The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 122, issue 1, 1925
- Foreword pp. v-v

- Austin F. Macdonald
- The Far East and the Pacific as a Phase of European Politics pp. 1-7

- Herbert Adams Gibbons
- Constitutional and Political Development in China Under the Republic pp. 8-14

- Harold S. Quigley
- What Policy in China? pp. 15-17

- G. Nye Steiger
- Ideals of the Philippines pp. 18-25

- Maximo M. Kalaw
- The United States and the Philippines pp. 26-48

- Ralston Hayden
- Development of Transportation in Japan pp. 49-56

- J. Takaku
- The Chinese Eastern Railway pp. 57-69

- Chin-Chun Wang
- The Cable Situation in the Pacific Ocean, with Special Reference to the Far East pp. 70-77

- George Atcheson
- Electrical Communications in the Pacific pp. 78-81

- Walter S. Rogers
- China's Post-War Trade pp. 82-95

- Julean Arnold
- The Natural Resources of Japan pp. 96-99

- Hirosi Saito
- China's New System of Schools pp. 100-110

- Chi-Pao Cheng and W.T. Tao
- Education in Japan pp. 111-123

- Ignacio Villamor
- The Equipment of American Students for Foreign Service pp. 124-130

- W.B. Carpenter
- The Significance of Foreign Financial Control in China pp. 131-140

- Frederic E. Lee
- Sources of Revenue in Japan pp. 141-147

- Tadao Wikawa
- The Opium Problem pp. 148-159

- Welles A. Gray
- Living Conditions in Japan pp. 160-166

- Herbert H. Gowen
- Living Conditions in China pp. 167-173

- Maude B. Warner
- Europeanization and the Ancient Culture in Pacific Asia pp. 174-180

- Upton Close
- American-Japanese Relations The Logic of the Exclusionists pp. 181-187

- Sidney L. Gulick
- The Gentlemen's Agreement How It Has Functioned pp. 188-198

- Kiyo Sue Inui
- California's Attitude Towards the Oriental pp. 199-213

- Eliot Grinnell Mears
- Bibliography of China, Japan and the Philippine Islands pp. 214-246

- William Adams Slade
- The Three Major Commodities of Persia pp. 247-264

- Sultan M. Amerie
- Selections from the Correspondence of Theo dore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge, 1884-1918. 2 Volumes. Pp. 1118. Price, $10.00. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925 pp. 265-265

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- The Chinese Abroad. MACNAIR, HARLEY F., Professor of Government, St. John's University. Shanghai, China: Commer cial Press, 1924 pp. 265-266

- W. Leon Godshall
- JANES, GEORGE MILTON, PH.D. Who Should Have Wealth and Other Papers. Pp. ix, 170. Price, $1.50. Milwaukee, Wis.: Morehouse Publishing Company, 1925 pp. 266-267

- Everett W. Goodhue
- ODUM, HOWARD W. Southern Pioneers. Pages vi, 221. Price, $2.00. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press pp. 267-268

- N/a
- CULBERTSON, WILLIAM SMITH. Interna tional Economic Policies. Pp. xviii, 575. Price, $3.50. New York: D. Appleton & Company pp. 268-268

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- DAWES, RUFUS C. The Dawes Plan in the Making. Pp. 525. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company pp. 269-270

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- EMDEN, CECIL S., M.A. Principles of British Constitutional Law. Pp. xix, 221. Price, 7/6 net. London: Methuen & Company, Ltd pp. 270-270

- N/a
- OGG, FREDERIC A., and RAY, P. ORMAN. Introduction to American Government. Second edition. Price, $3.75. New York: The Century Company pp. 270-271

- E.B. Logan
- LEFFINGWELL, WILLIAM HENRY. Office Management. Pp. 850. Price, $5.00. Chicago and New York: A. W. Shaw Company pp. 271-272

- O.R. Martin
- The Problem of Business Forecasting. Pa per presented at the Eighty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Statistical As sociation, Washington, D. C., December 27-29, 1923. (Number Six, Publica tions of the Pollak Foundation for Eco nomic Research.) Edited by Warren M. Persons, William Trufant Foster, and Albert J. Hettinger, Jr. Pp. vii, 311. Price, $4.00. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1924 pp. 271-271

- N/a
- BEACH, WALTER GREENWOOD. An Intro duction to Sociology and Social Problems. Pp. xiv, 369. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1925 pp. 272-273

- L.L. Bernard
- McDOUGALL, WILLIAM. The Indestructible Union. Pp.249. Price, $2.50. Boston: Little, Brown and Company pp. 272-272

- Lane W. Lancaster
- SIMS, NEWELL LEROY. Society and Its Surplus. Pp. xii, 581. New York: D. Appleton and Company pp. 273-273

- F.Stuart Chapin
- GIDDINGS, FRANKLIN HENRY. The Scien tific Study of Human Society. Pp. 247. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1924 pp. 273-274

- N/a
Volume 121, issue 1_suppl, 1925
- Acknowledgment pp. v-v

- Margaret H. Schoenfeld
- Introduction pp. 1-2

- Anne Bezanson
- Trend of Wage Earners' Savings in Philadelphia pp. 3-63

- N/a
Volume 121, issue 1, 1925
- The Protection of Family Life Through Accident Prevention and Compensation pp. 1-9

- John B. Andrews
- Recent Progress in the Control and Elimination of Industrial Diseases pp. 10-15

- Lee K. Franket
- The Family Allowance System as a Protector of Children pp. 16-24

