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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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1997, volume 44, articles 12

Some conceptual considerations on the sense of coherence pp. 1771-1779 Downloads
Siegfried Geyer
The poor pay more: Health-related inequality in Thailand pp. 1781-1790 Downloads
Supasit Pannarunothai and Anne Mills
Health-seeking strategies and sexual health among female sex workers in urban India: Implications for research and service provision pp. 1791-1803 Downloads
Catrin Evans and Helen Lambert
Costs and benefits of improving tuberculosis control: The case of Thailand pp. 1805-1816 Downloads
Holger Sawert, Sukhontha Kongsin, Vallop Payanandan, Pasakorn Akarasewi, Paul P. Nunn and Mario C. Raviglione
Women's perceptions of the complications of pregnancy and childbirth in two Esan communities, Edo State, Nigeria pp. 1817-1824 Downloads
Francisca Isibhakhome Asowa-Omorodion
Women physicians in Quebec pp. 1825-1832 Downloads
Maria De Koninck, Pierre Bergeron and Renée Bourbonnais
Women's hidden transcripts about abortion in Brazil pp. 1833-1845 Downloads
Marilyn K. Nations, Chizuru Misago, Walter Fonseca, Luciano L. Correia and Oona M. R. Campbell
Female labor force participation and suicide pp. 1847-1859 Downloads
Jeffrey A. Burr, Patricia L. McCall and Eve Powell-Griner
Girls, pecking order and smoking pp. 1861-1869 Downloads
Lynn Michell and Amanda Amos
Long-term benzodiazepine use: Factors of importance and the development of individual use patterns over time--A 13-year follow-up in a Swedish community pp. 1871-1880 Downloads
Dag Isacson
Socioeconomic status and adolescent injuries pp. 1881-1891 Downloads
J. M. Williams, C. E. Currie, P. Wright, R. A. Elton and T. F. Beattie
Dispersion index: Measuring trend assessment of geographical inequality in health--The example of under-five mortality in the Middle East/North African region, 1980-1994 pp. 1893-1902 Downloads
Osman M. Galal and Azhar K. Qureshi
The Gambian National Impregnated Bednet Programme: Evaluation of the 1994 cost recovery trial pp. 1903-1909 Downloads
Olaf Müller, Kabbir Cham, Shabbar Jaffar and Brian Greenwood
Willingness to pay for antihypertensive care: Evidence from a staff-model HMO pp. 1911-1917 Downloads
Scott D. Ramsey, Sean D. Sullivan, Bruce M. Psaty and Donald L. Patrick
Are there social correlates to suicide? pp. 1919-1929 Downloads
Ilkka Mäkinen
A call for consistency in definition of breastfeeding behaviors pp. 1931-1932 Downloads
Miriam H. Labbok and C. Jared Coffin

1997, volume 44, articles 11

Patients' acceptance of waiting for cataract surgery: What makes a wait too long? pp. 1603-1610 Downloads
Elaine Dunn, Charlyn Black, Jordi Alonso, Jens Christian Norregaard and Gerard F. Anderson
Meanings in policy: A textual analysis of Canada's "Achieving Health for All" document pp. 1611-1621 Downloads
Adele Iannantuono and John Eyles
Health status and risk factors of seminomadic pastoralists in Mongolia: A geographical approach pp. 1623-1647 Downloads
Peter M. Foggin, Otto Farkas, S. Shiirev-Adiya and B. Chinbat
Urban ecological structure and perceived child and adolescent psychological disorder pp. 1649-1659 Downloads
James A. Leclair and Frank C. Innes
Community and self: Concepts for rural physician integration and retention pp. 1661-1674 Downloads
Malcolm P. Cutchin
Intra-household allocation of food and health care: Current findings and understandings--Introduction pp. 1675-1684 Downloads
Ellen Messer
Social class, gender and intrahousehold food allocations to children in South Asia pp. 1685-1695 Downloads
Barbara D. Miller
Food allocation in rural Peruvian households: Concepts and behavior regarding children pp. 1697-1709 Downloads
Margaret A. Graham
Health care allocation and selective neglect in rural Peru pp. 1711-1723 Downloads
Anne C. Larme
Why are boys so small? Child growth, diet and gender near Ranomafana, Madagascar pp. 1725-1738 Downloads
Sabrina H. B. Hardenbergh
Cultural factors, caloric intake and micronutrient sufficiency in rural Nepali households pp. 1739-1749 Downloads
Joel Gittelsohn, Meera Thapa and Laura T. Landman
Examining the gender gap in nutrition: An example from rural Mexico pp. 1751-1759 Downloads
Jeffrey R. Backstrand, Lindsay H. Allen, Gretel H. Pelto and Adolfo Chávez
Physician location survey: Self-reported and census-defined rural/urban locations pp. 1761-1766 Downloads
Ge Lin, Thomas C. Rosenthal and Mary Horwitz

