The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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Volume 232, issue 1, 1944
- Foreword pp. vii-ix

- Joseph S. Roucek
- Political and Military Geography of Central, Balkan, and Eastern Europe pp. 1-8

- Stefan T. Possony
- The Historical Role of Central-Eastern Europe pp. 9-18

- Oskar Halecki
- Some Misconceptions About Central and Eastern Europe pp. 19-24

- Josef HanÄ
- The New Soviet Nationalism pp. 25-32

- Heinz H.F. Eulau
- Finnish Nationalism Justifying Independence pp. 33-38

- John Saari
- Estonian Nationalism pp. 39-42

- Johannes Kaiv
- Free Latvia in Free Europe pp. 43-48

- Alfred Bilmanis
- An Aspect of the Lithuanian Record of Independence pp. 49-51

- P. Zadeikis
- Poland Among the Powers pp. 52-60

- Thaddeus Mitana
- Development of Czechoslovak Nationalism pp. 61-70

- Otto Radl
- Austria's Position in Reconstructed Europe pp. 71-76

- Ferdinand Czernin
- Nationalism in Hungary pp. 77-85

- Rustem Vambery
- Rumanian Nationalism pp. 86-93

- Robert Strausz-Hupé
- Yugoslav Unity pp. 94-100

- Stoyan Gavrilović
- Bulgaria's National Struggles pp. 101-106

- Christ Anastasoff
- Albania as a Nation pp. 107-109

- Joseph S. Roucek
- Their Historical and Ethnological Background pp. 110-115

- Cimon P. Diamantopoulos
- Axis Domination in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 116-125

- Floyd A. Cave
- The Pattern of Underground Resistance pp. 126-133

- Wladyslaw R. Malinowski
- The System of Governments in Exile pp. 134-147

- Daniel Bell and Leon Dennen
- Central-Eastern European Minorities in the United States pp. 148-154

- Thorsten V. Kalijarvi
- Struggle Among United Nations Viewpoints pp. 155-162

- Emil Lengyel
- Toward Peace in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 163-168

- Eduard Beneš
- Peace Planning for Central and Eastern Europe pp. 169-176

- Feliks Gross
- Bibliography of Central and Eastern Europe pp. 177-181

- Joseph S. Roucek
- Report of the Board of Directors to the Membership of The American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1943 pp. 182-184

- N/a
- CHAMBERLIN, WILLIAM HENRY. The Rus sian Enigma. Pp. viii, 321. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1943. $2.75 pp. 186-187

- A.O. Sarkissian
- DALLIN, DAVID J. Russia and Postwar Europe. Pp. x, 230. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1943. $2.75 pp. 186-186

- Heinz H.F. Eulau
- BASCH, ANTONÃ N. The Danube Basin and the German Economic Sphere. Pp. xviii, 275. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. $3.50 pp. 187-188

- Emil Lengyel
- PADEV, MICHAEL. Escape From the Bal kans. Pp. 311. Indianapolis: Bobbs- Merrill Co., 1943. $2.75 pp. 188-188

- Christ Anastasoff
- ALLEN, HAROLD B. Come Over Into Mace donia. Pp. xviii, 313. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1943. $3.00 pp. 188-189

- Harry N. Howard
- ADAMIC, Louis. My Native Land. Pp. x, 507. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1943. $3.75 pp. 189-190

- Joseph S. Roucek
- CASSON, STANLEY. Greece Against the Axis. Pp. 150. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1943. Paper- bound: $2.00; Clothbound: $2.50 pp. 190-190

- Harry N. Howard
- HEIDEN, KONRAD. Der Fuehrer. Pp. viii, 788. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1944. $3.00 pp. 190-191

- Joseph S. Roucek
- MARTEL, FRANCIS. Pétain: Verdun to Vichy. Pp. 226. New York: E. P. Dut ton and Co., Inc., 1943. $2.50 pp. 192-192

- E.J. Gumbel
- MATTHEWS, HERBERT L. The Fruits of Fascism. Pp. 341. New York: Har court, Brace & Co., 1943. $3.00 pp. 192-193

