome?: Introduction pp. 759-760

- Precilla Y. L. Choi
- The premenstrual syndrome: A brief history pp. 761-767

- John T. E. Richardson
- Stress responsivity in exercisers and non-exercisers during different phases of the menstrual cycle pp. 769-777

- Precilla Y. L. Choi and Peter Salmon
- The menstrual cycle, science and femininity: Assumptions underlying menstrual cycle research pp. 779-784

- Paula Nicolson
- The menstrual cycle and the well being of women pp. 785-791

- John Bancroft
- Theory and methodology in premenstrual syndrome research pp. 793-800

- Anne Walker
- Increased socioeconomic differences in mortality in eight Spanish provinces pp. 801-807

- Enrique Regidor, Juan L. Gutiérrez-Fisac and Carmen Rodríguez
- Health of migrants and migrant health policy, the Netherlands as an example pp. 809-818

- H. P. Uniken Venema, H. F. L. Garretsen and P. J. Van Der Maas
- No real progress towards equity: Health of migrants and ethnic minorities on the eve of the year 2000 pp. 819-828

- Paola Bollini and Harald Siem
- Impact of user charges on vulnerable groups: The case of Kibwezi in rural Kenya pp. 829-835

- J. Karanja Mbugua, Gerald H. Bloom and Malcolm M. Segall
- The social life of bonding theory pp. 837-844

- Mira Crouch and Lenore Manderson
- Research on lifestyles and health: Searching for meaning pp. 845-855

- Kathryn Dean, Concha Colomer and Santiago Pérez-Hoyos
- Public health crises of cities in developing countries pp. 857-862

- Joseph K. Wang'ombe
- Distribution spatiale de sieges anatomiques choisis de cancer au Quebec pp. 863-872

- A. R. Gbary, P. Philippe, S. Ducic and F. Beland
- Interruptive patterns in medical visits: The effects of role, status and gender pp. 873-881

- Julie T. Irish and Judith A. Hall
- 'If this is what it's doing to our washing, what is it doing to our lungs?' Industrial pollution and public understanding in North-East England pp. 883-891

- Suzanne Moffatt, Peter Phillimore, Raj Bhopal and Christopher Foy
- Setting the agenda: Does the medical literature set the agenda for articles about medicines in the newspapers? pp. 893-899

- Anke M. Van Trigt, Lolkje T. W. De Jong-Van Den Berg, Linda M. Voogt, Jaap Willems, F. J. T.Dirk Tromp and Flora M. Haaijer-Ruskamp
- The social network of patients with schizoaffective disorder as compared to patients with diabetes and to healthy individuals pp. 901-907

- Per Nettelbladt, Carina Svensson, Ulrika Serin and Agneta Öjehagen
1995, volume 41, articles 5
- The 'permanent project syndrome': A counter productive consequence of philanthropy pp. 603-604

- J. K. Wang'ombe
- Introduction pp. 605-607

- Paul Greenough
- Global immunization--A medical perspective pp. 609-616

- Peter F. Wright
- Vaccinations in the third world: A consideration of community demand pp. 617-632

- Mark Nichter
- Intimidation, coercion and resistance in the final stages of the South Asian Smallpox Eradication Campaign, 1973-1975 pp. 633-645

- Paul Greenough
- Enhancing coverage and sustainability of vaccination programs: An explanatory framework with special reference to India pp. 647-656

- Pieter H. Streefland
- Immunization to regulate fertility: Biological and cultural frameworks pp. 657-671

- Angeline Faye Schrater
- Assumptions and contradictions in measles and measles immunization research: Is measles good for something? pp. 673-686

- Peter Aaby
- Socioeconomic and spatial differentials in mortality and means of committing suicide in New South Wales, Australia, 1985-1991 pp. 687-698

- I. H. Burnley
- Aids and injecting drug use in the United Kingdom, 1987-1993: The policy response and the prevention of the epidemic pp. 699-716

- Gerry V. Stimson
- Psychosocial work characteristics and cardiovascular disease risk factors in young adults: The CARDIA study pp. 717-723

- Kurt J. Greenlund, Kiang Liu, Sarah Knox, Heather McCreath, Alan R. Dyer and Julius Gardin
- Nutrition, maternal responsiveness and mental development of Ethiopian children pp. 725-732

- Frances E. Aboud and Tadesse Alemu
- Short stature as an effect of economic and social conditions in childhood pp. 733-738

- Maria Nyström Peck and Olle Lundberg
- Anticipated response to three common injuries by rural and remote area residents pp. 739-745

- P. C. Veitch
- The development of a method for measuring anticipated illness behaviour in three common injuries pp. 747-751

