Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2013, volume 92, articles C
- Immigrant enclaves and obesity in preschool-aged children in Los Angeles County pp. 1-8

- Tabashir Z. Nobari, May-Choo Wang, M. Pia Chaparro, Catherine M. Crespi, Maria Koleilat and Shannon E. Whaley
- Conceptualising and measuring the well-being of people with psychosis: Systematic review and narrative synthesis pp. 9-21

- Beate Schrank, Victoria Bird, Andre Tylee, Tony Coggins, Tayyab Rashid and Mike Slade
- Socioeconomic differences in purchases of more vs. less healthy foods and beverages: Analysis of over 25,000 British households in 2010 pp. 22-26

- Rachel Pechey, Susan A. Jebb, Michael P. Kelly, Eva Almiron-Roig, Susana Conde, Ryota Nakamura, Ian Shemilt, Marc Suhrcke and Theresa M. Marteau
- AIDS treatment and mental health: Evidence from Uganda pp. 27-34

- Edward N. Okeke and Glenn J. Wagner
- Associations of occupational attributes and excessive drinking pp. 35-42

- Andrew J. Barnes and Frederick J. Zimmerman
- “So they believe that if the baby is sick you must give drugs…” The importance of medicines in health-seeking behaviour for childhood illnesses in urban South Africa pp. 43-52

- Natalie Friend-du Preez, Noël Cameron and Paula Griffiths
- Precursors to overnutrition: The effects of household market food expenditures on measures of body composition among Tsimane' adults in lowland Bolivia pp. 53-60

- Asher Rosinger, Susan Tanner and William R. Leonard
- Health, policy and geography: Insights from a multi-level modelling approach pp. 61-73

- Adriana Castelli, Rowena Jacobs, Maria Goddard and Peter C. Smith
- Realising the transformative potential of healthcare partnerships: Insights from divergent literatures and contrasting cases in high- and low-income country contexts pp. 74-82

- Emma-Louise Aveling and Graham Martin
- Rethinking gender and mental health: A critical analysis of three propositions pp. 83-91

- Terrence D. Hill and Belinda L. Needham
- Estimating a WTP-based value of a QALY: The ‘chained’ approach pp. 92-104

- Angela Robinson, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, Philomena Bacon, Rachel Baker, Mark Pennington and Cam Donaldson
- Health consequences of the ‘Great Recession’ on the employed: Evidence from an industrial cohort in aluminum manufacturing pp. 105-113

- Sepideh Modrek and Mark R. Cullen
- Worker health is good for the economy: Union density and psychosocial safety climate as determinants of country differences in worker health and productivity in 31 European countries pp. 114-123

- Maureen F. Dollard and Daniel Y. Neser
- Accounting for fetal death: Vital statistics and the medicalization of pregnancy in the United States pp. 124-131

- Lauren Fordyce
2013, volume 91, articles C
- Mother's social capital and child health in Indonesia pp. 1-9

- Sujarwoto Sujarwoto and Gindo Tampubolon
- How do you measure trust in the health system? A systematic review of the literature pp. 10-14

- Sachiko Ozawa and Pooja Sripad
- “Safe Going”: The influence of crime rates and perceived crime and safety on walking in deprived neighbourhoods pp. 15-24

- Phil Mason, Ade Kearns and Mark Livingston
- Absolute and relative family affluence and psychosomatic symptoms in adolescents pp. 25-31

- Frank J. Elgar, Bart De Clercq, Christina W. Schnohr, Phillippa Bird, Kate E. Pickett, Torbjørn Torsheim, Felix Hofmann and Candace Currie
- Does inappropriate selectivity in information use relate to diagnostic errors and patient harm? The diagnosis of patients with dyspnea pp. 32-38

- Laura Zwaan, Abel Thijs, Cordula Wagner and Daniëlle R.M. Timmermans
- Perceived organizational justice as a predictor of long-term sickness absence due to diagnosed mental disorders: Results from the prospective longitudinal Finnish Public Sector Study pp. 39-47

- Marko Elovainio, Anne Linna, Marianna Virtanen, Tuula Oksanen, Mika Kivimäki, Jaana Pentti and Jussi Vahtera
- The role of social geography on Lady Health Workers' mobility and effectiveness in Pakistan pp. 48-57

- Zubia Mumtaz, Sarah Salway, Candace Nykiforuk, Afshan Bhatti, Anushka Ataullahjan and Bharati Ayyalasomayajula
- Investigating the relationship between neighborhood poverty and mortality risk: A marginal structural modeling approach pp. 58-66

- D. Phuong Do, Lu Wang and Michael R. Elliott
- Physical and emotional well-being and the balance of needed and received emotional support: Age differences in a daily diary study pp. 67-75

- Julia K. Wolff, Florian Schmiedek, Annette Brose and Ulman Lindenberger
- Criminal victimisation and health: Examining the relation in nine countries of the former Soviet Union pp. 76-83

- Andrew Stickley, Ai Koyanagi, Bayard Roberts, David Rotman and Martin McKee
- A randomized controlled trial of combined exercise and psycho-education for low-SES women: Short- and long-term outcomes in the reduction of stress and depressive symptoms pp. 84-93

