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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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2001, volume 52, articles 12

Developing socio-spatial knowledge networks:: a qualitative methodology for chronic disease prevention pp. 1763-1775 Downloads
Altha J. Cravey, Sarah A. Washburn, Wilbert M. Gesler, Thomas A. Arcury and Anne H. Skelly
The impacts of distance to hospital on families with a child with a chronic condition pp. 1777-1791 Downloads
Nicole Yantzi, Mark W. Rosenberg, Sharon O. Burke and Margaret B. Harrison
Impact of rural hospital closures in Saskatchewan, Canada pp. 1793-1804 Downloads
Liyan Liu, Joanne Hader, Bonnie Brossart, Robin White and Steven Lewis
Orientations to motherhood and male partner support among women in Mexico and Mexican-origin women in the United States pp. 1805-1813 Downloads
Sylvia Guendelman, Christina Malin, Barbara Herr-Harthorn and Patricia Noemi Vargas
Adolescent girls, illegal abortions and "sugar-daddies" in Dar es Salaam: vulnerable victims and active social agents pp. 1815-1826 Downloads
Margrethe Silberschmidt and Vibeke Rasch
"The tongue is venomous": perception, verbalisation and manipulation of mortality and fertility regimes in rural Mali pp. 1827-1841 Downloads
Sarah Castle
Effect of orthographic and phonological similarity on false recognition of drug names pp. 1843-1857 Downloads
Bruce L. Lambert, Ken-Yu Chang and Swu-Jane Lin
Patients' perceptions of medical care in chronic fatigue syndrome pp. 1859-1864 Downloads
Alicia Deale and Simon Wessely
Sharing decisions in cancer care pp. 1865-1878 Downloads
Melina Gattellari, Phyllis N. Butow and Martin H. N. Tattersall
Social inequalities in ischaemic heart and cerebrovascular disease mortality in men: Spain and France, 1980-1982 and 1988-1990 pp. 1879-1887 Downloads
Lourdes Lostao, Enrique Regidor, Pierre Aïach and Vicente Domínguez
Resisting and promoting new technologies in clinical practice: the case of telepsychiatry pp. 1889-1901 Downloads
Carl May, Linda Gask, Theresa Atkinson, Nicola Ellis, Frances Mair and Aneez Esmail
The impact of privatization on access in Tanzania pp. 1903-1915 Downloads
John S. Benson

2001, volume 52, articles 11

'I think condoms are good but, aai, I hate those things':: condom use among adolescents and young people in a Southern African township pp. 1613-1627 Downloads
Catherine MacPhail and Catherine Campbell
Trends in healthy life expectancy in the United States, 1970-1990: gender, racial, and educational differences pp. 1629-1641 Downloads
Eileen M. Crimmins and Yasuhiko Saito
"Being dealt with as a whole person." Care seeking and adherence: the benefits of culturally competent care pp. 1643-1659 Downloads
Arn J. Schilder, Cornelis Kennedy, Irene L. Goldstone, Russel D. Ogden, Robert S. Hogg and Michael V. O'Shaughnessy
Perceived control in relation to socioeconomic and behavioral resources for health pp. 1661-1676 Downloads
Daniel S. Bailis, Alexander Segall, Michael J. Mahon, Judith G. Chipperfield and Elaine M. Dunn
The ethics of social risk reduction in the era of the biological brain pp. 1677-1687 Downloads
Ted Schrecker, Lisa Acosta, Margaret A. Somerville and Harold J. Bursztajn
The closure of rural hospitals in Saskatchewan: method or madness? pp. 1689-1707 Downloads
Rein Lepnurm and Marje K. Lepnurm
Emerging paradigms in the mental health care of refugees pp. 1709-1718 Downloads
Charles Watters
On reflection:: doctors learning to care for people who are dying pp. 1719-1727 Downloads
Roderick D. MacLeod
Recurrent symptoms: well-being and management pp. 1729-1740 Downloads
Carol M. Musil, Diana L. Morris, Marie R. Haug, Camille B. Warner and Adriana T. Whelan
Transitions of employment status among suicide attempters during a severe economic recession pp. 1741-1750 Downloads
Aini Ostamo, Eero Lahelma and Jouko Lönnqvist
GIS approaches to the problem of disease clusters: a brief commentary pp. 1751-1754 Downloads
Tom Koch and Ken Denike

