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Volume 294, issue 1, 1954
- Foreword pp. viii-viii

- James C. Charlesworth
- The War for the Mind of Japan pp. 1-7

- Harry Emerson Wildes
- The Place of Japan in a Resurgent Asia pp. 8-13

- Sadao Iguchi
- Relations between Japan and the United States pp. 14-22

- Robert J.G. McClurkin
- Japan and the Two Worlds pp. 23-32

- Tatsuo Morito
- A Brief for Korea pp. 33-41

- Robert T. Oliver
- The Aspirations of Korea pp. 42-47

- You Chan Yang
- The Role of the United States in the Far East pp. 48-55

- Arthur H. Dean
- The Soviet-Chinese Complex pp. 56-70

- Adolf A. Berle
- The Real China pp. 71-82

- V.K. Wellington Koo
- Present United States Policy Toward China pp. 83-88

- Alfred Le S. Jenkins
- Paradoxes in the Indochinese Dilemma pp. 89-98

- Lauriston Sharp
- Our Common Stake in Indochina pp. 99-107

- Pierre Millet
- The Indochinese Question Mark pp. 108-112

- Philip W. Thayer
- Ups and Downs in Indo-American Relations pp. 113-123

- Norman D. Palmer
- India and the United States: Democracy East and West pp. 124-130

- Gaganvihari L. Mehta
- American Policy Toward India and the Security of South Asia pp. 131-137

- John D. Jernegan
- The Quest for Security in the Middle East pp. 138-146

- Halford L. Hoskins
- The Arab Commonwealth pp. 147-150

- Abdul Monem Rifa'I
- The United States in the Changing Middle East pp. 151-157

- N. Saifpour Fatemi
- Asia pp. 158-159

- C.F. Remer
- SWISHER, EARL. China's Management of the American Barbarians: A Study of Sino-American Relations, 1841-1861, with Documents. Pp. xxi, 844. New Haven, Conn.: Far Eastern Publications, Yale University (for the Far Eastern Association), 1953. No price pp. 159-160

- J.K. Fairbank
- ALLEN, G. C., and AUDREY G. DONNITHORNE. Western Enterprise in Far Eastern Economic Development: China and Japan. Pp. 292. London: George Allen & Unwin (distributed in the U. S. by The Macmillan Company, New York), 1954. $4.50 pp. 160-160

- John E. Orchard
- KIRBY, E. STUART. Introduction to the Economic History of China. Pp. ix, 202. London: George Allen & Unwin (distributed in the U. S. by The Macmillan Company), 1954. $4.25 pp. 160-161

- Lien-Sheng Yang
- MURPHEY, R. Shanghai—Key to Modern China. Pp. xii, 232. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1953. $4.50 pp. 161-162

- L. Dudley Stamp
- THOMAS, S. B. Government and Administration in Communist China. Pp. v, 150. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1953. $2.50 pp. 162-162

- Thomas E. Ennis
- WRIGHT, ARTHUR F. (Ed.). Studies in Chinese Thought. Pp. xi, 317. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953. $4.00 pp. 162-163

- Kenneth Scott Latourette
- BELOFF, MAX. Soviet Policy in the Far East, 1944-1951. Pp. viii, 278. New York: Oxford University Press, 1953. $4.00 pp. 163-164

- Paul F. Langer
- WHEELER, MORTIMER. The Indus Civilization. (Cambridge History of India, a Supplementary Volume.) Pp. xi, 98. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1953. $3.75 pp. 164-165

- W. Norman Brown
- KOLARZ, WALTER. The Peoples of the Soviet Far East. Pp. xii, 194. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1954. $4.50 pp. 164-164

- Harold C. Hinton
- VIVEK. India Without Illusions. Pp. viii, 216. Bombay: New Book Co., 1953. Rs. 4.4 pp. 165-166

- Richard L. Park
- BRECHER, MICHAEL. The Struggle for Kashmir. Pp. xii, 211. New York: Oxford University Press, 1953. $5.00 pp. 166-167

- Norman D. Palmer
- BISSON, T. A. Zaibatsu Dissolution In Japan. Pp. xi, 314. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1954. $5.00 pp. 167-168

