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Volume 257, issue 1, 1948

Foreword pp. vii-vii Downloads
Thorsten V. Kalijarvi
The Persistence of Power Politics pp. 1-12 Downloads
Thorsten V. Kalijarvi
The Wreck of Europe pp. 13-22 Downloads
Emil Lengyel
The Flaming East pp. 23-36 Downloads
Amry Vandenbosch
Stakes in the Near and Middle East pp. 37-46 Downloads
Wilbur W. White
The Great Powers in the New World Order pp. 47-56 Downloads
Robert Strausz-Hupé
Interim Governments and Occupation Regimes pp. 57-71 Downloads
Roger H. Wells
Peace Ideals and Reality pp. 72-75 Downloads
Waldemar Gurian
The Italian Treaty pp. 76-86 Downloads
René Albrecht-Carrié
The Finnish Treaty pp. 87-96 Downloads
John H. Wuorinen
The Bulgarian, Rumanian, and Hungarian Peace Treaties pp. 97-105 Downloads
Joseph S. Roucek
The Austrian Peace pp. 106-118 Downloads
Kurt Von Schuschnigg
The Peace Settlement with Germany—Political and Military pp. 119-128 Downloads
Carl J. Friedrich
The Peace Settlement with Germany— Economic and Social pp. 129-141 Downloads
Carl J. Friedrich
Peace with Japan pp. 142-150 Downloads
Kenneth Scott Latourette
A United States of Europe? pp. 151-156 Downloads
J. William Fulbright
Toward a World Economy pp. 157-174 Downloads
Theodore J. Kreps
The United Nations and the Peace Treaties pp. 175-183 Downloads
Francis O. Wilcox
Present Status of International Law pp. 184-190 Downloads
Edwin Borchard
What Has Become of International Law? pp. 191-193 Downloads
Charles G. Fenwick
Settlements of World Wars I and II Compared pp. 194-202 Downloads
Thorsten V. Kalijarvi
HARLEY, J. EUGENE. Documentary Text book on the United Nations. Pp. xx, 952. Los Angeles: Center for Interna tional Understanding, 1947. $7.00 pp. 203-204 Downloads
Vernon O'Rourke
EVATT, HERBERT VERE. The United Na tions. Pp. 154. Cambridge, Massachu setts: Harvard University Press, 1948. $2.50 pp. 203-203 Downloads
Quincy Wright
LINDSAY, A. D. The Modern Democratic State. Vol. I. Pp. ix, 286. New York: Oxford University Press for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1947. $3.00 pp. 204-205 Downloads
W.T. Jones
ROWSE, A. L. The End of an Epoch: Re flections on Contemporary History. Pp. vii, 324. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948; London: Macmillan & Company, 1947. $4.50 pp. 205-206 Downloads
Preston Slosson
GOSNELL, HAROLD F. Democracy, The Threshold of Freedom. Pp. vii, 316. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1948. $4.00 pp. 205-205 Downloads
Frank Paddock
WARBASSE, JAMES PETER. Cooperative De mocracy. Pp. xii, 324. Fifth Edition. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947. $3.00 pp. 206-206 Downloads
Warren C. Waite
HOOK, SIDNEY, and MILTON R. KONVITZ (Eds.). Freedom and Experience. Pp. xix, 345. Ithaca and New York: Cor nell University Press for The New School for Social Research, 1947. $3.50 pp. 207-208 Downloads
W.H. Sheldon
FACCI, JOSEPH. A Plan for a Democratic Public Opinion. Pp. iv, 104. Falls Church, Virginia: The Author, 1947. $1.00 pp. 207-207 Downloads
James H. Barnett
RAMASWAMY, M. Fundamental Rights. Pp. xx, 252. New Delhi, India: Indian Council of World Affairs; Oxford Uni versity Press, 1946. Rs. 6-8. $4.00 pp. 208-208 Downloads
Alain Locke
CARR, ROBERT K. Federal Protection of Civil Rights: Quest for a Sword. Pp. viii, 284. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell Univer sity Press, 1947. $3.00 pp. 208-209 Downloads
Carl Brent Swisher
PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AID. European Recovery and American Aid. Pp. x, 286. Washington: U. S. Govern ment Printing Office, 1947. 60 cents pp. 209-210 Downloads
Mary E. Murphy
