Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1995, volume 40, articles 12
- Qualitative and quantitative methods: In-depth or rapid assessment? pp. 1589-1590

- F. J. Bennett
- Introduction pp. 1591-1596

- Lawrence A. Palinkas
- A painful purgatory: Grief and the nicaraguan mothers of the disappeared pp. 1597-1610

- Sheila R. Tully
- Ethnomedical interactions: Health and identity on Nicaragua's Atlantic Coast pp. 1611-1621

- Bruce Barrett
- Refugee stress and folk belief: Hmong sudden deaths pp. 1623-1629

- Shelley R. Adler
- Vietnamese refugees in Victoria, B.C.: An overview of immigrant and refugee health care in a medium-sized Canadian urban centre pp. 1631-1642

- Peter H. Stephenson
- Acculturation as a risk factor for chronic disease among Cambodian refugees in the United States pp. 1643-1653

- Lawrence A. Palinkas and Sheila M. Pickwell
- Medical practice and anthropological bias pp. 1655-1661

- Jonathan Bolton
- Public health, epidemiology and war pp. 1663-1669

- Julius Weinberg and Stephanie Simmonds
- Euthanasia: American attitudes toward the physician's role pp. 1671-1681

- David P. Caddell and Rae R. Newton
- Agency and incentives in the NHS internal market pp. 1683-1690

- Carol Propper
- Ethical issues in social science research with special reference to sexual behaviour research pp. 1691-1697

- Karin Ringheim
- Multidisciplinary rehabilitation versus medical care: A meta-analysis pp. 1699-1706

- Ron L. Evans, Richard T. Connis, Robert D. Hendricks and Jodie K. Haselkorn
- Using administrative databases to evaluate the quality of medical care: A conceptual framework pp. 1707-1715

- Nelda P. Wray, Carol M. Ashton, David H. Kuykendall and John C. Hollingsworth
- Marital status and health among the elderly pp. 1717-1730

- Noreen Goldman, Sanders Korenman and Rachel Weinstein
- Recovery of recurrent health service costs through provincial health funds in Cameroon pp. 1731-1739

- Rainer Sauerborn, Claude Bodart and Rene Owona Essomba
1995, volume 40, articles 11
- Climate change and vector-borne diseases distribution pp. 1437-1440

- Susana Isabel Curto De Casas and Rodolfo U. Carcavallo
- Introduction pp. 1441-1441

- Cheryl Mwaria
- Murphy's contributions to disability studies: An inquiry into ourselves pp. 1443-1445

- Carol S. Goldin and Jessica Scheer
- The process of self-report of impairment in clinical research pp. 1447-1459

- Mark R. Luborsky
- Mother father deaf: The heritage of difference pp. 1461-1467

- Paul Preston
- Hearing Impaired families: The social ecology of hearing loss pp. 1469-1480

- William H. Mckellin
- 'The Elephant Man' as 'self' and 'other': The psycho-social costs of a misdiagnosis pp. 1481-1489

- Joan Ablon
- Emerging trends in the application of the social sciences to health and medicine pp. 1491-1496

- David Mechanic
- Human behavior, health education and schistosomiasis control: A review pp. 1497-1511

- Helmut Kloos
- Social support and stressful events in two dimensions: Life events and illness as an event pp. 1513-1526

- M. A. R. Tijhuis, H. D. Flap, M. Foets and P. P. Groenewegen
- Quality of services and demand for health care in Nigeria: A multinomial probit estimation pp. 1527-1537

- John Akin, David K. Guilkey and Hazel?Denton, E.
- Factors associated with pregnancy and pregnancy resolution in HIV seropositive women pp. 1539-1547

- Anna Kline, Jennifer Strickler and Judith Kempf
- Genetic information and life insurance: A proposal for an ethical European policy pp. 1549-1559

- Per Sandberg
- Race, religious involvement and depressive symptomatology in a southeastern U.S. community pp. 1561-1572

- Christopher G. Ellison
- Parental perceptions and attitudes about informed consent in clinical research involving children pp. 1573-1577

- S. C. Harth and Y. H. Thong
- Life fulfilment in an epilepsy sample from the United States pp. 1579-1584

- John A. Collings
1995, volume 40, articles 10
- The effect of a national control of diarrheal diseases program on mortality: The case of Egypt pp. S1-S30

- Peter Miller and Norbert Hirschhorn
- The social course of epilepsy: Chronic illness as social experience in interior China pp. 1319-1330

