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The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

1890 - 2024

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Volume 69, issue 1, 1917

The Problem of Railway Trainmen's Wages pp. 1-12 Downloads
Julius H. Parmelee
The Case of Railroad Employes for an Eight-Hour Day pp. 13-22 Downloads
W. Jett Lauck
Issues in the Street Railway Strike in New York City pp. 23-27 Downloads
Robert W. Bruère
The Present Trend of Real Wages pp. 28-33 Downloads
I.M. Rubinow
The Effects of the Legal Minimum Wage for Women pp. 34-41 Downloads
A.N. Holcombe
Social Insurance pp. 42-49 Downloads
John B. Andrews
Welfare Service for Employes pp. 50-57 Downloads
Alexander Fleisher
Better Living Conditions for Employes and their Relation to Stability in Employment pp. 58-65 Downloads
John Ihlder
Immigration and American Labor pp. 66-71 Downloads
Harris Weinstock
The Psychology of Floating Workers pp. 72-78 Downloads
Peter Alexander Speek
Hours of Labor pp. 79-86 Downloads
George G. Groat
Maximum Vs. Minimum Hour Legislation pp. 87-90 Downloads
Richard A. Feiss
Progress of the Public Employment Bureaus pp. 91-102 Downloads
Henry G. Hodges
A Federal Labor Reserve Board for the Unemployed pp. 103-117 Downloads
William M. Leiserson
The Extent of Trade Unionism pp. 118-127 Downloads
Leo Wolman
Labor's Share of the Social Product pp. 128-132 Downloads
Basil M. Manly
The Doctrine that Labor is a Commodity pp. 133-139 Downloads
Edwin E. Witte
Evolution of Legal Remedies as a Substitute for Violence and Strikes pp. 140-149 Downloads
Henry Winthrop Ballantine
The Advantages and Defects of Compulsory Arbitration pp. 150-156 Downloads
Frank T. Carlton
Canadian Legislation Concerning Industrial Disputes pp. 157-169 Downloads
F.A. Acland
The Attitude of Organized Labor Toward the Canadian Industrial Disputes Investigation Act pp. 170-172 Downloads
A.B. Garretson
The Trend of Voluntary Conciliation and Arbitration in Labor Disputes pp. 173-182 Downloads
George M. Janes
The Revised Protocol in the Dress and Waist Industry pp. 183-196 Downloads
Julius Henry Cohen
Experience of Hart, Schaffner and Marx with Collective Bargaining pp. 197-204 Downloads
Earl Dean Howard
The Arbitration Plan of William Filene's Sons Company pp. 205-207 Downloads
Joseph H. Willits
The Methods of Making Local Agreements Employed By the Pattern Maker's Association of Chicago1 pp. 208-213 Downloads
F.S. Deibler
Shall Free Collective Bargaining be Maintained? pp. 214-222 Downloads
Carl H. Mote
Federal Arbitration Legislation pp. 223-228 Downloads
L.E. Hoffman
Why I Believe the Interstate Commerce Commission Should Have Power to Fix Wages and Hours of Labor on InterState Carriers pp. 229-236 Downloads
O.W. Underwood
Shall the Interstate Commerce Commission and the State Public Utility Commissions Fix Wages on the Railroads and on Local Public Utilities? pp. 237-246 Downloads
Delos F. Wilcox
Legislation Concerning the Railroad Service pp. 247-255 Downloads
Emory R. Johnson
. The Railroad Hours of Labor Law pp. 256-264 Downloads
Charles R. Van Hise
The Attitude of the Railroad Brotherhoods Toward Hours and Wages pp. 265-267 Downloads
A.B. Garretson
Government Arbitration and Mediation pp. 268-279 Downloads
James T. Young
Gilbreth, Frank B. and Gilbreth, Lillian M. Fatigue Study. Pp. 159. Price, $1.50. New York: Sturgis and Walton Company, 1916 pp. 280-281 Downloads
Manufacturing industry. Donald, W. J. A. The Canadian Iron and Steel Industry. Pp. xv, 376. Price, $2.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company pp. 280-280 Downloads
Money, Banking and Finance Willis, H. Parker. American Banking. Pp. xi, 361. Price, $2.00. Chicago: La Salle Extension University, 1916 pp. 281-281 Downloads
Robert Riegel
Evans, Maurice S. Black and White in the Southern States. Pp. xii, 229. Price, $2.25. New York: Longmans, Green and Company pp. 282-282 Downloads
George Edmund Haynes
Nasmyth, George. Social Progress and the Darwinian Theory. Pp. xxiii, 417. Price, $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1916 pp. 283-284 Downloads
Carl Kelsey
Kirkpatrick, Edwin A. Fundamentals of Sociology. Pp. x, 291. Price, $1.25. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1916 pp. 283-283 Downloads
Osborne, Thomas Mott. Society and Prisons. Pp. 246. Price, $1.35. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1916 pp. 284-284 Downloads
Parmelee, Maurice. Poverty and Social Progress. Pp. xv, 477. Price, $1.75. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916 pp. 285-286 Downloads
James G. Stevens
International Questions pp. 286-286 Downloads
The War pp. 287-288 Downloads
Karl F. Geiser
Quesada, Ernesto. Nuevo Panamericanismo y el Congreso Cientifico de Washington. Pp. 364. Buenos Aires: Talleres Gráficos del Ministerio de Agricultura de la Nación, 1916 pp. 287-287 Downloads
Potter, W. Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War. Pp. 213. Price, $1.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916 pp. 289-290 Downloads
Carl Kelsey
Seymour, Charles. The Diplomatic Background of the War. 1870-1914. Pp. xv, 311. Price, $2.00. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1916 pp. 289-289 Downloads
Waweiler, Emile. Belgium and the Great Powers. Pp. xi, 186. Price, $1.00. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1916. Guyot, Yves. Les Causes et les Conséquences de la Guerre. Pp. xxv, 422. Price, 3 fr. 50. Paris: Librairie Félix Alcan, 1916. Andrassy, Julius Count Von. (Trans. by Ernest J. Euphrat.) Whose Sin is the World War? Pp. 154. New York: Era Publishing House, (for sale by Baker.) Fried, Alfred H. The Restoration of Europe. Pp. xiv, 157. Price, $1.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916 pp. 290-291 Downloads
Karl F. Geiser
Miscellaneous Ford, Henry Jones. Woodrow Wilson. Pp. 332. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1916. Herbertson, A. J. and Howarth, O. J. The Oxford Survey of the British Empire. 6 vols. Pp. lxiv, 2129. Price, $21.75. New York: Oxford University Press pp. 291-292 Downloads
G.B. Roorbach
Olcott, Charles S. The Life of William McKinley. 2 vols. Pp. xxiv, 818. Price, $5.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1916 pp. 292-293 Downloads
Emory R. Johnson
Hopkins, J. Castell (Ed.). The Canadian Annual Review, 1915. Pp. 880. Price, $4.00. Toronto: The Annual Review Publishing Company, 1916 pp. 292-292 Downloads
Page updated 2025-03-31