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Volume 295, issue 1, 1954

Foreword pp. vii-viii Downloads
Richard D. Lambert
How Others See Us pp. 1-11 Downloads
William Buchanan
How Americans See Themselves: Studies of American National Character pp. 12-20 Downloads
Reuel Denney
Themes in the Interpretation of America by Prominent Visitors from Abroad pp. 21-32 Downloads
Arvid Brodersen
America in European Eyes pp. 33-41 Downloads
Jacques Freymond
The Soviet Image of the United States: A Deliberately Distorted Image pp. 42-51 Downloads
Frederick C. Barghoorn
America and American Occupation in German Eyes pp. 52-61 Downloads
Norbert Muhlen
Indian Students and the United States: Cross- cultural Images pp. 62-72 Downloads
Richard D. Lambert and Marvin Bressler
Images of the United States and Britain Held by Foreign-educated Indians pp. 73-82 Downloads
Ruth Hill Useem and John Useem
The America-educated Japanese, I pp. 83-96 Downloads
Herbert Passin and John W. Bennett
The America-educated Japanese, II pp. 97-107 Downloads
Herbert Passin and John W. Bennett
The Mexican Student Views the United States pp. 108-115 Downloads
Ralph L. Beals
The Mexican Image of Americans pp. 116-125 Downloads
Norman D. Humphrey
Scandinavian Students' Images of the United States: A Study in Cross-cultural Education pp. 126-135 Downloads
William H. Sewell, Richard T. Morris and Oluf M. Davidsen
The Swedish Students' Image of the United States pp. 136-145 Downloads
Franklin D. Scott
International Relations and World Government pp. 146-147 Downloads
Leland M. Goodrich
DEUTSCH, KARL W. Political Community at the International Level. (Doubleday Short Studies in Political Science.) Pp. x, 70. Garden City: Doubleday & Com pany, 1954. 95 cents pp. 147-148 Downloads
Leland M. Goodrich
JACOBINI, H. B. A Study of the Philos ophy of International Law as Seen in Works of Latin American Writers. Pp. viii, 158. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1954. Guilders 11.50 pp. 147-147 Downloads
C.G. Fenwick
TURNER, ARTHUR C. Bulwark of the West: Implications and Problems of NATO. Pp. iv, 106. Toronto: Ryer son Press, 1953. $2.00 pp. 148-149 Downloads
Frank M. Russell
HOFFMANN, STANLEY. Organisations inter nationales et pouvoirs politiques des états. Pp. 428. Paris: Librairie Ar mand Colin, 1954. No price pp. 148-148 Downloads
Clyde Eagleton
THOMAS, NORMAN. The Test of Freedom. Pp. 211. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1954. $3.00 pp. 149-150 Downloads
Helmut Kuhn
United States Government and History pp. 150-151 Downloads
Francis Case
PAUL, RANDOLPH E. Taxation in the United States. Pp. xii, 830. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1954. $15.00 pp. 151-152 Downloads
Howard R. Bowen
Temple University Survey of Federal Re organization, The. 2 vols. Pp. 118; 117. Philadelphia: Temple University, 1953. $5.00 pp. 152-152 Downloads
Franklin L. Burdette
RANNEY, AUSTIN. The Doctrine of Re sponsible Party Government: Its Origins and Present State. Vol. XXXIV, No. 3 in "Illinois Studies in the Social Sci ences." Pp. xi, 176. Urbana: Univer sity of Illinois Press, 1954. $4.00 pp. 152-153 Downloads
E.E. Schattschneider
KRAUS, MICHAEL. The Writing of Ameri can History. Pp. x, 387. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1953. $5.50 pp. 153-154 Downloads
Donald Fleming