- Arthur Kleinman, Wen-Zhi Wang, Shi-Chuo Li, Xue-Ming Cheng, Xiu-Ying Dai, Kun-Tun Li and Joan Kleinman
- Paradise lost: An introduction to the geography of water pollution in Puerto Rico pp. 1331-1355

- John M. Hunter and Sonia I. Arbona
- A longitudinal examination of the cherniss model of psychological burnout pp. 1357-1363

- Ronald J. Burke and Esther R. Greenglass
- Dealing with uncertainty: Will science solve the problems of resource allocation in the U.K. NHS? pp. 1365-1370

- Nick Freemantle
- Child survival in big cities: The disadvantages of migrants pp. 1371-1383

- Martin Brockerhoff
- The validity of using health state indexes in measuring the consequences of traffic injury for public health pp. 1385-1398

- Rune Elvik
- The influence of socioeconomic status on change in health status after hospitalization pp. 1399-1406

- Edward Guadagnoli, Paul D. Cleary and Barbara J. Mcneil
- The effects of caring on health: A community-based longitudinal study pp. 1407-1415

- Rex Taylor, Graeme Ford and Martin Dunbar
- Menstrual cycle symptom reporting in three British ethnic groups pp. 1417-1423

- O. B. A. Van Den Akker, F. F. Eves, S. Service and B. Lennon
- Health, just world beliefs and coping style preferences in patients of complementary and orthodox medicine pp. 1425-1432

- Adrian Furnham and Rachael Beard
- The patient's charter: A survey of hospital out-patients views of their rights and ability to exercise them pp. 1433-1434

- H. Tailor and J. F. Mayberry
1995, volume 40, articles 9
- The plague in India, 1994 pp. 1167-1168

- T. N. Madan
- Improving human welfare through appropriate technology: Government responsibility, citizen duty or customer choice pp. 1169-1179

- Morag Bell and Richard Franceys
- Equity in health care: Methodological contributions to the analysis of hospital utilization within Canada pp. 1181-1192

- Bruce Newbold, John Eyles and Stephen Birch
- Contracting for palliative care pp. 1193-1202

- David Clark, Brenda Neale and Pauline Heather
- An economic evaluation of alternative programme designs for tuberculosis control in rural Uganda pp. 1203-1212

- Paul R. Saunderson
- Telling donor insemination offspring about their conception: The nature of couples' decision-making pp. 1213-1220

- Ken R. Daniels, Gillian M. Lewis and Wayne Gillett
- The measurement of social support in the 'European research on incapacitating diseases and social support': The development of the Social Support Questionnaire for Transactions (SSQT) pp. 1221-1229

- Theo P. B. M. Suurmeijer, Dirk M. Doeglas, Serge Briançon, Wim P. Krijnen, Boudien Krol, Robbert Sanderman, Torbjørn Moum, Anders Bjelle and Wim J. A. Van Den Heuvel
- The effect of social change on causal beliefs of mental disorders and treatment preferences in Ghana pp. 1231-1242

- A. M. Lamensdorf Ofori-Atta and W. Linden
- Making the biopolitical subject: Cambodian immigrants, refugee medicine and cultural citizenship in California pp. 1243-1257

- Aihwa Ong
- Sex differences in infant and child mortality in three provinces in China pp. 1259-1269

- Xinhua Steve Ren
- Child malaria treatment practices among mothers in Kenya pp. 1271-1277

- Halima Mwenesi, Trudy Harpham and Robert W. Snow
- Responding to cough: Boholano illness classification and resort to care in response to childhood ARI pp. 1279-1289

- Andrew McNee, Neelam Khan, Susan Dawson, Joachim Gunsalam, Veronica L. Tallo, Lenore Manderson and Ian Riley
- Explanatory models of mental illness in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 1291-1298

- Vikram Patel
- Reactions to repeated STD infections: Psychosocial aspects and gender issues in Zimbabwe pp. 1299-1304

- Marian Pitts, Margaret Bowman and John McMaster
- Social inequalities and health among children aged 10-11 in The Netherlands: Causes and consequences pp. 1305-1311

- Fons van der Lucht and Johan Groothoff
- On the social sciences and preventive medicine pp. 1315-1316

- Zoran Radovanovic
1995, volume 40, articles 8
- A plea for ignoring race and including insured status in American research reports on social science and medicine pp. 1017-1019

- Christopher Bagley
- The measurement of meaning in illness pp. 1021-1028

- Betsy L. Fife
- Women's orientation toward help-seeking for mental disorders pp. 1029-1040