- P. C. Veitch
1995, volume 41, articles 4
- Health care reform in the United States: On the road to nowhere (again)? pp. 453-460

- Morris L. Barer, Theodore R. Marmor and Ellen M. Morrison
- Cultural studies of biomedicine: An agenda for research pp. 461-473

- Mary-Jo Delvecchio Good
- Equity of health care in Australia pp. 475-482

- David R. Lairson, Paul Hindson and Alan Hauquitz
- The relationship between cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis pp. 483-489

- Magnus Johannesson
- The social and political meaning of the silent epidemic of miners' phthisis, Bendigo 1860-1960 pp. 491-499

- Sandra Kippen
- Notions and treatment of guinea worm in Northern Ghana pp. 501-509

- Bernhard Bierlich
- General practitioners' assessment of and interest in alternative medicine in Canada pp. 511-515

- Marja J. Verhoef and Lloyd R. Sutherland
- Powerlessness, health and mortality: A longitudinal study of older men and mature women pp. 517-525

- Melvin Seeman and Susan Lewis
- Maternal activity budgets: Feasibility of exclusive breastfeeding for six months among urban women in Honduras pp. 527-536

- Roberta J. Cohen, Kimber Haddix, Elena Hurtado and Kathryn G. Dewey
- Activists and delegators: Elderly patients' preferences about control at the end of life pp. 537-545

- Merrijoy Kelner
- Predictors of emergency room use by homeless adults in New York City: The influence of predisposing, enabling and need factors pp. 547-556

- Deborah K. Padgett, Elmer L. Struening, Howard Andrews and John Pittman
- Attitudes towards people with HIV: Are they as stigmatizing as people with HIV perceive them to be? pp. 557-568

- Gill Green
- Family planning practices and attitudes among former Soviet new immigrant women in Israel pp. 569-577

- Larissa I. Remennick, Delila Amir, Yuval Elimelech and Yliya Novikov
- An assessment of research on breastfeeding promotion strategies in developing countries pp. 579-594

- Teresa A. Wilmoth and John P. Elder
- Letter to the editor pp. 595-596

- Murat Z. Akalin and Deborah Maine
1995, volume 41, articles 3
- Understanding the AIDS epidemic and reacting sensibly to it pp. 299-302

- John C. Caldwell
- Stigma, HIV and AIDS: An exploration and elaboration of a stigma trajectory pp. 303-315

- Angelo A. Alonzo and Nancy R. Reynolds
- Exploring the iceberg of morbidity: A comparison of different survey methods for assessing the occurrence of everyday illness pp. 317-332

- S. E. Kooiker
- U.S. Apartheid and the spread of AIDS to the suburbs: A multi-city analysis of the political economy of spatial epidemic threshold pp. 333-345

- Rodrick Wallace and Deborah Wallace
- Decisional conflict in general practice: Strategies of patient management pp. 347-353

- Antonietta Di Caccavo and Fraser Reid
- Physician participation in Medicaid managed care pp. 355-363

- Gail Silverstein and Bradford Kirkman-Liff
- Determinants of persistent compliance with screening for colorectal cancer pp. 365-374

- Aileen R. Neilson and David K. Whynes
- Nemawashi essential for conducting research in Japan pp. 375-381

- Michael D. Fetters
- Potties, pits and pipes: Explaining hygiene behaviour in Burkina Faso pp. 383-393

- Valerie Curtis, Bernadette Kanki, Thierry Mertens, Etienne Traore, Ibrahim Diallo, François Tall and Simon Cousens
- Structural relationships between social support and coping pp. 395-407

- Mary Ann Mccoll, Hau Lei and Harvey Skinner
- AIDS knowledge and risk behaviors among domestic clients of female sex workers in Bali, Indonesia pp. 409-417

- Peter Fajans, Kathleen Ford and Dewa Nyoman Wirawan
- Socio-economic differences in smoking: Dutch adolescents' beliefs and behaviour pp. 419-424

- Hein De Vries
- Socioeconomic equity in finnish hospital care in relation to need pp. 425-431

- Ilmo Keskimäki, Marjo Salinto and Seppo Aro
- Acceptability of prenatal diagnosis of sickle cell anaemia (SCA) by female patients and parents of SCA patients in Nigeria pp. 433-436

- M. A. Durosinmi, A. I. Odebiyi, I. A. Adediran, N. O. Akinola, D. E. Adegorioye and M. A. Okunade
- Smoking and absence from work: Australian evidence pp. 437-446

- Robert Bush and Mark Wooden
- Letter to the editor pp. 451-451

- Arthur Kleinman
1995, volume 41, articles 2
- General practice 1995--Caught in the fast lane pp. 151-153

