The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 183, issue 1, 1936
- Foreword pp. xv-xvi

- Paul Studenski
- Theory of Public Expenditures pp. 1-11

- Gerhard Colm
- Public Expenditure Policies and Trends pp. 12-18

- Harold W. Guest
- Classification and Measurement of Public Expenditures pp. 19-26

- Wylie Kilpatrick
- Modern Fiscal Systems, Their Characteristics and Trends of Development pp. 27-38

- Paul Studenski
- Coördination of Federal, State, and Local Tax Systems pp. 39-47

- Mabel Newcomer
- The Social Aspects of Tax Exemption pp. 48-56

- James W. Martin
- The Use of the Taxing Power for Non-fiscal Purposes pp. 57-62

- Harvey W. Peck
- A Defense of the Single Tax Principle pp. 63-69

- Harry Gunnison Brown
- Rates and Revenues of Public Enterprises pp. 70-77

- John Bauer
- The Place of Personal Income Taxes in a Modern Fiscal System pp. 78-85

- Clarence Heer
- The Proper Sphere of Death Taxes pp. 86-95

- Paul Haensel
- The Taxation of Business Enterprise—Its Theory and Practice pp. 96-103

- Alfred G. Buehler
- The Sales Tax pp. 104-110

- Carl Shoup
- Excises in Modern Times pp. 111-117

- Alzada Comstock
- Customs Duties as a Revenue Resource pp. 118-123

- A.M. Fox
- The General Property Tax, the Mainstay of Local Fiscal Autonomy pp. 124-129

- Jens P. Jensen
- Special Assessments and Licenses pp. 130-135

- Ernest Herman Hahne
- Public Credit, Its Potency and Limitations pp. 136-146

- Paul Studenski
- The Technique of Borrowing and Repayment pp. 147-156

- T. David Zukerman
- A Proposal for Complete Government Ownership of Currency and Credit pp. 157-162

- Irving B. Altman
- Financial Planning—Its Political and Economic Bases pp. 163-169

- A.E. Buck
- An Inventory of State Supervision of Local Finance pp. 170-178

- Wylie Kilpatrick
- Federal Tax Administration pp. 179-188

- Roswell Magill
- Administration of State Taxes as Viewed by an Administrator pp. 189-198

- Mark Graves
- Administration of the Property Tax pp. 199-206

- J.L. Jacobs
- Financing of Public Works—An Expansionist Point of View pp. 207-211

- David Cushman Coyle
- Financing Social Security pp. 212-216

- Abraham Epstein
- An Approach to the Problem of War Finance pp. 217-222

- John T. Flynn
- Soviet Government Finance and the Economic Plan pp. 223-232

- Alexander Gourvitch
- Notes on Books and Materials in Public Finance pp. 233-243

- Mabel L. Walker
- New Deal Costs and the High Cost of Living pp. 247-254

- Gilbert H. Montague
- The Prospect of Rising Prices from the Monetary Angle pp. 255-262

- Edwin Walter Kemmerer
- The Consumer and Competition pp. 263-271

- Leon Hendbrson
- RowE, HAROLD B. Tobacco under the AAA. Pp. xiii, 317. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1935. $2.50 pp. 272-273

- Carle C. Zimmerman
- TAYLOR, ALONZO E. The New Deal and Foreign Trade. Pp. xii, 301. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1935. $3.00 pp. 272-272

- E.M. Winslow
- GAYER, ARTHUR D. Public Works in Pros perity and Depression. Pp. xx, 460. New York: National Bureau of Eco nomic Research, 1935. $3.00 pp. 273-274

- William N. Loucks
- LOEB, HAROLD, et al. The Chart of Plenty. Pp. xv, 180. New York: The Viking Press, 1935. $2.50 pp. 274-275

- Edward Berman
- WOOTTON, BARBARA. Plan or No Plan. Pp. 360. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1935. $1.60 pp. 275-275

- F. Cyril James
- SPENCER, WILLIAM H. Collective Bargain ing under Section 7 (a) of the National Industrial Recovery Act. Pp. ix, 89. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1935. $1.00 pp. 275-276

