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Volume 383, issue 1, 1969

Introduction pp. ix-xiii Downloads
John S. Bradway
Perspective on Adoption pp. 1-12 Downloads
Felix Infausto
Alimony pp. 13-22 Downloads
Morris Ploscowe
The Family Desertion Problem across State Lines pp. 23-33 Downloads
W.J. Brockelbank
Who Will Speak for the Child? pp. 34-47 Downloads
Thomas A. Coyne
American Laws Regulating the Formation of the Marriage Contract pp. 48-57 Downloads
Robert F. Drinan
Why Bastard, Wherefore Base? pp. 58-70 Downloads
Harry D. Krause
Divorce American Style pp. 71-88 Downloads
Doris Jonas Freed and Henry H. Foster
Annulment of Marriage pp. 89-100 Downloads
Morris N. Hartman
The Utopian World of Juvenile Courts pp. 101-118 Downloads
Charles W. Tenney
The Family Court—Evolving Concepts pp. 119-128 Downloads
Jacob T. Zukerman
The Future of Family Law pp. 129-144 Downloads
Henry H. Foster
Psychological Anthropology pp. 145-158 Downloads
John J. Honigmann
Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1968 pp. 159-162 Downloads
International Relations pp. 163-164 Downloads
D.F. Fleming
JOHN GIMBEL. The American Occupation of Germany: Politics and the Military, 1945-1949. Pp. xiv, 335. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1968. $8.75 pp. 164-165 Downloads
Eric Waldman
JOHAN KAUFMANN. Conference Diplomacy: An Introductory Analysis. Pp. 222. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana, 1968. $7.00 pp. 165-166 Downloads
Harlan Cleveland
LAWRENCE B. KRAUSE. European Economic Integration and the United States. Pp. xiv, 265. Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution, 1968. $6.75 pp. 166-166 Downloads
Charles A. Cooper
LIONEL RUBINOFF. The Pornography of Power. Pp. xi, 239. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1968. $6.95 pp. 166-167 Downloads
Ransom E. Noble
LOUIS L. SNYDER. The New Nationalism. Pp. xiv, 387. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1968. $11.50 pp. 167-168 Downloads
Wallace Sokolsky
United States Government and History pp. 168-169 Downloads
Charles Lee
JAMES W. DAVIS, JR., and KENNETH M. DOLBEARE. Little Groups of Neighbors: The Selective Service System. Pp. xv, 276. Chicago: Markham, 1968. $6.50 pp. 169-170 Downloads
Harry A. Marmion
ROBERT G. DIXON, JR. Democratic Representation: Reapportionment in Law and Politics. Pp. xviii, 654. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. $12.50 pp. 170-170 Downloads
Dayton D. McKean
PHILIP GLEASON. The Conservative Reformers: German-American Catholics and the Social Order. Pp. x, 272. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1968. $8.95 pp. 170-171 Downloads
J.H. Nichols
MERRILL JENSEN. The Founding of a Nation: A History of the American Revolution, 1763-1776. Pp. xiii, 735. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. $13.50 pp. 171-172 Downloads
Raymond Walters
SIDNEY WARREN. The Battle for the Presidency. Pp. viii, 426. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1968. $7.95 pp. 172-173 Downloads
Joseph Boskin
JAMES L. SUNDQUIST. Politics and Policy: The Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson Years. Pp. viii, 560. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1968. $8.75 pp. 173-175 Downloads
William C. Havard
DONALD S. STRONG. Negroes, Ballots, and Judges: National Voting Rights Legislation in the Federal Courts. Pp. 100. University: University of Alabama Press, 1968. $5.00 pp. 173-173 Downloads
M. Elaine Burgess
European Government and History pp. 175-176 Downloads
Bernard E. Brown
FORREST G. WOOD. Black Scare: The Racist Response to Emancipation and Reconstruction. Pp. ix, 219. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1968. $6.00 pp. 175-175 Downloads
Benjamin Quarles
BERNICE A. CARROLL. Design for Total War: Arms and Economics in the Third Reich. Pp. 311. The Hague: Mouton, 1968. 42 guilders pp. 176-177 Downloads
Gordon Wright
