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Volume 238, issue 1, 1945

Foreword pp. v-vi Downloads
Paul Webbink
The Human Side of Demobilization pp. 1-8 Downloads
Frank T. Hines
The Soldier Looks Ahead pp. 9-17 Downloads
John A. Clausen and Shirley A. Star
Postwar Migration Plans of Army Enlisted Men pp. 18-26 Downloads
Abram J. Jaffe and Seymour L. Wolfbein
Veterans and War Workers in the Postwar Labor Force pp. 27-36 Downloads
John D. Durand
Will There Be Enough Jobs? pp. 37-47 Downloads
A.F. Hinrichs
The Veteran in Agriculture pp. 48-55 Downloads
Carl C. Taylor
Future Manpower Needs of the Armed Forces pp. 56-62 Downloads
William F. Tompkins
The Federal Government's Program for Ex-servicemen pp. 63-70 Downloads
Wilbur J. Cohen
State Plans for Aid to Veterans pp. 71-76 Downloads
Frank Bane
The Education of the Veteran pp. 77-88 Downloads
Earl J. Mcgrath
Backgrounds for Army Separation Counseling pp. 89-94 Downloads
Frederick S. Foltz
Canada's Program to Aid Its Veterans pp. 95-102 Downloads
Robert England
Veteran Re-employment Plans of Our Allies pp. 103-111 Downloads
D. Christie Tait
The Re-employment Rights of Veterans pp. 112-121 Downloads
Walter J. Couper
The Re-employment Program of the International Harvester Company pp. 122-126 Downloads
Troy P. Wakefield
The Negro Veteran pp. 127-132 Downloads
Robert C. Weaver
The Veteran in the Civil Service pp. 133-139 Downloads
Samuel H. Ordway
A Crucial Industry: Aircraft pp. 140-145 Downloads
R. Randall Irwin
Organized Labor and the Veteran pp. 146-157 Downloads
Boris Shishkin
By Sumner H. Slighter pp. 158-166 Downloads
Sumner H. Slichter
The "Separateness" of the Veteran pp. 167-173 Downloads
Roy V. Peel
The Veteran's Attitudes pp. 174-179 Downloads
Willard Waller
Lessons of World War I pp. 180-187 Downloads
E. Jay Howenstine
Report of the Board of Directors to the Membership of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1944 pp. 188-190 Downloads
WALLER, WILLARD. The Veteran Comes Back. Pp. xiii, 316. New York: Dry den Press, Inc., 1944. $2.75 pp. 191-192 Downloads
Robert W. Kelso
MOCK, JAMES R., and EVANGELINE THUR- BER. Report on Demobilization. Pp. xi, 257. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1944. $3.00 pp. 191-191 Downloads
Herbert F. Fraser
WECTER, DIXON. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Pp. x, 588. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co., 1944. $3.00 pp. 192-193 Downloads
Ralph Adams Brown
ZELOMEK, A. W. Here Comes Tomorrow. Pp. v, 131. Chicago: Ziff-Davis Pub lishing Co., 1944. $2.00 pp. 193-193 Downloads
Paul Samuelson
JOHNSON, WALTER. The Battle Against Isolation. Pp. xii, 269. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1944. $3.00 pp. 193-194 Downloads
Frank M. Russell
KOBERG B., MAXIMILIANO. Ideas y co mentarios sobre el verdadero orden so cial. Pp. 223. San José, Costa Rica, C. A.: Editorial "Letras Nacionales," 1944. $1.00 pp. 194-195 Downloads
L.L. Bernard
HUXLEY, JULIAN. On Living in a Revolu tion. Pp. xiv, 242. New York: Harper & Bros., 1944. No price pp. 194-194 Downloads
Heinz Eulau
BERDYAEV, NICOLAS. Slavery and Free dom. Pp. 271. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944. $2.75 pp. 195-196 Downloads
Boris Erich Nelson
MATHER, KIRTLEY F. Enough and to Spare: Mother Earth Can Nourish Ev ery Man in Freedom. Pp. 186. New York: Harper & Bros., 1944. $2.00 pp. 196-196 Downloads
J.W. Furness
MORGAN, ARTHUR E. Edward Bellamy. Pp. xvii, 468. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. $5.00 pp. 196-197 Downloads
J.O. Hertzler
LAIDLER, HARRY W. Social-Economic Movements. Pp. xx, 828. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1944. Trade edition, $5.00; text edition, $3.75 pp. 197-198 Downloads
Ralph H. Blodgett
STARK, W. The Ideal Foundations of Eco nomic Thought. Pp. viii, 219. New York: Oxford University Press, 1944. $3.50 pp. 198-199 Downloads
James G. Smith
WEIGERT, HANS W., and VILHJALMUR STEFANSSON (Eds.). Compass of the World, A Symposium of Political Ge ography. Pp. xvi, 466. New York: Macmillan Co., 1944. $3.50 pp. 199-200 Downloads
Samuel Van valkenburg
VAN ZANDT, J. PARKER. Civil Aviation and Peace. Pp. x, 157. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1944. $1.00 pp. 200-201 Downloads
Charles C. Rohlfing
SPYKMAN, NICHOLAS JOHN. The Geog raphy of the Peace. Pp. xii, 66. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1944. $2.75 pp. 200-200 Downloads
Frank E. Williams
BALL, M. MARGARET. The Problem of Inter-American Organization. Pp. vii, 117. Stanford University, Calif.: Stan ford University Press, 1944. $2.00 pp. 201-202 Downloads
L.S. Rowe