2001, volume 52, articles 10

Patient' voices, social movements and the habitus; how psychiatric survivors 'speak out pp. 1477-1489 Downloads
Michele L. Crossley and Nick Crossley
Exchanging spare parts or becoming a new person? People's attitudes toward receiving and donating organs pp. 1491-1499 Downloads
Margareta A. Sanner
Poor people, poor places, and poor health: the mediating role of social networks and social capital pp. 1501-1516 Downloads
Vicky Cattell
Efficacy of a minimal intervention to reduce fat intake pp. 1517-1524 Downloads
Christopher J. Armitage and Mark Conner
HIV/AIDS institutional discrimination in Switzerland pp. 1525-1535 Downloads
Françoise Dubois-Arber and Mary Haour-Knipe
Beyond health gain:: the range of health system benefits expressed by social groups in Mexico and Central America pp. 1537-1550 Downloads
Miguel Angle Angel González Block, Peter Sandiford, José Arturo Ruiz and Joan Rovira
Disadvantaged persons' participation in health promotion projects: some structural dimensions pp. 1551-1564 Downloads
William F. Boyce
Gender differences in descriptions of angina symptoms and health problems immediately prior to angiography: the ACRE study pp. 1565-1575 Downloads
Sue Philpott, Petra M. Boynton, Gene Feder and Harry Hemingway
Adolescent perceptions of smoking imagery in film pp. 1577-1587 Downloads
Judith P. McCool, Linda D. Cameron and Keith J. Petrie
Organochlorines and breast cancer:: the uses of scientific evidence in claimsmaking pp. 1589-1605 Downloads
S. Michelle Driedger and John Eyles

2001, volume 52, articles 9

Older people and AIDS: quantitative evidence of the impact in Thailand pp. 1313-1327 Downloads
John Knodel, Mark VanLandingham, Chanpen Saengtienchai and Wassana Im-em
Predictors of decline in self-assessments of health among older people -- a 5-year longitudinal study pp. 1329-1341 Downloads
Raija Leinonen, Eino Heikkinen and Marja Jylhä
When nurses double as interpreters: a study of Spanish-speaking patients in a US primary care setting pp. 1343-1358 Downloads
Virginia Elderkin-Thompson, Roxane Cohen Silver and Howard Waitzkin
Service quality perceptions and patient satisfaction: a study of hospitals in a developing country pp. 1359-1370 Downloads
Syed Saad Andaleeb
Income and health: the time dimension pp. 1371-1390 Downloads
Michaela Benzeval and Ken Judge
The relationship between heart problems and mortality in different social classes pp. 1391-1402 Downloads
Ingemar Kåreholt
Malevolent Ogbanje: recurrent reincarnation or sickle cell disease? pp. 1403-1416 Downloads
Esther Nzewi
Writing wrongs? An analysis of published discourses about the use of patient information leaflets pp. 1417-1432 Downloads
Mary Dixon-Woods
A family history of breast cancer: women's experiences from a theoretical perspective pp. 1433-1440 Downloads
G. Rees, A. Fry and A. Cull
Return to work after myocardial infarction/coronary artery bypass grafting: patients' and physicians' initial viewpoints and outcome 12 months later pp. 1441-1450 Downloads
O. Mittag, K. -D. Kolenda, K. -J. Nordmann, J. Bernien and C. Maurischat
Immigrant women's health pp. 1451-1458 Downloads
Lynn M. Meadows, Wilfreda E. Thurston and Christina Melton
Estimating time preferences for health using discrete choice experiments pp. 1459-1470 Downloads
Marjon van der Pol and John Cairns

