The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 71, issue 1_suppl, 1917
- Foreword pp. iii-iv

- L.S. Rowe
- Preface pp. v-v

- H.N. Branch
- Mexican Constitution of 1917 Compared With Constitution of 1857 pp. 1-116

- N/a
Volume 71, issue 1, 1917
- Foreword pp. i-i

- Joseph H. Willits
- Advantages of Centralized Employment pp. 1-9

- E.M. Hopkins
- How To Reduce Labor Turnover pp. 10-32

- Boyd Fisher
- The Tabulating of Labor Turnover pp. 33-43

- E.H. Fish
- Determining Cost of Turnover of Labor pp. 44-50

- Boyd Fisher
- An Actual Account of What We Have Done To Reduce Our Labor Turnover pp. 51-70

- John M. Williams
- The Reduction of Labor Turnover in the Plimpton Press pp. 71-81

- Jane C. Williams
- The Standardization of Working Essentials pp. 82-95

- Lillian Erskine and John Roach
- Recommended Standard Practice On Medical Supervision in Detroit Plants pp. 96-106

- N/a
- The Work and Service of the Factory Nurse in Manufacturing Plants pp. 107-116

- Nathalie C. Rudd
- The Selection, Testing, Training and Welfare of Employes pp. 117-135

- F.E. Weakly
- Planning Promotion for Employes and Its Effect in Reducing Labor Turnover pp. 136-139

- Philip J. Reilly
- The Reduction of Absences and Lateness in Industry pp. 140-155

- John S. Keir
- Conclusions From a Survey of Over Five Hundred Employes' Benefit Associations pp. 156-166

- W.L. Chandler
- Who Is Boss in Your Shop? pp. 167-185

- Morris Llewellyn Cooke
- Suggestions From Employes Help Company Save Money pp. 186-190

- Edwin A. Hunger
- Centralized Labor Responsibility From a Labor Union Standpoint pp. 191-201

- A.J. Portenar
- The Mechanism of Mind pp. 202-215

- Simon N. Patten
- Causes of "Turnover" Among College Faculties pp. 216-224

- Hugo Diemer
- Book Department pp. 225-241

- N/a
Volume 70, issue 1, 1917
- Income Policies pp. 1-19

- Walter Lemar Talbot
- Life Annuities pp. 20-37

- M. Albert Linton
- Insurance On Sub-Standard Lives pp. 38-53

- Arthur Hunter
- The Problem of Cash Surrender Values and Cash Loans pp. 54-61

- John B. Lunger
- Mutualization of Life Insurance Companies pp. 62-76

- Miles M. Dawson
- Conservation of Life By Life Insurance Companies pp. 77-91

- Lee K. Frankel
- Group Insurance pp. 92-108

- Ralph Barnard Trousdale
- Fraternal Insurance in the United States: Its Origin, Development, Character and Existing Status pp. 109-122

- Walter S. Nichols
- The Exemption of Life Insurance Funds From Taxation pp. 123-140

- Bruce D. Mudgett
- Five Years of Progress in Disability Protection pp. 141-149

- Bruce D. Mudgett
- Whole Time Agents for Life Insurance pp. 150-162

- Edmund Strudwick
- American Fire Waste and its Prevention pp. 163-171

- Franklin H. Wentworth
- Rate-Making Organizations in Fire Insurance pp. 172-198

- Robert Riegel
- Problems of Fire Insurance Ratemaking pp. 199-219

- Robert Riegel
- Insurance of the Catastrophe Hazard pp. 220-226

- Ralph H. Blanchard
- The Disability Insurance Policy pp. 227-237

- A.P. Woodward
- Accident Prevention pp. 238-243

- David S. Beyer
- Methods of Insuring Workmen's Compensation pp. 244-254

- Harwood E. Ryan
- The Calculation of Workmen's Compensation Premium Rates pp. 255-262

- Claude Edward Scattergood
- The Practice of Schedule and Experience Rating for Workmen's Compensation Risks pp. 263-272

- Leon S. Senior
- Compensation Administration and Adjustments pp. 273-296

- James E. Rhodes
- The Public Supervision of Workmen's Compensa Tion Insurance pp. 297-316

- E.H. Downey
- BRISCO, NORRIS A. Fundamentals of Salesmanship. Pp. xiv, 322. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1916 pp. 317-318

- N/a
- THE BUSINESS MAN'S LIBRARY ADVERTISING AND SALESMANSHIP ADAMS, HENRY FOSTER. Advertising and Its Mental Laws. Pp. xi, 333. Price, $1.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916 pp. 317-317

- N/a
- SHERBOW, BENJAMIN. Making Type Work. Pp. 129. Price, $1.25. New York: The Century Company, 1916 pp. 318-318