1997, volume 44, articles 10

Disclosure practices and cultural narratives: Understanding concealment and silence around cancer in Tuscany, Italy pp. 1433-1452 Downloads
Deborah R. Gordon and Eugenio Paci
Designing educational messages to improve weaning food hygiene practices of families living in proverty pp. 1453-1464 Downloads
Cristina M. G. Monte, Ann Ashworth, Marilyn K. Nations, A. A. Lima, A. Barreto and Sharon R. A. Huttly
A change of heart and a change of mind? Technology and the redefinition of death in 1968 pp. 1465-1482 Downloads
Mita Giacomini
Age, adjustment, and costs: A study of chronic illnesses pp. 1483-1490 Downloads
Susan Watt, Jacqueline Roberts, Gina Browne and Amiram Gafni
Surrogate assessment of coronary artery disease patients' functional capacity pp. 1491-1502 Downloads
Dean D. Von Dras, Ilene C. Siegler, Redford B. Williams, Nancy Clapp-Channing, Thomas L. Haney and Daniel B. Mark
Beyond single indicators of social networks: A LISREL analysis of social ties among the elderly pp. 1503-1517 Downloads
Thomas A. Glass, Carlos F. Mendes de Leon, Teresa E. Seeman and Lisa F. Berkman
Mapping visual analogue scale health state valuations onto standard gamble and time trade-off values pp. 1519-1530 Downloads
Paul Dolan and Matthew Sutton
Patient preference for genders of health professionals pp. 1531-1540 Downloads
Jan J. Kerssens, Jozien M. Bensing and Margriet G. Andela
Women's health care: For whom and why? pp. 1541-1551 Downloads
A. van den Brink-Muinen
Patterns of sexual behaviour in a rural population in north-western Tanzania pp. 1553-1561 Downloads
Katua Munguti, Heiner Grosskurth, James Newell, Kesheni Senkoro, Frank Mosha, James Todd, Philippe Mayaud, Awena Gavyole, Maria Quigley and Richard Hayes
Introduction to symposium: On-going studies in critical medical anthropology pp. 1563-1563 Downloads
Hans A. Baer
The misconstruction of critical medical anthropology: A response to a cultural constructivist critique pp. 1565-1573 Downloads
Hans A. Baer
Constructing a complex of contagion: The perceptions of AIDS among working prostitutes in Costa Rica pp. 1575-1583 Downloads
Pamela J. Downe
Hard lives and evil winds: Illness aetiology and the search for healing amongst Ciskeian villagers pp. 1585-1600 Downloads
Julia Segar