COTTERILL, R. S. The Southern Indians: The Story of the Civilized Tribes Before Removal. "The Civilization of the American Indian Series," Vol. XXXVIII. Pp. xiii, 255. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. $4.00 pp. 154-155 Downloads
Angie Debo
SCHACHNER, NATHAN. The Founding Fathers. Pp. x, 630. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1954. $6.00 pp. 155-156 Downloads
Curtis P. Nettels
JEFFERSON, THOMAS. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. Vol. 8: 25 February to 31 October 1785. Edited by Julian P. Boyd, Mina R. Bryan, and Elizabeth L. Hutter. Pp. xxix, 687. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953. $10.00 pp. 155-155 Downloads
Leslie Lipson
DAUER, MANNING J. The Adams Federal ists. Pp. xxiii, 381. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1953. $6.00 pp. 156-157 Downloads
Alfred H. Kelly
FREMANTLE, JAMES ARTHUR LYON. The Fremantle Diary. Edited by Walter Lord. Pp. xv, 304. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1954. $4.00 pp. 157-157 Downloads
O.P. Chitwood
FITE, GILBERT C. George N. Peek and the Fight for Farm Parity. Pp. xiii, 314. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. $4.00 pp. 158-159 Downloads
M.R. Benedict
LEFLER, HUGH TALMAGE, and ALBERT RAY NEWSOME. North Carolina: The His tory of a Southern State. Pp. xii, 676. Chapel Hill: University of North Caro lina Press, 1954. $7.50 pp. 158-158 Downloads
George B. Tindall
VAN DEUSEN, GLYNDON G. Horace Greeley: Nineteenth-Century Crusader. Pp. 445. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1953. $5.00 pp. 159-160 Downloads
Alphonse B. Miller
LINK, ARTHUR S. Woodrow Wilson and and the Progressive Era, 1910-1917. Pp. xvii, 331. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954. $5.00 pp. 160-161 Downloads
George C. Osborn
NOEL, MARY. Villains Galore: The Hey day of the Popular Story Weekly. Pp. xi, 320. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954. $5.00 pp. 160-160 Downloads
Frederic E. Merwin
WHITE, WILLIAM S. The Taft Story. Pp. 288. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954. $3.50 pp. 161-162 Downloads
William Starr Myers
BURNHAM, JAMES. The Web of Subver sion. Pp. 248. New York: John Day Company, 1954. $3.75 pp. 162-162 Downloads
Nathaniel Weyl
NICHOLS, LESTER M. Impact: The Battle Story of the Tenth Armored Division. Pp. 356. New York: Bradbury, Sayles, O'Neill, 1954. $7.50 pp. 163-163 Downloads
Louis L. Snyder
Economics and Industry pp. 163-164 Downloads
Eugene O. Golob
SCHUMPETER, JOSEPH A. History of Eco nomic Analysis. Pp. xxv, 1,260. New York: Oxford University Press, 1954. $17.50 pp. 164-165 Downloads
Leo Fishman
PEACOCK, ALAN T. (Ed.). Income Re distribution and Social Policy: A Set of Studies. Pp. 296. London: Jonathan Cape, 1954. 25s. net pp. 165-165 Downloads
Margaret G. Keid
LANE, ROBERT E. The Regulation of Businessmen: Social Conditions of Gov ernment Economic Control. Pp. xiii, 144. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1954. $3.75 pp. 165-166 Downloads
Horace M. Gray
HAMILTON, DAVID. Newtonian Classicism and Darwinian Institutionalism: A Study of Change in Economic Theory. (Uni versity of New Mexico Publications in Economics, No. 1.) Pp. 138. Albuquer que: The University of New Mexico Press, 1953. $1.00 pp. 166-167 Downloads
Fritz Karl Mann
BARLOW, E. R. Management of Foreign Manufacturing Subsidiaries. Pp. xii, 223. Boston: Harvard Business School, 1953. $3.50 pp. 167-168 Downloads
John F. Mee
