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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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1993, volume 37, articles 12

Gender differences in occupational mobility and structure of employment in the British Civil Service pp. 1415-1425 Downloads
Ron Roberts, Eric Brunner, Ian White and Michael Marmot
Judging clinical research questions: What criteria are used? pp. 1427-1430 Downloads
H. J. Sutherland, E. M. Meslin, R. da Cunha and J. E. Till
Estimating hospital admission patterns using Medicare data pp. 1431-1439 Downloads
Margaret Higgins Radany and Harold S. Luft
Applications of O.R. in health in developing countries: A review pp. 1441-1450 Downloads
S. Datta
Physician uncertainty and the art of persuasion pp. 1451-1459 Downloads
John Rizzo
Dental care utilization over time pp. 1461-1472 Downloads
Tryfon Beazoglou, L. Jackson Brown and Dennis Heffley
Formulating selection policies for assisted reproduction pp. 1473-1480 Downloads
Ken Daniels and Karyn Taylor
Coping with the Gulf war: Subculture differences among ischemic heart disease patients in Israel pp. 1481-1488 Downloads
Sara Carmel, Ilan Koren and Reuben Ilia
International migration and control of communicable diseases pp. 1489-1499 Downloads
George A. Gellert
Accessibility of dental services according to family income in a non-insured population pp. 1501-1508 Downloads
Jostein Grytten, Dorthe Holst and Petter Laake
A comparison of social support and social networks of black parents and white parents with chronically ill children pp. 1509-1520 Downloads
Holly Ann Williams
The Ray Alexander workers clinic--A model for worker-based health services in South Africa? pp. 1521-1527 Downloads
L. London
Development and consequences of group living in Sweden: A new mode of care for the demented elderly pp. 1529-1538 Downloads
Lena Annerstedt
Evaluation of aids prevention among homosexual and bisexual men in Switzerland pp. 1539-1544 Downloads
F. Dubois-Arber, J. -B. Masur, D. Hausser, E. Zimmermann and F. Paccaud
Life events, chronic difficulties and vulnerability factors preceding breast cancer pp. 1545-1555 Downloads
Siegfried Geyer
Not worth the risk? Attitudes of adults with learning difficulties, and their informal and formal carers to the hazards of everyday life pp. 1557-1564 Downloads
Bob Heyman and Sarah Huckle
Growth monitoring and the promotion of breastfeeding pp. 1565-1578 Downloads
Dominique Behague
Primary mental health care in Nicaragua five years later pp. 1585-1586 Downloads
Pau Pérez Sales
Letters to the editor pp. 1585-1585 Downloads
Russell V. Luepker

1993, volume 37, articles 11

Introduction pp. 1283-1284 Downloads
Rita S. Gallin and Pavalavalli Govindasamy
Health-seeking behavior of Rwandan women pp. 1285-1292 Downloads
Joanne Csete
Children's nutritional status in female-headed households in the Dominican Republic pp. 1293-1301 Downloads
F. Catherine Johnson and Beatrice Lorge Rogers
Influences of mothers' and fathers' income on children's nutritional status in Guatemala pp. 1303-1312 Downloads
Patrice L. Engle
Agricultural productivity, seasonality and gender bias in rural nutrition: Empirical evidence from South India pp. 1313-1319 Downloads
Suresh Babu, Susheela Thirumaran and T. C. Mohanam
Midwives in the Mexican health system pp. 1321-1329 Downloads
Pilar Alicia Parra
The education and contribution of women health care professionals in Saudi Arabia: The case of nursing pp. 1331-1343 Downloads
Nagat El-Sanabary
Rural origin as a risk factor for maternal and child health in periurban Bolivia pp. 1345-1349 Downloads
Deborah E. Bender, Tirsa Rivera and Donna Madonna
The health status of women in Oaxaca: Determinants and consequences pp. 1351-1358 Downloads
Mary Winter, Earl W. Morris and Arthur D. Murphy
Prenatal diagnosis and sex selection in 19 nations pp. 1359-1366 Downloads
Dorothy C. Wertz and John C. Fletcher
Family composition strategies in rural north India pp. 1367-1376 Downloads
Susan S. Wadley
When more means less: Assessing the impact of dairy 'development' on the lives and health of women in rural Rajasthan (India) pp. 1377-1389 Downloads
Miriam Sharma and Urmila Vanjani
Child and maternal health and international economic policies pp. 1391-1400 Downloads
Linda M. Whiteford
AIDS action-research with women in Kinshasa, Zaire pp. 1401-1413 Downloads
Brooke Grundfest Schoepf