1997, volume 44, articles 9

Studying the quality of life after organ transplantation: Research problems and solutions pp. 1259-1269 Downloads
Donald Joralemon and Kim Mika Fujinaga
Kidney failure and transplantation in China pp. 1271-1283 Downloads
Charlotte Ikels
Changing patterns of pharmaceutical practice in the United States pp. 1285-1302 Downloads
Nancy Vuckovic and Mark Nichter
Effectiveness of condoms in preventing HIV transmission pp. 1303-1312 Downloads
Steven D. Pinkerton and Paul R. Abramson
After unification: Gender and subjective health status in East and West Germany pp. 1313-1323 Downloads
Günther Lüschen, Olga Geling, Christian Janßen, Gerhard Kunz and Olaf Von Dem Knesebeck
Understanding the variability in the effectiveness of community heart health programs: A meta-analysis pp. 1325-1339 Downloads
Deborah E. Sellers, Sybil L. Crawford, Karen Bullock and John B. Mckinlay
Nonconventional medicine in Israel: Consultation patterns of the Israeli population and attitudes of primary care physicians pp. 1341-1348 Downloads
Judith H. Bernstein and Judith T. Shuval
The socio-economic distribution of heart diseases: Changing gradients in the Netherlands pp. 1349-1356 Downloads
Ferdy W. J. Otten and Hans H. A. Bosma
The impact of anomia as a factor in a demand resource model of health pp. 1357-1365 Downloads
W. Freidl
Policy, praxis, and medical anthropology: Introduction: Health policy and health praxis in the United States--A symposium pp. 1367-1369 Downloads
Mary K. Anglin
Pregnancy and addiction: Translating research into practice pp. 1371-1380 Downloads
Linda M. Whiteford and Judi Vitucci
Anthropological research and the politics of HIV prevention: Towards a critique of policy and priorities in the age of AIDS pp. 1381-1391 Downloads
Alisse Waterston
Clearing the air: Challenges to introducing smoking restrictions in West Virginia pp. 1393-1401 Downloads
Kenyon R. Stebbins
Working from the inside out: Implications of breast cancer activism for biomedical policies and practices pp. 1403-1415 Downloads
Mary K. Anglin
Politicizing abortion: Personal morality and professional responsibility of residents training in the United States pp. 1417-1425 Downloads
Ellen S. Lazarus
Firearm suicide among older women in the U.S pp. 1427-1430 Downloads
Mark S. Kaplan, Margaret E. Adamek, Olga Geling and Alvin Calderon

1997, volume 44, articles 8

Valedictory editorial pp. v-vii Downloads
Peter J. M. McEwan
Problems and promises of the protocol pp. 1081-1088 Downloads
Marc Berg
Hostility, cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption in the general population pp. 1089-1096 Downloads
M. C. Whiteman, F. G. R. Fowkes, I. J. Deary and A. J. Lee
High functioning autistic children and the construction of "normal family life" pp. 1097-1106 Downloads
David E. Gray
Prenatal biopsychosocial risk assessment and low birthweight pp. 1107-1114 Downloads
Julian A. Herrera, Bertha Salmerón and Hugo Hurtado
The influence of culture and context on the pre- and post-migration experience of school-aged refugees from Central America and Southeast Asia in Canada pp. 1115-1127 Downloads
Cecile Rousseau, Aline Drapeau and Ellen Corin
Coping with loss of ability: "Good grief" or episodic stress responses? pp. 1129-1139 Downloads
Daphne Hewson
Local and institutional interpretations of IUDs in southwestern Nigeria pp. 1141-1148 Downloads
Elisha P. Renne
Interpreting silence, documenting experience: An anthropological approach to the study of health service users' experience with HIV/AIDS care in Lothian, Scotland pp. 1149-1160 Downloads
Guro Huby
Socio-economic differences in general practitioner and outpatient specialist care in the Netherlands: A matter of health insurance? pp. 1161-1168 Downloads
Inge M. B. Bongers, Joost B. W. Van Der Meer, Johannes Van Den Bos and Johan P. Mackenbach
Wife-beating in rural South India: A qualitative and econometric analysis pp. 1169-1180 Downloads
Vijayendra Rao
Male and female circumcision in Africa from a regional to a specific Nigerian examination pp. 1181-1193 Downloads
John C. Caldwell, I. O. Orubuloye and Pat Caldwell
Perceived male sexual needs and male sexual behaviour in southwest Nigeria pp. 1195-1207 Downloads
I. O. Orubuloye, John C. Caldwell and Pat Caldwell
Interdisciplinary health research--A symposium pp. 1209-1210 Downloads
Lisbeth Sachs and Ingela Krantz
The difficulties of compiling a glossary of diseases associated with sexual intercourse in Chiawa, Rural Zambia pp. 1211-1220 Downloads
Virginia Bond and Phillimon Ndubani
Practice-knowledge-attitudes-practice: An explorative study of information in primary care pp. 1221-1228 Downloads
Vinod K. Diwan, Lisbeth Sachs and Rolf Wahlström
North-South health research collaboration: Challenges in institutional interaction pp. 1229-1238 Downloads
Beth Maina-Ahlberg, Erik Nordberg and Göran Tomson
Partner notification in context: Swedish and Zambian experiences pp. 1239-1243 Downloads
Elisabeth A. Faxelid and Kristina M. Ramstedt
Lessons for life--Past and present modes of sexuality education in Tanzanian society pp. 1245-1254 Downloads
Minou Fuglesang

