The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 583, issue 1, 2002
- Preface pp. 6-11

- Barrett P. Brenton and Helen E. Sheehan
- Why Not Call Modern Medicine "Alternative"? pp. 12-28

- Don G. Bates
- Policy, the Public, and Priorities in Alternative Medicine Research pp. 29-43

- Wayne B. Jonas
- The Emerging Socioeconomic and Political Support for Alternative Medicine in the United States pp. 44-63

- Michael S. Goldstein
- Paying for Alternative Medicine: The Role of Health Insurers pp. 64-75

- Robert Tillman
- The Raw and the Organic: Politics of Therapeutic Cancer Diets in the United States pp. 76-96

- David J. Hess
- Asian Medicine in America: The Ayurvedic Case pp. 97-121

- Sita Reddy
- Unani Tibb: History, Theory, and Contemporary Practice in South Asia pp. 122-135

- Helen E. Sheehan and S.J. Hussain
- Remodeling the Arsenal of Chinese Medicine: Shared Pasts, Alternative Futures pp. 136-159

- Volker Scheid
- "Curing and Crippling": Biomedical and Alternative Healing in Post-Soviet Russia pp. 160-172

- Julie V. Brown and Nina L. Rusinova
- Traditional Medicine in Africa pp. 173-176

- Nancy Romero-Daza
- Staying Healthy: Evangelism and Health Perception Differences by Gender in a Guatemalan Marketplace pp. 177-194

- Michael B. Whiteford
- Native American Traditional and Alternative Medicine pp. 195-213

- Susan L. Johnston
- Moving Lines and Variable Criteria: Differences/Connections between Allopathic and Alternative Medicine pp. 214-232

- Fred M. Frohock
Volume 582, issue 1, 2002
- PREFACE The Varieties of Drug Control at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century pp. 7-19

- Robert MacCoun and Peter Reuter
- Danish Drug Policy— An Ambivalent Balance between Repression and Welfare pp. 20-36

- Lau Laursen and Jorgen Jepsen
- Policy Paradigms, Ideas, and Interests: The Case of the French Public Health Policy toward Drug Abuse pp. 37-48

- Henri Bergeron and Pierre Kopp
- Decriminalization of Drug Use in Portugal: The Development of a Policy pp. 49-63

- Mirjam Van Het Loo, Ineke Van Beusekom and James P. Kahan
- Swedish Drug Policy in the Twenty-First Century: A Policy Model Going Astray pp. 64-79

- Leif Lenke and Boerje Olsson
- Harm Minimization in a Prohibition Context—Australia pp. 80-93

- Gabriele Bammer, Wayne Hall, Margaret Hamilton and Robert Ali
- Science, Ideology, and Needle Exchange Programs pp. 94-101

- Martin T. Schechter
- Illegal Drugs in Colombia: From Illegal Economic Boom to Social Crisis pp. 102-116

- Francisco E. Thoumi
- Policy Paradox: Implications of U.S. Drug Control Policy for Jamaica pp. 117-133

- Marlyn J. Jones
- Mexico's War on Drugs: No Margin for Maneuver pp. 134-148

- Jorge Chabat
- The Drug Market in Iran pp. 149-166

- Fariborz Raisdana and Ahmad Gharavi Nakhjavani
- The Price of Freedom: Illegal Drug Markets and Policies in Post-Soviet Russia pp. 167-180

- Letizia Paoli
- Money Laundering and Its Regulation pp. 181-194

- Michael Levi
- Review Article: Black Flower: Prisons and the Future of Incarceration pp. 195-227

- Marie Gottschalk
- Erratum pp. 228-229

- N/a
Volume 581, issue 1, 2002
- Foreword Globalization: What It Is and What To Do About It pp. 6-7

- John Kenneth Galbraith
- Preface pp. 8-9

- Ronaldo Munck and Barry K. Gills
- Globalization and Democracy: A New "Great Transformation"? pp. 10-21

- Ronaldo Munck
- Global Democracy pp. 22-34

- Henry Teune
- Globalization, Ethnic Diversity, and Nationalism: The Challenge for Democracies pp. 35-47

- Fred W. Riggs
- Globalization from Below: Toward a Collectively Rational and Democratic Global Commonwealth pp. 48-61

- Christopher Chase-Dunn
- Beyond the Tobin Tax: Global Democracy and a Global Currency pp. 62-73

- Myron Frankman
- Neoliberalism and the Regulation of Global Labor Mobility pp. 74-90

- Henk Overbeek
- Agents, Subjects, Objects, or Phantoms? Labor, the Environment, and Liberal Institutionalization pp. 91-105

- Dimitris Stevis
- Globalization of Production and Women in Asia pp. 106-120

- Dong-Sook S. Gills
- Predatory Globalization and Democracy in the Islamic World pp. 121-132

- Mustapha Kamal Pasha
- Globalization and Culture: Placing Ireland pp. 133-143

- G. Honor Fagan
- Democracy and the Transnational Capitalist Class pp. 144-157

- Leslie Sklair
- Democratizing Globalization and Globalizing Democracy pp. 158-171

- Barry K. Gills
- Review Article pp. 172-181

- N/a
Volume 580, issue 1, 2002
- Preface pp. 6-15

- Frank F. Furstenberg, Thomas D. Cook, Robert Sampson and Gail Slap
- The Transition to Adulthood in Aging Societies pp. 16-39

- Elizabeth Fussell
- Regional Differences in the Transition to Adulthood pp. 40-69

- Maria Iacovou
- Cross-National Variation in Educational Preparation for Adulthood: From Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood pp. 70-102

- Laura Lippman
- Cross-National Differences in Employment and Economic Sufficiency pp. 103-133

- Timothy M. Smeeding and Katherin Ross Phillips
- Trends in Youth Sexual Initiation and Fertility in Developed Countries: 1960-1995 pp. 134-152

- Julien O. Teitler
- The Transition to Adulthood: A Time Use Perspective pp. 153-171

- Anne H. Gauthier and Frank F. Furstenberg
- An International Comparison of Adolescent and Young Adult Mortality pp. 172-200

- Patrick Heuveline
- Crime, Problem Drinking, and Drug Use: Patterns of Problem Behavior in Cross-National Perspective pp. 201-225

- Manuel Eisner
- Is Youth a Better Predictor of Sociopolitical Values Than Is Nationality? pp. 226-256

- James Tilley
- Explaining Aspects of the Transition to Adulthood in Italy, Sweden, Germany, and the United States: A Cross-Disciplinary, Case Synthesis Approach pp. 257-287

- Thomas D. Cook and Frank F. Furstenberg
- Institutional Variation and the Position of Young People: A Comparative Perspective pp. 288-305

- Richard Breen and Marlis Buchmann
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