The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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Volume 327, issue 1, 1960
- Foreword pp. ix-x

- Norman Wengert
- The Challenge of Government Science pp. 1-9

- John C. Honey
- Recent Developments in the Relationship of Government to Science pp. 10-18

- E.R. Piore and R.N. Kreidler
- Influence of the Past: An Interpretation of Recent Development in the Context of 200 Years of History pp. 19-26

- A. Hunter Dupreee
- The Need for a Department of Science pp. 27-35

- Hubert H. Humphrey
- Research and Development, Economic Growth, and National Security pp. 36-49

- Harold J. Barnett
- Science, Government, and Society pp. 50-58

- Vincent Heath Whitney
- The Government's Growing Recognition of Social Science pp. 59-67

- Harry Alpert
- Special Problems of Military Research and Development pp. 68-75

- Willis H. Shapley
- Budgeting for Science: Presidental Responsibility pp. 76-84

- William D. Carry
- Congress and Research: Experience in Atomic Research and Development pp. 85-94

- Clinton P. Anderson and James T. Ramey
- Research Planning and Control in the United States Department of Agriculture: The Experience of an Old and Well-established Research Agency pp. 95-102

- Byron T. Shaw
- Research Planning and Program Development in the National Institutes of Health: The Experience of a Relatively New and Growing Agency pp. 103-113

- Herbert H. Rosenberg
- What Federal Funds Mean to the Universities Today pp. 114-122

- John C. Weaver
- The Role of the National Science Foundation pp. 123-131

- Alan T. Waterman
- The Philosophy and Objectives of The National Defense Education Act pp. 132-138

- Arthur S. Flemming
- Political Theory pp. 139-140

- Angus Campbell
- SIDNEY HOOK. Political Power and Per sonal Freedom: Critical Studies in De mocracy, Communism, and Civil Rights. Pp. xviii, 462. New York: Criterion Books, 1959. $7.50 pp. 140-140

- Rubin Gotesky
- JEAN MEYNAUD. Introduction à la Science Politique. (Cahiers de la Fondation Na tionale des Sciences Politiques, No. 100.) Pp. 369. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1959. Fr. 1.300 pp. 140-141

- Fritz Morstein Marx
- BERNARD CRICK. The American Science of Politics: Its Origins and Conditions. Pp. xv, 252. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959. $5.00. CHARLES S. HYNEMAN. The Study of Politics: The Present State of American Political Science. Pp. xi, 232. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1959. $4.50 pp. 141-142

- Aurie N. Dunlap
- ALPHEUS THOMAS MASON and RICHARD H. LEACH. In Quest of Freedom: Ameri can Political Thought and Practice. Pp. viii, 568. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Pren tice-Hall, 1959. $9.25 pp. 142-143

- Julius W. Pratt
- H. G. NICHOLAS. The United Nations as a Political Institution. Pp. 222. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. $3.40 pp. 143-144

- Louis Martin Sears
- STEPHEN S. GOODSPEED. The Nature and Function of International Organization. Pp. xi, 676. New York: Oxford Univer sity Press, 1958. $7.25 pp. 144-145

- Henderson B. Braddick
- M. S. RAJAN. United Nations and Domes tic Jurisdiction. Pp. xiii, 679. Bombay: Orient Longmans under the auspices of the Indian Council of World Affairs, 1958. RS 25 pp. 145-146

- Henderson B. Braddick
- Sociology and Anthropology pp. 146-147

- Sol Tax
- RENÉE C. Fox. Experiment Perilous: Physicians and Patients Facing the Un known. Pp. 262. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1959. $5.00 pp. 147-147

- Jonathan E. Rhoads
- RALF DAHRENDORF. Class and Class Con flict in Industrial Society. Translated by the author. Pp. xvi, 336. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1959. $6.50 pp. 147-148

- Bernard Barber
- ELTING E. MORISON (Ed.). The American Style: Essays in Value and Performance. A Report on the Dedham Conference on May 23-27, 1957. (American Project Series, Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.) Pp. ix, 426. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958. $5.00 pp. 148-149