1997, volume 44, articles 7

Isihlambezo: Utilization patterns and potential health effects of pregnancy-related traditional herbal medicine pp. 911-924 Downloads
C. A. Varga and D. J. H. Veale
Duration of general practice consultations: Association with patient occupational and educational status pp. 925-934 Downloads
John H. Wiggers and Rob Sanson-Fisher
The hierarchical diffusion of AIDS and violent crime among U.S. metropolitan regions: Inner-city decay, stochastic resonance and reversal of the mortality transition pp. 935-947 Downloads
Rodrick Wallace, Yi-Shan Huang, Peter Gould and Deborah Wallace
Spatial patterns of human water contact and Schistosoma mansoni transmission and infection in four rural areas in Machakos District, Kenya pp. 949-968 Downloads
H. Kloos, A. J. C. Fulford, A. E. Butterworth, R. F. Sturrock, J. H. Ouma, H. C. Kariuki, F. W. Thiongo, P. R. Dalton and R. K. Klumpp
The accuracy of self-reported Pap smear utilisation pp. 969-976 Downloads
Jennifer Ann Bowman, Rob Sanson-Fisher and Sally Redman
Clinical guidelines and the fate of medical autonomy in Ontario pp. 977-987 Downloads
Susan G. Rappolt
What explains rural-urban differentials in child mortality in Brazil? pp. 989-1002 Downloads
Narayan Sastry
The role of access in explaining state abortion rates pp. 1003-1016 Downloads
Patricia Gober
Doctors' perceptions of the links between stress and lowered clinical care pp. 1017-1022 Downloads
Jenny Firth-Cozens and Joanne Greenhalgh
Effects of socioeconomic disadvantage and women's status on women's health in Cameroon pp. 1023-1042 Downloads
Barthélémy Kuate Defo
Cardiac disease construction on the borderland pp. 1043-1049 Downloads
Jeanne Daly and Ian Mcdonald
Integration lay and nurse-midwifery into the U.S. and Canadian health care systems pp. 1051-1063 Downloads
Ivy Lynn Bourgeault and Mary Fynes
Potential use of traditional fermented foods for weaning in Zimbabwe pp. 1065-1068 Downloads
Clifford Simango
Integrating behavioral and social sciences research at the National Institutes of Health, U.S.A pp. 1069-1071 Downloads
Norman B. Anderson
Sectoral investment in health: Prescription or principles? pp. 1073-1076 Downloads
Andrew Cassels and Katja Janovsky

1997, volume 44, articles 6

Introduction pp. 721-722 Downloads
Eero Lahelma and Ossi Rahkonen
The black report and beyond what are the issues? pp. 723-745 Downloads
Sally Macintyre
Whose fault is it? People's own conceptions of the reasons for health inequalities pp. 747-756 Downloads
Mildred Blaxter
Measuring the magnitude of socio-economic inequalities in health: An overview of available measures illustrated with two examples from Europe pp. 757-771 Downloads
Johan P. Mackenbach and Anton E. Kunst
Comparing inequalities in women's and men's health: Britain in the 1990s pp. 773-787 Downloads
Sara Arber
Changes in the social patterning of health? The case of Finland 1986-1994 pp. 789-799 Downloads
Eero Lahelma, Ossi Rahkonen and Minna Huuhka
Health expectancy by level of education in Finland pp. 801-808 Downloads
Tapani Valkonen, Ari-Pekka Sihvonen and Eero Lahelma
Why do poor people behave poorly? Variation in adult health behaviours and psychosocial characteristics by stages of the socioeconomic lifecourse pp. 809-819 Downloads
J. W. Lynch, G. A. Kaplan and J. T. Salonen
Childhood conditions, sense of coherence, social class and adult ill health: Exploring their theoretical and empirical relations pp. 821-831 Downloads
Olle Lundberg
Health inequalities in the early years: Is there equalisation in youth? pp. 833-858 Downloads
Patrick West
Health inequalities in the life course perspective pp. 859-869 Downloads
M. E. J. Wadsworth
Health inequalities in later life in a social democratic welfare state pp. 871-881 Downloads
Espen Dahl and Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund
The integration of two health systems: Social stratification, work and health in East and West Germany pp. 883-899 Downloads
Günther Lüschen, Steffen Niemann and Peter Apelt
Social inequalities in health: Next questions and converging evidence pp. 901-910 Downloads
Michael Marmot, Carol D. Ryff, Larry L. Bumpass, Martin Shipley and Nadine F. Marks