- Jerome B. Cohen
- BLAKESLEE, GEORGE H. The Far Eastern Commission, A Study in International Cooperation: 1945 to 1952. (Department of State Publication 5138, Far Eastern Series 60.) Pp. v, 239. Washington, D. C., 1953. 70 cents pp. 168-169

- A. Viola Smith
- ELSBREE, WILLARD H. Japan's Role in Southeast Asian Nationalist Movements, 1940 to 1945. Pp. vii, 182. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (for Institute for Pacific Relations), 1953. $3.25 pp. 169-170

- Herbert Passin
- LEACH, E. R., and RAYMOND FIRTH. Political Systems of Highland Burma: A Study of Kachin Social Structure. Pp. xii, 324. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $7.00 pp. 170-170

- John F. Cady
- International Relations and World Government pp. 171-171

- D.F. Fleming
- MANGONE, GERARD J. A Short History of International Organization. Pp. ix, 326. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1954. $5.00 pp. 171-172

- Oliver Benson
- VISSCHER, CHARLES DE. Théories et réalités en droit international public. Pp. 467. Paris: Éditions A. Pedone, 1953. 2,500 frs pp. 172-173

- Richard N. Swift
- BROOKINGS INSTITUTION. Major Problems of American Foreign Policy, 1954. Pp. x, 429. Washington, 1954. $2.00 paper; $4.00 cloth pp. 172-172

- Aurie N. Dunlap
- VAN DER VEEN, GAELE. Aiding Underdeveloped Countries Through International Economic Co-operation. Pp. 200. Delft: Naamloze Vennootschap W. D. Neinema, 1953. No price. Written in English pp. 173-174

- Robert Rockafellow
- Humanism and Education in East and West: An International Round Table Discussion Organized by UNESCO. Pp. 224. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1953. $1.50 pp. 174-175

- I.B. Berkson
- CALVEZ, JEAN-YVES. Droit international et souveraineté en U.R.S.S. Pp. 299. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1953. 800 fr pp. 175-176

- John N. Hazard
- United States Government and History pp. 176-177

- C. Herman Pritchett
- CAHN, EDMOND (Ed.). Supreme Court and Supreme Law. Pp. ix, 250. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1954. $4.00 pp. 177-177

- Bernard F. Cataldo
- TUNC, ANDRI, and SUZANNE TUNC. Le Systame constitutionnel des États-Unis d'Amirique. Vol. I: Histoire constitu- tionnelle. Pp. viii, 507. Paris: £ditions Domat Montchrestien, 1954. 1,800 fr pp. 178-178

- Shepard B. Clough
- HARRIS, JOSEPH P. The Advice and Consent of the Senate: A Study of the Confirmation of Appointments by the United States Senate. Pp. xii, 457. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1953. $5.00 pp. 178-179

- Dayton D. Mckean
- McCORMICK, RICHARD P. The History of Voting in New Jersey: A Study of the Development of Election Machinery, 1664-1911. Pp. xii, 228. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1953. $5.00 pp. 179-180

- Ransom E. Noble
- WHITE, LEONARD D. The States and the Nation. Pp. xi, 103. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1953. $2.75 pp. 179-179

- Charles W. Shull
- HYMAN, SIDNEY. The American President. Pp. 342. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954. $4.00 pp. 180-181

- C. Perry Patterson
- BETTS, EDWIN MORRIS (Ed.). Thomas Jefferson's Farm Book: With Commentary and Relevant Extracts from Other Writings. Foreword by Francis L. Berkeley, Jr. (Facsimile 179 pp.). Pp. xxiii, 552. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1953. $15.00 pp. 181-182

- M.L. Wilson
- WEBSTER, NOAH. Letters of Noah Webster. Edited by Harry R. Warfel. Pp. xlvi, 562. New York: Library Publishers [c. 1953]. $7.50 pp. 181-181

- John D. Hicks
- ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt. Vols. VII and VIII: The Days of Armageddon, 1909-1919. Edited by Elting E. Morison et al. Pp. xiv, 816; viii, 817-1621. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954. $20.00 pp. 182-183

- Claudius O. Johnson
- PRESSLY, THOMAS J. Americans Interpret Their Civil War. Pp. xvi, 347. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1954. $5.00 pp. 183-184

