The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1890 - 2024
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Volume 117, issue 1, 1925
- Foreword pp. v-v

- Clyde L. King
- The Farm Income Situation pp. 1-21

- Robert J. McFall
- The Purchasing Power of the Farmer's Dollar From 1913 to Date pp. 22-26

- A.B. Genung
- Income from Agricultural Production pp. 27-34

- L.H. Bean and O.C. Stine
- Interest and Taxes in Relation to Farm Income pp. 35-40

- L.M. Graves
- Taxes in Relation to Earnings of Farm Real Estate pp. 41-44

- C.O. Brannen
- The Trend in Land Values and Land Utilization pp. 45-51

- George S. Wehrwein
- Migration To and From Our Farms pp. 52-60

- Charles L. Stewart
- The Trend in Tenancy and Ownership pp. 61-68

- A.M. Loomis
- Agricultural Credit Facilities—Are They Ample? pp. 69-77

- A.D. Welton
- Farmers as Managers pp. 78-87

- W.M. Jardine
- The Services of American Agricultural Colleges pp. 88-93

- A.C. True
- Crop Insurance—Its Recent Accomplishments and Its Possibilities pp. 94-120

- G. Wright Hoffman
- The Agricultural Situation as Viewed by a Western Senator pp. 121-123

- Arthur Capper
- A National Agricultural Program1 pp. 124-128

- Henry C. Wallace
- The Farmer's Foreign Market pp. 129-155

- Robert J. McFall
- A Domestic Market for American Farm Products pp. 156-165

- L.C. Gray
- The American Farmer and the Tariff pp. 166-176

- Charles W. Holman
- Measuring the Spread from Farmer to Consumer pp. 177-183

- Walter P. Hedden
- Costs and Margins in Marketing pp. 184-200

- John D. Black and H. Bruce Price
- The Extent of Co-operative Marketing Among Farmers Today and the Results Secured by Co-operative Associations pp. 201-207

- Benjamin H. Hibbard
- Financial Gains of Marketing Successfully Through Co-operation pp. 208-216

- Theodore Macklin
- Possibilities and Limitations of Co-operative Marketing pp. 217-226

- H.E. Erdman
- Sound Principles in Co-operative Legislation pp. 227-230

- John D. Miller
- Marketing Fluid Milk in Philadelphia An Experience in Sales Co-operation pp. 231-242

- R.W. Balderston
- Supply and Price Interactions in Farm and City Products pp. 243-247

- H.A. Wallace
- Fitting Production to the Market pp. 248-254

- Robert J. McFall
- The Place of Advertising in American Agriculture pp. 255-257

- George F. Johnson
- Scientific Nutrition and the Farm Output pp. 258-264

- E.V. Mccollum
- Fertilizer Use in the United States pp. 265-270

- Sidney B. Haskell
- Extending Farm Diversification Westward and North- westward Into the Great Plains Region and the Spring Wheat Area pp. 271-277

- John Lee Coulter
- The Relation of Local Farm Output to the Local Product pp. 278-284

- John M. Mckee
- A Balanced Agricultural Output in the United States pp. 285-292

- W.J. Spillman
- Book Department pp. 293-301

- N/a
Volume 116, issue 1, 1924
- The Motor's Part in Transportation pp. 1-8

- Roy D. Chapin
- The Automobile and Allied Trades and Industries pp. 9-12

- Alfred H. Swayne
- The Automobile and American Agriculture pp. 12-17

- John M. Mckee
- The Motor's Part in Public Health pp. 18-21

- John C. Long
- The Automobile and the Pioneer pp. 21-25

- William Joseph Showalter
- Linking Up Railroad and Water Transportation pp. 25-31

- Dorsey W. Hyde
- The Automobile and Recreation pp. 32-34

- M.H. James
- The Economic Future of the Automobile Industry pp. 34-36

- Charles Clifton
- Machinery and Its Effect upon the Workers in the Automotive Industry pp. 37-43

- Charles Reitell
- Financing the Sale of Automobiles pp. 44-49

- J.A. Estey
- Financing the Automobile pp. 49-57

- Henry G. Hodges
- The Automobile and the " Home " of the Future pp. 58-60

- John F. Harbeson
- The Purity of Roadside Drinking Water What Pennsylvania Is Doing pp. 60-62

- W.G. Turnbull
- Camping Sites in Public Parks and Forests pp. 62-66

- L.F. Kneipp
- The Automobile and the Traveling Library pp. 66-68

- Katherine Tappert
- Consolidation of Schools and Pupil Transportation The Use of the Automobile in Education pp. 69-80

- Leroy A. King
- Influence of the Automobile on the City Church pp. 80-82

- James J. Coale
- What the Automobile Has Done To and For the Country Church pp. 83-86