1997, volume 44, articles 5

Beliefs on coping with illness: A consumer's perspective pp. 553-559 Downloads
Denise De Ridder, Marja Depla, Peter Severens and Marijke Malsch
Shattered assumptions: Time and the experience of long-term HIV positivity pp. 561-571 Downloads
Michele L. Davies
Effects of a randomized health education intervention on aspects of peproductive health knowledge and reported behaviour among adolescents in Zimbabwe pp. 573-577 Downloads
M. T. Mbizvo, J. Kasule, V. Gupta, S. Rusakaniko, S. N. Kinoti, W. Mpanju-Shumbushu, A. J. Sebina-Zziwa, R. Mwateba and J. Padayachy
Identity, ideology and inequality: Methodologies in medical anthropology, Guatemala 1950-1995 pp. 579-587 Downloads
Bruce Barrett
"Ruling in" and "ruling out": Two approaches to the micro-rationing of health care pp. 589-599 Downloads
David Hughes and Lesley Griffiths
Conceptualizing oral health and oral health-related quality of life pp. 601-608 Downloads
Helen C. Gift, Kathryn A. Atchison and C. Mitchell Dayton
Refocusing the lens: Epidemiologic transition theory, mortality differentials, and the AIDS pandemic pp. 609-621 Downloads
Daniel S. Gaylin and Jennifer Kates
Prior hospitalization and age as predictors of mental health resource utilization in Israel pp. 623-633 Downloads
Gary Ginsberg, Yakov Lerner, Mordechai Mark and Miriam Popper
"Popular" health and the state: Dialectics of the peace process in El Salvador pp. 635-645 Downloads
Sandy Smith-Nonini
The role of decision analysis in informed consent: Choosing between intuition and systematicity pp. 647-656 Downloads
P. A. Ubel and George Loewenstein
Disease ecology and a reformist alternative: The case of infant mortality pp. 657-671 Downloads
Wilbert M. Gesler, Sheryl Thorburn Bird and Stephen A. Oljeski
Information sharing in semen donation: The views of donors pp. 673-680 Downloads
Ken R. Daniels, Gillian M. Lewis and Ruth Curson
Shared decision-making in the medical encounter: What does it mean? (or it takes at least two to tango) pp. 681-692 Downloads
Cathy Charles, Amiram Gafni and Tim Whelan
Long-term care experience in Saudi Arabia pp. 693-697 Downloads
Sulaiman Al-Shammari, Jamal S. Jarallah and Ferial Felimban
Does "process utility" exist? A case study of willingness to pay for laparoscopic cholecystectomy pp. 699-707 Downloads
Cam Donaldson and Phil Shackley
Excess female mortality in rural Somalia--Is inequality in the household a risk factor? pp. 709-715 Downloads
A. S. Aden, M. M. Omar, H. M. Omar, U. Högberg, L. Å. Persson and S. Wall

