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The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

1890 - 2024

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Volume 235, issue 1, 1944

Foreword pp. v-xi Downloads
William G. Carr
Intellectual Co-operation pp. 1-9 Downloads
Gilbert Murray
The International Bureau of Education pp. 10-16 Downloads
Marie Butts
Realism in Educational Reconstruction pp. 17-24 Downloads
Walter M. Kotschnig
Teach Them the Ways of Democracy pp. 25-32 Downloads
George D. Stoddard
What About an International Office for Education? pp. 33-40 Downloads
James Marshall
Educational Utopias pp. 41-48 Downloads
I.L. Kandel
A Policy of Cultural Co-operation pp. 49-53 Downloads
G. Howland Shaw
Foreign Government Programs of Cultural Relations pp. 54-61 Downloads
Ruth Emily McMurry
The United States Office of Education pp. 62-68 Downloads
John W. Studebaker
Inter-American Educational Relations pp. 69-76 Downloads
Kenneth Holland
America's Future Cultural Relations pp. 77-82 Downloads
Ben Mark Cherrington
International Intellectual Relations pp. 83-91 Downloads
W.G. Leland
International Interchange of Students pp. 92-99 Downloads
Stephen Duggan
Libraries, Scholars, and the War pp. 100-106 Downloads
Carl Hastings Milam
The World Federation of Education Associations pp. 107-112 Downloads
Henry L. Smith
Professional Organizations in Education pp. 113-121 Downloads
Frank W. Hubbard
Education for World Citizenship pp. 122-127 Downloads
I. James Quillen
The Psychological Foundations of Peace pp. 128-134 Downloads
Mark A. May
KOHN, HANS. The Idea of Nationalism: A Study in ItS Origins and Background. Pp. xiii, 735. New York: The Macmil lan Co., 1944. $7.50 pp. 135-135 Downloads
Heinz H.F. Eulau
CIANFARRA, CAMILLE M. The Vatican and the War. Pp. 344. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1944. $3.00 pp. 135-136 Downloads
S. William Halperin
U.S.S.R. in Reconstruction, The. Pp. 160. New York: American Russian Institute, Inc., 1944. $1.00 pp. 136-137 Downloads
Stuart R. Tompkins
COT, PIERRE (Sybille and Milton Crane, Translators). Triumph of Treason ("Contre nous de la tyrannie..."). Pp. 432. New York: Ziff-Davis Publish ing Co., 1944. $3.50 pp. 137-138 Downloads
Boris Erich Nelson
SPRIGGE, CECIL J. S. The Development of Modern Italy. Pp. 216. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1944. $2.75 pp. 138-139 Downloads
A. William Salomone
ARCHER, LAIRD. Balkan Journal. Pp. 254. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1944. $3.50. WHITE, LEIGH. The Long Balkan Night. Pp. x, 473. New York: Charles Scrib ner's Sons, 1944. $3.50 pp. 139-140 Downloads
Harry N. Howard
WIESCHOFF, H. A. Colonial Policies in Africa. Pp. 138. Philadelphia: Univer sity of Pennsylvania Press, 1944. $1.50 pp. 140-141 Downloads
Desmond W. Bittinger
AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, MEMBERS OF. Australia and the Pacific. Pp. x, 203. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944. $2.50 pp. 141-141 Downloads
C. Hartley Grattan
JOHNSON, F. ERNEST (Ed.). Religion and the World Order. Pp. 223. New York: Institute for Religious Studies, 1944. $2.00 pp. 141-142 Downloads
Ephraim Fischoff
MUMFORD, LEWIS. The Condition of Man. Pp. x, 467. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1944. $5.00 pp. 142-143 Downloads
John Lindberg
MANNHEIM, KARL. Diagnosis of Our Time. Pp. xi, 195. New York: Oxford Univer sity Press, 1944. $3.00 pp. 143-144 Downloads
James H. Barnett
ARCINIEGAS, GERMAN (Angel Flores, Trans lator). Germans in the Conquest of America: A Sixteenth Century Venture. Pp. 217. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1943. $2.50 pp. 144-145 Downloads
Philip Wayne Powell
PREWETT, VIRGINIA. The Americas and Tomorrow. Pp. 292. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1944. $3.00 pp. 145-145 Downloads
Alfred Manes
SERENI, ANGELO PIERO. The Italian Con ception of International Law. Pp. xii, 402. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. $5.50 pp. 145-146 Downloads
Kurt H. Nadelmann
GYORGY, ANDREW. Geopolitics: The New German Science. Vol. 3, No. 3. Pp. 141, 303. Berkeley: University of Cali fornia Press, 1944 pp. 146-147 Downloads
Robert Strausz-Hupé
RENNER, GEORGE T., and Associates. Global Geography. Pp. viii, 728. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1944. $3.75 pp. 147-148 Downloads
W. Elmer Ekblaw
FITZPATRICK, EDWARD A. McCarthy of Wisconsin. Pp. x, 316. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1944. $3.50 pp. 148-149 Downloads
Belle Zeller
MERRIAM, CHARLES EDWARD. Public and Private Government. Pp. 78. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1944. $1.75 pp. 148-148 Downloads
Lane W. Lancaster
ADROGUÉ, CARLOS A. Poderes impositivos federal y provincial sobre los instru mentos de gobierno. Pp. 711. Buenos Aires: Guillermo Kraft Ltda., 1943 pp. 150-150 Downloads
Austin F. Macdonald
HANSEN, ALVIN H., and HARVEY S. PER- LOFF. State and Local Finance in the National Economy. Pp. vii, 310. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1944. $3.75 pp. 150-151 Downloads
