The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 9, issue 3, 1897
- Genius, Fame and the Comparison of Races pp. 1-42

- Charges H. Cooley
- Silver in China: and Its Relation to Chinese Copper Coinage pp. 43-57

- Talcott Williams
- Appendices pp. 58-63

- N/a
- Comparative Study of the State Constitutions of the American Revolution pp. 64-104

- William Clarence Webster
- Proceedings of the Academy pp. 105-108

- N/a
- Personal Notes pp. 109-109

- N/a
- Notes pp. 110-114

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 114-115

- Wm A. Scott
- The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America, I638-I870. By W. E. BURGHARDT DU BOIS. Pp. xi, 335. Price, $I.50. New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co., I896 pp. 116-118

- Bernard C. Steiner
- The Speaker of the House of Representatives. By M. P. FOLLETT, Pp. xvi, 330-47. Price, $I.75. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., I896 pp. 118-119

- John Quincy Adams
- Problems of Modern Democracy: Political and Economic Essays. By EDWIN LAWRENCE GODKIN. Pp. 332. Price, $2.00. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, I896 pp. 120-123

- Grorgn H. Haynes
- Economics: An Account of the Relations Between Private Property and Public Welfare. By ARTHUR TWINING HADIEY, Pp. xi, 496. Price, $2.25. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, I896 pp. 123-124

- J.H. Hollander
- Siedelung und Agrarwesen der Westgermanen und Ostgermanen. der Kelten, Römer, Finnen, und Slawen. By AUGUST MEITZEN, 3 vols., with an atlas. Price, 48 marks. Berlin: Wilhelm Hertz, I895 pp. 124-128

- E.P. Cheyney
- Cours d'Économie Politique. By VILFREDO PARETO, Professeur à l'Université de Lausanne. Vol. I. Pp. 430. I896. Vol. II. Pp. 426. I897. Lausanne: F. Rouge pp. 128-131

- H.L. Moore
- The History of Mankind. By Professor FRIEDRICH RATZEL. Trans lated from the second German edition by A. J. BUTLER, M. A. With introduction by E. B. TYLOR, D. C. L., F. R. S. With colored plates, maps and illustrations. Vol. I. Pp. xxiv, 486. Price, $4.00. London and New York: The Macmillan Company, I896 pp. 131-134

- Lindley M. Keasbey
- Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue and Arms. Delivered in the University of Glasgow by ADAM SMITH. Reported by a student in I763, and edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by EDWIN CAN- NAN. Pp. 332. Price, $3.50. New York: The Macmillan Co., I896 pp. 134-139

- Charles H. Hull
- Penological and Preventive Principles, with Special Reference to Europe and America. By WILLIAM TALLACK. Second and en larged edition. Pp. xii, 480. Price, 8s. London: Wertheimer, Lea &Co., I896 pp. 139-140

- Samuel McCune Lindsay
- Classified Bibliography pp. 141-148

- N/a
- Notes on Municipal Government pp. 149-158

- N/a
- Sociological Notes pp. 159-167

- N/a
Volume 9, issue 2, 1897
- In Memoriam pp. 1-5

- Francis Amasa Walker
- The Concentration of Industry, and Machinery in the United States pp. 6-25

- E. Levasseur
- Silver Free Coinage and the Legal Tender Decisions pp. 26-39

- Christopher G. Tisduman
- The Quantity Theory pp. 40-58

- Wm A. Scott
- Political and Municipal Legislation in I896 pp. 59-73

- E. Dana Durand
- Personal Notes pp. 74-75

- N/a
- Notes pp. 76-81

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 81-83

- James Harvey Robinson
- The United States of America, I765-I865. By EDWARD CHANNING, PH. D. Cambridge Historical Series. Pp. ix, 352. Price, $I.50. London and New York: The Macmillan Co., I896 pp. 83-84

- Herbert Friedenwald
- Guide to the Study of American History. By EDWARD CHANNING and ALBERT BUSHNELL HART. Pp. xvi, 47I. Price, $2.I5. Bos ton: Ginn & Co., I896 pp. 84-87

- Bernard C. Steiner
- Outlines of Economic Theory. By HERBERT JOSEPH DAVENPORT. Pp. xii, 38I. Price, $2.00. New York: The Macmillan Co., I896 pp. 87-90

- James W. Crook
- The Contest over the Ratification of the Federal Constitution in Massachusetts. By SAMUEL BANNISTER HARDING, A. M. Pp. I94. Price, $I.25. Harvard Historical Studies, No. II. New York: Long mans, Green & Co., I896 pp. 90-92

