The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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Volume 227, issue 1, 1943
- Foreword pp. vii-vii

- Robert H. Skilton
- Allowances to Dependents of Servicemen in the United States pp. 1-8

- Denzel C. Cline
- Family Allowances: An Anglo-American Contrast pp. 9-21

- Helen Tarasov
- Company Policies Affecting Employees in Service By HAROLD F. BROWNE pp. 22-27

- Harold F. Browne
- Moratoria and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act pp. 28-34

- Robert H. Skilton
- Administration of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act pp. 35-42

- Gerald Monsman
- Consumer Credit and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act pp. 43-50

- M.R. Neifeld
- The Serviceman and the Mortgage Market pp. 51-57

- Ernest M. Fisher
- The Soldier and Real Estate Leases pp. 58-61

- Morton Bodfish
- Wartime Relief from Civil Obligations in Great Britain pp. 62-68

- Rowland Frederick John Sanders
- Insurance Protection Under Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act pp. 69-75

- Frank T. Hines
- The Life Insurance Policy During Wartime pp. 76-82

- Chester A. Kline
- National Service Life Insurance pp. 83-93

- Frank T. Hines
- Collective Bargaining and Re-employment of Veterans pp. 94-103

- Robert P. Brecht
- Re-employment of Ex-servicemen in Public Positions pp. 104-110

- Charles L. Jamison
- Re-education of the Returned Soldier and Sailor pp. 111-121

- Morse A. Cartwright
- Financial Recognition of Ex-servicemen pp. 122-127

- John G. Herndon
- Military Pensions pp. 128-135

- Alfred G. Buehler
- Unemployment Insurance and the Returning Serviceman pp. 136-142

- William H. Wandel
- Land and Homes for Returning Servicemen pp. 143-151

- David T. Rowlands
- Women's Reserves pp. 152-155

- Mildred H. McAfee
- Benefits to Women's Army Auxiliary Corps pp. 156-157

- N/a
- Book Department pp. 158-202

- N/a
Volume 226, issue 1, 1943
- Introduction pp. vii-ix

- Lennox A. Mills
- Geography of the Southeast Tropics pp. 1-8

- Frances M. Earle
- Southeastern Asia and the Philippines as a Market pp. 9-21

- Arthur R. Upgren
- Capital Investment in Southeastern Asia and the Philippines pp. 22-31

- Helmut G. Callis
- The Chinese in Southeastern Asia and the Philippines pp. 32-49

- Patricia G. Barnett
- Implications of Japanese Foreign Policy for the Philippines and Southeastern Asia pp. 50-61

- Harold M. Vinacke
- War in the Western Pacific pp. 62-72

- H.E. Yarnell
- Outline of Our Recent Political and Trade Relations with the Philippine Commonwealth pp. 73-85

- E.D. Hester
- The Netherlands Indies pp. 86-96

- Amry Vandenbosch
- Malaya pp. 97-111

- Richard Winstedt
- Thailand pp. 112-119

- Kenneth Perry Landon
- Burma pp. 120-128

- John L. Christian
- Indo-China: Eighty Years of French Rule pp. 129-136

- Joseph Handler
- Some Problems of Postwar Reconstruction pp. 137-150

- Lennox A. Mills
- Report of the Board of Directors to the Membership of The American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1942 pp. 151-153

- Ernest Minor Patterson, Herbert Hoover, C.A. Dykstra, Carl Kelsey, J.P. Lichtenberger, Charles J. Rhoads, Thomas S. Hopkins, F. Cyril James, M. Albert Linton, Otto T. Mallery, L.S. Rowe, Thorsten Sellin, Stephen B. Sweeney, Alfred H. Williams and Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- Edward P. Moxey & Co pp. 153-153

- Edward P. Moxey
- Book Department pp. 155-208

- N/a
Volume 225, issue 1, 1943
- Food: War and Postwar pp. 1-5

- John D. Black
- Nutrition, Social Science, and Public Policy pp. 6-9

- Joseph S. Davis
- Landmarks in the Progress of the Science of Nutrition1 pp. 10-16