1993, volume 37, articles 10

Medically unnecessary cesarean section births: Introduction to a symposium pp. 1177-1198 Downloads
Carol Sakala
Caesarean section in Britain and the United States 12% or 24%: Is either the right rate? pp. 1199-1218 Downloads
Colin Francome and Wendy Savage
The Mount Sinai cesarean section reduction program: An update after 6 years pp. 1219-1222 Downloads
Stephen A. Myers and Norbert Gleicher
Cesarean section: Medical benefits and costs pp. 1223-1231 Downloads
Elizabeth L. Shearer
Midwifery care and out-of-hospital birth settings: How do they reduce unnecessary cesarean section births? pp. 1233-1250 Downloads
Carol Sakala
The effect of physician characteristics on clinical behavior: Cesarean section in New York State pp. 1251-1260 Downloads
A. Dale Tussing and Martha A. Wojtowycz
Explaining excessive rates of cesareans and other childbirth interventions: Contributions from contemporary theories of gender and psychosocial development pp. 1261-1269 Downloads
Alice Katherine LoCicero
Psychosocial impact of cesarean section on the family: A literature review pp. 1271-1281 Downloads
Cynthia S. Mutryn

1993, volume 37, articles 9

Economic and demographic research on malaria: A review of the evidence pp. 1093-1108 Downloads
Melba Gomes
Determining malaria effects in rural Colombia pp. 1109-1114 Downloads
Elssy Bonilla and A. Rodriguez
The impact of malaria on labour use and efficiency in the Sudan pp. 1115-1119 Downloads
El Tahir Mohamed Nur
Agricultural land use patterns and malaria conditions in Kenya pp. 1121-1130 Downloads
Joseph K. Wang'Ombe and Germano M. Mwabu
Economic and social consequences of malaria in new colonization projects in Brazil pp. 1131-1136 Downloads
Donald Sawyer
Malaria rates and fate: A socioeconomic study of malaria in Brazil pp. 1137-1145 Downloads
Rogelio E. Fernandez Castilla and Diana Oya Sawyer
Malaria and mobility in Thailand pp. 1147-1154 Downloads
Anchalee Singhanetra-Renard
Human mobility and malaria risk in the Naya river basin of Colombia pp. 1155-1167 Downloads
Elías Sevilla-Casas
Illness perception: Social cost and coping-strategies of malaria cases pp. 1169-1176 Downloads
Ruwani Jayawardene

1993, volume 37, articles 8

Complexity, conflict, chaos, coherence, coercion and civility pp. 969-974 Downloads
Aaron Antonovsky
On conflict resolution and change pp. 974-976 Downloads
F. M. Mburu
A good word for the "Young man [or woman] with a gun": Whose violence? Whose "Salutogenesis"? pp. 977-978 Downloads
Howard Waitzkin
Sense of coherence and sociology of emotions pp. 978-979 Downloads
Johannes Siegrist
Rejoinder pp. 980-981 Downloads
Aaron Antonovsky
Alternative or additional medicine? An exploratory study in general practice pp. 983-988 Downloads
Joanna Murray and Simon Shepherd
Dry and tight: Sexual practices and potential AIDS risk in Zaire pp. 989-994 Downloads
Judith E. Brown, Okako Bibi Ayowa and Richard C. Brown
Programmes de nutrition en milieu rural aux Philippines pp. 995-1003 Downloads
Emilio Fernando Orihuela-Egoavil
The impact of a child death on marital adjustment pp. 1005-1010 Downloads
Jake M. Najman, John C. Vance, Fran Boyle, Gary Embleton, Bill Foster and John Thearle
Social class gradients in years of potential life lost in Switzerland pp. 1011-1018 Downloads
Valeria Beer, Brigitte Bisig and Felix Gutzwiller
Health behavior: Issues, contradictions and dilemmas pp. 1019-1034 Downloads
Angelo A. Alonzo
Variation in hemodialysis patient compliance according to demographic characteristics pp. 1035-1043 Downloads
Sherry I. Bame, Nancy Petersen and Nelda P. Wray
The hoarding habit, countertransference, and consultation anthropology in a Peruvian psychiatric hospital pp. 1045-1054 Downloads
William W. Stein
Inequalities in women's and men's ill-health: Britain and Finland compared pp. 1055-1068 Downloads
Sara Arber and Eero Lahelma
Determinants of lactation performance across time in an urban population from Mexico pp. 1069-1078 Downloads
Rafael Perez-Escamilla, Sofia Segura-Millán, Ernesto Pollitt and Kathryn G. Dewey
Working with community organizations to evaluate potential disease clusters pp. 1079-1085 Downloads
David R. Graber and Tim E. Aldrich