- H. Hale Bellot
- PATRICK, REMBERT W. Florida Fiasco: Rampant Rebels on the Georgia-Florida Border, 1810-1815. Pp. x, 359. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1954. $5.00 pp. 184-185

- J. Fred Rippy
- WOODMASON, CHARLES. The Carolina Back-country on the Eve of the Revolution: The Journal and Other Writings of Charles Woodmason, Anglican Itinerant. Edited with an Introduction by Richard J. Hooker. Pp. xxxix, 305. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1953. $5.00 pp. 184-184

- Ralph Adams Brown
- ALDEN, JOHN RICHARD. The American Revolution, 1775-1783. Pp. xviii, 294. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954. $5.00 pp. 185-186

- Robert L. Hilldrup
- MOORE, GLOVER. The Missouri Controversy, 1819-1821. Pp. xi, 383. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1953. $6.00 pp. 186-187

- E. Merton Coulter
- MOORE, GUY W. The Case of Mrs. Surratt. Pp. xi, 142. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. $3.00 pp. 187-187

- Ella Lonn
- DORRIS, JONATHAN T. Pardon and Amnesty Under Lincoln and Johnson. Pp. 460. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1953. $7.50 pp. 187-188

- T. Harry Williams
- WENDT, LLOYD, and HERMAN KOGAN. Bïg Bill of Chicago. Pp. 384. New York: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1953. $4.00. REID, ED. The Shame of New York. Pp. xii, 235. New York: Random House, 1953. $3.00 pp. 188-189

- Dayton D. Mckean
- FREIDEL, FRANK. Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Ordeal. Pp. 320. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1954. $6.00 pp. 189-190

- Louis B. Wehle
- Economics and Industry pp. 190-191

- William Jaffé
- CHAMBERLAIN, NEIL W., and JANE METZGER SCHILLING. The Impact of Strikes: Their Social and Economic Costs. Pp. viii. 257. New York: Harper. & Brothers, 1954. $4.00 pp. 191-192

- Joel Seidman
- BENNETT, M. K. The World's Food: A Study of the Interrelations of World Populations, National Diets, and Food Potentials. Pp. vi, 282. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954. $4.00 pp. 191-191

- Conrad Taeuber
- HARBISON, FREDERICK H., and JOHN R. COLEMAN. Working Harmony: A Summary of the Collective Bargaining Relationships in 18 Companies. Case Study No. 13 in series "Causes of Industrial Peace under Collective Bargaining." Pp. xii, 64. Washington, D. C.: National Planning Association, 1953. $1.00 pp. 192-193

- Frederick L. Ryan
- FLOUNCE, P. SARGANT. The Logic of British and American Industry: A Realistic Analysis of Industrial Structure and Government. Pp. xvi, 368. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press (and Routledge and Kegan Paul, London), 1954. $5.00 pp. 193-194

- Mary E. Murphy
- NURKSE, RAGNAR. Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries. Pp. vii, 163. New York: Oxford University Press, 1953. $3.00 pp. 194-195

- Helen Lamb
- HARRIS, MARSHALL D. Origin of the Land Tenure System in the United States. Pp. xiv, 447. Ames: Iowa State College Press, 1953. $7.50 pp. 194-194

- Vernon Carstensen
- CZERWONKY, HUGO E. Freedom from Insecurity. Pp. ix, 198. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1954. $3.50 pp. 195-196

- Robert L. Patrick
- BULEY, R. CARLYLE. The American Life Convention, 1906-1952: A Study in the History of Life Insurance. 2 Vols. Pp. xxx, 680; viii, 681-1397. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1953. $15.00 pp. 196-196

- Alfred Manes
- CHILDS, MARQUIS W., and DOUGLASS CATER. Ethics in a Business Society. Pp. x, 191. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954. $2.75 pp. 196-197

- John Ise
- Sociology and Education pp. 197-198

- Cora Du Bois
- CHRISTIE, RICHARD, and MARIE JAHODA (Eds.). Studies in the Scope and Method of "The Authoritarian Personality": Continuities in Social Research. Pp. 279. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1954. $4.50 pp. 198-198

- M. Brewster Smith
- VERNANT, JACQUES. The Refugee in the Post-War World. Pp. xvi, 827. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953. $6.00 pp. 199-200

