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Volume 220, issue 1, 1942

Foreword pp. vii-ix Downloads
Francis J. Brown
The Nature of Military Defense pp. 1-7 Downloads
A. Robert Ginsburgh
The Procurement of Man Power pp. 8-17 Downloads
Ernest M. Culligan
The Army Personnel Classification System pp. 18-28 Downloads
Walter V. Bingham
Training for Military Service pp. 29-49 Downloads
B.N. Harlow
Recreation, Welfare, and Morale of the American Soldier pp. 50-56 Downloads
Frederick H. Osborn
Selection, Training, and Morale of Navy Personnel pp. 57-66 Downloads
C.N. Smith
Nonservice Education for the Canadian Armed Forces pp. 67-80 Downloads
Andrew Moore
Health of Registrants and Rehabilitation of Rejectees pp. 81-88 Downloads
Leonard G. Rowntree and Albert N. Baggs
Venereal Disease Control in Defense pp. 89-93 Downloads
Eliot Ness
Production Planning for a War Economy pp. 94-105 Downloads
Morris A. Copeland
Problems Posed for Industry pp. 106-115 Downloads
Charles A. Bliss
Some Problems of Organized Labor in a War Economy pp. 116-124 Downloads
Paul Eliel
Agricultural Supplies for War pp. 125-135 Downloads
Claude R. Wickard
Public Opinion in Flux pp. 136-152 Downloads
Hadley Cantril
American Unity and Our Foreign-Born Citizens pp. 153-159 Downloads
Harold B. Hoskins
The Civilian Morale Agency pp. 160-167 Downloads
Ernest Angell
Government Agencies and Civilian Morale pp. 168-177 Downloads
Philip S. Broughton
Our Economic Freedom pp. 178-185 Downloads
John M. Clark
Re-employment and Postwar Planning pp. 186-192 Downloads
John N. Andrews
Purpose of America pp. 193-199 Downloads
David Cushman Coyle
Report of the Board of Directors to the Membership of The American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1941 pp. 200-202 Downloads
Edward P. Moxey
HERRING, PENDLETON. The Impact of War. Pp. ix, 306. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1941. College Ed.: $1.90; Trade Ed.: $2.50 pp. 204-204 Downloads
Fritz Morstein Marx
FORSTER, KENT. The Failures of Peace. Pp. vi, 159. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1941. Paper bound: $2.00; Clothbound: $2.50 pp. 204-205 Downloads
Alma Luckau
BASCH, ANTONÃ N. The New Economic Warfare. Pp. xvi, 190. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $1.75 pp. 205-206 Downloads
Margaret S. Gordon
HARRIS, SEYMOUR E. The Economics of American Defense. Pp. 350. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1941. $3.50 pp. 206-206 Downloads
Hans Neisser
LORWIN, LEWIS L. Economic Conse quences of the Second World War. Pp. xvii, 510. New York: Random House, 1941. $3.00 pp. 206-207 Downloads
John Lindberg
SHOUP, CARL. Federal Finances in the Coming Decade. Pp. xii, 121. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $1.00 pp. 207-208 Downloads
M. Slade Kendrick
HART, ALBERT GAILORD, and EDWARD D. ALLEN. Paying for Defense. Pp. viii, 275. Philadelphia: The Blakiston Co., 1941. $2.50 pp. 208-209 Downloads
Paul Studenski
HICKS, J. R., U. K. HICKS, and L. ROSTAS. The Taxation of War Wealth. Pp. x, 304. New York: Oxford University Press, 1941. $3.50 pp. 209-210 Downloads
Tipton R. Snavely
CHAMBERLIN, WILLIAM HENRY. The World's Iron Age. Pp. viii, 402. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $3.00 pp. 210-211 Downloads
Winchester H. Heicher
WORLD CITIZENS ASSOCIATION. The World's Destiny and the United States. Pp. xx, 309. Chicago, 1941. $1.00 pp. 211-212 Downloads
Wilson Leon Godshall
MANDER, LINDEN A. Foundations of Mod ern World Society. Pp. xi, 910. Stan ford University: Stanford University Press, 1941. $4.25 pp. 212-214 Downloads
Johannes Mattern
BECKER, CARL L. New Liberties for Old. Pp. xvii, 181. New Haven: Yale Uni versity Press, 1941. $2.00 pp. 214-215 Downloads
Edgar Kemler
FAWCETT, C. B. The Bases of a World Commonwealth. Pp. xl, 167. London: C. A. Watts & Co., 1941. 7/6d pp. 214-214 Downloads
Roy V. Peel
HUXLEY, JULIAN. Democracy Marches. Pp. x, 126. New York: Harper & Broth ers, 1941. $1.50 pp. 215-216 Downloads
David Cushman Coyle
HOLCOMBE, ARTHUR N. Dependent Areas in the Post-War World. Pp. 108. Bos ton: World Peace Foundation, 1941. Paperbound: 25¢; Clothbound: 50¢ pp. 215-215 Downloads