- William Ebenstein
- AGLION, RAOUL. The Fighting French. Pp. 315. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1943. $3.00 pp. 193-194

- Hans Kohn
- GOODRICH, L. CARRINGTON. A Short His tory of the Chinese Peoplc. Pp. xv, 260. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1943. $2.50 pp. 194-195

- John K. Shryock
- HISS, PHILIP HANSON. Netherlands Amer ica: The Dutch Territories in the West. Pp. xiii, 225. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1943. $3.50 pp. 195-196

- Amry Vandenbosch
- PECK, ANNE MERRIMAN. The Pageant of Canadian History. Pp. xii, 370. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., Inc., 1943. $3.00 pp. 195-195

- Carl Wittke
- FURBAY, ELIZABETH DEARMIN. Top Hats and Tom-Toms. Chicago: Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., 1943. $3.00 pp. 196-197

- Melville J. Herskovits
- NASH, WALTER. New Zealand: A Work ing Democracy. Pp. ix, 335. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, Inc., 1943. $3.50 pp. 196-196

- Howard Daniel
- WEDGWOOD (LORD). Testament to Democ racy. Pp. xix, 355. New York: Ameri can Chapter, Emergency Council, 1943. $3.75 pp. 197-198

- Fritz Nova
- LAUTERBACH, ALBERT T. Economics in Uniform: Military Economy and Social Structure. Pp. xi, 282. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1943. $3.00. This work has nine chapters: I, The Eu pp. 198-199

- David P. Barrows
- BLOCH, HERMAN SIMON, and BERT F. HOSELITZ. Economics of Military Occu pation—Selected Problems. Pp. xii, 141. Chicago: The Foundation Press, Inc., 1944. $1.25 pp. 199-199

- Alfred Manes
- BROWDER, EARL. Victory—and After. Pp. 256. New York: International Publish ers, 1942. $2.00 pp. 199-201

- J. Donald Kingsley
- BANE, SUDA LORENA, and RALPH HASWELL LUTZ. Organization of American Relief in Europe, 1918-1919. Pp. xxi, 745. Stanford University: Stanford University Press, 1943. $6.00 pp. 201-201

- John Lindberg
- BRUUN, GEOFFREY. Clemenceau. Pp. x, 225. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Uni versity Press, 1943. $3.00 pp. 201-202

- A.O. Sarkissian
- HALL, WALTER PHELPS. World Wars and Revolutions (The Course of Europe since 1900). Pp. xvi, 406, xxxiv. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1943. $4.00 pp. 202-203

- Sidney B. Fay
- BEARD, CHARLES A. The Republic. Pp. xiii, 365. New York: The Viking Press, 1943. $3.00 pp. 203-204

- Ralph H. Gabriel
- CURTI, MERLE. The Growth of American Thought. Pp. xx, 848. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1943. $3.75 pp. 204-204

- Roy F. Nichols
- BERNARD, L. L., and JESSIE BERNARD. Ori gins of American Sociology. Pp. xiv, 866. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1943. $6.50 pp. 204-205

- A.B. Wolfe
- WARREN, SIDNEY. American Freethought, 1860-1914. Pp. 257. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1943. $3.25 pp. 205-206

- H.M. Kallen
- WILDES, HARRY EMERSON. Lonely Midas: The Story of Stephen Girard. Pp. xii, 372. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1943. $3.50 pp. 206-207

- Alphonse B. Miller
- WISH, HARVEY. George Fitzhugh: Propa gandist of the Old South. Pp. ix, 360. Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State Uni versity Press, 1943. $3.00 pp. 206-206

- Benjamin F. Wright
- WEST, RICHARD S., JR. Gideon Welles (Lincoln's Navy Department). Pp. 379. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1943. $3.50 pp. 207-208

- Alphonse B. Miller
- KIZER, BENJAMIN H. The U. S.-Canadian Northwest: A Demonstration Area for International Postwar Planning and De velopment. Pp. xvi, 71. Princeton: Princeton University Press. $1.00 pp. 208-208