1997, volume 44, articles 4

The narrative of AIDS among the Tonga of Zambia pp. 431-439 Downloads
Hanne Overgaard Mogensen
STDs in women attending family planning clinics: A case study in Addis Ababa pp. 441-454 Downloads
M. Elizabeth Duncan, Gerard Tibaux, Helmut Kloos, Andrée Pelzer, Letebirhan Mehari, Peter L. Perine, John Peutherer, Hugh Young, Yasmin Jamil, Sohrab Darougar, Inga Lind, Karin Reimann, Peter Piot and Erwin Roggen
HIV prevention among Zambian adolescents: Developing a value utilization/norm change model pp. 455-468 Downloads
Douglas A. Feldman, Peggy O'Hara, K. S. Baboo, N-i W. Chitalu and Ying Lu
HIV testing history among gay/bisexual men recruited in Barcelona: Evidence of high levels of risk behavior among self-reported HIV+ men pp. 469-477 Downloads
Jen Wang, Anna Rodés, Carles Blanch and Jordi Casabona
The (dis)embodied self in anorexia nervosa pp. 479-489 Downloads
Rebecca J. Lester
How lay is lay? Chinese students' perceptions of anorexia nervosa in Hong Kong pp. 491-502 Downloads
Sing Lee
Reperes pour une modélisation systemique des programmes de sante: Approach for a systemic modelling of health programmes pp. 503-517 Downloads
Denis Fontaine
The communication atmosphere between physician colleagues: Competitive perfectionism or supportive dialogue? A Norwegian study pp. 519-526 Downloads
Victoria Akre, Erik Falkum, Bjørn O. Hoftvedt and Olaf G. Aasland
Does organization matter? A multilevel analysis of the demand-control model applied to human services pp. 527-534 Downloads
Björn Söderfeldt, Marie Söderfeldt, Kelvyn Jones, Patricia O'Campo, Carles Muntaner, Carl-Göran Ohlson and Lars-Erik Warg
Efficacy of the Tibetan treatment for arthritis pp. 535-539 Downloads
Mary Ryan
Physician vs patient initiation of psychotropic prescribing in primary care settings: A content analysis of audiotapes pp. 541-548 Downloads
Betsy Sleath, Bonnie Svarstad and Debra Roter

1997, volume 44, articles 3

Factors affecting the most recent fertility rates in urban-rural Bangladesh pp. 279-289 Downloads
H. T. Abdullah Khan and Robert Raeside
The children's sentinels: Mothers and their relationships with health professionals in the context of Japanese health care pp. 291-300 Downloads
Shigeko Saiki-Craighill
The ellipsis of prognosis in modern medical thought pp. 301-315 Downloads
Nicholas A. Christakis
Perceived social support, family environment and psychosocial recovery in bone marrow transplant long-term survivors pp. 317-325 Downloads
A. Molassiotis, O. B. A. Van Den Akker and B. J. Boughton
Past or present? Childhood living conditions and current socioeconomic status as determinants of adult health pp. 327-336 Downloads
Ossi Rahkonen, Eero Lahelma and Minna Huuhka
Comportements vis à vis des medicaments et representations de soi chez des personnes agées souffrant de maladies chroniques pp. 337-345 Downloads
Joël Ankri, Béatrice Beaufils, Dominique Ledisert and Jean Claude Henrard
Social scientists and the new tuberculosis pp. 347-358 Downloads
Paul Farmer
Gender, social pressure, and smoking cessations: The Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT) at baseline pp. 359-370 Downloads
Jacqueline M. Royce, Kitty Corbett, Glorian Sorensen and Judith Ockene
Using willingness to pay to value alternative models of antenatal care pp. 371-380 Downloads
Mandy Ryan, Julie Ratcliffe and Janet Tucker
Female and male physicians' attitudes toward prenatal diagnosis: A Pan-Canadian survey pp. 381-392 Downloads
Louise Bouchard and Marc Renaud
Direct and buffer effects of social support and personal coping resources in individuals with arthritis pp. 393-402 Downloads
Brenda W. J. H. Penninx, Theo Van Tilburg, Dorly J. H. Deeg, Didi M. W. Kriegsman, A. Joan P. Boeke and Jacques T. M. Van Eijk
Problems in accurate medical diagnosis of depression in female patients pp. 403-412 Downloads
Bonnie J. Floyd
Population density and spatial differentials in child mortality in Zimbabwe pp. 413-421 Downloads
Graham Root
Health behaviour and risk behaviour: Socioeconomic differences in an Austrian rural county pp. 423-426 Downloads
Willibald-Julius Stronegger, Wolfgang Freidl and Éva Rásky