Clyde Eagleton
ROLO, CHARLES J. Radio Goes to War. Pp. xviii, 293. New York: G. P. Put nam's Sons, 1942. $2.75 pp. 216-217 Downloads
Joseph S. Roucek
SCHUMAN, FREDERICK L. Design for Power. Pp. 324. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1942. $3.50 pp. 217-219 Downloads
Joseph S. Roucek
VIERECK, PETER. Metapolitics: From the Romantics to Hitler. Pp. xviii, 335, i-xxiv. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1941. $3.00 pp. 219-220 Downloads
Boris Erich Nelson
LORWIN, LEWIS L. National Planning in Selected Countries. Pp. iv, 173. Wash ington: National Resources Planning Board, 1941. 40¢ pp. 219-219 Downloads
George H.E. Smith
HITLER, ADOLF. My New Order. Pp. xv, 1008. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, Inc., 1941. $1.89 pp. 220-221 Downloads
H.M. Kallen
ZIEMER, GREGOR. Education for Death: the Making of the Nazi. Pp. 208. New York: Oxford University Press, 1941. $2.00 pp. 221-221 Downloads
Harold Benjamin
THYSSEN, FRITZ. I Paid Hitler. Pp. xxix, 281. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1941. $2.75 pp. 221-222 Downloads
Robert M.W. Kempner
RUSSELL, WILLIAM. Berlin Embassy. Pp. 307. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1941. $2.50 pp. 222-223 Downloads
M.W. Fodor
TORRÈS, HENRY. Pierre Laval. Pp. vi, 265. New York: Oxford University Press, 1941. $2.50 pp. 223-224 Downloads
E.J. Gumbel
PETROVITCH, SVETISLAV-SVETA. Free Yugo slavia Calling. Pp. 356. New York: The Greystone Press, Inc., 1941. $3.00 pp. 224-225 Downloads
Vlastimil Kybal
ESTORICK, ERIC. Stafford Cripps: Pro phetic Rebel. Pp. 285. New York: The John Day Co., 1941. $2.50 pp. 224-224 Downloads
Witt Bowden
TIMS, RICHARD WONSER. Germanizing Prussian Poland: The H-K-T Society and the Struggle for the Eastern Marches in the German Empire, 1894-1919. Pp. 312. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $4.25 pp. 225-227 Downloads
Oscar Halecki
READ, JAMES MORGAN. Atrocity Propa ganda, 1914-1919. Pp. ix, 319. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. $3.50 pp. 227-227 Downloads
H.C. Peterson
KOHT, HALVDAN. Norway: Neutral and Invaded. Pp. 253. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $2.50 pp. 227-228 Downloads
Einar Haugen
THOMPSON, VIRGINIA. Thailand: The New Siam. Pp. xxxii, 865. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1941. $5.00 pp. 228-229 Downloads
Kenneth Perry Landon
JACKSON, J. HAMPDEN. Estonia. Pp. 248. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $2.25 pp. 229-232 Downloads
Charles H. Wesley
KOSÃ RY, DOMINIC G. A History of Hun gary. Pp. xxxi, 482. New York: Benja min Franklin Bibliophile Society, 1941. $2.75 pp. 232-233 Downloads
Harry N. Howard
Cambridge Economic History of Europe, Vol. I: The Agrarian Life of the Middle Ages, edited by J. H. Clapham and Eileen Power. Pp. xvii, 650. Cambridge: At the University Press; New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $7.50 pp. 233-234 Downloads
Gray C. Boyce
REDDAWAY, W. F., et al (Eds.). The Cam bridge History of Poland: From Augus tus II to Pilsudski. Pp. xvi, 630. Cam bridge: At the University Press; New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $7.50 pp. 234-235 Downloads
Hans Kohn
KNAPLUND, PAUL. The British Empire, 1815-1939. Pp. xx, 850. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. $4.00 pp. 235-236 Downloads
Albert Viton
TOWNSEND, MARY EVELYN, and CYRUS HENDERSON PEAKE. European Colonial Expansion Since 1871. Pp. viii, 629. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1941. $4.00 pp. 236-236 Downloads
Lennox A. Mills
HAYES, CARLTON J. H. A Generation of Materialism, 1871-1900. Pp. xii, 390. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1941. $3.75 pp. 236-238 Downloads
Hans Kohn
MCLINTOCK, A. H. The Establishment of Constitutional Government in Newfound land, 1783-1832. Pp. xii, 246. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1941. $5.00 pp. 238-239 Downloads
A.M. Fraser
VAN DOREN, CARL. Secret History of the American Revolution. Pp. xvi, 534. New York: The Viking Press, 1941. $3.75 pp. 239-240 Downloads
Jennings B. Sanders