- Hennig Cohen
- W. LLOYD WARNER. The Living and the Dead: A Study of the Symbolic Life of Americans. (Yankee City Series, Vol. 5.) Pp. xii, 528. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1959. $7.50 pp. 149-150

- Arthur K. Davis
- VANCE PACKARD. The Status Seekers. An Exploration of Class Behavior in Amer ica and the Hidden Barriers That Affect You, Your Community, Your Future. Pp. viii, 376. New York: David McKay Company, 1959. $4.50 pp. 150-151

- Joseph Mayer
- ANSELM L. STRAUSS. Mirrors and Masks: The Search for Identity. Pp. 186. Glen coe, Ill.: Free Press, 1959. $4.00 pp. 151-152

- Jerome K. Myers
- GOTTFRIED EISERMANN (Ed.) in collabora tion with Paul Honigsheim, Georges Gur vitch, Frederick Lenz, and J. Allan Beegle. Die Lehre von der Gessell schaft: Ein Lehrbuch der Soziologie. Pp. xi, 452. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1958. DM 35.50 pp. 152-152

- Alphons Silbermann
- PHILIP M. HAUSER and OTIS DUDLEY DUNCAN (Eds.). The Study of Popula tion: An Inventory and Appraisal. Pp. xvi, 864. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1959. $15.00 pp. 152-153

- Kurt B. Mayer
- ROBERT W. SMUTS. Women and Work in America. Pp. vi, 180. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1959. $4.50 pp. 153-154

- M.F. Nimkoff
- HERBERT GARFINKEL. When Negroes March. The March on Washington Move ment in the Organizational Politics for FEPC. Pp. 224. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1959. $4.00 pp. 154-155

- Benjamin Quarles
- CLEMENT E. VOSE. Caucasians Only: The Supreme Court, the NAACP, and the Restrictive Covenant Cases. Pp. xi, 296. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959. $6.00 pp. 155-156

- Frank R. Westie
- PAUL H. JACOBSON. American Marriage and Divorce. Pp. xviii, 188. New York: Rinehart & Company, 1959. $12.00 pp. 156-156

- William M. Kephart
- JEROME K. MYERS and BERTRAM H. ROB- ERTS. Family and Class Dynamics in Mental Illness. Pp. ix, 295. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1959. $6.95 pp. 156-157

- C.T. Pihlblad
- JOHN VINCENT BARRY. Alexander Ma-. conochie of Norfolk Island: A Study of a Pioneer in Penal Reform. Pp. xxi, 277. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. $6.50 pp. 158-159

- Walter C. Reckless
- DERRICK SHERWIN BAILEY. Sexual Rela tion in Christian Thought. Pp. viii, 312. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959. $4.50 pp. 158-158

- Clifford Kirkpatrick
- L. S. PALMER. Man's Journey Through Time: A First Step in Physical and Cul tural Anthropochronology. Pp. xv, 184. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959. No price pp. 159-160

- Wilton Marion Krogman
- EDWARD NORBECK. Pineapple Town: Ha waii. Pp. xii, 159. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959. $4.00 pp. 160-160

- Thomas D. Murphy
- ARTHUR R. M. LOWER. Canadians in the Making: A Social History of Canada. Pp. xxiv, 475. New York: Longmans, Green & Company, 1959. $7.50 pp. 160-161

- S.D. Clark
- DAVID L. MILLER. Modern Science and Human Freedom. Pp. xiii, 297. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959. $6.00 pp. 161-162

- Oliver L. Reiser
- Economics pp. 162-163

- Edwin G. Nourse
- RENDIGS FELS. American Business Cycles 1865-1897. Pp. 244. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press, 1959. $6.00 pp. 163-164

- Charles Hoffmann
- JOHN M. LETICHE. Balance of Payments and Economic Growth. Pp. xiii, 378. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959. $6.00 pp. 163-163

- Ronald Jones
- DOUGLAS VICKERS. Studies in the Theory of Money, 1690-1776. Pp. ix, 313. Philadelphia: Chilton Company, 1959. $6.50 pp. 164-165

