Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2014, volume 106, articles C
- Healthy ageing and home: The perspectives of very old people in five European countries pp. 1-9

- J. Sixsmith, A. Sixsmith, A. Malmgren Fänge, D. Naumann, C. Kucsera, S. Tomsone, M. Haak, S. Dahlin-Ivanoff and R. Woolrych
- The Roman–Irish Bath: Medical/health history as therapeutic assemblage pp. 10-19

- Ronan Foley
- Poverty and mental health in Indonesia pp. 20-27

- Gindo Tampubolon and Wulung Hanandita
- Unemployment, measured and perceived decline of economic resources: Contrasting three measures of recessionary hardships and their implications for adopting negative health behaviors pp. 28-34

- Lucie Kalousova and Sarah A. Burgard
- The impact of social action funds on child health in a conflict affected country: Evidence from Angola pp. 35-42

- Eric W. Djimeu
- The impact of youth, family, peer and neighborhood risk factors on developmental trajectories of risk involvement from early through middle adolescence pp. 43-52

- Bo Wang, Lynette Deveaux, Xiaoming Li, Sharon Marshall, Xinguang Chen and Bonita Stanton
- Who donates their bodies to science? The combined role of gender and migration status among California whole-body donors pp. 53-58

- Asad L. Asad, Michel Anteby and Filiz Garip
- Reducing emergency bed-days for older people? Network governance lessons from the ‘Improving the Future for Older People’ programme pp. 59-66

- Rod Sheaff, Karen Windle, Gerald Wistow, Sue Ashby, Roger Beech, Angela Dickinson, Catherine Henderson and Martin Knapp
- From policy making to service use. Down's syndrome antenatal screening in England, France and the Netherlands pp. 67-74

- Carine Vassy, Sophia Rosman and Bénédicte Rousseau
- Does incentivising pill-taking ‘crowd out’ risk-information processing? Evidence from a web-based experiment pp. 75-82

- Eleni Mantzari, Florian Vogt and Theresa M. Marteau
- Tracking human activity and well-being in natural environments using wearable sensors and experience sampling pp. 83-92

- Sean T. Doherty, Christopher J. Lemieux and Culum Canally
- Motivation, justification, normalization: Talk strategies used by Canadian medical tourists regarding their choices to go abroad for hip and knee surgeries pp. 93-100

- Keri Cameron, Valorie A. Crooks, Vera Chouinard, Jeremy Snyder, Rory Johnston and Victoria Casey
- Changing policy and practice: Making sense of national guidelines for osteoarthritis pp. 101-109

- Bie Nio Ong, Andrew Morden, Lauren Brooks, Mark Porcheret, John J. Edwards, Tom Sanders, Clare Jinks and Krysia Dziedzic
- Gender, acculturation, and smoking behavior among U.S. Asian and Latino immigrants pp. 110-118

- Bridget K. Gorman, Joseph T. Lariscy and Charisma Kaushik
- Supporting knowledge translation through collaborative translational research initiatives: ‘Bridging’ versus ‘blurring’ boundary-spanning approaches in the UK CLAHRC initiative pp. 119-127

- Sarah Evans and Harry Scarbrough
- Historical trauma as public narrative: A conceptual review of how history impacts present-day health pp. 128-136

- Nathaniel Vincent Mohatt, Azure B. Thompson, Nghi D. Thai and Jacob Kraemer Tebes
- Comparing the effects of defaults in organ donation systems pp. 137-142

- Hendrik van Dalen and Kène Henkens
- Challenges of health measurement in studies of health disparities pp. 143-150

- Sarah A. Burgard and Patricia V. Chen
- ‘Safer environment interventions’: A qualitative synthesis of the experiences and perceptions of people who inject drugs pp. 151-158

- Ryan McNeil and Will Small
- The potential consequences of informal interpreting practices for assessment of patients in a South African psychiatric hospital pp. 159-167

- Sanja Kilian, Leslie Swartz, Tessa Dowling, Mawande Dlali and Bonginkosi Chiliza
- Mindfulness meditation: Do-it-yourself medicalization of every moment pp. 168-176

- Kristin K. Barker
- Long-term consequences of female genital mutilation in a European context: Self perceived health of FGM women compared to non-FGM women pp. 177-184

- Armelle Andro, Emmanuelle Cambois and Marie Lesclingand
- Women's empowerment and generalized anxiety in Minya, Egypt pp. 185-193

- Kathryn M. Yount, Sally Dijkerman, Sarah Zureick-Brown and Kristin E. VanderEnde
- Valuing patients' experiences of healthcare processes: Towards broader applications of existing methods pp. 194-203

- Mandy Ryan, Philip Kinghorn, Vikki A. Entwistle and Jill J. Francis
- Barriers in access to healthcare in countries with different health systems. A cross-sectional study in municipalities of central Colombia and north-eastern Brazil pp. 204-213