1997, volume 44, articles 2

Practitioner provision of preventive care in general practice consultations: Association with patient educational and occupational status pp. 137-146 Downloads
John H. Wiggers and Rob Sanson-Fisher
Nurse staffing patterns and hospital efficiency in the United States pp. 147-155 Downloads
Joan R. Bloom, Jeffrey A. Alexander and Beverly A. Nuchols
Health expenditures in Latin America and the Caribbean pp. 157-169 Downloads
Ramesh Govindaraj, Gnanaraj Chellaraj and Christopher J. L. Murray
Traditions and reproductive technology in an urbanizing north Indian village pp. 171-180 Downloads
Sunil K. Khanna
Suicide among foreign-born minorities and native Swedes: An epidemiological follow-up study of a defined population pp. 181-187 Downloads
Leena Maria Johansson, Jan Sundquist, Sven-Erik Johansson, B. O. Bergman, Jan Qvist and Lil Träskman-Bendz
Long-term illness among indigenous and foreign-born people in Sweden pp. 189-198 Downloads
Jan Sundquist and Sven-Erik Johansson
Contexts and patterns of men's commercial sexual partnerships in northeastern Thailand: Implications for AIDS prevention pp. 199-213 Downloads
Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale, David Elkins, Melissa Haswell-Elkins, Darunee Rujkarakorn, Thicumporn Kuyyakanond and Kathryn Stam
White, red and black: Colour classification and illness management in Northern Ghana pp. 215-230 Downloads
Jon P. Kirby
The development of a training model to improve health professionals' skills, self-efficacy and outcome expectancies when communicating with cancer patients pp. 231-240 Downloads
Michael Parle, Peter Maguire and Cathy Heaven
Marital status and quality of relationships: The impact on health perception pp. 241-249 Downloads
Xinhua Steve Ren
Measuring the human cost of a weak economy: Does unemployment lead to alcohol abuse? pp. 251-260 Downloads
Susan L. Ettner
Alcohol abuse and mortality: A 40-year prospective study of Norwegian conscripts pp. 261-267 Downloads
Ingeborg Rossow and Arvid Amundsen
Socioeconomic factors and dental caries in developing countries: A cross-national study pp. 269-272 Downloads
Hiroko Miura, Yoshima Araki, Katsuhiro Haraguchi, Yumiko Arai and Takusei Umenai

1997, volume 44, articles 1

The background of adolescent pregnancies in Nicaragua: A qualitative approach pp. 1-12 Downloads
Staffan Berglund, Jerker Liljestrand, Flor De María Marín, Norma Salgado and Elmer Zelaya
The contribution of childhood environment to the explanation of socio-economic inequalities in health in adult life: A retrospective study pp. 13-24 Downloads
H. Van De Mheen, K. Stronks, J. Van Den Bos and J. P. Mackenbach
Sexual risk-taking, socio-sexual biographies and sexual interaction: Elements of the French national survey on sexual behaviour pp. 25-40 Downloads
Nathalie Bajos, Béatrice Ducot, Brenda Spencer and Alfred Spira
Alone in the crowd: How adults with learning difficulties cope with social networks problems pp. 41-53 Downloads
Bob Heyman, John Swain, Maureen Gillman, Elizabeth C. Handyside and Wendy Newman
The nature of parasuicide in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania pp. 55-61 Downloads
N. K. Ndosi and M. C. Waziri
Social inequality and injuries: Do morbidity patterns differ from mortality? pp. 63-70 Downloads
Susan M. Kelly and Rebecca Miles-Doan
Deinstitutionalization, homelessness, and the myth of psychiatric abandonment: A structural anthropology perspective pp. 71-83 Downloads
Douglas Mossman
Questioning patient satisfaction: An empirical investigation in two outpatient clinics pp. 85-92 Downloads
Mark Avis, Meg Bond and Antony Arthur
Family life and smoking in adolescence pp. 93-101 Downloads
Anthony Glendinning, Janet Shucksmith and Leo Hendry
Geographical patterns of guinea worm infestation in Ghana: An historical contribution pp. 103-122 Downloads
John M. Hunter
Low mortality from ischaemic heart disease in the Sámi district of Finland pp. 123-131 Downloads
Simo Näyhä
Page updated 2025-03-25