H.R. Enslow
BROWN, WILLIAM ADAMS, JR. The Future Economic Policy of the United States. Pp. 101. Boston: World Peace Founda tion, 1943. Paperbound, 25¢; cloth- bound, 50¢. SLICHTER, SUMNER H. Present Savings and Postwar Markets. Pp. iv, 73. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1943. $1.00 pp. 151-152 Downloads
Emerson P. Schmidt
BLAKEY, ROY G. (Director). Analyses of Minnesota Incomes, 1938-39. Univer sity of Minnesota Studies in Economics and Business, No. 14. Pp. xxvi, 367. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1944. $5.00 pp. 152-153 Downloads
James G. Smith
WILLIAMSON, HAROLD F. (Ed.). The Growth of the American Economy. Pp. xiii, 804. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1944. $4.00 pp. 153-154 Downloads
Donald L. Kemmerer
TYLER, ALICE FELT. Freedom's Ferment: Phases of American Social History to 1860. Pp. x, 608. Minneapolis: Univer sity of Minnesota Press, 1944. $5.00 pp. 154-155 Downloads
Harry Elmer Barnes
DAMERON, KENNETH (Ed.). Consumer Problems in Wartime. Pp. xii, 672. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1944. $3.75 pp. 155-156 Downloads
Colston E. Warne
LILIENTHAL, DAVID E. TVA—Democracy on the March. Pp. xiv, 248. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1944. $2.50 pp. 156-157 Downloads
Harlan Trott Lt
WARD, LEO R. Nova Scotia: The Land of Co-operation. Pp. xiii, 207. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1942. $2.50 pp. 156-156 Downloads
R.A. Mackay
LONG, CLARENCE D. The Labor Force in Wartime America. Pp. 73. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1944. 50¢ pp. 157-159 Downloads
Myron L. Hoch
MOORE, GEOFFREY H. Production of In dustrial Materials in World Wars I and II. Pp. 81. New York: National Bu reau of Economic Research, 1944. 50¢ pp. 157-157 Downloads
Dexter S. Kimball
INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. British Joint Production Machinery. Pp. v, 273. Montreal: International Labour Office, 1944. $1.25. 5 shillings pp. 159-160 Downloads
Mary E. Murphy
ROBERTS, HAROLD S. The Rubber Work ers. Pp. xiii, 441. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1944. $4.00 pp. 159-159 Downloads
Myron L. Hoch
BIENSTOCK, GREGORY, SOLOMON M. SCHWARZ, and AARON YUGOW. Manage ment in Russian Industry and Agricul ture. Pp. xxxii, 198. New York: Ox ford University Press, 1944. $3.00 pp. 160-161 Downloads
Paul Haensel
RODKEY, ROBERT G. Sound Policies for Bank Management. Pp. xiv, 224. New York: Ronald Press Company, 1944. $4.00 pp. 161-162 Downloads
Walter Lichtenstein
BARGER, HAROLD, and SAM H. SCHURR. The Mining Industries, 1899-1939. Pp. xxii, 452. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1944. $3.00 pp. 162-163 Downloads
Harold F. Hynes
POUND, ROSCOE. The Task of Law. Pp. 94. Lancaster, Pa.: Franklin and Mar shall College, 1944. $1.50 pp. 163-164 Downloads
F. Lyman Windolph
O'CONNOR, MICHAEL J. L. Origins of Academic Economics in the United States. Pp. x, 367. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1944. $4.25 pp. 164-165 Downloads
A.B. Wolfe
RIVLIN, HARRY N., and HERBERT SCHUELER (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Modern Edu cation. Pp. xvi, 902. New York: Philo sophical Library, Inc., 1943 pp. 165-166 Downloads
John Perry Pritchett
SARGENT, PORTER. War and Education. Pp. 506. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1943. $4.00 pp. 166-166 Downloads
Edgar B. Wesley
PINK, LOUIS H. Freedom from Fear. Pp. v, 254. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1944. $2.50 pp. 166-167 Downloads
Robert W. Kelso
NOTESTEIN, FRANK W., et al. The Future Population of Europe and the Soviet Union. Pp. 315. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. $2.75 pp. 167-168 Downloads
Frank H. Hankins
FAIRCHILD, HENRY PRATT (Ed.). Diction ary of Sociology. Pp. 342. New York: Philosophical Library, 1944. $6.00 pp. 168-169 Downloads
S.D. Clark
National Health Service, A. (The British White Paper.) Pp. 85. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1944. 75¢ pp. 168-168 Downloads
Alfred Manes
MOEHLMAN, CONRAD HENRY. School and Church: The American Way. Pp. x, 178. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1944. $2.50. BOWER, WILLIAM CLAYTON. Church and State in Education. Pp. v, 102. Chi cago: University of Chicago Press, 1944. $1.00 pp. 169-170 Downloads
Ephraim Fischoff
WHYTE, WILLIAM FOOTE. Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum. Pp. xxii, 284. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1943. $3.00 pp. 170-171 Downloads
Belle Zeller
NELSON, HELGE. The Swedes and the Swedish Settlements in North America. Part I, text, charts, maps, and half tones; Part II, atlas. Vol. XXXVII from series of the Swedish Royal Hu manistic Foundation Publications, 1943 pp. 171-172 Downloads
W. Elmer Ekblaw
RICE, MADELINE HOOKE. American Catho lic Opinion in the Slavery Controversy. Pp. 177. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1944. $2.50 pp. 172-172 Downloads
W.E.B. Dubois
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