1993, volume 37, articles 7

State authority, medical dominance, and trends in the regulation of the health professions: The Ontario case pp. 841-850 Downloads
David Coburn
Explorations in consultation of the public and health professionals on priority setting in an inner London health district pp. 851-857 Downloads
Ann Bowling, Bobbie Jacobson and Lesley Southgate
African women's control over their sexuality in an era of AIDS: A study of the Yoruba of Nigeria pp. 859-872 Downloads
I. O. Orubuloye, John C. Caldwell and Pat Caldwell
Ante-natal screening: What constitutes 'benefit'? pp. 873-878 Downloads
Gavin Mooney and Mette Lange
MMPI profiles of male and female migraine sufferers pp. 879-882 Downloads
B. D. Kirkcaldy, E. Kobylinska and A. F. Furnham
The effect of a warning about putative adverse events on drug prescribing in general practice pp. 883-886 Downloads
A. N. Thomson and P. M. Barham
Social disintegration and the spread of AIDS--II: Meltdown of sociogeographic structure in urban minority neighborhoods pp. 887-896 Downloads
Rodrick Wallace
Essential and non-essential drugs marketed by the 20 largest European pharmaceutical companies in developing countries pp. 897-904 Downloads
Robert Hartog
Physical health status at 36 years in a British national birth cohort pp. 905-916 Downloads
D. J. L. Kuh and M. E. J. Wadsworth
Hispanic Americans and the state mental hospitals in Texas: Ethnic parity as a latent function of a fiscal incentive policy pp. 917-926 Downloads
Jeffrey W. Swanson, Charles E. Holzer and Vijay K. Ganju
Problems and prospects for health sector links in the Southern African region: The role of South Africa pp. 927-935 Downloads
Allison Beattie, Laetitia Rispel and Michelle Booysen
Reasoning about childhood nutritional deficiencies by mothers in rural India: A cognitive analysis pp. 937-952 Downloads
Malathi Sivaramakrishnan and Vimla L. Patel

1993, volume 37, articles 6

Foreword pp. vii-vii Downloads
Robert Earickson
A medical geographical anniversary pp. 701-710 Downloads
Frank A. Barrett
Space in its place: Developing the link in medical geography pp. 711-717 Downloads
Robin A. Kearns and Alun E. Joseph
On the validity of language: Speaking, knowing and understanding in medical geography pp. 719-724 Downloads
Joseph L. Scarpaci
Do places matter? A multi-level analysis of regional variations in health-related behaviour in Britain pp. 725-733 Downloads
Craig Duncan, Kelvyn Jones and Graham Moon
Ambiocontrol as a primary factor of health pp. 735-743 Downloads
Luc Loslier
Maternal mortality in Africa: 1980-87 pp. 745-752 Downloads
Bimal Kanti Paul
Cancer clusters: The importance of monitoring multiple geographic scales pp. 753-759 Downloads
Dona Schneider, Michael R. Greenberg, Milton H. Donaldson and Daiwoo Choi
(Over)eating success: The health consequences of the restoration of capitalism in rural China pp. 761-770 Downloads
Christopher J. Smith
Lymphoma, multiple myeloma and leukaemia among French farmers in relation to pesticide exposure pp. 771-777 Downloads
Jean-François Viel and Sylvia T. Richardson
Epidemiological transition and geographical discontinuities: The case of cardiovascular mortality in French Polynesia pp. 779-790 Downloads
Emmanuel Vigneron
Modelling psychosocial effects of exposure to solid waste facilities pp. 791-804 Downloads
Susan J. Elliott, S.Martin Taylor, Stephen Walter, David Stieb, John Frank and John Eyles
Worrying about waste: Living close to solid waste disposal facilities in Southern Ontario pp. 805-812 Downloads
John Eyles, S.Martin Taylor, Nancy Johnson and Jamie Baxter
On the use of socio-demographic indicators in local health planning: A Canadian non-metropolitan perspective pp. 813-822 Downloads
Alun E. Joseph and R.Grant Hollett
Avoidable mortality in Québec and its regions pp. 823-831 Downloads
Robert Pampalon
Variation in duration of hospital stay between hospitals and between doctors within hospitals pp. 833-839 Downloads
Gert P. Westert, Anna P. Nieboer and Peter P. Groenewegen