- George H. Haynes
- The Nicaragua Canal and the Monroe Doctrine. A Political History of Isthmus Transit, with Special Reference to the Nicaragua Canal Project and the Attitude of the United States Government thereto. By LINDLEY MILLER KEASBEY, Ph.D., R. P. D. Pp, xvii, 622. Price, $3.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, I896 pp. 92-95

- Emory R. Johnson
- Richelieu. By RICHARD LODGE, M. A. Pp. 235. Price, 75 cents. London and New York: The Macmillan Co., I896 pp. 95-97

- C.H. Lincoln
- Studies in Ancient History; The Second Series; Comprising an Inquiry into the Origin of Exogamy. By the late JOHN FERGUSON MC- LENNAN. Edited by his widow and ARTHUR PLATT. Pp. xiv, 605. Price, $6.00. London and New York: The Macmillan Co., I896 pp. 97-100

- Franklin H. Giddings
- The Life of Richard Cobden. By JOHN MORLEY. Two vols. Pp. 468, and 509. Price, $3.00. New York: The Macmillan Co., I896 pp. 100-102

- Frank Irving Herriott
- Der Staat und sein Boden. By FRIEDRICH RATZEL. Publications of the Royal Scientific Society of Saxony. Vol. xvii, No. iv. Pp. I27. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, I896 pp. 102-104

- Ellen C. Semple
- Select Tracts and Documents Illustrative of English Monetary His tory, I626-I730. By WM. A. SHAW, M. A. Pp. xiii, 244. London: Clement Wilson, I896 pp. 104-112

- Charles H. Hull
- Miscellany pp. 113-116

- N/a
- Notes on Municipal Government pp. 117-133

- N/a
- Sociological Notes pp. 134-142

- N/a
Volume 9, issue 1, 1897
- The First Apportionment of Federal Representatives in the United States pp. 1-41

- Edmund J. James
- Crime and the Census pp. 42-69

- Roland P. Falkner
- Values, Positive and Relative pp. 70-106

- W.G. Langworthy Taylor
- Current Transportation Topics pp. 107-116

- Emory R. Johnson
- Notes pp. 117-122

- N/a
- Reviews pp. 122-126

- H.H. Powers
- The Coming Individualism. By A. EGMONT HAKE and O. E. WGSSLAU. Pp. xi, 347. Price, $4.00. London: Archibald Con stable & Co., I895 pp. 126-127

- J.H. Hollander
- Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro. By FREDERICK L. HOFFMAN, F. S. S. Publications of the American Economic Association. Vol. xi, Nos. I, 2 and 3. Pp. x, 329. Price, $I.25. New York: The Macmillan Co., I896 pp. 127-133

- W.E. Burghardt Dubois
- Letters of David Ricardo to John Ramsay McCulloch, I8I6-I823. Edited, with introduction and annotations, by J. H. HOLLANDER. Pp. xxii, I85. Price, $I.25. Publications of the American Eco nomic Association. New York: The Macmillan Co., I896 pp. 133-135

- Charles H. Hull
- Governments and Parlies in Continental Europe. By A. LAWRENCE LOWELL. Two vols. Pp. xiv, 377, and viii, 455. Price, $5.00. Bos ton: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., I896 pp. 135-139

- Charms F.A. Currier
- The Nicaragua Canal, The Gateway between the Oceans. By WILL IAM L. MERRY. Pp. 46. Published by Authority of the Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco, the Board of Trade of San Fran cisco, the Chamber of Commerce of Portland, Oregon, the Chamber of Commerce of San Diego. San Francisco, I895. Nicaragua, the War of the Filibusters, by Jugde DANIEL B. LUCAS; With Introductory Chapter by Hon. Lewis Baker; and The Nica ragua Canal, by Hon. W. A. MACCORKLE; and The Monroe Doctrine, by J. FAIRFAX McLAUGHLIN, LL. D. Pp. 2I6. Price, $I.50. Richmond, Va.: B. F. Johnson Publishing Company, I896 pp. 139-142

- Lindley M. Keasbey
- Finanztheoretische Untersuchungen nebst Darstellung und Kritik des Steuerwesens Schwedens. By Dr. KNUT WICKSELL. Pp. xii, 352. Price, 8 marks. Jena: Gustav Fischer, I896 pp. 142-144

- Wm A. Scott
- Classified Bibliography pp. 145-151

- N/a
- Notes on Municipal Government pp. 152-162

- N/a
- Sociological Notes pp. 163-169

- N/a
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