The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 115, issue 1, 1924
- Foreword pp. v-viii

- Herbert W. Hess
- Selling Distribution and its New Economics pp. 1-7

- Herbert W. Hess
- Political and Governmental Tendencies in Their Relation to Increased Wealth pp. 8-20

- Clyde L. King
- Sales Policies and the Federal Trade Commission pp. 21-31

- James T. Young
- Banking and its Relation to New Wealth pp. 32-37

- Frank Parker
- Chemistry as a Source of New Wealth pp. 38-46

- Ivor Griffith
- The Place of Human Sciences in Modern Organized Business pp. 47-51

- Edwin B. Twitmyer
- The Place of Beauty in the Business World pp. 52-56

- Huger Elliott
- The Effect of Scientific Food Consumption in Increasing Wealth pp. 57-64

- Carl L. Alsberg
- Creative Wealth Factors in Modern Scientific Clothes Consumption pp. 65-69

- Frank F. Wieder
- Wealth-Contributing Factors in the Building of Modern Homes pp. 70-73

- Brenton G. Wallace
- New Wealth, New Standards of Living and Changed Family Budgets pp. 74-82

- Christine Frederick
- Breaking Down Sales Resistance in Industrial Selling. A Survey of the Buying Habits of Industry pp. 83-94

- Malcolm Muir
- The Place of the Modern Distributive Survey in Relation to Maximum Sales pp. 95-98

- Edwin G. Booz
- Geographical Aspects of Industrial United States in Relation to Increased Wealth pp. 99-105

- Alfred G. White
- Scientific Marketing of Farm Products as Illustrated by the Marketing of Eggs pp. 106-115

- Earl W. Benjamin
- The Contribution of the Association of National Advertisers to Better Present Business Practices pp. 116-123

- John Sullivan
- What the American Association of Advertising Agencies Does to Make Advertising Scientifically More Effective pp. 124-129

- Stanley Resor
- Statistics in Market Studies pp. 130-135

- Paul T. Cherington
- Modern Distribution Demands upon the Chamber of Commerce pp. 136-141

- Julius H. Barnes
- Business Forecasting and its Relation to Modern Selling pp. 142-160

- Roger W. Babson
- The Truth-in-Advertising Movement as it Affects the Wealth-Producing Factors in the Community pp. 161-173

- H.J. Donnelly
- The Modern Sales Manager and his Developing Technique pp. 174-182

- J. Russell Doubman
- The Modern Advertising Agency and its Contribution to Creative Wealth Activities pp. 183-189

- H.H. Kynett
- The Producer and his Sales Problems in Relation to Wholesaler, Retailer, and Consumer pp. 190-198

- John C. Frazee
- Are There too Many Retailers? pp. 199-204

- L.D.H. Weld
- Modern Distributive Demands on Education pp. 205-211

- F.R. Cawl
- The Automobile Industry and its Wealth-Contributing Factors pp. 212-215

- Clifton Reeves
- Sales Managers' Quotas pp. 216-219

- C.N. Stone
- The Chain Store and Distribution pp. 220-225

- Walter S. Hayward
- The Justification of the Chain Store in Our Present System of Distribution pp. 226-235

- E.C. Sams
- How Co-operation Works in the Grocery Business pp. 236-240

- Herbert W. Hess
- Foreign Trade and Increased National Wealth pp. 241-247

- Harry T. Collings
- Bibliography pp. 248-252

- John R. Whitaker
- Mangold, George B. Problems of Child Welfare. Revised edition. Pp. xviii, 602. Price, $3.00. New York City: The Macmillan Company, 1924. MATEER, FLORENCE. The Unstable Child. Pp. xii, 471. Price, $2.75. New York City: D. Appleton and Company, 1924. JOINT COMMITTEE ON METHODS OF PREVENTING DELIQUENCY. Three Problem Children. Pp. 146. New York City: The Commonwealth Fund pp. 253-254

- James H.S. Bossard
- Henry George's Progress and Poverty. An abridgement authorized by Anna George de Mille. Pp. 214. Price, $1.00. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1924 pp. 254-256

- William Lloyd Garrison
- Calder, John. Capital's Duty to the Wage-Earner. A Manual of Principles and Practice on Handling the Human Factors in Industry. Pp. 326. Price, $2.25. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1923 pp. 256-257

- N.I. Stone
- Lowell, Abbott Lawrence. Public Opinion in War and Peace. Pp. 302. Price, $2.50. Harvard University Press, 1924 pp. 257-259

- Robert E. Park
- Davenport, E. H. and Cooke, SIDNEY RUSSELL. The Oil Trusts and Anglo-American Relations. Pp. 201 and pp. 62 appendices. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924 pp. 259-260

- Harry T. Collings
- Delbrück, Hans. Government and the Will of the People. Academic lectures. Translated into English with notes and glossary of political names and terms, by Roy S. MacElwee. Pp. xiii, 192. Price, $3.50. New York: Oxford University Press, American Branch, 1923 pp. 260-260

- Karl F. Geiser
Volume 114, issue 1_suppl, 1924
- The American Academy of Political and Social Science pp. i-i

- N/a
- Preface pp. 4-4

- George F. Kohn
- The Organization and the Work of the League of Nations pp. 5-77

- George F. Kohn
Volume 114, issue 1, 1924
- Foreword pp. v-v

- L.S. Rowe
- Economic and Trade Position of Germany pp. 1-6

- H.G. Moulton
- The Effect of Germany's Industrial Condition pp. 7-9

- General Henry T. Allen
- The Dawes Report and After pp. 10-14

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- The Dawes Report — A Business Man's View pp. 15-25

