The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 264, issue 1, 1949
- Foreword pp. i-i

- Thorsten Sellin
- World Government as a Goal pp. 1-5

- Mauricio Nabuco
- A Plea for World Government pp. 6-13

- Cord Meyer
- What Road to World Government? pp. 14-19

- Roger N. Baldwin
- World Government via the United Nations pp. 20-25

- Clark M. Eichelberger
- The United Nations or World Government pp. 26-30

- Robert Mills Mcclintock
- Regional Dynamics in World Affairs pp. 31-38

- Randle Elliott
- An Asian Views World Government pp. 39-45

- B.R. Sen
- Middle East—Balance of Power Versus World Government pp. 46-51

- Jamil M. Baroody
- The Middle East and the Prospect for World Government pp. 52-57

- Kermit Roosevelt
- The Near East and World Government pp. 58-66

- Aubrey S. Eban
- Why the International Trade Organization? pp. 67-74

- Clair Wilcox
- ITO—Illusion or Reality? pp. 75-86

- Elvin H. Killheffer
- Peace by Pieces—The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations pp. 87-97

- Lyman C. White
- World Action Against Social Ills pp. 98-105

- Alva Myrdal
- Religion and World Order pp. 106-114

- Walter W. Van Kirk
- Denazification from an American's Viewpoint pp. 115-123

- Joseph F. Napoli
- Book Department pp. 124-190

- N/a
Volume 263, issue 1, 1949
- Foreword pp. vii-vii

- Philip E. Mosely
- The Soviet Union Between War and Cold War pp. 1-8

- Frederick C. Barghoorn
- Political, Administrative, and Judicial Structure in the U. S. S. R. Since the War pp. 9-19

- John N. Hazard
- Postwar Role of the Communist Party pp. 20-32

- Merle Fainsod
- Family and Church in the Postwar U. S. S. R pp. 33-44

- Alex Inkeles
- Postwar Soviet Ideology pp. 45-51

- Percy E. Corbett
- Postwar Economic Reconstruction and Development in the U.S.S.R pp. 52-72

- Abram Bergson, James Horton Blackman and Alexander Erlich
- Soviet Labor Policy 1945-1949 pp. 73-84

- Harry Schwartz
- Russia's Trade in the Postwar Years pp. 85-100

- Alexander Gerschenkron
- Soviet Prose After the War pp. 101-113

- Marc L. Slonim
- Recent Trends in Soviet Education pp. 114-122

- Nicolas Hans
- Postwar Historical Research in the Soviet Union pp. 123-133

- Sergius Yakobson
- Scientific Research in the U.S.S.R pp. 134-139

- Gerald Oster
- Mathematics pp. 139-140

- Solomon Lefschetz
- Soviet Policy in the United Nations pp. 141-151

- C. Dale Fuller
- Soviet Policy in Eastern Europe pp. 152-164

- C.E. Black
- Soviet Policy in Germany pp. 165-179

- Franz L. Neumann
- The Soviet Union and the Middle East pp. 180-187

- Harry N. Howard
- Soviet Policies in Asia pp. 188-201

- Harold H. Fisher
- Soviet-American Relations Since the War pp. 202-211

- Philip E. Mosely
- Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of The American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1948 pp. 212-213

- N/a
- Book Department pp. 215-266

- N/a
Volume 262, issue 1, 1949
- Perspective pp. 1-4

- Hugh Carter
- Immigration Policy Prior to World War I pp. 5-14

- Carl Wittke
- Immigration Policy Since World War I pp. 15-21

- Edward P. Hutchinson
- European Migrations: Regulations and Treaties pp. 22-30

- Alfred Sauvy
- America's Migration Treaties During World War II pp. 31-38

- Wilbert E. Moore
- International Implications of American Immigration Policy pp. 39-44

- Paul Wiers
- Demographic Trends in Europe pp. 45-55

- Dudley Kirk
- European Governmental Action Regarding Population pp. 56-61

- Frank Lorimer
- The Demographic Revolution in the United States pp. 62-69

- Warren S. Thompson
- Immigration from the Western Hemisphere pp. 70-81

- Kingsley Davis and Clarence Senior
- Postwar Emigration from Germany and Italy pp. 82-91