- J. G. R. Howie
- A pay-for-performance system for civil service doctors: The Indonesian experiment pp. 155-161

- Dov Chernichovsky and Caroline Bayulken
- Health inequalities in early adulthood: A comparison of young men and women in Britain and Finland pp. 163-171

- Ossi Rahkonen, Sara Arber and Eero Lahelma
- 'Doing the right thing': The symbolic meanings and experiences of having an HIV antibody test pp. 173-180

- Deborah Lupton, Sophie Mccarthy and Simon Chapman
- Living with a chronic illness: Chinese-Canadian and Euro-Canadian women with diabetes--Exploring factors that influence management pp. 181-195

- J. M. Anderson, S. Wiggins, R. Rajwani, A. Holbrook, C. Blue and M. Ng
- Male gender roles and sexuality: Implications for women's AIDS risk and prevention pp. 197-210

- Carole A. Campbell
- Bucking the health establishment: Alexander Milne and the fight for a New Zealand hepatitis B immunization program pp. 211-225

- William Muraskin
- Maternal smoking among blacks and whites pp. 227-233

- Patricia Andreski and Naomi Breslau
- Lifestyle, health and social class in adolescence pp. 235-248

- Anthony Glendinning, Leo Hendry and Janet Shucksmith
- The significance of belief and expectancy within the spiritual healing encounter pp. 249-260

- Daniel P. Wirth
- Unaccompanied status as a risk factor in Vietnamese Amerasians pp. 261-266

- Robert S. Mckelvey and John A. Webb
- The development of a new methodology to assess perceived needs among indigenous Australians pp. 267-275

- J. J. Perkins, R. W. Sanson-Fisher, A. Girgis, S. Blunden and D. Lunnay
- AIDS in Namibia pp. 277-284

- Ross A. Slotten
1995, volume 41, articles 1
- 120 years old: Why and at what price? pp. 1-1

- Isabelle Baszanger and Martine Bungener
- Geographically-decentralized planning and management in health care: Some informational issues and their implications for efficiency pp. 3-11

- Jeremiah Hurley, Stephen Birch and John Eyles
- Contracting out of clinical services in Zimbabwe pp. 13-24

- Barbara Mcpake and Charles Hongoro
- Self-starvation in context: Towards a culturally sensitive understanding of anorexia nervosa pp. 25-36

- Sing Lee
- User fees, demand for children's health care and access across income groups: The Philippine case pp. 37-46

- Panfila Ching
- Acronyms and effacement: Traditional medical practitioners (TMP) in international health development pp. 47-68

- Stacy Leigh Pigg
- Factors affecting couples' adjustment to recurrent breast cancer pp. 69-76

- Laurel L. Northouse, Geraldine Dorris and Carol Charron-Moore
- Cross cultural communication of tetanus vaccinations in Bolivia pp. 77-86

- Joseph W. Bastien
- Reconsidering the popularity of primary health centers in India: A case study from rural Maharashtra pp. 87-98

- Vinay R. Kamat
- Critique of reductionistic models of obsessive-compulsive disorder: Toward a new explanatory paradigm pp. 99-112

- Susan H. Franzblau, Monique Kanadanian and Elizabeth Rettig
- Abstinence in late adolescence--Antecedents to and covariates of a sober lifestyle and its consequences pp. 113-121

- H. Leifman, E. Kühlhorn, P. Allebeck, S. Andréasson and A. Romelsjö
- Dental anxiety in Danish and Chinese adults--A cross-cultural perspective pp. 123-130

- Eli Schwarz and Herluf Birn
- Casey House: Interpreting the location of a Toronto AIDS hospice pp. 131-140

- Quentin P. Chiotti and Alun E. Joseph
- Primary health care reform in Slovenia: First results pp. 141-144

- Igor Vab
- Transcultural psychiatry at the German Psychiatric Society: Report on a symposium held in Reichenau pp. 145-145

- Fernando Lolas
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2017, volume 189
2017, volume 188
2017, volume 187
2017, volume 185
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2017, volume 183
2017, volume 182
2017, volume 181
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2017, volume 179
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2016, volume 153
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2015, volume 144
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2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
2015, volume 135
2015, volume 134
2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
2015, volume 128
2015, volume 127
2015, volume 126
2015, volume 125
2015, volume 124
2014, volume 123
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2014, volume 117
2014, volume 116
2014, volume 114
2014, volume 113
2014, volume 112
2014, volume 111
2014, volume 110
2014, volume 109
2014, volume 108
2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
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2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
2013, volume 80
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1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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1979, volume 12
volume 46