- C.A. Elvehjem
- Soils and Nutrition pp. 17-21

- Charles E. Kellogg
- Food and Physique pp. 22-28

- T.D. Stewart
- Types of Nutritional Deficiency pp. 29-29

- N/a
- Vitamin B (Thiamine) pp. 29-31

- Russell M. Wilder
- Riboflavin pp. 31-32

- Esther L. Batchelder
- Niacin pp. 33-35

- David T. Smith
- The Newer Members of Vitamin b cOmplex pp. 35-36

- C.A. Elvehjem
- Vitamin a pp. 37-38

- Esther L. Batchelder
- Vitamins c aNd D pp. 38-39

- A. Black
- Proteins pp. 39-40

- H.D. Kruse
- Dietary Need for Fat pp. 40-42

- George O. Burr
- Southern Piedmont and Mountain Region pp. 43-44

- Roy E. Butler
- Regional Patterns of Dietary Deficiency pp. 43-43

- N/a
- North and Northeast pp. 44-47

- G. Dorothy Williams
- The Great Plains Region pp. 47-49

- Ruth M. Leverton
- The Spanish-Americans of New Mexico and Arizona pp. 49-51

- Christine A. Heller
- Case Studies of Nutrition pp. 52-52

- N/a
- Rural Kentucky pp. 52-55

- Marjorie Grant
- Three Mississippi Negro Families pp. 55-56

- Dorothy Dickins
- From Florida's Leached Lands pp. 57-57

- Ouida Davis Abbott
- Other Florida Children pp. 57-58

- Vera Walker
- Five Chicago Cases pp. 58-61

- Mame Dentler and Ruth Huenemann
- From a County Home Demonstration Agent's Notebook pp. 61-63

- Marguerite L. Pettee
- Boston's Problem Children pp. 63-65

- Ruth L. White
- How Good Is Our National Diet? pp. 66-71

- Esther F. Phipard
- The Dietaries of Our Military Forces pp. 72-79

- Paul E. Howe
- The Food Supply of the United States pp. 80-82

- John D. Black
- The Food Situation in a World at War pp. 83-83

- N/a
- In the United Kingdom pp. 83-85

- E.M.H. Lloyd
- Central and Northern Europe pp. 85-87

- J.H. Richter
- Southwestern Europe pp. 87-88

- Lois Bacon
- Southeastern Europe pp. 88-89

- Clayton E. Whipple
- The Russian Food Situation pp. 89-91

- Lazar Volin
- The Food Situation in Asia pp. 91-93

- W.I. Ladejinsky
- The Other Americas pp. 93-95

- Pedro N. Almonacid
- Wartime Food Administration—U. S. A pp. 96-105

- Claud F. Clayton and John D. Black
- Food Supplies for Our Civilian Population pp. 106-115

- John M. Cassels and Frances L. Hall
- Wartime Feeding of Industrial Workers pp. 116-121

- Robert Goodhart
- International Aspects of Postwar Food and Agriculture pp. 122-127

- F.L. McDougall
- Methods of Controlling Food Consumption pp. 128-135

- C. Arnold Anderson and Mary Jean Bowman
- The Factor of Food Habits pp. 136-141

- Margaret Mead
- The Social Milieu of Malnutrition pp. 142-149

- John D. Black
- Nutrition Education Programs pp. 150-157

- Mary Jean Bowman and C. Arnold Anderson
- Principles of Consumer Rationing pp. 158-161

- Hans Staehle
- Production for Farm Home Use pp. 162-168

- David W. Watkins
- The Food Distribution Programs of the Agricultural Marketing Administration pp. 169-176

- Frederick V. Waugh
- American Supply of Foods to Combat Areas pp. 177-182

- John B. Canning
- The Lend-Lease Operation pp. 183-189

- Charles Burton Marshall
- Food for the Armed Forces pp. 190-190

- N/a
- The Food Production Programs of the United States Department of Agriculture pp. 191-200

- Charles M. Hardin
- Production and Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables pp. 201-205

- Harry R. Wellman
- Production and Processing of Dairy Products pp. 206-209

- Warren C. Waite
- Production and Consumption of Fats and Oils pp. 210-215

- Karl Brandt
- Livestock Production and Processing pp. 216-221

- H.C.M. Case
- INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. Food Con trol in Great Britain. Pp. vi, 272. Mont real, 1942. $1.25. (Distributed by: ILO, 734 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C.) pp. 222-223

- Karl Brandt
- LINEBARGER, PAUL M. A. The China of Chiang K'ai-shek: A Political Study. Pp. xi, 449. Boston: World Peace Founda tion, 1941. Paperbound: $1.00; Cloth bound: $2.50 pp. 223-224

- David Nelson Rowe
- LOEWENSTEIN, KARL. Brazil Under Vargas. Pp. xix, 381. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1942. $2.75 pp. 224-225

- A. Curtis Wilgus
- CALLCOTT, WILFRID HARDY. The Carib bean Policy of the United States, 1890- 1920. Pp. xv, 524. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1942. $3.50 pp. 224-224