- Oscar Handlin
- MEAD, MARGARET (Ed.). Cultural Patterns and Technical Change. Pp. 348. New York: Columbia University Press (for UNESCO), 1953. $1.75 pp. 199-199

- Mckim Marriott
- COHEN, ELIE A. Human Behavior in the Concentration Camp. Translated from the Dutch by M. H. Braaksma. Pp. xvi, 295. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1953. $5.00 pp. 200-201

- Malcolm M. Willey
- SPELLMAN, HOWARD HILTON. Successful Management of Matrimonial Cases. Pp. ix, 306. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1954. $5.65 pp. 201-202

- William M. Kephart
- ROGOFF, NATALIE. Recent Trends in Occupational Mobility. Pp. 131. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1953. $4.00 pp. 201-201

- William H. Form
- GLASS, D. V. (Ed.). Introduction to Malthus. Pp. x, 205. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1953. $2.75 (London: Watts & Company, 1953. 10s 6d) pp. 202-203

- Clyde V. Kiser
- STOTT, D. H. Saving Children from Delinquency. Pp. x, 266. New York: Philosophical Library, 1953. $4.75 pp. 203-204

- William Healy
- RUCHAMES, LOUIS. Race, Jobs, & Politics: The Story of FEPC. Pp. xi, 255. New York: Columbia University Press, 1953. $3.75 pp. 204-205

- Frank S. Loescher
- HAVIGHURST, ROBERT J., and RUTH ALBRECHT. Older People. Pp. xvi, 415. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1953. $5.00 pp. 205-205

- Clark Tibbitts
- MEANS, JAMES HOWARD. Doctors, People, and Government. Pp. viii, 206. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1953. $3.50 pp. 205-206

- Franz Goldmann
- MILLER, PAUL A., and ASSOCIATES. Community Health Action. Pp. 192. East Lansing: Michigan State College Press, 1953. $3.00 pp. 206-207

- Marietta Stevenson
- BALLOU, RICHARD BOYD. The Individual and the State: The Modern Challenge to Education. Pp. xxviii, 305. Boston: Beacon Press, 1953. $4.50 pp. 207-208

- Theodore Brameld
- The Teaching of the Social Sciences in the United Kingdom. Pp. 140. Paris: UNESCO, 1953. No price pp. 208-209

- Elbridge Sibley
- CANTOR, NATHANIEL. The Teaching-Learning Process. Pp. xvi, 350. New York: Dryden Press, 1953. $2.90 pp. 208-208

- Edgar B. Wesley
- Philosophy and Religion pp. 209-210

- Thomas I. Cook
- HARDING, D. W. Social Psychology and Individual Values. Pp. 184. London: Hutchinson's University Library, 1953; New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1954. Text $1.80; trade $2.40 pp. 210-211

- Henry A. Finch
- WOOLF, LEONARD. Principia Politica: A Study of Communal Psychology. Pp. 319. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1953. $5.00 pp. 211-211

- Leslie M. Pape
- LONG, EDWARD LEROY, JR. Conscience and Compromise: An Approach to Protestant Casuistry. Pp. 166. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1954. $3.00 pp. 211-212

- Henry Nelson Wieman
- SMYTH, F. HASTINGS. Sacrifice: A Doctrinal Homily. Pp. ix, 149. New York: Vantage Press, 1953. $2.75 pp. 212-213

- Justin Wroe Nixon
- MOODY, JOSEPH N. (Ed.). Church and Society: Catholic Social and Political Thought and Movements, 1789-1950. Pp. 914. New York: Arts, Inc., 1953. $12.00 pp. 213-214

- Paul Hanly Furfey
- LEE, E. G. Christianity and the New Situation. Pp. 157. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1954. $3.00 pp. 213-213

- Edward Leroy Long
- NOBLE, VERNON. The Life & Times of George Fox: The Man in Leather Breeches. Pp. 298. New York: Philosophical Library, 1953. $6.00 pp. 214-215

- Clarence E. Pickett
- FALARDEAU, JEAN C. (Ed.). Essais sur le Québec contemporain. Pp. 260. Quebec: Les Presses Universitaires Laval, 1953. No price. 6 chapters in French, 6 in English pp. 215-216

