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Volume 458, issue 1, 1981

Preface pp. 7-11 Downloads
Howard Pack
The Meaning of Technological Mastery in Relation to Transfer of Technology pp. 12-26 Downloads
Carl J. Dahlman and Larry E. Westphal
Appropriate Industrial Technology: Benefits and Obstacles pp. 27-40 Downloads
Howard Pack
Technology Choice and the Distribution of Income pp. 41-53 Downloads
Gustav Ranis
Benefits and Obstacles to Appropriate Agricultural Technology pp. 54-67 Downloads
Robert E. Evenson
The Green Revolution as a Case Study in Transfer of Technology pp. 68-80 Downloads
Carl E. Pray
The Market for Know-How and the Efficient International Transfer of Technology pp. 81-96 Downloads
David J. Teece
Arguments for the Generation of Technology by Less-Developed Countries pp. 97-109 Downloads
Frances Stewart
Technology Transfer to Developing Countries: Implications of International Regulation pp. 110-122 Downloads
Rachel McCulloch
The Appropriability Theory of the Multinational Corporation pp. 123-135 Downloads
Stephen P. Magee
Creation of Technology within Latin America pp. 136-150 Downloads
Simón Teitel
Indian Technology Exports and Technological Development pp. 151-162 Downloads
Sanjaya Lall
Technological Activities of Less-Developed-Country-Based Multinationals pp. 163-174 Downloads
Donald J. Lecraw
From Dependency to Interdependency: Japan's Experience with Technology Trade with the West and the Soviet Union pp. 175-186 Downloads
Stephen Sternheimer
International Relations and Politics Michael Hndel. Weak States in the International System. Pp. xv, 318. Totowa, NJ: Frank Cass, 1981. $27.50 pp. 190-191 Downloads
Patrick M. Morgan
Leon Hurwitz. Contemporary Perspectives on European Integration: Attitudes, Nongovernmental Behavior, and Collective Decision Making. Pp. xx, 292. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980. $27.50 pp. 191-192 Downloads
Charles F. Delzell
Lawrence S. Kaplan. A Community of Interests: NATO and the Military Assistance Program, 1948-1951. Pp. xii, 251. Washington, DC: Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1980. No price pp. 192-193 Downloads
Robert Spencer
Stein Ugelvik Larsen et al., eds. Who Were the Fascists? Social Roots of European Fascism. Bergen: Universitetsforlaget, 1980 (Distributed by Columbia University Press). Pp. 816. $48.00 pp. 193-194 Downloads
David L. Schalk
Archimedes L.A. Patti. Why Viet Nam?: Prelude to America's Albatross. Pp. xx, 612. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. $19.50. Paul M. Kattenburg. The Vietnam Trauma in American Foreign Policy 1945-75. Pp. xvi, 354. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1980. $19.95. William S. Turley, ed. Vietnamese Communism in Comparative Perspective. Pp. xiii, 271. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1980. $22.50 pp. 194-196 Downloads
John F. Melby
Yaacov Bar-Siman-Tov. The Israeli-Egyptian War of Attrition, 1969-1970: A Case Study of Limited Local War. Pp. xi, 248. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. No price pp. 196-197 Downloads
David H. Rosenbloom
Africa, Asia, and Latin America Richard B. Barnett. North India Between Empires: Awadh, the Mughals, and the British, 1720-1801. Pp. xviii, 294. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. $25.00 pp. 196-196 Downloads
David Ludden
Joel S. Migdal. Palestinian Society and Politics. Pp. xv, 292. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 1980. $20.00. Paperbound, $6.95. Simha Flapan. Zionism and the Palestinians. Pp. 361. New York: Barnes and Noble Books. 1979. $24.95 pp. 197-198 Downloads
Norman A. Stillman
Robert A. Mortimer. The Third World Coalition in International Politics. Pp. xii, 148. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980. $16.00. Ellen Frey-Wouters. The European Community and the Third World: The Lome Convention and its Impact. Pp. xii, 291. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980. $22.00 pp. 198-200 Downloads
Ghulam M. Haniff
Elizabeth J. Perry. Rebels and Revolutionaries in North China 1845-1945 Pp. xvi, 324. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1980. $25.00 pp. 200-201 Downloads
James D. Jordan
Europe Marquis Childs. Sweden: The Middle Way on Trial. Pp. x, 179. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1980. $12.95. Francis Castles. The Social Democratic Image of Society. Pp. xiv, 162. Boston, MA: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978. $15.50 pp. 201-202 Downloads
Harry W. Reynolds