HARROD, ROY. The Dollar: Sir George Watson Lectures, 1953. Pp. vii, 156. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Com pany, 1954. $3.50 pp. 168-169 Downloads
Fred A. Shannon
BLOOMFIELD, ARTHUR I. Speculative and Flight Movements of Capital in Postwar International Finance. Pp. 88. Prince ton, N. J.: Princeton University Press (Princeton Studies in International Fi nance, No. 3), 1954. $1.00 pp. 168-168 Downloads
Edward T. Crowder
JAMES, MARQUIS, and BESSIE ROWLAND JAMES. Biography of a Bank: The Story of Bank of America, N.T. & S.A. Pp. vii, 566. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954. $5.00 pp. 169-170 Downloads
Frederick A. Bradford
NEVINS, ALLAN. Ford: The Times, the Man, the Company. Pp. xx, 688. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1954. $6.75 pp. 170-170 Downloads
George C. Osborn
GILMORE, HARLAN W. Transportation and the Growth of Cities. Pp. vi, 170. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1953. $3.00 pp. 170-171 Downloads
Lee S. Greene
Sociology and Education pp. 171-172 Downloads
Muzafer Sherif
HENTIG, HANS VON. Zur Psychologie der Einzeldelikte, I: Diebstahl, Einbruch, Raub. Pp. viii, 195. Tübingen, Ger many: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1954. Paper DM 12.80; cloth DM 15.80 pp. 172-173 Downloads
Walter A. Lunden
PORTERFIELD, AUSTIN L., and ROBERT H. TALBERT. Mid-Century Crime in Our Culture: Personality and Crime in the Cultural Pattern of American States and Cities. Pp. ix, 113. Fort Worth, Texas: Leo Potishman Foundation, 1954. $2.25 pp. 172-172 Downloads
Hermann Manheim
PECK, HARRIS B., and VIRGINIA BELLSMITH. Treatment of the Delinquent Adolescent: Group and Individual Therapy with Par-. ent and Child. Pp. iv, 147. New York: Family Service Association of America, 1954. $2.00 pp. 173-174 Downloads
William Healy
VIRTUE, MAXINE BOORD. Study of the Basic Structure of Children's Services in Michigan. (Report of a legal study made for the James Foster Foundation.) Pp. xxviii, 391. Ann Arbor, Mich.: The American Judicature Society, 1953. $5.00 pp. 174-174 Downloads
Howard W. Hopkirk
ELLIS, ALBERT. The American Sexual Tragedy. Pp. 288. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1954. $4.50 pp. 174-175 Downloads
Marynia F. Farnham
YOUNG, LEONTINE. Out of Wedlock. Pp. x, 261. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1954. $4.00 pp. 175-176 Downloads
Genevieve Burton
MAURER, DAVID W., and VICTOR H. VOGEL. Narcotics and Narcotic Addiction. Pp. xv, 303. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1954. $7.50 pp. 176-177 Downloads
Alfred R. Lindesmith
RUOPP, PHILLIPS (Ed.). Approaches to Community Development. Pp. xvi, 352. The Hague: W. Van Hoeve, 1953. $3.00 pp. 176-176 Downloads
Dorothy Moses
LOOMIS, CHARLES P., JULIO O. MORALES, ROY A. CLIFFORD, and OLEN E. LEONARD (Eds.). Turrialba: Social Systems and the Introduction of Change. Pp. viii, 288. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1953. $3.50 pp. 177-178 Downloads
George L. Trager
MACKENZIE, GORDON N., and STEPHEN M. COREY, in association with JAMES HALL, VERONICA CASEY, MARY NEEL SMITH, and others. Instructional Leadership. Pp. xiii, 209. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1954. $3.25 pp. 178-179 Downloads
Edgar B. Wesley
Philosophy and Religion pp. 179-180 Downloads
Charles Morris
WASHBURNE, CARLETON. The World's Good. Pp. xiii, 301. New York: John Day Company, 1954. $4.00 pp. 179-179 Downloads
