The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 173, issue 1, 1934
- Introduction pp. ix-xiv
- J.G. Brainerd
- The Consumer Becomes a "Problem" pp. 1-6
- Robert S. Lynd
- The Consumer and the New Deal pp. 7-17
- Gardiner C. Means
- Wastes in the Consumer's Dollar pp. 18-25
- Hazel Kyrk
- Foods and Drugs for the Consumer pp. 26-34
- Arthur Kallet
- Clothing and Household Goods for the Consumer pp. 35-42
- Pauline Beery Mack
- Mechanical and Electrical Goods for the Consumer pp. 43-52
- Dewey H. Palmer
- The Large Manufacturer as Consumer: A Contrast pp. 53-59
- Knox Mcilwain
- The Movement for Standards for Consumer Goods pp. 60-69
- P.G. Agnew
- Present-Day Advertising—The Consumer's Viewpoint pp. 70-79
- Colston Estey Warne
- Brand Names, Quality, and Price pp. 80-85
- Clair Wilcox
- Marketing pp. 86-92
- Corwin D. Edwards
- Installment Selling and the Consumer: A Brief for Regulation pp. 93-103
- Rolf Nugent and Leon Henderson
- Retailer and Consumer under the New Deal pp. 104-112
- Q. Forrest Walker
- Price Fixing: The Consumer Faces Monopoly pp. 113-124
- W.N. Loucks
- What Government Does and Might Do for the Consumer pp. 125-143
- Frederick J. Schunk
- New York City's Consumers Service1 pp. 144-145
- Frances F. Gannon
- The Bureau of Standards and the Ultimate Consumer pp. 146-152
- D.W. Mcconnell
- Services of the National Bureau of Standards to Consumers pp. 153-157
- Lyman J. Briggs
- Private Organizations Working for the Consumer pp. 158-165
- Edith Ayres
- Consumers' Coöperative Methods pp. 166-176
- James Peter Warbasse
- The Consumer at Law pp. 177-187
- Nathan Isaacs
- Education and the Consumer pp. 188-197
- Dewey H. Palmer and Frederick J. Schlink
- GRUENBERG, S. M. and B. C. Parents, Children and Money. Pp.xii,219. New York: The Viking Press, 1933. $1.75 pp. 198-198
- James H.S. Bossard
- PAGE, KIRBY. Individualism and Socialism. Pp. 367. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1933. $2.50 pp. 198-199
- Patrick Murphy Malin
- BRAMELD, THEODORE B. A Philosophic Approach to Communism. Pp.xi,242. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933. $2.50 pp. 199-199
- Karl Scholz
- SIMPSON, GEORGE (Translator). Emile Durkheim on the Division of Labor in Society. Pp. xliv, 439. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $3.50 pp. 199-200
- John Donaldson
- DAVIS, HORACE B. Labor and Steel. Pp. 304. New York: International Publishers, 1933. $2.00 pp. 200-200
- Charles A. Gulick
- TAYLOR, MAURICE. The Social Cost of Industrial Insurance. Pp. xxvii, 421. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1933. $3.25 pp. 201-202
- C.A. Kulp
- INTERNATIONAL LABOR OFFICE. Employment Exchanges: Studies and Reports, Series C, No. 18. Pp. iv, 231. Geneva, 1938. Boston: World Peace Foundation, 40 Mount Vernon Street. $1.25 pp. 201-201
- Francis G. Wilson
- FRENCH, PATTERSON H. The Automobile Compensation Plan. Pp. 262. New York: Columbia University Press, 1933. $3.50 pp. 202-202
- C.A. Kulp
- CLAY, CASSIUS M. The Mainstay of American Individualism. Pp. xiii, 269. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1934. $2.50 pp. 203-203
- Bernhard Ostrolenk
- CHAPMAN, JOHN WILL. Railroad Mergers. Pp. xii, 157. New York: Simmons-Boardman Publishing Company, 1934. $3.00 pp. 204-204
- G. Lloyd Wilson
- LINDLEY, ERNEST K. The Roosevelt Revolution, First Phase. New York: Viking Press, 1933. $2.50 pp. 204-205
- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- PASVOLSKY, LEO. Current Monetary Issues. Pp. xiii, 192. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1933. $1.50 pp. 205-206
- John Donaldson
- SCHUMPETER, JOSEPH, and others. The Economics of the Recovery Program. Pp. xii, 188. New York: Whittlesey House, 1934. $1.50 pp. 205-205
- John Donaldson
- ZOLOTAS, XÉNOPHON: L'étalon-or en théorie et en pratique. Pp. 266. Paris: Receuil Sirey, 1933. f25. CLARK, VICTOR S. What is Money? Pp. vi, 88. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1934. $1.00. FOELSKE, HENRY E. The Inflation Folly. Pp. 61. Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1933. $1.00 pp. 206-208
- F. Cyril James
- STALIN, J., et al. From the First to the Second Five-Year Plan. Pp. 490. New York: International Publishers, 1933. $1.50 pp. 208-209
- Karl Scholz
- EINZIG, PAUL. The Sterling-Dollar-Franc Tangle. Pp. xii, 207. New York: Macmillan Company, 1933. $1.75 pp. 208-208