2001, volume 52, articles 8

Comparative institutional response to economic policy managed competition and governmentality pp. 1151-1166 Downloads
Donald Light
Managed competition, governmentality and institutional response in the United Kingdom pp. 1167-1181 Downloads
Donald Light
The marginal success of regulated competition policy in the Netherlands pp. 1183-1194 Downloads
Harm Lieverdink
Cost containment, solidarity and cautious experimentation: Swedish dilemmas pp. 1195-1204 Downloads
Ronald Andersen, Björn Smedby and Denny Vågerö
Adopting and adapting managed competition: health care reform in Southern Europe pp. 1205-1217 Downloads
Laura Cabiedes and Ana Guillén
Implementing managed competition in Israel pp. 1219-1231 Downloads
Revital Gross and Michael Harrison
Transforming health sectors: new logics of organizing in the New Zealand health system pp. 1233-1242 Downloads
Geoff Fougere
Managed care in Latin America: the new common sense in health policy reform pp. 1243-1253 Downloads
Celia Iriart, Emerson Elías Merhy and Howard Waitzkin
Biofantasies: genetics and medicine in the print news media pp. 1255-1268 Downloads
Alan Petersen
Does childhood health affect chronic morbidity in later life? pp. 1269-1284 Downloads
Debra L. Blackwell, Mark D. Hayward and Eileen M. Crimmins
Ethnic and class differences in health in relation to British South Asians: using the new National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification pp. 1285-1296 Downloads
Tarani Chandola
Socioeconomic status and health among older adults in Thailand: an examination using multiple indicators pp. 1297-1311 Downloads
Zachary Zimmer and Pattama Amornsirisomboon

2001, volume 52, articles 7

What do patients expect of psychiatric services? A systematic and critical review of empirical studies pp. 985-998 Downloads
Lorraine M. Noble, Brian C. Douglas and Stanton P. Newman
Morbidity and Irish Catholic descent in Britain: Relating health disadvantage to socio-economic position pp. 999-1005 Downloads
Joanne Abbotts, Rory Williams and Graeme Ford
Establishing the causes of childhood mortality in Ghana: the 'spirit child' pp. 1007-1012 Downloads
Pascale Allotey and Daniel Reidpath
The medicalization of female "circumcision": harm reduction or promotion of a dangerous practice? pp. 1013-1028 Downloads
Bettina Shell-Duncan
Stressors, resources, and distress among homeless persons:: a longitudinal analysis pp. 1029-1042 Downloads
Yin-Ling Irene Wong and Irving Piliavin
Disease and dislocation: the impact of refugee movements on the geography of malaria in NWFP, Pakistan pp. 1043-1055 Downloads
Jamil H. Kazmi and Kavita Pandit
Determinants of condom use intentions of university students in Ghana: an application of the theory of reasoned action pp. 1057-1069 Downloads
Kwadwo Bosompra
The impact of AIDS, immigration and housing overcrowding on tuberculosis deaths in São Paulo, Brazil, 1994-1998 pp. 1071-1080 Downloads
José Leopoldo Ferreira Antunes and Eliseu Alves Waldman
Injury in children of low-income Mexican, Mexican American, and non-Hispanic white mothers in the USA: a focused ethnography pp. 1081-1091 Downloads
Dorothy S. Mull, Phyllis F. Agran, Diane G. Winn and Craig L. Anderson
Looking means listening: coordinating displays of engagement in doctor-patient interaction pp. 1093-1108 Downloads
Johanna Ruusuvuori
Negotiating control and meaning: home birth as a self-constructed choice in Finland pp. 1109-1121 Downloads
Kirsi Viisainen
Clinical, provider and sociodemographic determinants of the number of antenatal visits in England and Wales pp. 1123-1134 Downloads
Stavros Petrou, Emil Kupek, Sarah Vause and Michael Maresh
Social patterns of birth weight in Hong Kong, 1984-1997 pp. 1135-1141 Downloads
Y. B. Cheung and Paul S. F. Yip