- Warren H. Wilson
- Function of the Motor Truck in Reducing Cost and Preventing Congestion of Freight in Railroad Terminals pp. 87-89

- T.C. Powell
- Distribution of Gasoline and Methods of Price Control pp. 89-95

- Huston Thompson
- The Billboard and the Public Highways pp. 95-101

- J. Horace McFarland
- The Taxicab—Its Service and Regulation pp. 101-106

- William A. Schnader
- Public Regulation of Motor Bus Service pp. 107-112

- Delos F. Wilcox
- The Highway Business pp. 113-127

- William H. Connell
- Highway Transportation pp. 127-132

- J. Gordon Mckay
- Highway Location pp. 132-140

- W.W. Crosby
- Taxation of Motor Vehicles in the United States pp. 141-159

- James W. Follin
- The Financing of Highways pp. 160-168

- T.H. Macdonald
- The Storage of Dead Vehicles on Roadways pp. 169-174

- William P. Eno
- Safeguarding Traffic pp. 174-185

- George M. Graham
- Traffic Violations and the Court pp. 185-190

- Solon E. Rose
- The Automobile and the Police pp. 191-194

- Arch Mandel
- Protective Measures for the Automobile and Its Owner pp. 194-198

- E. Austin Baughman
- The Automobile and Community Planning pp. 199-205

- John Ihlder
- Traffic-Transportation Planning and Metropolitan Development pp. 205-214

- J. Rowland Bibbins
- The New York City Motor Traffic Problem pp. 214-223

- Harold M. Lewis
- The Plan of Chicago in 1924 With Special Reference to Traffic Problems and How They Are Being Met pp. 224-231

- E.S. Taylor
- The Plan of Philadelphia pp. 231-235

- John Irwin Bright
- Philadelphia's Traffic Problems and Their Solution pp. 235-240

- J. Borton Weeks
- The Traffic Problems in Detroit and How They Are Met pp. 241-243

- T. Glenn Phillips
- Reduction of Street Traffic Congestion by Proper Street Design pp. 244-246

- Harland Bartholomew
- The Traffic Commission of Los Angeles Its Work on the Traffic Problem pp. 246-250

- Paul G. Hoffman
- The Export Trade in Automobiles pp. 251-254

- H.H. Kelly
- The Relation of the Automobile Industry to International Problems of Oil and Rubber pp. 254-258

- Harry T. Collings
- The Rubber Industry and the Automobile pp. 259-261

- J. Walter Drake
- The Development of the Foreign Oil Policy of the United States pp. 262-263

- Henry C. Morris
- What is the Job of the Trade Association? pp. 264-266

- Alfred Reeves
- Serving the Motorist The Work of the National Motorists' Association pp. 266-268

- Richard H. Lee
- Services of the American Automobile Association pp. 269-274

- Ernest N. Smith
- The Place of the University in Good Roads and Automobile Transportation pp. 274-279

- Arthur H. Blanchard
- Heber Blankernhorn. The Strike for Union. A Study of the Non-Union Question in Coal and the Problems of a Democratic Movement. Based on the Record of the Somerset Strike, 1923-24. Pp. 259. Price, $2.25. Published for the Bureau of Industrial Research, by the H. W. Wilson Company. New York: 1924 pp. 280-280

- S. Perlman
- Downey, E. H. Workmen's Compensation. Pp. xxv, 223. Price, $2.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924 pp. 280-281

- John R. Commons
- Lubin, Isador. Miners' Wages and the Cost of Coal. Pp. 316. Price, $2.50. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1924 pp. 281-284

- W.E. Fisher
- Yost, Casper S. The Principles of Journalism. Pp. vii, 170. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1924. CRAWFORD, NELSON ANTRIM. The Ethics of Journalism. Pp. viii, 264. Price, $2.75. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924 pp. 284-285

- Leslie Higginbotham
- Malbone, Graham W. Jr., assisted by Robert C. Binkley. New Governments of Central Europe. (American Political Sci pp. 285-286

- Ralston Hayden
- McCullough, J. E. Home, the Savior of Civilization. Pp. 633. Washington, D. C. Southern Cooperative League, 1924 pp. 285-285

- N/a
- Mowat, R. B. The European States System. [The World's Manuals series.] Pp. 96. Price, $1.00. New York: Oxford University Press, American Branch, 1923 pp. 286-287

- D.R. Moore
- Arbitration Treaties Among the American Nations. Edited by William R. Manning. Pp. 472. Price, $3.50. New York: Oxford University Press. American Branch pp. 286-286

- N/a
- Blanc, Elsie Terry. The Co-Operative Movement in Russia. Pp. 324. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924 pp. 287-287

- Kenneth D. Miller
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