- Irene Garcia-Subirats, Ingrid Vargas, Amparo Susana Mogollón-Pérez, Pierre De Paepe, Maria Rejane Ferreira da Silva, Jean Pierre Unger and María Luisa Vázquez
- Sites of institutional racism in public health policy making in New Zealand pp. 214-220

- Heather Came
- Victory for volunteerism? Scottish health board elections and participation in the welfare state pp. 221-228

- Scott L. Greer, Ellen A. Stewart, Iain Wilson and Peter D. Donnelly
2014, volume 105, articles C
- Cultural targeting and tailoring of shared decision making technology: A theoretical framework for improving the effectiveness of patient decision aids in culturally diverse groups pp. 1-8

- Dana L. Alden, John Friend, Marilyn Schapira and Anne Stiggelbout
- Neighbourhood social capital as a moderator between individual cognitions and sports behaviour among Dutch adolescents pp. 9-15

- R.G. Prins, M.A. Beenackers, M.C. Boog, F.J. Van Lenthe, J. Brug and A. Oenema
- Livestock production, animal source food intake, and young child growth: The role of gender for ensuring nutrition impacts pp. 16-21

- Minchao Jin and Lora L. Iannotti
- Reflections on informed choice in resource-poor settings: The case of infant feeding counselling in PMTCT programmes in Tanzania pp. 22-29

- Bodil Bø Våga, Karen Marie Moland, Bjørg Evjen-Olsen and Astrid Blystad
- Social capital, ideology, and health in the United States pp. 30-37

- Mitchel N. Herian, Louis Tay, Joseph A. Hamm and Ed Diener
- Do Sector Wide Approaches for health aid delivery lead to ‘donor-flight’? A comparison of 46 low-income countries pp. 38-46

- Rohan Sweeney, Duncan Mortimer and David Johnston
- Social capital, mental health and biomarkers in Chile: Assessing the effects of social capital in a middle-income country pp. 47-58

- Carlos Javier Riumallo-Herl, Ichiro Kawachi and Mauricio Avendano
- Hospitals as a ‘risk environment’: An ethno-epidemiological study of voluntary and involuntary discharge from hospital against medical advice among people who inject drugs pp. 59-66

- Ryan McNeil, Will Small, Evan Wood and Thomas Kerr
- Childhood peer status and the clustering of social, economic, and health-related circumstances in adulthood pp. 67-75

- Ylva B. Almquist and Lars Brännström
- “But we're not hypochondriacs”: The changing shape of gluten-free dieting and the contested illness experience pp. 76-83

- Lauren Renée Moore
- Educated mothers, healthy infants. The impact of a school reform on the birth weight of Norwegian infants 1967–2005 pp. 84-92

- Jostein Grytten, Irene Skau and Rune J. Sørensen
- Using decision mapping to inform the development of a stated choice survey to elicit youth preferences for sexual and reproductive health and HIV services in rural Malawi pp. 93-102

- Christine Michaels-Igbokwe, Mylene Lagarde, John Cairns and Fern Terris-Prestholt
- Human rights violations and smoking status among South African adults enrolled in the South Africa Stress and Health (SASH) study pp. 103-111

- Lauren M. Dutra, David R. Williams, Jhumka Gupta, Ichiro Kawachi and Cassandra A. Okechukwu
- The health financing transition: A conceptual framework and empirical evidence pp. 112-121

- Victoria Fan and William D. Savedoff
- Childhood trauma and metabolic syndrome in men and women pp. 122-130

- Chioun Lee, Vera Tsenkova and Deborah Carr
- Why are educated adults slim—Causation or selection? pp. 131-139

- Paul von Hippel and Jamie L. Lynch
- The effect of financial incentives on chlamydia testing rates: Evidence from a randomized experiment pp. 140-148

- Paul Dolan and Caroline Rudisill
2014, volume 104, articles C
- Term limits and the tobacco industry pp. 1-5

- Dorie E. Apollonio, Stanton A. Glantz and Lisa A. Bero
- “I didn't think I could get out of the fucking park.” Gay men's retrospective accounts of neighborhood space, emerging sexuality and migrations pp. 6-14

- Victoria Frye, James E. Egan, Hong Van Tieu, Magdalena Cerdá, Danielle Ompad and Beryl A. Koblin
- Childhood family psychosocial environment and carotid intima media thickness: The CARDIA study pp. 15-22

- Eric B. Loucks, Shelley E. Taylor, Joseph F. Polak, Aude Wilhelm, Preety Kalra and Karen A. Matthews
- Relationships between the perceived neighborhood social environment and walking for transportation among older adults pp. 23-30

- Jelle Van Cauwenberg, Liesbeth De Donder, Peter Clarys, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, Tine Buffel, Nico De Witte, Sarah Dury, Dominique Verté and Benedicte Deforche
- Comparing tailored and narrative worksite interventions at increasing colonoscopy adherence in adults 50–75: A randomized controlled trial pp. 31-40

