Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2017, volume 195, articles C
- Power structure among the actors of financial support to the poor to access health services: Social network analysis approach pp. 1-11

- Manal Etemadi, Hasan Abolghasem Gorji, Hannaneh Mohammadi Kangarani and Kioomars Ashtarian
- Gene-environment interactions between education and body mass: Evidence from the UK and Finland pp. 12-16

- Vikesh Amin, Petri Böckerman, Jutta Viinikainen, Melissa C. Smart, Yanchun Bao, Meena Kumari, Niina Pitkänen, Terho Lehtimäki, Olli Raitakari and Jaakko Pehkonen
- The joint effects of family risk of obesity and neighborhood environment on obesity among women pp. 17-24

- Lori Kowaleski-Jones, Barbara B. Brown, Jessie X. Fan, Heidi A. Hanson, Ken R. Smith and Cathleen D. Zick
- Medical egg freezing and cancer patients’ hopes: Fertility preservation at the intersection of life and death pp. 25-33

- Marcia C. Inhorn, Daphna Birenbaum-Carmeli and Pasquale Patrizio
- Conditions for addressing environmental determinants of health behavior in intersectoral policy networks: A fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis pp. 34-41

- D.T.J.M. Peters, S. Verweij, K. Grêaux, K. Stronks and J. Harting
- The relationship between physical and mental health: A mediation analysis pp. 42-49

- Julius Ohrnberger, Eleonora Fichera and Matt Sutton
- Developing a scale to assess health regulatory focus pp. 50-60

- Rebecca A. Ferrer, Isaac M. Lipkus, Jennifer L. Cerully, Colleen M. McBride, James A. Shepperd and William M.P. Klein
- Female labour force participation and suicide rates in the world pp. 61-67

- Ying-Yeh Chen, Mengni Chen, Carrie S.M. Lui and Paul S.F. Yip
- Impact of ill-health on household consumption in Sri Lanka: Evidence from household survey data pp. 68-76

- Ajantha Sisira Kumara and Ramanie Samaratunge
- The symbolic violence of ‘outbreak’: A mixed methods, quasi-experimental impact evaluation of social protection on Ebola survivor wellbeing pp. 77-82

- Eugene T. Richardson, J. Daniel Kelly, Osman Sesay, Michael D. Drasher, Ishaan K. Desai, Raphael Frankfurter, Paul E. Farmer and Mohamed Bailor Barrie
- Changing experience of adverse medical events in the National Health Service: Comparison of two population surveys in 2001 and 2013 pp. 83-89

- Alastair Gray, Paul Fenn, Neil Rickman and Dev Vencappa
- Fear, family and the placing of emotion: Black women's responses to a breast cancer awareness intervention pp. 90-96

- Tim Brown, Isabel Dyck, Beth Greenhough, Menah Raven-Ellison, Melanie Dembinsky, Mark Ornstein and Stephen W. Duffy
- Reconciling ethical and economic conceptions of value in health policy using the capabilities approach: A qualitative investigation of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing pp. 97-104

- Mia Kibel and Meredith Vanstone
- Unhealthy assimilation or persistent health advantage? A longitudinal analysis of immigrant health in the United States pp. 105-114

- Yao Lu, Nicole Denier, Julia Shu-Huah Wang and Neeraj Kaushal
- ‘Pastoral practices’ for quality improvement in a Kenyan clinical network pp. 115-122

- Gerry McGivern, Jacinta Nzinga and Mike English
- What if the baby doesn't survive? Health-care decision making for ill newborns in Ethiopia pp. 123-130

- Kristine Husøy Onarheim, Mitike Molla Sisay, Muluken Gizaw, Karen Marie Moland and Ingrid Miljeteig
- Risky movies, risky behaviors, and ethnic identity among Black adolescents pp. 131-137

- Amy Bleakley, Morgan E. Ellithorpe, Michael Hennessy, Patrick E. Jamieson, Atika Khurana and Ilana Weitz
- Applying the reasoned action approach to understanding health protection and health risk behaviors pp. 140-148