- Irene B. Taeuber
- Immigration and the Labor Force pp. 92-101

- A. Ross Eckler and Jack Zlotnick
- America's Future Manpower Needs pp. 102-110

- Ewan Clague
- Adjusting Immigration to Manpower Requirements pp. 111-116

- Collis Stocking
- Cultural Pluralism pp. 117-130

- Clyde V. Kiser
- Government Agencies Working with the Foreign Born pp. 131-138

- Ruth Z. Murphy
- Development of Private Social Work with the Foreign Born pp. 139-147

- Edith Terry Bremer
- Agencies Organized by Nationality Groups in the United States pp. 148-158

- Yaroslav J. Chyz and Read Lewis
- Adjustment of Refugees to American Life pp. 159-165

- Maurice R. Davie and Samuel Koenig
- Displaced Persons in the Modern World pp. 166-177

- Eugene M. Kulischer
- Administering Our Immigration Laws pp. 178-184

- Watson B. Miller
- Public Opinion on Immigration pp. 185-192

- Henry Pratt Fairchild
- ISAAC, JULIUS. Economics of Migration. Pp. xii, 285. New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1947. $4.50 pp. 193-194

- Dudley Kirk
- HALL, H. DUNCAN. Mandates, Depend encies and Trusteeship. Pp. xvi, 429. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1948. $5.00 pp. 194-195

- Frank M. Russell
- VISSON, ANDRE. As Others See Us. Pp. 252. New York: Doubleday & Com pany, 1948. $3.00 pp. 194-194

- Richard H. Heindel
- MARTIN, EDWIN M. The Allied Occupa tion of Japan. Pp. xiv, 155. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press (for the American Institute of Pacific Relations), 1948. $3.00 pp. 195-196

- Philip H. Taylor
- SNYDER, RICHARD CARLTON. The Most- Favored-Nation Clause. Pp. xi, 264. New York: Columbia University Press, 1948. $2.75 pp. 196-197

- Louis Martin Sears
- SMITH, H. A. The Law and Custom of the Sea. Pp. x, 193. London: Stevens and Sons Limited, under the auspices of the London Institute of World Affairs, 1948. 12/6 pp. 197-197

- Norman J. Padelford
- WHEELER-BENNETT, JOHN W. Munich: Prologue to Tragedy. Pp. ix, 507. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1948. $5.00 pp. 197-198

- Harry R. Rudin
- LIDDELL HART, B. H. The German Gen erals Talk. Pp. xi, 308. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1948. $4.00 pp. 198-199

- Boris Erich Nelson
- MARGOLD, STELLA K. Let's Do Business with Russia: Why We Should and How We Can. Pp. ix, 244. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1948. $3.50 pp. 199-200

- Alexander Gerschenkron
- HARRIS, SEYMOUR E. The European Re covery Program. Pp. xvii, 309. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1948. $4.50 pp. 200-201

- Robert A. Brady
- JOSEPH, BERNARD. British Rule in Pales- tine. Pp. vii, 279. Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1948. $3.75 pp. 201-202

- T.W. Wallbank
- WILBUR, DONALD N. Iran: Past and Pres ent. Pp. xi, 234. Princeton, New Jer sey: Princeton University Press, 1948. $3.00 pp. 202-203

- Edwin M. Wright
- KIANG WEN-HAN. The Chinese Student Movement. Pp. x, 176. New York: King's Crown Press, 1948. $3.00 pp. 203-204

- David Cheng
- TAYLOR, CARL C. Rural Life in Argentina. Pp. xx, 464. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1948. $6.00 pp. 204-205

- Preston E. James
- WHETTEN, NATHAN L. Rural Mexico. Pp. xiv, 671, 23 plates. Chicago, Illi nois: The University of Chicago Press, 1948. $10.00 pp. 204-204