- Jakob D. Jensen, Andy J. King, Nick Carcioppolo, Melinda Krakow, N. Jewel Samadder and Susan Morgan
- Of kin and kidneys: Do kinship networks contribute to racial disparities in living donor kidney transplantation? pp. 42-47

- Jonathan Daw
- Fast, cheap, and out of control? Speculations and ethical concerns in the conduct of outsourced clinical trials in India pp. 48-55

- Vinay R. Kamat
- Why don't clinicians adhere more consistently to guidelines for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)? pp. 56-63

- Siri Lange, Aziza Mwisongo and Ottar Mæstad
- The pathways from perceived discrimination to self-rated health: An investigation of the roles of distrust, social capital, and health behaviors pp. 64-73

- Danhong Chen and Tse-Chuan Yang
- Food and nutrition security public initiatives from a human and socioeconomic development perspective: Mapping experiences within the 1996 World Food Summit signatories pp. 74-79

- Marie Agnès Aliaga and Sandra Maria Chaves-Dos-Santos
- Rewarding altruism: Addressing the issue of payments for volunteers in public health initiatives pp. 80-87

- Jane South, Martin E. Purcell, Peter Branney, Mark Gamsu and Judy White
- How is post-industrial decline associated with the geography of physical activity? Evidence from the Health Survey for England pp. 88-97

- Esther Rind, Andy Jones and Humphrey Southall
- What determines providers' stated preference for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria? pp. 98-106

- Lindsay Mangham-Jefferies, Kara Hanson, Wilfred Mbacham, Obinna Onwujekwe and Virginia Wiseman
- Youth physical activity and the neighbourhood environment: Examining correlates and the role of neighbourhood definition pp. 107-115

- Josh van Loon, Lawrence D. Frank, Lindsay Nettlefold and Patti-Jean Naylor
- Constructing a trial as a personal lifestyle change project: Participants' experiences in a clinical study for nicotine vaccination pp. 116-123

- Anna Wolters, Guido de Wert, Onno van Schayck and Klasien Horstman
- Adolescents' perceptions of health from disadvantaged urban communities: Findings from the WAVE study pp. 124-132

- Kristin Mmari, Robert Blum, Freya Sonenstein, Beth Marshall, Heena Brahmbhatt, Emily Venables, Sinead Delany-Moretlwe, Chaohua Lou, Ershang Gao, Rajib Acharya, Shireen Jejeebhoy and Adesola Sangowawa
- Does childhood misfortune raise the risk of acute myocardial infarction in adulthood? pp. 133-141

- Patricia M. Morton, Sarah A. Mustillo and Kenneth F. Ferraro
- Contextual determinants of US nursing home racial/ethnic diversity pp. 142-147

- Jullet A. Davis, Robert Weech-Maldonado, Kate L. Lapane and Alex Laberge
- The role of social capital in African–American women's use of mammography pp. 148-156

- Lorraine Dean, S.V. Subramanian, David R. Williams, Katrina Armstrong, Camille Zubrinsky Charles and Ichiro Kawachi
- Institutional ethical review and ethnographic research involving injection drug users: A case study pp. 157-162

- Will Small, Lisa Maher and Thomas Kerr
- Racial disparities in self-rated health: Trends, explanatory factors, and the changing role of socio-demographics pp. 163-177

- Audrey N. Beck, Brian K. Finch, Shih-Fan Lin, Robert A. Hummer and Ryan K. Masters
- Talking with text: Communication in therapist-led, live chat cancer support groups pp. 178-186

- Joanne Stephen, Kate Collie, Deborah McLeod, Adina Rojubally, Karen Fergus, Michael Speca, Jill Turner, Jill Taylor-Brown, Scott Sellick, Kimberly Burrus and Mai Elramly
- Macroeconomic fluctuations and motorcycle fatalities in the U.S pp. 187-193

- Michael T. French and Gulcin Gumus
- Parenting with bipolar disorder: Coping with risk of mood disorders to children pp. 194-200

- Holly Landrum Peay, Donald L. Rosenstein and Barbara Bowles Biesecker
- Health inequalities in Japan: The role of material, psychosocial, social relational and behavioural factors pp. 201-209

- Ayako Hiyoshi, Yoshiharu Fukuda, Martin J. Shipley and Eric J. Brunner
- Choose and Book: A sociological analysis of ‘resistance’ to an expert system pp. 210-219

- Trisha Greenhalgh, Rob Stones and Deborah Swinglehurst
- Violence as a public health problem: An ecological study of 169 countries pp. 220-227

- Achim Wolf, Ron Gray and Seena Fazel
On this page- 2014, volume 106
Articles C
- 2014, volume 105
Articles C
- 2014, volume 104
Articles C
Other years2025, volume 371
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2014, volume 123
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2014, volume 103
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2013, volume 99
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1994, volume 38
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1988, volume 26
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1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2014, volume 105
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- 2014, volume 104
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2014, volume 123
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2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
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2013, volume 99
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2012, volume 75
2012, volume 74
2011, volume 73
2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
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1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46