- Judith E.B. van der Waerden, Cees Hoefnagels, Clemens M.H. Hosman, Pierre M. Souren and Maria W.J. Jansen
- The high price of debt: Household financial debt and its impact on mental and physical health pp. 94-100

- Elizabeth Sweet, Arijit Nandi, Emma K. Adam and Thomas W. McDade
- Using autoethnography to reclaim the ‘place of healing’ in mental health care pp. 105-109

- J. Liggins, R.A. Kearns and P.J. Adams
- Creation of synthetic homogeneous neighbourhoods using zone design algorithms to explore relationships between asthma and deprivation in Strasbourg, France pp. 110-121

- C.E. Sabel, W. Kihal, D. Bard and C. Weber
- Creating ‘therapeutic landscapes’ for mental health carers in inpatient settings: A dynamic perspective on permeability and inclusivity pp. 122-129

- Victoria J. Wood, Sarah E. Curtis, Wil Gesler, Ian H. Spencer, Helen J. Close, James Mason and Joe G. Reilly
- Is physical activity in natural environments better for mental health than physical activity in other environments? pp. 130-134

- Richard Mitchell
- Woodland as working space: Where is the restorative green idyll? pp. 135-140

- Amanda Bingley
- Reprint of: “I'm always entirely happy when I'm here!” Urban blue enhancing human health and well-being in Cologne and Düsseldorf, Germany pp. 141-152

- Sebastian Völker and Thomas Kistemann
- Youth, alcohol and place-based leisure behaviours: A study of two locations in England pp. 153-161

- Tim G. Townshend
- The spatial and temporal development of binge drinking in England 2001–2009: An observational study pp. 162-167

- Liz Twigg and Graham Moon
- Neighbourhood deprivation and adolescent self-esteem: Exploration of the ‘socio-economic equalisation in youth’ hypothesis in Britain and Canada pp. 168-177

- James H. Fagg, Sarah E. Curtis, Steven Cummins, Stephen A. Stansfeld and Amélie Quesnel-Vallée
- Seasonal and locational variations in children's play: Implications for wellbeing pp. 178-185

- Christina R. Ergler, Robin A. Kearns and Karen Witten
- The emotional overlay: Older person and carer perspectives on negotiating aging and care in rural Ontario pp. 186-193

- Rachel V. Herron and Mark W. Skinner
- The weather-stains of care: Interpreting the meaning of bad weather for front-line health care workers in rural long-term care pp. 194-201

- Gillian M. Joseph, Mark W. Skinner and Nicole M. Yantzi
- Entitlement to concessionary public transport and wellbeing: A qualitative study of young people and older citizens in London, UK pp. 202-209

- Alasdair Jones, Anna Goodman, Helen Roberts, Rebecca Steinbach and Judith Green
- Right to a healthy city? Examining the relationship between urban space and health inequity by Aboriginal youth artist-activists in Winnipeg pp. 210-218

- Emily Skinner and Jeffrey R. Masuda
- Aboriginal urbanization and rights in Canada: Examining implications for health pp. 219-228

- Laura C. Senese and Kathi Wilson
- Defying the odds: A mixed-methods study of health resilience in deprived areas of England pp. 229-237

- Joanne Marie Cairns-Nagi and Clare Bambra
- Deprived yet healthy: Neighbourhood-level resilience in New Zealand pp. 238-245

- Amber L. Pearson, Jamie Pearce and Simon Kingham
- Expert knowledge sourcing for public health surveillance: National tsetse mapping in Uganda pp. 246-255

- Lea Berrang-Ford and Kelly Garton
2013, volume 90, articles C
- Health insurance coverage within sibships: Prevalence of mixed coverage and associations with health care utilization pp. 1-10

- Christine Percheski and Sharon Bzostek
- A spatial analysis of community disadvantage and access to healthcare services in the U.S pp. 11-23

- Matthew E. Archibald and Caddie Putnam Rankin
- Socioeconomic inequalities and mental health problems in children and adolescents: A systematic review pp. 24-31

- Franziska Reiss
- How healthcare provider talk with parents of children following severe traumatic brain injury is perceived in early acute care pp. 32-39

- Cecelia I. Roscigno, Teresa A. Savage, Gerald Grant and Gerry Philipsen
- Contextual factors and weight change over time: A comparison between U.S. Hispanics and other population sub-groups pp. 40-48

- S. Heidi Ullmann, Noreen Goldman and Anne R. Pebley
- Parsing the peanut panic: The social life of a contested food allergy epidemic pp. 49-55

- Miranda R. Waggoner
- ‘It can do no harm’: Body maintenance and modification in alternative medicine acknowledged as a non risk health regimen pp. 56-62

- Inge Kryger Pedersen
- “Your body is your business card”: Bodily capital and health authority in the fitness industry pp. 63-71

- David J. Hutson
On this page- 2013, volume 92
Articles C
- 2013, volume 91
Articles C
- 2013, volume 90
Articles C
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2013, volume 99
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1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2013, volume 91
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- 2013, volume 90
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1979, volume 12
volume 46