Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2018, volume 206, articles C
- Tobacco outlet density and tobacco knowledge, beliefs, purchasing behaviours and price among adolescents in Scotland pp. 1-13

- Helena Tunstall, Niamh K. Shortt, Claire L. Niedzwiedz, Elizabeth A. Richardson, Richard J. Mitchell and Jamie R. Pearce
- Poor mental health among low-income women in the U.S.: The roles of adverse childhood and adult experiences pp. 14-21

- Joshua P. Mersky, Colleen E. Janczewski and Jenna C. Nitkowski
- How is subjective well-being related to quality of life? Do we need two concepts and both measures? pp. 22-30

- S.M. Skevington and J.R. Böhnke
- A comparison of clinicians' racial biases in the United States and France pp. 31-37

- Natalia N. Khosla, Sylvia P. Perry, Corinne A. Moss-Racusin, Sara E. Burke and John F. Dovidio
- Using conversation analytic methods to assess fidelity to a talk-based healthcare intervention for frequently attending patients pp. 38-50

- Rebecca K. Barnes, Marcus Jepson, Clare Thomas, Sue Jackson, Chris Metcalfe, David Kessler and Helen Cramer
- Social participation and health over the adult life course: Does the association strengthen with age? pp. 51-59

- Shannon Ang
- China's capacity of hospitals to deal with infectious diseases in the context of climate change pp. 60-66

- Michael Xiaoliang Tong, Alana Hansen, Scott Hanson-Easey, Jianjun Xiang, Scott Cameron, Qiyong Liu, Xiaobo Liu, Yehuan Sun, Philip Weinstein, Gil-Soo Han and Peng Bi
- The social network of international health aid pp. 67-74

- Lu Han, Mathias Koenig-Archibugi and Tore Opsahl
- The geography of smallpox in England before vaccination: A conundrum resolved pp. 75-85

- Romola Jane Davenport, Max Satchell and Leigh Matthew William Shaw-Taylor
- Generosity and compliance: Recruitment-work and the pathways to participation in bone marrow donation pp. 86-92

- Kushan Dasgupta
- Physical activity among indigenous Australian children and youth in remote and non-remote areas pp. 93-99

- John Robert Evans, Rachel Wilson, Clare Coleman, Wing Young Nicola Man and Tim Olds
- A realist evaluation of value-based care delivery in home care: The influence of actors, autonomy and accountability pp. 100-109

- Katie N. Dainty, Brian R. Golden, Rosemary Hannam, Fiona Webster, Gina Browne, Nicole Mittmann, Anita Stern and Merrick Zwarenstein
- Is there synergy in syndemics? Psychosocial conditions and sexual risk among men who have sex with men in India pp. 110-116

- Cecilia Tomori, Allison M. McFall, Sunil S. Solomon, Aylur K. Srikrishnan, Santhanam Anand, P. Balakrishnan, Shruti H. Mehta and David D. Celentano
2018, volume 205, articles C
- Time cost of child rearing and its effect on women's uptake of free health checkups in Japan pp. 1-7

- Hisataka Anezaki and Hideki Hashimoto
- Following the patient's orders? Recommending vs. offering choice in neurology outpatient consultations pp. 8-16

- Paul Chappell, Merran Toerien, Clare Jackson and Markus Reuber
- Doing patient-centredness versus achieving public health targets: A critical review of interactional dilemmas in ART adherence support pp. 17-25

- B.C. de Kok, S. Widdicombe, A. Pilnick and E. Laurier
- Does welfare stigma exist in China? Policy evaluation of the Minimum Living Security System on recipients’ psychological health and wellbeing pp. 26-36

- Di Qi and Yichao Wu
- Bereaved relatives' decision about deceased organ donation: An integrated psycho-social study conducted in Spain pp. 37-47

- Jorge S. López, José M. Martínez, María Soria-Oliver, Begoña Aramayona, Rubén García-Sánchez, María J. Martín and Carmen Almendros
- “It can be challenging, it can be scary, it can be gratifying”: Obstetricians’ narratives of negotiating patient choice, clinical experience, and standards of care in decision-making pp. 48-54

- Lauren Diamond-Brown
- Voluntary health insurance in Nigeria: Effects on takers and non-takers pp. 55-63

- Igna Bonfrer, Ellen Van de Poel, Emily Gustafsson-Wright and Eddy Van Doorslaer
- Medical revalidation as professional regulatory reform: Challenging the power of enforceable trust in the United Kingdom pp. 64-71

- Zoey Spendlove
- “Ne nnipadua mmpe” (the body hates it): Exploring the lived experience of food allergy in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 72-81

- George A. Atiim, Susan J. Elliott and Ann E. Clarke
- The complex challenge of providing patient-centred perinatal healthcare in rural Uganda: A qualitative enquiry pp. 82-89