- John Perry Pritchett
- HOWARD, L. VAUGHAN, and HUGH A. BONE. Current American Government (Wartime Developments). Pp. vii, 357. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1943. $2.75 pp. 208-209

- Lane W. Lancaster
- CROSS, WILBUR L. Connecticut Yankee. Pp. viii, 428. New Haven: Yale Uni versity Press, 1943. $5.00 pp. 209-210

- A.G. Keller
- NEVINS, ALLAN, and LOUIS M. HACKER (Eds.). The United States and Its Place in World Affairs, 1918-1943. Pp. x, 612. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1943. $3.25 pp. 210-210

- Julius W. Pratt
- COMMAGER, HENRY STEELE. Majority Rule and Minority Rights. Pp. 92. New York: Oxford University Press, 1943. $1.50 pp. 210-211

- Belle Zeller
- EARLE, EDWARD MEAD (Ed.). Makers of Modern Strategy. Pp. xi, 553. Prince ton: Princeton University Press, 1943. $3.75 pp. 211-212

- Robert Strausz-Hupé
- BLACK, JOHN D. Food Enough. Pp. vii, 269. Lancaster, Pa.: The Jaques Cat- tell Press, 1943. $2.50 pp. 212-213

- Arthur G. Peterson
- WICKIZER, V. D. The World Coffee Econ omy with Special Reference to Control Schemes. Pp. x, 258. Stanford Univer sity: Food Research Institute, Stanford University, 1943. $3.00 pp. 213-214

- Simon G. Hanson
- WOYTINSKY, W. S. Earnings and Social Security in the United States. Pp. xiii, 260, plus separate appendix containing 25 tables. Washington: Committee on Social Security, Social Science Research Council, 1943. $2.50 pp. 214-214

- Robert W. Kelso
- STRAUS, NATHAN. The Seven Myths of Housing. Pp. xvi, 314, viii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1944. $2.75 pp. 214-215

- Charles S. Ascher
- SEIDMAN, JOEL. Union Rights and Union Duties. Pp. viii, 238. New York: Har court, Brace & Co., 1943. $2.50 pp. 215-216

- Herman Feldman
- ZILBOORG, GREGORY. Mind, Medicine, and Man. Pp. vi, 344. New York: Har court, Brace & Co., 1943. $3.50 pp. 216-217

- Frederick H. Allen
- THORNDIKE, EDWARD LEE. Man and His Works. Pp. 212. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1943. $2.50 pp. 217-218

- Steuart Henderson Britt
- WINSLOW, CHARLES-EDWARD AMORY. The Conquest of Epidemic Disease. Pp. xii, 411. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1943. $4.50 pp. 218-219

- Victor Robinson
- STODDARD, GEORGE D. The Meaning of In telligence. Pp. ix, 504. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1943. $4.00 pp. 218-218

- R.A. Brotemarkle
- BEST, HARRY. Deafness and the Deaf in the United States. Pp. xix, 675. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1943. $6.50 pp. 219-220

- J.L. Gillin
- GINZBERG, ELI, et al. The Unemployed. Pp. xii, 418. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1943. $4.00 pp. 220-221

- W.H. Stead
- LA FARGE, JOHN. The Race Question and the Negro. Pp. xvi, 315. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1943. $2.50 pp. 221-221

- Wm O. Brown
- GLUECK, SHELDON and ELEANOR. Criminal Careers in Retrospect. Pp. xiv, 380. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1943. $3.50 pp. 221-223

- E.D. Monachesi
- GUILLOT, ELLEN ELIZABETH. Social Fac tors in Crime: As Explained by Ameri can Writers of the Civil War and Post Civil War Period. Pp. ix, 197. Phila delphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1943 pp. 223-224

- Nathaniel Cantor
- GLENN, GARRARD, revised and enlarged by A. Arthur Schiller. The Army and the Law. Pp. ix, 203. New York: Colum bia University Press, 1943. $2.75 pp. 224-225

- Colonel F. Granville Munson
- WAITE, JOHN BARKER. The Prevention of Repeated Crime. Pp. xi, 221. Ann Ar bor, Mich.: The University of Michigan Press, 1943 pp. 224-224

- George K. Brown
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