- Gabriel B. Fosu
- Plan de paiement anticipe des soins de sante de Bwamanda (Zaire) comment a-t-il ete mis en place? pp. 1041-1052

- Tshinko B. Ilunga, Andre-Pierre Contandriopoulos and Pierre Fournier
- Empowerment and the psychiatric consumer/ex-patient movement in the United States: Contradictions, crisis and change pp. 1053-1071

- Athena McLean
- Psychological responses to war and atrocity: The limitations of current concepts pp. 1073-1082

- Patrick J. Bracken, Joan E. Giller and Derek Summerfield
- Psychological distress, social support and social support seeking: A prospective study among primary mental health care patients pp. 1083-1089

- Elisabeth H. M. Eurelings-Bontekoe, RenéF. W. Diekstra and Margot Verschuur
- Decentralization of health services in Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea: An attempt to administer health service at the subdistrict level pp. 1091-1098

- Doug Campos-Outcalt, Kelly Kewa and Jane Thomason
- Psychosocial adaptation to disability and its investigation among persons with multiple sclerosis pp. 1099-1108

- Richard F. Antonak and Hanoch Livneh
- Usefulness of a nondashexperimental study design in the evaluation of service developments for infant feeding in a general hospital pp. 1109-1116

- Nigel Bruce and Anja Griffioen
- Improving skills and utilization of Community Health Volunteers in Nepal pp. 1117-1125

- Filippo Curtale, Bhola Siwakoti, Cecilia Lagrosa, Massimo LaRaja and Ranieri Guerra
- Attributions for disability: The influence of genetic screening pp. 1127-1132

- Theresa M. Marteau and Harriet Drake
- The Solomuna Orphanage: A historical survey pp. 1133-1139

- Peter H. Wolff, Yemani Dawit and Berhane Zere
- Home remedies and doctors' remedies in Feira (Brazil) pp. 1141-1153

- Ndolamb Ngokwey
- Predictive factors of enrollment and adherence in a breast cancer screening program in Barcelona (Spain) pp. 1155-1160

- Carmen Rodriguez, Antoni Plasencia and Dirk G. Schroeder
- In search of a contemporary theory for understanding mortality change pp. 1165-1165

- Marc Bulterys
1995, volume 40, articles 7
- Overcoming ethnocentrism: How social science and medicine relate and should relate to one another pp. 869-872

- Sjaak van der Geest
- The effect of third-party payers on the clinical decision making of physical therapists pp. 873-879

- Robin Moremen Uili and Rosemary Wood
- Adolescent Psychiatry as a product of contemporary Anglo-American society pp. 881-894

- Horacio Fabrega and Barbara Miller
- An economic analysis of the resettlement of people with mild learning disabilities and challenging behaviour pp. 895-901

- Julie E. Dockrell, George D. Gaskell, Charles Normand and Hamid Rehman
- Doctor-patient communication: A review of the literature pp. 903-918

- L. M. L. Ong, J. C. J. M. de Haes, A. M. Hoos and F. B. Lammes
- A prepayment scheme for hospital care in the Masisi district in Zaire: A critical evaluation pp. 919-930

- Jean-Pierre Noterman, Bart Criel, Guy Kegels and Katulanya Isu
- Transforming AIDS prevention to meet women's needs: A focus on developing countries pp. 931-943

- Lori L. Heise and Christopher Elias
- 'A bothersome death'--Narrative accounts of infant mortality in Cape Town, South Africa pp. 945-953

- Leonard B. Lerer, Alexander Butchart and Martin Terre Blanche
- The psychosocial problems of sickle cell disease sufferers and their methods of coping pp. 955-960

- Jude U. Ohaeri, Wuraola A. Shokunbi, Kehinde S. Akinlade and Lola O. Dare
- Occupational life course and lung cancer risk in men. Findings from a socio-epidemiological analysis of job-changing histories in a case-control study pp. 961-975

- Ingeborg Jahn, Ute Becker, Karl-Heinz Jöckel and Hermann Pohlabeln
- Talking about the pain: A patient-centered study of low back pain in primary care pp. 977-988

- Jeffrey Borkan, Shmuel Reis, Doron Hermoni and Aya Biderman
- Treatment of childhood diarrhea in rural Egypt pp. 989-1001

- Ray Langsten and Kenneth Hill
- Under-users of antenatal care: A comparison of non-attenders and late attenders for antenatal care, with early attenders pp. 1003-1012

