The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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Volume 344, issue 1, 1962
- Foreword pp. ix-x

- Lee S. Greene
- Political and Intellectual Origins of American Radicalism, Right and Left pp. 1-12

- Victor C. Ferkiss
- Conservatism pp. 13-24

- Jasper B. Shannon
- Contemporary American Liberalism pp. 25-34

- Alan P. Grimes
- The Revival of Democratic Theory in the United States pp. 35-43

- Neal Riemer
- Liberals, Conservatives, and Labor pp. 44-54

- Richard C. Cortner
- Federal Aid to Education on the Conservative-Liberal Scale pp. 55-64

- William Buchanan
- The Ideological Basis of Conservation and Natural- Resources Policies and Programs pp. 65-75

- Norman Wengert
- Conservatism and Liberalism in American Protestantism pp. 76-84

- Rene De Visme Williamson
- Liberals, Conservatives, and Catholics pp. 85-94

- Francis G. Wilson
- Contemporary Juristic Theory, Civil Rights, and American Politics pp. 95-107

- George S. Parthemos
- Southern Racial Attitudes: Conflict, Awareness, and Political Change pp. 108-121

- Donald R. Matthews and James W. Prothro
- Liberal-Conservative Divisions by Sections of the United States pp. 122-127

- John H. Fenton
- The Broken Dialogue on Foreign Affairs pp. 128-140

- D.F. Fleming
- Book Department pp. 141-198

- N/a
Volume 343, issue 1, 1962
- Foreword pp. ix-x

- Arthur S. Miller
- Alternative Views of Big Business Goals and Purposes pp. 1-9

- Harold L. Johnson
- ''Philosophies of Management" in Philosophical Perspective pp. 10-19

- Samuel E. Gluck
- Measurement of the Social Performance of Business pp. 20-31

- Theodore J. Kreps
- Ethics and the Rule of Law pp. 32-38

- Wayne A.R. Leys
- The Corporation and the Public Interest pp. 39-47

- Henry S. Kariel
- The Corporation in External Affairs pp. 48-54

- Stanley D. Metzger
- Corporate Responsibility, Business Motivation, and Reality pp. 55-64

- Henry G. Manne
- Forms of Irresponsibility pp. 65-74

- W.H. Ferry
- The Adequacy of Internal Corporate Controls pp. 75-83

- W. Wallace Kirkpatrick
- The Corporation and the Shareholder pp. 84-94

- David B. Weaver
- The Corporation and the Rank-and-File Employee pp. 95-103

- Walter E. Oberer
- Some Hidden Costs of Industrial Peace pp. 104-108

- Bernard D. Nossiter
- Businessmen and Their Rivals pp. 109-117

- Robert Lekachman
- The Corporation and the Local Community pp. 118-127

- Norton E. Long
- The Business Ethics Advisory Council: An Organization for the Improvement of Ethical Performance pp. 128-141

- Theodore L. Thau
- Book Department pp. 142-197

- N/a
Volume 342, issue 1, 1962
- Foreword pp. viii-viii

- N/a
- Aids and Obstacles to Political Stability in Mid-Africa pp. 1-8

- G. Mennen Williams
- The Conflict Involving Communism in Mid-Africa pp. 9-20

- Julius Momo Udochi
- Tribalism, Nationalism, and Pan-Africanism pp. 21-29

- William R. Bascom
- The Goals of United States Policy in Latin America pp. 30-41

- Roy R. Rubottom
- The Chemistry of Political Change in Latin America pp. 42-53

- A. Curtis Wilgus
- The Economic Basis of Politics in Latin America pp. 54-58

- Victor Andres Belaunde
- Has the United States Overextended Its Commitments to Resist Communism? pp. 59-68

- Louis Fischer
- The Future Role of the United States in the United Nations pp. 69-79

- Harlan Cleveland
- Arms Control and Disarmament in a Divided World pp. 80-88

- William C. Foster
- The United States and the Far East pp. 89-104

- W. Averell Harriman
- The Appeals of Communism in Asia pp. 105-110

- William C. Johnstone
- Prudent Limits to an American Commitment on European Political Union pp. 111-122

- Clarence K. Streit
- Is NATO Solid and Is It Otherwise Adequate? pp. 123-129

- Jean-Claude Winckler
- The United States Faces Economic Unity in Europe pp. 130-137

- Gabriel Hauge
- Making Foreign Policy on the New Frontier pp. 138-146

- Charles Burton Marshall
- The Influence of Congress in the Formulation of Disarmament Policy pp. 147-153