MITCHELL, BROADUS. Depression Decade: From New Era Through New Deal, 1929-1941. "The Economic History of the United States." Vol. IX. Pp. xvii, 462. New York: Rinehart and Com pany, 1947. $4.00 pp. 210-212 Downloads
Donald L. Kemmerer
VILLARD, OSWALD GARRISON. Free Trade— Free World. Pp. x, 278. New York: Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 1947. $3.00 pp. 210-210 Downloads
H.R. Enslow
TRABUCCHI, ALESSANDRO. I Vinti Hanno Sempre Torto (The Victors Are Always Right). Pp. 245. Turin: Stamperia Artistica Nazionale, 1947. Lire 350. Nineteen Days From the Apennines to the Alps; The Story of the Po Valley Cam paign. Pp. 90. Milan: Fifth Army Headquarters, Pizzi and Pizio, 1945. Gratis pp. 212-213 Downloads
Andrew F. Rolle
WUORINEN, JOHN H. (Ed.). Finland and World War II, 1939-1944. Pp. iv, 228. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1948. $3.50 pp. 213-214 Downloads
Eric C. Bellquist
JACKSON, T. A. Ireland, Her Own: An Outline History of the Irish Struggle for National Freedom and Independence. Pp. xvi, 443. New York: International Publishers, 1947. $3.75 pp. 214-215 Downloads
John E. Pomfret
MENDELSSOHN, PETER DE. Design for Ag gression: The Inside Story of Hitler's War Plans. Pp. xiii, 270. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1946. $3.50 pp. 214-214 Downloads
A.O. Sarkissian
CHAMBERLIN, WILLIAM HENRY. The Eu ropean Cockpit. Pp. 330. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947. $4.00 pp. 215-215 Downloads
Marshall Knappen
SHORE, MAURICE J. Soviet Education: Its Psychology and Philosophy. Pp. xxii, 346. New York: The Philosophical Li brary, 1947. $4.75 pp. 216-217 Downloads
John N. Hazard
UMIASTOWSKI, R. Poland, Russia and Great Britain 1941-1945: A Study of Evidence. Pp. 544. London: Hollis and Carter, 1946. 25/ pp. 216-216 Downloads
E.C. Helmreich
LILGE, FREDERIC. The Abuse of Learning: The Failure of the German University. Pp. vi, 184. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948. $2.75 pp. 217-218 Downloads
E.J. Gumbel
PUESCHEL, WILHELM. Der Niedergang des Rechts im Dritten Reich. Reut lingen: Die Zukunft, 1947. BUCHWALD, FRIEDRICH. Gerechtes Recht. 2nd ed. Weimar: Hermann Boehlaus Nachf., 1947 pp. 218-219 Downloads
Marie Munk
PELCOVITS, NATHAN A. Old China Hands and the Foreign Office. Pp. xi, 349. New York: King's Crown Press for American Institute of Pacific Relations, 1948. $3.75 pp. 220-221 Downloads
C. Martin Wilbur
CHIANG KAI-SHEK. China's Destiny. Translated by Wang Chung-hui. Pp. xi, 260. New York: The Macmillan Com pany, 1947. $2.75 pp. 220-220 Downloads
Claude A. Buss
PAYNE, ROBERT. The Revolt of Asia. Pp. 305. New York: The John Day Com pany, 1947. $3.50 pp. 221-222 Downloads
Harold S. Quigley
PINTO, P. J. J. System of Financial Ad ministration in India. Pp. xi, 435. Bombay, India: New Book Company, 1943. Rs. 15 pp. 222-223 Downloads
R.V. Gogate
THOMPSON, VIRGINIA. Labor Problems in Southeast Asia. Pp. xviii, 283. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947. $4.00 pp. 223-224 Downloads
Bruno Lasker
ISAACS, HAROLD R. (Ed.). New Cycle in Asia. Pp. xiii, 212. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947. $3.00 pp. 223-223 Downloads
Lennox A. Mills
WOOD, G. L. (Ed.). Australia: Its Re sources and Development. Pp. xvii, 334. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947. $4.00. GRATTAN, C. HARTLEY (Ed.). Australia. Pp. xxviii, 444. Berkeley and Los An geles: University of California Press, 1947. $5.00. LEVI, WERNER. American-Australian Re lations. Pp. 184. Minneapolis: Univer sity of Minnesota Press, 1947. $2.75 pp. 224-225 Downloads
Edward Littlejohn
DAWSON, ROBERT MACGREGOR. The Gov ernment of Canada. Pp. x, 662. To ronto: University of Toronto Press, 1947. $5.50 pp. 225-226 Downloads
H. McD. Clokie