Francis J. Brown
LEVINSON, RONALD B. In Defense of Plato. Pp. 674. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1953. $10.00 pp. 180-181 Downloads
William Ebenstein
NEILL, THOMAS P. The Rise and Decline of Liberalism. Pp. xi, 321. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, 1953. $5.50 pp. 181-181 Downloads
Ralph G. Jones
UNESCO. Interrelations of Cultures: Their Contribution to International Un derstanding. Collection of Intercultural Studies. Pp. 387. Paris: United Na tions Educational, Scientific and Cul tural Organization, 1953. $2.00 pp. 181-182 Downloads
Milton Singer
NEUTRA, RICHARD. Survival Through De sign. Pp. xi, 384. New York: Oxford University Press, 1954. $5.50 pp. 182-183 Downloads
Charles S. Ascher
MAYER, CHARLES. In Quest of a New Ethics. Translated and with a Preface by Harold A. Larrabee. Pp. 321. Bos ton: Beacon Press, 1954. $4.00 pp. 183-184 Downloads
W.T. Jones
CHATTERJEE, MANMATHA NATH. Out of Confusion. Pp. xvii, 165. Yellow Springs, O.: Antioch Press, 1954. $3.00 pp. 184-185 Downloads
Harold A. Larrabee
GOLOB, EUGENE O. The "Isms": A His tory and Evaluation. Pp. xii, 681. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954. $6.00 pp. 184-184 Downloads
Edmund Whittaker
JOHNSTON, RUBY F. The Development of Negro Religion. Pp. xxi, 202. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. $3.00 pp. 185-185 Downloads
E. Franklin Frazier
ANDREWS, THEODORE. The Polish Na tional Catholic Church in America and Poland. Pp. ix, 117. New York: The Macmillan Company (originally pub lished by SPCK, London), 1954. $2.50 pp. 185-186 Downloads
William W. Sweet
BARTH, KARL. Against the Stream: Shorter Post-War Writings, 1946-52. Pp. 253. New York: Philosophical Li brary, 1954. $3.75 pp. 186-187 Downloads
Irl G. Whitchurch
Commonwealth of Nations pp. 187-188 Downloads
George C. Rogers
PELLING, HENRY. The Origins of the Labour Party, 1880-1900. Pp. ix, 258. London: MacMillan & Co. (distributed in the U. S. by St. Martin's Press), 1954. $4.00 pp. 188-189 Downloads
W. Henry Cooke
ATTLEE, C. R. As It Happened. Pp. viii, 312. New York: The Viking Press, 1954. $5.00 pp. 189-189 Downloads
Carl F. Brand
COLE, G. D. H. An Introduction to Trade Unionism. Pp. 324. London: George Allen & Unwin (distributed in U. S. by The Macmillan Company, New York), 1953. $4.25 pp. 189-190 Downloads
Henry R. Winkler
MACPHERSON, C. B. Democracy in Al berta: The Theory and Practice of a Quasi-Party System. Pp. x, 258. To ronto: University of Toronto Press, 1953. $5.50 pp. 190-191 Downloads
William R. Willoughby
DAY, BRIGHAM. Le Canada et les droits de l'homme: Le Concept des droits de l'homme dans la politique étrangère et la Constitution du Canada. Pp. ix, 154. Paris: Librairie du recueil Sirey, 1953. 900 fr pp. 191-191 Downloads
H. McD. Clokie
DEANE, PHYLLIS. Colonial Social Account ing. Pp. xv, 360. New York: Cam bridge University Press, 1954. $9.50 pp. 191-192 Downloads
Frank R. Lamacchia
LEAKEY, L. S. B. Mau Mau and the Kikuyu. Pp. xi, 115. New York: John Day Company, 1954. $2.50 pp. 192-193 Downloads
William E. Diez
CALPIN, G. H. (Ed.). The South African Way of Life. Pp. ix, 200. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. $3.50 pp. 193-193 Downloads
Melville J. Herskovits
Slavic Countries pp. 193-194 Downloads
Allen S. Whiting