- William G. Welk
- SWAYZEE, CLEON OLIPHANT. Contempt of Court in Labor Injunction Cases. Pp. 145. New York: Columbia University Press, 1935. $2.25 pp. 276-276

- Edward Berman
- WEIGERT, OSCAR. Administration of Place ment and Unemployment Insurance in Germany. Pp. xiv, 241. New York: Industrial Relations Counselors, 1934. $2.50 pp. 276-277

- C.A. Kulp
- DURBIN, E. F. M. The Problem of Credit Policy. Pp. xxi, 267. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1935. $3.00 pp. 277-278

- F. Cyril James
- HOLTZCLAW, HENRY F. The Principles of Marketing. Pp. viii, 694. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1935. $3.75 pp. 278-279

- Ralph F. Breyer
- WHITE, HORACE. Money and Banking. Pp. xiv, 808. New York: Ginn & Co., 1935. $3.50 pp. 278-278

- Wilford J. Eiteman
- Economic Essays in Honor of Wesley Clair Mitchell. (By 17 of his former stu dents.) Pp. ix, 519. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1935. $4.85 pp. 279-280

- Hans Neisser
- RING, SISTER MARY IGNATIUS. Villeneitve- Bargemont, Precursor of Modern Social Catholicism (1784-1850). Pp. xxxiii, 265. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1935. $3.50 pp. 280-281

- William G. Welk
- LAWRENCE, DAVID. Stumbling into Social ism, and the Future of Our Political Parties. Pp. 196. New York: D. Ap pleton-Century Co., 1935. $1.50 pp. 281-282

- Broadus Mitchell
- LIPPINCOTT, BENJAMIN E. (Ed.). Gov ernment Control of the Economic Order. Pp. viii, 119. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1935. $1.75 pp. 282-283

- William G. Welk
- BEARD, CHARLES A. An Economic Inter pretation of the Constitution of the United States. Pp. xxi, 330. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1935. $2.00 pp. 283-284

- Lane W. Lancaster
- BENNETT, H. ARNOLD. The Constitution in School and College. Pp. xiii, 315. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1935. $3.50 pp. 284-284

- Willard Waller
- DOOB, LEONARD W. Propaganda, Its Psy chology and Technique. Pp. ix, 424. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1935. $2.40 pp. 284-285

- Harry Elmer Barnes
- MEIZNER, OTTO, and GEORG KAISENBERG, Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht im Dritten Reich. Pp. 357. Berlin: Verlag für Sozialpolitik, Wirtschaft, und Statistik, 1935 pp. 285-286

- Harwood L. Childs
- BROWDER, EARL. Communism in the United States. Pp.xii,352. New York: International Publishers, 1935. $2.00 pp. 285-285

- Harold D. Lasswell
- DUNCAN, W. G. K. (Ed.). Trends in Australian Politics. Pp. vi, 263. Syd ney: Angus & Robertson, 1935. 5 shillings pp. 286-287

- C. Hartley Grattan
- BURCHFIELD, LAVERNE. Student's Guide to Materials in Political Science. Pp. v, 426. New York: Henry Holt Co., 1935. $3.00 pp. 287-287

- Lane W. Lancaster
- LEPAWSKY, ALBERT. Home Rule for Met ropolitan Chicago. Pp. xxiii, 210. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1935. $2.00 pp. 287-288

- Lane W. Lancaster
- Municipal Year Book, 1935. Pp. iii, 392. Chicago: International City Managers' Association, 1935. $8.00 pp. 288-289

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- BLACK, RUSSELL VAN NEST, and MARY HEDGES BLACK. Building Lines and Reservations for Future Streets. Pp. xi, 243. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Uni versity Press, 1935. $3.50 pp. 289-289

- Bernard J. Newman
- AXE, LEONARD H. Business Law. Pp. 664. New York: Harper & Bros., 1935. $3.50 pp. 290-290