- T. Lynn Smith
- CORWIN, EDWARD S. Liberty Against Gov ernment: The Rise, Flowering and De cline of a Famous Juridical Concept. Pp. xiii, 210. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1948. $3.00 pp. 205-206

- John Perry Pritchett
- ACTON (LORD). Essays on Freedom and Power. Pp. xii, 452. Boston, Mass.: The Beacon Press; Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1948. $5.00 pp. 206-206

- Crane Brinton
- MAXEY, CHESTER C. Political Philoso phies. (Second ed., revised.) Pp. xiii, 712. New York: The Macmillan Com pany, 1948. $4.65 pp. 206-207

- W.T. Jones
- JESSOP, T. E. The Freedom of the Indi vidual in Society. Pp. ix, 80. Toronto, Canada: The Ryerson Press, 1948. $1.50 pp. 207-208

- J.O. Hertzler
- WATKINS, FREDERICK. The Political Tra dition of the West. Pp. xiv, 368. Cam bridge: Harvard University Press, 1948. $5.00 pp. 208-209

- Walter P. Hall
- KONVITZ, MILTON R., and ARTHUR E. MURPHY (Eds.). Essays in Political pp. 208-208

- Chester C. Maxey
- NANTET, JACQUES. Bataille pour la fai blesse. Pp. 236. Paris, France: Li brairie Gallimard, 1948. 250 fr pp. 209-210

- Fritz Morstein Marx
- HOLLISTER, WILLIAM W. Government and the Arts of Obedience. Pp. 139. New York: King's Crown Press, 1948. $2.00 pp. 210-210

- Ray F. Harvey
- ORD, LEWIS C. Politics and Poverty. Pp. 188. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1948. $3.00 pp. 210-211

- Dale Pontius
- CHRIMES, S. B. English Constitutional History. Pp. 201. London and New York: The Oxford University Press, 1947, 1948. $2.00 pp. 211-212

- B. Wilkinson
- RAMELLA, PABLO A. La Estructura del Estado. Pp. xv, 591. Buenos Aires, Argentina: The Author, 1946. No price pp. 212-213

- J. Lloyd Mecham
- WILKINSON, B. The Constitutional His tory of England, 1216-1399, with Se lected Documents, Vol. I: Politics and the Constitution, 1216-1307. Pp. xviii, 240. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1948. $3.75 pp. 212-212

- Carl Stephenson
- SAYE, ALBERT BERRY. A Constitutional History of Georgia, 1732-1945. Pp. xi, 521. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1948. $4.50 pp. 213-214

- Charles S. Sydnor
- RAPPARD, WILLIAM E. La Constitution fédérale de la suisse, 1848-1948. Pp. 477. Neuchatel, Switzerland: La Bacon nière, 1948 pp. 213-213

- Pitman Potter
- COIGNE, ARMAND B. Statute Making. Pp. 293. Chicago, Illinois: Commerce Clearing House, 1948. $4.00 pp. 214-215

- Harvey Walker
- EDGE, WALTER EVANS. A Jerseyman's Journal: Fifty Years of Business and Politics. Pp. xi, 349. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1948. $5.00 pp. 215-216

- Dayton D. McKean
- MAES, LOUIS Tu. Vijf Eeuwen Stedelijk Strafrecht. Pp. xxii, 830. Antwerp, Belgium: De Sikkel, 1947. No price pp. 216-218

- Thorsten Sellin
- SECKLER-HUDSON, CATHERYN (Ed.). Proc esses of Organization and Management. Pp. vii, 296. Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1948. $3.75 pp. 216-216

- Ray F. Harvey
- WAKEFIELD, HAROLD. New Paths for Ja pan. Pp. viii, 223. New York: Oxford University Press under the auspices of the Institute of Pacific Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1948. $3.75 pp. 218-218

- Albert E. Kane
- THOMSON, CHARLES A. H. Overseas In formation Service of the United States Government. Pp. xii, 397. Washing ton: The Brookings Institution, 1948. $4.00 pp. 218-219