ROBERT O. COLLINS. King Leopold, England, and the Upper Nile, 1899-1909. Pp. xvii, 346. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1968. $8.75 pp. 177-178 Downloads
J. Vansina
ROBERT CONQUEST. The Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the Thirties. Pp. xiv, 633. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1968. $8.95 pp. 178-179 Downloads
Alexander Rabinowitch
ARTHUR HERTZBERG. The French Enlightenment and the Jews. Pp. viii, 420. New York: Columbia University Press; and Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1968. $12.50 pp. 179-180 Downloads
W.G. Eliasberg
DIETRICH ORLOW. The Nazis in the Balkans: A Case Study of Totalitarian Politics. Pp. viii, 235. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1968. $7.50. Books like this one remind us that titles pp. 180-181 Downloads
Marin Pundeff
PERTTI PESONEN. An Election in Finland: Party Activities and Voter Reaction. Pp. xix, 416. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1968. $12.50 pp. 181-181 Downloads
Theodore Sellin
PAUL SHOUP. Communism and the Yugoslav National Question. Pp. 308. New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. $9.50 pp. 181-182 Downloads
Woodford D. McClellan
RALPH V. TURNER. The King and His Courts: The Role of John and Henry III in the Administration of Justice, 1199-1240. Pp xiv, 310. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1968. $9.75 pp. 182-183 Downloads
Chester H. Kirby
Africa and Asia pp. 183-184 Downloads
George Moutafakis
DERK BODDE and CLARENCE MORRIS. Law in Imperial China: Exemplified by 190 Ch'ing Dynasty Cases. Translated from the Hsing-an hui-lan. Pp. xiii, 615. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967. $17.50 pp. 184-184 Downloads
Chalmers Johnson
KENNETH S. CARLSTON. Social Theory and African Tribal Organization: The Development of Socio-Legal Theory. Pp. 462. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1968. $10.00 pp. 184-185 Downloads
Carroll Quigley
O. EDMUND CLUBB. Communism in China: As Reported from Hankow in 1932. Pp. viii, 123. New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. $7.50 pp. 185-186 Downloads
John F. Melby
PETER Duus. Party Rivalry and Political Change in TaishÅ Japan. Pp. viii, 317. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968. $6.95 pp. 186-187 Downloads
Joseph W. Ballantine
ALEXANDER ECKSTEIN, WALTER GALENSON, and TA-CHUNG LIU (Eds.). Economic Trends in Communist China. Pp. 757. Chicago: Aldine, 1968. $17.50 pp. 187-188 Downloads
E. Stuart Kirby
JOHN K. FAIRBANK (Ed.). The Chinese World Order: Traditional China's Foreign Relations. Pp. xii, 416. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968. $10.00 pp. 188-189 Downloads
W. Allyn Rickett
GREGORY HENDERSON. Korea: The Politics of the Vortex. Pp. xiii, 479. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968. $11.95 pp. 189-189 Downloads
John Kie-Chang Oh
HENRY McALEAVY. Black Flags in Vietnam: The Story of a Chinese Intervention. Pp. 296. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1968. $6.95 pp. 189-190 Downloads
John F. Cady
DAVID S. WOOLMAN. Rebels in the Rif: Abd el Krim and the Rif Rebellion. Pp. ix, 257. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1968. $6.95 pp. 190-191 Downloads
Clement Henry Moore
Latin America and Canada pp. 191-192 Downloads
Arthur P. Whitaker
NATHANIEL H. LEFF. Economic Policy-Making and Development in Brazil, 1947-1964. Pp. xiv, 201. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1968. $7.95 pp. 192-193 Downloads
John P. Powelson
EDWIN LIEUWEN. Mexican Militarism: The Political Rise and Fall of the Revolvtionary Army, 1910-1940. Pp. xiii, 194. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1968. $6.95 pp. 193-194 Downloads
Karl M. Schmitt
CHARLES C. MOSKOS, JR. The Sociology of Political Independence: A Study of Nationalist Attitudes among West Indian Leaders. Pp. vii, 120. Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman, 1969. $4.95 pp. 194-195 Downloads
Basil A. Ince