- Mark Conner, Rosemary McEachan, Rebecca Lawton and Peter Gardner
- Explaining between-race differences in African-American and European-American women's responses to breast density notification pp. 149-158

- Mark Manning, Terrance L. Albrecht, Zeynep Yilmaz-Saab, Louis Penner, Andria Norman and Kristen Purrington
- Improving correctional healthcare providers' ability to care for transgender patients: Development and evaluation of a theory-driven cultural and clinical competence intervention pp. 159-169

- Jaclyn M. White Hughto, Kirsty A. Clark, Frederick L. Altice, Sari L. Reisner, Trace S. Kershaw and John E. Pachankis
2017, volume 194, articles C
- The ‘over-researched community’: An ethics analysis of stakeholder views at two South African HIV prevention research sites pp. 1-9

- Jennifer Koen, Douglas Wassenaar and Nicole Mamotte
- Democracy and health: Evidence from within-country heterogeneity in the Congo pp. 10-16

- Peter Van der Windt and Sotiris Vandoros
- “People try and label me as someone I'm not”: The social ecology of Indigenous people living with HIV, stigma, and discrimination in Manitoba, Canada pp. 17-24

- Roberta L. Woodgate, Melanie Zurba, Pauline Tennent, Carla Cochrane, Mike Payne and Javier Mignone
- Justification and authority in institutional review board decision letters pp. 25-33

- Justin T. Clapp, Katharine A. Gleason and Steven Joffe
- Coping strategies of internally displaced women in Georgia: A qualitative study pp. 34-41

- Maureen Seguin, Ruth Lewis, Mariam Razmadze, Tinatin Amirejibi and Bayard Roberts
- Parents' transitions into and out of work-family conflict and children's mental health: Longitudinal influence via family functioning pp. 42-50

- Huong Dinh, Amanda R. Cooklin, Liana S. Leach, Elizabeth M. Westrupp, Jan M. Nicholson and Lyndall Strazdins
- Understanding the patient experience of cost-related non-adherence to prescription medications through typology development and application pp. 51-59

- Laurie J. Goldsmith, Ashra Kolhatkar, Dominic Popowich, Anne M. Holbrook, Steven G. Morgan and Michael R. Law
- The oughtness of care: Fear, stress, and caregiving during the 2000–2001 Ebola outbreak in Gulu, Uganda pp. 60-66

- Sung-Joon Park and Grace Akello
- Effects of state-level Earned Income Tax Credit laws in the U.S. on maternal health behaviors and infant health outcomes pp. 67-75

- Sara Markowitz, Kelli A. Komro, Melvin D. Livingston, Otto Lenhart and Alexander C. Wagenaar
- Parental preferences and allocations of investments in children's learning and health within families pp. 76-86

- Alejandra Abufhele, Jere Behrman and David Bravo
- Specialty training for the retention of Malawian doctors: A cost-effectiveness analysis pp. 87-95

- Kate L. Mandeville, Kara Hanson, Adamson S. Muula, Titha Dzowela, Godwin Ulaya and Mylène Lagarde
- Determining geographic accessibility of family physician and nurse practitioner services in relation to the distribution of seniors within two Canadian Prairie Provinces pp. 96-104

- Tayyab Ikram Shah, Stephan Milosavljevic and Brenna Bath
- The dark side of social capital: A systematic review of the negative health effects of social capital pp. 105-127

- E. Villalonga-Olives and I. Kawachi
- Sanitation marketing: A systematic review and theoretical critique using the capability approach pp. 128-134

- D.J. Barrington, S. Sridharan, K.F. Shields, S.G. Saunders, R.T. Souter and J. Bartram
- Associations between race, discrimination and risk for chronic disease in a population-based sample from Canada pp. 135-141

- Arjumand Siddiqi, Faraz Vahid Shahidi, Chantel Ramraj and David R. Williams
- Unemployment and subsequent depression: A mediation analysis using the parametric G-formula pp. 142-150

