The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 137, issue 1, 1928
- Foreword pp. vii-viii

- Richard H. Lansburgh
- Organized Effort in Simplification pp. 1-8

- Ray M. Hudson
- The Relation of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America to the Growth of the Simplification Program in American Industry pp. 9-12

- E.W. Mccullough
- Work of the American Engineering Standards Committee pp. 13-16

- P.G. Agnew
- Canadian Engineering Standards Association pp. 17-24

- B. Stuart McKenzie
- Simplification and Standardization in Europe pp. 25-31

- Victor S. Karabasz
- The Place of Standardization in Modern Life pp. 32-38

- Albert W. Whitney
- The Economic Aspects of Standardization pp. 39-42

- K.H. Condit
- The Effect on Labor of the New Standardization Programs of American Industry pp. 43-46

- William Green
- Standardization pp. 47-48

- Matthew Woll
- The Work in the Field of Standardization of the American Society for Testing Materials pp. 49-59

- C.L. Warwick
- The Standardization Activities of Underwriters' Laboratories pp. 60-65

- W.D.A. Peaslee
- Simplification's Boons to Purchasing Agents pp. 66-70

- W.L. Chandler
- Development of Standard Safety Codes pp. 71-77

- David Van Schaack
- Safety Standards in Industry pp. 78-79

- W.Dean Keefer
- Performance Standards in Industry pp. 80-88

- Joseph A. Piacitelli
- Smoothing the Wrinkles from Management pp. 89-106

- Sanford E. Thompson
- Agricultural Standardization on the Pacific Coast pp. 107-114

- Paul E. Holden
- Intra-Plant Standardization pp. 115-120

- Paul E. Holden
- Standardization at Cronk and Carrier Mfg. Co., Canton, Ohio pp. 121-137

- F.A. Schmidt
- Gages as an Instrument of Control in Mass Production pp. 138-144

- John Gaillard
- The Development of Safety Standards for Domestic Gas Appliances, by the American Gas Association pp. 145-150

- R.M. Conner
- The Present Status of Standards in the Electrical Industry pp. 151-156

- C.E. Skinner
- Standards in the Printing Industry pp. 157-167

- Russell A. Pettengill
- Standardization in the Textile Industry pp. 168-175

- John C. Shover
- Standardization in the Music Industries pp. 176-180

- Henry C. Lomb
- Standardization in the Filing Equipment Industry pp. 181-190

- John L. Stephens
- Standard Purchase Specifications in Railroad Operation' pp. 191-198

- Robert P. Brecht
- Standardization of Purchase Procedure for the Federal Government pp. 199-204

- Major A.H. Erck
- Standardization of Farm Products pp. 205-212

- Lloyd S. Tenny
- Standardization in the Household pp. 213-219

- Alice L. Edwards
- Standardization and Waste Elimination pp. 220-222

- William J. Quinn
- Simplification and Standardization of Hospital Supplies pp. 223-230

- Margaret Rogers
- Standards and Specifications from the Standpoint of the Ultimate Consumer pp. 231-239

- F.J. Schlink and Robert A. Brady
- Certification Plan and Labeling System pp. 240-246

- A.S. McAllister
- How Government Standards Affect the Ultimate Consumer pp. 247-252

- Robert A. Brady
- Can Standardization Reduce Advertising Costs? pp. 253-258

- Hugh Elmer Agnew
- BEARD, CHARLES A. and MARY R. The Rise of American Civilization. 2 volumes. Pp. Volume I, 828; Volume II, 824. Price, $12.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927 pp. 259-260

- James T. Young
- WILLOUGHBY, W. F. Principles of Public Administration. Pp. xxii, 720. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1927 pp. 260-261

- Martin L. Faust
- HERSHEY, AMOS S. The Essentials of International Public Law and Organization (revised edition). Pp. xxii, 784. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927 pp. 261-261

- Quincy Wright
- MACDONALD, AUSTIN F. Federal Aid: A Study of the American Subsidy System. Pp. xii, 285. New York: T. Y. Crowell Company, 1928 pp. 261-262

- Leonard D. White
- CALLENDER, CLARENCE N. American Courts. Pp. viii, 284. New York: Mc-Graw-Hill pp. 262-262

- Hector G. Spaulding
- POLLOCK, JAMES K. Readings in American Government. Pp. xiv, 354. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1927 pp. 262-263

- Edwin A. Cottrell
- DENNIS, A. L. P. Adventures in American Diplomacy. 1896-1906. Pp. x, 537. Price, $5.00. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1928 pp. 263-264

- Harry T. Collings
- WILLERT, SIR ARTHUR. Aspects of British Foreign Policy. Pp. 141. Price, $2.00. New Haven: Yale University Press pp. 264-265

- A. Vandenbosch
- HARING, CLARENCE H. South America Looks at the United States. Pp. vii, 243. New York: Macmillan Company, 1928 pp. 264-264

- Clarence F. Jones
- RANDALL, JAMES G. Constitutional Problems under Lincoln. Pp. xviii, 580, Price, $4,00. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1926 pp. 265-265

- George M. Churchill
- JONES, HOWARD MUMFORD. America and French Culture, 1750-1848. Pp. xvi, 615. Price, $5.00. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1927 pp. 265-266

- Douglas L. Hunt
- BURGESS, JOHN W. The Sanctity of Law: wherein Does it Consist? Pp. x, 335. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1927 pp. 266-266

- William S. Carpenter
- WEATHERLY, ULYSSES G. Social Progress. Pp. xviii, 388. Price, $3.00. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, Co., 1926 pp. 266-267

- Carl Kelsey
- PANUNZIO, CONSTANTINE. Immigration Crossroads. Pp. viii, 307. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927 pp. 267-268

- Donald Young
- Recent Developments in the Social Sciences. (By the authors named below.) Pp. vii, 427. Price, $3.00. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1927 pp. 267-267

- Carl Kelsey
- CARTER, HUGH. The Social Theories of L. T. Hobhouse. Pp. viii, 137. Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press, 1927. NICHOLSON, J. A. Some Aspects of the Philosophy of L. T. Hobhouse. Pp. 86. University of Illinois, Urbana, 1928 pp. 268-269

- N/a
- RADIN, PAUL. The Story of the American Indian. Pp. xiv, 371. Price, $5.00. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1927 pp. 268-268

- Donald Young
- SELIGMAN, E. R. A. The Economies of Instalment Selling. 2 vols., Pp. xii, 980. Price, $8.00. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1927 pp. 269-270

- Wilbur C. Plummer
- FAY, C. R. Elements of Economics. Pp. xviii, 631. New York: Macmillan Co., 1927 pp. 270-270

- S.H. Patterson
- BUSINESS MEN'S COMMISSION ON AGRICULTURE. The Condition of Agriculture in the United States and Measures for its Improvement. Pp. xii, 273. Published jointly by National Industrial Conference Board, New York, and Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Washington, D. C., 1927 pp. 270-271

- Wright Hoffman
- HULVERSON, GEORGE R. Personnel. Pp. 400. New York: The Ronald Press pp. 271-272

- Rex B. Hersey
- ENGBERG, R. C. Industrial Prosperity and the Farmer. Pp. xiii, 286. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1927 pp. 271-271

- Wright Hoffman
- BINKLEY, W. E. Problems and Exercises in American Government. Pp. 95. Published by the author, Ada, Ohio, 1926 pp. 272-273

- Walter James Shephard
- SMITH, ELLIOTT DUNLAP. Psychology for Executives—A Study of Human Nature in Industry. Pp. xii, 262. Price, $3.50. New York: Harper and Brothers pp. 272-272

- J. Russell Doubman
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