The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 609, issue 1, 2007
- Introduction pp. 6-15

- George Wilson
- Social Closure and Processes of Race/Sex Employment Discrimination pp. 16-48

- Vincent J. Roscigno, Lisette M. Garcia and Donna Bobbitt-Zeher
- Discrimination and Desegregation: Equal Opportunity Progress in U.S. Private Sector Workplaces since the Civil Rights Act pp. 49-84

- Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and Kevin Stainback
- Racial Composition of Workgroups and Job Satisfaction among Whites pp. 85-103

- David J. Maume and Rachel Sebastian
- The Use of Field Experiments for Studies of Employment Discrimination: Contributions, Critiques, and Directions for the Future pp. 104-133

- Devah Pager
- Family Background, Race, and Labor Market Inequality pp. 134-152

- Dalton Conley and Rebecca Glauber
- What Happens to Potential Discouraged? Masculinity Norms and the Contrasting Institutional and Labor Market Experiences of Less Affluent Black and White Men pp. 153-180

- Deirdre A. Royster
- Black Under-representation in Management across U.S. Labor Markets pp. 181-199

- Philip N. Cohen and Matt L. Huffman
- Demobilization of the Individualistic Bias: Housing Market Discrimination as a Contributor to Labor Market and Economic Inequality pp. 200-214

- Gregory D. Squires
- Racialized Life-Chance Opportunities across the Class Structure: The Case of African Americans pp. 215-232

- George Wilson
- Quick Read Synopsis: Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality in the U.S. Labor Market: Critical Issues in the New Millennium pp. 233-248

- N/a
Volume 608, issue 1, 2006
- Introduction pp. 6-24

- Peter Simonson
- Perpetual Revelations: C. Wright Mills and Paul Lazarsfeld pp. 25-40

- John H. Summers
- Personal Influence and the Bracketing of Women's History pp. 41-50

- Susan J. Douglas
- The Influences Influencing Personal Influence: Scholarship and Entrepreneurship pp. 51-75

- David E. Morrison
- The Katz/Lowenthal Encounter: An Episode in the Creation of Personal Influence pp. 76-96

- Gertrude J. Robinson
- The Part Played by Gentiles in the Flow of Mass Communications: On the Ethnic Utopia of Personal Influence pp. 97-114

- John Durham Peters
- Personal Influence and the End of the Masses pp. 115-129

- Paddy Scannell
- Fifteen Pages that Shook the Field: Personal Influence, Edward Shils, and the Remembered History of Mass Communication Research pp. 130-156

- Jefferson Pooley
- Personal Influence and the New Paradigm: Some Inadvertent Consequences pp. 157-178

- Kurt Lang and Gladys Engel Lang
- As Time Goes By pp. 179-192

- Thelma Mccormack
- The Troubling Equivalence of Citizen and Consumer pp. 193-204

- Michael Schudson
- The Consumer and the Citizen in Personal Influence pp. 205-212

- Lawrence B. Glickman
- The One-Step Flow of Communication pp. 213-232

- W. Lance Bennett and Jarol B. Manheim
- The Influence of Personal Influence on the Study of Audiences pp. 233-250

- Sonia Livingstone
- Public Connection through Media Consumption: Between Oversocialization and De-Socialization? pp. 251-269

- Nick Couldry and Tim Markham
- Personal Influence: A Radical Theory of Action pp. 270-281

- Charles Kadushin
- Personal Influence and the Effects of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign pp. 282-300

- Robert Hornik
- True Stories pp. 301-314

- Elihu Katz
- Quick Read Synopsis pp. 315-342

- N/a
Volume 607, issue 1, 2006
- Preface pp. 6-9

- Graham Allison
- Assessing U.S. Strategy in the War on Terror pp. 10-26

- Stephen Van Evera
- Curbing the Demand for Mass Destruction pp. 27-32

- Charles B. Curtis
- Combating Nuclear Terrorism: Addressing Nonstate Actor Motivations pp. 33-42

- Bonnie Jenkins
- The Race between Cooperation and Catastrophe: Reducing the Global Nuclear Threat pp. 43-50

- Sam Nunn
- Averting Nuclear Catastrophe: Contemplating Extreme Responses to U.S. Vulnerability pp. 51-58

- Robert L. Gallucci
- A Nuclear Response to Nuclear Terror: Ref lections of Nuclear Preemption pp. 59-63

- Andrei Kokoshin
- Russia: Grasping the Reality of Nuclear Terror pp. 64-77

- Simon Saradzhyan
- Proliferation on the Peninsula: Five North Korean Nuclear Crises pp. 78-86

- William J. Perry
- Intelligence Estimates of Nuclear Terrorism pp. 87-102

- Micah Zenko
- A Mathematical Model of the Risk of Nuclear Terrorism pp. 103-120

- Matthew Bunn
- Toward a Comprehensive Safeguards System: Keeping Fissile Materials out of Terrorists' Hands pp. 121-132

- Siegfried S. Hecker
- Terrorist Nuclear Weapon Construction: How Difficult? pp. 133-149

- Matthew Bunn and Anthony Wier
- Denying Armageddon: Preventing Terrorist Use of Nuclear Weapons pp. 150-161

- Michael V. Hynes, John E. Peters and Joel Kvitky
- Flight of Fancy pp. 162-166

- Graham Allison
- Quick Read Synopsis: Confronting the Specter of Nuclear Terrorism pp. 167-202

- N/a
Volume 606, issue 1, 2006
- Chronicle of a Myth Foretold: The Washington Consensus in Latin America pp. 6-7

- Douglas S. Massey, Magaly Sanchez R and Jere Behrman
- Of Myths and Markets pp. 8-31

- Douglas S. Massey, Magaly Sanchez R and Jere Behrman
- Neoliberalism and Patterns of Economic Performance, 1980-2000 pp. 32-67

- Joseph Nathan Cohen and Miguel Angel Centeno
- Vanishing Assets: Cumulative Disadvantage among the Urban Poor pp. 68-94

- Mercedes González De La Rocha
- Consequences of Structural Adjustment on Economic and Social Domains: Two Decades in the Life of Peru pp. 95-115

- Orlando Plaza and Nelly P. Stromquist
- Sálvese Quien Pueda: Structural Adjustment and Emigration from Lima pp. 116-127

- Douglas S. Massey and Chiara Capoferro
- Freustrated Achievers: Winners, Losers, and Subjective Well-Being in Peru’s Emerging Economy pp. 128-153

- Carol Graham and Stefano Pettinato
- The Metamorphosis of Marginality: Four Generations in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro pp. 154-177

- Janice E. Perlman
- Insecurity and Violence as a New Power Relation in Latin America pp. 178-195

- Magaly Sanchez R
- Lula’s Political Economy: Changes and Challenges pp. 196-215

- Paulo Paiva
- Public and Private Responses to Social Exclusion among Youth in São Paulo pp. 216-230

- Pedro Jacobi
- Reform of the State: An Alternative for Change in Latin America pp. 231-243

- Carlos Blanco
- Mitigating Myths about Policy Effectiveness: Evaluation of Mexico’s Antipoverty and Human Resource Investment Program pp. 244-275

- Jere Behrman and Emmanuel Skoufias
- Quick Read Synopsis pp. 276-315

- Douglas S. Massey, Magaly Sanchez R. and Jere Behrman