BURNETT, EDMUND CODY. The Continental Congress. Pp. xvii, 757. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $6.00 pp. 240-241 Downloads
Merrill Jensen
BRANT, IRVING. James Madison: The Vir ginia Revolutionist, 1751-1780. Pp. 471. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1941. $4.50 pp. 241-242 Downloads
Ray F. Harvey
WILDES, HARRY EMERSON. Anthony Wayne: Trouble Shooter of the American Revolu tion. Pp. xii, 514. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1941. $3.75 pp. 242-243 Downloads
Merrill Jensen
WILLIAMS, T. HARRY. Lincoln and the Radicals. Pp. 413. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1941. $3.00 pp. 243-244 Downloads
Alphonse B. Miller
BARROWS, CHESTER L. William M. Evarts. Pp. x, 587. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. $4.00 pp. 244-245 Downloads
Alphonse B. Miller
LEECH, MARGARET. Reveille in Washing ton, 1860-1865. Pp. x, 483. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. $3.50 pp. 244-244 Downloads
Alphonse B. Miller
RICH, BENNETT MILTON. The Presidents and Civil Disorder. Pp. x, 235. Wash ington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1941. $2.00 pp. 245-246 Downloads
T. Harry Williams
MAYNARD, THEODORE. The Story of Ameri can Catholicism. Pp. xv, 694. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. $3.50 pp. 246-246 Downloads
George N. Shuster
CARGILL, OSCAR. Intellectual America: Ideas on the March. Pp. xxi, 777. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1941. $5.00 pp. 246-247 Downloads
Herman Hausheer
SMITH, ROBERT AURA. Your Foreign Policy: How, What, and Why. Pp. xvi, 280. New York: The Viking Press, 1941. $2.75 pp. 247-248 Downloads
Cromwell A. Riches
GLASER, COMSTOCK. Administrative Pro cedure. Pp. 207. Washington: Ameri can Council on Public Affairs, 1941. Clothbound: $3.00; Paperbound: $2.50 pp. 248-249 Downloads
James W. Martin
MULLENDORE, WILLIAM C. History of the United States Food Administration, 1917- 1919. Pp. xiv, 399. Stanford Univer sity: Stanford University Press, 1941. $4.50 pp. 249-249 Downloads
Bernhard Ostrolenk
MILES, ARNOLD, and LOWELL MARTIN. Public Administration and the Library. Pp. xiii, 313. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1941. $3.00 pp. 249-250 Downloads
Audrey M. Davies
SEIDMAN, HAROLD. Investigating Munici pal Administration. Pp. xv, 215. New York: Institute of Public Administration, 1941. $2.50 pp. 250-251 Downloads
Harvey Pinney
HAYES, LAURENCE J. W. The Negro Fed eral Government Worker. Pp. 156. Washington: Howard University, 1941 pp. 251-251 Downloads
Sterling D. Spero
MOSHER, WILLIAM E. (Ed.). Introduc tion to Responsible Citizenship. Pp. viii, 887. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1941. $3.25 pp. 252-252 Downloads
Franklin L. Burdette
SCHURZ, WILLIAM LYTLE. Latin America: A Descriptive Survey. Pp. 378. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1941. $3.75 pp. 252-253 Downloads
Richard F. Behrendt
LAVES, WALTER H. C. (Ed.). Inter-Ameri can Solidarity. Pp. xiii, 228. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1941. $1.50 pp. 253-254 Downloads
Russell H. Fitzgibbon
WHITAKER, ARTHUR PRESTON. The United States and the Independence of Latin America, 1800-1830. Pp. xx, 632. Bal timore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1941. $3.75 pp. 254-255 Downloads
Alfred H. Kelly
MORENO, JULIO E. El sentido histdrico y la cultura: Para una sociologia ecuato riana. Pp. 381. Quito, Ecuador: Lito grafia e Imprenta Romero, 1941 pp. 255-256 Downloads
Richard F. Behrendt
GÓMEZ ROBLEDO, ANTONIO. The Bucareli Agreements and International Law. Pp. xii, 229. Mexico, D. F.: The National University of Mexico Press, 1940 pp. 256-257 Downloads
Edgar Turlington
DOWRIE, GEORGE W., and DOUGLAS R. FULLER. Investments. Pp. viii, 631. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1941. $4.00 pp. 257-257 Downloads
James C. Dolley
BADGER, RALPH EASTMAN, and HARRY G. GUTHMANN. Investment Principles and Practices. 3rd Ed. Pp. xxiv, 895. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1941. Trade Ed. $6.00; School Ed. $4.50 pp. 258-259 Downloads
James Alexander Ross
BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RE SERVE SYSTEM, MEMBERS OF THE STAFF. Banking Studies. Pp. x, 496. Washing ton, 1941. $1.50 pp. 258-258 Downloads
Robert Rockafellow
MITCHELL, WESLEY C., et al. Studies in Economics and Industrial Relations. Pp. v, 183. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941. $2.00 pp. 259-260 Downloads
William Bruce Lockling
STIGLER, GEORGE J. Production and Distri bution Theories: The Formative Period. Pp. vii, 392. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1941. $3.50 pp. 259-259 Downloads
S.H. Patterson
ROETHLISBERGER, F. J. Management and Morale. Pp. xxii, 194. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941. $2.00 pp. 260-261 Downloads
William N. Mitchell
NORGREN, PAUL H. The Swedish Collec tive Bargaining System. Pp. xv, 339. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941. $3.50 pp. 261-262 Downloads
Erik T.H. Kjellstrom
PUFFER, CLAUDE E. Air Transportation. Pp. xxiv, 675. Philadelphia: The Blakis ton Co., 1941. $3.75 pp. 262-263 Downloads
Howard C. Knotts
COLLINS, HENRY HILL, JR. America's Own Refugees. Pp. 323. Princeton: Prince ton University Press, 1941. $3.00 pp. 263-264 Downloads
Harry Schwartz
APTEKAR, HERBERT H. Basic Concepts in Social Case Work. Pp. ix, 201. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. $2.50 pp. 264-265 Downloads
Arthur E. Fink
SCHNEIDER, DAVID M., and ALBERT DEUTSCH. The History of Public Wel fare in New York State, 1867-1940. Pp. xix, 410. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1941. $3.50 pp. 265-265 Downloads
Abraham Epstein
VAILE, ROLAND S. (Ed.). Consumers' Co operatives in the North Central States. Pp. xvi, 431. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1941. $3.50 pp. 265-266 Downloads
Orin E. Burley
CLARK, HARRISON. Swedish Unemploy ment Policy—1914 to 1940. Pp. 179 Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1941. Clothbound: $3.25; Paperbound: $2.75 pp. 266-267 Downloads
Erik T.H. Kjellstrom
MILLER, NEAL E., and JOHN DOLLARD. Social Learning and Imitation. Pp. xiv, 341. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941. $3.50 pp. 267-268 Downloads
Raymond F. Sletto
EFRON, DAVID. Gesture and Environment. Pp. x, 184. New York: King's Crown Press, 1941. $2.25 pp. 268-269 Downloads
Gardner Murphy
ELDRIDGE, SEBA. New Social Horizons. Pp. ix, 444. New York: D. Appleton- Century Co., 1941. $3.50 pp. 269-270 Downloads
Eduard C. Lindeman
MYRDAL, ALVA. Nation and Family. Pp. xv, 441. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. $4.00 pp. 270-271 Downloads
Clifford Kirkpatrick
SEAGLE, WILLIAM. The Quest for Law. Pp. xv, 439, i-xvii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1941. $5.00 pp. 271-272 Downloads
Hessel E. Yntema
LLEWELLYN, K. N., and E. ADAMSON HOE- BEL. The Cheyenne Way: Conflict and Case Law in Primitive Jurisprudence. Pp. x, 360. Norman: University of Okla homa Press, 1941. $3.00 pp. 272-273 Downloads
A. Irving Hallowell
BOORSTIN, DANIEL J. The Mysterious Sci ence of the Law. Pp. xviii, 257. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941. $3.00 pp. 272-272 Downloads
David A. Lockmiller
FORD, CLELLAN S. Smoke From Their Fires. Pp. 248. New Haven: Yale Uni versity Press, 1941. $3.00 pp. 273-274 Downloads
Edwin M. Loeb
OPLER, MORRIS EDWARD. An Apache Life- Way. Pp. xiii, 500. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1941. $5.00 pp. 274-274 Downloads
Lloyd H. Fisher
DAVIS, ALLISON, BURLEIGH B. GARDNER, and MARY R. GARDNER. Deep South. Pp. xv, 558. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1941. $4.50 pp. 274-275 Downloads
W.E.B. Du Bois
PORTERFIELD, AUSTIN L. Creative Factors in Scientific Research. Pp. xi, 282. Dur ham: Duke University Press, 1941. $3.50 pp. 275-276 Downloads
George A. Lundberg
BUROS, OSCAR KRISEN (Ed.). The Second Yearbook of Research and Statistical Methodology: Books and Reviews. Pp. xx, 383. Highland Park: The Gryphon Press, 1941. $5.00 pp. 276-277 Downloads
Abraham Wald
LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, LEGISLATIVE REF ERENCE SERVICE. State Law Index. Pp. vii, 707. Washington: U. S. Gov't Print ing Office, 1941. $1.50 pp. 277-277 Downloads
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