1993, volume 37, articles 5

Identifying distress among general practitioners: Predictors of psychological ill-health and job dissatisfaction pp. 575-581 Downloads
V.J. Sutherland and C.L. Cooper
The relationship between the cost of community care and the dependency of old people pp. 583-590 Downloads
Eamon O'Shea and John Blackwell
Patient satisfaction with communication in general surgery: Problems of measurement and improvement pp. 591-602 Downloads
Philip Meredith
Housing stressors, social support and psychological distress pp. 603-612 Downloads
Carolyn A. Smith, Christopher J. Smith, Robin A. Kearns and Max W. Abbott
Renal disease and black Americans: Selected issues pp. 613-621 Downloads
Ivor Lensworth Livingston
Determinants of regional differences in lung cancer mortality in the Netherlands pp. 623-631 Downloads
A.E. Kunst, C.W.N. Looman and J.P. Mackenbach
Women's satisfaction with maternity health care services in Finland pp. 633-638 Downloads
Hellevi Kojo-Austin, Maili Malin and Elina Hemminki
The use of preventive health care services: Carrier testing for the genetic disorder haemophilia pp. 639-648 Downloads
I. Varekamp, Th.P.B.M. Suurmeijer, F.R. Rosendaal and A.H.J.T. Bröcker-Vriends
Maternal perceptions of pneumonia and pneumonia signs in Pakistani children pp. 649-660 Downloads
M.Z. Malik Kundi, Muhammad Anjum, Dorothy S. Mull and J. Dennis Mull
Sexual practices and attitudes of street youth in Belo Horizonte, Brazil pp. 661-670 Downloads
Marcela Raffaelli, Regina Campos, Alice Payne Merritt, Eliana Siqueira, Carlos Mauricio Antunes, Richard Parker, Marilia Greco, Dirceu Greco, Neal Halsey and The Street Youth Study Group
Me' winik: Discovery of the biomedical equivalence for a Maya ethnomedical syndrome pp. 671-678 Downloads
E.A. Berlin, V.M. Jara A., B. Berlin, D.E. Breedlove, T.O. Duncan and R.M. Laughlin
Focus group interviews about AIDS in Rakai district of Uganda pp. 679-684 Downloads
Joseph K. Konde-Lule, M. Musagara and S. Musgrave
Family planning practice in Central Sudan pp. 685-689 Downloads
Taha El Tahir Taha
Letter to the editor: Constructing generaliseable socio-economic indices pp. 695-695 Downloads
Roy Carr-Hill

