The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 125, issue 1, 1926
- Foreword pp. vii-vii

- Clyde L. King
- Spectacular Aspects of Crime in Relation to the Crime Wave pp. 1-19

- Ellen C. Potter
- The Increase in Murder pp. 20-29

- Frederick L. Hoffman
- Is Murder Increasing in Europe? pp. 29-34

- Thorsten Sellin
- Laws Men Break and Why pp. 35-39

- Edwin M. Abbott
- The Profession of Bootlegging pp. 40-48

- Joseph K. Willing
- Irregular Practices in Building and Loan Associations pp. 49-54

- William D. Gordon
- The Fight on Stock Swindlers pp. 54-58

- H.J. Kenner
- The Use of the Mails for Fraudulent Purposes pp. 58-61

- Harry S. New
- Mechanical Aids to Crime pp. 62-63

- William Mcadoo
- Illegitimacy in St. Louis pp. 63-67

- George B. Mangold
- Some Aspects of Juvenile Delinquency pp. 68-78

- Neva R. Deardorff
- Politics and Crime pp. 78-84

- Raymond Moley
- The Work of the American Law Institute in Criminal Procedure pp. 85-91

- William Draper Lewis
- Criminal Procedure—Defects in its Administration pp. 91-93

- William E. Mikell
- Suggestions for Reform in Criminal Procedure pp. 94-96

- Alan Johnstone
- The Problem of Criminal Procedure pp. 96-98

- Justin Miller
- A Plan to Relieve the Congestion in Our Criminal Courts: A Judicial Reserve pp. 98-102

- Moses H. Grossman
- The Baltimore Criminal Justice Commission pp. 103-106

- James M. Hepbron
- Jury Trials in Criminal Cases pp. 106-112

- Clarence N. Callender
- Simplifying Criminal Procedure in the Lower Courts pp. 112-119

- R.P. Shick
- The Prevention and Punishment of Modern Crime pp. 119-125

- Edwin O. Lewis
- Dealing with Crime—Some Urgent Needs pp. 125-131

- Oscar Hallam
- Protecting Society Against Crime The Treatment of Crime and the Criminal pp. 132-134

- E.R. Cass
- Some Factors in Crime Prevention pp. 135-137

- Adolph Lewisohn
- Suggestions on Crime Statistics pp. 137-143

- I.M. Rubinow
- Observations and Experiences as Superintendent of the State Police of Pennsylvania pp. 143-147

- Lynn G. Adams
- The Prevention and Detection of Crime as Viewed by a Police Officer pp. 148-153

- August Vollmer
- Adequate and Proper Restrictions on Sale and Ownership of Firearms pp. 153-157

- Lynn G. Adams
- Environmental Conditions and Crime pp. 157-161

- John L. Elliott and Mark A. McCloskey
- Drug Addiction and Crime pp. 162-165

- Sara Graham-Mulhall
- Immigration and Crime pp. 165-174

- Carl Kelsey
- Recreation Centers as a Means of Crime Prevention pp. 175-176

- Samuel O. Wynne
- Improved Housing as a Means of Crime Prevention pp. 177-180

- James Ford
- Training for Citizenship in the Schools pp. 180-187

- Francis M. Garver
- Moral and Civic Education in the Elementary School pp. 187-192

- Ernest Horn
- Criminality and the Home pp. 192-200

- Viva B. Boothe
- The Church and Crime in the United States pp. 200-228

- C.V. Dunn
- The Content of Punishment pp. 229-232

- Louis N. Robinson
- A New Phase of Criminal Anthropology in Italy pp. 233-242

- Thorsten Sellin
- Does Probation Aid or Prevent Crime? pp. 242-243

- Alice C. Smith
- Probation and Parole in the County Courts of Pennsylvania pp. 243-251

- Leon Stern
- Wage Systems in Prisons pp. 251-260

- L.D. Weyand
- A Plan for the Interstate Sale of Prison Products pp. 260-264

- E. Stagg Whitin
- White, William Allen. Calvin Coolidge. Pp. 252. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925 pp. 265-266

- N/a
- Ellwood, Charles A. The Psychology of Human Society. Pp. ix, 495. Price, $3.00. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1925 pp. 265-265

- J.P. Lichtenberger
- Recollections of Thomas R. Marshall, Vice-President and Hoosier Philosopher. Pp. 397. Indianapolis: Bobbs Merrill Company, 1925 pp. 266-266