- Affette McCaw-Binns, Janet La Grenade and Deanna Ashley
- Letter to the editor pp. 1015-1015

- Lynn M. Morgan and Carole Browner
1995, volume 40, articles 6
- Need: The idea won't do--But we still need it pp. 727-730

- Anthony Culyer
- An organizational analysis of the World Health Organization: Narrowing the gap between promise and performance pp. 731-742

- John W. Peabody
- Quality, cost and utilization of health services in developing countries. A longitudinal study in Zaïre pp. 743-753

- Slim Haddad and Pierre Fournier
- Health care reforms in Russia: The example of St Petersburg pp. 755-765

- Sarah Curtis, Natasha Petukhova and Ann Taket
- Preferences for outcomes in economic evaluation: An economic approach to addressing economic problems pp. 767-776

- Amiram Gafni and Stephen Birch
- Ethnicity, social class and health. A population-based study on the influence of social factors on self-reported illness in 223 Latin American refugees, 333 Finnish and 126 South European labour migrants and 841 Swedish controls pp. 777-787

- Jan Sundquist
- The partner relationship in psychological response to breast cancer pp. 789-797

- Nancy Pistrang and Chris Barker
- The extent of support for ordinary living provided in staffed housing: The relationship between staffing levels, resident characteristics, staff:resident interactions and resident activity patterns pp. 799-810

- David Felce and Jonathan Perry
- Social support, marital status and living arrangement correlates of cardiovascular disease risk factors in the elderly pp. 811-814

- M. D. Gliksman, R. Lazarus, A. Wilson and S. R. Leeder
- The practice of Primary Health Care: A case study pp. 815-824

- Liz Walker
- The interaction effect of bereavement and sex on the risk of suicide in the elderly: An historical cohort study pp. 825-828

- Guohua Li
- Previous stress and acute psychological defence as predictors of perinatal grief--An exploratory study pp. 829-835

- J. A. M. Hunfeld, J. W. Wladimiroff, F. Verhage and J. Passchier
- Relationship of caregiver reactions and depression to cancer patients' symptoms, functional states and depression--A longitudinal view pp. 837-846

- Margot E. Kurtz, J. C. Kurtz, Charles W. Given and Barbara Given
- Neurodegenerative diseases and risk factors: A literature review pp. 847-858

- Jean-François Emard, Jean-Pierre Thouez and Denis Gauvreau
- Reports of the experience of epilepsy in a rural South African village pp. 859-865

- Alison H. McQueen and Leslie Swartz
1995, volume 40, articles 5
- De-institutionalization of psychiatric patients: Progress or abandonment? pp. 577-579

- J. Krupinski
- Euthanasia: The role of good care pp. 581-587

- Clive Seale and Julia Addington-Hall
- Dying at the best time pp. 589-595

- Clive Seale and Julia Addington-Hall
- Male and female health problems in general practice: The differential impact of social position and social roles pp. 597-611

- Cecile M. T. Gijsbers van Wijk, Annemarie M. Kolk, Wil J. H. M. van den Bosch and Henk J. M. van den Hoogen
- From headloading to the iron horse: The unequal health consequences of railway construction and expansion in the Gold Coast, 1898-1929 pp. 613-621

- Komla Tsey and Stephanie D. Short
- Maternal factors and child's health care use pp. 623-628

- Jennifer M. Watson and Kathi J. Kemper
- Lifecourse and lifestyle: The social and cultural location of health behaviours pp. 629-638

- Kathryn C. Backett and Charlie Davison
- How do economic status and social support influence survival after initial recovery from acute myocardial infarction? pp. 639-647

- Darren Greenwood, Christopher Packham, Kenneth Muir and Richard Madeley
- Concepts of disability: The activity space model pp. 649-656

- Jacek A. Kopec
- Situation analyses of emergency obstetric care: Examples from eleven operations research projects in West Africa pp. 657-667

- The Prevention of Maternal Mortality Network
- Does affordability affect mental health utilization? A United States-Israel comparison of older adults pp. 669-678

- Marjorie Chary Feinson and Miriam Popper
- Child fostering and children's nutritional outcomes in rural Mali: The role of female status in directing child transfers pp. 679-693

- Sarah E. Castle
- Management and health care reform in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 695-710

- Lucy Gilson
- Prediction of attitudes towards restrictive aids policies: A structural equation modelling approach pp. 711-718

- Pål Kraft and Jostein Rise
- Explaining regional differences in suicide rates pp. 719-721