Richard A. Gabriel. The New Red Legions: An Attitudinal Portrait of the Soviet Soldier. Pp. 264. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980. $22.50. Richard A. Gabriel. The New Red Legions: A Survey Data Source Book. Pp. 270. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980. $40.00 pp. 202-203 Downloads
Jack L. Cross
Patricia Jalland. The Liberals and Ireland: The Ulster Question in British Politics to 1914. Pp. 303. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980. $27.50 pp. 203-204 Downloads
William M. Simons
Anthony Komjathy and Rebecca Stockwell. German Minorities and the Third Reich. Pp. vii, 217. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1980. $26.50 pp. 204-205 Downloads
Elmer N. Lear
James Riordan. Soviet Sport: Background to the Olympics. Pp. xiii, 172. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. $20.00. Paperbound, $8.95 pp. 205-206 Downloads
James H. Frey
Isser Woloch. The French Veteran from the Revolution to the Restoration. Pp. 392. University of North Carolina Press, $27.00 pp. 206-207 Downloads
Robert Wohl
United States Eric Foner. Politics and Ideology in the Age of the Civil War. Pp. vi, 250. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. $15.95 pp. 207-207 Downloads
Guy B. Johnson
James L. Garnett. Reorganizing State Government: The Executive Branch. Pp. viii, 243. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1980. $25.00 pp. 208-208 Downloads
John S. Robey
G. Calvin MacKenzie. The Politics of Presidential Appointments. Pp. xxi, 298. New York: Free Press, 1980. $19.95 pp. 208-209 Downloads
John H. Culver
Sociology Cary Cherniss. Professional Burnout in Human Service Organizations. Pp. xviii, 295. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980. $18.95 pp. 209-210 Downloads
Martin E. Danzig
James S. Larson. Why Government Programs Fail: Improving Policy Implementation. Pp. xiv, 124. New York: Praeger, 1980. No price pp. 211-212 Downloads
Robert B. Pettengill
Chin Chuan Lee. Media Imperialism Reconsidered: The Homogenizing of Television Culture. Pp. 276. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1980. $22.00. Paperbound, $9.95 pp. 212-213 Downloads
O. Zeller Robertson
Andrew Rolle. The Italian Americans: Troubled Roots. Pp. 222. New York: Free Press, 1980. $14.95 pp. 213-213 Downloads
Jeno F. Paulucci
Economics David Caplovitz. Making Ends Meet: How Families Cope with Inflation and Recession. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1979. $16.00. Paperbound, $7.95 pp. 213-215 Downloads
Francis G. Caro
George Gilder. Wealth and Poverty. Pp. xii, 306. New York: Basic Books, 1981. $16.95 pp. 215-216 Downloads
Harold L. Johnson
Richard A. Easterlin. Birth and Fortune: The Impact of Numbers on Personal Welfare. Pp. xii, 205. New York: Basic Books, 1980. $11.95 pp. 215-215 Downloads
Abraham D. Lavender
Ben W. Heineman, Jr., and Curtis A. Hessler. Memorandum for the President: A Strategic Approach to Domestic Affairs in the 1980's. Pp. xxv, 404. New York: Random House, 1981. $17.95 pp. 216-217 Downloads
George C. Osborn
William J. Nordlund and R. Thayne Robson. Energy and Employment. Pp. xiv, 128. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980. $17.95. Dudley J. Burton. The Governance of Energy. Pp. xxx, 395. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980. No price pp. 217-218 Downloads
Albert E. Kane
Alex Radian. Resource Mobilization in Poor Countries: Implementing Tax Policies. Pp. xxiv, 266. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1980. $19.95 pp. 218-219 Downloads
George T. McCandless
Michael Reich. Racial Inequality: A Political-Economic Analysis. Pp. xii, 345. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1981. $22.50. Paperbound, $6.95 pp. 219-220 Downloads
Carl F. Pinkele
W. W. Rostow. Why the Poor Get Richer and the Rich Slow Down. Pp. xvii, 376. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1980 $19.95 pp. 220-227 Downloads
Russell Bellico

Volume 457, issue 1, 1981

Preface pp. 7-7 Downloads
Robert L. Pfaltzgraff
Soviet Strategic Doctrine and the Soviet-American Global Contest pp. 8-17 Downloads
Uri Ra'anan
U.S. and Soviet Strategic Force Levels: Problems of Assessment and Measurement pp. 18-27 Downloads
Thomas A. Brown
Strategic Offense and Defense: Enhancing the Effectiveness of U.S. Strategic Forces pp. 28-45 Downloads
Daniel Goure
The Shift in Soviet National Priorities to Military Forces, 1958-85 pp. 46-66 Downloads
W.T. Lee
Strategic Forces, General Purpose Forces, and Crisis Management pp. 67-77 Downloads