CONDLIFFE, J. B., and A. STEVENSON. The Common Interest in International Eco nomic Organisation. Pp. iii, 135. Mont real: International Labour Office, 1944. Paper ed. $1.00, 4 shillings; Board ed. $1.50, 6 shillings pp. 202-203 Downloads
George H.E. Smith
BRYSON, LYMAN, Louis FINKELSTEIN, and ROBERT M. MACIVER (Eds.). Ap proaches to World Peace. Pp. xxviii, 973. New York: Harper & Bros., 1944. $5.00 pp. 203-204 Downloads
Johannes Mattern
Fox, WILLIAM T. R. The Super-Powers. Pp. 184. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1944. $2.00 pp. 204-204 Downloads
Robert Strausz-Hupe
ROSINGER, LAWRENCE K. China's War time Politics, 1937-1944. Pp. viii, 133. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944. $2.00 pp. 204-205 Downloads
Paul H. Clyde
NANAVATI, MANILAL B., and J. J. ANJARIA. The Indian Rural Problem. Pp. vii, 422. Bombay: The Indian Society of Agricul tural Economics, 1944. Rs. 8 pp. 205-206 Downloads
R.V. Gogate
ROBEQUAIN, CHARLES (ISABEL A. WARD, Translator). The Economic Develop ment of French Indo-China, with a sup plement by John R. Andrus and Katrine R. C. Greene. Pp. vii, 400. New York: Oxford University Press, 1944. $4.00 pp. 206-207 Downloads
Albert E. Kane
CHAMBERLIN, WILLIAM HENRY. The Ukraine: A Submerged Nation. Pp. 91. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1944. $1.75 pp. 207-208 Downloads
D. Fedotoff White
DALLIN, DAVID J. (JOSEPH SHAPLEN, Translator). The Real Soviet Russia. Pp. 260. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1944. $3.50 pp. 208-209 Downloads
Anatole G. Mazour
NEWMAN, BERNARD. Balkan Background. Pp. 354. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1945. $2.50 pp. 209-209 Downloads
Joseph S. Roucek
KRIS, ERNST, and HANS SPEIER (and As sociates). German Radio Propaganda. Pp. xiv, 529. New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1944. $4.00 pp. 209-211 Downloads
John B. Whitton
GURVITCH, GEORGES. La déclaration des droits sociaux. Pp. 190. New York: Éditions de la Maison Française, Inc., 1944. No price pp. 211-212 Downloads
N.S. Timasheff
NEWTON-WHITE, E. Canadian Restoration. Pp. x, 227. Boston: Bruce Humphries, Inc., 1944. $3.00 pp. 212-212 Downloads
H.A. Innis
CALDWELL, LYNTON K. The Administra tive Theories of Hamilton and Jefferson. Pp. ix, 244. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1944. $3.50 pp. 212-213 Downloads
H.R. Enslow
KOENIG, LOUIS WILLIAM. The Presidency and the Crisis. Pp. 166. New York: King's Crown Press, 1944. $2.00 pp. 213-215 Downloads
Belle Zeller
MISES, LUDWIG VON. Bureaucracy. Pp. viii, 125. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1944. $2.00 pp. 213-213 Downloads
Pendleton Herring
Estudios sobre la constitución nacional Ar gentina. Pp. xxvii, 638. Santa Fé: Im prenta de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 1943. No price pp. 215-216 Downloads
Santos P. Amadeo
PRADO, CAIO. Formaçà o do Brasil Con temporâneo: Colônia. Pp. 388. São Paulo: Livraria Martins, 1942. No price pp. 216-217 Downloads
Arthur P. Whitaker
RUDIN, HARRY R. Armistice, 1918. Pp. vii, 422. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1944. $5.00 pp. 217-217 Downloads
Ralph Adams Brown
LUTHIN, REINHARD H. The First Lincoln Campaign. Pp. vii, 328. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1944. $3.50 pp. 217-218 Downloads
Alphonse B. Miller
NYE, RUSSEL B. George Bancroft: Brah min Rebel. Pp. x, 340, xii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1944. $3.50 pp. 218-219 Downloads
Ralph V. Harlow
HALSEY, GEORGE D. Making and Using Industrial Service Ratings. Pp. xxii, 148. New York: Harper & Bros., 1944. $2.50 pp. 219-220 Downloads
Forrest H. Kirkpatrick
RHYNE, CHARLES S. Airports and the Courts. Pp. viii, 222. Washington: Na tional Institute of Municipal Law Offi cers, 1944. $5.00 pp. 220-221 Downloads
Charles C. Rohlfing
Davis, MALVIN E. Industrial Life Insur ance in the United States. Pp. xii, 399. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1944. $2.75 pp. 221-221 Downloads
Alfred Manes
GREEN, CHARLES H. The Headwear Work ers. Pp. 269. New York: United Hat ters, Cap and Millinery Workers Inter national Union, 1944. $2.00 pp. 221-222 Downloads
Albion G. Taylor
MCMURRAY, ROBERT N. Handling Per sonality Adjustment in Industry. Pp. xi, 297. New York: Harper & Bros., 1944. $3.00 pp. 222-225 Downloads
Bessie Bloom Wessel
TEETERS, NEGLEY K. World Penal Sys tems. Pp. x, 220. Philadelphia: Penn sylvania Prison Society, 1944. $2.00 pp. 225-226 Downloads
P. Lejins
ABRAHAMSEN, DAVID. Crime and the Hu man Mind. Pp. xii, 244. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. $3.00 pp. 226-226 Downloads
Edwin H. Sutherland
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