2001, volume 52, articles 6

Physician satisfaction revisited pp. 825-837 Downloads
David C. Dunstone and Harold R. Reames
Community values and preferences in transplantation organ allocation decisions pp. 853-861 Downloads
Colette J. Browning and Shane A. Thomas
Cost effectiveness of brief interventions for reducing alcohol consumption pp. 863-870 Downloads
Sonia E. Wutzke, Alan Shiell, Michelle K. Gomel and Katherine M. Conigrave
Who rules? The new politics of medical regulation pp. 871-883 Downloads
Brian Salter
Private practitioners and their role in the resurgence of malaria in Mumbai (Bombay) and Navi Mumbai (New Bombay), India: serving the affected or aiding an epidemic? pp. 885-909 Downloads
Vinay R. Kamat
Adult outpatients with depression: worse quality of life than in other chronic medical diseases in Argentina pp. 911-919 Downloads
S. C. Bonicatto, M. A. Dew, R. Zaratiegui, L. Lorenzo and P. Pecina
Problems with the Sickness Impact Profile: a theoretically based analysis and a proposal for a new method of implementation and scoring pp. 921-934 Downloads
Beth Pollard and Marie Johnston
Can I afford free treatment?: Perceived consequences of health care provider choices among people with tuberculosis in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam pp. 935-948 Downloads
Knut Lönnroth, Thuc-Uyen Tran, Le Minh Thuong, Hoang Thi Quy and Vinod Diwan
The will to live: gender differences among elderly persons pp. 949-958 Downloads
Sara Carmel
Domestic labour, paid employment and women's health: analysis of life course data pp. 959-965 Downloads
D. Blane, L. Berney and S. M. Montgomery
Networks, resources and risk among women who use drugs pp. 967-978 Downloads
Maureen Miller and Alan Neaigus
Letter to the Editor pp. 979-979 Downloads
Lennarth Nyström

2001, volume 52, articles 5

Monitoring health reform: a report card approach pp. 657-670 Downloads
Marni D. Brownell, Noralou P. Roos and Leslie L. Roos
Competitive health policies and community health pp. 671-679 Downloads
Pauline Stanton
Networks and tuberculosis: an undetected community outbreak involving public places pp. 681-694 Downloads
A. S. Klovdahl, E. A. Graviss, A. Yaganehdoost, M. W. Ross, A. Wanger, G. J. Adams and J. M. Musser
Primary care as intersecting social worlds pp. 695-706 Downloads
Philip Tovey and Jon Adams
The social construction of male 'homosexuality' in India: implications for HIV transmission and prevention pp. 707-721 Downloads
Sheena Asthana and Robert Oostvogels
Implementing AIDS policy in post-apartheid South Africa pp. 723-731 Downloads
Helen Schneider and Joanne Stein
Relationship dynamics and teenage pregnancy in South Africa pp. 733-744 Downloads
Rachel Jewkes, Caesar Vundule, Fidelia Maforah and Esmé Jordaan
China's one-child policy: the economic choices and consequences faced by pregnant women pp. 745-761 Downloads
Jim P. Doherty, Edward Norton and James E. Veney
Dimensions of social inequality in the health of women in England: occupational, material and behavioural pathways pp. 763-781 Downloads
Amanda Sacker, Mel Bartley, David Firth and Ray Fitzpatrick
"It's some kind of women's empowerment": the ambiguity of the female condom as a marker of female empowerment pp. 783-796 Downloads
Amy Kaler
African Americans' views on research and the Tuskegee Syphilis study pp. 797-808 Downloads
Vicki S. Freimuth, Sandra Crouse Quinn, Stephen B. Thomas, Galen Cole, Eric Zook and Ted Duncan