- N/a
- FOREIGN TRADE AND COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY WILCOX, EARLEY N. Tropical Agriculture. Pp. xviii, 373. Price, $2.50. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1916 pp. 319-319

- Carl W. Larson
- WOODROFFE, JOSEPH F. and SMITH, HAROLD H. (Ed.). The Rubber Industry of the Amazon. Pp. xlviii, 435. Price, 21 s. London: John Bale Sons and Danielsson, Ltd pp. 320-321

- G.B. Roorbach
- HOLLINGWORTH, HARRY L. Vocational Psychology. Pp. xviii, 308. Price, $2.00. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1916 pp. 321-322

- N/a
- INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT DURELL, FLETCHER. Fundamental Sources of Efficiency. Pp. 368. Price, $2.50. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company pp. 321-321

- N/a
- RUBINOW, I. M. Standards of Health Insurance. Pp. v, 322. Price, $1.50. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1916 pp. 322-323

- N/a
- INSURANCE HENDERSON, ROBERT. Mortality Laws and Statistics. Pp. v, 111. Price, $1.25. New York: John Wiley and Sons pp. 322-322

- N/a
- MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY CLARK, VICTOR S. History of Manufactures in the United States, 1607-1860. Pp. xii, 675. Price, $6.50. Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washing ton, 1916 pp. 323-324

- E.L. Bogart
- MERCHANDISING: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NYSTROM, PAUL H. Economics of Retailing. Pp. xi, 407. Price, $2.00. New York: Ronald Press Company pp. 324-324

- N/a
- TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC WYMOND, MARK. Railroad Valuation and Rates. Pp. 339. Price, $1.50 Chi cago: Wymond and Clark, 1916 pp. 325-325

- N/a
- BOGART, ERNEST LUDLOW and THOMPSON, CHARLES MANFRED. Readings in the Economic History of the United States. Pp. xxvii, 862. Price, $2.80. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1916 pp. 325-326

- Malcolm Keir
- POLITICAL SCIENCE BARD, HARRY ERWIN. South America. Brief Outline of Study Suggestions. Pp. 68. Price, 60 cents. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1916 pp. 326-327

- N/a
- ELY, RICHARD T. The Outlines of Economics (rev. and enlgd. ed.). Pp. xiii, 769. Price, $2.10. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916 pp. 326-326

- N/a
- GROTIUS, HUGO. The Freedom of the Seas. (Trans. with a revision of the Latin Text of 1633 by Ralph Van Deman Magoffin, and edited by James Brown Scott). Pp, xv, 83. Price, $1.00. New York: Oxford University Press, 1916. McLAREN, W. W. A Political History of Japan During the Meiji Era, 1867-1912. Pp. 379. Price, $3.75. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1916 pp. 327-328

- Amos Hershey
- CARLYLE, R. W. and CARLYLE, A. J. A History of Mediœval Political Theory in the West. Volume III, (from the tenth to the thirteenth century.) Pp. xvii, 201. Price $3.00. New York: G. Putnam's Sons, 1916 pp. 327-327

- N/a
- MADSEN, A. W. The State as Manufacturer and Trader. Pp. ix, 281. Price, 7 s. 6 d. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1916 pp. 328-329

- N/a
- MILLARD, THOMAS F. Our Eastern Question. Pp. 543. Price, $5.00. New York: The Century Company, 1916. HORNBECK, STANLEY K. Contemporary Politics in the Far East. Pp. xii, 466. Price, $3.00. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1916 pp. 329-329

- A.P. Winston
- PORTER, ROBERT P. Japan: the New World Power. Pp. xxiv, 789. Price, $2.50. New York: Oxford University Press pp. 329-330

- N/a
- SOCIOLOGY CONKLIN, E. G. Heredity and Environment in the Development of Men. (2nd ed.). Pp. xvi, 550. Price, $2.00. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1916 pp. 330-330

- N/a
- OLIVER, SIR THOMAS. Occupations from the Social, Hygienic and Medical Points of View. Pp. x, 110. Price, $1.80. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1916. KOBER, GEORGE M. and HANSON, WILLIAM C. (Ed. by). Diseases of Occu pation and Vocational Hygiene. Pp. xxi, 918. Price, $8.00. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son and Company, 1916 pp. 330-331

- Carl Kelsey
- PAYNE, GEORGE HENRY. The Child in Human Progress. Pp. xix, 400. Price, $2.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1916 pp. 331-332

- N/a
- WOLFE, ALBERT B. Readings in Social Problems. Pp. xiii, 804. Price, $2.80. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1916 pp. 332-332

- N/a
- Report of the Board of Directors, Year Ending December 31, 1916, American Academy of Political and Social Science pp. 333-340

- N/a
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