A. W. SINGHAM. The Hero and the Crowd in a Colonial Polity. Pp. xiv, 389. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1968. $10.00 pp. 195-195 Downloads
Dana G. Munro
Political Theory and Philosophy pp. 195-196 Downloads
Gordon Tullock
ROBERT KENNETH FAULKNER. The Jurisprudence of John Marshall. Pp. xxi, 305. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1968. $10.00 pp. 196-197 Downloads
Arthur R. Hogue
FRANCIS J. KASE. People's Democracy: A Contribution to the Study of the Communist Theory of State and Revolution. Pp. 223. Leyden, The Netherlands: A. W. Sijthoff, 1968. 25 guilders pp. 197-198 Downloads
William Korey
G. F. HUDSON. Fifty Years of Communism: Theory and Practice, 1917-1967. Pp. vii, 234. New York: Basic Books, 1968. $5.95 pp. 197-197 Downloads
Anthony T. Bouscaren
DAVID J. O'BRIEN. American Catholics and Social Reform: The New Deal Years. Pp. xi, 227. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. $6.50 pp. 198-199 Downloads
John J. Kane
JOHN M. ROBSON. The Improvement of Mankind: The Social and Political Thought of John Stuart Mill. Pp. xii, 292. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1968. $6.50 pp. 199-200 Downloads
David Spitz
LEO STRAUSS. Liberalism: Ancient and Modern. Pp. ix, 276. New York: Basic Books, 1968. $8.95 pp. 200-201 Downloads
Rubin Gotesky
Sociology pp. 201-202 Downloads
Edward Sagarin
PERCY S. COHEN. Modern Social Theory. Pp. xi, 247. New York: Basic Books, 1968. $5.95 pp. 202-203 Downloads
William M. Dobriner
MAXWELL JONES. Beyond the Therapeutic Community: Social Learning and Social Psychiatry. Pp. xxii, 150. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1968. $5.75 pp. 203-204 Downloads
Simon Dinitz
FRED E. KATZ. Autonomy and Organization: The Limits of Social Control. Pp. viii, 179. New York: Random House, 1968. $5.95 pp. 204-205 Downloads
I.B. Berkson
ALAN C. KERCKHOFF and KURT W. BACK. The June Bug: A Study of Hysterical Contagion. Pp. ix, 239. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1968. $2.95 pp. 205-206 Downloads
Tamotsu Shibutani
SAMUEL MENCHER. British Private Medical Practice and the National Health Service. Pp. 125. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1968. $4.95 pp. 206-207 Downloads
Edward S. Rogers
S. M. MILLER and FRANK RIESSMAN. Social Class and Social Policy. Pp. xiv, 302. New York: Basic Books, 1968. $7.95 pp. 207-208 Downloads
Harold A. Gibbard
ALVIN SCHORR. Explorations in Social Policy. Pp. x, 308. New York: Basic Books, 1968. $6.95 pp. 208-209 Downloads
Arthur E. Fink
Gus TYLER. The Political Imperative: The Corporate Character of Unions. Pp. xvii, 294. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1969. $7.95 pp. 209-210 Downloads
Solomon Barkin
CERI PEACH. West Indian Migration to Britain: A Social Geography. Pp. xvii, 122. New York: Oxford University Press, for the Institute of Race Relations, 1968. $4.25 pp. 210-210 Downloads
William Petersen
Economics pp. 211-211 Downloads
Leland J. Gordon
CONSTANTINOS A. DOXIADIS. Ekistics: An Introduction to the Science of Human Settlements. Pp. 527. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. $35.00 pp. 212-213 Downloads
Charles S. Asher
GARTH L. MANGUM. MDTA: Foundation of Federal Manpower Policy. Pp. viii, 184. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1968. $6.50 pp. 213-214 Downloads
Melvin J. Segal
K. AUSTIN KERR. American Railroad Politics, 1914-1920: Rates, Wages and Efficiency. Pp. viii, 250. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1968. $7.95 pp. 213-213 Downloads
Thomas C. Cochran
ALAN R. RAUCHER. Public Relations and Business, 1900-1929. Pp. xii, 178. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1968. $6.95 pp. 214-215 Downloads
Edward L. Bernays
HARRY H. WELLINGTON. Labor and the Legal Process. Pp. xi, 409. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1968. $10.00 pp. 215-219 Downloads
John Perry Horlacher
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