- Blake E. Nicholson
- ASHLEY, RoscoE LEWIS. Our Contempo rary Civilization. Pp. xv, 608. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1935. $3.60 pp. 290-291

- Harry Elmer Barnes
- JACKSON, J. HAMPDEN. The Post-War World. Pp. x, 436. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1935. $2.50 pp. 291-291

- Harold F. Gosnell
- FLICK, ALEXANDER C. Modern World History since 1775. Revised by Witt Bowden. Pp. xi, 667. New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1935. Trade ed. $5.00; text ed. $4.00 pp. 291-292

- E. Malcolm Carroll
- FORD, GUY STANTON (Ed.). Dictatorship in the Modern World. Pp. 179. Min neapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1935. $2.50 pp. 292-293

- Harold D. Lasswell
- NOBLE, G. BERNARD. Policies and Opinions at Paris, 1919. Pp. x, 465. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1935. $3.50 pp. 293-294

- Oron James Hale
- FAINSOD, MERLE. International Socialism and the World War. Pp. xi, 238. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1935. $2.50 pp. 293-293

- Edward Berman
- LANSING, ROBERT. War Memoirs. Pp. 383. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1935. $3.50 pp. 294-295

- Samuel Flagg Bemis
- KEITH, A. B. Letters on Imperial Rela tions, Indian Reform, Constitutional and International Law, 1916-1935. Pp. xx, 370. London: Oxford University Press, 1935. $5.50 pp. 295-296

- Lennox A. Mills
- CLYDE, PAUL H. Japan's Pacific Mandate. Pp. vi, 244. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1935. $3.00 pp. 295-295

- Luther H. Evans
- REA, GEORGE BRONSON. The Case for Manchukuo. Pp. xi, 425. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., Inc., 1935. $3.50 pp. 296-297

- Maurice T. Price
- FOSTER, HENRY A. The Making of Modern Iraq. Pp. ix, 319. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1935. $4.00 pp. 297-298

- Halford L. Hoskins
- MANNING, WILLIAM R. (Ed.). Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, Inter-American Affairs, 1831-1860. Vol. V, Chile and Colombia. Pp. xl, 1015. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1935. $5.00 pp. 298-298

- Lewis Hanke
- TUGWELL, REXFORD G., and LEON H. KEYSERLING (Eds.). Redirecting Edu cation. Pp. ix, 273. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1934. $3.00 pp. 298-299

- James H.S. Bossard
- GILFILLAN, S. C. Inventing the Ship. Pp. 294. Chicago: Follett Pub. Co., 1935. $2.50. —. The Sociology of Invention. Pp. xiii, 185. Chicago: Follett Pub. Co., 1935. $2.00 pp. 299-302

- Carle C. Zimmerman
- YOUNG, KIMBALL. Source Book for Soci ology. Pp. xvi, 639. New York: Ameri can Book Co., 1935. $3.50 pp. 299-299

- Erville B. Woods
- KENNEDY, ALBERT J., et al. Social Settle ments in New York City. Pp. xx, 599. New York: Columbia University Press, 1935. $5.00 pp. 302-303

- James H.S. Bossard
- THOMPSON, WARREN S. Population Prob lems. 2nd ed. Pp. xi, 500. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1935. $4.00 pp. 302-302

- Frank W. Notestein
- GLUECK, SHELDON and ELEANOR. Five Hundred Delinquent Women. Pp. xxiv, 539. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1934. $5.00. BEARD, BELLE BOONE. Juvenile Probation. Pp. xiv, 219. New York: American Book Co., 1934. $2.25 pp. 303-304

- Thorsten Sellin
- MOONEY, MARTIN. Crime Incorporated. Pp. 278. New York: Whittlesey House, 1935. $2.50 pp. 304-304

- Thorsten Sellin
- KARSTEN, RAFAEL. The Head-hunters of Western Amazonas. Pp. xvi, 598. Hel singfors: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 1935 pp. 304-305

- J. Alden Mason
- A Rejoinder pp. 305-305

- Hornell Hart and Ella B. Hart
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