- Nandini D.P. Sarkar, Joske Bunders-Aelen and Bart Criel
- Grandparents and Children's stunting in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 90-98

- Sandor Schrijner and Jeroen Smits
- The effect of copayments on the utilization of the GP service in Norway pp. 99-106

- Mari Magnussen Landsem and Jon Magnussen
- Does trade liberalization reduce child mortality in low- and middle-income countries? A synthetic control analysis of 36 policy experiments, 1963-2005 pp. 107-115

- Pepita Barlow
- Impact of change in neighborhood racial/ethnic segregation on cardiovascular health in minority youth attending a park-based afterschool program pp. 116-129

- Emily M. D'Agostino, Hersila H. Patel, Zafar Ahmed, Eric Hansen, M. Sunil Mathew, Maria I. Nardi and Sarah E. Messiah
2018, volume 204, articles C
- Discrimination hurts: The effect of discrimination on the development of chronic pain pp. 1-8

- Timothy T. Brown, Juulia Partanen, Linh Chuong, Vaughn Villaverde, Ann Chantal Griffin and Aaron Mendelson
- Putting responsive behaviours in place: Examining how formal and informal carers understand the actions of people with dementia pp. 9-15

- R.V. Herron and M.A. Wrathall
- Men’s work, Women’s work, and mental health: A longitudinal investigation of the relationship between the gender composition of occupations and mental health pp. 16-22

- Allison Milner, Tania King, Anthony D. LaMontagne, Rebecca Bentley and Anne Kavanagh
- Culture, economic development, social-network type, and mortality: Evidence from Chinese older adults pp. 23-30

- Ting Li, Yang Claire Yang and Yanlong Zhang
- Modeling racial disparities in physical health via close relationship functioning: A life course approach pp. 31-38

- David Matthew Doyle, Pam Factor-Litvak and Bruce G. Link
- Valuing health at the end of life: A review of stated preference studies in the social sciences literature pp. 39-50

- Koonal K. Shah, Aki Tsuchiya and Allan J. Wailoo
- Does health insurance coverage or improved quality protect better against out-of-pocket payments? Experimental evidence from the Philippines pp. 51-58

- Natascha Wagner, Stella Luz Quimbo, Riti Shimkhada and John Peabody
- Understanding and alleviating maternal postpartum distress: Perspectives from first-time mothers in Australia pp. 59-66

- Kwok Hong Law, Ben Jackson, Kym Guelfi, Thinh Nguyen and James Alexander Dimmock
- Cancer mortality rates and spillover effects among different areas: A case study in Campania (southern Italy) pp. 67-83

- Massimiliano Agovino, Maria Carmela Aprile, Antonio Garofalo and Angela Mariani
- Male-female differences in households' resource allocation and decision to seek healthcare in south-eastern Nigeria: Results from a mixed methods study pp. 84-91

- Michael Nnachebe Onah and Susan Horton
- Developing religiously-tailored health messages for behavioral change: Introducing the reframe, reprioritize, and reform (“3R”) model pp. 92-99

- Aasim I. Padela, Sana Malik, Milkie Vu, Michael Quinn and Monica Peek
- Women's asset ownership and children's nutritional status: Evidence from Papua New Guinea pp. 100-107

- Yana Rodgers and Alice Louise Kassens
- Does the ethno-religious diversity of a neighbourhood affect the perceived health of its residents? pp. 108-116

- Kenisha Russell Jonsson and Neli Demireva
- Implicit and explicit anti-fat bias: The role of weight-related attitudes and beliefs pp. 117-124

- Roni Elran-Barak and Yoav Bar-Anan
2018, volume 203, articles C
- Empowering citizens or mining resources? The contested domain of citizen engagement in professional care services pp. 1-8

- Ludo Glimmerveen, Sierk Ybema and Henk Nies
- Work and family transitions and the self-rated health of young women in South Africa pp. 9-18

- Rachel Bennett and Philippa Waterhouse
- Fate, morals and rational calculations: Freezing eggs for non-medical reasons in Turkey pp. 19-27

- Azer Kılıç and İpek Göçmen
- Reproducing whiteness and enacting kin in the Nordic context of transnational egg donation: Matching donors with cross-border traveller recipients in Finland pp. 28-34

- Riikka Homanen
- “We are the heroes because we are ready to die for this country”: Participants' decision-making and grounded ethics in an Ebola vaccine clinical trial pp. 35-42

- Angus Fayia Tengbeh, Luisa Enria, Elizabeth Smout, Thomas Mooney, Mike Callaghan, David Ishola, Bailah Leigh, Deborah Watson-Jones, Brian Greenwood, Heidi Larson and Shelley Lees
- Between demarcation and discretion: The medical-administrative boundary as a locus of safety in high-volume organisational routines pp. 43-50