- N/a
- Griffin, Solomon Bulkley. W. Murray Crane, A Man and a Brother. Pp. xvi, 202. Price, $2.50. Boston: Little Brown and Company pp. 266-267

- N/a
- Weiner, M. R. Brigham Young. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company pp. 267-267

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- Boyd, William Kenneth. The Story of Durham: City of the New South. Pp. 345. Price, $3.00. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press pp. 267-268

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- Domville-Fife, C. W. Among Wild Tribes of the Amazons. (2nd edition.) 27 plates, 6 maps, pp. 276. Price, $5.00. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1925 pp. 268-269

- Frank G. Speck
- Flint, Leon Nelson. The Conscience of the Newspaper. Pp. vii, 461. Price, $3.00. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1925 pp. 268-268

- N/a
- Farabee, William Curtis. The Central Caribs. Anthropological Publications of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Vol. X, pp. 229, Ills. 8, 1 map. Philadelphia: 1924 pp. 269-270

- Frank G. Speck
- Siegfreid, Andre. Post-War Britain. Translated by H. H. Hemming. Pp. 314. Price, $3.50. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company pp. 270-271

- John M. Gaus
- Sorokin, Pitirim. Leaves from a Russian Diary. Pp. 310. Price, $3.00. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company pp. 271-271

- N/a
- MacNair, Harley, F. China's New Nationalism and Other Essays. Pp. 398. Price, $2.50. Shanghai, China: Commercial Press, 1925 pp. 271-272

- W. Leon Godshall
- Morey, William Carey. Diplomatic Episodes. Pp. xvii, 295. Price, $2.00. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1926 pp. 272-272

- Benjamin H. Williams
- Frotingham, Louis Adams. A Brief History of the Constitution and Government of Massachusetts, with a chapter on legislative procedure. Pp. 254. Price, $1.50. 2d edition. Cambridge: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1925 pp. 272-273

- Leonard D. White
- Cushman, Robert Eugene. Leading Constitutional Decisions. Pp. 288. Price, $2.00 New York: F. S. Crofts and Company, 1925 pp. 273-274

- John B. Cheadle
- Judson, Harry Pratt. Our Federal Republic. Pp. 277. Price, $3.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925 pp. 273-273

- Martin L. Faust
- Keller, A. G. Starting Points in Social Science. Pp. 183. Boston: Ginn and Company. 1925 pp. 274-274

- Lane W. Lancaster
- Bushee, Frederick A. Principles of Sociology. Pp. 577. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1923 pp. 275-275

- Clifford Kirkpatrick
- Wilcox, Delos F., Depreciation in Public Utilities. Pp. 112. Price, $2.00. New York: 1923, National Municipal League pp. 275-276

- Austin F. Macdonald
- Adams, A. B. Economics of the Business Cycle. Pp.x,263. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1925 pp. 276-277

- John G. Hervey
- Trade Associations, Their Economic Significance and Legal Status. National Industrial Conference Board. Pp. 388. Price, $3.00. New York: 1925. Public Regulation of Competitive Practices. National Industrial Conference Board. Pp. 281. Price, $3.00. New York: 1925 pp. 276-276

- Rinehart J. Swenson
- Campbell, C. G. Common Wealth. Pp. 472. Price, $3.00. The Century Company, 1985 pp. 277-278

- H.G. Hayes
- Crum, W. L. and Patton, A. C. An Introduction to the Methods of Economics Statistics. Pp. xii, 493. A. W. Shaw Company, 1925 pp. 277-277

- Jacob Perlman
- Jome, Hiram L. Economics of the Radio Industry. Pp. 332. Price, $4.00. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1926 pp. 278-279

- N/a
- Tosdal, Harry R. Principles of Personal Selling. Pp. 752. Price, $4.00. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1925 pp. 279-280

- N/a
- Tosdal, Harry. Problems in Sales Management. (Revised edition.) Pp. 850. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1925 pp. 279-279

- Royal A. Roberts
- Boyle, James E. Marketing of Agricultural Products. Pp. 479. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc pp. 280-280

- L.D.H. Weld
- De Haas, J. Anton. Hides and Skins, of Raw Material Markets series. John R. Arnold, Executive Secretary, National Association of Importers of Hides and Skins. Pp. 606. Price, $6.00. A. W. Shaw Company, 1925 pp. 280-281

- N/a
- Goodrich, Carter. The Miners' Freedom. Pp. 189. Price, $2.00. Boston: Marshall Jones Company pp. 281-281

- Charles Reitell
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