- Edmund Whittaker
- W. PAUL STRASSMANN. Risk and Techno logical Innovation: American Manufac turing Methods During the Nineteenth Century. Pp. x, 249. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1959. $4.00 pp. 165-166

- Sidney I. Simon
- CALVIN B. HOOVER. The Economy, Lib erty and the State. Pp. 445. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1959. $5.00 pp. 166-167

- T. Sosnovy
- J. FRED RIPPY. British Investments in Latin America, 1822-1949, A Case Study in the Operations of Private Enterprise in Retarded Regions. Pp. xii, 249. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1959. $5.00 pp. 167-167

- Roscoe R. Hill
- Wages, Prices, Profits and Productivity. (Background Papers and the Final Re port of the Fifteenth American Assem bly, Arden House, Harrison Campus of Columbia University.) Pp. ix, 193. New York: American Assembly, Columbia University, 1959. No price pp. 167-168

- Gordon S. Watkins
- RICHARD HARTSHORNE. Perspective on the Nature of Geograplay. (The Monograph Series of the Association of American Geographers.) Pp. 201. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company for the Association, 1959. $5.00 pp. 168-169

- John E. Brush
- F. ERNEST JOHNSON and J. EMORY ACKER- MAN. The Church as Employer, Money Raiser, and Investor. (Series on the Economics and Ethics of Society.) Pp. xvi, 184. New York: Harper & Broth ers, 1959. $4.00 pp. 169-169

- Earl Cranston
- RICHARD F. FENNO, JR. The President's Cabinet: An Analysis in the Period from Wilson to Eisenhower. (Harvard Politi cal Studies.) Pp. xii, 327. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press under the direction of the Department of Gov ernment, 1959. $5.50 pp. 170-171

- Paul L. Murphy
- American Government and History pp. 170-170

- Herbert John Spiro
- LEWIS MAYERS. Shall We Amend the Fifth Amendment? Pp. x, 341. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959. $5.00 pp. 171-172

- William M. Kunstler
- RICHARD H. LEACH and REDDING S. SUGG, JR. The Administration of Interstate Compacts. Pp. vi, 256. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1959. $4.50 pp. 172-173

- A.E. Buck
- MRS. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, JR. Day Be- f ore Yesterday: The Reminiscences of Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Pp. 478. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Com pany, 1959. $5.95 pp. 173-174

- George C. Osborn
- HARRY V. JAFFA. Crisis of the House Divided: An Interpretation of the Issues in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates. Pp. 451. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Com pany, 1959. $6.50 pp. 174-175

- T. Harry Williams
- JOHN R. CUNEO. Robert Rogers of the Rangers. Pp. xii, 308. New York: Ox ford University Press, 1959. $6.00 pp. 175-175

- Ralph Adams Brown
- Europe pp. 176-177

- Arthur Leon Horniker
- ISAAC DEUTSCHER. The Prophet Unarmed, Trotsky: 1921-1929. Pp. xii, 490. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. $9.50 pp. 177-178

- Bertram D. Wolfe
- TIBOR MERAY. Thirteen Days That Shook the Kremlin. Translated by Howard L. Katzander. Pp. vi, 290. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1959. $5.00 pp. 177-177

- Andrew Gyorgy
- STANLEY W. PAGE. Lenin and World Revo lution. Pp. xviii, 252. New York: New York University Press, 1959. $5.00 pp. 178-179

- Richard Hare
- EDGAR MCINNIS. The Atlantic Triangle and the Cold War. Pp. viii, 163. To ronto: University of Toronto Press un der the auspices of the Canadian Insti tute of International Affairs, 1959. $4.50 pp. 179-179

- Alfred J. Hotz
- HENRY PELLING. The British Communist Party: A Historical Profile. Pp. viii, 204. New York: The Macmillan Com pany, 1959. $3.75 pp. 179-180

- Richard W. Lyman
- LORD BEVERIDGE. A Defence of Free Learning. Pp. xiv, 146. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. $2.90 pp. 180-180