- Richard A. Staderman
- DEAN, VERA MICHELES. Soviet Russia 1917-1933. World Affairs Pamphlets, No. 2. Pp. 40. New York: Foreign Policy Association; Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1933 pp. 209-209
- Karl Scholz
- SOUSA, N. The Capitulatory Régime of Turkey. Pp. xxiii, 378. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1933. $3.50 pp. 209-210
- Phillips Bradley
- LATOURETTE, KENNETH S. The Chinese: Their History and Culture. 2 vols. Pp. xii, 505, 389. New York: Macmillan Company, 1934. $7.50 pp. 210-210
- J.K. Shryock
- CRESSEY, GEORGE B. China's Geographic Foundations. Pp. xvii, 436. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1933. $4.00 pp. 210-211
- Glenn T. Trewartha
- REMER, C. F., and WILLIAM B. PALMER. A Study of Chinese Boycotts. Pp. xii, 306. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1933. $2.75 pp. 211-211
- Maurice T. Price
- TANNENBAUM, FRANK. Whither Latin America? Pp. xi, 185. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1934. $2.00 pp. 211-212
- Dudley M. Phelps
- TOBIN, H. J. The Termination of Multipartite Treaties. Pp.ii.321. New York: Columbia University Press, 1933. $4.00 pp. 212-212
- Phillips Bradley
- HOLT, W. STULL. Treaties Defeated by the Senate. Pp. vi, 328. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1934. $3.00 pp. 213-213
- Phillips Bradley
- STONE, JULIUS. Regional Guarantees of Minority Rights. Pp. xvi, 313. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $3.75 pp. 213-214
- Rupert Emerson
- WHEELER-BENNETT, JOHN W. (Ed.). Documents on International Affairs, 1932. Pp. xiii, 437. London: Oxford University Press, 1934. $6.50 pp. 214-214
- H.K. Norton
- JAFFE, Louis L. Judicial Aspects of Foreign Relations. Pp.viii,278. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1933. $3.50 pp. 214-215
- Phillips Bradley
- GREEN, WILLIAM RAYMOND. The Theory and Practice of Modern Taxation. Pp. 266. Chicago: Clearing House, Inc., 1933. $3.75 pp. 215-216
- Charles P. White
- TAFT, CHARLES P. City Management: The Cincinnati Experiment. Pp. viii, 275. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1933. $2.50 pp. 215-215
- Lane W. Lancaster
- BARNES, GILBERT HOBBS. The Anti-Slavery Impulse. Pp.ix,298. NewYork: D.Appleton-Century Company, 1933. $3.50 pp. 216-217
- Alphonse B. Miller
- LYON, E. WILSON. Louisiana in French Diplomacy,1759-1804. Pp.268. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1934. $3.00 pp. 217-218
- Arthur S. Aiton
- BREBNER, JOHN BARTLETT. The Explorers of North America. Pp. xv, 502. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $3.50 pp. 217-217
- Roy F. Nichols
- CoucH, W. T. (Ed.). Culture in the South. Pp. xiv, 711. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1934. $4.00 pp. 218-219
- Benj B. Kendrick
- BURT, ALFRED LEROY. The Old Province of Quebec. Pp.xiii,551. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1933. $5.00 pp. 218-218
- Carl Wittke
- BREASTED, JAMES H. The Dawn of Conscience. Pp.xvii,431. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1933. $3.00 pp. 219-219
- Wilson D. Wallis
- ELLWOOD, CHARLES A. Methods in Sociology. Pp. xxxiv, 214. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1933. $1.50 pp. 219-220
- J.P. Lichtenberger
- WARNER, SAM BASS. Crime and Criminal Statistics in Boston. Pp. x, 147. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Press, 1934. $3.00 pp. 220-221
- Thorsten Sellin
- FOSTER, JAMES H., and ROBERT AXEL. Volume, Distribution and Cost of Child Dependency in New York State for the YearEndingDecember31,1931. Pp.109. Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1933 pp. 221-222
- Robert Rockafellow
- TANNENBAUM, FRANK. Osborne of Sing Sing. Pp.xiii,336. Chapel Hill, N. C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1933. $3.00 pp. 221-221
- Nathaniel Cantor
- MARTIN, PRESTONIA MANN. Prohibiting Poverty. Pp.x,115. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1933. $1.00 pp. 222-222
- W. Wallace Weaver
- KRAMER, STELLA. The Path to Understanding. Pp. vii, 259. New York: Published by the Author, 1933 pp. 222-223
- Thomas Woody
- BITTNER, W. S., and H. F. MALLORY. University Teaching by Mail. Pp. 350. New York: Macmillan Company,1933 pp. 223-223
- C.L. Dedrick
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