- Suzanne Grant and Bruce Guthrie
- Beyond the trigger: The mental health consequences of in-home firearm access among children of gun owners pp. 51-59

- Jinho Kim
- A multilevel approach to modeling health inequalities at the intersection of multiple social identities pp. 64-73

- Clare R. Evans, David R. Williams, Jukka-Pekka Onnela and S.V. Subramanian
2018, volume 202, articles C
- The social role of C-reactive protein point-of-care testing to guide antibiotic prescription in Northern Thailand pp. 1-12

- Marco Haenssgen, Nutcha Charoenboon, Thomas Althaus, Rachel C. Greer, Daranee Intralawan and Yoel Lubell
- Is there a “right time” for bad news? Kairos in familial communication on hereditary breast and ovarian cancer risk pp. 13-19

- Benjamin Derbez
- The effect of health insurance on sexual health: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act's dependent coverage mandate pp. 20-27

- Melissa Oney
- The role of community participation for sustainable integrated neglected tropical diseases and water, sanitation and hygiene intervention programs: A pilot project in Tanzania pp. 28-37

- Shirin Madon, Mwele Ntuli Malecela, Kijakazi Mashoto, Rose Donohue, Godfrey Mubyazi and Edwin Michael
- Representations of race and skin tone in medical textbook imagery pp. 38-42

- Patricia Louie and Rima Wilkes
- Generalized and particularized trust for health between urban and rural residents in Japan: A cohort study from the JAGES project pp. 43-53

- Yukihiro Sato, Jun Aida, Toru Tsuboya, Kokoro Shirai, Shihoko Koyama, Yusuke Matsuyama, Katsunori Kondo and Ken Osaka
- County-level job automation risk and health: Evidence from the United States pp. 54-60

- Pankaj C. Patel, Srikant Devaraj, Michael J. Hicks and Emily J. Wornell
- Does the sex ratio at sexual maturity affect men's later-life mortality risks? Evidence from historical China pp. 61-69

- Emma Zang and Hui Zheng
- Shaping the use of psychotropic medicines in nursing homes: A qualitative study on organisational culture pp. 70-78

- Mouna Sawan, Yun-Hee Jeon and Timothy F. Chen
- Healthy working days: The (positive) effect of work effort on occupational health from a human capital approach pp. 79-88

- Ainhoa Urtasun and Imanol Nuñez
- A geographically explicit ecological momentary assessment (GEMA) mixed method for understanding substance use pp. 89-98

- Julia McQuoid, Johannes Thrul and Pamela Ling
- Governing the quality and safety of healthcare: A conceptual framework pp. 99-107

- Alison Brown, Helen Dickinson and Margaret Kelaher
- Financial circumstances, mastery, and mental health: Taking unobserved time-stable influences into account pp. 108-116

- Jonathan Koltai, Alex Bierman and Scott Schieman
- Low-intensity violence and the social determinants of adolescent health among three East African pastoralist communities pp. 117-127

- Ivy L. Pike, Charles Hilton, Matthias Österle and Owuor Olungah
- Brokerage in commercialised healthcare systems: A conceptual framework and empirical evidence from Uttar Pradesh pp. 128-135

- Benjamin M. Hunter
- The role of place on healthcare quality improvement: A qualitative case study of a teaching hospital pp. 136-142

- Sara Melo
- “What is meant by public?”: Stakeholder views on strengthening impacts of public reporting of hospital performance data pp. 143-150

- Rachel Canaway, Marie Bismark, David Dunt, Khic-Houy Prang and Margaret Kelaher
- Ownership and hospital behaviour: Employment and local unemployment pp. 151-161

- Andrew Clark and Carine Milcent
- Social norms and women's risk of intimate partner violence in Nepal pp. 162-169

- Cari Jo Clark, Gemma Ferguson, Binita Shrestha, Prabin Nanicha Shrestha, J. Michael Oakes, Jhumka Gupta, Susi McGhee, Yuk Fai Cheong and Kathryn M. Yount
- Benefits of maternal education for mental health trajectories across childhood and adolescence pp. 170-178

- Ann-Katrin Meyrose, Fionna Klasen, Christiane Otto, Gabriela Gniewosz, Thomas Lampert and Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer
On this page- 2018, volume 206
Articles C
- 2018, volume 205
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- 2018, volume 204
Articles C
- 2018, volume 203
Articles C
- 2018, volume 202
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Other years2025, volume 371
2025, volume 370
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2025, volume 365
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2013, volume 99
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1998, volume 46
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1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
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1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2018, volume 205
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- 2018, volume 204
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- 2018, volume 203
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- 2018, volume 202
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2025, volume 370
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2025, volume 365
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2013, volume 99
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2009, volume 69
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2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
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2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
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1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
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1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46