Colin S. Gray
Theater-Nuclear Force Modernization and NATO's Flexible Response Strategy pp. 78-87 Downloads
Jacquelyn K. Davis
The United States and Extended Security Commitments: East Asia pp. 88-108 Downloads
Harold C. Hinton
The Rapid Deployment Force: Problems, Constraints, and Needs pp. 109-120 Downloads
Jeffrey Record
Maritime Doctrines and Capabilities: The United States and the Soviet Union pp. 121-130 Downloads
Robert J. Hanks
Obsolescence, Declining Productivity, and the American Defense Mobilization Infrastructure pp. 131-144 Downloads
Leon S. Reed
Arms Control in the 1980s pp. 145-163 Downloads
William Hadley Kincade
Personnel Recruitment and Retention: Problems and Prospects for the United States pp. 164-173 Downloads
William Schneider
A National Arms Control Policy for the 1980s pp. 174-185 Downloads
James E. Dougherty
The Superpower Relationship and U.S. National Security Policy in the 1980s pp. 186-197 Downloads
Robert L. Pfaltzgraff
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND POLITICSLOUIS RENÉ BERES. Apocalypse: Nuclear Catastrophe in World Politics. Pp. xvi, 315. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. $20.00 pp. 197-198 Downloads
Harold K. Jacobson
GEOFFREY BEST. Humanity in Warfare. Pp. xi, 400. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. $25.00 pp. 198-199 Downloads
Winston E. Langley
HARRY HOLLOWAY and JOHN GEORGE. Public Opinion: Coalitions, Elites, and Masses. Pp. xii, 286. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980. $14.95. Paperbound, $8.95 pp. 199-199 Downloads
James Todd Hayes
JOHN G. KELIHER. The Negotiations on Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions: The Search for Arms Control in Central Europe. Pp. x, 204. Elms-ford, NY: Pergamon Press, 1980. $25.00 pp. 200-200 Downloads
Roger E. Kanet
W. SCOTT THOMPSON. National Security in the 80s: From Weakness to Strength. Pp. 524. San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1980. Paperbound, $8.95. MICHAEL BRECHER. Decisions in Crisis: Israel, 1967 and 1973. Pp. 479. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. $24.95 pp. 200-202 Downloads
Roy M. Melbourne
Africa, Asia, and Latin America ISEBILL V. GRUHN. Regionalism Reconsidered: The Economic Commission for Africa. Pp. xiv, 154. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1979. $20.00 pp. 202-204 Downloads
Richard Dale
GORAN HYDEN. Beyond Ujamaa in Tanzania: Underdevelopment and an Uncaptured Peasantry. Pp. xii, 270. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. $18.50. Paperbound, $7.95 pp. 204-205 Downloads
John G. Galaty
KENNETH LITTLE. The Sociology of Urban Women's Image in African Literature. Pp. x, 174. Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield, 1980. $27.50 pp. 205-206 Downloads
Karen Hermassi
JOSEPH L. LOVE. São Paulo in the Brazilian Federation 1889-1937. Pp. xx, 398. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1980. $25.00 pp. 206-207 Downloads
Manoel Cardozo
STEPHEN R. MacKINNON. Power and Politics in Late Imperial China: Yuan Shih-kai in Beijing and Tianjin, 1901-1908. Pp. xii, 260. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. $18.50 pp. 207-208 Downloads
Alan P.L. Liu
JANICE PERLMAN. The Myth of Marginality: Urban Poverty and Politics in Rio de Janeiro. Pp. xxi, 341. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Paperbound, $6.95. MARIE-GHISLAINE STOFFELS. Os Mendigos na Cidade de São Paulo: Ensaio de Interpretucao Sociologica. Pp. 295. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Paz e Terra, 1977. No price pp. 208-209 Downloads
Philip Evanson
NICOLA SWAINSON. The Development of Corporate Capitalism in Kenya, 1918-1977. Pp. xiv, 306. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. $20.00. Paperbound, $8.50 pp. 209-210 Downloads
James A. Casada
PETER WOODWARD. Condominium and Sudanese Nationalism. Pp. xiv, 221. Totowa, NJ: Barnes & Noble Books, 1980. $22.50 pp. 210-211 Downloads
Wallace Sokolsky
DEREK BIRRELL and ALAN MURIE. Policy and Government in Northern Ireland: Lessons of Devolution. Pp. vi, 353. Totowa, NJ: Barnes & Noble Books, 1980. $32.50 pp. 211-212 Downloads
Ken Heskin
RICHARD E. CAVES and LAWRENCE B. KRAUSE. Britain's Economic Performance. Pp. xiv, 388. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1980. $18.95. Paperbound, $7.95 pp. 212-213 Downloads
Mary E. Murphy
BENJAMIN B. FERENCZ. Less Than Slaves: Jewish Forced Labor and the Quest for Compensation. Pp. xxvi, 249. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979. $15.00 pp. 213-213 Downloads