- Joseph S. Clark
- American Hegemony and the Prospects for Peace pp. 154-160

- Reinhold Niebuhr
- International Relations pp. 161-162

- Oliver Benson
- SAMUEL P. HUNTINGTON. The Common Defense: Strategic Programs in National Politics. (Institute of War and Peace Studies.) Pp. xviii, 500. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $8.75. SIR JOHN SLESSOR. What Price Coexist ence?: A Policy for Western Alliance. Pp. 153. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $4.50 pp. 162-164

- William R. Kintner
- MILTON KOVNER. The Challenge of Co existence: A Study of Soviet Economic Diplomacy. Pp. vi, 130. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. $3.25 pp. 162-162

- Robert Loring Allen
- RICHARD KOEBNER. Empire. Pp. 393. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1961. $8.50 pp. 164-165

- Vernon J. Puryear
- STEPHEN D. KERTESZ (Ed.). American Diplomacy in a New Era. Pp. xi, 601. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1961. $10.00 pp. 165-166

- Frank M. Russell
- WOLFGANG G. FRIEDMANN and GEORGE KALMANOFF (Eds.). Joint International Business Ventures. Pp. xi, 558. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $15.00 pp. 166-167

- Jerome B. Cohen
- MYRES S. MCDOUGAL and FLORENTINO P. FELICIANO. Law and Minimum World Public Order: The Legal Regulation of International Coercion. Pp. xxvi, 872. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1961. $12.50 pp. 166-166

- Arthur N. Holcombe
- SAMUEL HALPERIN. The Political World of American Zionism. Pp. ix, 431. De troit: Wayne University Press, 1961. $8.00 pp. 167-168

- Samuel Koenig
- European Government and History pp. 168-169

- John W. Oliver
- RICHARD H. ULLMAN. Anglo-Soviet Rela tions, 1917-1921, Vol. I: Intervention and the War. Pp. xvi, 360. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $7.50 pp. 169-170

- Louis Fischer
- WALTER STAHL (Ed.). Education for De mocracy in West Germany: Achieve ments—Shortcomings—Prospects. Pp. xi, 356. New York: Frederick A. Praeger for Atlantik-Bruecke, 1961. $4.50 pp. 170-171

- Eugene Davidson
- JULIUS BRAUNTHAL. Otto Bauer: Eine Auswahl aus Seinem Lebenswerk. Pp. 338. Wien: Verlag der Wiener Volks buchhandlung, 1961. No price pp. 171-171

- Walter A. Friedlander
- GINO LUZZATTO. An Economic History of Italy From the Fall of the Roman Em pire to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. Translated by Philip Jones. Pp. viii, 180. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1961. $5.00 pp. 171-172

- Robert S. Lopez
- CHARLES F. DELZELL. Mussolini's Enemies: The Italian Anti-Fascist Resistance. Pp. xix, 620. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $12.50 pp. 172-173

- Norman Kogan
- THOMAS GARDEN BARNES. Somerset, 1625- 1640: A County's Government During the "Personal Rule." Pp. xiii, 369. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1961. $7.50 pp. 173-174

- Preston Slosson
- MARGARET COLE. The Story of Fabian So cialism. Pp. xv, 366. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1961. $6.50 pp. 174-175

- Mary E. Murphy
- Asia and Africa pp. 175-176

- Harold S. Quigley
- H. H. WILSON. Pressure Group: The Campaign for Commercial Television in England. Pp. 232. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961. $4.00 pp. 175-175

- Richard W. Lyman
- ROBERT J. C. BUTOW. Tojo and the Coming of the War. Pp. 584. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $10.00 pp. 176-177

- Paul F. Langer
- FRANKLIN W. HOUN. To Change a Nation: Propaganda and Indoctrination in Com munist China. Pp. x, 250. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1961. No price pp. 177-178

- Theodore H.E. Chen
- CHÃœN-TU HSÃœEH. Huang Hsing and the Chinese Revolution. (Stanford Studies in History, Economics, and Political Science, XX.) Pp. xi, 260. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1961. $5.75 pp. 178-179

- Earl Swisher
- RICHARD BUTWELL. Southeast Asia To day: A Political Analysis. Pp. x, 182. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $4.25 clothbopnd; $1.25 paper-bound pp. 179-180

- Harry J. Benda
- GEORGE K. TANHAM. Communist Revolu tionary Warfare: The Vietminh in In dochina. Pp. 166. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $5.00 pp. 180-181

- Frank N. Tracer
- D. MACKENZIE BROWN. The Nationalist Movement: Indian Political Thought From Ranade to Bhave. Pp. x, 244. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. $1.50 pp. 181-182

- Charles H. Heimsath
- MAMADOU DIA. The African Nations and World Solidarity. Translated by Mercer Cook. Pp. xii, 145. New York: Fred erick A. Praeger, 1961. $4.85 cloth bound; $1.85 paper-bound pp. 182-183