- Richard H. Heindel
- WITHERS, WILLIAM. Public Finance. Pp. ix, 489. New York: American Book Company, 1948. No price pp. 219-220

- James W. Martin
- TOMPKINS, DOROTHY C. Materials for the Study of Federal Government. Pp. ix, 338. Chicago, Illinois: Public Adminis tration Service, 1948. $5.00 pp. 219-219

- Thorsten Sellin
- LINDHOLM, RICHARD W. Public Finance of Air Transportation. Pp. xvii, 178. Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Business Re search, College of Commerce and Ad ministration, The Ohio State University, 1948. $2.75 pp. 220-221

- Claude E. Puffer
- HORTON, BYRNE J., with JULIEN RIPLEY and M. B. SCHNAPPER. Dictionary of Modern Economics. Pp. ix, 365. Wash ington: Public Affairs Press, 1948. $5.00 pp. 221-222

- J. Richard Huber
- ANDERSON, LYNN F. The State Property Tax in Texas. Pp. vi, 132. Austin, Texas: Bureau of Municipal Research, University of Texas, 1948. $1.00 pp. 221-221

- H.R. Enslow
- ELLIS, HOWARD (Ed.). A Survey of Contemporary Economics. Pp. xv, 490. Philadelphia, Pa.: The Blakiston Company (for the American Eco nomic Association), 1948. $4.75 pp. 222-223

- Lewis H. Haney
- SOULE, GEORGE. Introduction to Eco nomic Science. Pp. 154. New York: The Viking Press, 1948. $2.50 pp. 222-222

- Bruce Knight
- SAMUELSON, PAUL ANTHONY. Foundations of Economic Analysis. Pp. xii, 447 pp. 223-225

- W.F. Stolper
- EVANS, G. HEBERTON, JR. Business In- corporations in the United States, 1800- 1943. Pp. viii, 184. New York: Na tional Bureau of Economic Research, 1948. $6.00 pp. 225-226

- Donald L. Kemmerer
- RIEGELMAN, CAROL. Labour-Management Co-operation in United States War Pro duction. Pp. vi, 405. Montreal: International Labour Office, 1948. Paper- bound, $2.25; clothbound, $3.00 pp. 226-227

- Robert Rockafellow
- KESSELMAN, LOUIS COLERIDGE. The So cial Politics of FEPC: A Study in Re form Pressure Movements. Pp. xvii, 253. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1948. $3.50 pp. 226-226

- Frank S. Loescher
- KELLOR, FRANCES. American Arbitration. Pp. xiii, 262. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1948. $3.00 pp. 227-228

- Paul S. Peirce
- HEBERLE, RUDOLF. The Labor Force in Louisiana. Pp. x, 189. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1948. $2.00 pp. 228-228

- Broadus Mitchell
- MILLER, GLENN W. American Labor and the Government. Pp. xiv, 638. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1948. $7.35 pp. 228-229

- Charles O. Gregory
- GIBSON, ROLAND. Cotton Textile Wages in the United States and Great Britain: A Comparison of Trends, 1860-1945. Pp. ix, 137. New York: King's Crown Press, Columbia University, 1948. No price pp. 229-229

- Witt Bowden
- GOETZ-GIREY, ROBERT. La Pensée syndi cale française. Pp. 173. Paris: Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1948 pp. 229-230

- Adolf Sturmthal
- LABAREE, LEONARD W. Conservatism in Early American History. Pp. vi, 182. New York: New York University Press, 1948. $3.75 pp. 230-231

- Walton Bean
- BABST, EARL D., and LEWIS G. VANDER VELDE (Eds.). Michigan and the Cleve land Era (Sketches of University of Michigan Staff Members and Alumni Who Served the Cleveland Administra tions, 1885-89, 1893-97). Pp. xi, 372. Ann Arbor: The University of Michi gan Press (Michigan Historical Collec tions), 1948. $2.50 pp. 231-232

- H. Kelly Alfred
- SCHRIFTGIESSER, KARL. This Was Nor malcy. Pp. x, 325. Boston: Atlantic- Little, Brown, 1948. $3.00 pp. 232-232