- S.D. Clark
- Commonwealth of Nations pp. 215-215

- H.F. Angus
- CAIGER, GEORGE (Ed.). The Australian Way of Life. Pp. xvi, 158. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. $3.00 pp. 216-217

- Edward Littlejohn
- BAILEY, SYDNEY D. (Ed.). The Future of the House of Lords. A symposium. Pp. 180. London: Hansard Society, 1954. 10/6d pp. 217-217

- Holden Furber
- RICHMOND, HERBERT. The Navy as an Instrument of Policy, 1558-1727. Edited by E. A. Hughes. Pp. 404. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1953. $12.00 pp. 217-218

- Gerald S. Graham
- MABILEAU, ALBERT. Le Parti libéral dans le système constitutionnel britannique. Pp. viii, 354. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1953. 1,100 fr. No. 47, "Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques." pp. 218-219

- Carl F. Brand
- COLLIER, ADAM. The Crofting Problem. Pp. xv, 191. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1954. $5.00 pp. 219-220

- F. Fraser Darling
- Slavic Countries pp. 220-221

- Hugh Seton-Watson
- STEVENS, LESLIE C. Russian Assignment. Pp. xv, 568. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1953. $5.75 pp. 221-222

- A.O. Sarkissian
- DEUTSCHER, ISAAC. The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921. Pp. xii, 540. New York: Oxford University Press, 1954. $6.00 pp. 222-222

- Bertram D. Wolfe
- CAROE, OLAF. Soviet Empire: The Turks of Central Asia and Stalinism. Pp. x, 300. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1953. $5.00 pp. 223-224

- Harry N. Howard
- WARTH, ROBERT D. The Allies and the Russian Revolution from the Fall of the Monarchy to the Peace of Brest-Litovsk. Pp. vii, 294. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1954. $4.50 pp. 223-223

- Anatole G. Mazour
- LEITES, NATHAN. A Study of Bolshevism. Pp. 639. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press. $6.50 pp. 224-224

- Frederick L. Schuman
- GERSON, LOUIS L. Woodrow Wilson and the Rebirth of Poland, 1914-1920: A Study in the Influence on American Policy of Minority Groups of Foreign Origin. Pp. xi, 166. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953. $4.00 pp. 224-226

- W.S. Sworakowski
- KOUSOULAS, DIMITRIOS G. The Price of Freedom: Greece in World Affairs, 1939-1953. Pp. xi, 210. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1953. $4.00 pp. 226-227

- Theodore I. Geshkoff
- VUCINICH, WAYNE S. Serbia Between East and West: The Events of 1903-1908. Pp. x, 304. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1954. $4.75 pp. 226-226

- Alex N. Dragnich
- Western Continental Europe pp. 227-228

- Arthur Leon Horniker
- SCHACHT, HJALMAR. 76 Jahre meines Lebens. Pp. 692. Bad Wörishofen: Kindler & Schiermeyer Verlag, 1953. DM 19,80 pp. 228-229

- Eric H. Boehm
- WHEELER-BENNETT, JOHN W. The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics 1918-1945. Pp. xvi, 829. New York: St. Martin's Press (distributors for Macmillan & Co., London), 1953. $12.00 pp. 229-230

- Ralph F. Bischoff
- GRAYSON, CARY TRAVERS, JR. Austria's International Position, 1938-1953: The Re-establishment of an Independent Austria. Pp. xvi, 317. Geneva: Librairie E. Droz, 1953. 15 fr. s pp. 230-231

- Charles A. Gulick
- ANDERS, WLADYSLAW. Hitler's Defeat in Russia. Pp. xviii, 267. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1953. $4.00 pp. 230-230

- Axel Von Dem Bussche
- SCHLESINGER, RUDOLF: Central European Democracy and Its Background. Pp. xiv, 402. New York: Grove Press, 1954. $5.00 pp. 231-232

- Josef Korbel
- Other Countries pp. 232-233

- Arthur P. Whitaker
- KOTB, SAYED. Social Justice in Islam. Translated from the Arabic by John B. Hardie. Pp. viii, 298. Washington, D. C.: American Council of Learned Societies (Near Eastern Translation Program, No. 1), 1953. $3.00 paper; $4.00 cloth pp. 233-234

- Franz Rosenthal
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