2001, volume 52, articles 4

Mental health and stress in the workplace: the case of general practice in the UK pp. 499-507 Downloads
Michael Calnan, David Wainwright, Malcolm Forsythe, Barbara Wall and Stephen Almond
AIDS and cultural practices in Africa: the case of the Tonga (Zambia) pp. 509-518 Downloads
Quentin Gausset
Understanding the dynamics of illness and help-seeking: event-structure analysis and a Cambodian-American narrative of "Spirit Invasion" pp. 519-536 Downloads
Edwina S. Uehara
Gender trends in occupancy rates in mental health beds in Northern Ireland pp. 537-545 Downloads
Pauline M. Prior and Bernadette C. Hayes
Gender and health: reassessing patterns and explanations pp. 547-559 Downloads
Peggy McDonough and Vivienne Walters
Knowledge, action and resistance: the selective use of pre-natal screening among Bedouin women of the Negev, Israel pp. 561-569 Downloads
G. Lewando-Hundt, I. Shoham-Vardi, S. Beckerleg, I. Belmaker, F. Kassem and A. Abu Jaafar
Substance use during pregnancy in the state of California, USA pp. 571-583 Downloads
Brian Karl Finch, William A. Vega and Bohdan Kolody
Female control of sexuality: illusion or reality? Use of vaginal products in south west Uganda pp. 585-598 Downloads
Gill Green, Robert Pool, Susan Harrison, Graham J. Hart, Joanie Wilkinson, Stella Nyanzi and James . A. G. Whitworth
High-risk behaviors and the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases among women prisoners at the women state penitentiary in Metro Manila pp. 599-608 Downloads
Nymia P. Simbulan, Angela S. Aguilar, Timothy Flanigan and Susan Cu-Uvin
Predictors of patient satisfaction pp. 609-620 Downloads
Jeffrey L. Jackson, Judith Chamberlin and Kurt Kroenke
Why do women use dietary supplements? The use of the theory of planned behaviour to explore beliefs about their use pp. 621-633 Downloads
Mark Conner, Sara F. L. Kirk, Janet E. Cade and Jennifer H. Barrett
Managing and treating risk and uncertainty for health: a case study of diabetes among First Nation's people in Ontario, Canada pp. 635-650 Downloads
Julie Sunday and John Eyles

2001, volume 52, articles 3

Medical women -- towards full integration? An analysis of the specialty choices made by two cohorts of Norwegian doctors pp. 331-343 Downloads
Elisabeth Gjerberg
Is there a menopausal syndrome? Menopausal status and symptoms across racial/ethnic groups pp. 345-356 Downloads
Nancy E. Avis, Rebecca Stellato, Sybil Crawford, Joyce Bromberger, Patricia Ganz, Virginia Cain and Marjorie Kagawa-Singer
The impact of marital status on cancer survival pp. 357-368 Downloads
Øystein Kravdal
Subjective well-being and severe motor impairments: the Tetrafigap survey on the long-term outcome of tetraplegic spinal cord injured persons pp. 369-384 Downloads
I. Ville, J. -F. Ravaud and Tetrafigap Group
Compression or expansion of morbidity? Trends in healthy-life expectancy in the elderly Austrian population between 1978 and 1998 pp. 385-391 Downloads
Gabriele Doblhammer and Josef Kytir
Real world pharmacy: assessing the quality of private pharmacy practice in the Lao People's Democratic Republic pp. 393-404 Downloads
Bo Stenson, Lamphone Syhakhang, Bo Eriksson and Göran Tomson
Psychophysiological effects of temporary alternative employment pp. 405-415 Downloads
Hugo Westerlund, Töres Theorell and Anna Bergström
Violence towards health care staff and possible effects on the quality of patient care pp. 417-427 Downloads
Judith E. Arnetz and Bengt B. Arnetz
Health and cultural factors associated with enrolment in basic education: a study in rural Ghana pp. 429-439 Downloads
Alicia Fentiman, Andrew Hall and Don Bundy
Socioeconomic differences in leisure-time physical activity: the role of social participation and social capital in shaping health related behaviour pp. 441-451 Downloads
Martin Lindström, Bertil S. Hanson and Per-Olof Östergren
Future states: the axioms underlying prospective, future-oriented, health planning instruments pp. 453-465 Downloads
Tom Koch
Tactics at the interface: Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health managers pp. 467-480 Downloads
Peter S. Hill, John Wakerman, Sally Matthews and Odette Gibson
The political context of social inequalities and health pp. 481-491 Downloads
Vicente Navarro and Leiyu Shi