- Kenneth Holland
- LEO F. SOLT. Saints in Arms: Puritanism and Democracy in Cromwell's Army. (Studies in History, Economics and Po litical Science, XVIII.) Pp. 150. Stan ford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1959. $4.00 pp. 181-181

- Raymond G. Cowherd
- ARTHUR LAYTON FUNK. Charles de Gaulle: The Crucial Years, 1943-1944. Pp. xv, 336. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1959. $5.00 pp. 181-182

- Daniel Lerner
- ALEXANDER L. GEORGE. Propaganda Analy sis: A Study of Inferences Made from Nazi Propaganda in World War II. Pp. xxii, 287. Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson and Company, 1959. $6.00 pp. 182-183

- E. Malcolm Carroll
- JOACHIM REMAK. Sarajevo: The Story of a Political Murder. Pp. xv, 301. New York: Criterion Books, 1959. $5.00 pp. 183-184

- Murray Polner
- EARL R. BECK. The Death of the Prus sian Republic: A Study of Reich-Prus sian Relations, 1932-1934. (Florida State University Studies, 31.) Pp. x, 283. Tallahassee: Florida State University, 1959. $6.00 pp. 183-183

- Louis L. Snyder
- GIORGIO LOLLI and others. Alcohol in Italian Culture: Food and Wine in Re lation to Sobriety among Italians and Italian Americans. (Monographs of the Yale Center of Alcohol Studies, No. 3.) Pp. xv, 140. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press with the Publications Division, Yale Center of Alcohol Studies, 1959. $4.00 pp. 184-185

- John S. McDonald
- CYRIL EUGENE SMITH. The University of Toulouse in the Middle Ages: Its Origins and Growth to 1500 A.D. Pp. vii, 244. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press, 1958. $7.00 pp. 185-186

- Gavin I. Langmuir
- Asia and Africa pp. 186-187

- L. Carrington Goodrich
- H. H. SCULLARD. From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome from 133 B.C. to A.D. 68. Pp. xi, 450. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1959. $6.00 pp. 186-186

- A.E.R. Boak
- R. P. DORE. Land Reform in Japan. Pp. xvii, 510. New York: Oxford University Press under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1959. $8.80 pp. 187-188

- George O. Totten
- GEORGE McTURNAN KAHIN (Ed.). Gov ernments and Politics of Southeast Asia. Pp. xvii, 531. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1959. $6.50 pp. 188-189

- Lucian W. Pye
- GEORGE ALEXANDER LENSEN. The Russian Push Toward Japan: Russo-Japanese Re lations, 1697-1875. Pp. xv, 553. Prince ton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1959. $10.00 pp. 188-188

- Edwin O. Reischauer
- OLAF CAROE. The Pathans: 550 B.C.- A.D. 1957. Pp. xxii, 521. New York: St. Martins Press, 1959. $12.50 pp. 189-190

- T.F. Wise
- SAUL ROSE. Socialism in Southern Asia. Pp. 278. New York: Oxford University Press under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1959. $4.50 pp. 190-191

- Thomas A. Rusch
- SYDNEY NETTLETON FISHER. The Middle East: A History. Pp. xiv, 650, xxxi. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1959. $8.95, trade edition; $6.75, text edition pp. 191-191

- William Yale
- WALTER Z. LAQUEUR. The Soviet Union and the Middle East. (Praeger Publica tions in Russian History and World Communism, No. 81.) Pp. x, 366. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1959. $6.00 pp. 191-192

- Harry N. Howard
- ROM LANDAU. Islam and the Arabs. Pp. 298. New York: The Macmillan Com pany, 1959. $4.95 pp. 192-193

- James Batal
- WILLIAM R. BASCOM and MELVILLE J. HERSKOVITS (Eds.). Continuity and Change in African Culture. Pp. ix, 309. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959. $7.00 pp. 193-194

- Benjamin Rivlin
- Letters to the Editor pp. 194-195

- Ralph H. Lutz
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