- Paul H. Douglas
- Family Protection Through Supplemental Income pp. 25-37

- Francis Tyson
- Newer Aspect's of Child Health pp. 38-45

- Richard Arthur Bolt
- Social Hygiene and the Child pp. 46-52

- Valeria Parker
- The Significance of Mental Hygiene in Child Guidance pp. 53-59

- Bernard Glueck
- The Place of the Juvenile Court in a Community Program for Child Welfare pp. 60-69

- Katharine F. Lenroot
- The School Discovering the Child pp. 70-74

- J.H. Minnick
- Perpetuating the Spirit of Charitable Bequests for Children Through the Assistance of the Courts pp. 75-84

- John S. Bradway
- Child Welfare Programs of Churches and Fraternal Orders1 pp. 85-95

- C.W. Areson and H.W. Hopkirk
- Federal Safeguards of Child Welfare: Child Welfare Has Become a World Concern—What is the Share of the United States ? pp. 96-107

- Julia Lathrop
- The Value of Social Work Conferences pp. 108-109

- George W. Norris
- Every-Child in Philadelphia—What He Has to Live On pp. 110-119

- Jacob Billikopf
- Every—Child—What He Needs pp. 119-122

- J. Prentice Murphy
- The Problems of Children as the Family Agency Sees Them pp. 122-126

- Ella H. Mackay
- Problems of Children as a Public Agency Sees Them pp. 126-127

- Mary S. Labaree
- The Problems of Children as the Settlement Sees Them pp. 127-131

- Dana How
- Every—Child—Where and How He Plays pp. 131-136

- Elsa Ueland
- Where and How the Child Plays pp. 137-140

- Samuel S. Fleisher
- Every-Child—What He Needs and What We Have to Offer Him in Education pp. 140-147

- Benjamin C. Gruenberg
- Pre-School Development and Education pp. 148-150

- Arnold Gesell
- Every—Child—How He Develops Spiritually pp. 151-154

- Ella Lyman Cabot
- The Problems of Children as the Health Agencies See Them pp. 154-159

- Emily P. Bacon
- The Problems of Children as a Child Placing Agency Sees Them pp. 159-163

- Martha J. Megee
- The Problems of Children as the High School Sees Them pp. 163-165

- Lucy L.W. Wilson
- What Professional Training Means to the Social Worker pp. 165-169

- Forrester B. Washington
- Some Reasons for the Development of the Professional School pp. 169-171

- Kenneth L.M. Pray
- The Place of a Professional School in Training for Social Work pp. 172-175

- Neva R. Deardorff
- The Responsibility of the Trustee in the Development of the Trained Staff pp. 175-178

- James M. Willcox
- Every-Child—How He Keeps His Mental Health pp. 178-183

- Frankwood E. Williams
- Every-Child—How He Keeps Well pp. 183-189

- Royal Storrs Haynes
- Merriam, Charles Edward, and Barnes, Harry Elmer. A History of Political Theories. Pp. XII, 597. New York: The Macmillan Company pp. 190-190

- N/a
- Robinson, Edgar E. The Evolution of American Political Parties. Pp. viii, 382. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1924 pp. 190-192

- N/a
- Ray, P. Orman. An Introduction to Political Parties and Practical Politics. Pp. 690. Third Edition. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1924 pp. 192-193

- Victor J. West
- Joad, C. E. M., Introduction to Modern Political Theory. Price, $1.00. New York: World's Manuals, Oxford University Press pp. 193-193

- J.H. Leek
- Peck, Harvey Whitefield. Taxation and Welfare. Pp. 265. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company pp. 193-194

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- Parmelee, Maurice. Blockade and Sea Power. Pp. x+449. Price, $3.00. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1924 pp. 194-194

- N/a
- Whelpley, J. D. Reconstruction. Pp. 383. Price, $3.50. New York and London: Funk and Wagnalls Company pp. 194-195

- N/a
- Fairchild, Henry Pratt. Immigration: A World Movement and Its American Significance. Revised Edition. Pp. 520. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925 pp. 195-196

- Edward Alsworth Ross
- Abbott, Wilbur C. The New Barbarians. Boston: Little, Brown and Company pp. 195-195

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- Schneider, Theodore I. Budgetary Control for the Cloak and Suit Industry. Pp. XIII, 150. New York: Maxwell Keller Publishing Company pp. 196-196

- N/a
- Harrison Shelby M., and Associates. Public Employment Offices. Pp. 685. Price, $3.50. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1924 pp. 196-197

- Paul H. Douglas
- Brookings, Robert S. Industrial Ownership. Pp. 107. Price, $1.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925 pp. 197-197

- N/a
- Selekman, Ben M. Sharing Management with the Workers. Pp. 142. Price, $1.50. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1924 pp. 197-198

- Malcolm Keir
- Beach, Walter Greenwood. An Introduction to Sociology and Social Problems. Pp. XVI, 369. Price, $2.25. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1925 pp. 198-199

- L.L. Bernard
- Aallport, Floyd Henry. Social Psychology. Pp. XIV, 453. Price, $2.50. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company pp. 198-198

- N/a
- Akagi, Roy Hidemichi, PH.D. The Town Proprietors of the New England Colonies. A Study of Their Development, Activities and Controversies, 1620-1770. Pp. 348. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1924 pp. 199-200

- Charles M. Andrews
- Fryer, Douglass. Vocational Self-Guidance. Pp. 379. Price, $3.00. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1925 pp. 199-199

- William C. Ash
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