- David Lester
1995, volume 40, articles 4
- Incentives can lower the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Africa pp. 419-424

- Charles M. Good
- Introduction pp. 425-429

- Ruud Peeters, Tudor Silva and Judy Lewis
- Protective measure use and symptoms among agropesticide applicators in Sri Lanka pp. 431-436

- C. Sivayoganathan, S. Gnanachandran, J. Lewis and M. Fernando
- Health and social status of an elderly urban population in Sri Lanka pp. 437-442

- D. B. Nugegoda and S. Balasuriya
- First trimester feeding in a rural Sri Lankan population pp. 443-449

- Ananda S. B. Wijekoon, Raphael O. Thattil and Stephen L. Schensul
- Heart specialists' art of care pp. 451-457

- Joan D. Specight and Sonya L. Blixt
- Researching public health: Behind the qualitative-quantitative methodological debate pp. 459-468

- Frances Baum
- Heavy users of emergency services: Social construction of a policy problem pp. 469-477

- Ruth E. Malone
- Quality of life of 125 adults surviving 6-18 years after bone marrow transplantation pp. 479-490

- Nigel E. Bush, Mel Haberman, Gary Donaldson and Keith M. Sullivan
- Why do women report 'sick building symptoms' more often than men? pp. 491-502

- Berndt Stenberg and Stig Wall
- The experience of an AIDS prevention program focused on South African traditional healers pp. 503-515

- Edward C. Green, Bongi Zokwe and John David Dupree
- A problem solving intervention for caregivers of cancer patients pp. 517-528

- Ronald W. Toseland, Christina G. Blanchard and Philip McCallion
- The strategy of risk approach in antenatal care: Evaluation of the referral compliance pp. 529-535

- B. Dujardin, G. Clarysse, B. Criel, V. De Brouwere and N. Wangata
- Appearance-based information about coping with pain: Valid or biased? pp. 537-543

- Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, Heather D. Hadjistavropoulos and Kenneth D. Craig
- Directiness and deference in pharmacy students' messages to physicians pp. 545-555

- Bruce L. Lambert
- Role orientation and community pharmacists' participation in a project to improve patient care pp. 557-565

- Jane F. Pendergast, Carole L. Kimberlin, Donna H. Berardo and Lynda C. McKenzie
- Psychosocial and medical factors in pregnancy outcomes: A case study of Israeli women pp. 567-571

- Lea Hagoel, Riki Van-Raalte, Devorah Kalekin-Fishman, Galia Shifroni, Leon Epstein and Yoram Sorokin
1995, volume 40, articles 3
- The epidemiology of functional apartheid and human rights abuses pp. 281-284

- H. K. Heggenhougen
- Medical anthropology and epidemiology: Divergences or convergences? pp. 285-290

- Marcia C. Inhorn
- The risk epidemic in medical journals pp. 291-305

- John-Arne Skolbekken
- Hidden geographies: The changing lifeworlds of women with multiple sclerosis pp. 307-320

- Isabel Dyck
- Ecology and ethnomedicine: Exploring links between current environmental crisis and indigenous medical practices pp. 321-329

- Charles Anyinam
- Health policy making: The Dutch experience pp. 331-338

- Evelyne de Leeuw and Loes Polman
- Lifestyle in primary health care discourse pp. 339-348

- Marita Johanson, Ullabeth Sätterlund Larsson, Roger Säljö and Kurt Svärdsudd
- The influence of supply-related characteristics on general practitioners' workload pp. 349-358

- Peter P. Groenewegen and Jack B. F. Hutten
- Who says yes? Identifying selection biases in a psychosocial intervention study of multiple sclerosis pp. 359-370

- Carolyn E. Schwartz and Bernard H. Fox
- Deviation from the carrying capacity for physicians and growth rate of physician supply: The Taiwan case pp. 371-377

- Tung-liang Chiang
- Causes of delay in seeking treatment for heart attack symptoms pp. 379-392

- Kathleen Dracup, Debra K. Moser, Mickey Eisenberg, Hendrika Meischke, Angelo A. Alonzo and Allan Braslow
- Access to ambulatory care for American Indians and Alaska Natives; the relative importance of personal and community resources pp. 393-407

- Peter J. Cunningham and Llewellyn J. Cornelius
- Psychosocial theory and the creation of the risky self pp. 409-415

- Jane Ogden
1995, volume 40, articles 2
- Letters to Dr Frankenstein? Ethics and the new reproductive technologies pp. 141-146