MOORE, BARRINGTON, JR. Terror and Progress USSR: Some Sources of Change and Stability in the Soviet Dic tatorship. Pp. xvii, 261. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $4.50 pp. 194-195 Downloads
George Denicke
BLACK, C. E. (Ed.). Challenge in Eastern Europe. Pp. xviii, 276. New Bruns wick: Rutgers University Press, 1954. $4.00 pp. 195-196 Downloads
E.C. Helmreich
GADOUREK, I. The Political Control of Czechoslovakia: A Study in Social Con trol of a Soviet Satellite State. (Library of the Czechoslovak Foreign Institute in exile, No. 1.) Pp. xvii, 285. Leiden: H. E. Stenfert Kroese N.V., 1953. $3.25 pp. 196-197 Downloads
Vlastimil Kybal
Western Continental Europe pp. 197-198 Downloads
Paul Farmer
WANKLYN, HARRIET. Czechoslovakia. Pp. xviii, 446. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1954. $6.25 pp. 197-197 Downloads
Joseph S. Roucek
CASE, LYNN M. French Opinion on War and Diplomacy During the Second Em pire. Pp. xxii, 339. Philadelphia: Uni versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1954. $6.00 pp. 198-199 Downloads
Gordon Wright
MUNDY, JOHN HINE. Liberty and Politi cal Power in Toulouse, 1050-1230. Pp. xiii, 402. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1954. $6.50 pp. 199-199 Downloads
Sidney Painter
LOWIE, ROBERT H. Toward Understand ing Germany. Pp. ix, 396. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1954. $6.00 pp. 199-200 Downloads
Kurt H. Wolff
HOCKING, WILLIAM ERNEST. Experiment in Education: What We Can Learn from Teaching Germany. Pp. xvi, 303. Chi cago: Henry Regnery Company, 1954. $5.00 pp. 200-201 Downloads
Harold Zink
LANGE, M. G. Totalitäre Erziehung: Das Erziehungssystem der Sowjetzone Deutschlands. Schriften des Instituts für Politische Wissenschaft, Vol. 3. Pp. xxviii, 432. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag der Frankfurter Hefte, 1954. DM 21.80 pp. 201-202 Downloads
Ralph Haswell Lutz
SWEET-ESCOTT, BICKHAM. Greece: A Po litical and Economic Survey, 1939-1953. Pp. viii, 207. New York: Royal In stitute of International Affairs, 1954. $4.00 pp. 202-202 Downloads
Harold F. Alderfer
LUKACS, JOHN A. The Great Powers and Eastern Europe. Pp. xii, 878. New York: American Book Company [c. 1953]. $7.50 pp. 202-203 Downloads
Oron J. Hale
NELSON, GEORGE R. (Ed.), assisted by AUNE MÄKINEN-OLLINEN, SVERRIR THORB- JÖRNSSON, KAARE SALVESEN, and GÖRAN TEGNER. Freedom and Welfare: Social Patterns in the Northern Countries of Europe. Pp. xiii, 540. Copenhagen, Denmark: Ejnar Munksgaard. (Spon sored by the Ministries of Social Affairs of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden), 1953. $6.50 pp. 203-204 Downloads
Raymond E. Lindgren
STURMTHAL, ADOLF. Unity and Diversity in European Labor: An Introduction to Contemporary Labor Movements. Pp. 237. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1953. $3.75 pp. 204-205 Downloads
Frieda Wunderlich
BEN GURION, DAVID. The Rebirth and Destiny of Israel. Edited and translated from the Hebrew under the supervision of Mordekhai Nurock. Pp. xv, 539. New York: Philosophical Library, 1953. $10.00 pp. 205-206 Downloads
Edgar J. Fisher
Other Countries pp. 205-205 Downloads
Frank Moraes
GAMBLE, SIDNEY D. Ting Hsien: A North China Rural Community. Pp. xxv, 472. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1954. $6.50 pp. 206-207 Downloads
G. William Skinner
Letters to the Editor pp. 207-208 Downloads
Victor Raphals and Samuel Koenig
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