- James J. Flynn
- LE CORBUSIER. Concerning Town Plan ning. Translated by Clive Entwistle from the French Propos d'urbanisme. Pp. 127. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1948. $2.75 pp. 232-233

- Lee S. Greene
- BERKOWITZ, DAVID S. Inequality of Op portunity in Higher Education: A Study of Minority Group and Related Barriers to College Admission. Pp. 203. Albany, New York: Temporary Commission on the Need for a State University, 1948. 35 cents pp. 233-234

- Harold Benjamin
- BUAKEN, MANUEL. I Have Lived with the American People. Pp. 358. Cald well, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1948. $4.00 pp. 234-235

- William C. Smith
- INTER-PROFESSIONS CONFERENCE ON EDU CATION FOR PROFESSIONAL RESPONSI BILITY. Education for Professional Re sponsibility. Pp. x, 207. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Carnegie Press, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1948. $3.00 pp. 235-236

- Esther Lucile Brown
- DEUTSCH, ALBERT. The Shame of the States. Pp. 188. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1948. $3.00 pp. 236-237

- J.A. Kindwall
- MATHEWS, BASIL. Booker T. Washington: Educator and Interracial Interpreter. Pp. x, 350. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1948. $4.75 pp. 237-238

- George C. Osborn
- POLANYI, MICHAEL. Science, Faith and Society. Pp. 80. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1946, 1948. $1.00 pp. 238-239

- George A. Lundberg
- HERGE, HENRY C., et al. Wartime College Training Programs of the Armed Serv ices. Pp. xv, 214. Washington: Ameri can Council on Education, 1948. $3.00 pp. 238-238

- Harold Benjamin
- SCHRAMM, WILBUR (Ed.). Communica tions in Modern Society. Pp. 252. Ur bana: University of Illinois Press, 1948. $4.00 pp. 239-240

- James H. Barnett
- WATSON, GOODWIN. Youth After Conflict. Pp. xv, 300. New York: Association Press, 1947. $4.00 pp. 240-241

- Harriet R. Mowrer
- KING, CLARENCE. Organizing for Commu nity Action. Pp. xiii, 202. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1948. $3.00 pp. 241-242

- Robert A. Polson
- BENNETT, JOHN W., and MELVIN M. TUMIN. Social Life: Structure and Function. Pp. xxii, 725, xvi. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1949. Trade, $6.00; text, $4.50 pp. 242-244

- A.H. Hobbs
- CHASE, STUART. The Proper Study of Mankind.... Pp. xx, 311. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1948. $3.00 pp. 242-242

- Malcolm M. Willey
- NELSON, LOWRY. Rural Sociology. Pp. xvi, 567. New York: American Book Company, 1948. $4.25 pp. 244-244

- Wilson Gee
- DAS, SONYA RUTH. The American Woman in Modern Marriage. Pp. 185. New York: The Philosophical Library, 1948. $3.75 pp. 244-245

- Jessie Bernard
- TRECKER, HARLEIGH B. Social Group Work: Principles and Practices. Pp. vi, 313. New York: The Woman's Press, 1948. $3.50 pp. 245-246

- Merrill B. Conover
- CLARK, S. D. Church and Sect in Canada. Pp. xiii, 458. Toronto, Canada: Uni versity of Toronto Press, 1948. $4.75 pp. 246-247

- R.E.E. Harkness
- GORDON, PIERRE. Sex and Religion. Pp. 320. New York: Social Science Pub lishers, 1949. $5.00 pp. 247-248

- Wilson D. Wallis
- PARLIER, GERTRUDE DANA. and Others. Pursuits of War: The People of Char lottesville and Albemarle County, Vir ginia, in the Second World War. Pp. xxiv, 429. Charlottesville, Virginia: Albe marle County Historical Society, 1948. $3.50 pp. 248-249

- Paul H. Landis
- Letter To the Editor pp. 249-249

- John Whyte
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