- K.A. Busia
- SACHIDANAND. Sarvodaya in a Communist State: A Socio-Economic Study of Gramdan Movement in Kerala. Pp. xvi, 206. Bombay: G. R. Bhatkal, 1961. Rs. 10.00 pp. 182-182

- M.L. Dantwala
- F. P. SPOONER. South African Predica ment: The Economics of Apartheid. Pp. 288. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $5.00 pp. 183-184

- D. Hobart Houghton
- American Government and History pp. 184-184

- Wallace S. Sayre
- E. WILDER SPAULDING. Ambassadors Ordi nary and Extraordinary. Pp. ix, 302. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. $5.00 pp. 185-185

- Julius W. Pratt
- CHARLES A. GARRETT. The La Guardia Years: Machine and Reform Politics in New York City. Pp. ix, 423. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961. $8.50 pp. 185-186

- Hugh A. Bone
- L. ETHAN ELLIS. Frank B. Kellogg and American Foreign Relations, 1925-1929. Pp. ix, 303. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961. $7.50 pp. 186-187

- Earl Latham
- ARI HOOGENBOOM. Outlawing the Spoils: A History of the Civil Service Reform Movement, 1865-1883. Pp. xi, 306. Ur bana: University of Illinois Press, 1961. $6.50 pp. 187-188

- Ernest A. Engelbert
- WILLIAM H. NELSON. The American Tory. Pp. vi, 194. New York: Oxford Univer sity Press, 1961. $4.80 pp. 188-189

- Ralph Adams Brown
- PHILIP SHRIVER KLEIN. President James Buchanan: A Biography. Pp. xviii, 506. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1962. $7.50 pp. 189-190

- Richard W. Van Alstyne
- FRANCIS F. MCKINNEY. Education in Vio lence: The Life of George H. Thomas and the History of the Army of the Cumberland. Pp. xiv, 530. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1961. $9.50 pp. 189-189

- T. Harry Williams
- BERNHARD KNOLLENBERG. Origin of the American Revolution, 1759-1766. Pp. 350. New York: Crowell-Collier Pub lishing Company, 1961. $1.50 pp. 190-191

- Lawrence A. Harper
- CLEMENT EATON. The Growth of South ern Civilization, 1790-1860. (The New American Nation Series.) Pp. xvii, 357. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. $4.50 pp. 191-192

- George B. Tindall
- BENJAMIN QUARLES. The Negro in the American Revolution. Pp. xiii, 231. Chapel Hill: University of North Caro lina Press, 1961. $6.00 pp. 191-191

- Gerald D. Nash
- THOMAS P. ABERNETHY. A History of the South, Volume IV: The South in the New Nation, 1789-1819. Pp. xvi, 529. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univer sity Press for the Littlefield Fund for Southern History of the University of Texas, 1961. $7.50 pp. 192-193

- Cecil Johnson
- Philosophy and Religion pp. 193-194

- Reinhard Bendix
- CHARLES L. SANFORD. The Quest for Paradise: Europe and the American Moral Imagination. Pp. x, 282. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961. $5.00 pp. 194-194

- H. Hale Bellot
- W. T. JONES. The Romantic Syndrome: Toward a New Method in Cultural An thropology and History of Ideas. (In ternational Scholars Forum, 14.) Pp. xv, 255. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. 23.75 guilders. LUCIO MENDIETA Y NUNEZ. Sociologia del Arte. Pp. 326. Mexico: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, 1962. No price pp. 195-197

- Pitirim A. Sorokin
- WALTER ULLMAN. Principles of Govern ment and Politics in the Middle Ages. Pp. 320. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1961. $6.00 pp. 195-195

- Kenneth M. Setton
- RODERICK SEIDENBERG. Anatomy of the Future. Pp. 173. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press, 1961. $3.50 pp. 197-198

- C.E. Ayres
- JUNE BINGHAM. Courage to Change: An Introduction to the Life and Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr. Pp. xii, 414. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1961. $7.50 pp. 198-198

- Louis William Norris
- RENÉ DUBOS. The Dreams of Reason: Science and Utopias. Pp. xii, 167. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. $5.00 pp. 198-199

- Charles L. Sanford
- HAROLD EUGENE DAVIS (Ed.). Latin- American Social Thought: The History of its Development Since Independence, With Selected Readings. Pp. iv, 557. Washington, D. C.: University Press of Washington, D. C., 1961. $7.00 pp. 199-200

- W. Rex Crawford
- EGBERT DE VRIES. Man in Rapid Social Change. Pp. 240. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Company for the World Council of Churches, 1961. $4.50. PAUL ABRECHT. The Churches and Rapid Social Changes. Pp. 216. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Company, 1961. $3.95 pp. 200-201