- Henk ten Have
- Social roles and physical health: The case of female disadvantage in poor countries pp. 147-161

- Gigi Santow
- Family life and health in adolescence: A role for culture in the health inequalities debate pp. 163-175

- Helen Sweeting and Patrick West
- Variations in poverty and health between slum settlements: Contradictory findings from Visakhapatnam, India pp. 177-188

- Sheena Asthana
- Sickness absence for psychiatric illness: The Whitehall II study pp. 189-197

- Stephen Stansfeld, Amanda Feeney, Jenny Head, Robert Canner, Fiona North and Michael Marmot
- Women's employment, marriage, motherhood and mortality: A test of the multiple role and role accumulation hypotheses pp. 199-212

- Pekka Martikainen
- What do general practitioners and their patients want from general practice and are they receiving it? A framework pp. 213-221

- Stephen A. Buetow
- The spring peak in suicides: A cross-national analysis pp. 223-230

- Kenneth S. Y. Chew and Richard McCleary
- Content and predictors of consultation experiences among finnish primary care patients pp. 231-243

- Raija-Leena Punamäki and Simo J. Kokko
- Influences on sick building syndrome symptoms in three buildings pp. 245-251

- Max O. Bachmann and Jonathan E. Myers
- Infant mortality and mother's education in Ondo State, Nigeria pp. 253-263

- Jacob Ayo Adetunji
- Suntanning and sun protection: A review of the psychological literature pp. 265-274

- Stephen Arthey and Valerie A. Clarke
- Letter to the editor pp. 279-280

- Eskinder Tafesse
1995, volume 40, articles 1
- Overview: Guilt, blame and shame in sickness pp. 1-3

- Ruthbeth Finerman and Linda A. Bennett
- 'Parental incompetence' and 'selective neglect': Blaming the victim in child survival pp. 5-13

- Ruthbeth Finerman
- Accountability for alcoholism in American families pp. 15-25

- Linda A. Bennett
- Stigma: The hidden burden of infertility pp. 27-36

- Linda M. Whiteford and Lois Gonzalez
- Individual or societal responsibility? Explanations of diabetes in an Anishinaabe (Ojibway) community pp. 37-46

- Linda C. Garro
- The political economy of responsibility in health and illness pp. 47-53

- John M. Donahue and Meredith B. McGuire
- Meeting the changing health needs of women in developing countries pp. 55-65

- Michael Paolisso and Joanne Leslie
- Medical students' first-person narratives of a patient's story of AIDS pp. 67-76

- Patricia A. Marshall and J. Paul O'Keefe
- Reversals of fortune? Sex differences in health in childhood and adolescence pp. 77-90

- Helen Sweeting
- Psychosocial correlates of drug use among Puerto Rican youth: Generational status differences pp. 91-103

- Carmen Noemi Velez and Jane A. Ungemack
- Psychosocial stress, women and heart health: A critical review pp. 105-115

- Susan J. Elliott
- Continuity and change in reproductive and abortion patterns of Soviet immigrants in Israel pp. 117-124

- Eitan F. Sabatello
- Positive life orientation and recovery from myocardial infarction pp. 125-130

- Manju Agarwal, A. K. Dalal, D. K. Agarwal and R. K. Agarwal
- Factors affecting non-response to cervical cytology screening in Norfolk, England pp. 131-135

- Graham Bentham, Jackie Hinton, Robin Haynes, Andrew Lovett and Chris Bestwick
On this page- 1995, volume 40
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2018, volume 200
2018, volume 199
2018, volume 198
2018, volume 197
2018, volume 196
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2017, volume 190
2017, volume 189
2017, volume 188
2017, volume 187
2017, volume 185
2017, volume 184
2017, volume 183
2017, volume 182
2017, volume 181
2017, volume 180
2017, volume 179
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2016, volume 168
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2016, volume 166
2016, volume 165
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2016, volume 163
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2016, volume 159
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2016, volume 157
2016, volume 156
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2016, volume 154
2016, volume 153
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2015, volume 144
2015, volume 143
2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
2015, volume 135
2015, volume 134
2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
2015, volume 128
2015, volume 127
2015, volume 126
2015, volume 125
2015, volume 124
2014, volume 123
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2014, volume 119
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2014, volume 117
2014, volume 116
2014, volume 114
2014, volume 113
2014, volume 112
2014, volume 111
2014, volume 110
2014, volume 109
2014, volume 108
2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
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2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
2013, volume 80
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2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
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1993, volume 36
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1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46