- J. Henry Scattergood
- Effect of French Policies on Present-Day European Situation pp. 26-28

- Pierrepont B. Noyes
- The Justification of French Policy pp. 29-35

- Frederick H. Allen
- What Else Could France Have Done? pp. 36-43

- John Jacob Rogers
- French Policy Since the Armistice pp. 44-48

- Oscar T. Crosby
- Conditions in Russia and the Value of its Future Development pp. 49-55

- Hon. James A. Frear
- The Underlying Economic Factors in the Russian Situation pp. 56-61

- Leo Pasvolsky
- Political Organization of the Soviet Power pp. 62-69

- Robert F. Kelley
- The Attitude of the United States Government Towards the Soviet Régime pp. 70-75

- Evan E. Young
- Should America Recognize Russia? pp. 76-84

- Jerome Davis
- Efforts of the Soviet Government to Block American Aid to Russia pp. 85-88

- Colonel Philip Mathews
- Past and Present-Day Influence on Russia with a Glance at the Future pp. 89-91

- Boris E. Shatzky
- The United States and Russia Some Considerations on Recognition pp. 92-96

- George Earle Raiguel
- Fundamentals in the Foreign Policy of the United States pp. 97-101

- Philip Marshall Brown
- Memel: A European Aspect of the League pp. 102-104

- Arthur Bullard
- Adapting Our Foreign Policy to World Facts pp. 105-109

- Stephen P. Duggan
- European Agriculture and the American Export Trade in Food Products pp. 110-114

- Alfred Pearce Dennis
- Why Enter Europe? pp. 115-119

- William Hard
- Extent and Limits of International Co-operation pp. 120-121

- Victor Rosewater
- The Permanent Court of International Justice and World Peace pp. 122-125

- Manley O. Hudson
- Arbitration as a War Substitute pp. 126-127

- Ruth Morgan
- The Obligation of the United States Toward the World Court pp. 128-131

- Hon. OgdenL. Mills
- The Way Toward Peace pp. 132-134

- His Excellency
- The Movement Toward an International Court pp. 135-143

- Hon. Simeon D. Fess
- A Ten-Year Look Ahead pp. 144-146

- Bruce Bliven
- The Permanent Court of International Justice as an American Proposition pp. 147-149

- William I. Hull
- The Press as a Preventive of War pp. 150-152

- W.E. Lingelbach
- Security and Understanding Lead Toward World Peace pp. 153-154

- Charles G. Fenwick
- Patten, Simon Nelson. Essays in Economic Theory. Pp. 399. Price, $3.50. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1924 pp. 155-155

- Carl Kelsey
- Short, Lloyd Milton. The Development of National Administrative Organization in the United States (A Study by the Institute for Government Research). Pp. 480. Price, $5.00. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1923 pp. 155-156

- Otto T. Mallery
- Nahoum, Jules. The Key to National Prosperity. Pp. xiii, 381. Price, $6.00. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, 1923 pp. 156-156

- N/a
- A History of Organized Felony and Folly. New York, 1923 pp. 157-158

- Clyde L. King
- Reyes, José S. Legislative History of America's Economic Policy Toward the Philippines. Pp. 205. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. New York: Longmans, Green & Company, 1923 pp. 157-157

- Charles Groves Haines
- Hastings, Hudson Bridge. Costs and Profits. Their Relation to Business Cycles. Pp. x, 168. Price, $2.50. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1923 pp. 158-158

- N/a
- Chatburn, George R., A.M., C.E. Highways and Highway Transportation. Pp. xx, 472. Price, $3.15. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1923 pp. 159-159

- Clyde L. King
- Fuller, Raymond G. Child Labor and the Constitution. Pp. xiii, 323. Price, $2.50. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1923 pp. 159-160

- James H.S. Bossard
- MacDonald, William. The Intellectual Worker and His Work. Pp. 351. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company pp. 160-161

- Gordon S. Watkins
- Shaw, Elton, Raymond. Prohibition: Going or Coming? Pp. 493. Price, $2.00. Berwyn, Ill.: Shaw Publishing Company pp. 161-162

- Benjamin H. Williams
- Earle, Edward Mead. Turkey, The Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway. A Study in Imperialism. Pp. xiii, 364. Price, $2.25. The Macmillan Company pp. 162-162

- C.G. Fenwick
- Beard, Charles A. The Administration and Politics of Tokio. A Survey and Opinions. Pp. vii. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923 pp. 162-163

- Karl F. Geiser
- Nichols, Jeannette Paddock, PH.D. Alaska. Pp. 456. Price, $7.50. Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1923 pp. 163-163

- H.C. Nixon
- East, Edward M. Mankind at the Cross-roads. With maps and diagrams. Pp. viii, 360. Price, $3.50. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons pp. 164-164

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- Eldridge, Seba. Political Action—A Naturalistic Interpretation of the Labor Movement in Relation to the State. Pp. 368. Price, $2.00. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company pp. 165-166

- Harold F. Gosnell
- Ross, Edward Ayles Worth. The Russian Soviet Republic. Pp. xvi. 405. Price, $3.00. New York: The Century Company, 1923 pp. 165-165

- Herbert Adolphus Miller
- Russel, Bertrand and Dora. The Prospects of Industrial Civilization. Price, $2.00. Pp.287. New York: The Century Company pp. 166-167

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- Rockefeller, John D., jr. The Personal Relationship in Industry. One hundred twenty pages and appendix containing Plan of Representation of Employes in the coal and iron mines of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company of Colorado and Wyoming. Price, $1.75. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1923 pp. 166-166

- Otto T. Mallery
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