1993, volume 37, articles 4

Women and tropical diseases: Introduction pp. 441-443 Downloads
Lenore Manderson, Jennifer Jenkins and Marcel Tanner
Leprosy in women: Characteristics and repercussions pp. 445-456 Downloads
Marian Ulrich, Ana Maria Zulueta, Gisela Cáceres-Dittmar, Celsa Sampson, Maria Eugenia Pinardi, Elsa Maria Rada and Nacarid Aranzazu
An historical and clinical review of the interaction of leprosy and pregnancy: A cycle to be broken pp. 457-472 Downloads
M.E. Duncan
Women and malaria--special risks and appropriate control strategy pp. 473-480 Downloads
Rachel Reuben
Bilharzia and the boys: Questioning common assumptions pp. 481-492 Downloads
Melissa Parker
Adam's rib awry? Women and schistosomiasis pp. 493-501 Downloads
Edward H. Michelson
Women and congenital Chagas' disease in Santa Cruz, Bolivia: Epidemiological and sociocultural aspects pp. 503-511 Downloads
Esperanza Azogue
Gender and tropical diseases: A new research focus pp. 513-520 Downloads
Eva M. Rathgeber and Carol Vlassoff
Strategies of influence in medical authorship pp. 521-530 Downloads
Judy Z. Segal
Factors influencing self-diagnosis and treatment of perceived helminthic infection in a rural Guatemalan community pp. 531-539 Downloads
S. Booth, T. Johns and C.Y. Lopez-Palacios
Cost-effectiveness of neonatal screening for Duchenne muscular dystrophy--How does this compare to existing neonatal screening for metabolic disorders? pp. 541-547 Downloads
T. Rosenberg, H.K. Jacobs, R. Thompson and J.M. Horne
Organizational predictors of outcomes of long-stay nursing home residents pp. 549-554 Downloads
James E. Rohrer, Elizabeth T. Momany and Wei Chang
The work patterns of lactating women in Madura pp. 555-563 Downloads
Lenore J. Launer
Consensus in medical communication pp. 565-569 Downloads
F.J. Dodd, H.A. Donegan, W.G. Kernohan, R.V. Geary and R.A.B. Mollan

1993, volume 37, articles 3

Anthropological perspectives on chronic illness: Introduction pp. 281-283 Downloads
Suzanne Heurtin-Roberts and Gay Becker
'High-pertension'--The uses of a chronic folk illness for personal adaptation pp. 285-294 Downloads
Suzanne Heurtin-Roberts
Redefining health: Living with cancer pp. 295-304 Downloads
Marjorie Kagawa-Singer
The dilemma of seeking urgent care: Asthma episodes and emergency service use pp. 305-313 Downloads
Gay Becker, Susan Janson-Bjerklie, Patricia Benner, Kathleen Slobin and Sandra Ferketich
Self-care and multiple sclerosis: A view from two cultures pp. 315-329 Downloads
Judith McLaughlin and Ib Zeeberg
Life stress, social support and clinical depression: A reanalysis of the literature pp. 331-342 Downloads
Runar Vilhjalmsson
Health care financing for the elderly in Japan pp. 343-353 Downloads
Yasuki Kobayashi and Michael R. Reich
Health care behavior on Nicaragua's Atlantic coast pp. 355-368 Downloads
Bruce Barrett
User fees plus quality equals improved access to health care: Results of a field experiment in Cameroon pp. 369-383 Downloads
Jennie I. Litvack and Claude Bodart
Ways of coping with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Development of an illness management questionnaire pp. 385-391 Downloads
Colette Ray, William Weir, David Stewart, Patricia Miller and Geoffrey Hyde
The general practitioner's use of time: Is it influenced by the remuneration system? pp. 393-399 Downloads
Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen and Gavin Mooney
Sexual behaviors relevant to HIV transmission in a rural African population: How much can a KAP survey tell us? pp. 401-412 Downloads
Doris Schopper, Serge Doussantousse and John Orav
Assessment of trends in geographical inequalities in infant mortality pp. 413-417 Downloads
F. Vásquez-Vizoso, J. Castilla, M. Pollán and G. López-Abente
Motorcycling safety research: A review of the social and behavioural literature pp. 419-429 Downloads
D. J. Chesham, D. R. Rutter and Lyn Quine
Concurrent utilization of chiropractic, prescription medicines, nonprescription medicines and alternative health care pp. 431-435 Downloads
Herbert C. Northcott and John A. Bachynsky