- Samuel Flagg Bemis
- WHITE, JOHN W. Argentina: The Life Story of a Nation. Pp. xi, 366. New York: The Viking Press, 1942. $3.75 pp. 225-226

- Alfred Manes
- DONOSO, RICARDO. Desarrollo politico y social de Chile desde la Constitucidn de 1833. Pp. 210. Santiago de Chile: Im prenta Universitaria, 1942 pp. 226-227

- Arthur P. Whitaker
- WRIGHT, QUINCY. A Study of War. Vol. I, pp. xxiii, 678; Vol. II, pp. xvii, 679- 1552. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1942. $15.00 pp. 227-227

- Joseph S. Roucek
- MILLER, EUGENE H. Strategy at Singa pore. Pp. xii, 145. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1942. $2.50 pp. 228-229

- Leland P. Lovette
- SAYERS, MICHAEL, and ALBERT E. KAHN. Sabotage! The Secret War Against America. Pp. 266. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1942. $2.50 pp. 228-228

- Joseph S. Roucek
- FRIED, HANS ERNEST. The Guilt of the German Army. Pp. xi, 42 6. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1942. $3.50 pp. 229-230

- A. Robert Ginsburgh
- WEIGERT, HANS W. Generals and Geogra phers. Pp. x, 273. New York: Oxford University Press, 1942. $3.00 pp. 230-231

- Hans Kohn
- SOROKIN, PITIRIM A. Man and Society in Calamity. Pp. 352. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1942. $3.00 pp. 231-232

- J.L. Gillin
- STEINER, GEORGE A. (Ed.). Economic Problems of War. Pp. xi, 665. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1942. $3.50 pp. 232-233

- Herman A. Gray
- SARKAR, BENOY KUMAR. The Political Phi losophies Since 1905, Vol. II: The Epoch of Neo-Democracy and Neo-Socialism (1929- ). Part II, pp. v, 558; Part pp. 233-234

- J. Roland Pennock
- KALIJARVI, THORSTEN V., and Associates. Modern World Politics. Pp. xii, 843. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1942. $3.75 pp. 233-233

- Wilson Leon Godshall
- YOUNG, GEORGE. Federalism and Freedom. Pp. xvi, 204. New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1941. $2.50 pp. 234-235

- Clyde Eagleton
- CONDLIFFE, J. B. Agenda for a Postwar World. Pp. 232. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1942. $2.50 pp. 235-236

- Nicholas Doman
- MACKINDER, HALFORD J. Democratic Ideals and Reality. Pp. xxvi, 219. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1942. $1.90 pp. 236-237

- Crane Brinton
- PERRY, RALPH BARTON. Our Side Is Right. Pp. vi, 153. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1942. $1.75 pp. 237-238

- H.M. Kallen
- REVES, EMERY. A Democratic Manifesto. Pp. 144. New York: Random House, 1942. $1.50 pp. 238-238

- J. Donald Kingsley
- FERRERO, GUGLIELMO. The Principles of Power. Pp. xi, 333. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1942. $3.50 pp. 238-239

- Thomas C. Cochran
- DE FÉLICE, THÉODORE. Gouvernements nationaux et accords internationaux. Pp. 168. Geneve: Georg et Cie, S.A., 1942. Frs. 7.50 pp. 239-240

- Payson S. Wild
- DAVIS, FORREST. The Atlantic System. Pp. xvi, 363. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, Inc., 1941. $3.00 pp. 240-241

- Robert G. Albion
- WHITE, LEONARD D. (Ed.). The Future of Government in the United States. (Essays in Honor of Charles E. Mer riam.) Pp. ix, 274. Chicago: Univer sity of Chicago Press, 1942. $3.50 pp. 241-242

- William E. Mosher
- BENDINER, ROBERT. The Riddle of the State Department. Pp. xiii, 231. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1942. College Ed.: $1.60; Trade Ed.: $2.00 pp. 241-241

- Samuel Flagg Bemis
- FRIEDRICH, CARL J., and EDWARD S. MASON (Eds.). Public Policy. Vol. III, pp. vii, 275. Cambridge, Mass.: Graduate School of Public Administration, 1942. $3.00 pp. 242-243

- Harvey Pinney
- TINLEY, J. M. The Native Labor Problem of South Africa. Pp. xxii, 281. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1942. $3.00 pp. 243-244

- Desmond W. Bittinger
- INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. Wartime Transference of Labour in Great Britain. Pp. vi, 163. Montreal, 1942. Paper bound: $1.00; Clothbound: $1.50 pp. 244-244