BUNKLEY, ALLISON WILLIAMS (Ed.). A Sarmiento Anthology. Translated by Stuart Edgar Grummon. Pp. 332. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948. $5.00 pp. 226-227 Downloads
Roscoe R. Hill
BARBEAU, MARIUS. Alaska Beckons. Pp. 343. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1947. $4.50 pp. 227-228 Downloads
George Peter Murdock
BJORK, KENNETH. Saga in Steel and Con crete: Norwegian Engineers in America. Pp. vii, 504. Northfield, Minnesota: Norwegian-American Historical Associa tion, 1947. $4.00 pp. 228-229 Downloads
John A. Goff
CHITTICK, V. L. O. (Ed.). Northwest Harvest: A Regional Stock-Taking. Pp. xvi, 226. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948. $4.00 pp. 229-230 Downloads
Howard Woolston
MULDER, ARNOLD. Americans from Hol land. Pp. 320. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1947. $5.00 pp. 229-229 Downloads
Amry Vandenbosch
SHRYOCK, RICHARD H. American Medical Research, Past and Present. Pp. xiv, 350. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1947. $2.50 pp. 230-231 Downloads
George W. Corner
VISHER, STEPHEN SARGENT. Scientists Starred, 1903-1943, in "American Men of Science." Pp. xxiii, 556. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1947. $4.50 pp. 231-232 Downloads
Kingsley Davis
EIDINOFF, MAXWELL LEIGH, and HYMAN RUCHLIS. Atomics for the Millions. Pp. xiv, 281. New York: Whittlesey House, 1947. $3.50 pp. 232-233 Downloads
Burris B. Cunningham
SPAULDING, F. T., and Others. Physical Science and Human Values. Pp. vii, 181. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947. $3.00 pp. 233-234 Downloads
George A. Lundberg
SCHENK, H. G. The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars: The Concert of Eu rope—An Experiment. Pp. x, 228. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947. $5.00 pp. 234-235 Downloads
Garland Ddwnum
GILLIN, JOHN. The Ways of Men: An Introduction to Anthropology. Pp. xv, 649. New York and London: D. Ap pleton-Century Company, 1948. $4.50 pp. 235-235 Downloads
Wilson D. Wallis
KINSEY, ALFRED C., WARDELL B. POMEROY, and CLYDE E. MARTIN. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Pp. xv, 804. Phila delphia and London: W. B. Saunders Company, 1948. $6.50 pp. 235-236 Downloads
M.F. Nimkoff
BARNES, HARRY ELMER (Ed.). An Intro duction to the History of Sociology. Pp. xvi, 960. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1948. $10.00 pp. 236-237 Downloads
Paul Hanly Furfey
BARNES, HARRY ELMER. A Survey of Western Civilization. Pp. xx, 959. Re vised edition. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1947. $5.50 pp. 237-238 Downloads
Oscar G. Darlington
FREY, JOHN W., and H. CHANDLER IDE (Eds.). A History of the Petroleum Administration for War, 1941-1945. Pp. xviii, 463. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1946. $3.00 pp. 238-239 Downloads
Gerald Forbes
GOLDBERG, HARRIET L. Child Offenders: A Study in Diagnosis and Treatment. Pp. xv, 215. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1948. $4.00 pp. 238-238 Downloads
Karl Birnbaum
DICKINSON, ROBERT E. City Region and Regionalism: A Geographical Contribu tion to Human Ecology. Pp. xv, 327. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947. $4.75 pp. 239-240 Downloads
Lee S. Greene
ALLPORT, GORDON W., and LEO POSTMAN. The Psychology of Rumor. Pp. xiv, 247. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1947. $2.60 pp. 240-241 Downloads
Belle Zeller
KILPATRICK, WILLIAM HEARD, and WIL LIAM VAN TIL (Eds.). Intercultural At titudes in the Making: Parents, Youth Leaders, and Teachers at Work. Pp. ix, 246. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1947. $3.00 pp. 241-242 Downloads
Stanley H. Chapman
MURPHY, GARDNER. Personality: A Bio- social Approach to Origins and Struc ture. Pp. xii, 999. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947. $7.50 pp. 241-241 Downloads