- Lewis M. Hoskins
- Economics pp. 201-202

- Ronald H. Wolf
- ALLEN M. SIEVERS. Revolution, Evolution, and the Economic Order. Pp. vii, 173. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall (A Spectrum Book), 1962. $3.95 cloth bound; $1.95 paper-bound pp. 202-203

- Edmund Whittaker
- CARTER GOODRICH (Ed.). Canals and American Economic Development. Pp. vi, 303. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1961. $7.50 pp. 203-203

- Charles Hoffmann
- ROBERT ENGLER. The Politics of Oil: A Study of Private Power and Democratic Directions. Pp. viii, 565. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961. $7.50 pp. 204-204

- Charles R. Cherington
- STANLEY ANDREWS. The Farmer's Dilemma. Pp. vii, 184. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. $4.50 pp. 204-205

- J.E. Wills
- HANS AUFRICHT. Central Banking Legis lation: A Collection of Central Bank, Monetary, and Banking Laws. Pp. xxi, 1012. Washington, D. C.: International Monetary Fund, 1961. $10.00 pp. 205-206

- Arthur Leon Horniker
- EARL F. CHEIT. Injury and Recovery in the Course of Employment. Pp. xviii, 377. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. $11.95 pp. 206-207

- Arthur H. Reede
- ALEC NovE. The Soviet Economy: An In troduction. (Minerva Series of Students' Handbooks, No. 5.) Pp. 328. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $6.75 clothbound; $2.25 paper-bound. NICOLAS SPULBER (Ed.). Study of the So viet Economy: Direction and Impact of Soviet Growth, Teaching and Research in Soviet Economics. Pp. xiii, 169. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1961. No price pp. 207-208

- Jan S. Prybyla
- Sociology and Education pp. 208-209

- A. Vidich
- JAMES C. N. PAUL and MURRAY L. SCHWARTZ. Federal Censorship: Obscen ity in the Mail. Pp. xv, 368. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1961. $7.50 pp. 209-210

- Lucius Wilmerding
- RICHARD KYLE-KEITH. The High Price of Pornography. Pp. vii, 230. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. $4.50 pp. 210-211

- William Albig
- NATHAN GLAZER. The Social Basis of American Communism. (The Commu nism in American Life Series.) Pp. 244. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961. $5.50 pp. 211-211

- O.H.K. Spate
- BERNARD A. WEISBERGER. The American Newspaperman. (The Chicago History of American Civilization.) Pp. x, 226. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. $4.50 pp. 211-212

- Patrick D. Hazard
- E. GARTLEY JACO. The Social Epidemi ology of Mental Disorders: A Psychi atric Survey of Texas. Pp. 228. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1960. $3.50 pp. 213-213

- Edmund H. Volkart
- DAVID M. SCHNEIDER and KATHLEEN GOUGH (Eds.). Matrilineal Kinship. Pp. xvii, 761. Berkeley and Los An geles: University of California Press, 1961. $11.75 pp. 213-214

- Bernard S. Cohn
- JOHN C. BOLLENS (Ed.). Exploring the Metropolitan Community. Pp. xvii, 492. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. $7.50 pp. 214-215

- Noel P. Gist
- UNITED STATES COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS. 1961 Report, Books 1-5: Vot ing, Education, Employment, Housing, Justice. Pp. lxvii, 1391. Washington, D. C.: United States Government Print ing Office, 1961. $5.95 pp. 215-216

- Arnold M. Rose
- CHARLES HERBERT STEMBER. Education and Attitude Change: The Effect of Schooling on Prejudice Against Minority Groups. Pp. xvii, 182. New York: In stitute of Human Relations Press, 1961. No price pp. 216-217

- J. Milton Yinger
- JAMES BRYANT CONANT. Slums and Sub urbs: A Commentary on Schools in Metropolitan Areas. Pp. viii, 147. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1961. $3.95 clothbound; $1.95 paper- bound pp. 217-218

- Richard V. Rapacz
- WILLIAM J. MCGLOTHLIN. Patterns of Professional Education. Pp. xviii, 288. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1960. $6.75 pp. 218-219

- Paul L. Essert
- JAMES W. WILSON and EDWARD H. LYONS. Work-Study College Programs: Appraisal and Report of the Study of Cooperative Education. Pp. xii, 240. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. $3.50 pp. 219-219

- William J. Mcglothlin
- Letters to the Editor pp. 220-221

- N/a
- DAVID D. HENRY. What Priority for Edu cation?: The American People Must Soon Decide. Pp. 92. Urbana: Univer sity of Illinois Press, 1961. $2.50 pp. 220-220

- Frederick E. Ellis
- LONDON, May 9, 1962 pp. 221-221

- Arnold J. Toynbee
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