- Dale Yoder
- McCONAGHA, W. A. The Development of the Labor Movement in Great Britain, France, and Germany. Pp. xii, 199. Chapel Hill: University of North Caro lina Press, 1942. $2.50 pp. 245-245

- Witt Bowden
- BOWMAN, D. O. Public Control of Labor Relations. Pp. xi, 504. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1942. $5.00 pp. 245-246

- Albion G. Taylor
- MARGET, ARTHUR W. The Theory of Prices. Vol. II, pp. xxv, 802. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1942. $6.00 pp. 246-248

- Hans Neisser
- Ross, MURRAY. Stars and Strikes. Pp. x, 233. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941. $2.75 pp. 246-246

- Paul A. Dodd
- BENNETT, HUGH HAMMOND, and WILLIAM CLAYTON PRYOR. This Land We Defend. Pp. xv, 107. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1942. $1.50 pp. 248-249

- Charles S. Ascher
- SCHAFFTER, DOROTHY. State Housing Agencies. Pp. xiii, 808. New York: Columbia University Press, 1942. $7.50 pp. 248-248

- Harold M. Groves
- SANDERSON, DWIGHT. Rural Sociology and Rural Social Organization. Pp. xvii, 806. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1942. $4.00 pp. 249-250

- C. Arnold Anderson
- BRUNNER, EDMUND DES. Working With Rural Youth. Pp. xiv, 113. Washing ton: American Council on Education, 1942. $1.20 pp. 250-251

- Robert L. Sutherland
- DAVIS, DARRELL HAUG. The Earth and Man. Pp. xxiii, 675. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1942. $4.25 pp. 251-252

- Winchester Hallock Heicher
- ANSHEN, MELVIN. An Introduction to Business. Pp. xi, 640. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1942. $4.00 pp. 252-252

- Howard T. Hovde
- ANDERSON, ARTHUR G., MERTEN JOSEPH MANDEVILLE, and JOHN MUELLER AN DERSON. Industrial Management. Pp. xxi, 612. New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1942. $4.50 pp. 252-254

- James W. Martin
- KISER, CLYDE V. Group Differences in Urban Fertility. Pp. xii, 284. Balti more: Williams & Wilkins, 1942. $2.50 pp. 254-255

- Norman E. Himes
- MAGEE, JOHN H. General Insurance. Rev. Ed. Pp. 830. Chicago: Richard D. Ir win, Inc., 1942. $4.25 pp. 254-254

- Alfred Manes
- BEEBE, GILBERT WHEELER. Contraception and Fertility in the Southern Appala chians. Pp. xii, 274. Baltimore: Wil liams & Wilkins, 1942. $2.50 pp. 255-256

- Norman E. Himes
- WEBSTER, HUTTON. Taboo. Pp. xii, 393. Stanford University: Stanford University Press, 1942. $4.00 pp. 256-256

- Ralph Linton
- ANGYAL, ANDRAS. Foundations for a Sci ence of Personality. Pp. xii, 398. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1941. $2.25 pp. 256-258

- Kimball Young
- DYSON, WALTER. Howard University—The Capstone of Negro Education. A His tory: 1867-1940. Pp. xiv, 553. Wash ington: The Graduate School, Howard University, 1941. $4.00 pp. 258-259

- A.A. Taylor
- LA FARGE, OLIVER (Ed.). The Changing Indian. Pp. xiv, 184. Norman: Uni versity of Oklahoma Press, 1942. $2.00 pp. 259-260

- John Collier
- SWEET, WILLIAM WARREN. Religion in Colonial America. Pp. xiii, 367. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1942. $3.00 pp. 260-261

- Ephraim Fischoff
- JANDY, EDWARD C. Charles Horton Cooley: His Life and His Social Theory. Pp. viii, 319. New York: The Dryden Press, 1942. $3.00 pp. 261-261

- J.O. Hertzler
- BARNES, HARRY ELMER, and OREEN M. RUEDI. The American Way of Life. Pp. xxi, 802. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1942. $5.00 pp. 261-262

- Newell L. Sims
- THOMPSON, JAMES WESTFALL. A History of Historical Writings. Vol. I, pp. xvi, 676; Vol. II, pp. ix, 674. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1942. $14.00 pp. 262-263

- Hans Kohn
- REYNOLDS, BERTHA CAPEN. Learning and Teaching in the Practice of Social Work. Pp. ix, 390. New York: Farrar & Rine hart, 1942. $2.50 pp. 263-264

- Arthur E. Fink
- AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS OF SO CIAL WORK, THE STUDY COMMITTEE OF THE. Education for the Public Social Services. Pp. xiii, 324. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1942. $3.00 pp. 264-265

- Arthur E. Fink
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