The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 120, issue 1, 1925
- Foreword pp. v-v

- L.S. Rowe
- The Dawes Plan in Operation pp. 1-6

- Ernest Minor Patterson
- The Burden of Germany's Obligations Under the Dawes Plan pp. 7-10

- Edwin Walter Kemmerer
- The Dawes Plan a Temporary Basis for Reparation Payments pp. 11-15

- Oscar T. Crosby
- The Question of International Debts pp. 16-19

- John Jay O'Connor
- Foreign Liabilities and Assets and the Dawes Plan pp. 20-22

- George W. Norris
- Should the United States Be Reimbursed by Debtor Countries and How?1 pp. 23-29

- George E. Roberts
- Debt Cancellations from an English Viewpoint pp. 30-35

- George Paish
- The International Debt Question pp. 36-40

- Roland W. Boyden
- Inter-Allied Debts and America's Opportunity pp. 41-44

- J. Henry Scattergood
- A Plea for Practical Co-operation and Understanding in the Settlement of World Debts pp. 45-50

- Herbert Adams Gibbons
- The Economic Significance of the Inter-Ally Debts pp. 51-58

- Magnus W. Alexander
- Debt Complexities and Obscurities pp. 59-61

- Victor Rosewater
- Cancel War Debts and Reparations pp. 62-64

- John A. Ryan
- Possibility of Disarmament—Necessity for United States Co-operation pp. 65-66

- Henry T. Allen General
- Possibility of Disarmament pp. 67-68

- Timothy A. Smiddy
- Can Courts and Tribunals Maintain World Peace? pp. 69-76

- William L. Rodgers REAR Admiral
- The Possibilities of Disarmament pp. 77-80

- Bradley Allen Fiske Rear Admiral
- Is Disarmament Possible? pp. 81-86

- Arthur Deerin Call
- Some Considerations Regarding a Limitation of Armaments pp. 87-89

- William Mitchell BRIGADIER General
- America as Creditor Nation pp. 90-95

- Alvin Johnson
- Fostering International Good Will Through Foreign Investments pp. 96-97

- Jerome S. Hess
- Why the United States Should Encourage Foreign Investments pp. 98-101

- F.J. Lisman
- The Political Experience of the United States as a Basis for Co-operation with Europe pp. 102-107

- Charles G. Fenwick
- Some Views of Present-Day European Conditions in Their Relations to the Questions of Peace and International Security pp. 108-111

- Slavko Y. Grouitch
- The Effect of the Present Attitude of the United States Toward the League of Nations pp. 112-114

- Manley O. Hudson
- The Relation of the United States to the Permanent Court of International Justice pp. 115-124

- Justice John H. Clarke
- The World Court pp. 125-128

- Henry W. Taft
- European Insecurity and American Policy pp. 129-133

- David Hunter Miller
- American Public Opinion and International Security pp. 134-135

- Miller D. Steever
- The Outlawry of War pp. 136-141

- Willilam Hard
- Is It Wise to Make War Illegal and Unconstitutional? pp. 142-146

- Hiram Bingham
- Steps Towards the Outlawry of War pp. 147-151

- James G. Mcdonald
- Our Duty to Outlaw War pp. 152-152

- Hamilton Fish
- The Outlawry of War — The Next Step in Civilization pp. 153-156

- Raymond Robins
- Psychology of Education in Outlawing War pp. 157-158

- Norman Hapgood
- The Problem of Security pp. 159-161

- James T. Shotwell
- HEATON, JOHN L. Cobb of "The World." Pp. 397. Price, $10.00. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company pp. 162-164

- Roland S. Morris
- FARBMAN, MICHAEL. Bolshevism in Re treat. Pp. viii, 312. Price, 15/. Lon don: W. Collins Sons and Company, 1923. FARBMAN, MICHAEL. After Lenin. Pp. 280. Price, 7s. 6d. London: Leonard Parsons, Ltd., 1924 pp. 164-164

- W.Y. Elliott
- MOON, PARKER THOMAS. Syllabus on International Relations. Pp. 276. Is sued by the Institute of International Relations. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925 pp. 165-166

- John Eugene Harley
- HUDSON, MANLEY O. The Permanent Court of International Justice, and the Question of American Participation. Pp. ix, 388. Price, $4.00. Harvard Univer sity Press, 1925 pp. 165-165

- J.W. Garner
- ALVAREZ, ALEJANDRO. The Monroe Doc trine, Its Importance in the International Life of the States of the New World. Pp. ix, 573. New York: Oxford Univer sity Press, 1924 pp. 166-167

- Quincy Wright
- RANKIN, ENID SCOTT. The Dominion of Sea and Air. Pp. xii, 339. Price, $2.50. New York: The Century Com pany, 1925 pp. 166-166

- J.W. Garner
- BARNES, H. EDGAR, and MILNER, BYRON A. Selected Cases in Constitutional Law. 7th edition. Buckram, $4.00. Phila delphia: George T. Bisel Co., 1924 pp. 167-167

- James T. Young
- MARRIOTT, SIR JOHN A. R. English Political Institutions. 3rd edition. Pp. liii, 351. Price, $1.70. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1925 pp. 168-168

- Lindsay Rogers
- STAMP, SIR JOSIAH, G.B.E. Studies in Current Problems in Finance and Govern ment. Pp. 342. Price, 10s. 6d. Lon don: P. S. King and Son, Ltd., 1924 pp. 168-169

- C.P. White
- FINER, HERMAN. Representative Govern ment and a Parliament of Industry. A Study of the German Federal Eco nomic Council. Pp. 265. Price, 7s. 6d. Published by the Fabian Society and by George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., Lon don, 1923 pp. 169-170

- Lane W. Lancaster
- ACWORTH, W. M. The Elements of Rail way Economics. Pp. 216. Price, $1.20. New York: Oxford University Press, 1924. SPLAWN, WALTER M. W. The Consolida tion of Railroads. Pp. 282. Price, $3.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925 pp. 170-171

- N/a
- Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozial politik. Pp. 856. Verlog Von J. C. B. Mohr,1924 pp. 170-170

- N/a
- SELEKMAN, BEN M., and VAN KLEECK, MARY. Employes' Representation in Coal Mines. Pp. xxxv, 454. Price, $2.00. New York: Russell Sage Founda tion, 1924. SELEKMAN, BEN M. Employes' Represen tation in Steel Works. Pp. 293. Price, $1.50. New York: Russell Sage Founda tion, 1924 pp. 171-172

- Sumner H. Slichter
- ROBERTSON, D. H. The Control of In dustry. Pp. 171. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company pp. 172-173

- Ernest M. Patterson
- KOHLER, ERIC L. Accounting Principles Underlying Federal Income Taxes, 1925. Pp. xiii, 550. Price, $5.00. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1925 pp. 173-174

- N/a
- ALFORD, L. P. (Editor-in-Chief). Manage ment's Handbook. Pp. xxxii, 1607. Price, $7.50. New York: Ronald Press, 1924 pp. 174-175

- R.H. Lansburgh
- COPELAND, MELVIN T. Principles of Merchandising. Pp. 368. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1924 pp. 175-175

- N/a
- WRIGHT, JOSEPH. Selected Readings in Municipal Problems. Pp. 961. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1925 pp. 175-176

- Austin F. Macdonald
- HEERMANCE, EDGAR L. Codes of Ethics. Pp. viii, 525. Burlington, Vt.: Free Press Printing Company, 1924 pp. 176-176

- N/a
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