Josephine Z. Knopp
A. JAMES GREGOR. Italian Fascism and Developmental Dictatorship. Pp. xv, 427. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1979. $27.50. Paperbound, $9.75 pp. 214-214 Downloads
H. James Burgwyn
J. RUSSELL MAJOR. Representative Government in Early Modern France. Pp. xiv, 731. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1980. $45.00 pp. 214-215 Downloads
Jonathan E. Helmreich
TONY SMITH. The French Stake in Algeria, 1945-1962. Pp. 199. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1978. $15.00 pp. 215-216 Downloads
Jacques Fomerand
JIRI ZUZANEK. Work and Leisure in the Soviet Union: A Time-Budget Analysis. Pp. x, 430. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980. $26.95 pp. 216-217 Downloads
David Hecht
THOMAS A. BAILEY. The Pugnacious Presidents: White House Warriors on Parade. Pp. ix, 504. New York: Free Press, 1980. $17.95 pp. 217-218 Downloads
Robert P. Hay
PAUL B. BEERS. Pennsylvania Politics, Today and Yesterday. Pp. xii, 475. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980. $16.75 pp. 218-219 Downloads
Janet Hannigan
GREG LAWLESS. The Harvard Crimson Anthology: 100 Years at Harvard. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1980. $12.95 pp. 219-220 Downloads
Jack P. Maddex
JAMES BORCHERT. Alley Life in Washington: Family, Community, Religion, and Folklife in the City, 1850-1970. Pp. xiv, 326. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1980. $18.95 pp. 219-219 Downloads
Ellis W. Hawley
RICHARD LINGEMAN. Small Town America: A Narrative History, 1620-The Present. Pp. 547. New York: Putnam, 1980. $15.95 pp. 220-221 Downloads
Fred Rotondaro
LEONARD SILK and MARK SILK. The American Establishment. Pp. xi, 351. New York: Basic Books,1980. $13.95 pp. 221-222 Downloads
Donald T. Critchlow
JOHN McCLYMER. War and Welfare: Social Engineering in America, 1890-1925. Pp. xvi, 248. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980. $22.95 pp. 221-221 Downloads
Michael Sherraden
LORETTA J. WILLIAMS. Black Free-masonry and Middle-Class Realities. Pp. 165. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1980. $15.00 pp. 222-223 Downloads
Nancy Hewitt
KARL E. BAUMAN. Predicting Adolescent Drug Use. Utility Structure and Marijuana. Pp. x, 181. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980. $21.95 pp. 223-224 Downloads
Andrew W. Dobelstein
CHARLES R. FIGLEY and SEYMOUR LEVENTMAN. Strangers at Home: Vietnam Veterans Since the War. Pp. xxxi, 383. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980. $6.95 pp. 224-225 Downloads
Brian Clarridge
JAMES R. FLYNN. Race, IQ and Jensen. Pp. vi, 313. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980. $27.50 pp. 225-226 Downloads
Seymour Leventman
ERNEST GELLNER. Soviet and Western Anthropology. Pp. xxv, 285. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. $37.50 pp. 226-227 Downloads
Seth Leacock
WILLIAM GRAEBNER. A History of Retirement: The Meaning and Function of an American Institution, 1885-1978. Pp. x, 293. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1980. $22.50 pp. 227-227 Downloads
Broadus Mitchell
ALVIN RABUSHKA and BRUCE JACOBS. Old Folks at Home. Pp. vi, 202. New York: Free Press, 1980. $10.95. WILBUR H. WATSON. Stress and Old Age: A Case Study of Black Aging and Transplantation Shock. Pp. xvi. 127. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1980. $12.95 pp. 228-229 Downloads
Perry H. Howard
KENNETH E. STUDER and DARYL E. CHUBIN. The Cancer Mission: Social Contexts of Biomedical Research. Pp. 319. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1980. $18.00. Paperbound, $8.95 pp. 229-230 Downloads
Audrey B. Davis
MANUEL CASTELLS. The Economic Crisis and American Society. Pp. xiv, 285. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980. $20.00. Paperbound, $7.50 pp. 230-231 Downloads
Anne Mayhew
WILLIAM R. CATTON, Jr. Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change. Pp. xviii, 298. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1980. $16.50 pp. 231-232 Downloads
F.B. Marbut
ROBERT J. DWORAK. Taxpayers, Taxes, and Government Spending: Perspectives on the Taxpayer Revolt. Pp. xi, 259. New York: Praeger, 1980. $16.95. Paperbound, $6.95 pp. 232-233 Downloads
Bernard P. Herber
F. A. Von HAYEK. The Counter-Revolution of Science: Studies on the Abuse of Reason. Pp. 416. Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 1979. $9.00. Paperback, $4.00 pp. 233-234 Downloads
Thomas J. Knight
Erratum pp. 234-234 Downloads
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