1993, volume 37, articles 2

Letter to the editor pp. I-II Downloads
T. Patrick Hill
State authority, medical dominance, and trends in the regulation of the health professions: The Ontario case pp. 129-138 Downloads
David Coburn
Des enfants pour la vieillesse: Forme de la Fratrie et soutien aux parents âgés dans le sud-ouest rural français pp. 139-151 Downloads
Serge Clément
The utility of health at different stages in life: A quantitative approach pp. 153-158 Downloads
Jan J. V. Busschbach, Dick J. Hessing and Frank Th. De Charro
A longitudinal study of the impact of behavioural change intervention on cleanliness, diarrhoeal morbidity and growth of children in rural Bangladesh pp. 159-171 Downloads
Nasar U. Ahmed, Marian F. Zeitlin, Alexa S. Beiser, Charles M. Super and Stanley N. Gershoff
Cost-effectiveness analysis of prenatal screening and vaccination against hepatitis B virus--The case of Belgium pp. 173-181 Downloads
G. Tormans, P. Van Damme, G. Carrin, R. Clara and W. Eylenbosch
Determinants of infant mortality in Malawi: A spatial perspective pp. 183-198 Downloads
Ezekiel Kalipeni
Determinants of pregnancy outcomes and targeting of maternal health services in Jamaica pp. 199-211 Downloads
Paul Gertler, Omar Rahman, Chris Feifer and Deanna Ashley
Disease and mortality among gold miners of Ghana: Colonial government and mining company attitudes and policies, 1900-1938 pp. 213-232 Downloads
Raymond Dumett
Social determinants of child health in Yemen pp. 233-240 Downloads
Cynthia Myntti
La maison du MBOMBO: Rite therapeutique pour les enfants a hauts risques dans le Zaire rural pp. 241-252 Downloads
Véronique Goblet-Vanormelingen
An application of Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour to predict mothers' intention to use oral rehydration therapy in a rural area of Benin pp. 253-261 Downloads
Assomption MahougbéHounsa, Gaston Godin, Eusébe Alihonou, Pierre Valois and Jacques Girard
Vasectomy as a reason for donor insemination pp. 263-266 Downloads
Michael Humphrey and Heather Humphrey
The relationship between parenting stress and social support in mothers of children with learning disabilities: A Chinese experience pp. 267-274 Downloads
Veronica Pearson and Tim W. L. Chan

1993, volume 37, articles 1

Editorial note pp. I-I Downloads
Peter J. M. McEwan
Anthropology in a multidisciplinary field: Substance abuse: Introduction pp. 1-3 Downloads
M. Jean Gilbert
Integration and exchange in multidisciplinary alcohol research pp. 5-13 Downloads
William Delaney and Genevieve Ames
Knowledge for use: Anthropology and community-centered substance abuse research pp. 15-25 Downloads
Merrill Singer
The value of ethnographic alcohol studies: A psychologist's perspective pp. 27-30 Downloads
Patrick B. Johnson
Cost-effectiveness league tables: More harm than good? pp. 33-40 Downloads
Michael Drummond, George Torrance and James Mason
Unemployment and mental health: A critical review pp. 41-52 Downloads
Douglas Ezzy
Predicting the uptake of health checks in general practice: Invitation methods and patients' health beliefs pp. 53-59 Downloads
Paul Norman
Queueing for coronary surgery during severe supply-demand mismatch in a Canadian referral centre: A case study of implicit rationing pp. 61-67 Downloads
C. David Naylor, Carey M. Levinton, Susan Wheeler and Linda Hunter
Tacit models of disability underlying health status instruments pp. 69-75 Downloads
Sue Ziebland, Ray Fitzpatrick and Crispin Jenkinson
Knowledge and attitudes about AIDS of residents of greater Athens pp. 77-83 Downloads
Joannes Chliaoutakis, Fotini Socrataki, Christina Darviri, Nikos Gousgounis and Deanne Trakas
Organizational and environmental determinants of the performance of public health units pp. 85-95 Downloads
François Champagne, Nicole Leduc, Jean-Louis Denis and Raynald Pineault
Ors and the treatment of childhood diarrhea in Managua, Nicaragua pp. 97-103 Downloads
Patricia M. Hudelson
Attitudes of medical professionals toward euthanasia pp. 105-114 Downloads
James G. Anderson and David P. Caddell
Criterion validation of the Nottingham health profile: Patient views of surgery for benign prostatic hypertrophy pp. 115-122 Downloads
H. A. Doll, N. A. Black, A. B. Flood and K. McPherson
Letter to the editor pp. 127-127 Downloads
Ernest H. Friedman
Page updated 2025-03-25