2001, volume 52, articles 2

The physician role in transition: is Hippocrates sick? pp. 171-173 Downloads
Olaf Gjerløw Aasland
The medical profession and health care reform -- friend or foe? pp. 175-177 Downloads
Gudmund Hernes
Towards gender balance: but will women physicians have an impact on medicine? pp. 179-187 Downloads
Elianne Riska
The doctor-nurse relationship: how easy is it to be a female doctor co-operating with a female nurse? pp. 189-202 Downloads
Elisabeth Gjerberg and Lise Kjølsrød
Psychosocial challenges facing physicians of today pp. 203-213 Downloads
Bengt B. Arnetz
Interventions to improve physicians' well-being and patient care pp. 215-222 Downloads
Jenny Firth-Cozens
Interventions to improve physicians' well-being and patient care: a commentary pp. 223-225 Downloads
Martha S. Gerrity
Doctors drifting: autonomy and career uncertainty in young physicians' stories pp. 227-237 Downloads
Varpu Löyttyniemi
Paternalism, patient autonomy, and moral deliberation in the physician-patient relationship: Attitudes among Norwegian physicians pp. 239-248 Downloads
Erik Falkum and Reidun Førde
Breast self-examination and cervical cancer testing among Norwegian female physicians: A nation-wide comparative study pp. 249-258 Downloads
Elin Olaug Rosvold, Anette Hjartåker, Espen Bjertness and Eiliv Lund
Suicide rates from 1960 to 1989 in Norwegian physicians compared with other educational groups pp. 259-265 Downloads
Olaf Gjerløw Aasland, Øvind Ekeberg and Tore Schweder
Implications of health care provision on acute lower respiratory infection mortality in Bangladeshi children pp. 267-277 Downloads
Mohammad Ali, Michael Emch, Fahmida Tofail and Abdullah H. Baqui
Capacity building to improve women's health in rural China pp. 279-292 Downloads
Virginia C. Li, Wang Shaoxian, Wu Kunyi, Zhang Wentao, Opal Buchthal, Glenn C. Wong and Mary Ann Burris
Impact of urinary schistosomiasis on rural land use: empirical evidence from Nigeria pp. 293-303 Downloads
J. Chinedu Umeh, O. Amali and E. U. Umeh
Medicaid eligibility and the incidence of ambulatory care sensitive hospitalizations for children pp. 305-313 Downloads
Robert Kaestner, Ted Joyce and A. Racine
Quality of life among women living with HIV: the importance violence, social support, and self care behaviors pp. 315-322 Downloads
A. C. Gielen, K. A. McDonnell, A. W. Wu, P. O'Campo and R. Faden

2001, volume 52, articles 1

The importance of the social environment for physically active lifestyle -- results from an international study pp. 1-10 Downloads
T. Ståhl, A. Rütten, D. Nutbeam, A. Bauman, L. Kannas, T. Abel, G. Lüschen, Diaz J. A. Rodriquez, J. Vinck and J. van der Zee
Doing things with illness. The micro politics of the CFS clinic pp. 11-23 Downloads
Jonathan Banks and Lindsay Prior
Revealing moments: formulating understandings of adverse experiences in a health appraisal interview pp. 25-44 Downloads
W. A. Beach and C. N. Dixson
Health implications of early childbearing on pregnancy outcome in Botswana: insights from the institutional records pp. 45-52 Downloads
Gobopamang Letamo and Rolang G. Majelantle
Diffusion of ideas about personal hygiene and contamination in poor countries: evidence from Guatemala pp. 53-69 Downloads
Noreen Goldman, Anne R. Pebley and Megan Beckett
Determinants of breastfeeding in the Philippines: a survival analysis pp. 71-81 Downloads
Teresa S. J. Abada, Frank Trovato and Nirannanilathu Lalu
Death rests a while: holy day and Sabbath effects on Jewish mortality in Israel pp. 83-97 Downloads
Jon Anson and Ofra Anson
Improving the use of pharmaceuticals through patient and community level interventions pp. 99-134 Downloads
Nuria Homedes and Antonio Ugalde
Cost-effectiveness of the female condom in preventing HIV and STDs in commercial sex workers in rural South Africa pp. 135-148 Downloads
Elliot Marseille, James G. Kahn, Kelvin Billinghurst and Joseph Saba
Attitudes to traditional Chinese medicine amongst Western trained doctors in the People's Republic of China pp. 149-153 Downloads
K. Harmsworth and G. T. Lewith
Use of the Internet by medical voluntary groups in the UK pp. 155-156 Downloads
Nick Fox
'The dog that didn't bark': taking class seriously in the health inequalities debate pp. 157-159 Downloads
Graham Scambler and Paul Higgs
Page updated 2025-03-25