- Maarten J. Bijlsma, Lasse Tarkiainen, Mikko Myrskylä and Pekka Martikainen
- Avoiding selection bias without random assignment? The effect of breastfeeding on cognitive outcomes in China pp. 151-159

- Héctor Cebolla-Boado, María Jiménez-Buedo and Leire Salazar
- Dynamic modeling approaches to characterize the functioning of health systems: A systematic review of the literature pp. 160-167

- Angela Y. Chang, Osondu Ogbuoji, Rifat Atun and Stéphane Verguet
- Low birthweight among immigrants in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States pp. 168-176

- Melissa L. Martinson, Marta Tienda and Julien O. Teitler
2017, volume 193, articles C
- Assessment of spatial variation in breast cancer-specific mortality using Louisiana SEER data pp. 1-7

- Rachel Carroll, Andrew B. Lawson, Chandra L. Jackson and Shanshan Zhao
- A qualitative study of speaking out about patient safety concerns in intensive care units pp. 8-15

- Carolyn Tarrant, Myles Leslie, Julian Bion and Mary Dixon-Woods
- What is not, but might be: The disnarrated in parents' stories of their child's cancer treatment pp. 16-22

- Cecilia Vindrola-Padros and Eugenia Brage
- Health lifestyles across the transition to adulthood: Implications for health pp. 23-32

- Elizabeth M. Lawrence, Stefanie Mollborn and Robert A. Hummer
- Cross-lagged associations between posttraumatic stress symptoms and coping self-efficacy in long-term recovery: A four-wave comparative study pp. 33-40

- Mark W.G. Bosmans and Peter G. van der Velden
- Kids in space: Measuring children's residential neighborhoods and other destinations using activity space GPS and wearable camera data pp. 41-50

- T. Chambers, A.L. Pearson, I. Kawachi, Z. Rzotkiewicz, J. Stanley, M. Smith, M. Barr, C. Ni Mhurchu and L. Signal
- Pastoral power in HIV prevention: Converging rationalities of care in Christian and medical practices in Papua New Guinea pp. 51-58

- P. Shih, H. Worth, J. Travaglia and A. Kelly-Hanku
- A grounded visualization approach to explore sociospatial and temporal complexities of older adults' mobility pp. 59-69

- Thea Franke, Meghan Winters, Heather McKay, Habib Chaudhury and Joanie Sims-Gould
- Determinants of trust in the flu vaccine for African Americans and Whites pp. 70-79

- Vicki S. Freimuth, Amelia M. Jamison, Ji An, Gregory R. Hancock and Sandra Crouse Quinn
- “What's the right thing to do?” Correctional healthcare providers' knowledge, attitudes and experiences caring for transgender inmates pp. 80-89

- Kirsty A. Clark, Jaclyn M. White Hughto and John E. Pachankis
- Racial discrimination and cortisol output: A meta-analysis pp. 90-100

- Kevin M. Korous, José M. Causadias and Deborah M. Casper
- Understanding the association between stunting and child development in low- and middle-income countries: Next steps for research and intervention pp. 101-109

- Jessica M. Perkins, Rockli Kim, Aditi Krishna, Mark McGovern, Victor M. Aguayo and S.V. Subramanian
- Building addiction recovery capital through online participation in a recovery community pp. 110-117

- Ana-Maria Bliuc, David Best, Muhammad Iqbal and Katie Upton
- The impact of Medicare Part D on cognitive functioning at older ages pp. 118-126

- Tae-Young Pak and GwanSeon Kim
- Childhood/Adolescent stressors and allostatic load in adulthood: Support for a calibration model pp. 130-139

- Mark T. Berg, Ronald L. Simons, Ashley Barr, Steven R.H. Beach and Robert A. Philibert
On this page- 2017, volume 195
Articles C
- 2017, volume 194
Articles C
- 2017, volume 193
Articles C
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1984, volume 19
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1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2017, volume 194
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- 2017, volume 193
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1999, volume 48
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1998, volume 46
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1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46