Paul R. Farnsworth
KAPLAN, MORDECAI M. The Future of the American Jew. Pp. xx, 571. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948. $6.00 pp. 242-243 Downloads
Samuel Koenig
ALLEN, EDWARD D., and OSWALD H. BROWNLEE. Economics of Public Fi nance. Pp. xvi, 535. New York: Pren tice Hall, Inc., 1947. $5.35 pp. 243-245 Downloads
Paul Studenski
McWILLIAMS, CAREY. A Mask for Privi lege: Anti-Semitism in America. Pp. xv, 299. Boston: Little, Brown and Com pany, 1948. $2.75 pp. 243-243 Downloads
Joseph S. Roucek
SHAW, WILLIAM HOWARD. Value of Com modity Output Since 1869. Pp. viii, 305. New York: National Bureau of Eco nomic Research, 1947. $4.00 pp. 245-246 Downloads
Lewis H. Haney
HARRIS, SEYMOUR E. (Ed.). The New Economics: Keynes' Influence on Theory and Public Policy. Pp. xxii, 686, ix. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. $6.00 trade; $4.50 text pp. 246-247 Downloads
W.F. Stolper
SHOUP, CARL S. Pyinciples of National In come Analysis. Pp. xiii, 405. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1947. $5.00 pp. 246-246 Downloads
K.E. Boulding
HARRIS, CEYMOUR E. The National Debt and the New Economics. Pp. xix, 281. New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1947. $3.50 pp. 247-248 Downloads
Leo Fishman
MILLETT, JOHN D. The Process and Or ganization of Government Planning. Pp. xi, 187. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1947. $2.50 pp. 248-249 Downloads
Louis H. Douglas
POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC PLANNING (P E P). Britain and World Trade. Pp. 199. London: P E P, 1947; dis tributed in the United States by The Macmillan Company. $5.00 pp. 249-250 Downloads
Harold E. Hall
KAPLAN, A. D. H. The Guarantee of An nual Wages. Pp. ix, 269. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1947. $3.50 pp. 250-251 Downloads
Z.C. Dickinson
FRIEDMANN, GEORGES. Problèmes humains du machinisme industriel. Pp. 401. Paris: Gallimard, 1946. Fr. 230 pp. 251-252 Downloads
Otto Pollak
LEVER, E. J., and FRANCIS GOODELL. La bor-Management Cooperation and How to Achieve It. Pp. xii, 143. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1948. $2.50 pp. 251-251 Downloads
A. Morgner
BAERWALD. FRIEDRICH. Fundamentals of Labor Economics. Pp. xvii, 464. New York: Declan X. McMullen Company, 1947. $4.00 pp. 252-253 Downloads
John A. McGuire
DE SCHWEINITZ, KARL. People and Proc ess in Social Security. Pp. x, 165. Washington: American Council on Edu cation, 1948. $2.00 pp. 253-254 Downloads
Arthur E. Fink
BARBASH, JACK. Labor Unions in Action: A Study of the Mainsprings of Union ism. Pp. x, 270. New York and Lon don: Harper & Brothers, 1948. $3.50 pp. 254-255 Downloads
Joel Seidman
W. E. UPJOHN INSTITUTE FOR COMMU NITY RESEARCH. Full Employment in Your Community. Pp. x, 119. Chi cago: Public Administration Service, 1947. $2.75 pp. 254-254 Downloads
William H. Stead
MANTOUX, PAUL. The Industrial Revolu tion in the Eighteenth Century. Trans lated from the French by Marjorie Vernon. Pp. 539. Revised Edition. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947. $5.00 pp. 255-256 Downloads
Witt Bowden
THOMPSON, ROBERT LUTHER. Wiring a Continent: The History of the Tele graph Industry in the United States, 1832-66. Pp. ix, 544. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947. $7.50 pp. 256-257 Downloads
Donald L. Kemmerer
ACKERMAN, JOSEPH, and MARSHALL HAR RIS (Eds.). Family Farm Policy. Pp. xxii, 518. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1947. $4.00 pp. 257-257 Downloads
Henry William Spiegel
RENNE, RONALD R. Land Economics. Pp. xiv, 736. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947. $5.00 pp. 258-259 Downloads
A.F. Vass
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